Rules for transporting oversized cargo by passenger car. How much can the load stick out from the trailer? What is the acceptable limit? oversized cargo

Transporting goods is a responsible procedure that requires taking into account many factors. Often, during such transportation, it is necessary to transport various oversized objects - objects whose dimensions exceed the standards established in the traffic regulations. Experienced drivers know that there are special requirements for the transit of such cargo. This means that they cannot be transported in a regular car trailer or train carriage.

How to make transportation oversized cargo motor transport as safe as possible? This article will discuss the rules for the delivery of such non-standard objects and the legal norms that regulate the order of transportation. In addition, we will talk about a number of requirements for the driver of this vehicle, as well as his responsibility for exceeding the load weight.

Any cargo transported by car, must correspond to the size required by law. In this regard, there are a number of restrictions on the delivery of such objects. So,

  • According to traffic regulations, cargo must not:
  • Extend the length of the vehicle from the front and rear by more than 1 meter;
  • Exceed the width of the vehicle by more than 2.25 meters;

Have height dimensions of more than 4 meters.

If the length of the transported object exceeds 1 meter, it is necessary to install a sign for large cargo - it is a white square with red stripes depicted diagonally. If the permissible limit is exceeded by more than 2 meters, the cargo cannot be transported without the consent of the driver and the traffic police officers.

As for violation of height standards, in this case it is necessary to hang two “oversize” signs - in front and behind. In the dark, in addition, reflectors should be added to them. This is necessary in order to ensure their visibility to other drivers. Permission for heavier cargo can be obtained for one trip or within a period of 1 to 3 months. Traffic rules requirements Oversized cargo and heavy weights must be transported taking into account traffic rules requirements

  • . Moreover, some features of such transits are regulated by Federal Laws No. 127 and 257. According to these documents,
  • Large cargo can be delivered only if it:
  • Securely secured;
  • Does not interfere with movement;
  • Does not block flickers and signs for other drivers;
  • Does not produce noise, does not create pollution and does not harm the environment.

The transported cargo must be securely stowed and secured so that there is no shifting, falling or any other troubles. It should also not interfere with the driver’s control of the car. Thus, transporting an object that blocks his view is allowed only in cases where the vehicle has both side rear-view mirrors. Under no circumstances should the transported object create obstacles for other motorists or other obstacles on the road.

If a convoy moves along with the cargo, then several requirements are also imposed on it. In this case, one of the vehicles must be empty - it is intended to replace the main vehicle in case of unforeseen circumstances. So, Drivers of escort vehicles must:

  • Have warning signs;
  • Maintain a safe distance between each other;
  • Obtain permission to travel and undergo technical inspection.

Driver Responsibilities

Another important point– compliance with the speed limit. Maximum speed movement of a loaded vehicle on the roadway should be 60 km/h, and on the bridge – 15 km/h. The driver cannot deviate from the established route. In particular, he is strictly prohibited from driving in adverse weather conditions, such as ice and poor visibility, as well as driving on the side of the road.

If on road transportation If oversized cargo requires a permit, the driver must obtain it immediately. For example, this could be the transportation of large equipment or special equipment. It is better to apply for a pass in advance, since it may take up to 30 working days to receive it from the traffic police. During this time, traffic police officers are required to check the proposed route for obstacles that impede traffic. You may be denied transit permission if there is a safer route for transporting the cargo: railway, air or sea transportation. If you have the opportunity to disassemble the heavy weight into parts and perform several transportations, you will also be denied a pass.

Responsibility for violation of requirements

The driver driving the vehicle bears full responsibility for compliance with the rules for transporting oversized cargo. In case of non-compliance, he must immediately take measures to eliminate them, and if possible, stop driving the vehicle. In addition, the transport owner must constantly monitor the condition of the cargo to avoid it falling or being damaged. The object must not cause harm to either the machine itself or other participants.

traffic For improper delivery arrangements, the driver of the vehicle may be fined. Thus, when transporting a large object without a special permit, the motorist must pay from 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles , and if the load weight exceeds – from 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles

. As for transporting objects that exceed their size, in this case the driver may face deprivation of his license for a period of 2 to 4 months. In addition, officials and legal entities may be held administratively liable.

Every truck driver knows what the traffic rules say about the transportation of oversized cargo, and that for overloading and for driving vehicles with parameters specified in the special. permits exceed the permissible limits (by more than 10 centimeters), a fine or deprivation of rights from 2 to 4 months is provided.

Responsibility for transportation of oversized cargo

Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation



12.21 1 part 1

  • Transportation of large and heavy cargo without special permission and a special pass in the event that obtaining such a pass is mandatory, as well as with deviation from the route specified in the special permit
  • per driver from 2000 to 2500 rubles. or deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 4 to 6 months,
  • for officials from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles,

for legal entities from 400,000 to 500,000 rubles.

12.21 1 part 2

  • Transportation of large-sized cargo exceeding the dimensions specified in the special permit by more than 10 centimeters

per driver from 1500 to 2000 rubles. or deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 2 to 4 months,

confiscation of driver's license, detention of vehicle

12.21 1 part 3

  • Transportation of heavy cargo exceeding the permitted maximum weight or axle load specified in a special permit by more than 5% (percent)
  • per driver from 1500 to 2000 rubles,
  • for officials from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles,

for legal entities from 250,000 to 400,000 rubles.

Violation of the rules for the transportation of large and heavy cargo, except for the cases provided for in parts 1 - 3 of this article

  • fine: per driver from 1000 to 1500 rubles,
  • for officials from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles,
  • for legal entities from 150,000 to 250,000 rubles.

The situation with overload is clear, but the lack of the necessary regulatory framework that regulates the prosecution of drivers who drive vehicles that violate the overall dimensions needs a more detailed study.

Rules for the transportation of oversized cargo according to traffic regulations

Oversized cargo is considered to be cargo whose dimensions exceed the standards according to GOST:

  • width – more than 2.55 m
  • length – more than 20 m
  • height – more than 4 m

The first question is how were the overall height parameters of the vehicle measured?

When issuing a ruling on a fine for transporting oversized cargo, judges are guided by the protocol on this administrative offense. This protocol is considered evidence. In accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, if to establish the fact of an offense they use technical means, then the protocol must indicate the serial number of the device with which the measurement or control was carried out. Besides, this device should be checked accordingly.

How are dimensions measured?

Most often, a simple telescopic ruler is used, which is purchased at the nearest hardware store. There is no question that this line has been tested or has a certificate, so there is nothing to add to the case. Thus, it is completely unclear whether the data on meters, centimeters and millimeters that are indicated on the inspector’s ruler are correct, whether there is an error and what it is.

Sometimes it is impossible to even identify the manufacturer of the line. When carrying out such measurements, witnesses and attesting witnesses who can confirm the fact of measurement or control using the specified device are not involved. Inspectors very often neglect such nuances.

In addition, any device that is used for measurement must be approved and entered into a special register of devices used by the traffic police and other officials responsible for monitoring road safety. No one will show you this list, because it simply does not exist.

What to do if you are held liable for oversize?

Our company has experience in successfully resolving similar issues in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. This is especially true for legal entities, where the amount of the fine reaches 400,000 rubles.

Call 715–00-26 we will help you solve your problem

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Elena (19.09.2012 04:31:53)
The name of one driver was included in the permit for oversized vehicles, but another was driving. The driver’s driver’s license was taken away. certificate

Vladimir (05.10.2012 15:59:37)
our driver has a permit to transport CTG, officially obtained from the road department and approved by the traffic police, but there is no double composter, what are the sanctions for this offense, and who should install this double composter?????

AutoRightProtection (08.10.2012 13:30:36)
What kind of composter are we talking about, what is it for?

Elena (30.01.2013 22:51:58)
Our driver has permission to transport oversized cargo along the Surgut-Nizhnevartovsk highway. Between cities, the driver deviated 30 km from the highway to the loading site. After downloading, they took away the rights and said that the permission was not valid there. What are the penalties for this offense? Reply by email if possible

Vladlen (11.02.2013 00:43:05)
gentlemen, employers, oversized items should be transported by professionals who understand this, but you want to seat a simple driver and send him on a flight, and you yourself are incompetent in this and your drivers are the same, this is all your saving and then help us, we didn’t know and there are companies that transport for pennies such cargo then ends up with problems, hire a professional and pay them and you will have less problems

Basil. TO. (20.03.2013 21:47:39)
Hello!!! I work at an enterprise (LLC....) my driver's license was confiscated for transporting oversized cargo (a residential car), transported without a permit and a special pass, the width is 2.83 meters, which is what I face in this case. I also had a waybill with me indicating the task and route.

AutoRightProtection (21.03.2013 11:03:19)
The law provides for deprivation of rights or a fine. Look in the administrative violation report, which article was written to you as a violation?

Basil. TO (22.03.2013 05:51:16)
The protocol indicates Article 12.21-1ch1, and a special permit and pass are required for the transportation of a residential car? There were no missing witnesses, only two inspectors and me. Please tell me what to do next.

AutoRightProtection (23.03.2013 23:22:32)
Vasily, your arguments now need to be presented in legal language, to prepare written explanations of how everything happened, and a petition to request verification of the tape measure of which the measurement was carried out. Contact us, we will help you put everything together Required documents for successful return of rights.

Basiliy. TO (25.03.2013 16:34:22)
I would like to successfully return the driver’s license, but you are quite far away, I can’t even imagine how this could be, I just can’t know how much it will cost me, and to some extent I’m to blame, but valuing my work these days, I committed a violation, but most of the blame is on officials who are not willing to insult and blame for something, maybe there is more simpler options???

Anatoly (07.04.2013 20:02:27)
Vasily residential car standard width 2.80 mm this is stated in the document so you violated the traffic rules article 12.21-1ch1 you will face a fine of 2000-2500 rubles or from 4 to 6 months deprivation of rights this will be decided by the magistrate

Vladimir (23.06.2013 10:43:53)
Hello! What sanctions can traffic police officers apply if the name of the cargo being transported does not match that specified in the permit? Overall dimensions and weight correspond to the permit. Thank you.

Ruslan (29.07.2013 19:34:53)
Vladimir, in your case this is article 12.21-ch4. fine 1000-1500. If traffic police officers impute other parts to you, then this is an article for exceeding official authority. fine for officials 20,000 rubles.

Dmitriy (13.08.2013 09:26:35)
Good afternoon This is the case, a traffic police officer confiscated the driving license from the driver who was transporting a non-gabar excavator, the permit is valid, but the name indicates the load-exc (the difference is in weight and name). It turns out that the cargo does not match. And the traffic police officer writes in the protocol that there is no special permit (or he says that it is not valid; he also writes in the protocol that “there is no special permit from the traffic police”!!). What article does the offense fit under? and where can I find out exactly in what cases a special permit is not valid? Thank you!

Ivan (14.08.2013 09:10:03)
Ruslan (07/29/2013 19:34:53) Vladimir, in your case this is article 12.21-ch4. fine 1000-1500. If traffic police officers impute other parts to you, then this is an article for exceeding official authority. fine for officials 20,000 rubles. This is not so., and according to the order of July 24, 2012 N 258, part 1 is yours!!!

Catherine (17.08.2013 15:57:46)
Hello! Please tell me if the article does not have a clearance, there are two options: either a fine or deprivation of rights, without going to court, can I immediately pay the fine to the traffic police?

AutoRightProtection (18.08.2013 23:22:17)
Ekaterina, if the traffic police inspector imposes a fine, then you may not get to court. In practice, they are often sent straight to court, where the judge decides what punishment to apply.

Alexander (11.09.2013 02:14:15)
Hello. Tell me what to do, a road train with an oversized cargo is already at the impound area. It is not yet possible to submit documents for a special permit, and the period for issuing a permit is at least half a month. The hourly parking fee is 500 rubles per hour.

Andrey (11.09.2013 10:53:06)
Good afternoon. The manipulator is 13 m long. On the road, traffic police officers in Omsk, citing local regulations, are required to hang oversized signs and install flashing lights. A similar situation occurred in the Tyumen region. Please tell me how to act in such situations and what penalties are provided. The car is registered with the traffic police, it has passed technical inspection, there are no restrictions on operation.

Andrey (02.10.2013 11:11:13)
In fact, let’s say, if someone stops without permission or is overweight... do they have the right to issue a parking fine?

Dmitriy (21.10.2013 22:38:02)
How to punish a careless businessman who does not have any permits for transporting oversized cargo. He simply pays off on the spot and that’s all. And the driver moved on.

fail (05.12.2013 21:38:01)
Good afternoon. Please tell me what is the penalty for non-compliance of cargo? For example, I have permits for oil equipment, and I drive equipment.

Alexander (13.12.2013 23:07:02)
Elena. Sorry, the driver was with cargo or just with a waybill, if with a waybill from place to place of loading, then he can go any way to the destination indicated in the waybill, the following any departure is recorded by a doctor, there is even a place for printing. the closure of the trip is also recorded by the doctor, the repeated departure is also recorded by the doctor, if the daily allowance then should also be closed by the doctor, and 30 km for a mad mare is not a distance, especially since it was empty, unless it was drunk, there were hemorrhoids at the clinic, checked anonymously, it should have been in protocol. For the especially gifted, an explanation from magistrates regarding a medical examination is only available if there is a medical protocol from a practitioner. So think about it: why would a cop look in his ass or does he have a practitioner in the glove compartment?

Vitaly (13.01.2014 12:44:45)
A few days ago I was stopped by the transport inspectorate with a transporting container. They demanded a special permit for the height. I don’t have one and never had one, because with this trailer the height was always normal. This time, when replacing it, it turned out that the front part of the height of the container was 4 meters, and the back one was 4.10. Most likely, the floor level valve had failed. I couldn’t fix this problem on the spot. I could, of course, lower the air bags with another valve, but they had already started drawing up a report. It was an ordinary section of the road, but not a special platform. Question: under what part of Article 12.211 was my violation? Thank you in advance.

maxx4ever (14.03.2014 13:03:37)
-=Vitaly=- If the dimensions were violated, a protocol is drawn up, because there are violations, and further movement is prohibited - they can be sent to the impound lot, BUT, you have the right to eliminate the violation and move on (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated March 2, 2009 N 185, Art. 146) - “If the reason for the detention of the vehicle is eliminated at the place where administrative offenses.... before the start of moving the detained vehicle, the vehicle is not placed in a specialized parking lot."

Shihabudin (25.04.2014 10:35:59)
If I transported oversized cargo without permission and my height was 4.08, can they write a protocol against me? In this case, does the tolerance of up to 10 cm apply?

Ivan (30.06.2014 15:13:43)
Good afternoon, a loaded car was driving, a board jumped out from the side, the load was pushed out by 10 cm, they stopped me at the transport checkpoint, pointed out a violation that I eliminated in 5 minutes, the inspector wrote out a report. This action is legal by the inspector.?

Vladimir (10.07.2014 09:10:36)

Oleg (20.10.2014 19:23:34)
transported oversized cargo without permission, the traffic police issued a resolution, but there was no trial yet, and the owner forces me to carry the same cargo again and again without permission, what will happen to me this time?

Vadim (12.11.2014 20:27:56)
I have a ref height of 4.10, until I got to the Tyumen region I didn’t even think about it, the car is from a company, why are the posts around Tyumen so meticulous, and they ask for money without hesitation, 10 rubles and move on

Eugene (07.12.2014 16:51:55)
I have an oversized trawl 3 meters wide. I was traveling from Nizhnevartovsk to Lyantor with a special permit. I was driving along this road for the first time and on the Aveadug I got lost and turned instead of the northern bypass of Surgut onto the eastern one, not on purpose. Traveled 14 km. The traffic police stopped and asked if the food was correct? And they gave me a protocol for 2500. I said okay guys, now please explain to me how to get back on the route, and they said follow us, now you’ll have to go back a long way, and we’ll take you closer through the city with a flashing light, and they brought me to a special parking lot. ! Tell me what will happen to me and is it possible to challenge it?

Natalia (30.12.2014 15:12:36)
My husband was given a fine for being oversized, the organization where he works asks him to sign a document stating that he allegedly got mixed up and drove the wrong car, saying that he will not be fined again, so that he takes all the blame on himself, what should he do? And they say that if they are given a fine, they will deduct it from him, although he warned that the documents were not in order, to which they told him to go, that everything was in order.

Alexander (27.02.2015 14:33:33)
I work at a company as a mechanic for the repair of quarry equipment. I loaded a spare part into the back of a car, the driver took it to a mechanical repair plant, on the way I exceeded the speed limit, the traffic police stopped me, issued a fine for exceeding the load and measured the load, it did not pass the height. who is guilty? Who pays the fine for oversize?

Artyom (26.03.2015 13:01:37)
In article 23.4 23.4. A load protruding beyond the dimensions of the vehicle in front and behind by more than 1 m or on the side by more than 0.4 m from the outer edge of the side light must be marked with the identification signs “Large load”, and in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility , in addition, in front - a flashlight or reflector white, at the rear - with a flashlight or a red reflector. Tell me, should measurements be taken from the rear from the dimensions of the vehicle or from the side lights? As I understand from the rear, measurements should be taken from the size of the car, i.e. from the extreme point (side, bumper), and in side of the side lights. And another question: is there any regulation on how exactly employees should take measurements?

Eugene (23.06.2015 18:23:03)
Can traffic cops, under Article 12.21 Part 2, confiscate documents for a vehicle and a special permit that does not comply with this article? Thank you.

Andrey (15.07.2015 21:38:02)
When transporting cargo with a width of 2.58, a permit is required, or you can have +3 centimeters, which the inspector will turn a blind eye to.

Alexander (06.08.2015 11:53:17)
Question: An acquaintance said that according to the new rules you can transport boards 6 meters long, provided that my booth is 4.20, i.e. 1.80 behind the booth and type you can carry up to 2 meters of oversized items with a sign. Who came across it? what are the new rules? Otherwise, if you don’t want to hunt, you will lose your license for 4-6 months.

Alexander Nikolaevich (14.09.2015 15:34:19)
Hello. We need advice in the field of transportation of oversized cargo. In the course of our activities, the following question arose: can we transport, having received a special permit, cargo that does not exceed the dimensions specified in the application? Those. The permit indicates the dimensions of the transported cargo as 3.02 * 3.02 * 13.5, but it is necessary to transport cargo with dimensions of 3.02 * 3.02 * 6.5. Can traffic police officers classify it as a violation of Article 12.21.1 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation?

Sergey Ivanovich (28.09.2015 11:35:54)
Hello. When loaded onto a trailer, my boat protrudes 1.6 meters from the rear. Paragraph 23.4 of the traffic rules indicates the need to install a red light or reflector. In paragraph 54 of the “Rules for ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo by road and urban ground electric transport” approved by order No. 7 of January 15, 2014 of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation: “The extreme points of the dimensions of the cargo (length, width) and (or) vehicle must be indicated by the identification sign “Large cargo” and flashing lights (signals) of yellow or orange color. Question: what should I choose to perform?

Valery (05.11.2015 15:11:01)
Good afternoon! The manipulator on the car was jammed and the driver was driving the car over the height limit. The car is registered to an individual. What sanctions are provided for the owner and driver?

Eugene (04.04.2016 14:01:54)
Good afternoon. Our company produces trailers. There is a model with a width of 2.8 meters. During transportation, a beacon was always used. Recently, the traffic police stopped and fined me because the side contour lights should supposedly also flash. I didn’t find this anywhere in the regulations, is this legal?

Tatiana (14.07.2016 16:33:00)
A Bulgarian truck was fined 2 thousand euros for exceeding the height of 12 cm. Can you explain where this fine came from?

Vlydimir (17.09.2016 10:31:23)
Good afternoon This is the situation: a tractor with a semi-trailer canopy, lined with plywood inside, carrying a bulk of seeds, for a number of reasons flew to the side of the road and hung, the hitch was pulled out, but the load squeezed out the right side by 40 cm and shifted. There is a post along the route where they said either to eliminate it or a fine for oversize... are there any regulations that can help us...

Edward (02.10.2016 12:57:41)
As an official, I was given a fine for being oversized in height, and I paid it. And now a fine of 400,000 rubles has arrived for the same violation, but on a legal entity. It should be?

Edward (04.10.2016 00:51:50)
Hello. Please tell me whether a special permit is needed to transport a reinforced concrete support 15 meters long if the site is only 12 meters. Or can we get by with just a sign?

Irina (11.10.2016 17:02:52)
Hello. The husband of the entrepreneur himself works at KAMAZ and was carrying oversized cargo with a pass and deviated from the route. They took KAMAZ. And what awaits him in the future???

foreman (13.10.2016 14:04:08)
The organization was transporting oversized cargo, whether it was a trawler or an excavator. They stopped it at the post, there was no permission, they measured the dimensions, drew up a report of detention, and left it at the post. What other documents should the traffic police officers have completed?

Nikolay (18.10.2016 19:55:36)
Good afternoon. I work on a car, the width of a manufactured goods van is 2.57, can I be punished?

Alexander (02.11.2016 11:24:04)
Hello. The driver deviated from the route specified in the permit and was stopped by a traffic police patrol. In this case, can they put the car in the impound lot and what should be done if the car is still put in the impound lot?

Sergey (21.11.2016 18:32:33)
Good afternoon. The transport company provides transport services under a contract in the territory of Gazpromneft. Entry to the territory using passes. The owner of the highway, Gazprom Neft, refuses to issue a pass for oversized vehicles. The traffic police requires it in accordance with Federal Law 278. What to do.

Eugene (06.12.2016 21:17:47)
Oversized cargo is registered on a car that has broken down. Is it possible to transport this cargo in another car?

Oksana (12.12.2016 16:37:50)
Hello, when is a cargo tow truck evacuating? vehicle exceeds the dimensions. Should this tow truck be fined if it evacuates a vehicle to a repair site or a parking lot?

Oleg (14.12.2016 15:25:53)
my company carried out several transportations with oversized cargo, the traffic police tracked it through cameras and caught it red-handed, the Department for Economic Crimes took up this issue, they want to open a criminal case against the director under Article 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, this is not a legal business activity, the fact that these transport services are not licensed is of no interest to them and they assure that their permit and license will be proven as synonyms, the question is: what document exists or not with clarification that this is not a criminal case or maybe judicial practice? or will they want to and do it?

Novel (17.04.2017 16:13:40)
Hello. We need advice in the field of transportation of oversized cargo. In the course of our activities, the following question arose: can we transport, having received a special permit, cargo that does not exceed the dimensions specified in the application? Those. The permit indicates the dimensions of the transported cargo as 3.19*3.49*12.5, but it is necessary to transport cargo with dimensions of 2.43*2.59*6.05 and 2.40*2.57*6.05, the name of the cargo is the same block boxing. And under what articles and points can traffic police officers classify it as a violation?

Rushan (04.05.2017 18:31:35)
Hello, it was undersized and overloaded, they asked me to go, I don’t work for them, they detained me and gave me a parking fine. The driver's license was not taken. We arrived and picked up the car 3 days later. The owner paid for everything once they gave it back. What is great for me as a vehicle driver? I was transporting a tower crane platform from Izhevsk to Naberezhnye Chelny in Tatarstan and had permission. I didn’t have time to receive the letter; I was on a flight at my main job; the letter was sent back.

Michael (15.05.2017 07:28:49)
Good afternoon. I bought a boat on a trailer, 3.3 meters wide, length 9 meters, I want to transport it from Irkutsk to Samara, where and how to get permission for transportation as a private person.

Sergey (30.05.2017 12:47:06)
The trawl is oversized, there are permits for the transportation of oversized equipment, can I transfer oversized cargo and under what permit?

Eugene (22.08.2017 11:12:49)
Hello. I was transporting an asphalt paver for 100m; remote controls were sticking out of it at 10cm; they stopped them; they took away the documents; without measuring the clearance; they left;

Juliet (10.09.2017 20:00:19)
To transport oversized cargo, I contacted the 1st Transportnaya company (from Nizhny Novgorod). The cargo was delivered according to all rules, safe and sound. If you're interested, the route was Cherepovets - Kurgan.

Sergey (14.09.2017 10:26:08)
I heard that the passage of dump trucks with a curb weight of more than 20 tons is now prohibited in the city. Is this so and how is it regulated?

Dmitriy (13.10.2017 11:49:09)
My trawl is not goborite, permission is Irkutsk-Surgut. Am I allowed to return to Omsk with this permit empty?

Alexander O. (17.11.2017 19:32:01)
Hello! What is the fine for transporting oversized cargo during snowfall?

Vitaly (18.11.2017 06:21:03)
Hello! My car was taken to a parking lot for exceeding the dimensions in width, which amounted to 17 cm after measurement, are the actions of transport control officers legal in the face of another state, and what is the right thing for me to do next?

Anton (25.11.2017 08:38:18)
Hello! The inspector stopped the trawl, which was transporting a large excavator. The inspector found that the fastenings that held the transported cargo were higher than normal and drew up a report. Is he right?

Alexei (27.11.2017 13:37:05)
Good afternoon. I am a cargo owner and often send oversized cargo using TK. Question: what points in the special permit should I pay attention to and for what am I responsible? The carrier prepares special permits. Thank you

Love (13.12.2017 04:57:44)
What fine does a legal entity face for transporting oversized cargo without a special permit if at the time of detention the car was parked in the parking lot in the middle of the route?

Leonid (13.03.2018 22:06:41)
I work on a tow truck, they stopped me for exceeding the weight of the vehicle. What are the consequences? The inspector says that I will be deprived of my driver's license.

Igor (24.03.2018 22:04:51)
Please tell me. I have 10 trips to the Taman-Yaroslavl quarter for the transportation of oversized cargo, can I travel with the same cargo along the same route in the opposite direction, if not, what is the fine for this?

Ildar (13.04.2018 08:49:29)
Hello, when transporting CTG there is a special permit for all parameters, the cargo being transported is suitable, but the brand of equipment differs, what is the penalty for this?

Dima (21.04.2018 17:38:05)
Hello, I drive tires (wheels), sometimes a wheel sticks out from the awning, is this considered oversized?

Denis (14.05.2018 09:38:26)
Hello, we want to overtake a frontal trawl with a width of 2.75. We submitted documents for a “transport” permit, d/w/h 22*2.75*3.3. weight 30.9t. And we were offered a load of 12*2.45*3.1, weight 4t. Can I carry this cargo with a transportation permit, there are no excesses according to the standards.

Igor (27.05.2018 08:25:39)
Igor Please tell me. I have 10 trips to the Taman-Yaroslavl quarter for the transportation of oversized cargo, can I travel with the same cargo along the same route in the opposite direction, if not, what is the fine for this.

Alexei (19.07.2018 09:31:04)
Tell me, the inspector of Rostransnadzor completed the administrative material under Article 12.21.1 Part 3. I was transporting oversized items. The special permit indicated the route Simferopol - Rostov. In fact, I was driving in the opposite direction. Are the inspector’s actions legal and what document establishes the rules for driving along the route (specified in the special permit) only in the forward direction?

Denis (28.08.2018 00:47:10)
Hello. An individual owns a hitch with a container trailer (sliding semi-trailer). In connection with this, the total height exceeds 4.2 m. The container turns out to be slightly higher than the spoiler of the tractor. I understand that it’s not big enough, the driver will be ready to pay a fine if they stop 1.5-2.5 thousand rubles. The question is whether it is necessary to make a permit or in this situation you can always get away with a fine for the driver without receiving a fine on the owner, especially astronomical amounts as for a legal entity. Faces?

The traffic rules of the Russian Federation regulate not only the order and principles of the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the roads of our country, but also what rights they are endowed with during this movement. According to the provisions of the road legislation, drivers have the right to carry in their vehicles.

The latter is divided into dimensional and oversized, the transportation of each of which is regulated by the road inspection in different ways. In today's material, our resource will consider in detail the traffic regulations regarding the transportation of oversized items, as well as penalties for non-compliance.

Oversized cargo is large or heavy luggage

In the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations, the concept of “oversized cargo” is interpreted as “oversized or heavy luggage.” Regardless of the interpretation of the definitions, they mean that the cargo exceeds the legal limit for a particular mode of transport.

Before sending any baggage, it is extremely important to determine this norm specifically for your case, so as not to run into problems from the traffic inspectors. Today, oversized cargo is considered to be luggage that:

  • or significantly exceeds the size of the vehicle carrying it, as a result of which it is capable of blocking part of the roadway and creating a potential danger for other road users (oversized cargo);
  • or exceeds the maximum permissible weight parameter for transportation on the transport carrying it (heavy cargo).
  • Traffic regulations define these concepts quite clearly, but it is worth understanding that their final interpretation depends on the type of transport used to transport a particular cargo. For example, regarding the carriage of luggage on trucks, oversized cargo is considered to be any cargo exceeding:
  1. 2.5 meters in height;
  2. 38 tons by weight;
  3. 24 meters long;
  4. 2.55 meters wide.

Of course, if transportation is carried out on a small truck, then the calculation is based on its dimensions. But it is the above-mentioned parameters of oversized baggage that are legally fixed for freight transportation.

Despite the relative subjectivity of the concept of “oversized cargo,” the Russian Traffic Regulations state that it is necessary to consider luggage as such on grounds common to all types of vehicles. More precisely, on the following:

  • the cargo being transported protrudes 40 centimeters or more on the sides of the vehicle and more than 1 meter in the rear and front;
    the transported cargo exceeds permissible weight for transportation on this vehicle.
  • That is, in the presence of the above circumstances, the traffic police officer has every right to issue a fine for the transportation of oversized cargo, but only on the condition that its transportation is carried out in violation of the rules established by law.

Transportation rules

Oversized cargo must be transported according to established rules

As noted earlier, the Russian Traffic Regulations specify not only the concept of “oversize cargo,” but also the rules for its transportation. By observing these, you can avoid receiving fines for transporting oversized luggage. The general list of rules for the transportation of “oversize” items is as follows:

  • A passenger car can carry cargo not exceeding 2.55 meters in width, 2.5 meters in length and the transport weight permissible for this vehicle. In this case, the oversized cargo must be installed in such a way that it does not block the driver’s view of the vehicle and is visible to other road users.
  • In addition, a sign must be installed on the vehicle indicating the transportation of oversized cargo. Its size must be at least “40 by 40 cm”, and it must also be reflective.
  • For other types of transport, the previously mentioned rules apply, which cannot be violated. In the process of transporting “oversize” items, for example, in a minibus or small truck, it is also necessary to install it on the vehicle.

In rare cases, it is permissible to transport oversized cargo that exceeds the normal dimensions established by law. In this case, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate permits, comply with a number of transportation rules and, if necessary, enlist an escort (if the luggage width is more than 4 meters).

Such rules cannot be ignored, since there is some administrative liability for their non-compliance on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is worth noting that when drawing up a protocol, traffic police officers must take into account the permissible measurement error of “+/- 10 centimeters”.

That is, if the size of the cargo transported in a passenger car is 2.58 meters wide and 2.53 meters long, the driver has the right to demand that he be released. Refer to in this case stands on the corresponding decree of authorized organizations (GOST).

Punishment for violations

For incorrect transportation there is a fine!

For transporting oversized cargo on a vehicle in violation of the rules of this procedure or in greatly exceeding the permissible standards, traffic police officers have the right to impose a corresponding penalty on the driver.

If the rules for the transportation of “oversized goods” are enshrined in the traffic rules of the Russian Federation, then violations for offenses regarding the transportation of such cargo are regulated by the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO). According to Article 12.21 of the Code, the following types of penalties may be imposed for incorrect transportation of oversized cargo:

  • for the driver - either a fine from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles, or deprivation of rights for a period of 2 to 4 months;
  • for an official who allowed this type of transportation in violation - a fine of 15,000 to 20,000 rubles;
  • for a legal entity, that is, an organization whose driver transported cargo in violation of the law - up to 500,000 rubles.

It is worth noting that responsibility is not always imposed on officials and legal entities, as a rule, it is the driver who is punished. Despite this, by decision of a judicial authority or in some other situations, all subjects of legal relations who are in one way or another guilty of incorrect transportation of “oversized items” may suffer.

It is important to understand that the size, severity and other nuances of penalties for such an offense depend on how seriously the rules were violated. The “seriousness” of a violation is determined based on the presence of such circumstances as:

  1. the presence or absence of warning signs and their compliance with standards;
  2. correct placement of cargo and its dimensions;
  3. the speed of the vehicle transporting oversized cargo.

Of course, if the “oversized cargo” was transported without special signs, blocked the driver’s view and was potentially dangerous for other road users, then the penalty may be the most serious. But if the transportation rules were followed, but the special sign was missing, the driver has the right to count on a relatively minor penalty from the traffic police.

In any case, when transporting oversized cargo by one or another type of transport, you must comply with traffic regulations. It is important to take into account that some violations during the transportation of such luggage can be dangerous not only for the driver transporting it, but also for other road users. Is the health or even the lives of people worth transporting large cargo? Definitely not.

In general, the rules for transporting “oversize goods” are quite accessible and clearly formulated in the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation, and the penalties for violating them are in the Code of Administrative Offenses. You can get acquainted with them most accurately if you thoroughly study Chapter 23 of the Traffic Regulations and Article 12.21 of the Code; the main information from these legislative acts was presented in today’s article. We hope the material was useful to you and provided answers to your questions. Good luck on the roads!

What fines are faced for non-compliance with the rules for transporting oversized cargo? Look for answers in the video:

Often during transportation it is necessary to transport various oversized cargo. There is no clear definition in the traffic rules for this.

It is generally accepted that a load is oversized if it does not meet the requirements and exceeds the size of the vehicle itself, as a result of which the risk of accidents increases. Therefore, oversized vehicles must be identified in such a way that other road users can notice them from a great distance and take measures to ensure safety.

There are two main types of this type of cargo:

  • large - exceeds the size of the vehicle and may block part of the roadway;
  • heavy - its weight is more than the maximum permissible weight that this machine can carry.

When it comes to freight transportation, oversized cargo exceeds the following parameters:

  • its height is more than 2.5 m;
  • weighs from 38 tons;
  • length starts from 24 m;
  • width - from 2.55 m.

What is the penalty for non-compliance?

It should also be recalled that the administrative code provides for punishment for improperly organizing the transportation of oversized items without the appropriate permission.

  • In particular, Article 12.12.1 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses states that the driver will have to pay a fine of 2,500 rubles.
  • The official who authorized such transportation will be required to pay 15-20 thousand rubles.
  • And for a legal entity, liability is imposed in the form of 400-500 thousand rubles.

Under the same article, a driver can be deprived of his driver’s license for up to six months.

Based on all these factors, the driver and the responsible person may receive not only a fine for oversized cargo, but also lose their license. Therefore, it is necessary to study and strictly adhere to the rules for transporting oversized items, which are described in the traffic rules.

Large cargo sign

First of all, the vehicle is marked with a special sign “Large cargo”. It is a metal plate with diagonal white and red lines on it. The size of the shield is 40x40 cm. It is also possible to use stickers of a similar size.

The surface of the sign must be reflective so that it is visible both during the day and at night.

In addition to this plate, any truck must be marked with the following signs:

  • road train;
  • large size;
  • Long Vehicle.

This sign must be installed on those parts of the load that protrude above the roadway. Reflectors are also used. In the front they should be white, in the back - red or orange.

Oversized cargo - transportation by passenger transport

You can often see how oversized cargo protruding above the roadway is transported in passenger cars, similar to trucks. Drivers of passenger cars are also subject to liability for violating transportation rules, so they should be considered.

The following cargo is considered oversized:

  • protrudes more than one meter from the back or front;
  • from the side - 40 or more centimeters.

If you are dealing with this type of transportation, then you must use the above plate (sign) and attach it directly to the protruding parts of the oversized cargo. At night, in addition to the sign for oversized cargo, use reflectors - white in front, red in back.

The load must be placed in such a way that it does not block the driver’s view, there is no risk of it slipping, and it does not cause harm road surface or auxiliary structures.

Please note that if the load protrudes from the rear or front by more than 2 meters, and the total width exceeds 2.55 meters, then its transportation in passenger vehicles without special permission is prohibited. If you are stopped by an inspector, there is a high probability that a corresponding report will be issued and you will be deprived of your rights for up to six months.

Organization of transportation of large cargo

If you are planning to deliver massive objects by road, for example, heavy equipment or large agricultural machinery, you must take care in advance to obtain permission from the regional office of the Ministry of Transport.

You will need to provide the following information:

  • metric parameters of transported equipment;
  • the route along which the convoy will move;
  • quality certificates and additional documents confirming the characteristics of the cargo: dangerous, large, non-hazardous, and so on.

It may take up to 30 days to coordinate routes and obtain permission. The Ministry of Transport will analyze the route, and if it turns out that there are any communications along this route that impede travel (low bridges, overpasses, overhanging power lines, narrow sections of the road), then the route may be revised. It is possible that you will need to use another mode of transport, such as rail or sea.

In special cases, they may be escorted in the form of several patrol cars with orange flashing lights. They will not give any priority in traffic, but will warn other car owners of a potential threat.

If a convoy consisting of several long vehicles is moving, the following requirements must be met:

  • accompanying vehicles with flashing lights in front and behind the column;
  • the distance between each unit of transport must ensure safety;
  • if dangerous goods are transported, the presence of another additional heavy-duty vehicle will be required in order to transfer the cargo to it in case of unforeseen situations.

In poor visibility conditions, all vehicles must be equipped with warning lights.

There are also cases when transportation of oversized items may be refused:

  • it is possible to transport it by other means - railway, air or sea transportation;
  • the cargo is divisible, that is, it can be disassembled without damage;
  • 100% safety cannot be ensured, for example, if the route runs through populated areas or near dangerous sections of the road.

Well, the most important point is that only technically sound vehicles are allowed for such work. Therefore, before starting, it is necessary to undergo a complete diagnosis and eliminate any faults. Drivers also undergo a mandatory medical examination and adhere to work and rest schedules.

Transportation itself represents the movement of an object from one place to another. But sometimes you have to transport cargo various parameters, some of which do not fit into certain boundaries.

What to do in this case, and is there such information in the traffic rules for transportation of oversized cargo?

By default, it is believed that oversized cargo is an object whose parameters are larger than the vehicle itself, and accordingly it violates transportation requirements and increases the possibility of accidents.

That is why, when transporting objects of inappropriate size, they must be marked to ensure visibility over a considerable distance for other road users. This is done so that vehicle drivers have time to react and take measures to overcome obstacles.

Oversized cargo is divided into two subtypes:

  • the cargo is large, this is the case when the object has large parameters than the vehicle carrying it, and can protrude onto the roadway;
  • the cargo is heavy, that is, its weight exceeds the maximum permissible that the vehicle can transport.

For freight transportation, an item exceeding the following indicators is considered oversized:

  • its height will be 2.5 m or more;
  • the weight of such an object is more than 38 tons;
  • length exceeds 24 meters;
  • width parameters more than 2.5 m.

Rules for the transportation of oversized goods

In order to transport cargo exceeding the permissible dimensions, a number of requirements must be met:

  • the item being transported must not block or impair the driver’s view;
  • should not affect the vehicle, worsening its stability;
  • cannot interfere with the visibility of signals given to the driver, nor hide any identification marks and devices of the vehicle;
  • must not have a negative impact on the road, and environment generally.

It is also worth remembering that you must have a special permit for this type of transportation.

If any of these conditions are violated, it is urgently necessary to stop the vehicle and eliminate the obstacle. Otherwise, the motorist faces a fine for oversized cargo.

What are the penalties for transporting oversized cargo?

In case of violation possible conditions transportation, such punishment as a fine for oversize is provided.

Who will be subject to penalties in this case? If a company sent cargo on a flight with parameters exceeding the permissible ones, should the driver be held responsible for this?

If you refer to clause 1 of Article 12.12.1 of the Administrative Code, you can understand all the nuances and find the culprits:

  • The driver will be responsible for the fact that he accepted the cargo and gave his consent to its transportation. He faces a fine of 2,500 rubles. Also, according to this article, he may lose his driver's license for a period of up to 6 months.
  • In addition, the official who was issued the transportation permit will be punished; the amount of penalties will be up to 20,000 rubles.
  • And the company, that is, a legal entity, will have to pay a fine of up to 500 thousand rubles.

How to organize transportation?

There are times when there is a very great need for the delivery of large objects by road transport. In this case, it is better to think through all the nuances in advance and take care of obtaining the appropriate permit from the department of the Ministry of Transport. To avoid possible problems with police officers during his transportation.

The following data will be required:

  • all measured parameters of the transported item,
  • itinerary,
  • all available quality certificates, which should contain a description of the equipment and all its characteristics.

This issue will be considered, taking into account the existing communications along the route, which could complicate transportation. It is possible to propose another route, where there will be no, for example, low bridges or other objects impeding traffic. The option of transporting equipment by another type of transport may also be offered.

If there is a potential danger to other road users, accompanying patrol cars may be assigned. They will be able to warn other drivers about a possible threat, thanks to the use of a light beacon.

It is also worth remembering that there are special identification marks on the equipment that indicate “large cargo”.

Stopped by a traffic inspector, what do you need to know?

If the vehicle was stopped and penalties were imposed for incorrect transportation of oversized items, then the administrative violation report must contain all the facts that are evidence of the violation. In addition, it must contain data about the device with which the control measurements were made. And the device itself must undergo appropriate testing.

What is used for measurement?

In most cases, a conventional telescopic ruler is used. And here, it is worth keeping in mind that this device does not have any certificates and has not passed the appropriate tests.

That is, the statement that it can produce an error is absolutely justified.

In addition, during the measurement process, witnesses are most often not involved, who are subsequently able to confirm that the measurements were carried out with this particular ruler. Traffic police officers often overlook such points.

In addition to these nuances, it is necessary to remember that there must be a special register of devices that traffic police officers use in their work. And this measuring device, that is, the notorious ruler, should be included in his list. But in practice, such documents are usually absent.