Maximum size of cargo transported without permission. Permitted dimensions of cargo for road transport

Any of our vehicles from time to time transports not only passengers, but also cargo. At the same time, it is good if the cargo fits in the body or trunk, and sometimes it is necessary to transport large cargo. And this is where the question arises: how to transport cargo without incurring a fine. And if there is a fine, what will it be? This is what we will talk about.

Rules for the carriage of goods (speaking)

Before “diving” into the depths of all kinds of rules and laws, let’s immediately say that we will be interested in cases relating to the transportation of goods up to certain sizes, that is, we will not touch upon the topic of transportation of large-sized cargo. Let's begin.
The first thing you should turn to is the traffic rules. There are 2 points worth quoting here:

23.4. A load protruding beyond the dimensions of the vehicle in front or behind by more than 1 m or on the side by more than 0.4 m from the outer edge of the side light must be marked with the identification signs “Large load”, and in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility , in addition, there is a front lamp or reflector white, behind - a flashlight or a red reflector.

A picture like this would be appropriate here. If the cargo is up to and including the specified dimensions, then a sign is not needed.

Here we can say that if you violated the rules for transporting non-large cargo, that is, up to these limits, then the fine will be minimal or even a warning. (Article 12.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). This applies to cases:

(requirements from the same traffic rules).

If the dimensions “got out” beyond these limits, then we hang up a sign, or rather a “Large cargo” sign. Does this mean that protruding beyond more than 1 meter back and forth, relative to the dimensions, and more than 0.4 m on the sides relative to the side lights, the vehicle will be large?
Well, let's turn to Federal Law 257 and find a definition for a large vehicle.

large-sized vehicle - a vehicle whose dimensions, with or without cargo, exceed the permissible dimensions established by the Government Russian Federation

If at least one of the dimensions of the vehicle together with the cargo exceeds the established value according to the traffic regulations, the cargo is considered oversized

At the same time, large cargo of certain sizes must be transported according to the rules, in accordance with clause 23.5 of the traffic rules. Let us quote this point as well.

23.5. Transportation of heavy and dangerous goods, movement of a vehicle whose overall dimensions, with or without cargo, exceed 2.55 m in width (2.6 m for refrigerators and isothermal bodies), 4 m in height from the surface of the roadway, and in length ( including one trailer) 20 m, or the movement of a vehicle with a load protruding beyond the rear point of the vehicle's overall dimensions by more than 2 m, as well as the movement of road trains with two or more trailers are carried out in accordance with special rules. International road transport is carried out in accordance with the requirements for vehicles and transportation rules established by international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Please note that we have not only one size left, when the load outreach from the rear is more than 1 meter, but up to 2 meters. In this case, cargo of this size is not required to be transported according to the rules, but it is necessary to attach the “Large Cargo” sign to it.

Actually, we can already draw some conclusions.
If the dimensions do not exceed 2.55 m in width, 20 m in length, 4 m from the road in height and 2 meters in the back, then even if it is a large cargo, it is transported without special rules, that is, only in accordance with traffic regulations.
If the dimensions are more than that, then according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 8, 2007 No. 257-FZ “On highways and road activities in the Russian Federation and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation,” road users are prohibited from carrying out transportation of large-sized cargo by road without special permits.
We will not talk about these permits, that is, as we said right at the beginning of our article, we only touch upon cases for ordinary motorists, and not for professional carriers. Let's tell you better about the fine if your cargo extends beyond the limits indicated in the last picture.

Fine for transporting protruding cargo (Article 12.21 and 12.21.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)

Here we have three options regarding what the fine for the cargo may be. The first is when violated traffic rules requirements for cargo transportation:

Does not restrict the driver's visibility;
- does not complicate control and does not affect the stability of the vehicle;
- does not cover external lighting devices and reflectors, registration and identification marks, and also does not interfere with the perception of signals given by hand;
- does not create noise, does not generate dust, does not pollute the road or the environment.

The second is when it is necessary to install a “Large cargo” sign if the cargo protrudes beyond the rear clearance by more than 1 meter, but not more than 2 meters. If this sign is not installed, then... For these two options, a fine will be issued under Article 12.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Violation of the rules for transporting goods, as well as the rules for towing, entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

However, the third option is when the cargo is large and, moreover, requires special permission, that is, it goes beyond the dimensions. This will already be a fine under Article 12.21.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

If the size exceeds no more than 10 cm (without a formalized permit available) - 1000-1500 rubles (individuals) (part 1);
- if the dimensions are exceeded by 10-20 cm (without a formalized permit available) - 3000-4000 rubles (individuals) (part 2);
- if the dimensions are exceeded by 20-50 cm (without a formalized permit available) - 5000-10000 rubles (individuals) (part 3);
- if the size exceeds more than 50 cm (without or with a formalized permit) - 7,000-10,000 rubles (individuals) or deprivation from 4 to 6 months (part 6).

In fact, it is clear that the worst thing is if the load protrudes more than 50 cm. In this case, a very large fine or deprivation of a special right for up to six months.

Detention of a vehicle when transporting protruding cargo

It is noteworthy that for a violation under Article 12.21.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, that is, for our third case, detention may be used. This possibility is spelled out in Article 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Moreover, if your car cannot be loaded onto a tow truck, they can simply install blocking devices. We read 27.13 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

...If it is impossible technical specifications of a vehicle, its movement and placement in a specialized parking lot in the event of an administrative offense provided for in Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 of Article 12.21.1 or Part 1 of Article 12.21.2 of this Code, the detention is carried out by stopping the movement using blockers devices.

As a result, you will remain there until you eliminate the reasons that led to the detention.

Is it possible to pay a fine for a protruding load with a 50 percent discount?

If you still failed to avoid a fine, then you should not forget about Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Thanks to it, respectable motorists have the opportunity to pay a fine with a 50 percent discount. This article allows you to receive a kind of “discount” if the fine is paid within the period from the moment it appears in the traffic police fines database, but no later than 20 days from the date of the decision.

Questions and answers on the topic “Fine for protruding load”

Question: With what protrusion of the load beyond the clearance and side lights can you drive “painlessly”, without installing signs?
Answer: Forward and backward no more than 1 meter relative to the clearance, up to 4 meters and on the sides no more than 0.4 meters relative to the side marker light.

Question: Up to what size can a protruding load be carried in the rear without special permission?
Answer: Up to 2 meters, while from the protrusion of the load from 1 to 2 meters, it will be necessary to hang a sign “Large cargo”.

According to the Road Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as traffic regulations), the permissible vehicle width is 2 meters 60 centimeters for refrigerated vans and isothermal vans and 2 meters 55 centimeters for others Vehicle. The maximum height of the vehicle is 4 meters. The maximum length of a road train including one trailer cannot exceed 20 meters, while the length of the tractor and the length of the trailer cannot exceed 12 meters.

The permissible weight of a two-axle vehicle (hereinafter referred to as vehicle) cannot exceed 18 tons, 25 tons for a 3-axle vehicle and 32 tons for a 4-axle vehicle. The weight of a 3-axle road train must not exceed 28 tons, a 4-axle road train 36 tons and a 5-axle road train 40 tons.

The maximum axle load at a distance of more than 2 meters between nearest axles should not exceed 10 tons per axle, at a distance from 1.65 to 2 meters inclusive 9 tons, at a distance from 1.35 to 1.65 m inclusive. maximum axle load should not exceed 8 tons, with a distance from 100 to 135 cm, the maximum axle load should not exceed 7 tons, and with a distance between nearest axles, the maximum axle load on 1 axle should not exceed 6 tons.

All vehicles that do not fit into the specified restrictions are oversized and for their movement on roads common use you need to obtain special permissions. For driving a vehicle exceeding these dimensions, the driver is fined or the driving license is confiscated in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The main problem is drivers' lack of understanding of these standards. So let's break it down into questions and answers.

B: car width 2.55 + mirrors. Is it oversized?
A: no, this is the size.

Q: Is it acceptable to overhang the load by 0.4 m on each side and 2 meters at the rear?
A: yes, but the width of the loaded vehicle cannot be more than 2.55 m, and the length of the road train cannot be more than 20 meters.

Q: What does the phrase “pierced along the axes” mean?
A: For example, a 3-axle truck drives onto the scale. The total weight is less than 25 tons, the distance between the rear axles is 135 cm, but the load on the rear bogie is 20 tons, i.e. not 8 tons per axle, but 10. This is not much better than that, if the truck weighed more than 25 tons.

Q: I was carrying tires (tires are taken as an example), on the road they fell apart, the awning was opened and my license was taken away. IDPS right?
A: Yes, IDPS is right because the dimensions of the vehicle are exceeded, but there is no permit. The driver is responsible for exceeding the dimensions.

Q: Will the walls of the refrigerator, which according to documents have a width of 2.6 m, be “inflated” even without cargo, be taken away?
A: yes, they will take it.

Q: The height of the vehicle on raised cushions (meaning axle cushions, similar to springs) in the transport position is 402 cm, will your license be taken away?
A: yes, the rights will be taken away. If in the transport position the vehicle exceeds the size, then this is your problem; the IDPS does not care about them. Try to bleed the air during stops or look for legal grounds that the measurement of your vehicle was not carried out in accordance with GOST.

Q: According to the documents, the cargo is 20 tons, it fits within the clearance, on the scales it turned out that there are 25 tons, who is to blame.
A: the shipper is to blame, he will pay for the entire “representation”, but, often, it is not always possible to immediately prove this, so legal delays are possible.

As you can see, the working conditions are quite tough and the driver almost always has a good chance of being left without documents, but you should not be afraid of this and give money, since giving a bribe is a serious offense, and your guilt has yet to be proven in court. According to the stories of those who carry oversized cargo, there are years when they drive for 8-10 months a year not with a license, but with a temporary permit. The main thing is to know the laws, and not at the “heard somewhere” level, but the literal wording and, if possible, carry a collection of laws with you.

Maximum width of the cargo being transported, its height and weight must not only correspond to the dimensions of the vehicle, but also comply with the transportation rules approved by regulatory documents. For most cargo transportation, approval is not required, since the products fit comfortably in the back of a vehicle of the appropriate size and carrying capacity. When transporting bulky and heavy products, established rules must be observed.

Traffic regulations regarding the transportation of goods

In the rules traffic operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, the maximum permissible dimensions of transported cargo are clearly defined by car, as well as the mass and purpose of the product. The owner of a truck, when performing a commercial flight or when using the equipment personally, must comply with the following requirements:

  • Each vehicle has a maximum permissible load on each axle set by the manufacturer. These parameters must be observed under all conditions.
  • The dimensions of the width of the transported cargo, its length and height are not significant if the product is poorly installed and secured in the car body. The driver is responsible for placing and securing the goods.
  • Transportation of cargo must be carried out without limiting the driver’s visibility or creating interference with traffic, including other vehicles.
  • The maximum length of the transported cargo must correspond to the size of the body. If the product protrudes more than a meter, it requires a special designation. If the excess is greater, the products fall under the category of large-sized and are designated with special signs.
  • The permitted dimensions of the transported cargo in terms of width and height are also strictly regulated.
  • Transportation of products that pose a danger to the population, or with dimensional parameters of width, height or length of 2.55 meters, 4 meters and 20 meters, respectively, falls under the oversized category. In such cases, the rules provide for the issuance of a special permit.

The Gazelkin cargo taxi will transport any products, including large ones. Our equipment fully complies with the requirements of the traffic police regulations, and transportation is carried out with the necessary precautions.

Responsibility for exceeding the dimensions of the transported cargo or transportation conditions

Compliance with restrictions on the height of the transported cargo, the maximum permitted width and length is prerequisite for each carrier. Freight taxi "Gazelkin" bears full responsibility for compliance with the requirements regulatory documents and does not undertake work that does not comply with traffic rules.

Cargo safety and road safety are the main criteria for this type of work. The tolerance of the dimensions of transported goods is checked by police officers, and if the conditions are not met, penalties are imposed:

  • If there is no marking on the load protruding beyond the body.
  • If transportation of large or oversized products is carried out without special permission or for some reason does not comply with the information in the document.
  • Penalties apply if the maximum permissible load on the axis.
  • Violation of traffic rules by drivers transporting products or objects is not allowed.
  • If the shipper provided incorrect information about the composition, weight and dimensions of the goods, sanctions are also imposed on him.
  • Non-dimensional cargo transported by road transport, transported in excess permissible weight car, lead to the car being removed from the route.

When accepting an order, loading and securing it in the back, it is necessary to take into account that a fine is imposed on the driver, officials and owner of the transport company.

Basic rules for transporting oversized cargo

The maximum permissible height of the transported cargo from the ground or the permitted width of the transported cargo on the trailer, as well as the weight of the product, are not the only criteria for high-quality and safe transportation. Freight taxi "Gazelkin" takes into account when accepting orders a large number of factors that allow you to perform work as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Qualified employees know exactly how much length can be transported according to the rules, how to stack and secure various objects in the body, and under what parameters a permit will be required. To ensure that the customer does not have problems, the following requirements are met:

  • Heavier objects are placed in the lower part of the body. This arrangement makes it possible to achieve greater stability of the vehicle and, accordingly, safety when driving.
  • Products are placed evenly in the body, and the gaps between items are filled with soft pads, foam and other similar materials.
  • All products in the body are carefully secured, and during movement, deviations from standard places are monitored. In case of any suspicions, the products are reattached.
  • To inform other road users, a “Large Load” sign is posted on the outermost protruding part. Available additional installation reflective elements.
  • When transporting special cargo, an appropriate permit is issued.

Vehicles with an external and internal turning radius of no more than 12.5 and 5.3 meters, respectively, are allowed to be used.

In accordance with the accepted rules, the cargo is suitable for large-sized cargo if the total weight of the loaded equipment does not exceed 38 tons, and also if its length and width do not exceed 24 and 2.55 meters, respectively, and its height is 2.5 meters. In case of any deviation, the products are classified as oversized and require a special permit.

Contacting the Gazelkin cargo taxi is an opportunity to quickly and inexpensively resolve the issue of transporting any cargo, regardless of the transportation distance. The presence of technically trained and serviceable machines of various lifting capacities, as well as professional employees, guarantees the impeccable execution of the application. The car will arrive at exactly the specified time at the desired address, and all related issues can be discussed with the manager, available by phone or email.

Every truck driver knows what the traffic rules say about the transportation of oversized cargo, and that for overloading and for driving vehicles with parameters specified in the special. permits exceed the permissible limits (by more than 10 centimeters), a fine or deprivation of rights from 2 to 4 months is provided.

Responsibility for transportation of oversized cargo

Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation



12.21 1 part 1

Transportation of large and heavy cargo without special permission and a special pass in the event that obtaining such a pass is mandatory, as well as with deviation from the route specified in the special permit

  • per driver from 2000 to 2500 rubles. or deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 4 to 6 months,
  • for officials from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles,
  • for legal entities from 400,000 to 500,000 rubles.

12.21 1 part 2

Transportation of large-sized cargo exceeding the dimensions specified in the special permit by more than 10 centimeters

  • per driver from 1500 to 2000 rubles. or deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 2 to 4 months,

confiscation of driver's license, detention of vehicle

12.21 1 part 3

Transportation of heavy cargo exceeding the permitted maximum weight or axle load specified in a special permit by more than 5% (percent)

  • per driver from 1500 to 2000 rubles,
  • for officials from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles,
  • for legal entities from 250,000 to 400,000 rubles.

12.21 1 part 4

Violation of the rules for the transportation of large and heavy cargo, except for the cases provided for in parts 1 - 3 of this article

  • fine: per driver from 1000 to 1500 rubles,
  • for officials from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles,
  • for legal entities from 150,000 to 250,000 rubles.

The situation with overload is clear, but the lack of the necessary regulatory framework that regulates the prosecution of drivers who drive vehicles that violate the overall dimensions needs a more detailed study.

Rules for the transportation of oversized cargo according to traffic regulations

Oversized cargo is considered to be cargo whose dimensions exceed the standards according to GOST:

  • width – more than 2.55 m
  • length – more than 20 m
  • height – more than 4 m

The first question is how were the overall height parameters of the vehicle measured?

When issuing a ruling on a fine for transporting oversized cargo, judges are guided by the protocol on this administrative offense. This protocol is considered evidence. In accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, if to establish the fact of an offense they use technical means, then the protocol must indicate the serial number of the device with which the measurement was carried out or control was carried out. Besides, this device should be checked accordingly.

How are dimensions measured?

Most often, a simple telescopic ruler is used, which is purchased at the nearest hardware store. There is no question that this line has been tested or has a certificate, so there is nothing to add to the case. Thus, it is completely unclear whether the data on meters, centimeters and millimeters that are indicated on the inspector’s ruler are correct, whether there is an error and what it is.

Sometimes it is impossible to even identify the manufacturer of the line. When carrying out such measurements, witnesses and attesting witnesses who can confirm the fact of measurement or control using the specified device are not involved. Inspectors very often neglect such nuances.

In addition, any device that is used for measurement must be approved and entered into a special register of devices used by the traffic police and other officials responsible for monitoring road safety. No one will show you this list, because it simply does not exist.

What to do if you are held liable for oversize?

Our company has experience in successfully resolving similar issues in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. This is especially true for legal entities, where the amount of the fine reaches 400,000 rubles.

Call 715–00-26 we will help you solve your problem

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Elena (19.09.2012 04:31:53)
The name of one driver was included in the permit for oversized vehicles, but another was driving. The driver’s driver’s license was taken away. certificate

Vladimir (05.10.2012 15:59:37)
our driver has a permit to transport CTG, officially obtained from the road department and approved by the traffic police, but there is no double composter, what are the sanctions for this offense, and who should install this double composter?????

AutoRightProtection (08.10.2012 13:30:36)
What kind of composter are we talking about, what is it for?

Elena (30.01.2013 22:51:58)
Our driver has permission to transport oversized cargo along the Surgut-Nizhnevartovsk highway. Between cities, the driver deviated 30 km from the highway to the loading site. After downloading, they took away the rights and said that the permission was not valid there. What are the penalties for this offense? Reply by email if possible

Vladlen (11.02.2013 00:43:05)
gentlemen, employers, oversized items should be transported by professionals who understand this, but you want to seat a simple driver and send him on a flight, and you yourself are incompetent in this and your drivers are the same, this is all your saving and then help us, we didn’t know and there are companies that transport for pennies such cargo then ends up with problems, hire a professional and pay them and you will have less problems

Basil. TO. (20.03.2013 21:47:39)
Hello!!! I work at an enterprise (LLC....) my driver's license was confiscated for transporting oversized cargo (a residential car), transported without a permit and a special pass, the width is 2.83 meters, which is what I face in this case. I also had a waybill with me indicating the task and route.

AutoRightProtection (21.03.2013 11:03:19)
The law provides for deprivation of rights or a fine. Look in the administrative violation report, which article was written to you as a violation?

Basil. TO (22.03.2013 05:51:16)
The protocol indicates Article 12.21-1ch1, and a special permit and pass are required for the transportation of a residential car? There were no missing witnesses, only two inspectors and me. Please tell me what to do next.

AutoRightProtection (23.03.2013 23:22:32)
Vasily, your arguments now need to be presented in legal language, to prepare written explanations of how everything happened, and a petition to request verification of the tape measure of which the measurement was carried out. Contact us, we will help you put everything together Required documents for successful return of rights.

Basiliy. TO (25.03.2013 16:34:22)
I would like to successfully return the driver’s license, but you are quite far away, I can’t even imagine how this could be, I just can’t know how much it will cost me, and to some extent I’m to blame, but valuing my work these days, I committed a violation, but most of the blame is on officials who are not willing to insult and blame for something, maybe there is more simpler options???

Anatoly (07.04.2013 20:02:27)
Vasily residential car standard width 2.80 mm this is stated in the document so you violated the traffic rules article 12.21-1ch1 you will face a fine of 2000-2500 rubles or from 4 to 6 months deprivation of rights this will be decided by the magistrate

Vladimir (23.06.2013 10:43:53)
Hello! What sanctions can traffic police officers apply if the name of the cargo being transported does not match that specified in the permit? Overall dimensions and weight correspond to the permit. Thank you.

Ruslan (29.07.2013 19:34:53)
Vladimir, in your case this is article 12.21-ch4. fine 1000-1500. If traffic police officers impute other parts to you, then this is an article for exceeding official authority. fine for officials 20,000 rubles.

Dmitriy (13.08.2013 09:26:35)
Good afternoon This is the case, a traffic police officer confiscated the driving license from the driver who was transporting a non-gabar excavator, the permit is valid, but the name indicates the load-exc (the difference is in weight and name). It turns out that the cargo does not match. And the traffic police officer writes in the protocol that there is no special permit (or he says that it is not valid; he also writes in the protocol that “there is no special permit from the traffic police”!!). What article does the offense fit under? and where can I find out exactly in what cases a special permit is not valid? Thank you!

Ivan (14.08.2013 09:10:03)
Ruslan (07/29/2013 19:34:53) Vladimir, in your case this is article 12.21-ch4. fine 1000-1500. If traffic police officers impute other parts to you, then this is an article for exceeding official authority. fine for officials 20,000 rubles. This is not so., and according to the order of July 24, 2012 N 258, part 1 is yours!!!

Catherine (17.08.2013 15:57:46)
Hello! Please tell me if the article does not have a clearance, there are two options: either a fine or deprivation of rights, without going to court, can I immediately pay the fine to the traffic police?

AutoRightProtection (18.08.2013 23:22:17)
Ekaterina, if the traffic police inspector imposes a fine, then you may not get to court. In practice, they are often sent straight to court, where the judge decides what punishment to apply.

Alexander (11.09.2013 02:14:15)
Hello. Tell me what to do, a road train with an oversized cargo is already at the impound area. It is not yet possible to submit documents for a special permit, and the period for issuing a permit is at least half a month. The hourly parking fee is 500 rubles per hour.

Andrey (11.09.2013 10:53:06)
Good afternoon. The manipulator is 13 m long. On the road, traffic police officers in Omsk, citing local regulations, are required to hang oversized signs and install flashing lights. A similar situation occurred in the Tyumen region. Please tell me how to act in such situations and what penalties are provided. The car is registered with the traffic police, it has passed technical inspection, there are no restrictions on operation.

Andrey (02.10.2013 11:11:13)
In fact, let’s say, if someone stops without permission or is overweight... do they have the right to issue a parking fine?

Dmitriy (21.10.2013 22:38:02)
How to punish a careless businessman who does not have any permits for transporting oversized cargo. He simply pays off on the spot and that’s all. And the driver moved on.

fail (05.12.2013 21:38:01)
Good afternoon. Please tell me what is the penalty for non-compliance of cargo? For example, I have permits for oil equipment, and I drive equipment.

Alexander (13.12.2013 23:07:02)
Elena. Sorry, the driver was with cargo or just with a waybill, if with a waybill from place to place of loading, then he can go any way to the destination indicated in the waybill, the following any departure is recorded by a doctor, there is even a place for printing. the closure of the trip is also recorded by the doctor, the repeated departure is also recorded by the doctor, if the daily allowance then should also be closed by the doctor, and 30 km for a mad mare is not a distance, especially since it was empty, unless it was drunk, there were hemorrhoids at the clinic, checked anonymously, it should have been in protocol. For the especially gifted, an explanation from magistrates regarding a medical examination is only available if there is a medical protocol from a practitioner. So think about it: why would a cop look in his ass or does he have a practitioner in the glove compartment?

Vitaly (13.01.2014 12:44:45)
A few days ago I was stopped by the transport inspectorate with a transporting container. They demanded a special permit for the height. I don’t have one and never had one, because with this trailer the height was always normal. This time, when replacing it, it turned out that the front part of the height of the container was 4 meters, and the back one was 4.10. Most likely, the floor level valve had failed. I couldn’t fix this problem on the spot. I could, of course, lower the air bags with another valve, but they had already started drawing up a report. It was an ordinary section of the road, but not a special platform. Question: under what part of Article 12.211 was my violation? Thank you in advance.

maxx4ever (14.03.2014 13:03:37)
-=Vitaly=- If the dimensions were violated, a protocol is drawn up, because there are violations, and further movement is prohibited - they can be sent to the impound lot, BUT, you have the right to eliminate the violation and move on (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated March 2, 2009 N 185, Art. 146) - “If the reason for the detention of the vehicle is eliminated at the place where administrative offenses.... before the start of moving the detained vehicle, the vehicle is not placed in a specialized parking lot."

Shihabudin (25.04.2014 10:35:59)
If I transported oversized cargo without permission and my height was 4.08, can they write a report on me? In this case, does the tolerance of up to 10 cm apply?

Ivan (30.06.2014 15:13:43)
Good afternoon, a loaded car was driving, a board jumped out from the side, the load was pushed out by 10 cm, they stopped me at the transport checkpoint, pointed out a violation that I eliminated in 5 minutes, the inspector wrote out a report. This action is legal by the inspector.?

Vladimir (10.07.2014 09:10:36)

Oleg (20.10.2014 19:23:34)
transported oversized cargo without permission, the traffic police issued a resolution, but there was no trial yet, and the owner forces me to carry the same cargo again and again without permission, what will happen to me this time?

Vadim (12.11.2014 20:27:56)
I have a ref height of 4.10, until I got to the Tyumen region I didn’t even think about it, the car is from a company, why are the posts around Tyumen so meticulous, and they ask for money without hesitation, 10 rubles and move on

Eugene (07.12.2014 16:51:55)
I have an oversized trawl 3 meters wide. I was traveling from Nizhnevartovsk to Lyantor with a special permit. I was driving along this road for the first time and on the Aveadug I got lost and turned instead of the northern bypass of Surgut onto the eastern one, not on purpose. Traveled 14 km. The traffic police stopped and asked if the food was correct? And they gave me a protocol for 2500. I said okay guys, now please explain to me how to get back on the route, and they said follow us, now you’ll have to go back a long way, and we’ll take you closer through the city with a flashing light, and they brought me to a special parking lot. ! Tell me what will happen to me and is it possible to challenge it?

Natalia (30.12.2014 15:12:36)
My husband was given a fine for being oversized, the organization where he works asks him to sign a document stating that he allegedly got mixed up and drove the wrong car, saying that he will not be fined again, so that he takes all the blame on himself, what should he do? And they say that if they are given a fine, they will deduct it from him, although he warned that the documents were not in order, to which they told him to go, that everything was in order.

Alexander (27.02.2015 14:33:33)
I work at a company as a mechanic for the repair of quarry equipment. I loaded a spare part into the back of a car, the driver took it to a mechanical repair plant, on the way I exceeded the speed limit, the traffic police stopped me, issued a fine for exceeding the load and measured the load, it did not pass the height. who is guilty? Who pays the fine for oversize?

Artyom (26.03.2015 13:01:37)
In Article 23.4 23.4. A load protruding beyond the dimensions of the vehicle in front and behind by more than 1 m or on the side by more than 0.4 m from the outer edge of the side light must be marked with the identification signs “Large load”, and in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility , in addition, in front - a flashlight or a white reflector, in the back - a flashlight or a red reflector. Tell me, should measurements be taken from the rear from the dimensions of the vehicle or from the side lights? As I understand from the rear, measurements should be taken from the dimensions of the car, i.e. from the extreme point (side, bumper), and to the side of the side lights. And another question: is there any regulation on how exactly employees should take measurements?

Eugene (23.06.2015 18:23:03)
Can traffic cops, under Article 12.21 Part 2, confiscate documents for a vehicle and a special permit that does not comply with this article? Thank you.

Andrey (15.07.2015 21:38:02)
When transporting cargo with a width of 2.58, a permit is required, or you can have +3 centimeters, which the inspector will turn a blind eye to.

Alexander (06.08.2015 11:53:17)
Question: An acquaintance said that according to the new rules you can transport boards 6 meters long, provided that my booth is 4.20, i.e. 1.80 behind the booth and type you can carry up to 2 meters of oversized items with a sign. Who came across it? what are the new rules? Otherwise, if you don’t want to hunt, you will lose your license for 4-6 months.

Alexander Nikolaevich (14.09.2015 15:34:19)
Hello. We need advice in the field of transportation of oversized cargo. In the course of our activities, the following question arose: can we transport, having received a special permit, cargo that does not exceed the dimensions specified in the application? Those. The permit indicates the dimensions of the transported cargo as 3.02 * 3.02 * 13.5, but it is necessary to transport cargo with dimensions of 3.02 * 3.02 * 6.5. Can traffic police officers classify it as a violation of Article 12.21.1 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation?

Sergey Ivanovich (28.09.2015 11:35:54)
Hello. When loaded onto a trailer, my boat protrudes 1.6 meters from the rear. Paragraph 23.4 of the traffic rules indicates the need to install a red light or reflector. In paragraph 54 of the “Rules for ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo by road and urban ground electric transport” approved by order No. 7 of January 15, 2014 of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation: “The extreme points of the dimensions of the cargo (length, width) and (or) vehicle must be indicated by the identification sign “Large cargo” and flashing lights (signals) of yellow or orange color. Question: what should I choose to perform?

Valery (05.11.2015 15:11:01)
Good afternoon! The manipulator on the car was jammed and the driver was driving the car over the height limit. The car is registered to an individual. What sanctions are provided for the owner and driver?

Eugene (04.04.2016 14:01:54)
Good afternoon. Our company produces trailers. There is a model with a width of 2.8 meters. During transportation, a beacon was always used. Recently, the traffic police stopped and fined me because the side contour lights should supposedly also flash. I didn’t find this anywhere in the regulations, is this legal?

Tatiana (14.07.2016 16:33:00)
A Bulgarian truck was fined 2 thousand euros for exceeding the height of 12 cm. Can you explain where this fine came from?

Vlydimir (17.09.2016 10:31:23)
Good afternoon This is the situation: a tractor with a semi-trailer canopy, lined with plywood inside, carrying a bulk of seeds, for a number of reasons flew to the side of the road and hung, the hitch was pulled out, but the load squeezed out the right side by 40 cm and shifted. Along the route there is a post where they said either to eliminate it or a fine for oversize... are there any regulations that can help us...

Edward (02.10.2016 12:57:41)
As an official, I was given a fine for being oversized in height, and I paid it. And now a fine of 400,000 rubles has arrived for the same violation, but on a legal entity. It should be?

Edward (04.10.2016 00:51:50)
Hello. Please tell me whether a special permit is needed to transport a reinforced concrete support 15 meters long if the site is only 12 meters. Or can we get by with just a sign?

Irina (11.10.2016 17:02:52)
Hello. The husband of the entrepreneur himself works at KAMAZ and was carrying oversized cargo with a pass and deviated from the route. They took KAMAZ. And what awaits him in the future???

foreman (13.10.2016 14:04:08)
The organization was transporting oversized cargo, whether it was a trawler or an excavator. They stopped it at the post, there was no permission, they measured the dimensions, drew up a report of detention, and left it at the post. What other documents should the traffic police officers have completed?

Nikolay (18.10.2016 19:55:36)
Good afternoon. I work on a car, the width of a manufactured goods van is 2.57, can I be punished?

Alexander (02.11.2016 11:24:04)
Hello. The driver deviated from the route specified in the permit and was stopped by a traffic police patrol. In this case, can they put the car in the impound lot and what should be done if the car is still put in the impound lot?

Sergey (21.11.2016 18:32:33)
Good afternoon. The transport company provides transport services under a contract in the territory of Gazpromneft. Entry to the territory using passes. The owner of the highway, Gazpromneft, refuses to issue a pass for oversized vehicles. The traffic police requires it in accordance with Federal Law 278. What to do.

Eugene (06.12.2016 21:17:47)
Oversized cargo is registered on a car that has broken down. Is it possible to transport this cargo in another car?

Oksana (12.12.2016 16:37:50)
Hello, a cargo tow truck is evacuating a vehicle that exceeds its dimensions. Should this tow truck be fined if it evacuates a vehicle to a repair site or a parking lot?

Oleg (14.12.2016 15:25:53)
my company carried out several transportations with oversized cargo, the traffic police tracked it through cameras and caught it red-handed, the Department for Economic Crimes took up this issue, they want to open a criminal case against the director under Article 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, this is not a legal business activity, the fact that these transport services are not licensed is of no interest to them and they assure that their permit and license will be proven as synonyms, the question is: what document exists or not with clarification that this is not a criminal case or maybe judicial practice? or will they want to and do it?

Novel (17.04.2017 16:13:40)
Hello. We need advice in the field of transportation of oversized cargo. In the course of our activities, the following question arose: can we transport, having received a special permit, cargo that does not exceed the dimensions specified in the application? Those. The permit indicates the dimensions of the transported cargo as 3.19*3.49*12.5, but it is necessary to transport cargo with dimensions of 2.43*2.59*6.05 and 2.40*2.57*6.05, the name of the cargo is the same block boxing. And under what articles and points can traffic police officers classify it as a violation?

Rushan (04.05.2017 18:31:35)
Hello, it was undersized and overloaded, they asked me to go, I don’t work for them, they detained me and gave me a parking fine. The driver's license was not taken. We arrived and picked up the car 3 days later. The owner paid for everything once they gave it back. What is great for me as a vehicle driver? I was transporting a tower crane platform from Izhevsk to Naberezhnye Chelny in Tatarstan and had permission. I didn’t have time to receive the letter; I was on a flight at my main job; the letter was sent back.

Michael (15.05.2017 07:28:49)
Good afternoon. I bought a boat on a trailer, 3.3 meters wide, length 9 meters, I want to transport it from Irkutsk to Samara, where and how to get permission for transportation as a private person.

Sergey (30.05.2017 12:47:06)
The trawl is oversized, there are permits for the transportation of oversized equipment, can I transfer oversized cargo and under what permit?

Eugene (22.08.2017 11:12:49)
Hello. I was transporting an asphalt paver for 100m; remote controls were sticking out of it at 10cm; they stopped them; they took away the documents; without measuring the clearance; they left;

Juliet (10.09.2017 20:00:19)
To transport oversized cargo, I contacted the 1st Transportnaya company (from Nizhny Novgorod). The cargo was delivered according to all rules, safe and sound. If you're interested, the route was Cherepovets - Kurgan.

Sergey (14.09.2017 10:26:08)
I heard that the passage of dump trucks with a curb weight of more than 20 tons is now prohibited in the city. Is this so and how is it regulated?

Dmitriy (13.10.2017 11:49:09)
My trawl is not goborite, permission is Irkutsk-Surgut. Am I allowed to return to Omsk with this permit empty?

Alexander O. (17.11.2017 19:32:01)
Hello! What is the fine for transporting oversized cargo during snowfall?

Vitaly (18.11.2017 06:21:03)
Hello! My car was taken to a parking lot for exceeding the dimensions in width, which amounted to 17 cm after measurement, are the actions of transport control officers legal in the face of another state, and what is the right thing for me to do next?

Anton (25.11.2017 08:38:18)
Hello! The inspector stopped the trawl, which was transporting a large excavator. The inspector found that the fastenings that held the transported cargo were higher than normal and drew up a report. Is he right?

Alexei (27.11.2017 13:37:05)
Good afternoon. I am a cargo owner and often send oversized cargo using TK. Question: what points in the special permit should I pay attention to and for what am I responsible? The carrier prepares special permits. Thank you

Love (13.12.2017 04:57:44)
What fine does a legal entity face for transporting oversized cargo without a special permit, if at the time of detention the car was parked in the parking lot in the middle of the route?

Leonid (13.03.2018 22:06:41)
I work on a tow truck, they stopped me for exceeding the weight of the vehicle. What are the consequences? The inspector says that I will be deprived of my driver's license.

Igor (24.03.2018 22:04:51)
Please tell me. I have 10 trips to the Taman-Yaroslavl quarter for the transportation of oversized cargo, can I travel with the same cargo along the same route in the opposite direction, if not, what is the fine for this?

Ildar (13.04.2018 08:49:29)
Hello, when transporting CTG there is a special permit for all parameters, the cargo being transported is suitable, but the brand of equipment differs, what is the penalty for this?

Dima (21.04.2018 17:38:05)
Hello, I drive tires (wheels), sometimes a wheel sticks out from the awning, is this considered oversized?

Denis (14.05.2018 09:38:26)
Hello, we want to overtake a frontal trawl with a width of 2.75. We submitted documents for a “transport” permit, d/w/h 22*2.75*3.3. weight 30.9t. And we were offered a load of 12*2.45*3.1, weight 4t. Can I carry this cargo with a transportation permit; there are no excesses according to the standards.

Igor (27.05.2018 08:25:39)
Igor Please tell me. I have 10 trips to the Taman-Yaroslavl quarter for the transportation of oversized cargo, can I travel with the same cargo along the same route in the opposite direction, if not, what is the fine for this.

Alexei (19.07.2018 09:31:04)
Tell me, the inspector of Rostransnadzor completed the administrative material under Article 12.21.1 Part 3. I was transporting oversized items. The special permit indicated the route Simferopol - Rostov. In fact, I was driving in the opposite direction. Are the inspector’s actions legal and what document establishes the rules for driving along the route (specified in the special permit) only in the forward direction?

Denis (28.08.2018 00:47:10)
Hello. An individual owns a hitch with a container trailer (sliding semi-trailer). In connection with this, the total height exceeds 4.2 m. The container turns out to be slightly higher than the spoiler of the tractor. I understand that it’s not big enough, the driver will be ready to pay a fine if they stop 1.5-2.5 thousand rubles. The question is whether it is necessary to make a permit or in this situation you can always get away with a fine for the driver without receiving a fine on the owner, especially astronomical amounts as for a legal entity. Faces?



Moscow, 1999

(FDS of Russia)



On approval of the standards “Maximum weights and dimensions of vehicles operated on public roads”

In order to ensure road safety, reliability and safety of public roads and road structures, taking into account their bearing capacity and carrying capacity I ORDER: 1 . Approve the attached standards “Maximum weights and dimensions of vehicles operated on public roads”, agreed with the Ministry of Transport of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 2. The Department for Ensuring the Safety of Roads of the FDS of Russia (Sorokin S.F.) together with the Legal Department of the FDS of Russia (Enikeev Sh.S.) shall coordinate in the prescribed manner with the interested ministries and departments and submit before June 1, 1999 for approval to the leadership of the FDS of Russia “Rules” passage of heavy and (or) large vehicles on public roads" and "Instructions on the procedure for compensation of damage caused by heavy vehicles when driving on public roads." 3. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the deputy head of the FDS of Russia I.A. Urmanov. Head V.G. Artyukhov



Moscow, 1999

1 . General provisions

1.1. The provisions set out in these standards relate to the weight and dimensions of vehicles permitted for use in the Russian Federation on public roads, established on the basis of the requirements for ensuring road safety, reliability and safety of highways and road structures, taking into account their load-bearing capacity and load capacity. The restrictions on the weight and dimensions of vehicles set out below do not apply to the production of vehicles, the requirements for which are established by other standards and regulations. 1.2. Vehicles or parts thereof, forming part of combined vehicles, the dimensions, as well as the total weight and axle load of which do not exceed the values ​​​​established by sections 3, 4 and 5 of these standards, are allowed to travel on federal and territorial public roads. For other highways designed and built for loads lower than those specified in sections 3, 4 and 5, highway owners may set other (smaller) vehicle weight limits; for federal highways - by the Federal Road Service of Russia; for territorial highways roads - by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, for municipal roads - by local government bodies. Decisions to reduce the dimensions and weights of vehicles listed below are made based on the results of a road survey and may be permanent or temporary. In this case, the body that made such a decision is obliged, in accordance with the established procedure, to install the appropriate road signs on the highway or its section on which additional restrictions on the weight and size of vehicles have been introduced and to inform road users about this. 1.3. A vehicle and its part forming a combined vehicle, the mass and/or axle load of which and/or the size of which exceed the maximum values ​​​​established by these standards, may be driven on roads only with special permits issued in the prescribed manner by the competent authorities. The movement of such vehicles on roads is carried out in accordance with the “Instructions for the transportation of large-sized and heavy cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation”, approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia 27. 05.96 1.4. In addition to the maximum values ​​of the total mass and axle loads established by these requirements, the mass of the transported cargo and the load distribution along the axles must not exceed the values ​​​​established by the manufacturer for a specific vehicle. 1.5. For the purposes of these standards, the following concepts and definitions are used: Vehicle - a device intended for transporting goods and passengers along roads; Truck - a vehicle designed and built exclusively or primarily for the transport of goods; Tractor means a vehicle designed and constructed solely or primarily for towing a trailer or semi-trailer; Trailer - a vehicle intended for the transportation of goods by towing by a tractor or truck; Semi-trailer - specially equipped for the transportation of goods, designed to be connected to a tractor in such a way that part of this vehicle is located directly on the tractor and transfers a significant portion of its weight to it; Road train is a combined vehicle consisting of a truck and a trailer; Articulated vehicle - a combination vehicle consisting of a tractor unit articulated with a semi-trailer; Bus - a vehicle designed to transport passengers and their luggage, having more than nine seats, including a seat for the driver; Articulated bus- a bus consisting of two or more rigid sections connected to each other and having a passenger compartment in each section, allowing passengers to move freely from one compartment to another; Combined vehicle- a combination of a truck consisting of a truck connected to a semi-trailer; Maximum length, width and height of the vehicle - length, width and height of the vehicle with or without cargo, not exceeding the values ​​specified in Section 3 of these standards; Maximum linear parameters of the vehicle - linear parameters not exceeding the values ​​specified in section 3 of these standards; Maximum vehicle weight- the weight of the vehicle with or without cargo, which does not exceed the values ​​specified in Section 4 of these standards; - mass transmitted through the vehicle axle to the surface of the road, not exceeding the standard value; Indivisible cargo- cargo which, when transported by road, cannot be divided into two or more parts without excessive cost or risk of damage and which, when loaded onto a vehicle, will exceed its maximum dimensions and weight; Air suspension- a suspension system in which the shock-absorbing element is air; Cart- two or more axles having a common suspension to the vehicle; Single axis- the axle of a vehicle located at a distance of more than 1.8 m from the nearest axle of this vehicle; Closed axes- axles (two or more) of a vehicle located at a distance between them of less than 1.8 m.

2. Measuring the weight and dimensions of vehicles

2.1. The length of the vehicle is measured in accordance with ISO 612-1978 clause 6.1. However, when measuring length in accordance with the provisions of this standard, the following devices mounted on the vehicle are not taken into account: window cleaning device and mud flaps; front and side marking plates; devices for sealing and protective devices for them; devices for securing tarpaulins and protective devices for them; equipment for electric lighting; rear view mirrors; devices for viewing the space behind the car; air tubes; length of valves and connectors for connection to trailers or swap bodies; steps for access to the body; tire lift; lifting platforms, access steps and similar equipment not exceeding 200 mm in operating position and so designed that they cannot increase maximum weight loading the car; coupling devices for towing vehicles or trailers. 2.2. Vehicle height is measured in accordance with ISO 612-1978 clause 6.3. Moreover, when measuring height, taking into account the provisions of this standard, the following devices mounted on the vehicle should not be taken into account: antennas; pantograph in raised position. For vehicles equipped with a device for lifting an axle, the effect of this device is taken into account. 2.3. The width of the vehicle is measured in accordance with ISO 612-1978 clause 6.2. When measuring the width of a vehicle, taking into account the provisions of this standard, the following devices mounted on the vehicle should not be taken into account: devices for seals and seals and protective devices for them; devices for securing tarpaulins and protective devices for them; devices for identifying tire damage ; protruding flexible parts of mudguards; Lightning equipment; steps in the operative position, suspended platforms and similar equipment which, in the operative position, do not exceed 10 mm on each side of the vehicle and face forward or rearward, the corners of which are rounded with a radius of not less than 5 mm, and the edges of which are rounded with a radius of not less than 2 .5 mm; rearview mirrors; tire pressure indicators; retractable or retractable steps; the curved portion of a tire's surface that extends beyond its point of contact with the ground. 2.4. The axial mass of a vehicle is measured with a dynamic vertical load transmitted through a single axle to the surface of the road from a loaded vehicle. The measurement is carried out with special vehicle scales that have been certified in the prescribed manner. The axial mass of a trolley located on one suspension, taking into account the design of the vehicle, is determined as the sum of the measurements of the mass of each of the axles included in the trolley. 2.5. The gross mass of a vehicle or part thereof forming part of a combination vehicle is determined as the sum of the measured masses of all axles of the vehicle or part thereof.

3. Maximum dimensions and other parameters of vehicles

The maximum dimensions of vehicles, taking into account the dimensions of swap bodies and cargo containers, including containers, must not exceed the values ​​given below. 3.1. Maximum length: truck - 12.00 m trailer - 12.00 m articulated vehicle - 16.5 m articulated bus - 18.00 m road train - 20.00 m 3.2. Maximum width: all vehicles - 2.50 m 3.3. Maximum height - 4.00 m 3.4. The maximum distance between the axle of the coupling device and the rear of the semi-trailer must not exceed 12.00 m. 3.5. The maximum distance measured parallel to the longitudinal axis of the road train from the outer front point of the body or the cargo stowage area behind the cab to the rear outer point of the trailer, minus the distance between the rear of the tractor and the front of the trailer, shall not exceed 15.65 m. 3.6. The maximum distance, measured parallel to the longitudinal axis of the road train, from the outer front point of the body or platform for loading cargo behind the cab to the rear outer point of the semi-trailer must not exceed 16.40 m. 3.7. The load installed in the body of the vehicle must not protrude beyond the rear outer point of the vehicle or trailer by more than 2.00 m. 3.8. The distance between the rear axle of the truck and the front axle of the trailer must be at least 3.00 m. 3.9. The horizontally measured distance between the semi-trailer's hinge axis and any point on the front of the semi-trailer must not exceed 2.04 m. 3.10. When moving, any vehicle must be able to turn within a space limited by an outer radius of 12.50 m and an inner radius of 5.30 m. 3.11. The maximum distance between the coupling locking axis and the rear of the combination vehicle must not exceed 12.00 m.

4 . Standard total weight of vehicles*

* The standard total mass of vehicles is not allowed to be exceeded by more than 20%.

Table 4.1

Vehicle type

Standard total weight of the vehicle, t

Trucks a) two-axle vehicle
b) three-axle car
d) a four-axle vehicle with two driven axles, each of which consists of two pairs of wheels and has air or equivalent suspension
Vehicles forming part of a combination vehicle a) two-axle trailer
b) three-axle trailer
Combined vehicles Articulated vehicles
a) a two-axle tractor with a two-axle semi-trailer with a total base of 11.2 m or more
b) a two-axle tractor with a three-axle semi-trailer with a total base of 12.1 m or more
c) a three-axle tractor with a two-axle semi-trailer with a total base of 11.7 m or more
d) three-axle tractor with three-axle semi-trailer with a total base of 12.1 or more
e) a vehicle consisting of an 18-ton truck and a 20-ton semi-trailer if the vehicle has a drive axle consisting of twin wheels and is equipped with an air or equivalent suspension with a total base of 13.3 m or more
Road trains a) two-axle truck with two-axle trailer with a total base of 12.1 m or more
b) a two-axle truck with a three-axle trailer with a total base of 14.6 m or more
c) a two-axle truck with a four-axle trailer with a total base of 16.5 m or more
d) a three-axle truck with a two-axle trailer with a total base of 14.6 m or more
e) a three-axle truck with a three-axle trailer with a total base of 15.9 m or more
e) a three-axle truck with a four-axle trailer with a total base of 18 m or more
Buses a) two-axle bus
b) three-axle bus
c) three-axle articulated bus
d) four-axle articulated bus

5 . Standard axle loads of vehicles

Table 5.1.

Standard axle loads of vehicles *

* Axle loads of vehicles should not exceed standard axle loads by more than 40%.

Types of vehicle axles

Estimated axial load for which the road pavement is designed, tf



Single axes
Twin axles of trailers, semi-trailers, drive axles of trucks and buses at distances between axles:
d) equal to or more than 1.8 m
Triple axles of trailers and semi-trailers with distances between axles:
a) more than 0.5 m, but less than 1.0 m
b) equal to or more than 1.0 m, but less than 1.3 m
c) equal to or more than 1.3 m, but less than 1.8 m
d) equal to or more than 1.8 m
- the same when mounted on an air suspension or an equivalent suspension
5.8. The weight transmitted to the drive axles or drive axles of the vehicle or combination vehicle must not be less than 25% of the total weight of the vehicle or combination vehicle.
1. General Provisions. 2 2. Measuring the mass and dimensions of vehicles. 3 3. Maximum dimensions and other parameters of vehicles. 4 4. Standard total weight of vehicles. 5 5. Standard axle loads of vehicles. 6