Homemade quadcopter on a wooden frame. How to assemble a quadcopter with your own hands. Setting up and controlling the quadcopter

Propellers - such and such , the latter - right rotation; a pair of direct and reverse rotation propellers are placed on the copter.

Connector - 3.5 mm this is a power splitter for Multistar regulators (XT60 by 4 X 3.5mm)

Quadcopter control board - MultiWii NanoWii ATmega32U4 , connects to the computer via USB, allows you to upload settings and configurations.

Battery - Nano-Tech 2200 30C , it’s better to take a couple at once, since going out for flights on one battery quickly gets boring. I usually take at least 4 batteries with me when I travel.

Charger - HobbyKing Variable 6S 50W 5A , the charger is needed to recharge the battery.

In addition, you will need radio control equipment for the quadcopter. I give preference Turnigy 9x , this is the best price/quality ratio. The radio control range is about 800-900 meters. The receiver comes complete with the transmitter.

Control board to receiver connectors Turnigy 9x , they allow you to easily connect the receiver and the brains of the quadcopter.

“Silicon” wires for extending power supply to motors - Red Black - take a couple of pieces of both.

DIY radio-controlled quadcopter assembly

First you need to decide whether you will use a standard frame or decide to make your own.

The purchased frame is convenient, but if it breaks, you will have to wait until a spare part arrives. Homemade frame A quadcopter assembled with your own hands allows you to repair a breakdown in 20-30 minutes, but requires additional work when manufacturing the quadcopter.

Most simple option is the use of plastic pipes for wiring. They are light and quite durable. In addition, you can buy swivel parts and wall mounts that are suitable for attaching electric motors to the frame.

The result is a very durable design that allows you to carry not only the electronics of the quadcopter itself, but also a camera for video recording from the quadcopter.

Here is a video on assembling a quadcopter from such pipes.

You can also make a frame from aluminum square tubes.

For such a construction you can download quadcopter drawings . By the way, this design is designed for flying with a camera, which is why it has such long “legs.”

Connecting the quadcopter electronics

All electronics are assembled as in the picture below.

To connect the motors to the regulators, you will need to build up the wires. This can be done using any suitable wire, preferably with a silicone sheath - it will not crack in the cold, you will be doing this on a quadcopter in winter, right?

Quadcopter setup

Setting up a quadcopter requires studying the instructions; simply connecting and flying will not work. You need to download the software for the “brain” of the quadcopter from the website, select the configuration of the quadcopter, configure the parameters and upload it all via USB to the control board.

Here it is best to turn to professionals, read quadcopter forum or ask someone who has already dealt with a similar setup to configure it.

The fact is that firmware is released quite often, and each firmware is very different from the previous one. So it doesn’t make much sense to tell you how to configure the current one.

How to learn to fly a quadcopter

It is best to start flying on a small quad that fits in the palm of your hand. Due to its light weight, it does not break when dropped.

So a simple quadcopter, which can be connected to the Turnigy 9x transmitter is the Q-Bot Mini, for it there is good review .

Of course, the additional purchase of a small quadcopter is a little expensive, but by flying one you will learn how to control it and will be able to fly a large quadcopter with a camera without falling! And you can always give a small toy to a child.

And finally, short video flight on a quadcopter, recording from a camera.

May 04, 2016

Despite the many ready-made models Quadcopters presented in online stores, many still prefer to create a drone with their own hands. Firstly, it saves money. Secondly, the fact that you were able to assemble a quadcopter yourself gives a significant reason for pride, and operating such a device is much more pleasant than a regular purchased one.

So, how to make a drone at home? There are several ways to do this.

  • Way one: relatively light. You can buy a ready-made drone assembly kit. These are sold today in any online quadcopter store. The choice is huge, at different prices and from the most different materials. The advantage of this solution is that you get a set of parts, ideal suitable friend friend on technical parameters.
  • Way two: for the brave and experienced. Complete freedom: you buy all the necessary components yourself.

This is what their main list looks like:

1. batteries;2. speed controllers;3. engines (by number of propellers);4. control board with sensors: gyroscope, accelerometer, barometer, compass, etc.;5. frame (hand made lovers can make it themselves).

The advantage of this solution is the ability to use parts you already have, left over from an old quadcopter or lying in reserve.

Your first quadcopter: theory and practice

A medium-sized drone is ideal for self-assembly. At the request of the owner, the device can be modified, a photo or video camera can be added to it, but general scheme Assembling a quadcopter with your own hands is as follows.

The first step is to decide on the size and configuration of the frame. You can buy a ready-made one or make it yourself. The advantage of the latter option is the ability to repair the frame yourself in case of a breakdown, without waiting for a spare one to arrive. The material can be used plastic pipes for wires or square aluminum tubes. The basic shape is a square with intersecting rays in the middle.

Motors are installed on the frame arms. The optimal models would be Turnigy Aerodrive SK3 2822-1275, NTM Prop Drive Series 28-30S, Turnigy Multistar 2216-800Kv. The first one is suitable for 20 A speed controllers (for a 45-50 cm quadcopter), the other two are suitable for 30 A speed controllers (for a 50-60 cm quadcopter).

Propellers are mounted on top of the engines - two each with right-hand and left-hand rotation. Their maximum permissible size will be indicated in the engine instructions.

A Li-Po battery and a control board are attached to the core - either the simplest HobbyKing KK (equipped with only 3 gyroscopes), or MultiWii Lite V1.0 with 6-axis leveling, or MultiWii 328P (with 6-axis leveling, barometer and compass; the most optimal in terms of price/quality ratio). In order for the flight to remain stable, the controller must be vibration-isolated - a vibration-isolating sponge is suitable for this.

Of course, you cannot learn all the intricacies of assembly from articles. But you can do this under the guidance of experienced pilots at the Drone Expo Show. At the master classes, you will be taught how to assemble a quadcopter and fly it, and will also answer all your questions about the theory of assembly.

A quadcopter can be purchased at almost any major online store, or you can make a drone yourself. It is not known what came first: mass production of copters or the first attempts by radio amateurs to create a drone on their own. But the fact that this hobby is becoming popular among fans of radio-controlled devices cannot leave any modeler or quadcopter collector indifferent.

DIY quadcopter model

Many drone users are wondering how to assemble a quadcopter. with my own hands. Rather, this desire comes from the desire to gain complete control over the flight and control of the shooting process.

IN self-assembly The copter has a number of advantages: Firstly, this is an opportunity to create a device with the parameters that you need. Secondly, Such a device is easier to customize; you can always attach new parts or replace, for example, the battery and install a more powerful power source. Third, this can serve as an interesting experience and be the first step towards a new hobby.

One of the negative aspects can be emphasized that such an assembly may require a lot of time to search the necessary details, studying the entire technical part. Moreover, no one can guarantee that “the first pancake will not go lumpy.” Although on the other hand, now there is a large number of specialized stores for radio equipment, and numerous diagrams using the example of ready-made models of homemade versions will help you understand the principles of the design and operation of a quadcopter.

Also, many people resort to modeling drones in the belief that it can be much cheaper than buying a branded device. But here, too, a lot depends on what characteristics the device you want to get, and whether it is important for you appearance quadra. Moreover, frequent modifications that will help make the drone more functional can also cost a pretty penny.

Inventor Jasper van Leenen introduced a kit in 2013 for those who want to assemble a drone themselves. In his suitcase he had everything he needed: electronics, motors, a radio, body parts. All plastic parts were printed on 3Dprinter.

Buy or make?

The decision to make a copter yourself may be determined by the so-called sporting interest, or may also be related to the desire to save money. In both the first and second cases, it is important to weigh the pros and cons, as well as identify the strengths and weaknesses of self-assembly.


As mentioned above, the main disadvantage of a DIY drone can be time. After all, it’s one thing to order a quadra ready to fly, wait one or two weeks and use it for your pleasure. But in self-assembly there is whole line nuances that may affect the timing:

  1. Purchasing all the necessary spare parts, which may not always fall into your hands at the same time.
  2. It will also take time to study the technical part in order to clearly understand what the drone consists of and how it works.
  3. The assembly and configuration of the flight controller itself will require time and, of course, patience.
  4. Post-assembly, which means not only testing, but working on errors and “rework”, which also takes a lot of time and effort.


The first point can largely be compensated by having experience in independently assembling radio-controlled devices. In addition, if you are assembling a drone with a “factory” model, then this can become a visual aid for studying the “filling” of the quad. But for those who are encountering such an assembly for the first time, there are two options:

A) Purchase the most inexpensive quadcopter model, which will not only serve as a model, but also whose parts you can borrow for your own copter;

B) Seek help from forums and specialized websites, where you can get all the information, and also read in detail about the step-by-step assembly of the copter, indicating the names of all the necessary parts.


Many people decide to assemble a quadcopter with the expectation that such a device will cost less than a purchased one. But here you should remember some features:

  • Of course, if your goal is to assemble a quad from available materials at minimal cost, then there will be no problems, since you can purchase all the components from the same price range. But here you need to understand that you will not be able to create a powerful device with a high load capacity.
  • If you rely on the characteristics of the quadcopter, and not on the simple ability to take off and soar in the air for several minutes, then here you are unlikely to achieve a significant difference between a purchased and a home-made copter. Although, of course, there will still be an opportunity to save 10-20% of the cost.

Self-assembly of a quad, hex or tricopter is an opportunity to try yourself as an engineer and mechanic, allowing you to create a unique model with the characteristics that are most relevant to you. But it’s still not worth holding out hopes that this is an easier and cheaper way than buying a ready-made device.

Details, assembly process, nuances

So, you have decided to create your first quadcopter. To begin with, it is best to turn to the experience of “experienced” designers. Here various forums, websites, and video “life hacks” will come to the rescue.

Any drone consists of two main parts - the mechanism itself that launches it, and the frame on which this “filling” is attached. In order for the copter to fly you need:

  • Flight controller;
  • Battery;
  • Motors and propellers that are attached to them;
  • Speed ​​controllers;
  • Servo wire to create a rotating mechanism;
  • As well as various consumables: screws, connectors, anti-vibration sponge, glue, elastic tape.

The frame can be cut from plywood or durable plastic; its shape largely determines the type of drone: whether it will be a tri-, quad-, or hexacopter. It consists of a main frame on which the controller and battery, and beams with motors are mounted, rotating mechanism and design for the speed controller. It is best if the beams are movable, especially if you are going to make a large quadcopter, then later there will be no problems with transportation.

Creating your own quadcopter is an opportunity to try yourself as an engineer and designer. The copter can be given the most different shapes, using both a ready-made frame and a homemade one, try to equip it with additional structures that will help carry various objects on board.

If the copter will be used for aerial photography, then care should be taken to have camera mounts. The load capacity of the device will depend on the power of the motors and the size of the propellers. This fact is especially important to consider when we are talking about heavy digital or semi-professional cameras.

The flight controller is configured via a PC, on which you first need to install a special program for MultiWii or Arduino, depending on the model of the purchased controller. And, of course, in order for you to control and receive a signal from your copter, you will need to purchase a radio transmitter, for example, DSM2.

Now on the Internet you can find several useful tutorials (all links are at the end of the article) on how to assemble a drone on a 250 frame yourself. But, while putting together my first quad using these articles, I ran into problems that were not covered in any way. Namely: I did not find a complete list of parts and additional equipment that I need, the price of a complete assembly, as well as some practical and theoretical issues. That is why it was decided to make this article as a summary of my personal experience and other people's experiences, to help newbies (like me) build their first drone as efficiently as possible.

Part 1 will be devoted to the selection of parts, equipment, assembly and connection of all components of the copter. The software side will be discussed in part 2.

Here's a quick report on what I got:

It is noticeable in the video that the drone’s legs disappeared during the flight, but more on that later

List of frequently asked questions:

IN: Isn’t it easier to buy a ready-made quad and fly?
ABOUT: Easier only if you don't intend to keep improving your drone and building others. That is, you just want to fly, and not rack your brains and waste valuable time. In any case, a store drone is easier to learn and easier to operate. As an alternative, I can suggest MJX Bugs 3. Review of it. Price from ~120$.

IN: Do I need to solder?
ABOUT: Yes need!

IN: Is it cheaper to assemble a quadric yourself than to buy it in a store?
ABOUT: No! I think this is a misconception. If you are a beginner, and since you are reading this article, most likely you are, then in addition to parts for the quadcopter, you will need a lot of other things. I am attaching the list below.

List to buy:

In order not to bother with the selection of main components, I see great alternative in purchasing ready set. Without wasting time selecting parts, you will get everything you need.

Everything you get is included. On the picture Not the connecting wires from the controller to the transmitter are shown

3) At least 2 additional sets of propellers (4 pieces included: 2 left, 2 right) ~0-100 rub.

Propellers really consumables on your first flights, so it’s better to take it with a reserve. Oddly enough, it’s more expensive to order from China, and the wait is long. Maximum diameter 5 inches. I bought .

Batteries from Aliexpress. Both failed. The second bank on the left failed, the third on the right.

Left: battery for radio remote control with JR connector (black head). Right: battery for powering the quadcopter

I strongly advise against purchasing batteries from China: both batteries I ordered failed, that is, they stopped producing the required voltage (one bank each failed). Yes, perhaps it’s a matter of chance, but there were no such problems with other batteries, and the savings were 150 rubles. not worth the risk.

Turnigy 9X with battery. Fits very tightly, the lid closes

10) Soldering iron of course.

Total cost ~11878 - 13217 rub.

If you're surprised by the list, it's worth noting that most of everything you buy will serve you more than once.

I also want to note that prices are constantly changing, so I cannot guarantee the minimum price for the links. I'm sure you can find it cheaper. I just shared sources that coincide with mine one to one.


Frame assembly

There is a possibility that the kit of parts will come to you without instructions for assembling the frame. That's how it was for me. If this happens, then we collect it from the picture or video. At this stage, you should not tighten all the screws to “combat mode”; you may have to disassemble the frame more than once. At this stage, there is no need to screw the upper part at all; without it, it is more convenient to work with the insides of the copter. Also, don’t forget about the washers that I wrote about above.

Don't forget about the washers. Of course, you don’t have a white plate - these are the very remains of 3D printed legs

Installation of motors

A very simple operation if you remember the directions of rotation of the motors. Decide where you will have the front. Motors with a black nut rotating clockwise are placed in the front left and rear right places.

Pay attention to the location of the engines

Engine mounting


Soldering the distribution board

So, you have already tried it on and decided how everything will be installed. Time to solder. When soldering the board The most important thing is to observe the polarity! It doesn’t matter where you solder the wires, it all depends on how you are going to install the board.

We solder the regulators and power wires. Maintain polarity. (My version)

We solder the regulators and power wires. Maintain polarity. (Another variant)

Solder the regulators to the motors

First of all, remove the standard red heat shrink from the regulators. In order for the motors to rotate in the direction we need, the regulators should be soldered to the motors like this:

Connecting regulators to motors

I think that you have a question: where to put the long wires from the regulators. They can be unsoldered and removed completely, or they can be cut to the desired length. The second method is preferable for beginners, since there is less chance of overheating the regulator when soldering.

Fully sealed standard regulator wires. I don’t recommend doing this, it’s better to just shorten the wires (don’t pay attention to the location of the wires, the picture is taken to show something else. Correct scheme above )

Solder the T-connector. Polarity is important!

We attach the power board and speed controllers

Time to strengthen. Remember that the frame of the copter conducts current, so the board must be insulated from it. I placed it on two layers of double-sided tape, tightened it at one end with a clamp, and then secured it with an elastic band.

We attach the board. Two layers of double-sided tape + clamp + rubber band

I hid the speed controllers in heat shrink, placed them on double-sided tape, tightened them with clamps and, to be sure, tightened them with an elastic band. Looks more than reliable

We attach the regulators. Heat shrink + double-sided tape + clamps + elastic band

We attach the flight controller and receiver

Double-sided tape and rubber bands come into play again. Again, the tighter you secure it, the better.

I have it done like this:

Fastening flight controller(1). Grass left after the crash

Attach the flight controller (2)

We attach the receiver. The end also sits on double-sided tape

Connecting everything with wires

Regulators for the flight controller

We have 3 wires from each of the regulators. You need to do the following: on three of the four regulators you need to pull out the red wire from the connector. You need to connect the wires to the controller in a certain order, this will be discussed in the next part.

On three of the four regulators you need to pull out the red wire from the connector

Receiver to flight controller

But here the order of connecting the wires to each channel is not important. You just need to connect the power wire correctly - the white wire is closer to the side with the sticker.

We connect the receiver to the flight controller. The power cord should be located white closer to the side with the sticker

Screw the top part of the frame and see what happens

I also added a "camera mount".

"Camera mount"


About falls and what to do while we are waiting for the parcel

Be prepared for some falls at first. And this: broken propellers, legs and camera in my case.

Broken legs

Broken camera. By the way, I advise you to additionally seal the connector with the flash drive with tape, there is a chance of loss if dropped

Here's a video from my very first flight.

The quadcopter is a radio-controlled flying platform with four equipped propellers. Such devices include a flying multi-rotor platform. In flight, the quadcopter occupies a horizontal position relative to the surface of the earth, is able to hover over a selected location, and moves to the sides, up and down. The presence of special additional equipment allows the quadcopter to carry out almost autonomous flights.

This device is equipped with four rotors that rotate diagonally in opposite directions. The rotors are controlled by a processor that reports data from three gyroscopes designed to determine and fix the position in space in all three planes. Thanks to the accelerometer, you can take a completely horizontal position. Fixing the quadcopter at the desired height is achieved by equipping it with a barometer. The device moves in space due to the fact that the rotation speed of one or another pair of motors changes. The quadcopter rolls and moves further.

First devices

This direction began to develop in 2006. Developers from Germany Ingo Busker and Holgen Buss created a quadcopter with their own hands. A huge community of passionate people gathered around him - RC modelers, programmers, designers. In mid-2007, quadcopters began to hover and move quite steadily in the air. Such devices differ from radio-controlled helicopters in a positive way due to their design flexibility and low cost. The equipment necessary for a quadcopter can be purchased, and then there is huge scope for creativity. In addition, in the event of a fall, repairing such a device is usually much cheaper than a radio-controlled helicopter.

How to assemble a quadcopter with your own hands: instructions

You can easily make the frame for the device yourself. This doesn't require a lot of materials. Among them is a piece of plywood 150 x 150 mm, square aluminum profile 14 x 14 mm. The beams can be screwed using screws along the diagonals of the square. Thin aluminum strip can be used to create a landing ski and holder for each beam from the center is 300mm long and each beam is 250mm long. Holes for the motors at the ends of the beams can be made after assembly, marking everything according to the motors.

RC quadcopter: list of required spare parts

  • Turnigy 9x hardware.
  • Control board.
  • Battery for equipment.
  • Power battery for the quadcopter itself.
  • Propellers.
  • Charging device.

Quadcopter assembly

First you need to install the control board, and try to place it as close to the center of the platform as possible. That is, it’s better to measure everything in advance so that later you don’t have any problems with balance and other issues. The holes are drilled through the previously installed plywood, directly into the ends of the aluminum beams. Long metal screws are used to screw the board directly to the beams. Speaking about how to assemble a quadcopter with your own hands, it should be noted that the beams should not be drilled through, since here the battery fits as tightly as possible to them.

A receiver must be installed in close proximity to the board. It can be secured with superglue. If the purpose of the channels on the receiver exactly matches those on the control board, then a simplified connection can be made for them using two three-wire cables.

Engine placement

If you are thinking about how to make a quadcopter with your own hands, then you need to mark the beams and drill holes for the engine. The distance from the edges to the axis of rotation must be exactly the same in all cases. The hole intended for the tail of the shaft, which sticks out from the bottom of the engine, must be drilled through the entire width of the square, which will allow you to see whether the shaft clings to its edges.

Disassembly with wiring

At this stage, it is time to perform the following operations. First, a “spider” is made from four speed controllers, and their power wires must be connected in parallel using special adapters. It should be used only in one place - where the battery is connected to the “spider”. Everything else needs to be soldered and then heat-shrinked, since various unexpected things can happen in flight due to vibration. Now you need to connect the driver signal wires in accordance with the ones on the control board.

Once everything is assembled, you can move on to testing and solving emerging problems.

Alternative option

The first thing to say to those who are interested in how to assemble a quadcopter with their own hands: you should not skimp on parts. There are a large number of firmware, sensor options, ready-made controllers, but our article will describe the option using Arduino Mega, MegaPirate firmware, as well as relatively cheap sensors.


To start, you will need 4 motors plus 1 spare. Propellers should also be taken with a reserve; there should be at least 2 standard and 2 reverse rotation. 4 speed controllers, plus several spares. You should not take one super-capacity battery as a power source, as it will only add excess weight device. It is best to choose several small ones to change them one by one. The frame should be as strong and light as possible. The option described above can be called quite suitable. As the brains and sensors of the device, you can use a programmable microcontroller, an AllInOne board, an accelerometer, a gyroscope, control valves, batteries, a charger, and much more. The latter should be understood as the required number of bolts, cogs, wires, and ties. You will also need tools for work, such as a soldering iron and accessories for working with it, a drill, as well as skillful hands.

Hardware assembly and configuration

If you have everything described above, then you can begin the processes of drilling, soldering and twisting. The frame can be made in the same way as described earlier, or you can use your imagination. But only one point is important here: make sure that the distance from the center to the ends of the rays is absolutely the same, while the propellers during rotation should not touch each other and the central part of the plywood, since all the sensors, brains, and also the camera are placed on it , if you wish. The sensors should be installed on thick tape, rubber or silicone to reduce vibration. In the middle or at the ends of the beams, you can attach foam, dense foam rubber or rubber beacons, which will take over the functions of the landing gear at the moment of landing.

Sensors and ways to get them

The simplest option is to purchase a ready-made board with four main sensors: a gyroscope designed to measure angular acceleration; an accelerometer to measure gravity and acceleration; a barometer that determines the altitude and keeps the quadcopter at it; a magnetometer that records the direction of movement.

At the moment, you can also find boards on sale that, in addition to the four indicated sensors, also have a GPS receiver, which is actively used for autonomous flights.

Brain Assembly

To make the installation process as convenient as possible, it is worth placing everything on some kind of board that performs the functions of a prototype. The connection pinout depends on the type of firmware that was current at the time the device was assembled, so in each individual case everything should be connected in accordance with the instructions.

Firmware setup and download

Finding the required firmware is not difficult at the moment, so you should download the appropriate archive and unpack it. After the firmware has been successfully loaded into the Arduino, you can download the setup program, and then close pin A5 to GND. When the program is launched, select the Arduino COM port from the Option menu, and AC2 Setup from the Action menu. It is important that the setup of the quadcopter is successful, and for this you need to strictly follow the instructions that will appear in front of you after pressing the huge button. In one window you will be required to move the knobs on the remote control to the maximum and minimum values, and in the other window you will be asked to make sure that the device is level in order to correctly calibrate the sensors.

Further work

Quadcopter control is configured after calibration. After you complete the setup, A5 with GND can be opened, and then in the menu find the AC2 Sensor item, where you can check if the sensors are working correctly in the Raw Sensor tab. Each rotation of the board with sensors must be processed as clearly as possible, that is, as it is turned, the arrow becomes, if it does not reach or exceeds the desired value, then you have problems either with the sensor or with the coefficients in the code.

You also need to check the operation of the receiver. This is done in the next tab. If the movement of the levels is correct, then when you move the throttle joystick down to the right for 2 seconds, the red LED should light up. When the same manipulator moves slowly upward, approximately the same level deviation should occur in the left column.


When everything has passed the test, you can attach the propellers and then try to take off. To do this, you should place the quadcopter away from you, tilt the left stick down and to the right, and then slowly add gas. If the device takes off, that's very good, but if it shakes, you'll have to adjust the PID. This is done in the PID Config item. This is all done individually in each situation, that is, there is no universal solution. Now you know how to assemble a quadcopter with your own hands.