Your own pond with your own hands. How to create an artificial lake. Selection of sizes and materials

If at your dacha there is very picturesque area and is quite large in size, but there is no body of water on it, and you really want to have one, then you can easily create it yourself artificial lake. It will be the way you want, and you can not only choose the decorations yourself, but also decide what the shape and depth should be. Artificial gardening is, of course, not an easy task, but it is quite doable and not as expensive as many people think.

Scheme of an artificial reservoir.

The amount of money spent depends on the size of the lake. To create it with your own hands, you will need the following materials and tools; only after preparing everything you need, you can start working.

Materials and tools

Do-it-yourself diagram of a pond at the dacha.

  • geotextiles must be purchased with the condition that it will be covered in two layers and extend beyond the border of the lake by about 70-80 cm;
  • geomembrane, covered in one layer, but must also extend beyond the boundaries of the lake by at least 80 cm;
  • sand;
  • clay;
  • welding machine or construction hair dryer, for connecting geomembrane joints;
  • shovel;
  • decorative finishing (cobblestones, decorative stones, etc.);
  • plants and algae, provided that you planned to plant them in the lake;
  • pebbles, coarse sand.

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Step-by-step work on building an artificial lake with your own hands at the dacha

First of all, you need to dig a pit. You must determine its dimensions, taking into account the free area of ​​the site. It is better to choose a place for the lake with the condition that it is sanctified only in the morning, until about 11, and then until 3 o’clock in the afternoon it is in partial shade.

If the lake is heated by the sun all day, you will have to clean it of algae too often.

We highlight the following stages:

Pond structure diagram.

  • There should be no trees near the lake, whose roots could “drink up” the lake. It is best if they are located at a distance equal to the height of their trunk. For safety, the pond must be visible from at least one window of the house;
  • the next step is to determine the depth and shape of the lake. If the lake is not planned to be too wide and deep, then you can dig it yourself with a regular shovel in just a few days. And if you have helpers, you can do it in a day;
  • If the width and depth are large, it is worth hiring equipment to dig a pit; this will save you a lot of effort and time. The most important thing is that there is convenient access for equipment, and this does not in any way damage the plantings and buildings located at the dacha. But no matter how you do it, you need to follow certain rules. For example, the angle of the lake slope should not be more than 30 degrees, otherwise you are in danger of shifting the soil. If the depth is sufficiently large, when forming a relief, you should prefer a stepped method;
  • the depth should be determined by what the lake will be used for, so to launch fish into it, the depth should be greater than if you were using it only for swimming;
  • then you need to carefully clean the bottom of all unnecessary objects. Then lay a layer of clay on the bottom, the thickness of which can vary from 15 to 30 cm. A sand cushion is placed on the clay layer for reliability, the thickness of which should be approximately 10-20 cm;

  • After this, you can begin laying the film. The amount of film you need to purchase is easy to calculate yourself. To do this, you need to use two simple formulas;
  • the length of the film should be equal to the length of the lake, to this you need to add double the depth and add one m. The width is calculated in the same way. First, a layer of geotextile is lined on the bottom, then a layer of geomembrane and again a final layer of geotextile;
  • We must not forget that the joints of the geomembrane must be connected welding machine or in any other way available to you. It is best to work with these materials in sunny days When heated, they become more plastic. It is also worth saying that they are absolutely environmentally friendly and harmless to future inhabitants of the pond.

Give the landscape suburban area completeness, a decorative artificial lake created with your own hands will help make it attractive and cozy. Admiring the surface of the water, it will be pleasant to relax after a hectic day and enjoy the coolness in the summer heat. If desired, anyone can build and decorate a man-made country pond. An exciting activity will bring pleasure and benefit the family, and fatigue will be pleasant if you approach the matter creatively.

Where to start building a reservoir

Before you make an artificial lake with your own hands, you need to choose for it appropriate place. It is better to place a decorative pond in a shaded corner without large quantity trees - direct sunlight deteriorates the quality of water, and falling leaves pollute it and complicate maintenance.

It is also important to decide on the shape and size of the future lake. Its parameters depend on the features garden landscape and owner preferences. Designers do not recommend occupying a reservoir with more than 10% of the total area of ​​the site.

The depth can be any. However, it is important to take into account that to decorate the lake with lilies and lotuses you will need at least 60 cm. To keep the fish, it is necessary to provide a bottom recess for their wintering below the freezing level of the soil (approximately 1.5 m from the surface).

As for the configuration, with proper decor, both strict geometric shapes that complement the garden architecture and fancy curves that imitate a natural reservoir will look equally successful.

Methods for creating a lake bowl

There are several technologies for constructing reservoirs for decorative lakes. They differ in both cost and complexity of implementation. The most common:

  • production of monolithic concrete bowl;
  • PVC film coating;
  • installation of a polypropylene container.

Monolithic concrete tank

Decorative ponds made of concrete are considered the most reliable, durable and durable. However, their arrangement is quite expensive and takes a lot of time. Cope with the construction of a large lake without special equipment and the services of professionals are unlikely to succeed.

Creating a bowl for a decorative lake is carried out in several stages:

  1. Using a hose or pegs with a rope, outline the outlines of the future reservoir. They dig a pit 20 cm larger than the desired parameters. The walls of the tank should deviate vertically at an angle of 45 degrees, that is, expand upward. This form is resistant to the pressure of the water mass and counteracts soil subsidence.
  2. When constructing a pit, terraces are laid out on its bottom and walls - ledges for plants. The bottom is covered in layers with layers of gravel (10 cm) and sand (20 cm) and, well moistened with water, compacted tightly. The base is overlapped with sheets of roofing material.
  3. The bottom and walls of the pit are reinforced with a mesh of reinforcing rods tied with wire. Bars or bricks are placed under the mesh so that it is inside the concrete layer. The reinforcement is fixed with formwork made of painted wooden boards or laminated plywood.
  4. Fill the bottom and walls concrete mixture creamy consistency. Experts recommend using hydraulic cement or regular cement with a marking of at least M500 for the reservoir. The solution is prepared from a mixture of 1 part cement, 3 parts river or ravine sand and 5 parts fine expanded clay or gravel.
  5. After the bowl has hardened (usually 2-3 days are enough for this), dust and debris are removed from its surface and treated liquid glass or other waterproofing solution.

Bowl made of PVC film or ready-made mold

The task can be simplified by lining the bottom of the lake with polyvinyl chloride film or butyl rubber membrane or installing a cast polypropylene container. In this case, there is no need to concrete the walls of the future reservoir.

The construction sequence is as follows:

  1. After marking the form, they dig a pit with ledges. The bottom and side terraces are covered with 10–15 cm of wet sand, compacted and covered with geotextiles. For reliability (especially if the lake is large), you can place several reinforcement bars on the bottom and fill it with concrete.
  2. A polypropylene container is installed in the finished pit or covered with a polymer film without tension. The film at the edge of the reservoir is securely fixed with cobblestones. The lake is gradually filled with water.
  3. Space between bowl and walls plastic mold covered with a mixture of soil and sand and compacted. The edges of the film coating are carefully trimmed and masked with stones.

Design of an artificial reservoir

After constructing the bowl, you can begin the most exciting stage of the work - decorating the reservoir. Space for implementation original ideas almost limitless. However for harmonious composition It is important to think through every detail. It’s easy to turn a photo of a decorative lake into a design plan with your own hands, dividing it into zones with a marker and marking places for decorative elements and plants.

Stones and decorative accessories

Large sea pebbles will look neat and attractive at the bottom of a shallow artificial lake. The edge of the reservoir can be decorated with cobblestones, large stones of volcanic rocks: diorite, gabbro, perlite, tuff and others.

It’s easy to build a beautiful waterfall from a pyramid of flat stones near the shore. To do this, they install at the bottom of the lake submersible pump with a flexible pipe and arrange the source in a stone cascade. You can place an old ceramic jug near the pond by threading the end of the hose connected to the pump through the hole in its bottom. An elegant stream will look original.

The coastal landscape will be decorated with ceramic or plaster figurines, several interesting figurines or a small decorative fountain. An elegant bench, a miniature bridge, paths-streams made of stones and evening lighting will successfully complement the composition and give it completeness.

Decorating a garden lake with plants

Landscaping can begin no earlier than two weeks after the construction of the reservoir. During this time, a biological balance will be established in the water. To speed up the process, you can add several buckets of water from a real pond to the bowl.

To select plants correctly, the area with the decorative lake is divided into two zones: water and coastal. It is advisable to use perennial flowers and herbs that are weather-resistant and do not require complex care. It is important that they are mutually combined and fit harmoniously into the composition in size, shape and color scheme.

At the bottom and lower terraces of the reservoir, it is useful to place several ceramic or mesh containers with oxygenating algae: bladderwort, vallisneria, hornwort, urutia. By producing active oxygen, they improve water quality and absorb bacteria.

The water surface will be decorated with several charming lotuses, cute water lilies or elegant aponogetons. Velvety islands of pondweed, duckweed and watercolor will complement the picture.

In the lakeside zone, the following species will take root well: pinnate aruncus, holly calamus, brook gravylate, waxy orontium and hosta. A little further, the shore can be decorated with flowering islands of buttercups, forget-me-nots, and delicate clumps of loosestrife and noble frogwort.

Bright garden daylilies, juicy irises and fragrant hyacinth candles will add elegant multi-color accents. Emerald thickets of ferns, tradescantia and cyperus will serve as a good background. Space decorative stones will be filled with picturesque streams of ground cover: ozorella, saxifrage, thyme and sedum.

Do not clutter the composition with too many details. It is enough to make a few decorative accents. The reward for your efforts and creativity will be a delightful garden corner for family relaxation.

Do not place the decorative lake in close proximity to trees, otherwise leaves will clog the water, and large roots may disrupt the waterproofing. Once you have found a place, decide what shape and depth your pond will be. If this is just an element of landscape design, then a depth of one meter is enough, and if you want to have fish, then at least two.

Container or film?

To create an artificial reservoir with your own hands, you can use both special containers and film. A pallet for an artificial lake in the garden can be purchased for 700-3000 UAH, and 8x10 m film - from 2000 UAH. The disadvantage of the first option is that the pallets are small in volume and can crack in winter, but the advantage is that they are easy to install. After all, you just need to dig a pit, compact the walls and bottom and install the container.

Our advice:

It is not necessary to remove the soil remaining after digging a hole for a lake in the garden; it can be used to arrange a flower bed.

A little about the shape of the reservoir

Pond containers are made of plastic or rubber. When purchasing such a product, it is important to ensure that it is made from quality material. Cheap plastic will quickly crack when exposed to sunlight and temperature changes.

Cellophane bottom

To make a lake at your dacha with your own hands using a special film, dig a hole, compact the bottom and walls. For a home lake in an irregularly shaped yard, lay a rope on the ground in the desired configuration; for a square or rectangular one, drive in pegs at the desired distance. Then dig a hole and fill it with drainage (sand or crushed stone). Line the walls with felt - it will protect the film from various damages. Spread it so that it protrudes beyond the edges of the pond by half a meter, press it down with stones. Smooth and level the coating and secure its edges tightly. To do this, dig a groove 15-20 cm deep around the perimeter of the pond, roll the edge of the film into it and cover it with earth and stones.

Filling and cleaning the lake

Fill the pond with ordinary water, and to speed up its colonization with beneficial microorganisms, add one hundred liters of water from a natural lake to the filled pond. In any case, over time your pond will begin to bloom and turn green. It needs to be cleaned when it gets dirty. To do this, use nets that are harmless to people and the inhabitants of the home lake in the garden. chemicals, special filters and ultraviolet lamps.

Our advice:

You can also fight water blooms with peat: just place a small bag filled with it in the pond. And change the water once a year - but no more than 15% of the total volume.

Choosing flowers and herbs

You can plant water lilies, duckweed, lotus, reeds, and cattails in the pond. To do this, use special mesh containers with soil. Air passes through them unhindered, minerals are not washed out, and the roots grow well. Place containers with plants on the bottom or on the steps of a pond among stones.

As for living creatures, then best choice will become crucian carp or perch, since they are not demanding in care and will find their own food.

And on the other side...

You can set up a small beach near the decorative lake. Cover it with flat stones, small pebbles or fill it with river sand. Plant any shrubs and plants on the shore: sedge, grass and meadow flowers. A pond in the garden can be decorated with a decorative bridge, and sculptures can be installed around the pond, which are sold in special departments of hardware stores.

Streams flow

An excellent solution would be to create an artificial stream, fountain or even a small waterfall in a pond. To do this, just connect the hose, install a stylized tap and pump. For a waterfall, you can buy a ready-made form or lay it out of cobblestones yourself. Pump design It’s better to hide it under stones so that the hoses don’t get damaged appearance decorative lake.


A pond on your site solves several problems at once. Besides attractive looking, such a lake humidifies the air and allows you to significantly diversify landscape design. If you are unlucky and there is no natural reservoir on your site, do not rush to get upset. Today, if you wish, you can create an artificial lake with your own hands or with the help of specialists.

Implementing the idea of ​​a pond or lake in the country, and even with your own hands, is at first frightening and seems impossible. But it only seems. Having drawn up a plan and thought through all the details, you will understand that creating a reservoir is quite possible. Let's take a closer look at the process.

Artificial lake at the dacha

So, the decision has been made - we will create a lake on our site. But what will our lake be like - as close as possible to a natural reservoir or more modern, with rectangular outlines? Where is it better to build it - in a shady garden at the dacha or on the lawn near the house? Let's try to figure it out.

Choosing a style for an artificial lake at your dacha must be based on the general concept of the landscape and architectural design country house. Pay attention to landscape elements. For a harmonious combination of an artificial lake with the general concept, you can decorate the lake area in the desired style or make the paths to it the same as throughout the entire site.

If you have determined a place for a lake in the depths of the garden, then smoothly arrange the shoreline and plant various ornamental plants along the shore, which will fit perfectly with the landscape. The main thing when the lake is located in the depths of the site is its landscape component. It can be more restrained, for example, in Japanese style- stones of various sizes and coniferous trees, or in Chinese - a curved bridge combined with lush vegetation, and it is imperative to create an emphasis on one element, for example, a tree with bright foliage.

If it is preferable to locate the lake on the site, next to the house, then it would be more correct to choose a formal pond, with rectangular outlines. A square or rectangular lake will advantageously emphasize the lines of the house. It is better to compare the design style with the style of the veranda or patio.

The bridge located above it can give the lake an original look. You can see interesting ideas with bridges in our photos or on the Internet. You can build such a structure with your own hands or buy a ready-made one.

A formal pond can also be round in shape, making it a great addition to a yard seating area next to a rounded tent or patio. Or it will complement an open lawn framed by pergolas with its presence. By the way, creating a round lake with your own hands is much easier than any other.

The choice of location for creating an artificial lake on the site, unfortunately, is limited not only aesthetic factors, but also for practical reasons. It is necessary to choose a place on the site where during the day there will be the necessary balance between shadow and direct sunlight. This will prevent the creation of such a phenomenon as an active “bloom” of green algae. The lake should be in the sun for about five hours a day; it is not recommended to create a lake under trees - leaves falling from them will clog the pond.

Selection of sizes and materials

As for the size of the lake, then, as they say, “who knows what”. But it should be noted that ideally, the reservoir should occupy no more than three percent of the site area. And one more thing - the smaller the lake, the easier it is to make it yourself.

Now it’s time to think about what materials we need to create a lake in our dacha. The most expensive, but also the most thorough option is to build a lake on a concrete base. To do this, you need to build formwork and make an armored belt. More a budget option- use of a ready-made plastic base.

For example, like the one in the photo:

How to make a lake on a plastic base

And the simplest and cheap way construction on the site of a reservoir with your own hands - the use of moisture-resistant film, with the help of which the bottom of the lake is laid out. Let's look at a couple of methods in more detail.

Lake creation technology

One way to build a lake on your own site is to buy or find a container required sizes and bury it in the ground. Almost anything can be suitable for these purposes, even a plastic basin or an old cast iron bath, lying around at the dacha; Or you can buy a special pool.

The advantage of this method is that water will not be absorbed into the soil. A polyethylene base for the bottom of a reservoir is a more affordable and popular material, and the DIY installation technology will not cause any particular difficulties, let’s take a closer look.

Initially, you need to draw a plan of the future lake to scale, taking into account the width and depth of the shelves for plants, including the decoration of the lake in the sketch. Then mark directly on the ground. An example of how to mark correctly is shown in the photo.

Marking the area for the lake and how to mark it

  1. Now dig a pit, using a water level as you go. The process of digging a pit for a lake itself is quite difficult, so it is better to use a mini-excavator.
  2. After the pit is ready, you need to measure it and, adding 50 centimeters to the dimensions around the perimeter, buy a film.
  3. We line the pit with purchased moisture-resistant film, having previously laid geotextiles, linoleum or roofing felt under it.
  4. To secure the film and arrange the edge of the lake, we dig a trench around the perimeter and lay the edges of the film in it, cover it with crushed stone - the film is fixed.
  5. The edge of the lake can be laid out natural stone and decorate with large boulders.
  6. The bottom of the lake needs to be filled with stones, and plants should be planted along the shore, either in the ground or in containers.
  7. Fill in the water and the lake is ready.
  8. To prevent stagnant formations, it is necessary to equip the lake pumping equipment and make a stream for constant water circulation.

Agree that making a personal pond with your own hands is not so difficult, and as a result you will get a wonderful place for reflection and relaxation at your dacha for the whole family. Go for it, and you will succeed!

Hello dear readers! Now I’ll tell you about what lakes are and about their main types.

– these are natural bodies of water in the depressions of the land (basins), filled within the lake bowl (lake bed) with a heterogeneous water mass.

Lack of direct connection with the World typical for lakes. The area occupied by the lakes is about 2.1 million km 2 or almost 1.4% of the land area, which is almost seven times larger than the surface of the largest lake in the world - the Caspian Sea (424,300 km 2).

Lakes are distributed unevenly: in the north there are especially many of them - in the forest zone and tundra; lakes are less common in the south, in the desert and steppe.

Types of lakes.

Lakes can have different origins. Geographers classify lakes according to the presence of life, salt content and the method of their formation. There is no life only in the saltiest lakes. Most lakes were formed due to volcanic eruptions or movements.

Lakes can also form in depressions that arose as a result of the uneven distribution of glaciers in areas of continental icing. (moraine and glacial lakes); when ice melts in subsidence holes (thermokarst lakes); in caster abysses and craters (fire lakes); in valleys blocked by a landslide, glacier or displacement (volcanic lakes of Java, Kuril Islands, etc.), by applying mule or sand (estuary lakes of the Crimean Peninsula).

Many lakes were created by people. These lakes are called reservoirs because they contain a reserve of water for hydroelectric power plants and other economic needs.

Let's take a closer look at the main types of lakes:

Tectonic lakes. These lakes are the most interesting. They arise in places of tectonic faults, as a rule, they are very deep and have an elongated shape.

The deepest lake in the world is Baikal (maximum depth - 1620 m, average - 730 m), tectonic in origin. It arose as a result of a break in a block of the earth's crust, as a result of which a depression filled with water appeared.

Due to this, the water mass of lakes is formed. Sometimes sea water, which in the geological past filled the basin, is replaced by fresh water. These are the so-called relict lakes, including Lake Onega, Lake Ladoga and the Aral and Caspian seas.

The reasons for the formation of the Caspian Sea (the largest lake on Earth) are faults and folds due to the movement of the earth's crust.

In the depression between the Mangyshlak plateau in the East and the Caucasus Mountains in the West, the Caspian Sea is located. Its size has changed constantly over the past few million years.

The Caspian Sea was connected to the Black Sea before the Caucasus Range rose.

Another example of a huge fault is the East African Rift System. It is filled with a chain of lakes and extends from South-East Africa to North to South-West Africa. The most famous lakes of this system are Nyasa (Malawi), Albert, Tanganyika, Edward.

On the territory of Israel, but the same system belongs to the lowest lake in the world - the Dead Sea (-399 m, below sea level).

Also lakes can be sewage(they flow from them, or their flow may be underground) and drainless(they have no drainage, they are mainly located in deserts and semi-deserts).

The endorheic Lake Chany is very interesting; it is prone to sudden changes in its boundaries, depending on fluctuations in annual or seasonal precipitation. Lakes that are nomadic include: Chad, Lop Nor and Eyre.

The hydrological and thermal regimes of lakes are not as pronounced as those of rivers, due to the large volume of water.

During periods of floods and high waters, lakes do not experience such impressive water rises, and freeze-up and ice drift occur more slowly than in rivers. But there are strong winds on the lakes, including seiches.

Freshwater lakes They are fed by rainwater, streams and rivers, but the minerals and soils that wash off the banks gradually accumulate with a limited supply of fresh water. The fresh water evaporates, leaving the mineral-rich brine solution in the lake.

Salt lakes. To one degree or another, drainless lakes are mineralized; salts accumulate in them (from 1 to 24.7% are brackish lakes, and from 24.7 to 47% are salty), which are found even in fresh water their tributaries.

There are also mineral lakes (they contain more than 47% of salts), including flowing ones, they are formed due to the flow of mineralized waters from the depths of the Earth. Salts from them may precipitate.

The Aral and Caspian seas are salt lakes. The Aral Sea was the fourth largest lake in the world, but after the rivers that fed it were changed, it began to dry up.

The area of ​​the sea decreased from 77,451 km 2 to 40,000 km 2, and this gives reason to talk about the gradual death of the lake.

The Dead Sea is the saltiest lake. It is located in the Jordan Valley between Jordan and Israel. Its water is 9 times saltier than ocean water. As a result of this, the density of water is so high that you can relax and calmly lie on its surface, like on a bed and read a newspaper.

Volcanic lakes. A water-filled volcano crater is the most common form of volcanic lake.

Crater Lake in Mount Mazama Crater, Oregon () – one example of this type of lake. This lake has a diameter of 10 km and a depth of 598 m, and was formed 6600 years ago.

Some lakes were formed when volcanic valleys were blocked by lava flows and water accumulated in them. Lake Kivu is an example, a depression in the East African Rift System on the border of Rwanda and Zaire.

Once flowing from Lake Tanganyika, the Ruzizi River flowed through the Kivu Valley north to the Nile, but after the eruption of a nearby volcano, which blocked the river bed, its waters filled the depression.

In the northern hemisphere, the most common lakes are those that were created by glaciers during the last ice age. This is how the lakes of the Italian Alps, about 60,000 Finnish lakes and most British lakes were formed.

After themselves, the glaciers left deep depressions in which accumulated warm water. Moraine (glacial deposits) dammed the depressions, forming lakes. An example is the reservoirs of the Lake District in the North of England.

Lakes can also form underground, in the voids of limestone rocks. The water dissolves the limestone, creating huge caves filled with water. Such lakes can form in areas of underground salt deposits.

Artificial lakes. The most famous example of artificial lakes is reservoirs. Among the largest are Lake Mead in the USA, which appeared after the Colorado River was dammed, and Lake Nasser on the border of Sudan and Egypt, which was created by damming the Nile Valley.

All of them serve hydroelectric power stations. Also, many artificial lakes exist for industrial use and to provide water to large populated areas. Another example of artificial lakes are decorative small lakes created in parks or just in your own yard.

Such lakes serve as decoration, an outdoor aquarium for fish, and simply a place for birds to take a bath :)

These were the main types of lakes, I hope this information will be useful to you 🙂

The largest lakes in the world


Area thousand km 2

Caspian Sea (Asia – Europe), salty 371*
Upper (USA – Canada) 82,1
Victoria (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda) 69,4
Huron (USA – Canada) 59,6
Michigan (USA) 57,8
Aral Sea (Kazakhstan – Uzbekistan), salty 36,5*
Tanganyika (DRC, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia) 32,9
Baikal (Russia) 31,5
Great Bear (Canada) 31,3
Nyasa (Malawi, Tanzania, Mozambique) 29,0
Great Slave (Canada) 28,5
Erie (USA – Canada) 26,5
Winnipeg (Canada) 24,3
Balkhash (Kazakhstan), salted 22,0*
Ontario (USA – Canada) 19,7
Ladozhskoe (Russia) 17,7
Chad (Niger, Chad, Cameroon, Nigeria), brackish 16,3*
Maracaibo (Venezuela) 13,5
Onega (Russia) 9,7
Air (Australia), salted 9,3*
Volta (Ghana) 8,5
Titicaca (Peru – Bolivia) 8,3
Nicaragua (Nicaragua) 8,0
Athabasca (Canada) 8,0
Deer (Canada) 6,7
Rudolph (Kenya – Ethiopia), salted 6,5
Issek-Kul (Kyrgyzstan), salty 6,2
Kokunor (Qinghai) (China), salted 5,7*
Torrens (Australia), salty 5,7*
Vänern (Sweden) 5,7
Albert (DRC – Uganda) 5,6
Nettiling (Canada) 5,4
Vinipegosis (Canada) 5,39
Kariba (Zambia – Zimbabwe) 5,31
Nipigon (Canada) 4,9
Gardner (Australia), salted 4,77*
Urmia (Iran), salted 4,69
Manitoba (Canada) 4,66
Lesnoye (USA – Canada) 4,47

* Unstable area