Baths with pine needles. Pine-salt baths for infants, how to prepare

It would seem, why do we need pine baths for children? Herbs like string or calendula or special baby foam are enough for the baby. Many parents see pine needles as an allergen and irritant. However, this is not the case.

Why are pine baths needed?

Coniferous baths for children have therapeutic purpose and, as a rule, are prescribed by a doctor, but such bathing can also be used as a preventive measure. It will strengthen the baby’s health and increase his immunity. In addition, do not forget that pine needles are the most best medicine from lung diseases, so if the baby has asthma, cough or other problems, then such baths will come in handy.

Spruce and pine baths are also wonderfully soothing. Therefore, they are prescribed to hyperactive children, as well as to children susceptible to stress, overly excited, suspicious and anxious children.

But even on this beneficial features The “prickly” bathing doesn’t end there. They are prescribed for rickets, low body weight, and insomnia. Needles have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, stabilize metabolic processes in the body, cleanse toxins, removing them through sweat.

A special advantage of spruce baths is that they have almost no contraindications, with the exception of infrequent allergic reactions.

To summarize, we can say that pine bathing has an extremely positive effect on the child’s body:

  • help the baby relax and prepare for sleep;
  • calm the child down after the vivid impressions he has experienced during the day;
  • promote sound healthy sleep;
  • eliminate respiratory tract problems;
  • are the prevention of rickets;
  • cleanse the body and improve metabolism.

At what age can you bathe a child in a pine bath?

Spruce bathing can only be done after the baby is six months old, although doctors most often prescribe such procedures from the age of one.

Under no circumstances should pine baths be given to newborns (up to 1 month), as their skin is too sensitive.

Before starting a course of such bathing, you should consult a doctor and undergo a short allergy test. By the way, it is believed that a pine bath is more dangerous for infants (in terms of allergies) than for “artificial” baths.

What are pine baths made from?

To prepare pine bathing, you can use one of the following ingredients:

  • extract (concentrate);
  • balm;
  • infusion (from fresh or dried needles);
  • powder;
  • tablet.

Each product has beneficial properties. The easiest way is to add a concentrate or extract to the bath. You will have to tinker with decoctions or infusions, but you will know for sure whether the raw materials from which they are prepared are of high quality.

There are two ways to make a bath from dry or fresh needles.

First way

Take a canvas bag, nylon stocking or gauze pocket. Place a handful of dry pine needles inside and tie the bag to the tap. Turn on the water. As the water flows through the needles, it will be saturated with the beneficial properties of the needles.

Second way

You can prepare an infusion. To do this, place 5 tablespoons of chopped needles and twigs of spruce or pine in a thermos and pour two glasses of boiling water. Let it sit for several hours and then pour it into the bath.

This amount of infusion is suitable for a small children’s bath; for an adult bath (if you are bathing a baby in it), you need to increase the volume by 5-6 times.

Types of coniferous baths

Doctors prescribe three types of pine needle baths for young children:

  • pure pine bath;
  • pine-salt baths;
  • pine-herbal baths.

Pine bath

As mentioned above, pine baths for children can be prepared from different ingredients - each parent chooses what is most convenient. As for dosages, they are different for each type of raw material.

  • About 3-5 liters of decoction is required for a large bath, 0.5-1 liter is enough for a small one.
  • Spruce extract should be taken in a dosage of 2 ml per 10 liters of water.
  • ½ tablet is enough for a small bath, 1 tablet for a large one.

Pine-salt bath

Pine-salt baths are especially useful, as they combine the strength and benefits of two powerful means- pine needles and salt. Such bathing has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, strengthens muscles, accelerates physical development, and has a positive effect on the skeletal system. For rickets, it is also better to use pine needles in combination with salt for bathing. You can alternate: one day bathe with pine needles, the other – with salt.

To prepare a bath, it is better to use natural sea salt (you can buy special baby salt in bags at the pharmacy). You need to take the ingredients for such bathing in the proportion of 100 grams of salt per 10 liters of water (for starters, you can try taking 50 grams per 10 liters). The extract is added in the same way as in a pure pine bath.

Coniferous-herbal bathing

You can combine spruce and pine mixtures with any herbs, but it is better to consult with a specialist first.

  • Pine needles in combination with valerian will calm and relax the baby, setting him up for sleep.
  • A collection with mint is perfect for girls.
  • Collection with St. John's wort - recommended for boys.
  • In combination with fennel, pine needles can relieve discomfort and spasms.
  • Collecting motherwort will relieve your child from insomnia.

For infants, it is preferable to make complex baths based on pine needles.

Rules for taking a pine bath

  1. The first rule before any bath is: make sure that the baby is in the mood for a bath. If he is sick, lethargic or capricious, postpone water treatments until the next day.
  2. The water temperature should not be more than 35-36 degrees.
  3. You should take baths with spruce or pine in the evening, before bed (before the last feeding, if the bath is for a baby).
  4. Before starting the procedure, it is important to bring the baby into a calm, relaxed state. To do this, you can use discs with lullabies and relaxation sounds, quiet songs, dim lights, and light massage.
  5. You need to take baths with pine needles every other day for a month. Afterwards you should take a break.
  6. A pine bath is not a place for games. This is a therapeutic (or prophylactic) procedure. You can take it no more than 10 minutes.
  7. If the baby begins to act up, the procedure should be stopped immediately.
  8. Do not allow your baby to swallow bath water.
  9. If you take baths with pine needles for prevention, it is better to alternate them with others: herbal, salt, pearl.
  10. If you collect pine needles for baths yourself, do it in an ecologically clean area away from highways, airports and cities. It is better to buy the extract at the pharmacy.


Pine baths are very useful for both young children (including infants) and older children. You can use extract, concentrate, fresh pine needles or special tablets to prepare a bath.

Pine-salt baths are useful for rickets and muscle hypotonicity. Pure conifers are prescribed for disorders of the nervous system and respiratory tract diseases. In addition, pine needle extract can be enriched by combining it with decoctions and extracts of other herbs.

A bath with the addition of pine needles is different not only pleasant aroma, but also with a therapeutic effect. Its effect is associated with essential oils released from the pine substrate during procedures. In addition, such a bath contains a lot of vitamins, mineral salts, microelements, as well as tannins.


A bath with pine needles, if prepared correctly, is beneficial for the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as the nervous system.

This bath has many effects:

  • it perfectly calms the nerves;
  • helps cope with colds;
  • promotes faster elimination of toxins;
  • stabilizes metabolism;
  • useful for general health;
  • to acquire a slim figure;
  • activates the function of many internal organs;
  • eliminates fatigue;
  • improves sleep;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, for example, procedures soften, smooth, and tone it;
  • due to the positive effect on blood vessels, these baths can be used for thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, as well as for hypertension;
  • useful for joint pathologies;
  • for faster wound healing.

If you make a bath based on pine concentrate, then due to the high content of pine oil in it, such a bath will have a particularly pronounced effect on the nervous system and lungs.


Among the indications for baths with the addition of pine needles, diseases of the nervous system come first. These baths are prescribed for neurasthenia, neurosis, insomnia, sciatica, fatigue, VSD, depression, irritability, asthenia.

In addition, a pine bath will be beneficial for overweight, rheumatism, inflammation of the joints, asthma, gout, diseases of the respiratory system, inflammation of the bladder or kidneys, skin damage, ulcers, frostbite, chronic gynecological diseases, eczema, early stages of hypertension. It will help relieve spasms in the gastrointestinal tract, and is also recommended for children to prevent malnutrition and rickets. Useful course pine baths people who have recently suffered a serious illness and are undergoing rehabilitation.


Contraindications to this type of bath are cancer and atherosclerosis. Even if you do not have these contraindications, you should consult your doctor before taking baths with the addition of pine needles.


To prepare this option medicinal bath, you can use different types raw materials. This can be pine balsam, concentrate or extract, special briquettes or tablets. Coniferous mixtures, which are crushed branches, cones and needles, are also used for baths.

If you are making a pine bath with tablets or briquettes, First, collect about two hundred liters of water with a temperature of 35 to 37 degrees Celsius. Next, add two tablets containing pine needle extract or pine briquette (60-80 grams) to the water. After mixing the water well, you can begin the procedure. If you have chosen a liquid balm as the basis for the procedure, then add it to the water in an amount of approximately 100 ml.

Preparing a bath based on a natural collection requires a little more effort, but is more natural, and therefore has a better effect. To prepare the concentrate, pour approximately 1 kg of pine needles with 7-8 liters of water, then boil for thirty minutes and leave to infuse for 10 hours. You can prepare this decoction in the morning and take a bath with it in the evening. To do this, the pine needles are filtered out, and the resulting infusion is poured into a bathtub filled with water.

How to take pine baths

Immerse yourself in the bath so that the area of ​​your chest and heart remains uncovered.

Before taking a bath, cleanse your body by taking a shower. The procedure itself should last up to 15 minutes, but you should always take into account your well-being. The water temperature should not be higher than +37 degrees. At the end of such a bath, it is advisable to take a cool shower and go to bed, so it is usually recommended to perform water procedures with pine needles at night.

If you conduct pine baths as a course, it often includes 10-15 sessions, performed every other day or daily. This course can be repeated once every 6 months. As a preventative measure, a bath with the addition of pine needles can be taken once a week.

After eating, 1-2 hours should pass before the procedure.

Pine-salt baths

For this type of bath, natural pine needles are used, to which sea salt is added. These baths are very beneficial, because they have two components that have a beneficial effect on the body. Salt baths with pine needles are recommended for diseases of the skin, joints and nervous system. For adults, they can be a help with nervous overload, and in childhood they can be a good prevention of rickets. They are also recommended for excess body weight.

To prepare such a bath you need sea salt (300-500 grams) and natural pine needles (about 500-700 grams) or pine balsam (about 100 ml). This number of components is designed for two hundred liters of water.

The bath temperature is set to +37 degrees. Take it before bed (40-60 minutes before) so that at the end of the bath you can quickly rinse, dry your body and go to bed.

The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. For children, the concentration of substances, the temperature of the water, and the time of administration are reduced.

Baths for children

A bath with pine needles can also be given to children, but it should only be prescribed by a specialist. With this type of bath you can prevent or help treat certain diseases. A pine bath will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the child’s nervous system, reducing increased excitability, will eliminate insomnia, have a calming effect, and strengthen the baby’s health. It is also useful for the respiratory and circulatory systems.

Children receive pine baths according to the following rules:

  • Only a doctor should prescribe procedures.
  • The procedure is performed while sitting, and it is preferable to use a special chair placed in the bath.
  • The procedure should be carried out after eating (at least 1 hour), but not in a hungry state.
  • The child should be in a calm mood. If during the procedure the child begins to worry, the bath should be stopped immediately.
  • A bath with pine needles for children is carried out in the evening (optimally one hour before bedtime).
  • There should be no more than 100 liters of water so that the child is immersed in water up to his waist.
  • The water temperature should be set within +34+35 degrees (up to +37 degrees).
  • The procedure should last no more than 10 minutes.
  • A total of 12-15 pine baths are carried out every other day.
  • Preparing a pine bath for a child involves less concentration. You need to take up to 400 g of natural coniferous collection, up to 2 ml of extract (per 10 liters of water) or up to 2/3 of a tablet.
  • When giving a child a bath, you cannot independently change the doctor’s instructions (water temperature, duration of the procedure), and also allow the child to actively play in the water.
  • For newborn children, baths with pine needles are often not recommended, since they are given to children older than 1 year, but there may be exceptions, so you should consult your doctor.
  • At the end of the procedure, the child’s body must be rinsed with water.

How can you improve your health and well-being by taking pine baths? Is it really possible with these effective procedures can you get rid of many diseases? Yes this is true. This is evidenced by numerous reviews from specialists and people who have tried pine baths. And what they are, we learn from our article.

Everyday life modern man simply teeming with destructive factors. Uncontrolled rhythm of life, all kinds of stressful situations, unhealthy and irregular nutrition, poor quality food, unfavorable environmental situation - all this leads to deterioration of health and the appearance of chronic diseases. And to fix this, a lot of effort should be made. A variety of treatment methods come to the rescue. Pine baths are very useful for maintaining and improving health, which will not only help restore wellness, but also to get rid of all kinds of diseases. What are these procedures, what are their indications and do they have any contraindications?

What are the benefits of pine baths?

Baths using pine needles have a healing effect on the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems, improve the functioning of internal organs, and have a beneficial effect on the body due to its calming, tonic, rejuvenating and relaxing properties.

This procedure also helps with colds (for example, inhalation using pine concentrate). Thanks to such baths, you can increase immunity, improve metabolism, remove toxins from the body, and get rid of irritation and redness on the skin. Such procedures are also perfect for the legs, for example, for pain and varicose veins veins

For people prone to excess weight, pine baths will help get rid of toxins, toxins and poisons, as well as speed up the breakdown of fats.

For people who carefully monitor the condition of their skin, pine baths are also necessary. Thanks to these procedures, the skin becomes elastic and improves water balance, and also stimulates the regenerative functions of the skin.

Pine baths are useful for migraines, fatigue, and insomnia. After the procedure, appetite significantly improves, insomnia is eliminated, and arterial pressure. That is why it is advisable for hypotensive patients not to get carried away with this procedure. This is also stated in the contraindications.

Also, coniferous procedures are quite useful for the feet, in particular for calluses, cracks, corns, etc.

What is this cosmetic procedure?

When taking pine baths, there is a chemical effect on the olfactory centers, as well as a temperature effect, which has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and metabolic processes. In this case, the process of cell regeneration is accelerated, as well as blood flow in the capillaries through many nerve endings is activated.

To improve the intensity of the procedure, you can use pine-salt baths. Indications in in this case there will be even more.

Most procedures are carried out in beauty salons, but at home their effectiveness is no worse. But before taking pine baths at home, it is imperative to consult a specialist to exclude possible contraindications.

Indications for the procedure

Indications for the use of pine baths are numerous. These include:

  • nervous disorders;
  • obesity;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • gout;
  • various inflammatory diseases;
  • frostbite;
  • skin ulcers and abscesses;
  • neuroses;
  • rheumatism;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • kidney disease;
  • bladder inflammation;
  • hypertension;
  • reduced immunity;
  • restoration of strength after suffering serious illnesses;
  • for legs (varicose veins, calluses, cracks).

It should be remembered: the indications for these procedures should only be determined by a doctor, especially in relation to children.


Despite the fact that this procedure is quite harmless, there are still contraindications to it. This:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • Hypotensive patients should also take baths with caution.

How to take pine baths correctly?

Before taking pine baths, you should wash thoroughly. There should be just enough water to cover the body, except for the heart area. The temperature should be 35-37 ͦ C. The procedure is carried out for at least 15 minutes.

There are indications for which the duration should be shorter - this is hypotension or any disease in the acute stage. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures. Procedures should be carried out daily or every other day. After taking pine baths, you need to rinse under a cool shower and go to bed. If the procedure is performed on the legs, then after the procedure you should put on terry socks and try not to strain your legs by walking.

Products for taking pine baths

For these procedures, pine extract or concentrate, pine bath balm, tablets, drops, briquettes are used. For the required volume (200-220 ml) of water, use 2 tablets, 100 ml of liquid pine extract or 100 gr. concentrate.

Coniferous extract has the ability to calm the nervous system, thanks to the pine oil it contains. The concentrate and extract are also useful for fatigue, stressful situations, depression, muscle tone and much more. etc.

Coniferous concentrate also increases the resistance of the respiratory tract and lungs to harmful substances in the air.

Salt baths

Pine-salt baths are prepared on the basis sea ​​salt and natural pine needles. What indications exist for these procedures? Such baths should be taken for skin diseases, stress, eczema, rickets in children, joint diseases, neurodermatitis, etc. But again, contraindications must be studied in detail, especially if pine baths are intended to be used for children.

So, to prepare pine-salt baths at home, you should purchase the following ingredients:

  • Pine needle extract – 60 g;
  • Dry pine particles – 700 gr.;
  • Fresh pine needles – 500 gr.;
  • Pine extract in tablets – 2 pcs.;
  • Sea salt – 400 gr.;
  • Liquid pine extract – 100 ml.

If you plan to prepare pine baths for children or infants, then the number of ingredients proposed and the procedure time should be halved.

Pine baths for children

Indications for the use of such baths for children are numerous. This:

  • Rickets;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Hyperactivity;
  • Colds;
  • Hypotrophy;
  • For prevention purposes.

If you are planning pine baths for infants, you should definitely consult a doctor before this to exclude possible contraindications. So:

  • Procedures should be carried out only in a sitting position, preferably using a chair.
  • It is more advisable to purchase pine concentrate, or any other product, for children and infants at the pharmacy.
  • You should not feed your child 40 minutes before or after meals.
  • There is no need to force your baby to take pine baths.
  • The water level should not exceed the level of the child’s waist.
  • The procedure should last no more than 7 minutes.
  • Coniferous concentrate, or any other product purchased for children, must be checked for expiration date.
  • After pine baths, the baby should be rinsed in the shower.

These procedures can be carried out at home, but only if there is a doctor’s indication.

Coniferous foot baths. How are they useful?

How are such procedures beneficial for the feet? For those people who spend the whole day on their feet, pine baths are a must. Also, these procedures help with varicose veins, excessive sweating, poor blood circulation, etc. Cosmetologists and herbalists recommend performing pine treatments for the legs regularly to avoid more serious problems.

So, how to prepare pine baths? For this you will need:

  • A glass of boiling water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. pine needles.

The last component is poured into a thermos in the morning and filled with boiling water. In the evening, the broth is filtered and poured into a basin where tired legs sink. After this, you should put on terry socks and go to bed. You can take pine foot baths at least every day. On the 4th day of this procedure, fatigue and sweating will disappear, calluses and corns will disappear.

In this case, you can also use pine concentrate. To do this, add 20 grams to the basin. product and dilute it in warm water.

How to prepare pine lotions for feet that have calluses?

Add pine concentrate (10 g), salt (3 tsp) to 3 liters of warm water. lemon juice(2 tbsp) and keep your feet in this solution for about 15 minutes. This is an excellent medicine for the legs, because after just 3 treatments the growths will be significantly reduced.

Coniferous foot lotions for cracks and corns

Coniferous extract should be heated to 40 degrees. Soak a piece of gauze in it and keep it on the sore spot for 20 minutes. Coniferous extract should not be heated too much so as not to lose the beneficial properties of this product. Procedures should be carried out no more than 20 times every other day.

Good luck and good health!

Today, in order to preserve beauty and youth, general health of the body and treatment, we are increasingly turning to traditional methods, we try to use natural herbal extracts, essential oils, infusions and extracts. Pine baths are one of the procedures with a versatile effect on the body. Due to the presence of contraindications, before using the procedures, visit a doctor and undergo an examination.

Properties of needles

The beneficial effect of pine needle baths is due to its diverse composition - this includes a lot of vitamins, essential oils, microelements, antioxidants, plant hormones estrogens, phytoncides, various resins, tannins, carotene and many other biologically active substances. In the complex, the substances stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, participate in metabolic processes in the skin, improving them, have a protective effect on cells against free radicals, and increase the regenerative abilities of the skin.

The benefits and effectiveness of pine baths

Water procedures with the addition of pine needles are very beneficial for our body. Prepared in compliance with technology, they provide a lot of positive effects for the body. They improve heart function, tone blood vessels, accelerate blood flow, improve metabolic processes, have a beneficial effect on the respiratory and nervous systems, and have a relaxing, calming (sedative) effect. Also, coniferous procedures soften and increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin, normalizing the water balance of the skin, and provide a visible rejuvenation effect. Due to the ability to accelerate cell regeneration processes, the use of such baths helps speed up the healing of wounds and microcracks in the skin.

Often, baths with the addition of pine needles are recommended for the treatment of colds, due to their high diaphoretic and immune-strengthening effects, the ability to remove toxins from the body, as well as the ability to relieve inflammatory processes. Similar procedures are prescribed to people suffering from obesity; they enhance the processes of lipid breakdown and accelerate the elimination of toxic substances.

Courses of medicinal pine needle baths are also prescribed as an additional method to the complex treatment of diseases of the nervous system. The procedures are useful for headaches, fatigue, insomnia, lack of appetite, and hypertension.

Indications for the use of pine baths

  • General improvement of the body and improvement of the condition of the skin.
  • Overwork.
  • Having insomnia.
  • Joint diseases, including those of an inflammatory nature.
  • Respiratory tract diseases.
  • Malfunctions in the functioning of the nervous system (neuroses, nervous disorders).
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Asthma and other respiratory diseases.
  • Cystitis.
  • In order to improve the nutrition of skin tissue.
  • Intoxication and slagging of the body.
  • Decreased immune defense.
  • Heart disease, rheumatism, gout.
  • Impaired metabolism.
  • Reduced body tone.
  • Arterial and venous insufficiency.
  • Neurodermatitis.
  • To increase the stress resistance of the skin.
  • Treatment of obesity and correction of body contours.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Frostbite, skin abscesses, ulcers, etc.
  • Recovery after a serious illness.

Video: Lyudmila Nikolaeva, we treat ourselves with a Christmas tree!

Contraindications to the use of pine baths

  • Presence of oncological diseases.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Caution for hypotension.

Before using the procedure, be sure to be examined for any contraindications, even if nothing bothers you and you feel great.

How to prepare a pine bath at home?

I have already said that pine baths are carried out in courses in special institutions (clinics, salons). But if you follow the recommendations correctly, you can successfully do them at home, because you don’t need any special tools or equipment for this.

For cosmetic care, compositions for the procedure can be prepared from fir, spruce, cedar, juniper, pine and others coniferous plants. However, the greatest effect is achieved by the procedure using pine needles.

It is best suited for collecting pine needles (preferably done away from the road). winter period time, because it is at this time that it concentrates greatest number vitamins and other useful components. It is advisable to store pine needles in the freezer, or take fresh ones each time (which is not always possible). In addition to needles, you can use thin pine branches, cones, and buds. If it is not possible to get natural pine needles, use ready-made pine extract, which can be purchased at the pharmacy in liquid and solid form. I will give the dosage of pine needles in different states for one procedure.

One coniferous procedure requires:
Pine needle extract in briquettes 60 g.
Dry coniferous pine particles – 700 g.
Fresh pine needles – 500 g.
Pine extract in tablets – 2 pcs.
Liquid pine extract – 100 ml.

For children, we reduce the proportions by half.

We prepare the composition in this way: pour the required amount with a liter of boiling water, put it on low heat and boil for thirty minutes. Next, the broth should be infused in a sealed container for twelve hours.

Procedure for a pine bath

  • Pour warm water into the bath (temperature 37 degrees), without filling 15 cm to the brim.
  • Add ready-made extract, tablets or ready-made decoction.
  • When you take a bath, the heart area should not be in the water.
  • Stay in a relaxed position (head on a towel and a bolster located on the side of the bath) for twenty minutes.
  • Next, get out of the water without drying yourself, put on a robe, make yourself comfortable on the sofa and rest for thirty minutes.

Carry out the procedure every other day, 12 procedures in total. After six months, if necessary, the course can be repeated.

It is important to carry out any pine baths an hour before meals, or an hour and a half after meals.

To enhance the effect, you can simultaneously carry out bubble baths, this will have a positive effect on the skin.

Pine baths for children

The procedure is often an indication for children (after six months) for the treatment of rickets, hyperactivity, disturbed sleep, colds, malnutrition, as well as for preventive purposes.

Rules for taking a pine bath for a child

  • Exclusively for medical reasons, especially for infants.
  • Carry out the procedure in a sitting position using a bath chair.
  • Take forty minutes after eating.
  • During the procedure, the child must be absolutely calm, any games are excluded.
  • If during the procedure the baby begins to show activity, it is better to stop it.
  • The amount of water in the bath should reach the baby's waist.
  • For children, the water temperature during the procedure should be 34-35 degrees.
  • The duration of the procedure is no more than ten minutes.
  • The treatment course includes 10-12 procedures, which should be carried out every other day.
  • After the procedure, rinse the baby with warm, clean water.

Pine baths with salt

Salt enhances the effect of pine baths several times. This procedure is especially effective for eczema, joint diseases (especially rheumatism), neurodermatitis, dermatitis and dermatoses, obesity, nervous disorders, and in children for spinal injuries, rickets, atonic and asthenic syndrome. It is useful for stress, having a sedative and relaxing effect.

To prepare this bath, you need a liquid concentrate (extract) of pine needles. For an adult: for 200 liters of water, take 100 g of salt and 3 tablespoons of concentrate, first dilute in warm water, and then pour it into a bathtub filled with water. For kids: for 30 liters of water, take 2 tablespoons of salt and 10 ml of extract or a glass of ready-made pine infusion. After a twenty-minute procedure, rinse well with warm water.

The procedure is contraindicated for hypertensive patients.

Essential coniferous oils are obtained from the greenery (needles, bark, shoots) of coniferous trees. Typically this is fir, pine, spruce and juniper oil.

The chemical composition of the oil varies depending on the type of tree, where it grows and how the oil is extracted. Of all the types of pine oil, fir oil has been the best studied.

It contains over 100 components.

We list the main ones: a-pinene (10-30%), bornyl acetate (30-40%), camphene (10-25%), borneol (1-6%), 3-carene (5-10%), santhene (3-4%), sesquiterpene hydrocarbons and alcohols (2-4%).

Therapeutic values ​​of pine oil:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • expectorant;
  • tonic;
  • stimulating;
  • antiviral;
  • antibacterial;
  • decongestant;
  • disinfectant;
  • painkiller;
  • disinfectant.

Benefits and indications of pine baths for adults:

  1. Helps with arthritis. Pine essential oil has long been used to relieve pain and muscle stiffness associated with arthritis. It has a mild analgesic property that affects the muscles.
  2. Help with nervous exhaustion and insomnia. For some people, a walk in a pine forest is enough to reduce stress levels. Unfortunately, not everyone has boron nearby, which is where pine oils come to the rescue. Thus, pine oil was studied in Japan and recognized as an excellent sedative.
  3. Helps relieve breathing from colds, flu, bronchitis, nasal and chest congestion, asthma and sinus infections. Essential oil of pine needles helps remove mucus from the lungs, making it easier for the body to fight infection. You can mix 2 drops fir oil with 2 drops of eucalyptus oil and add to a warm bath to reduce the effects of respiratory tract infections.
  4. Protects skin and soothes itching. Coniferous oil acts as a natural antiseptic, has an astringent, antiviral, tonic and antibacterial effect and is indicated for treatment wide range skin problems such as acne, burns, psoriasis, mycosis, boils, itching, eczema and wounds.
  5. Help with prostatitis. We will tell you more about this below.

Coniferous baths also have contraindications. These include allergies to pine needles, benign and malignant tumors, atherosclerosis.

How to take a pine bath correctly:

The optimal water temperature is 37 degrees, the duration of taking a pine bath should not exceed 15 minutes. In a supine position, water should not cover the heart area; after the procedure, you need to take a cool shower and rest for 30-40 minutes, then healthy sleep will be ensured.

A course of therapeutic baths - up to 15 procedures every other day or every day; the course can be resumed after six months. To prevent respiratory diseases and stress, you can take one bath per week. It is recommended to take a bath two hours after meals and half an hour before bedtime.

If chronic prostatitis is accompanied by sexual dysfunction and general and sexual excitability, the urologist may recommend a salt-pine bath.

It is possible, but only after consultation with a pediatrician. In this case, the volume of water should reach 100 liters, and the child should be in it waist-deep in a sitting position.

Duration water procedures- up to 10 minutes, it is recommended to swim an hour after dinner and preferably an hour before bedtime.

The optimal water temperature is 37 degrees, the amount of pine raw materials per bath: 2/3 pine tablets or 300 grams. needles if you make the decoction yourself, or 20 ml of liquid extract. An excellent way to relax the body and prevent infectious diseases is a pine-salt bath.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 15 drops essential oil fir or pine;
  • ½ cup sea salt;
  • ½ cup Epsom salt;
  • about ½ cup pine needles;
  • glass container.

Cooking method:

  • Mix both types of salt in a glass container.
  • Add pine oil (5 drops at a time), stirring well after each addition.
  • Place about ½ cup of the scented salt mixture in the bottom of the glass container.
  • Add enough needles to cover the salt.
  • Add another ½ cup of salt and place the mixture in a nice muslin bag. Tie tightly and place in the bathtub when you bathe.
  • The bag can be used several times.

There is a special type of pine baths, namely pine-pearl baths. Used for increased nervous excitability, psychosis, cerebral palsy and problems with blood circulation and the musculoskeletal system. Air is supplied to the bath high pressure. Due to this, the water is constantly filled with small bubbles and creates a pleasant massaging effect.

To prepare such a bath, you need special hydromassage equipment, so a pine-pearl bath is rarely used at home. More often, this service is provided in sanatoriums and health centers.

Pine baths at home

There are several ways to take pine baths at home. Let's take a closer look at each of them. The first method of preparing a bath: add pine balm (100 ml per 200-liter bath) or 6 drops of pine oil to a warm bath (37 degrees). Second method: add two tablets of pine extract or pine briquette (80 g) to a warm bath (37 degrees).

And the last, third way to prepare a pine bath: if you don’t trust purchased pine products, you can make your own pine mixture. You will need: 1 kg of pine needles and a bucket of water. Fill the needles with water, boil for half an hour, when you bring the needles to a boil, let it brew for half a day. Then strain the broth and pour the pine water into a warm bath.

Pine baths at home for prostatitis are an effective and inexpensive aid to drug treatment. Just discuss this issue with your treating urologist first, since even pine therapy has its contraindications.

When taking pine baths, patients with chronic and acute prostatitis feel temporary relief from pain symptoms. A bath allows a man with prostatitis to relax and reduce stress. Blood flow improves not only in the prostate, but throughout the body.

  • Use only pure essential pine oils and balms, avoid synthetic fragrances.
  • Do not use pine essential oil baths on infants, pregnant women, the elderly, or persons with serious health problems without prior medical investigation.
  • The bathing procedure should not take more than 15 minutes, and the water temperature should reach from 35 to 37 degrees.
  • There is no need to do pine baths at home every day. 10 to 15 “coniferous” procedures are enough, after which you need to take a six-month break.

Coniferous concentrate for baths: choice, price and dosage

Coniferous bath concentrate is inexpensive remedy, which allows you to improve metabolism, cleanse the skin, relax, normalize sleep and stimulate blood circulation.

The composition of a high-quality concentrate includes only pine oil and possibly salt. Products with dyes and fragrances should be avoided.

Coniferous concentrate for baths is sold in pharmacies and costs from 40 to 150 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and net weight (from 500 to 900 grams).

Dosage for prostatitis:

  • 150 gr. concentrate per 150-200 liters of water at a temperature of 37-38 degrees.
  • Men suffering from prostatitis should take a bath for 15 minutes to achieve the best effect.
  • The course is 10-15 baths every other day.

Dosage for nervous exhaustion, insomnia, colds, for skin rejuvenation:

  • 150 gr. concentrate per 150 liters of water with a temperature of 37-38 degrees.
  • The duration of water procedures is from 10 to 15 minutes.
  • The course is 5-6 baths, every other day.

How to prepare pine bath concentrate yourself:

  1. Take a 10-gallon bucket and fill it with fresh pine needles. Pour boiling water over the needles and leave for 6 hours. When taking a bath, pour 150 g. concentrate (straight with needles or strained) per 200 liters of water.
  2. To prepare an alcohol concentrate, pour the needles into a 3-liter jar and fill it to the top with medical alcohol; you can leave it for several months.

In winter, add 0.5 liters of extract to a 200-liter bath.