How to remove odor in the refrigerator using folk remedies. Smell in the refrigerator: how to get rid of it quickly using traditional methods

The unpleasant smell emitted by the refrigerator can spoil the mood not only of the owners of the house, but also of the guests. Sometimes it can be so strong or specific that it can even penetrate into neighboring rooms. What to do in such cases? Is it possible to eliminate bad smell from the refrigerator or the only way out is to buy a new unit?

Causes of unpleasant odor

A questionable “aroma” in the refrigerator does not appear on its own. Therefore, before choosing a method to eliminate it, you need to identify the reasons for its occurrence.

Most often the source unpleasant odor become:

  1. Plastic particles on the inside surface of the refrigerator: This smell is usually characteristic of new appliances. To eliminate it, no special means are required. It is enough to wipe the refrigerator inside and out with a damp cloth and leave it with the door open for 1-2 days.
  2. The results of the vital activity of microorganisms, most often mold fungi or microbes. In such a situation, it is more difficult to get rid of the smell; simple washing will no longer be enough. To solve the problem you will have to use traditional methods or household chemicals.

It would seem, how can microorganisms be present in a refrigerator if this device is designed to protect food from them? The reason for their appearance may be one of the following circumstances:

  • refrigerator malfunction leading to defrosting of the freezer;
  • power outage causing food spoilage;
  • improper storage of products (without packaging, outside containers or bags);
  • storage of expired products: the temperature maintained in the refrigerator compartment is not low enough to prevent microbial activity and stop the decay process.

Household chemicals and odor absorbers for refrigerators

Usually to the means household chemicals resorted to in cases where it is not possible to remove the smell using traditional methods. Most often this happens when meat spoils in the refrigerator, fish is stored incorrectly, etc. The smell in such cases can spread to the entire kitchen, or even to neighboring rooms.

The most popular product is OdorGone - an odor removing product based on water based. Under this name, several types of odor absorbers and neutralizers are produced: for rooms, furniture, appliances, trash cans and even animals. The product is considered safe for health and environmentally friendly, and is approved for use in children's rooms.

The Top House set, which includes a spray and a special napkin, will also be a good helper. The product not only effectively removes dirt and dust, but also fights germs and absorbs odors.

Clean Home Gel is an effective and safe cleaning agent for refrigerators that does not require rinsing. It is based on hydrogen peroxide, thanks to which the gel effectively cleans surfaces without damaging them.

ZOOL ZL-377 cleaner will not only help clean or freshen your refrigerator, but will also prevent mold. It has disinfectant properties, is effective and is non-toxic.

The following types of fresheners and odor absorbers are very popular:

  • balls filled with silica gel, which not only absorbs odors, but also excess moisture;
  • egg-shaped odor absorbers;
  • absorbers with carbon filter;
  • gel odor absorbers;
  • absorbers with an ionization function, which not only eliminate odors, but also inhibit the activity of various microorganisms.

Eliminating odor from the refrigerator using traditional methods

Not only household chemicals can cope with the unpleasant smell from the refrigerator. This task can also be accomplished by our usual food products.

  1. Soda. This inexpensive product has excellent absorbent properties and absorbs almost any odors. In order to refresh the refrigerator, just pour baking soda into 2-3 saucers and place them on the shelves. This air freshener will work for 4-5 weeks, after which the soda will need to be replaced. It should be remembered that soda cannot affect microbes, so the refrigerator should be washed first.
  2. Vinegar diluted with water in equal parts is often used experienced housewives as a refrigerator cleaner. To consolidate the result, you can place an open container with this solution on the refrigerator shelf for 2-3 hours.
  3. Although coffee beans do not absorb odors, they will help refresh a clean refrigerator or mask the smell of a new unit.
  4. Brown bread will help cope with the recent smell. It is enough to cut half the loaf into pieces and place it on the shelves. It is not recommended to keep bread in the refrigerator for longer than 10-12 hours, because... otherwise, the product may begin to deteriorate, which will add a couple more not-so-pleasant shades to the existing odors.
  5. Lemon juice mixed with vodka (1 part lemon to 10 parts vodka) makes an excellent cleanser with a refreshing effect. To consolidate the effect, you can keep a slice of the citrus itself in the refrigerator.
  6. Activated carbon. Crushed activated carbon tablets make a wonderful refrigerator freshener. To do this, just chop them, put them on a saucer and leave them in the refrigerator at least overnight. Charcoal also has the same property, but it is not so easy to find.
  7. Tea spoon ammonia, diluted in a liter of water, will help clean the refrigerator from both dirt and foreign odors.

Before putting a product that can absorb odors into the refrigerator, be sure to wash and dry the unit first. Otherwise, you will “vainly” fight the consequences without eliminating the causes.

Few things compare in persistence and disgust to the smell of missing meat. Its source is the result of activity anaerobic bacteria, so get rid of their power source first. For health reasons, it would be wise to get rid of other products, especially those that were stored in open form or in a loosely closed container.

Due to the fact that the refrigerator will need to be thoroughly cleaned (this smell is very corrosive and is literally absorbed into all surfaces), it must first be turned off, and then all contents must be removed, including not only food, but also shelves, drawers and other removable parts, including doors.

Primary cleaning is best done using household chemicals. Then you need to wipe the entire inside surface of the refrigerator with a detergent prepared according to a folk recipe:

  • soda solution or powder;
  • water with ammonia dissolved in it;
  • lemon juice with water;
  • table vinegar with water.

All plastic parts must be processed especially carefully, because... They are distinguished by their ability to absorb any odors. They must be removed, washed completely with detergent and wiped with a solution you prepared yourself.

After washing, do not rush to install the doors and shelves in place and turn on the unit. The refrigerator needs ventilation, so it is better to move all removable parts of the refrigerator to the balcony, and in the room where the equipment is located, open the windows more often. To achieve results, periodic washing and airing may take 5-30 days, it all depends on how long the spoiled product has been in the refrigerator.

If your actions were effective, the refrigerator can be assembled and turned on. At the same time, do not forget to place saucers inside with products or substances that absorb odors: soda, lemon, activated or charcoal, etc. You can also use store-bought air fresheners.

In cases where, after all such measures taken, the smell does not go away from the refrigerator, we can conclude that microorganisms have managed to penetrate its internal parts and components. To process them, you will need to disassemble the refrigerator almost completely, and without the help of a specialist you will not be able to cope with this matter. As a result, some owners of equipment damaged by odor decide that it is easier to buy a new unit than to try to do something with the old one.

The room in which the refrigerator is located also needs thorough cleaning. You need to wash the walls and floors, wipe down all the furniture and keep the windows open more often.

How to remove fish smell from the refrigerator

Fish is not only healthy and tasty, but also has a specific smell even when cooked. In its raw form, this product smells much stronger; the smell itself is easily absorbed into any objects and is quite difficult to remove.

To rid the refrigerator of the fishy “aroma,” you must first defrost it, then wash it with detergent, wipe it clean with a damp cloth and dry it completely.

After this, you can use one of the traditional methods to completely remove the smell (wipe the walls with soda, place saucers with coal in the refrigerator, etc.), but the best effect will be obtained by wiping all the walls of the refrigerator with lemon juice. After three hours after treatment, the juice will need to be washed off and the refrigerator left to ventilate for 1-2 hours.

After the refrigerator is cleaned and completely dried, it can be connected to the network. At the same time, do not forget to place products or products that absorb odors on the shelves of the unit.

What to do if your refrigerator smells like mold

Mold, without exaggeration, is the most unpleasant guest. Most often, it settles inside those refrigerators that are used periodically, for example, in the country. In addition to the unpleasant odor, mold also forms visible, unsightly stains. You can get rid of both the fungus itself and its smell. A large number of corresponding products are sold in stores. But, most likely, the refrigerator will have to be processed several times.

Ways to combat mold
Today in stores you can find the most different manufacturers and in any form: spray, powder, emulsion. They should be used strictly following the instructions, which most often boil down to the following: the product must be applied or sprayed onto the surface, left to act for several minutes and then thoroughly rinsed off its remnants at the end of the treatment.

Do not clean the refrigerator with a solution copper sulfate, no matter how much you praise this remedy. Of course, it can destroy a mold colony, but it also poses a danger to humans. It is impossible to treat food storage areas with vitriol, it is poison.

You can supplement your household chemicals with home remedies like baking soda and vinegar. Treating your refrigerator with baking soda is easy. To do this you need to pour on regular sponge a little baking soda powder, slightly moisten it and wipe the refrigerator. Then complete the treatment using a vinegar solution. Special attention When cleaning the refrigerator from mold, you should pay attention to the rubber on the doors, the hole for condensation drainage, shelves, and drawers. Everything that is removed must be removed and carefully processed.
After finishing cleaning, the refrigerator and its removable parts must be dried thoroughly, preferably with a stream warm air, because they don't like mold fungi high temperatures and air movement. You can use a heat fan or UV lamp to dry your refrigerator.

If there are no longer any traces of mold, but the smell still does not go away, put a saucer in the refrigerator with soda, slices of rye bread or slices of lemon - these products perfectly absorb different odors.

Mold prevention
In the future, to prevent mold from reappearing in the refrigerator, try to follow these recommendations;

  1. Get rid of stale food in a timely manner. If one of them becomes moldy, then there is a risk of fungal spores getting on other products and on the walls of the refrigerator;
  2. Store food in bags or containers;
  3. Keep the refrigerator clean, wash it often with a soda solution and ventilate it;
  4. Monitor the humidity level inside the refrigerator. Silica gel packets, which we see in boxes with new shoes, work well for this. Just place them on the refrigerator shelves.

How to avoid foreign odors

Whether you have previously encountered the problem of an unpleasant smell from the refrigerator or not, it does not matter. In any case, follow these simple recommendations that will allow you to avoid this situation:

  1. Check the expiration dates of products and do not store food in open form, use bags, containers, dishes and other accessories;
  2. Immediately wipe away dirt (spilled milk, drops of jam, etc.);
  3. Use refrigerator fresheners. These can be purchased odor absorbers, as well as products with the same properties: a saucer with soda or ground activated carbon, half a lemon,
  4. Twice a year, thoroughly wash the refrigerator, dismantling all the shelves both in the chamber itself and on the door;
  5. When planning a trip for a long period of time, make purchases so that by the time of departure you leave the refrigerator empty: no one is insured against a sudden power outage or breakdown of the refrigerator. Or ask family members or neighbors to visit your apartment periodically.

An unpleasant smell from the refrigerator can seriously complicate your life. It is not always easy to get rid of it: sometimes it is necessary repeated washing and ventilation of the unit. Therefore, do not forget to check the expiration dates of products and follow the recommendations for their storage. Wash your refrigerator regularly and refresh it using folk remedies or special devices.

Video: effective methods for getting rid of odors from the refrigerator

Fridge - modern equipment, helping to maintain the freshness of food. Unpleasant odors in such equipment are not uncommon even for a good housewife. There are two types of odors: technical and natural, but more on that later in the text.

You will learn below how to remove smell from your refrigerator without extra costs.


The aromas that our refrigerator emits can be divided into two large groups:


Natural odors appear due to the activity of various bacteria. The appearance of microorganisms on food products is inevitable, therefore, the shorter the time products are stored, the better for our body.

The walls of the refrigerator are made of plastic, which absorbs natural odors well. To eliminate unpleasant odors, washing and airing are sometimes sufficient, but in some cases more radical methods may be required. Now you know how to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator if it is of natural origin.


Technical odors invariably accompany new equipment, and they are also the most persistent. The whole secret of their appearance is hidden in plastic, which after processing retains a small amount chemical substances on its surface. When they disappear, the unpleasant aroma. Long-term ventilation and a few secrets will help speed up the process.

Unpleasant artificial aromas can appear even in modern refrigerators equipped with new technologies. The smell from the equipment may be a result of poorly functioning ventilation, and to solve this problem you will need to consult a specialist.

Why does the refrigerator smell bad?

There are several reasons for the appearance of foreign odors in refrigeration equipment. If you have this information, you will be able to stop the spread of the aroma in time with a minimum amount of effort, because it is easier to fight it at an early stage.

Among the odors there are also very persistent ones, which, once in the refrigerator, will not want to leave it. To eliminate them you will have to resort to radical methods.

Causes of odors:

  1. Storing food without packaging. Incredibly, a simple sausage or unsealed fish can permeate the walls and entire contents of the refrigerator with a pungent and unpleasant aroma.
  2. “Forgotten” products quickly deteriorate and begin to emit an odor.
  3. Another option for appearance is not pleasant aroma– the “smell” of new technology. It could be the smell of machine grease, plastic, metal, or a combination of these.

How to avoid unpleasant odors?

You can remove the smell in the refrigerator at home by simply washing it with water and baking soda. Dishwashing liquid is suitable for the same purposes. If an unpleasant odor remains after washing, you will have to turn to ammonia for help. Be careful when working with this substance, as it has a pungent odor.

If ammonia is not on hand, you can replace it with alcohol or vodka. All these liquids are strong-smelling substances, so after using them you need to leave the refrigerator open for a couple of hours.

Regular defrosting refrigeration equipment will help reduce the risk of unpleasant odors. Do not forget to disconnect the equipment from the power supply. How to remove odor from a refrigerator without inspection? No way, so feel free to start browsing the rest food products. Once the inspection has been completed, you can begin cleaning the equipment.

To keep food longer and less likely to spoil, use special containers. Modern products are not only hermetically sealed, but also allow air to be pumped out from inside, which increases the shelf life of the products, since there is no contact with the reagent (oxygen). Liquids left open contribute to the premature appearance of ice on the walls of the refrigerator.

Unpleasant smell in the refrigerator: ways to eliminate it

Fighting odors:

  • All operations that accompany defrosting must be done carefully. Even a small piece of food will speed up the return of the unpleasant odor.
  • The drain hole should be rinsed several times, since it is in such places that food can remain and smell unpleasant.

Useful tools found in almost any kitchen will help eliminate odors.

This liquid is rightfully considered universal, since it is not only consumed as food, but also used to clean the house with its solution. Vinegar is the most suitable liquid for eliminating extraneous odors, and it works effectively not only in the refrigerator, but also on other furniture.

To consolidate the result, you can use a time-tested method: pour in a vinegar solution and leave for 2 hours. As a rule, such actions are quite enough to achieve the desired results, but if this does not help, then move on to the next method.

Baking soda solution.

If you don’t have time to defrost, then place dry soda or its solution inside the refrigeration equipment. Don't forget to warn the whole family about your actions, since soda can easily be confused with vanillin or salt and used for other purposes, ruining the dish. This odor absorber should be replaced at least once every three months.

This substance perfectly absorbs foreign odors, regardless of which one you choose. Charcoal is used when frying kebabs, and it does a good job of combating aromas. It copes with this just as effectively Activated carbon.

Directions for use: Crush a charcoal tablet to a powdery state, pour into a shallow plate and leave overnight. For preventive purposes, you can put crushed coal on the equipment shelf, after pouring it into a jar. Now you know how to eliminate odor in the refrigerator using charcoal!

An effective remedy from unpleasant odors - a solution of ammonia. After the solution has been in the refrigerator, there will be no odors left there, except for that emitted by the ammonia itself, but this can be easily eliminated by simply ventilating the equipment.

Artificial fresheners

You can eliminate the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator with the help of modern developments. One of them is ionizers - special air fresheners that are fixed inside the equipment. Such devices operate on simple batteries.

Among the new technologies, odor absorbers can be noted, which modern market sell in large quantities. Such products work on the principle of a carbon filter, so a can of carbon is no worse.

Smell in the refrigerator: how to get rid of it quickly

Unpleasant odors coming from the refrigerator will effectively eliminate food. Here are some tips:

Just a few drops of lemon juice diluted in water will give your equipment a pleasant aroma. It is necessary to wipe the walls and shelves of the refrigerator with the prepared solution. If you leave a cut piece of lemon on the plate, it will eliminate all extraneous flavors.

The refrigerator stores many different foods. Some of them have a particularly intense aroma, even if they are wrapped in paper or in a bag. They can also give off an unpleasant odor to other dishes. Then the strawberry cake will smell like expensive cheese or a chocolate dessert - like fish. That's why people, from housewives to students, are looking for tips and tricks on how to remove odor from their refrigerator.

Almost all of us have forgotten something in the refrigerator and then been surprised by the stench a short time later. The yogurt has been removed a long time ago, but in the far corner of the refrigerator lives a lonely and unnoticeable puddle? Or are the vegetables in the drawer overgrown with mold at the bottom? Very encouraging measures have been presented to combat this problem.

In order to remove bad odor from your refrigerator, you must first find out where it is coming from. If you remove the cause, odors will no longer bother you!

There are differences in removing odor from household appliances new models and old ones.

If any odorous substance is spilled in older refrigerator designs, it may find its way into the interior. Then no methods will help except disassembling the unit and removing the cause.

It is difficult to do this on your own and you will have to turn to specialists.

If your refrigerator is new, it may smell like plastic. If you don't want to wait for it to disappear on its own, you just need to wash it. This may have to be done several times.

Where could the source of the smell be?

Expensive types of cheese can smell especially intensely (sometimes called “stinky”). Fish and meat can also be sources of unpleasant aroma after a short time in the refrigerator. But it is not only food with a strong, characteristic odor that is responsible for problems in the refrigerator. Even a few drops of milk or butter that fall next to the bottle and leave their mark can give off an unpleasant odor.

In addition, old and rotten foods are considered to be one of the main causes of stench. Moldy carrots, open cream cheese with a green fluff on the surface, or pate that languishes on the middle shelf for a week - these are all things you can smell when you open the refrigerator.

But still, how to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator?

Practical ways to eliminate odors

Wash thoroughly

This is necessary not only to eliminate the aroma, but also for hygiene reasons. This must be done at least once a month. Check the expiration dates of all food in the refrigerator. All spoiled food and dishes should be thrown away immediately. Even the so-called “corpses in the refrigerator,” for example, dried mustard sachets and jars, an actually empty bottle of ketchup, or Aunt Natasha’s special jam, which everyone in the family rated as disgusting, must be thrown away.

Unpleasant odors come not only from spoiled or open food. Even a spilled liquid from a bottle can leave a mark somewhere on the wall or in a corner. As soon as you spill the milk, after a few days it will have a sharp, sour smell. After you have removed the shelves, wash the inside of the appliance warm water with detergent.

Of course, the refrigerator must be turned off and defrosted before all this. Products from it should be placed in a cooling tank while you clean. Putting ice in your food container will help keep your food cooler longer, which will help prevent unpleasant odors in the future.

Wipe down all items thoroughly and pay special attention to cleaning the door gaskets. The vast majority of odors are neutralized by vinegar. Dilute a little in water and wipe everything inside.

Never clean a cold glass shelf from a refrigerator. hot water. Let her reach room temperature before washing it with warm or hot liquid. Sudden temperature changes are dangerous for glass; it will burst!

Avoid cleaning products that are too harsh as they may scratch the surface of the refrigerator.

Home Remedies

You've done a thorough cleaning and tidied everything up nicely, but that awful smell hangs in the air? It is not necessary to buy special cleaners or deodorizer for the refrigerator. Even with simple home remedies you can solve this problem without causing harm. environment chemicals.

You can try the following tips:

Most housewives use baking soda, since it itself has no odor and reliably neutralizes others.

While other home remedies may only mask odors, not everyone likes the smell of coffee or vanilla in their refrigerator.

Even cat litter will help eliminate unpleasant odors. More precisely, this is exactly what it was created for, but you can use it for your own purposes. Place some in a small saucepan, place it in the refrigerator, and remove it when the smell goes away.

How to avoid problems in the future?

You yourself understand that it is better to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor than to fight it. Be especially careful not to place open food in the refrigerator. Opened cheese or sausage in a bag, opened yogurt or a glass of cream, smoked trout or leftover potato soup - everything should be placed in tightly closed containers. Also regularly check the plant food compartment and remove wilted lettuce leaves and rotten carrots.

You can also put an ionizer or ozonizer in the refrigerator - they not only contribute to fresh air, but also saturate food with oxygen or beneficial ions. Manufacturers also promise to neutralize nitrates, pesticides and toxic chemicals in vegetables and fruits.

In addition, at least once a month, the refrigerator should be thoroughly cleaned and rotten food should be thrown away - this will create Better conditions for sanitary and hygienic protection of your health. Store food in airtight containers. This way it will stay fresh longer and an unpleasant odor can be avoided.

The refrigerator is easy to clean both inside and out. To help the housewife, the industry has created a whole arsenal of chemicals. But not all of them are safe, and some are useless. To remove the smell from the refrigerator and clean it without using household chemicals, it is worth remembering a few simple and effective folk ways.

Common causes of bad smells in the refrigerator are improper storage of food and violation of the shelf life of cooked food. Cooked food should not be consumed if it has been in the refrigerator for more than 3 days; odorous foods should be kept in containers with a tight lid. Failure to comply with product proximity spoils food faster; small droplets of liquids spilled from bottles and poorly washed off shelves will eventually become rotten and begin to stink.

A clogged drain hole is common cause rotten smell, which causes condensation to appear in the refrigerator, and high humidity accelerates food spoilage and feeds mold and bacteria. You should clean the drain regularly using a cotton swab. New units often emit a plastic smell; long-term ventilation and preliminary hygienic washing will help get rid of the problem.

Proper defrosting of fish and meat is done in the refrigerator so that the products lose a minimum of nutrients. Afterwards, a fishy smell may remain inside the device, which will be absorbed into other products and the walls of the refrigerator if you do not take it preventive measures. Over time, this smell will rot, mix with other old aromas, and you will get a persistent amber, which will be a difficult task to remove.

The refrigerator is a favorable environment for the proliferation of microbes, fungi, and mold spores that settle on food.

An effective method for getting rid of odors in the refrigerator

An effective way to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator is spring-cleaning. The device is disconnected from electrical network, take out all available products and remove the removable plastic. The housewife’s task is to identify and eliminate the source of the odor, and then eliminate its traces.

Washing technology allows the use laundry soap or dishwashing liquid, an additional advantage of the product will be the aroma of lemon, which has the ability to neutralize strong odors.

After washing the internal walls of the refrigeration equipment several times with clean water, wiping dry all hard-to-reach places and crevices, the unit is left to ventilate with open doors for a few hours. Add to rinse water citric acid or lemon juice, vinegar, salt, which neutralize bacteria and odors and destroy mold.

Traditional methods

Folk methods of fighting for fragrance consist of ingredients available in every household:

  • soda solution for washing the walls of refrigeration equipment in a proportion of 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water;
  • solution table vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio, which is used to wash the internal surfaces;
  • vodka and freshly squeezed lemon juice in a ratio of 1:10 will not leave smells a chance;
  • an aqueous solution of ammonia/acetone/solvent in a proportion of 1 tsp per 1 liter of water.

Folk recipes are quite viable in the fight against odors; they are enough to remove the stench without the use of chemicals. If you cannot cope with the odors in the refrigerator, you should use synthetic detergents, but they are less environmentally friendly.

Specialized means

Specialized refrigerator cleaning products include:

  • Clean Home – gel for home use peroxide-based, safe and effective, does not require rinsing;
  • Top House spray for cleaning household appliances, comes complete with an antimicrobial wipe that has the property of absorbing specific odors;
  • special solutions for washing refrigeration equipment: Indesit, Smellof, Daflots, etc. are sprayed onto the surface and washed with clean water;
  • OdorGone is a line of effective household liquids for eliminating dirt and odors, including burnt ones, which require long-term application.

Odor absorbers

Odor absorbers have a fundamental difference in their method of application. They are kept on shelves in the refrigerator for preventive purposes and for freshness. Products are divided into natural and industrial production.

Homemade available odor absorbers are salt and soda placed in open containers in the equipment doors, cut lemon in the egg compartment, crushed activated carbon tablets. Sodium and soda absorb liquids from the air and prevent bacteria from multiplying, which means emitting a rotten smell. Lemon and activated carbon powder destroy and absorb volatile substances from the decomposition of spoiled foods. A piece of rye bread placed in the refrigerator door, a cup of inexpensive ground coffee, or a piece of cut potato easily absorbs foreign and pungent odors in refrigerators. Paper placed in the vegetable compartments has the same effect. Newspaper waste paper can be placed at the bottom of the vegetable compartments, changing it once a week. The methods are accessible and effective.

The household industry has not been left behind in the production of odor absorbers. Such traps of unpleasant odors are designed on the principle of filtering air, which is drawn into the device, passed through the filter and comes out of it in a purified form. Some manufacturers produce battery-powered devices with air ionization function, which extends the shelf life of stored products and eliminates almost 100% of bacteria in the refrigerator. To perform its functions, the device must be inside the refrigerator for several minutes every day.

Other common industrial odor absorbers include beads and eggs with various odor-absorbing fillings inside. Such fillers include various gels, silica gels, drug-based sorbents, mineral salts, and carbon filters that must be replaced every two months. All of them trap extraneous volatile substances, absorb them, preventing the growth of bacteria. In the refrigerator, you can use silica gel, which manufacturers of shoes, bags, and delicate clothing place inside things. Just five of these bags will cope with the odor absorption function for six months.

How to prevent odor

The main measure to prevent the formation of foreign odors in the refrigerator is to avoid storing expired or spoiled products in it. All food that has expired or ready-made food that was prepared more than three days ago, vegetables and fruits that have begun to deteriorate must be disposed of.

Food storage rules

Smelling foods (garlic) are stored in containers with a tight lid; other foods easily absorb the volatile substances of the vegetable and may disappear. An important condition Maintaining a pleasant aroma in the refrigerator is maintaining product proximity. Raw vegetables and fruits are stored together, milk and fermented milk products are not allowed to be adjacent to other products, fish occupies a separate shelf from semi-finished meat products and defrosting. Prepared food should not be placed next to raw food; all soups and salads should be covered with cling film or lids of pots or containers. In the freezer, the same principle must be followed: frozen vegetables separately in containers or film, meat in bags separately from fish, butter or cottage cheese occupy their own compartment.

It is necessary to prevent contact between food intended for heat treatment and food eaten raw.

Repeated freezing will spoil meat and fish. To prevent semi-finished products from going to waste due to repeated thawing, do not take out more from the freezer than is needed for cooking. After defrosting meat or fish on them, the shelves in the main cabinet of the refrigerator must be removed immediately upon completion of defrosting, washed and dried. If liquid from defrosting fish and meat has leaked onto the walls or onto other shelves, you should not wait until it becomes rotten; it is better to immediately wash the unit from the inside.

Care and cleaning of mold and mildew

The smell in the refrigerator is a subtle substance. In the absence of sufficient ventilation, even if there is no spoiled food in it, the aromas from the food mix and hit the nose. This will not happen with regular hygiene procedures and correct operation. Manufacturers recommend defrosting and washing freezers and refrigeration cabinets with the No Frost system 2-3 times a year, the rest – monthly. Turning off and defrosting reduces the load on the engine and freon of the refrigerator, which contributes to high-quality cooling of the contents later.

A weekly check for rotten food will reduce the risk of colonies of foul-smelling bacteria forming in the refrigerator. If you happen to buy moldy vegetables or fruits, such products should not be placed in the refrigerator; mold spores are very tenacious and will colonize any surface in a short time.

Warm food should not be placed in a refrigerator; this will lead to the growth of humidity, fungus, mold spores and bacteria inside; dark vertical streaks of condensation may appear on the walls. If liquid is spilled on the shelf or something falls apart, it is better to remove such contamination immediately. With proper care, you won’t have to get rid of odors, and the refrigerator will delight your household with delicious and healthy food, keeping it maximum freshness and benefits.

It often happens that an unpleasant odor emanates from the refrigerator. This moment can be especially awkward when guests gather in the kitchen. I really want there to be no unpleasant smell when opening and closing the door. There are many ways to eliminate it, which will be discussed below.

Smell in the refrigerator

The list of reasons why a smell begins to appear from the refrigerator can be endless: spoiled food, spilled milk or kefir, a faulty cooling system. Due to the fact that everything inside is lined with plastic, it can be difficult to get rid of an unpleasant odor, because plastic absorbs everything very well. While glass shelves can be quickly washed, the walls require more careful care.

How to remove odor from the refrigerator

It is not always possible to quickly remove the smell from the refrigerator - it is much easier to deal with its occurrence. Always make sure that spoiled food does not accumulate, store milk carefully, and do not put food away without packaging, especially fish and meat. Today you can buy different containers, bags, jars that will help maintain not only the freshness of products, but also cleanliness. If the chamber begins to smell rotten, then you first need to eliminate the cause, clean the walls (if necessary, you will even have to defrost the freezer), and then ventilate it for several hours.

Odor absorber for refrigerator

An additional means of maintaining cleanliness can be a special odor absorber in the refrigerator. It is an absorbent that will very quickly (literally in a matter of hours) absorb any stench, and you will not feel even a hint of an unpleasant odor. You won't have to clean anything. Such absorbers have a shelf life of no more than a month, but then they should be renewed or replaced with new ones. The asking price is from 100 rubles and above.

If you don’t want to spend money on buying an absorber, then you can try making the product yourself. The absorbent can be rice or activated carbon. They absorb any odor well, but they will have to be changed more often - at least once a week. Place a handful of absorbent in a sock or simply wrap it in a cloth and put it in a corner of the refrigerator. In a few hours the problem will be fixed.

Refrigerator freshener

Recently, refrigerator fresheners have appeared on the market. Such products are found among household products, but they should not be confused with ordinary toilet fresheners. The filter can be attached or installed anywhere and emits the aroma of your choice. If the smell is not very strong, for example, industrial, then such a device will be effective and the chamber will stop smelling.

How to remove odor from a refrigerator

When faced with a problem, do not limit yourself to just an absorber or spray. First, you need to thoroughly wash the refrigerator compartment and sort through the food to find the cause of the stench. An excellent product for cleaning the refrigerator and removing odors is vinegar. It is best to dilute the substance with water and spray it on the walls of the chamber. At first it will smell strongly of acid, but then the unpleasant aroma will disappear. Tip: if you leave the door open for a couple of hours, all unwanted odors can quickly disappear. Vinegar can be replaced with ammonia.

Other chemicals to mention include chlorine and powerful odor eliminators, which are sold in specialized departments. Natural freshener also lemon or juice. It not only gets rid of stench well, but also leaves a pleasant citrus aroma. After washing with usual means, you can cut the lemon into slices and arrange on shelves. This refreshing method can be used not only to eliminate stench, but also simply to maintain freshness in the chamber.

How to remove odor in the refrigerator

Although there are many folk methods, eliminating odors in the refrigerator can be done using household chemicals: chlorine solution, ammonia, and special exterminators. True, then you will have to store food there, so it is very important to thoroughly wash these products with water, and at the end you can additionally wipe the surfaces with lemon juice. Next, you will learn how to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator using proven folk methods and improvised means.

How to remove bad smell from refrigerator

It is very difficult to get rid of a rotten stench, but this, unfortunately, happens: while you were not at home, the electricity went out - the freezer defrosted and began to smell unpleasant. Bad smells in the refrigerator cannot always be easily washed away. Even thorough washing will not help here, only disinfection at home. How to eliminate odor in the refrigerator:

  • First, open the chamber, take out the products and chamber parts: drawers, shelves.
  • If the inside continues to stink, it means the smell has already been absorbed well, so wash everything thoroughly with baking soda.
  • Then make a strong solution of vinegar and water - an excellent remedy for refrigerator odors.
  • Wipe the walls with a damp cloth, do not close the doors.
  • Repeat the procedure several times until the odor begins to disappear. This may take several days or even weeks.
  • As soon as the freezer stops smelling, you can start using it again.

How to remove fish smell from the refrigerator

The most unpleasant is the smell of fish in the refrigerator. It will not be easy to get rid of it, but you will have to do it, otherwise you will use it refrigerator it will simply be impossible. An ordinary fragrance or freshener will not do the job here, nor will an odor absorber from the store. How to remove it from the camera:

  • First of all, the walls and shelves need to be thoroughly washed with all possible natural or chemicals: bleach, salt and vinegar, vodka, lemon juice.
  • Next, fill the clean chamber with food, and use ordinary potatoes instead of an absorber. Just cut the vegetable into slices and arrange on shelves. This folk method has never failed housewives.

Smell of mold in the refrigerator

Mold often appears in the refrigerator, especially this problem is familiar to those who store potato tubers or other vegetables and forget about them until the typical smell appears. You can also destroy it. First, clean the inside of the camera. To do this, use any of the tools and recipes listed above. Excellent, inexpensive remedy from the smell of mold in the refrigerator - ordinary bread, which quickly absorbs the unpleasant odor. Knowing how to remove odor from your refrigerator will make it easier to keep it clean.

Video: how to get rid of unpleasant smell in the refrigerator