2nd light in a one-story house. Living room with second light - the secrets of beautiful lighting

From small apartments from a bedroom under the ceiling to country mansions with an open second floor: we often publish photographs of multi-level dwellings on our blog, so it’s time to understand the terms and list the pros and cons of such a layout.

“The second light is that part of the volume of the room that falls on the plans of the floors above. Simply put, a double-height room occupies two or more floors in height,” explains architect Elina Bogus the strict meaning of the term.

In ordinary speech, we often refer to the second light not as the upper part of the free space, but as the rooms located at its level, especially if they are small and open. In this case, it would be more correct to talk about the second floor or tier, or use the term mezzanine.

Mezzanine - p a landing in the volume of a double-height room with an area of ​​no more than 40% of the floor area of ​​a double-height room or an internal platform of an apartment located within a floor with an increased height, having an area of ​​no more than 40% of the area of ​​the room in which it is being built ( SNiP 31-03-2001).

The mezzanine can be either a small balcony a meter below the ceiling or an almost full-fledged room, and in the latter case the remaining space can rightfully be called double-height.

So, what are the features, pros and cons of houses with double-height rooms?

Aesthetics. First of all, it's beautiful. Such a house is associated with luxurious bohemian or aristocratic life, and objectively it is pleasant to be in a space with an abundance of light and very high ceilings.

Saving/wasting space. Anyone who is wondering whether to make a second light in a room two feet high full floors, is faced with the temptation... not to do it. Indeed, the second light in the spacious country house- luxury, in its place it is quite possible to place one or two more full-fledged rooms. On the other hand, in ordinary apartments with very high ceilings, where it is still impossible to create a full second floor, a mezzanine can be added to 40% of the area and will relieve the pressure on the main level of the house.

Light. Regardless of whether you put panoramic windows, or leave them in two rows, a two-story room will be bright. This is important if you live in an area where there is little sunlight. True, you will have to make sure that the windows are really well insulated.

Noise. Partially missing ceiling between floors and high empty walls create excellent acoustics, so that even the loudest sounds will reach the top. For lovers open floor plans Large common spaces will love this effect, but if there are children in the house or the sleep patterns of family members vary greatly, this can become a problem. Thick curtains and other sound-absorbing coverings can help a little.

Ladder. In two-story houses it cannot be avoided, but if you are going to build a mezzanine in ordinary apartment, think twice. A little daily physical activity healthy person It will only be beneficial, but for small children, the elderly and people with injuries, the stairs can become a serious obstacle. In addition, a full-fledged staircase takes up a lot of space, and is often made very steep or simply installed as an attic.

Cleaning. A room with a second light is a few minus square meters floors that need to be washed, but plus high walls and windows, as well as chandeliers and curtains hanging from the ceiling, which will also need to be cleaned from time to time. The height of a regular stepladder may not be enough for this.

Heating. Spacious houses with double-height rooms are often difficult to heat: warm air goes upstairs into useless space. In such cases, it is recommended to install radiant heaters or install heated floors.

Ventilation. Double-height rooms are usually used as common rooms, but the bedrooms are located under the ceiling, so you need to check whether the house is well ventilated, and, if possible, make a second level not far from the ventilation hole. Otherwise, you risk constantly not getting enough sleep due to stuffiness.

Project of a two-level workshop for a creative family

Selection of furniture and decor. Decorating a double-height space is a real challenge, both complex and interesting. For example, it requires more massive furniture, so you can afford to buy a huge leather sofa. But the main thing that needs to be taken into account is that you will look at the double-height space not only from the height of human growth, but also from above. An unusual arrangement of chairs or a carpet pattern will be read much better, but something extra may come into view. A problem can also be the design of high walls, which without decoration will seem too bare.

P.S. If you like double-height spaces and want to learn more about them, stay tuned to our blog. Tomorrow, designer Evgenia Topilskaya, using the example of a real project, will tell and show how to organize a mezzanine in a city apartment.

Cover photo: superdom.ua

Recently, in the construction of houses, the use of such an architectural technique as the arrangement of a second light has been very popular. This option for decorating the interior space of a building originated during the construction of royal mansions, palaces and estates of the medieval era.

Today, not many people still know what a second light in a house project is, but the first modern buildings of this type have already managed to cause heated debate about their relevance today. What are the differences between such projects and what features do they have?

Distinctive features of houses with second light

First, let's look at what a second light is in a house project. This architectural idea is based on combining the space of two or more floors in one or more rooms of the building. In simple terms, in such rooms there are no interfloor ceilings between adjacent levels of the house, due to which the room is filled with more natural sunlight and becomes much larger and airier.

In most cases, house designs with second light are complemented by huge panoramic windows, two or three floors high. The interior is decorated with large ceremonial chandeliers, sconces and spotlights. On the second floor (in a small part of the room) there is a ledge in the form of a balcony, which provides a passage between the levels of the house and can be equipped as a place to relax.

Why are such building projects attractive?

Most often similar architectural solutions attract people who know first-hand what a second light is in a house project, and have already managed to appreciate all the advantages of this layout. The key advantages of double-height rooms include:

  1. An opportunity to emphasize the high status of the owner of the house, to give the building luxury and solidity.
  2. Increase natural light rooms in the daytime, airiness and spaciousness.
  3. The opportunity to bring to life the most daring design ideas on installation artificial lighting. The huge height of the ceilings allows you to focus on massive chandeliers made of glass, crystal or pendant lamps, decorated in a wide variety of styles.
  4. Elegant staircase structures that provide movement between floors serve as an excellent decoration for the interior of the entire house.

Unusual building layout, stained glass, fireplaces and others decorative elements fill the room with notes of solemnity and sophistication, which is very appropriate for luxury homes.

What are the negative aspects of such plans?

Understanding the question of what a second light is in a house project, it is impossible not to notice that such a layout cannot be called economical. Due to the fact that there is practically no overlap on the second floor, the future owner of the house loses at least 1-2 rooms, and this is the main argument of opponents of these projects. Since the usable area of ​​the building is significantly reduced, it is not advisable to install double-height rooms in houses with an area of ​​less than 120 m².

The second disadvantage is usually called the complexity of calculating the heating system, which is associated with the need to create the same microclimate in rooms with different heights ceiling. In these calculations, an important role is played by thermal characteristics the material from which the building is constructed.

Today, brick and gas silicate blocks, however, houses made of timber are the most popular. “Second Light” are not new projects, so experienced specialists will be able to correctly make calculations and achieve the optimal temperature balance in all rooms.

In what cases is it advisable to choose a layout with a second light?

How to do it in a room like wooden house, second light? There are a variety of projects, and you can also make an individual one for yourself. Architects recommend giving preference to such solutions only in cases where the area of ​​the open room is more than 7 times the height of the ceilings, therefore, we are talking about buildings of enormous size.

So, let's summarize. What is second light in a house project? First of all, this is an opportunity to get rid of boring standard layouts and make your home unusual and bright. And if you competently approach the process of construction and planning of the heating system, then the erected building will delight its owners not only with beauty, but also with warmth and comfort.

The second light in the house - what kind of miracle is this?

Second light in the house - what is it? We can see it in all its splendor in historical films describing the brilliant life of kings in luxurious palaces. A fashionable and effective technique, which is successful in Europe, is gradually gaining sympathy in Russian spaces. This option will appeal to people with unconventional thinking who are able to appreciate the wide possibilities that open up for design.

Second light in the house - what kind of know-how is this?

The meaning of this architectural technique is that the ceilings between floors are eliminated in the building. On the second floor there is either no access at all, or there is a passage gallery around the perimeter of the room. This creates a spacious room, visually increases the area, and makes it possible to provide more effective natural lighting.

As a rule, this room is used as a formal living room, where it will be possible to organize a reception for guests. top level. In addition, the possibility of installing a second light is provided in cottages mansard type. If the tenant does not plan to actively use attic space, it makes sense to open the living space to the sun's rays.

In this case, the architect can provide for the installation of tall stained-glass windows and panoramic windows that add lightness and airiness to the structure. The lighting design may have different variations. In the literal sense of the word, a person has the opportunity to breathe deeply, since there is a lot of air in the large hall.

Second light in architecture has its limitations for use. If the height exceeds the area of ​​the room, it will look unaesthetic. A person will begin to feel like he is in a well or a chimney.

Chandeliers, sconces and other subtleties

A second light in the house – what kind of useful invention is this? The designer here can unleash the full breadth of his talent. In particular, the lighting project has more possibilities for variations. It becomes possible to hang a large ceremonial chandelier, like in a theater or royal palaces. To ensure uniform illumination of the entire space, it makes sense to install spotlights and sconces.
Together, all devices will provide soft diffused light, which can be easily adjusted as desired.

Space planning

Before decisively getting down to business, you should carefully consider the functional purpose of the resulting premises. The huge space of the first floor should not be turned into an empty, lifeless hall. This great option for the arrangement of a living room, reception hall. The room with high ceilings also has good acoustic properties. It is perfect for placing a piano or grand piano.

The remaining space on the second floor should also be used with maximum benefit.
Here you can arrange a bedroom, an office. If this is a palace-type mansion, then the option remains with stairs connected at the top by protruding balconies or a gallery.


The advantages of second light are immediately revealed to the naked eye. This option makes the room more spacious. The hall is full of sunlight, offering a wide view of the surrounding space. A facade decorated with tall stained glass or panoramic windows no longer looks like a blank box with loophole windows.

There is the possibility of numerous experiments with various lighting devices. You can arrange your own small option concert hall with a huge classical chandelier.


“A second light in the house – what an extra expense!” - this is what a person might exclaim, counting every penny with a calculator in his hands. First of all, this is a loss of usable space. A large space where you can arrange a couple of rooms immediately becomes inaccessible.

There are also problems with heating. The inexorable laws of physics require that warm air rise to the top, and cold air, accordingly, sink down. With conventional radiators, the tenant will intensively heat the space under the ceiling. Wide panoramic windows, implied when installing a second light, will also allow a lot of heat to pass out.

Difficulties exist to be overcome...

The disadvantages associated with the second light device were outlined above. A legitimate question arises: “What to do?”

Problems associated with heating living spaces are easy to solve with current technologies. Warm floors are the main solution to the heating problem when installing a second light. A source of warm air is constantly under the feet of the residents, so no problems with heating should arise.

Large windows are a source of heat transfer to the outside. And there will be solutions for these problems. First of all, it is necessary to place the window openings on the south side of the building. This way the room will receive the maximum amount of sunlight and winter period. In addition, they do not stand still and modern technologies glass production. In Europe, a material such as low-emissivity glass has been gaining popularity for many years.
It has the unique ability to transmit solar radiation into the room, while delaying the return of heat to the outside.

In any case, houses with a second light are mansions of the elite, luxury category. This method should be used only when there are enough square meters to satisfy purely aesthetic needs.

The second light is an architectural tradition that we have inherited from time immemorial. The majestic Gothic churches of the Middle Ages, the palaces of kings and dukes successfully embodied a trend that is gaining a second wind today.

Second light

Second light in architecture, a room with missing ceilings on one or more floors. This design creates a feeling large space, light and airy.

In the room where the 2nd light is made there is no ceiling (the ceiling of the 1st floor and, accordingly, the floor of the 2nd floor), that is, it has the height of the ceiling of the 2nd floor compared to the rest of the floor rooms where there are overlaps between floors. That is, for example, there are rooms (rooms) of the house that have a ceiling, but the room with the second light does not have a ceiling.

In general, the second (or third) light is precisely the missing ceilings on one or more floors, creating space (and a very high ceiling on the main floor). Most often, this architectural technique is used in theaters, cinemas, etc.


  • Russian architecture. - 1995.
  • Architectural Dictionary.

The design of the second light was originally invented in order to illuminate those houses that in the standard design seemed gloomy and inhospitable. The absence of a ceiling makes the room seem more spacious and larger. And the view of the sun's rays that flood the room simultaneously from two levels of windows is incomparable.

As a rule, living room interiors are created with second light. Thus, even the most ordinary room turns into the quintessence of style, and the increase in free space allows you to breathe deeply, and it begins to seem as if the air in the house itself has become cleaner and fresher.

Abroad, the design of houses with second light is very common; almost no luxurious modern apartment can do without using this technique. In our country, second light in the interior is treated with caution, as always, for fear that the builders will not cope and something will go wrong.

Unfortunately, these fears are not groundless. You need to be very careful when choosing a company that will work on creating your second light. However, if you think through everything carefully, the interior of a house with second light will only delight you.

During construction country house, sometimes, a second light is used. People's opinions on such a layout are divided into three groups. The first want a second light in their home, the second do not know whether this is advisable, and the third simply refuse.

So what is second light? This is the lack of overlap between floors in one or more rooms. This approach is used to increase visual space. In other words, the second light combines two floors into one.

When planning a second light, panoramic glazing is often used; it looks impressive.

Opinions on the layout of a house with a second light are divided.

  1. “The second light is power, effectiveness, strength and uniqueness!” — advocates of arranging a combination of floors argue.
  2. “The second light is impractical! It eats up useful space. A simple hole appears that can become dangerous.” - This is how skeptics explain their point of view.

So who is right? There is no one general opinion. All people are different, each has their own tastes and preferences. Some people like one thing, others another. But it is worth considering both sides of the opinion. Give arguments for and against the arrangement of the second world.

Pros of second light

Arranging a second light will give the building solidity. It will have the feeling that the room is large in volume. This is missing in typical apartments where the ceilings are not very high. This approach will make it more impressive compared to other houses. In a house with second light, there is no question that the owners do not have enough space, and they save every square meter.

The second light, in most cases, is installed in the living room. This is one of the central rooms in the house, and guests will appreciate this layout. At the same time, from the second floor there is a beautiful view of the living room.

Second light looks aesthetically pleasing and adds additional beauty to the entire structure. Various thoughts appear on the layout and use of second light. Fantasy plays out, especially among creative people.

You can plan a fireplace and gather the whole family around it in the evenings. On weekends, guests and friends will bask in the warmth of the fire. This gives cozy atmosphere and tenderness.

At second light glazing can be made panoramic. This will bring even more light into the room. Double-glazed windows can be replaced with stained glass. At the same time, the living room will sparkle with a variety of colors of the rainbow, and will constantly delight you with new designs.

In the second light, it is possible to install tall trees or flowers. The height of the ceilings will allow this to be done, and the glazing will provide the necessary light.

Cons of second light

The most important disadvantage is loss of usable area. When arranging a second light, you can lose one or two rooms. But at the same time get a large, spacious room.

If the house is planned to be several hundred square meters, then it is possible to equip the second light with minimal sacrifices that will not affect the necessary premises. When constructing a building with a minimum amount of space, but at the same time must contain several rooms, it is unlikely that it will be possible to create a second light.

The downside is the heating. According to the laws of physics, all heated air tends to rise, and cool air goes down. In the cold season, when heating a room with a second light, it will be warm above and cool below.

When designing a second light, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of replacing the bulb in lighting fixtures. Decide how windows and ceilings will be washed.

If the walls are not decorated with decor, then there will be a feeling of discomfort and emptiness.

With the second light, greater audibility occurs. Sounds from the large room reverberate throughout the building. This may cause drafts.

When arranging the second light it is necessary takes care of the heating. This problem should be approached comprehensively.

Consider insulating the shelf in a room with second light. This will minimize heat loss.

Choose carefully heating devices. Experts advise installing beam systems heating. They can be mounted on the ceiling and hidden under external finishing. When they release heat, they will heat the floor of the room and the air below. This comprehensive solution with main heating will help make the room warmer.

  • Install heated floors on the ground floor. This will allow you to be in comfortable conditions and not feel cold. Don't forget that warm air tends to rise.
  • Determine the quantity heating systems which is necessary. You can use specialists who can accurately tell you the heating power.
  • To minimize heat loss, you should approach glazing responsibly. When arranging the second light, windows are installed large area. They are conductors of cold air and loss of warm air.
  • When planning a house, second light and panoramic glazing, it is best to design on the south side. This will ensure auxiliary light, and will additionally heat the room with the help of sunlight.
  • If you take into account all the nuances when insulating the room and properly installing the devices. Heating a house with a second light will cost the same as a house without it.
  • When considering the pros and cons of a second light, it is now easier to answer the question: “Should I install a second light or not?”
  • With the second light, useful space is lost, but is it really necessary? Family and friends spend most of their time in the living room, which amazes with its size and scope. It's nice to sit in a large room with a fireplace.
  • When building a country house, you want to move away from the stereotypes of city apartments and build a room with large areas and scope. To do this, it is not necessary that the building be several thousand square meters, you just need to competently design the second light.

What will happen if the panoramic windows on the entire wall are made even larger? Cottages in which part of the overlap between floors is missing, and in the living room has a height of 6-8 meters, are called houses with second light. This is a rather original and not yet very common technique, which allows you to add more light, freedom and monumentality to your home. Moreover, thanks to the second light, you can create a unique one and enjoy picturesque landscapes at home. Similar decision today used primarily in arranging.

Idea glass houses is not new, it was embodied in the twentieth century in the form of modernist office and public buildings. and cottages with panoramic views have recently developed; this is the fashion of the twenty-first century. Reasons that held back the construction of houses with transparent walls in previous periods, are not technical, but psychological in nature. A house with one completely glazed wall seemed unprotected and fragile, and therefore there was no demand for such construction. The situation changed when construction began cottage villages with a protected area and large plots.

From the living room there is access to the premises of the first and second floors. To climb to the second floor, a decorative, screw or marching one is built. Another feature of houses with second light is the need think carefully, because a room with a height of more than 5 meters requires a special approach, and it will not be enough.

Advantages and disadvantages of houses with second light

If we compare all the advantages and disadvantages of such houses, then there are many more of the former, so we can start with them. So, The main advantages of houses with second light include:

  1. opportunity to create unique design, and sitting in the living room you can enjoy a panoramic view of the beautiful landscapes;
  2. opportunity to create unique, since in a room with such high ceilings you can use luxurious or a lot of spotlights, or other interesting solutions, with the help of which the house will truly become unique;
  3. if you like to grow plants, then houses with second light will allow you to create an extensive collection, even arrange one, and at the same time the amount of light will be maximum, and you can afford even the tallest plants;
  4. huge ones will significantly save on lighting and make the most of natural light;
  5. the fragility and insecurity of houses with second light has long been refuted. To organize glazing they use durable double glazed windows, which work on the principle of a greenhouse: the sun's rays pass freely through the glass, heat all objects in the house, and are converted into infrared rays, which can no longer pass through the glass.

But also disadvantages of houses with second light also there is:

  1. loss of usable space, because the absence of part of the floors forces you to abandon a couple of not always extra rooms: bedrooms or utility rooms. That is why “second light” is organized only in houses with sufficient space so that this bonus does not cause discomfort;
  2. ceiling height in living room- This additional difficulties, because or change the light bulbs in a chandelier without a third party professional help it will be almost impossible, and this will be extra costs;
  3. difficulties also arise when organizing the heating system, because ordinary radiators, even if there are a sufficient number of them, will not be enough - the laws of physics work. That is why it is better to involve specialists in developing a heat supply system. As a rule, you will need a thermal curtain, when a stream of heated air moves along the glass from top to bottom. Walls and roofs will also help, and as heaters it is better to use those that heat objects in the room, rather than the air.

10 interesting projects of houses with second light

If some of the disadvantages of such houses do not bother you, then you can move on to designing and building such a structure on your site. Of course you can create your own unique project taking into account all individual requirements, but you can purchase a ready-made one: it is several times cheaper, and all these projects are thought out to the smallest detail so that the built house is comfortable and cozy. Let's look at the most interesting of them.

No. 1. Grace

This is a chic project two-story house with an area of ​​319 m2. Great for big family, who can not only relax here for several weeks a year, but also live fully - everything is provided necessary premises. The main part of the first floor is a spacious kitchen-living room, from which opens panoramic view. The area can comfortably accommodate a kitchen and dining area, as well as a relaxation area. In addition, on the ground floor there is a bathroom and a lot of utility rooms for storing things, gardening tools and other things. There is a garage for two cars and a terrace where you can have picnics or just sunbathe.

On the second floor, the project involves placing three bedrooms, one of which has its own bathroom, as well as one more. There are enough recreation rooms for a large family, and a house built according to this project will be comfortable and conducive to relaxation.

No. 2. North

A house built according to this project, unlike the previous one, is suitable for a small family, who will not spend very much time here, since it is compact and has a minimum of bedrooms. A special feature of the house is a spacious terrace, which can become an excellent place for relaxation and family celebrations. The total area of ​​this two-story house is only 76 m2, so the project is suitable only for a specific group of people.

On the ground floor, as is customary, there is a spacious kitchen with a living room, as well as a bathroom. In that part of the house where there is no panoramic glazing, a children's room is organized and small bedroom. On the second floor, according to the project, you can place a more spacious bedroom and a dressing room.

No. 3. Optimum

Such a house can become a place of complete and varied recreation, and there is enough space for a large family or a large group of friends. The design of this two-story house boasts an area of ​​more than 530 m2. From the ground floor there is access to a huge terrace that can be used in different ways. Also on the ground floor there is a leading to a spacious living room, the decoration of which is the “second light”. The kitchen is separated from the living room and also has ample space and a separate dining area. The kitchen and living room have access to the terrace, so on fine days you can easily have lunch in the fresh air - all products can be easily and easily taken out.

Also on the ground floor there are a couple of bathrooms, a huge gym, a sauna with a swimming pool, a boiler room, a storage room, utility rooms and space for two cars. The staircase from the living room leads to the second floor into the hall, which also offers stunning views from the window. On the second floor there is a bedroom with a separate bathroom and dressing room, as well as three other bedrooms and two additional baths. Such a project is suitable for those who dream of relaxing in their country house with maximum comfort.

No. 4. Greece

This is a project of another spacious two-story house with an area of ​​302 m2. Both the external and internal solutions are thought out to the smallest detail. So, on the ground floor there is a living room overlooking the terrace and surrounding landscapes. The kitchen and dining areas are nearby, but separated by a short partition. From the dining area there is access to the terrace, so if desired, everything cooked can be easily taken outside to have lunch or dinner in the fresh air. On the ground floor there is also supposed to be a bathroom, storage room, boiler room, wardrobe, as well as a bedroom, from which there is also access to the terrace.

From the living room, a staircase rises to the second floor hall, from where doors lead to three bedrooms, a bathroom and a dressing room, and another bathroom is provided in one of the bedrooms. The result is a good project for a country house for a large family.

No. 5. Finnish house

Enough interesting project, according to which you can build a cozy two-storey house with an area of ​​286 m2. Thanks to the layout features, this area will accommodate even more useful objects than in the previous version. The basis of the first floor is a living room with second light. Next to the living room there is a dining area with access to the terrace, and the kitchen is located right there. In addition to these rooms, as well as the hallway and hall, on the ground floor there is a bathroom, a bedroom with a dressing room and a bath, but that’s not all. A special feature of the project is that there is space for a sauna with a shower and a changing room.

As in all other projects of houses with a second light, here the staircase to the second floor leads from the living room and goes to the hall on the second floor. It is also used as a relaxation area, because the view is the same as from the living room. There are also three bedrooms, one of which has a wardrobe and a balcony, and one bathroom for all.

No. 6. Arrow

The design of this house is truly unique and interesting, it is suitable for those who want to achieve original solution, but at the same time not deprive the house of comfort and coziness. The area is 370 m2, there are two floors, and the peculiarity is the presence of a gallery on the second floor, as well as a lot of facilities for rest and relaxation. The house has a peculiar shape, and on the ground floor there is a living room and a kitchen-dining room, and they are located so that they form a single room, and two walls parallel to each other are completely glazed. In addition, on the ground floor there is a vestibule with an entrance hall, a bathroom, as well as a hall with access to the bathroom, utility rooms and a gym, next to it there is a passage to the swimming pool, from which you can exit onto a spacious terrace. Best solution I can't think of a place for a relaxing holiday. For convenience, there is space for a two-car garage on the ground floor.

Since the “second light” is actually located on two sides, the second floor is planned using a gallery that leads from the staircase to two children's rooms. Also on the second floor there are two bedrooms and a bathroom.

No. 7. Friends

The name of the project of this house speaks for itself. The rooms here are located and equipped so that there is enough space for a huge group, and so that everyone’s stay is as comfortable as possible. It’s worth noting right away that the house design does not include a garage, but the issue of parking can be solved in a lot of other ways. But on an area of ​​450 m2 all the necessary rooms are located.

On the ground floor there is a huge living room with second light, it connects to the dining room, which also offers a beautiful view. The kitchen and dining room are combined, and from the latter there is access to the terrace for outdoor dining. Also on the ground floor there is a guest room with access to the terrace and its own bathroom, dressing room, gym with bathtub. The second floor has a spacious hall, a dressing room and four bedrooms, each of which has a separate bathroom - ideal for a large group of friends.