What is the difference between a multicooker and a pressure cooker? Multicooker or pressure cooker - which is better: advantages and disadvantages of devices

In the modern assortment of household appliances, multicookers have occupied a special niche. More and more people are using this device, as a time-saving kitchen assistant is exactly what they need to the modern housewife. In addition to ordinary devices, multicookers-pressure cookers appeared on the market, which combined the functions of both devices. To find out what is best to choose, we will find out the features of the multicooker and key differences multicookers-pressure cookers.

In a conventional multicooker, food can be cooked: under the influence of heating elements, the food is heated to desired temperature. Depending on the mode, this can be up to 100 degrees when stewing and up to 190 when frying. Excess steam escapes through a special hole in the lid of the device.

In a multicooker-pressure cooker, unlike a regular one, products are subject not only to heat treatment, but also to high pressure. The valve here is closed during operation and pumps high pressure inside the device; with the help of it and the pressurized steam, food is cooked more quickly. The pressure cooker also has an additional emergency valve

: it opens in the event of a worker failure and reduces excess pressure inside the device.

Multicooker device

Comparison of main characteristics

Any housewife pays attention to the convenience and functionality of the device, as well as the cooking time and the usefulness of the resulting food. For men, the energy consumption parameter will be important. Let's compare these indicators in the selected devices.

Cooking speed Naturally, a pressure cooker cooks food faster due to high pressure. But it is also worth considering the time it takes to pump and release pressure (20-30 minutes). Therefore, only those products that take a long time to cook are profitable: broths, legumes, jellied meat, meat, etc. Dishes instant cooking

will take longer to cook than in a slow cooker.

Functionality A multicooker is superior in quantity to a pressure cooker. If in While a multicooker can cook almost anything, a multicooker-pressure cooker does not have so many automatic modes. If you want to get a more functional device, choose a pressure cooker with a “Multi-cook” mode; it allows you to create your own recipes and modes.

The pressure cooker operates under , so opening the lid during operation will cause emergency pressure release, as well as the need to regain the required level to continue cooking. In a multicooker, this process is simpler: you can always open the lid, add the missing ingredients, spices and monitor the cooking process.

Cost-effectiveness and quality of food

If we compare both devices, there are no fundamental differences in energy consumption. It depends on, which means that a pressure cooker and a multicooker-pressure cooker have the same power will consume the same. Another question is the price of the device itself. As you know, a pressure cooker is an additional function in a multicooker, which means the cost of the combined device will be higher.

It is believed that food cooked in a pressure cooker is more useful, since it is subject to heat treatment for less time, and because of this, more useful microelements remain in it.

Review of the best multicookers

Panasonic SR-TMJ181BTW is a kind of flagship among all multicookers from this manufacturer. High quality build, pleasant appearance and wide functionality - this is what sets this device apart from others. average price 9 thousand rubles.


  • 5 liter bowl;
  • Teflon;
  • convenient control;
  • 10 automatic modes for cooking;
  • auto-heating and delayed start functions;
  • power - 670 watts.

A classic example of a modern multicooker is a device from the famous company Moulinex - MK302E30. Housing made of of stainless steel , good functionality and eight automatic cooking modes.


  • 5 liter bowl;
  • Teflon coating of the bowl;
  • electronic control system, indication small display;
  • 8 automatic cooking modes;
  • auto-heating and delayed start function;
  • power - 600 Watt.

Multicooker SR-TMJ181BTW

Review of the best multi-pressure cookers

Panasonic SR-PE55 is one of the most famous models of this type from this company. It was one of the first to appear, so it has been tested by a large number of people. This popularity is due to ease of use Moreover, in this multicooker-pressure cooker you can cook almost any dish.


  • 5.5 liter bowl;
  • diamond-fluoride coating of the bowl;
  • electronic control via panel;
  • 8 automatic operating modes;
  • choice of pressure level (there are 3 in total);
  • power - 1100 Watt.

Redmond RMC-PM180 is very different wide range of functions. According to customer reviews, this model has the optimal ratio of quality and cost. In addition, it is compatible with various bowls, so you can choose the one that suits your needs.


  • 5 liter bowl;
  • push-button control, LCD display;
  • 29 automatic modes;
  • temperature maintenance and delayed start function;
  • deep fries;
  • power - 900 Watt.

In a nutshell, a multi-pressure cooker is an advanced version of a regular multi-cooker. It cooks dishes faster that usually take a very long time to cook (meat, legumes, etc.). If you often cook such food, then it’s worth it. A regular multicooker is suitable for all other cases.

When you come to the store, the main thing is to clearly understand the purpose of your search. When purchasing a new electronic kitchen assistant Sometimes, for example, the following question arises: what is the difference between a multicooker and a pressure cooker?

To understand, you will have to delve into the features of such devices, understand how they work, how they will be useful and what the difference is between them.

Pros and cons of a pressure cooker

A pressure cooker is practically an ordinary saucepan, the lid of which closes hermetically. Due to this, the pressure inside the container increases significantly, which leads to accelerated boiling of water. And this speeds up the cooking time of any dish by 2–4 times, and, for example, beans by 6–8 times. It is noteworthy that when cooking in a pressure cooker, the cooked products retain a bright and rich color.

A pressure cooker allows you to cook your favorite dishes much faster

It is interesting that only thanks to such household appliances will it be possible to prepare high-quality dishes in conditions with thin air - in the mountains. The fact is that due to lower than usual atmospheric pressure The average boiling point of the liquid also decreases by approximately 4 °C for every 1000 meters. A pressure cooker, thanks to the increased pressure inside the container, easily solves the problem, allowing you to enjoy high-quality food at any altitude and latitude in any weather conditions.

Advantages of pressure cookers:

  • relatively low energy consumption compared to other kitchen appliances;
  • maximum preservation of vitamins and other useful substances due to minimal oxidation of food in conditions of lack of oxygen in a sealed container;
  • it is possible to carry out a so-called “internal explosion”: a sudden boiling of liquid in the bowl due to a rapid release of pressure in the system; Some grains can be softened well only this way.

Disadvantages include the lack of access to food when the device is operating (it is impossible to determine the readiness of the dish), as well as the risk of burns if the lid is opened carelessly. There is also such a thing as the potentially high explosion hazard of the device, but thanks to the efforts of the manufacturers, the risks are reduced to almost zero.

Features of steamers

As the name suggests, the main purpose of a steamer is to cook food using water steam. They come in the form of a pan into which a perforated insert is inserted, or they are made as a grate for installation directly on a gas or electric stove.

Using a steamer you can cook dishes using steam

Advantages of steamers:

  • The main thing is that dietary dishes are prepared with its help. If you do not specifically add fats to the kitchen bowl, those who adhere to a diet will receive tasty and healthy food.
  • Preservation of the maximum amount of vitamins and other nutrients. The steamer is ideal for preparing minced meat, fish, vegetables, puddings and soufflés.
  • Food in a steamer does not burn or dry out, and therefore it is perfect for defrosting or heating dishes.

The disadvantage of this household appliance is the inability to qualitatively cook large pieces of meat, which are difficult to bring to the desired condition, as well as cooking pasta, which requires intense boiling.

What to expect from a multicooker?

With this electronic kitchen device, you have the opportunity to prepare many delicious dishes almost completely automatically. In fact, a multicooker replaces several similar household appliances for cooking: pressure cooker, steamer, oven, bread maker, convection oven, electric frying pan.

Basic operating modes

  • cooking;
  • cooking pasta, dumplings, dumplings, etc., when the products must be placed in already boiling water;
  • stewing;
  • frying/baking;
  • buckwheat/rice;
  • pilaf;
  • yogurt;

The multicooker combines the functions of different devices

Among additional features It is worth noting steam cooking using a special grill included in the kit; maintaining the temperature of the finished dish; warming up

Most kitchen appliances have a timer that allows you to count down the time until a certain event occurs. If the selected program does not require the presence of a person, then the dish will be prepared automatically at the specified hour, which is quite convenient.

Some models provide a multi-cook mode, which allows you to create your own new programs for cooking. It is clear that the functionality of the device depends on the manufacturer and cost.

Advantages of multicookers:

  • The main thing is to automate the cooking process and save space for other similar kitchen appliances.
  • Ease of use: delicious dish Literally anyone can cook it, as long as they read the instructions first - what and how much to put in the bowl.
  • Ease of maintenance and care.

Multicookers have only one drawback: you can’t do two things at the same time. But this is exactly what few people expect from her.

Comparison of multicooker and pressure cooker (video)

The main differences between pressure cookers, steamers and multicookers

If you are just deciding on a future purchase, then first analyze several factors that will give a clear answer to the question: what is the difference between a double boiler and a multicooker or pressure cooker. Well, the choice, of course, will have to be based on your personal preferences, especially since we are not even talking about the brand, the brand, or the country of production.

So, the criteria for the differences between these devices:

  • Functionality.
  • Method/methods of preparing the dish.
  • The amount of food you can cook at one time.
  • Time spent cooking.
  • The usefulness of the dish (preservation of vitamins and other useful substances).
  • Cost of a household appliance.

Only by carefully analyzing the factors outlined above will you be able to understand which appliance: pressure cooker, steamer or multicooker is best suited for you.

Rostislav Kuzmin

Greetings, dear readers of my blog. In the previous article, we carried out an analysis and came to the conclusion that a multicooker is undoubtedly useful device in any kitchen. Now it's time to choose for yourself best model. In this article I will give several useful recommendations, how to choose a multicooker, 10 best options and them comparative characteristics for clarity. I’ll also tell you what to look for when purchasing.

In my practice, I have more than once encountered buyer misconceptions about the quality of the model. Thus, some believe that the main thing in a multicooker is the body, while its heart is the bowl, which most often requires replacement. As for the body, it is always plastic, and metal inserts are used only for aesthetics (or is this a cunning way to mislead?). Let's figure out what to look for to make the right choice.

Learning to evaluate a multicooker based on significant parameters

It’s easy to get lost in the huge variety of multicooker models, and yet they don’t have many differences, the main ones being the design and size of the body, power consumption and bowl volume. Design is a matter of personal taste, although when choosing, I advise you to take into account general style kitchens: if all your appliances are chrome, then a cute white plastic multicooker will be out of place. At the same time, you should not unnecessarily overpay for a supposedly metal case, since such inserts do not carry any functional load.

As for power, the optimal ones, in terms of cooking speed and energy costs, will be options with 600 - 800 W. Power of 1000 W or more is typical for multicookers. Everyone chooses the sufficient volume of the bowl for themselves, but, as practice shows, a small bowl of 2 - 3 liters is suitable only for singles, but for a family it is better to purchase a bowl of 5 liters. This concludes the list of parameters where you can take liberties. Now let's move on to the features where specialist advice is required.

And so, let's start with the most important thing - the bowl. The most common bowls are Teflon. non-stick coating, which requires careful care and is not durable, and after 3-5 years housewives begin to complain about burning during frying and food sticking to the bottom. Although today manufacturers are striving to increase the service life of such bowls by applying a multilayer coating. Give preference better multicooker m with thick-walled bowls. A ceramic bowl will be more durable, which is easier to clean, but more fragile and more expensive. It is difficult to say unequivocally which coating in a multicooker is better, since each type has its own pros and cons.

When choosing any household appliances for the home, you need to pay attention to its safety. Models with a detachable power cord seem to be more convenient (finished cooking, unplug the cord and put it away so as not to get in the way), but due to the possibility of water getting in, the risk of shorting increases, so a tightly fixed cord is safer.

To make daily care of the device simple and quick, the multicooker should have a removable valve that is easy to wash and dry. The valve should be washed after each cooking cycle as it can absorb odors.

Not all models have a useful device - a moisture collector for condensate. Using transparent plastic cup, attached to the back of the device, you can solve the problem of “puddles” on the table after each opening of the lid.

Buyers often ask: “Advise which programs and functions they really need.” Today, all multicookers in the mid-price category have a standard set of programs (6 - 8), which allows you to do everything you need. Baking/dessert and yogurt programs may rarely be missing. Expensive models have a “multi-cook” function, which allows you to set cooking parameters manually. Otherwise there is not much difference, although the modes themselves have different manufacturers may be called differently. Additional options such as a timer, auto-heating and reheating a ready-made dish are no longer a curiosity and are present in all models. Thus, the functionality of the multicooker comes into the background when choosing.

Another important point, worth attention- type and location heating element. IN budget options most often it is located only at the bottom. Multicookers with bottom heating have a tubular electric heater (heating element) - the simplest and cheapest. Even heating on the sides of the bowl improves the quality of cooking and reduces time. This type is called induction, which means non-contact heating through electromagnetic waves. Expensive models may have additional side and top heating elements, which is called 3D heating. Multicookers of this type can bake golden brown baked goods with a toasted crust. But before you overpay for three-dimensional heating, you should make sure that we are talking about a full-fledged additional heating element, and not about a metal reflective coating on the inside of the lid or a low-power element.

The last thing that needs to be assessed is the clarity of the controls, the information content of the display and the convenience of the location of the touch buttons. Ideally, these parameters should be tested, since each person has their own idea of ​​ease of control. Some models may have sound accompaniment of programs and stages of the regime, which helps the visually impaired and the elderly.

If you evaluate each multicooker according to the parameters given above, then your choice will truly be the best. However, the price argument cannot be ignored. In any case, it will be easier to find the optimal price-quality ratio if you use useful tips this article. The company should not play a decisive role in the choice, as many are accustomed to completely trust the brand.

Ten best multicookers

The ability to correctly evaluate a multicooker model you like by design will help you avoid purchasing a low-quality product, as well as overpaying for unnecessary options. Unfortunately, manufacturers tend to hide some features of their equipment. So, for example, no one will warn you that the model cannot properly bake a cottage cheese casserole (the bottom will burn, but the top will remain pale). The technical data sheets do not indicate at what point the program time reporting begins: with pressing the start button or after reaching the ingredients room temperature. This is important, because it’s one thing to steam vegetables from the refrigerator and quite another to steam them from freezer. All the subtleties that can only be encountered during operation can be learned from those who have already purchased the product and have some experience in using it.

Thus, to understand which model is the best or one of the best, you need not only technical specifications from the manufacturer and expert opinion, but also reviews from ordinary customers.

I present to your attention the TOP most popular and reliable multicookers:

  • Polaris PMC 0517AD– a multifunctional, stylish multicooker with a simple intuitive menu in Russian. With very serious equipment, it can be bought at an affordable price, which is good news. In addition to standard additional options, it has the ability to turn off the heating of the finished dish when starting the program (this allows you to significantly save energy in cases when you are away from home for a long time and you do not need a hot lunch) and save the current program in memory for 2 hours in case of sudden power outage. In this model, the program time starts from the moment the water boils, so don’t be surprised if the dish takes a little longer to cook. Despite the claimed 3D heating, don't expect to find a top heating element on the lid. Buyers note the presence of a plastic smell in the first weeks of cooking, which can be removed by boiling water with lemon slices for 10 to 15 minutes. ( 2 store, 3 store - gray— Russia, Belarus, UA, Kazakhstan, 4 store— Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus; Moscow).
  • Redmond RMC-M800S– this multicooker tops the sales rankings in many online stores. It stands out from other multicookers because it can be controlled via mobile app on a smartphone. You can change cooking parameters even while the program is running. Users note high quality ready-made dishes, ease of washing the bowl and ease of control.
  • Philips HD4731/03– a high-quality and reliable multicooker from a well-known brand with a 2-year warranty. It has a modest set (there are not even standard spoons in the set), but it is different elegant design and good functionality. Automatic heating can be turned off, there is a child lock, a melodious sound signal, and a large recipe book. The bowl has comfortable silicone handles that allow you to safely remove it after the program is completed. ( 2 store).
  • Cuckoo CMC-HJXT0804F- an expensive multicooker with pressure cooking capabilities. She has everything you need to prepare healthy and delicious food. The manufacturer took care of the safety of users: non-heating bowl handles, a gradual steam release system, blocking the device when there is no bowl, overheating protection. One of the few 3D multicookers with heating elements not only in the bottom and sides, but also in the lid. ( 2 store).
  • – . The high price is justified by the good quality of the product and the taste of the dishes. Most reviews highly appreciate the performance of the device and its controls. ( 2 store, 3 store, 4 store- Russia, Belarus, UA, Kazakhstan).
  • Vitesse VS-571 is the simplest and cheapest multicooker that easily fulfills its intended purpose. An excellent choice for those who need a hot lunch in the country after gardening. The push-button display with large symbols and simple controls will certainly be appreciated by retirees. I'm pleased with the nice design - nothing superfluous and a full set of auxiliary utensils. In general, buyers are satisfied with the ratio of quality and price. ( shop).
  • Redmond RMC-M92S– another representative of the leader in the production of household appliances for the kitchen with the ability to control via a smartphone application. The model has a set of functions in full accordance with the price category. Buyers note the temporary presence of a plastic odor and uncomfortable touch buttons. The recipe book includes a huge number of dishes and is designed quite clearly and understandably. ( 2 store- Worldwide, 3 store, 4 store, 5 store).
  • multi-kitchen - an innovative model at an affordable price. The best choice for those who like a varied menu. Its special feature is the presence of a lifting heating element, which allows you to cook in a frying pan. You can even bake pancakes and pancakes with it. Such a device significantly expands the user’s capabilities, including sterilizing dishes, preparing cottage cheese, proofing dough and baking bread. In terms of quality and functionality, this is perhaps the best budget multicooker. ( 2 store- Worldwide, 3 store, 4 store, 5 store).
  • Redmond RMC-M40S- another model controlled from a smartphone, only for less money. This is a compact multicooker with good functionality that corresponds to the modern level of technology. Buyers note the decent quality of all dishes, including baked goods. The recipes are clear and correct, the result is consistent with expectations. The disadvantages include the lack of a container for steaming in the package. ( 2 store- Worldwide, 3 store, 4 store, 5 store, 6 multistore).
  • Moulinex MK 707832– a simple model with a pleasant design and good quality. Disadvantages include the inability to turn off auto-heating before the start of the program and the reporting of the program time immediately after pressing the “Start” button (without setting a specific temperature). Judging by the reviews, some users were satisfied with the purchase and successfully cook in all modes, while others complain most about baked goods and milk porridges. ( 2 store, 3 multistore).

Comparison of technical characteristics of popular multicookers


Bowl volume/Power

Bowl coating

Number of programs/multi-cook

Heating type




Includes steaming rack and yogurt jars



20 + 28 manual/yes

Can be controlled from a smartphone via a mobile application



High quality bowl (thick walls, handles)


4 l / 1190 W

steel with titanium non-stick coating (5 layers)

Double-circuit 3D heating, induction and heating element

Multicooker-pressure cooker, has a built-in clock, voice guide and container for collecting condensate

4 l / 1250 W



Has a detachable power cord

lower heating element

Compact and lightweight, LED display



Remote control from a smartphone, there is a container for collecting condensate


3D heating with three heating elements

Has a detachable power cord, includes a frying pan, steamer, fryer, measuring cup, spoon



lower heating element

LED display, detachable power cord, condensation container included



lower heating element

The kit includes everything you need except the yogurt cups.

Our rating presents only models with optimal bowl volume, since they are more often purchased. The list does not include many worthy brands, but to describe them all good models It's just not realistic. In any case, having studied the proposed TOP the best multicookers and having learned the recommendations for the right choice model, you can independently evaluate the device you like, without relying on practical advice and the subjective opinion of a sales consultant. First of all, you need to determine what is more important: functionality, design and compactness, ease of control, equipment, price or quality of the case and bowl. As practice shows, it is possible to find a combination of all parameters only in expensive models; in other cases, you will have to sacrifice something.

I hope that after reading the article you have fewer questions left, or they have all been resolved. Subscribe to blog news and share your favorite material on social networks.

If you want to stay informed, I'm in instagram, where I post new articles that appear on the site. Why am I talking about this? Because new articles about multicookers will be published soon. And you will be the first to read them.

Thank you for your attention! See you again on my blog. Sincerely, Rostislav Kuzmin.


More recently, a set kitchen appliances limited to a stove, oven, simple food processor and a pressure cooker. But the situation has changed dramatically: bread machines, air fryers, steamers and multicookers have taken their positions on kitchen shelves. Pressure cookers have been successfully used for a long time, but multicookers appeared in Russia only a few years ago. Few people can afford to buy both devices at once, so the question often arises about which is better - Indeed, each of them has its own advantages.

Which is better - a slow cooker or a pressure cooker? Cooking time

In terms of speed of cooking, the pressure cooker is the undisputed leader. Indeed, due to the pressure pumped into it, you can save quite a lot of time. So, you can cook it not in one and a half to two hours, but in about forty minutes.

A multicooker cannot boast of such speeds. It is made according to a different principle, which is so extolled by many amateurs healthy eating, namely slow cooking. The food in the slow cooker seems to languish. And, of course, this seriously increases the cooking time. So, when you need to do something quickly, you will most likely have to use a stove or the already mentioned pressure cooker. But it's not just about speed.

Which is better: a multicooker or a pressure cooker - the need to be present during cooking

With the cooking time everything is clear: the pressure cooker is in in this case preferable. On the other hand, the multicooker can turn itself off, which means that during the process you can not only be in the kitchen, but also not be at home. If you follow this logic, what difference does it make whether a multicooker cooks for an hour or two if it does not require human presence? After all, it will turn itself off at the end of the process, and at this time you can do business and go for a walk.

A pressure cooker, unfortunately, will not provide such an opportunity. We'll have to sit at home and keep watch.

Which is better - a slow cooker or a pressure cooker? What can you cook in them?

Separately, it is worth mentioning the range of uses of each device. The multicooker allows you to do everything: fry, boil, bake, and so on. Moreover, during the cooking process, you can look under the lid and adjust the process, add the necessary ingredients or stir the contents.

The range of dishes that can be prepared using a traditional pressure cooker is not as diverse. This is largely determined by the high pressure that is built up during operation inside the pan. So you can’t open it and see what’s inside. Therefore, which many people love to cook in multicookers, a pressure cooker cannot do.

Is there a way out?

How wonderful it would be to combine the useful functions of two devices in order to be able to prepare a wide variety of dishes and at the same time choose the cooking time! Recently, this has become possible thanks to the advent of multi-cookers. These miracle devices have a number of advantages. You can cook in them both like a pressure cooker (due to high pressure) and like a multicooker (the full range of its functions). Moreover, they are equipped with modes such as “Heating” and “Delayed Start”.

More and more such “pots” are appearing. One of the brightest representatives is the Redmond multicooker-pressure cooker. One device provides the functionality of two devices, not to mention saving space. An increasing number of manufacturers are already producing or preparing to release similar kitchen appliances.

The only drawback is the price, which is undoubtedly higher than that of the average multicooker or pressure cooker. On the other hand, their cost separately will be comparable to the cost of a universal device, but they will take up twice as much space.

Separately, it is worth saying that finding recipes for a multicooker-pressure cooker is not difficult. In addition to numerous forums, manufacturers publish their own cookbooks. The recipes in them are adapted to a specific model of the device, so it is almost impossible to “miss” the cooking mode.

What is the difference between a multicooker and a pressure cooker: 3 signs

A multicooker differs from a pressure cooker in terms of functionality and cooking principle For those who are accustomed to preparing all dishes exclusively on the stove, it comes as a surprise that devices such as steamers, multicookers and pressure cookers are gaining momentum all over the world. What is it, what is it for, and what is the difference between one technique and another? Let's finally figure it all out.

Signs: what is the difference between a multicooker and a pressure cooker

To finally understand the features of kitchen appliances, you need to at least superficially study each type, highlighting its advantages and disadvantages. However, such helpers have practically no drawbacks - they only simplify the cooking process and make it more varied. So, what is the difference between a modern multicooker and a pressure cooker, and what are the advantages of this or that technique?

Before purchasing, you should study the advantages and disadvantages of both a double boiler and a multicooker.

A multicooker is, roughly speaking, a smart pan. This is not just a container in which you can cook food, but a technique that replaces the cook. Modern technologies made it possible to create a smart pan that will boil water itself, maintain the proper temperature of the dish during cooking, prevent the liquid from boiling away, and ultimately stop the cooking process when everything is ready.

Housewives who have at least once tried to use a multicooker admit that they need it more than a stove, because it’s simply impossible to find such a universal device better. It combines all the qualities of a real chef in one.

The multicooker has many sensors that constantly monitor the dish and its readiness, liquid and temperature of the dishes; the equipment is also distinguished by uniform, “smart” heating of food, and not just from below as on the stove. And finally, the multicooker has a processor that collects all the information and analyzes it throughout the entire cooking process.

The multicooker can:

  1. Cook food in all ways available on the stove. Food can be stewed, boiled, fried, baked in the oven
  2. Leave unattended. The equipment has many sensors and its own brain in the form of a microprocessor, so you can leave it on its own, minding your own business.
  3. Program to automatic switching on and cooking. For example, you can put food inside and set the timer so that the multicooker turns on shortly before you arrive from work. When you return home, it turns out that the technology has prepared dinner for you.

Only those who have no idea about the features of the technology can confuse a multicooker with a pressure cooker. After all, a pressure cooker is a fundamentally different device. The difference between the appliances is that a multi-kitchen cooks food itself thanks to sensors and a processor, while a pressure cooker is simply a special pan that cooks faster. The main difference is that a pressure cooker cannot be left unattended - it is a special pan that changes the pressure inside and cooks food under completely different conditions. At high blood pressure liquid boils at elevated temperatures, thanks to which you can increase the cooking temperature and speed up the process. The advantages of a pressure cooker are the speed of operation - the meat will stew faster, the soup will cook faster, the only disadvantages of such a pan are that you cannot open the lid slightly and check the readiness of the dish, since cooking takes place under high pressure.

What are the advantages of a multicooker

In general, comparing a multicooker and a pressure cooker is not entirely correct, since these are fundamentally different things. However, let's look at the main advantages of one of the most useful devices in the kitchen - a multicooker.

Among the advantages of a multicooker, it is worth noting ease of use and long service life

What does this “smart pan” with a microprocessor offer:

  1. Saves time. Undoubtedly, the very first thing to say is saving your time spent at the stove. You can program the device to prepare the desired dish and go about your business. Just imagine cooking a complex dish completely on autopilot.
  2. The food tastes better. Thanks to the fact that the sensors and microprocessor work more accurately than the cook, the food turns out perfectly boiled, stewed, and fried on all sides. It is not overcooked and of course, only a computer can monitor cooking so carefully.
  3. Doesn't burn or boil over. In the kitchen, it's common for food to burn or boil over, ruining your pots and causing you problems. Subsequently, you have to spend a long time washing the burnt kitchen utensils. The multicooker monitors the smallest signs that indicate food is burning and will not allow this to happen, while water cannot boil away from a tightly closed pan.
  4. A way out if you don’t like or don’t know how to cook. Instruct Almost anyone can control the multicooker, even a child or, even more controversially, a husband. By the way, interacting with a smart device may even seem funny to the male half.

Steamer and pressure cooker: what's the difference?

As soon as you understand the differences between a multicooker and a pressure cooker, a double boiler comes into the picture. What kind of invention is this? The difference between steamers and other devices is that this technique uses a completely unusual method for cooking food - it sprays steam on food from all sides. At the very bottom of the device there is a container for liquid into which water is poured; after boiling, the steamer begins to use steam that rises up. The device can have many containers on top and in each of them a separate steamed dish is prepared.

The advantage of a double boiler is that food can be cooked without fat, purely through the use of steam. As a result, you get food prepared by the best in a healthy way, the most useful and indicated for everyone who monitors their health, including pregnant and lactating women.

Thanks to the steamer, you can prepare healthy food, preserving the maximum amount of vitamins in it.

As you can see, a steam cooker differs from a pressure cooker in its food preparation technology - the food is steamed, while a pressure cooker is a regular saucepan, only with high blood pressure inside, so food cooks faster.

Comparative qualities: the difference between a double boiler and a multicooker

Well, now let’s dot the remaining i’s and figure out what are the differences between a double boiler and a multicooker. In general, these are quite similar devices, since modern steamers can have many sensors and control systems for more accurate and even remote cooking. Steamers can have different modes and a timer for operation, but cook food in only one way.

Multicookers are more versatile, and control over cooking is much more precise due to the presence of many sensors. However, it is worth noting that multicookers are usually more expensive than double boilers, but they can immediately replace a number of kitchen appliances.

Signs: what is the difference between a multicooker and a multicooker-pressure cooker (video)

A modern kitchen can be equipped today different devices, making life easier for us. And we can’t always figure out what they are for. Yes, a steamer - great option for preparing dietary dishes and heating, a pressure cooker helps speed up the cooking process, while a multicooker is an indispensable assistant for people whose free time is limited.