Summary of the online lesson "Kitchen and its equipment. Caring for kitchen utensils." Caring for kitchen utensils

♦ To clean and wash cutlery and kitchen utensils, you can use all the preparations that are recommended for dishes.

♦ Products from nickel silver You can clean it with tooth powder and wipe it with a napkin.

Cupronickel products They will be cleaned efficiently if you pour a cleaning composition into the pan, consisting of 1 tablespoon of table salt and crushed shells from two eggs per 1 liter of water. This composition is brought to a boil, products are lowered into it, previously washed in hot water, and they boil for 20-30 seconds. After this, the product should be rinsed with water and wiped well with a woolen cloth.

Silver cutlery and products can be cleaned in the following ways:

Chalk with ammonia. After such cleaning, it is necessary to rinse the products with water and wipe dry;

Place in a hot water solution of cream of tartar for a few minutes, then wipe thoroughly with suede;

First, clean with soap and water and lubricate the surface with a solution consisting of one part sodium acid and three parts honey. Even highly oxidized silver will instantly become light. After cleaning, you need to wipe it with a cloth;

Prepare a paste from 50 ml of water, 50 g of finely ground chalk and 100 g of bath soap. Dissolve the crushed soap in hot water, add chalk and mix well. Apply the paste to a woolen swab and rub silver items until they shine. Finally, wipe with a soft, dry cloth.

Dark spots On silver cutlery, which forms from egg yolks, can be removed by wiping the items with ash. Damp stains can easily be removed by washing your silver in warm vinegar.

♦ Silver cutlery will always shine if immediately after use it is immersed in boiling water with a small amount of soda.

♦ Darkened cutlery made of cupronickel and silver can be boiled in a concentrated decoction of garlic peels and they will immediately become clean and shiny. The boiling time and saturation of the broth depends on the degree of contamination of the equipment.

Silver items, which you rarely use, will not oxidize if they are wrapped in foil.

♦ Stubborn stains on cutlery can be cleaned with lemon juice and then wiped with a soft woolen cloth.

Rust on knives, forks, scissors can be easily eliminated in the following ways:

Fresh rust is removed with an onion cut in half or a cork dipped in vegetable oil;

Grind the wax and cover the preheated rusty object with a thin layer. Then wipe it with a woolen cloth soaked in a solution of table salt. Along with the wax, the rust will also come off;

Heavily rusted knives and forks can be easily cleaned using a paste made from ash and vegetable oil.

♦ To keep knives and forks shiny, you can wipe them raw potatoes or rub with dry crumpled newspaper.

♦ Do not store knives together with forks, spoons and other metal objects. When in contact with such objects, the knives become dull.

♦ Knives can be easily sharpened by placing the blades in a weak solution of table salt for half an hour before sharpening.

♦ To make it easier to clean the grater from any remaining cheese, you need to grate a small piece of raw potato on it.

The meat grinder will also be easy to clean, if after meat you skip a raw potato, a piece of black bread or a piece of paper.

A dull grater You can sharpen it if you rub it with sandpaper, and scissors can be sharpened if you just cut sandpaper with it.

Ecological approach in modern interior is gaining momentum. The preference of housewives is increasingly given to utensils made from natural natural materials, it is understandable, natural means decorated with nature itself, unusual and sometimes even useful. Many people have wooden utensils. You can have this beautiful and convenient type of cookware for as long as you like, but it is important to know how to care for it. On the one hand, caring for wooden utensils is a responsible procedure; the safety of your favorite kitchen appliances depends on it; on the other hand, care comes down to several simple rules, which are not so difficult to comply with.

Who is afraid of moisture, or where is the main enemy of wood?

So, the main material of our dishes is wood, and any wood is afraid of prolonged contact with water. More precisely, she is not afraid of him, but by absorbing moisture she changes in size and general shape products made from such wood are deformed, which can ruin its appearance. In addition, with very long contact, mold may form, which, strictly between us, is very undesirable. Therefore, it is more appropriate to say that the owner himself should be more afraid of moisture than the dishes. But jokes are jokes, and the absence of long contact of the material with water is the main rule when using wooden utensils.

Cosmetic shield or how to protect dishes from moisture

This rule can be ignored if the dishes in front of you are lacquered or soaked in an oil solution. Both of these close wood pores from moisture, reliably protecting it. From the point of view of durability, the varnished layer protects more reliably, but oil impregnation is better suited for places in contact with food, it protects better and in its own way chemical composition The product is completely natural, without chemical additives, which is also important. That’s why most of the lots in our store, even if they are varnished, are only on the outside.

Who needs care?

Previously, in peasant houses, wooden utensils served for several decades. This is exactly the period you can safely count on if you purchase wooden utensils for yourself and follow the rules of their use.

Wooden utensils may have several types of coatings or none at all. Depending on the purpose, it can be coated with oil, varnish, or both. Uncoated dishes are most vulnerable to moisture, but with proper care this is not critical. Hence the rigidity in observing the rules; coated dishes - compliance general rules, uncoated dishes - strict adherence to all rules.

Kitchen appliances that are in constant use require the greatest care: plates, glasses, mugs, dishes, bowls, spoons, cutting boards. The logic is simple, the more often the use, the more careful the care.

Their Royal Majesties - rules of care:

  1. After washing wooden utensils, they should be wiped dry to remove any remaining moisture.
  2. Do not wash wood utensils in the dishwasher.
  3. For everyday use, it is recommended to wipe the dishes with an alcohol-containing solution once or twice a month, for example, vodka. This rule applies to dishes coated with oil or without a protective layer at all. The fact is that microscopic particles of food can accumulate on its surface, which, when regular washing difficult to remove. And everything that is food for you is also food for microorganisms, alcohol will eliminate the possibility of their reproduction.
  4. Dry away from a source of moisture.
  5. Store in a dry, shaded place.

In fact, some of these rules are generally known and apply to general recommendations for caring for many types of kitchen utensils. Compliance with them will not take much of your time, and they are unique in their properties. wooden utensils will last many times longer.

Caring for your cutlery is an important part of keeping your Kitchen Kingdom clean and tidy! Therefore, do not ignore the tips and rules proper care for kitchen items, which, by the way, we use most often!

So, how to properly care for your cutlery? There are some practical tips on this matter that have been tested in practice:

1. Firstly, do not forget that forks, spoons and knives with wooden or plastic handles must be washed immediately after use and then wiped dry. Moreover, such kitchen items should not be left in hot water for a long time, since the glue that holds the handles of these items together tends to dissolve under the influence of high temperatures.
2. It is not recommended to leave or wash any knives in hot water for a long time, because this causes the knife blade to heat up, as a result of which the steel loses its elasticity and strength and, as a result, quickly becomes dull.
3. You should not store knives together with spoons, forks and other metal objects; again, when the knife blade comes into contact with such objects, it (the blade) quickly becomes dull.
4. Knives, spoons and forks made of stainless steel are best cleaned with any powder designed for cleaning metals, or you can use fine sifted sand, but the easiest and most affordable option is regular moistened baking soda.
5. Don’t know how to remove unpleasant stubborn stains from cutlery? It's very simple - use a regular one lemon juice! Apply the juice to a soft sponge and wipe the utensils with it. After this, wipe the cutlery with a soft woolen cloth, sprinkling a little tooth powder on it. But old stubborn stains will have to be wiped several times, since they are unlikely to be instantly removed.
6. Believe it or not, your cutlery will get super shiny and clean if you rub it with raw cut potatoes. Or you can dip them in potato water (which is left over after boiling the potatoes) and keep the cutlery in it for just a few minutes, and then simply wipe them dry with a towel. Don’t even doubt that after such cleaning, all dark spots caused by acids and fruits will disappear.
7. Before washing the knife after chopping garlic, onions or herring, hold it for just a few seconds over a hot burner, and then rinse it with soap and cold water. This will remove the persistent odor from the products. By the way, in order to efficiently remove any stable substance from tableware bad smell, just before washing, wipe them with a cloth soaked in a small amount of vegetable oil, vinegar or sprinkled with regular table salt.
8. Do not forget that after each use, silver cutlery must be washed in hot water with baking soda diluted in it (at the rate of approximately 50 g of soda per 1 liter of water). Then the cutlery is simply washed in clean hot water and wiped with a soft cloth.
9. But in order to prevent silver utensils from darkening, you should not leave them for a long time in contact with sour, salty and spicy dishes, as well as in contact with vinegar. And one more thing: try not to clean silver while wearing rubber gloves, as it tends to darken when in contact with rubber. It is best to store silver cutlery with stainless steel knives, forks and spoons.

And now a couple more practical advice How to properly care for kitchen appliances made of stainless steel.

1. It’s worth noting right away that it is not recommended to allow various foods to dry on such cutlery, which means that they need to be washed immediately after eating.
2. When washing such dishes, it is advisable to use special detergents for washing dishes (with the exception of powders, since the latter will wear off the polish of the devices over time).
3. Don't forget that metal sponges and brushes can also cause damage. appearance kitchen cutlery. Therefore, it is best to use soft (foam or rag) sponges for washing dishes.
4. It is advisable to wipe the dishes immediately after washing them, and this should be done efficiently (dry), using a soft towel, and not wait until the dishes dry themselves. Otherwise, water spots will remain on the surface of the devices.

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Recipe author Yana Kravets

(29484) - Elena Karpova, 01/23/2008

One of the main rules for caring for dishes and kitchen utensils is that you need to wash them immediately after eating, without putting it off for a long time, especially until tomorrow. If the food on the dishes is still dry, then do not rush to scrape it with a steel wool or knife, but use one of the following methods...

  • soak the dishes for several hours and then wash them with a brush or soft washcloth;
  • fill the dishes warm water, add soda or mustard, and after a while wash with a soft brush or sponge;
  • V badly burnt pan(frying pan) sprinkle with salt for several hours, then wash it;
  • pour into a pan in which something is burnt cold water and add baking soda (1-2 tablespoons of soda per 1 liter of water), boil the water for 2-3 minutes, then start cleaning the pan.

If you do not have a special sink, then select a metal (enamelled, galvanized, aluminum) or plastic basin for washing kitchen utensils. In addition, you need two brushes (hard and soft). Old nylon stockings in which you can put a piece of soap are suitable for washing dishes.

Dishes from dough, milk, raw eggs, fish dishes, jam are washed first cold water, then hot, while the dishes from under the fish and sauerkraut rinse hot water with vinegar. Fish dishes can also be washed in another way: first with cold water and soap, and then with hot water. It is easier to wash greasy dishes if you add vinegar to the water (1-2 tablespoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water).

A container in which something has been fried will not have unpleasant odor , if after washing you boil used tea in it.

To eliminate specific odor in the box where the bread is stored, its walls are thoroughly wiped with a clean rag soaked in vinegar, and then the box is well ventilated.

The washed dishes are dried on special stands or racks. After rinsing with hot water, it dries quickly. Cutlery and glassware are wiped dry with a linen towel (cotton towels may leave lint on the dishes).

When caring for dishes and kitchen utensils, use various cleaning and detergents, baking soda, mustard, vinegar, laundry and special soap;
special powdered cleaning products for cleaning the external surfaces of metal utensils ("Hygiene", "Pemoxol", "Fairy", "Drop", etc.);
detergents - powdered ("Posudomoy", "Svetly") and liquid ("Yaroslavna", "Vilva"), soda ash. Some detergents have a concomitant disinfecting or deodorizing effect.

Among cleaning products There are preparations containing abrasives introduced into them to make it easier to remove old stains that cannot be removed by other means. These preparations are not recommended for everyday washing of dishes and sinks, for cleaning polished aluminum dishes, as well as gold-plated porcelain dishes.

Using drugs household chemicals, strictly follow the instructions printed on their packaging, use the drugs only for their intended purpose, since not all of them are interchangeable.

Products intended for treating plumbing fixtures and washing powders are not suitable for washing dishes, since the substances they contain that are harmful to the human body remain on the dishes even after repeated rinsing.

Caring for dishes made of porcelain, earthenware, ceramics, glass and crystal

To wash earthenware, porcelain and ceramic dishes, use the preparations “Posudomoy”, “Pemoksol”, “Slava”, “Chistol” and “Skaidra”, etc. Earthenware dishes should not be washed in too hot water, which destroys the glaze. The best temperature for it is plus 50 -60 ° C. Do not wash porcelain dishes with gilding with soda - the gilding will come off quickly.

Remove brown deposits from the cups by wiping them with a damp table salt, after which the cups are rinsed.

Heavily soiled dishes wash with a solution of alkali or soda and rinse well. Glassware and crystal can be washed especially well if you add 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water to the water.

To keep glass and crystal vases sparkling, wash them only with cold water.

White plaque will disappear if you wipe the vase with table vinegar. Glassware It shines better if, after washing, you rinse it first with water to which vinegar or salt has been added, and then with regular water. clean water. To make crystal dishes shine better, after washing they are wiped with a woolen cloth and blued starch.

Empty milk bottles are washed first with cold water, then with hot water. If you start washing them with hot water, the remaining milk on the walls of the bottle will turn into a sticky mass and the dishes will be more difficult to wash. Bottles and other dishes with a narrow neck are washed in different ways: with water with small pieces of paper or with egg shells, using metal chains purchased at a ruff store, etc. Vegetable oil bottles are washed well with a mustard solution in warm water. To easily separate cups that are inserted into each other, lower the outer cup into warm water or place a piece of ice in the inner glass.

Caring for enamel cookware

For cleaning enamel cookware The recommended preparations are “Metallosk” and “Pemoxol”, as well as fine salt and vinegar; for washing - a solution of drinking or soda ash (1 tablespoon of soda per 1 liter of hot water). After washing, rinse the dishes with clean warm water.

You can't pour it when it's hot enamel dishes cold water and, conversely, into cold dishes - boiling water. This causes the enamel to crack.

To clean an enamel coffee pot that has darkened from the inside, boil water with two or three slices of lemon in it.

Caring for aluminum and brass cookware

External the surface of aluminum and brass utensils is cleaned"Sanita" and "Vostochnaya" pastes, as well as a mixture of chalk with pumice or wire wool. To care for these dishes, you cannot use products with high alkalinity - “Posudomoy”, “Light”, “Koda”, soda ash. Wash the dishes with a warm soap solution using a soft washcloth. Heavily soiled dishes are washed with water with a few drops added. ammonia. After this, the dishes are washed well with hot water.

Darkening on aluminum and brass utensils can be removed by wiping it with a cloth soaked in vinegar or by boiling water with vinegar in it. Tarnished surfaces of dishes are renewed by wiping them with an eraser to erase ink. Scale and aluminum oxide formed on the walls are removed by boiling some acidic food in a bowl, which is then thrown away.

Caring for cast iron, wood and plastic cookware

Clean the pan by brushing with coarse salt and rinsing with water.

Wooden utensils are washed with all products recommended for washing dishes. To make unpainted wooden utensils waterproof, coat the inside surface (after washing and drying) with a melted mixture of 70% rosin and 30% wax.

Wooden boards are doused with boiling water after washing.. It is best to dry them in a closed cabinet. If the boards are dried on an open rack, they are covered with gauze. Dark stains on plastic dishes can be easily removed with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol.

Caring for cutlery and kitchen utensils

To clean and wash cutlery and kitchen utensils, use all the preparations that are recommended for dishes.

Rust from knives and forks remove by wiping them with a piece of onion. Knives and forks that smell of fish are first wiped with salt and then washed. Knives and forks with wooden cuttings should not be left in hot water for a long time, as the glue of the cuttings will dissolve. They should be washed immediately after use; after washing, knives and forks should be dried immediately.

To make knives and forks shine, wipe them with raw potatoes or rub them with crumpled newspaper.
You should not leave knives on a hot stove - the blade, when heated, loses its hardness and elasticity.

Knives can be easily sharpened if, before sharpening, the blades are immersed in a weak solution of table salt for half an hour.

Knives should not be placed together with forks, spoons and other metal objects. In contact with them, the knife blades quickly become dull.

To make it easier wash the grater from the remaining cheese, grate a piece of raw potato on it.

If the kitchen smells bad, pour some into the pan table vinegar and keep the pan on low heat until the vinegar evaporates.

The kitchen table must be washed regularly and wiped with a wet cloth, and from time to time disinfected using a disinfectant (a few drops of the drug are added to the water).

To prevent the oilcloth on the table from fading and fading, do not wash it with soap and washing powder, and wipe with a rag dampened with half and half water and vinegar. Do not place hot pots, kettles on oilcloth, or iron on it.

The meat grinder is easier to clean, if after meat you pass a raw potato, a piece of black bread or a piece of paper through it. To make the meat grinder work better, pass a piece through it from time to time. laundry soap. After this, it must be thoroughly rinsed with hot water. Do not dry the meat grinder on the stove or in a warm place - this will darken it and dull the knives faster.

Instructions for caring for kitchen furniture:

Operation of hanging drawers, kitchen drawers;
- Care of laminated surfaces in the kitchen;
- Cleaning kitchen facades made of solid wood;
- Caring for kitchen elements made of marble, granite, and other natural stones;
- Caring for metal objects kitchen furniture;
- Care of porcelain, ceramic and glass surfaces;
- Care and cleaning electrical appliances and built-in technology.

Like any thing that requires attention and care, kitchen furniture is no exception. Remember this first and most important rule.

Using kitchen drawers

Try to load kitchen drawers and kitchen drawers evenly, ensuring the sliding parts are balanced. It is recommended to place items on the shelves according to the principle: the heaviest ones are closer to the edges (walls of the box), the lighter ones are closer to the center.

Remember that the static vertical load for kitchen drawers made of chipboard is not more than 5 kg, on the bottom of metal boxes (metabox) - more than 18 kg, (tandembox) - more than 35 kg; on shelves (cabinets, racks) - more than 8 kg.

Caring for laminated surfaces in the kitchen

If moisture accumulates on the surface of the kitchen countertop, wipe it down to prevent the edge plastic from peeling off.

Use kitchen cutting boards otherwise marks from cuts from knives and other sharp and piercing objects will remain on the laminated surfaces of kitchen countertops.

Laminate worktops and chipboard are moisture resistant, so to keep them clean simply wipe the surface with a damp cloth or similar. Use polishes for plastics and chipboards, but remember that the kitchen is a food preparation area, so pay attention to the suitability of these products in contact with food.

And, of course, you should exclude the use of cleaning detergents that have solid, abrasive inclusions, acidic or alkaline solutions Also not suitable for all surfaces. Be careful when using scrapers and brushes that are not included with your kitchen furniture.

Laminate countertops have increased fire resistance and can withstand significant high temperatures, however, you should not abuse this, and if you want your kitchen furniture to serve you for many years, then use special stands.

Cleaning solid wood kitchen fronts

If you are the lucky owner kitchen set made of solid wood, we recommend that you carefully read a few simple rules for caring for facades made of solid wood.

Kitchen facades should be wiped in the direction of the wood fiber structure, so you will not clog the smallest grooves of the wood structure.

Remember that wood is a biologically living material and therefore do not use cleaning agents on it that can harm a living organism. The only acceptable means of protecting solid wood facades can be special waxes; read carefully the instructions for which types of solid wood they are suitable for. Not all solid wood facades are created equal. Check with the seller what products the surface of kitchen facades has been treated with and use protective wax based on this.

Moisture does not harm the surfaces of facades, however, the penetration of excess moisture through the connecting seams into the facades can cause microcracks; to prevent this from happening, it is enough to wipe the facade.

Caring for kitchen elements made of marble, granite and other natural stones

Marble and granite - a feature of such surfaces is their high hygroscopicity (tendency to absorb liquids). Because of this, there is a danger of streaks and permanent stains forming on surfaces. It is recommended to degrease marble and granite surfaces with an aqueous solution of alcohol.

From time to time, apply special water-repellent agents for marble and granite to the surfaces. After applying such products and before using them again, wipe them thoroughly with a soft, dry cloth.

Always wipe wet areas dry after cleaning.

Important: some foods and drinks containing dyes, including natural dyes, can penetrate deeply into the structure of the stone, so if such substances come into contact with the surface, immediately wipe the “affected area” dry and degrease with an aqueous alcohol solution. Natural stone Quite capricious material, it needs care and attention.

Caring for metal kitchen furniture

Basic rule of care metal elements For kitchen furniture, this means excluding abrasive-based products, as well as sponges coated with metal or chip material.

Contamination from stainless steel surfaces is removed with water or a neutral liquid detergent. After using detergent, immediately rinse it with water and wipe dry with a cloth. For severe stains, it is recommended to use a specialized care product. stainless steel. These products also provide additional protection through a water-repellent coating.

To clean the enamel surfaces of the sink or stove, it is recommended to use only liquid cleaning products recommended by the manufacturer.

Care of porcelain, ceramic and glass surfaces

Ceramics (faience, porcelain) and glass surfaces are fragile materials and can break if hit. Do not rub metal objects across surfaces or hit glass with heavy hard objects. Even items made of tempered glass or “unbreakable” have their own limit of strength when reached, which they break, so it is better not to experiment with them. For cleaning use special means for glass and ceramics. Do not use products with abrasive properties, or sponges coated with metallic or fibre-bearing material when cleaning.

Care and cleaning of electrical appliances and built-in appliances

Rules for care and operation are indicated in the operating instructions, so just read them before using electrical appliances.

In addition to the above, we will express our advice. One of the "enemies" hob- sugar, or products containing sugar, since such contaminants are difficult to remove. If sugar gets on the cooking surface, it should be removed as quickly as possible with a damp cloth and then you won’t have to resort to expensive detergents or a special steel scraper.

In conditions small apartment It is important to remember that the distance from hob there must be at least 25mm to the walls of the kitchen furniture, otherwise be sure to use a heat shield or thermal insulating pad.

Some models of modern ovens have ventilation holes and slots located on the front panel of the cabinets, so do not block them. When installing ovens, carefully read the instructions and study the location of the ventilation holes and ensure free ventilation and air access into the oven.

When installing kitchen hood remember that the minimum distance to the electric hob is 70-75cm, gas stove 75-85cm.

If opened door If the kitchen set is located opposite the lighting lamp, then its exposure time should not be more than 5 minutes, otherwise this may lead to damage to the facade.