Everything you need for the kitchen. What should a modern housewife have in her kitchen?

Today there will be a completely informative article on the topic of useful gadgets in the kitchen. I’ve been thinking about writing it for a long time, and now that I have quite a lot of experience in the field of cooking, I’ll share with you my experiences and thoughts.

Surely many of you have encountered the fact that when cooking you are constantly missing something on hand. And if we lack any useful item, then the cooking process slows down. With the experience I’ve gained, I’ve compiled a list of useful things you can’t do without in the kitchen. Let's get acquainted with them, shall we?

  1. The first thing you always need in the kitchen is a good blender-chopper. For me, you don’t have to have a meat grinder, but you definitely need a blender. Ideally, you can purchase a multifunctional food processor, which will serve as a chopper for vegetables, fruits and meat, and knead the dough, and beat your egg whites... But I think this will hit your pocket hard. But a blender is not so expensive, its main advantage is that you can grind completely different products, and it will help you significantly save time. For example, I grind in a blender: fruits vegetables; poultry meat; I make powdered sugar; I crush nuts and coffee beans; I make crushed ice and cocktails.
  2. The next useful gadget I consider is a grater with different replaceable panels. With the help of a good grater, you can chop or grate the product exactly as you need it in a matter of minutes. Just imagine how you do without a grater and manually cut carrots into long thin strips for a Korean salad? This is simply impossible and it will waste a lot of your nerves and time, and the result will be insignificant... Therefore, I advise you to definitely get a good grater-shredder.

  3. Now, of course, kitchen scales, you can’t live without them! In one of the articles I already wrote that measuring with glasses, mugs and bowls is unacceptable, this simply can lead to a mistake and the dish will not turn out. All measurements must be made exactly in grams or milliliters. Most quality and good recipes Now they are written precisely with such measures in mind. This will professionally and accurately lead you to successful experiments in the kitchen. And that means a good mood 😉

  4. Mixer. Now stores offer us many different mixers: from the simplest to the most sophisticated planetary ones. For me, if there is an opportunity, buy a good, high-quality, proven company. But you can get by with a simple mixer with two pairs of interchangeable attachments. We need a mixer, first of all, for whipping. You won’t be able to make a single cake sponge cake without a mixer. I'm not even talking about meringue, various creams and so on. Although, I personally have experience in beating a biscuit with a whisk by hand, even my husband helped, because my strength was simply not enough... If you want to build muscle in the biceps area, then you can stop with a whisk :) But it was after this experience that I began to appreciate the presence of a mixer in my house!

  5. Kitchen thermometer. Not every housewife has this gadget, but in vain! A thermometer is a very useful thing, especially if you work with sweets and desserts and often prepare caramel, mirror glaze or marshmallows, for example. In some cases, it simply doesn’t make sense to start cooking a particular dish without a thermometer.

  6. Now about, perhaps, the main item in the kitchen - the knife. Ideally, there should be at least 3 knives in the kitchen. One knife is for cutting meat, a bread knife and a knife for peeling vegetables and fruits. Of course, you can have a wider range of knives, but I gave an example of the most commonly used ones, which you simply cannot do without. I also consider a very important kitchen item to be scissors, special durable kitchen scissors. They are very convenient for working with meat, for example, trimming the skin, tail and various livers from chicken, and even cutting bones. You can also use scissors to chop salad greens.

  7. From kitchen utensils, you should also definitely note a set of pots and pans. Of the latter, you should have 3-4 different pans. By the way, everyone’s favorite Ikea already sells sets of frequently used items. As for saucepans, here you also need to have a saucepan for heating milk, melting butter, cooking various sauces and other things, a small saucepan and a couple of large saucepans for soups, stews, compotes, jam and so on. It would also be nice to have a cauldron with thick walls; without it it will be difficult to cook a good rich pilaf, or some dishes of Eastern/Asian cuisine.

  8. If we talk about baking and desserts, then you simply cannot do without various baking dishes. I personally have a lot of these same molds: silicone ones of different shapes and sizes, non-stick metal ones, and muffin tins. And over time, I discovered a pattern that in most cases I use one form - a split metal ring. It is really very convenient because you adjust the size yourself, and this allows you to save money on purchase different forms. This form will never break or warp, it is simply age-old. Yes, and its cost is absolutely reasonable - buy it once and enjoy!

  9. For small appliances, I advise you to get a potato masher, which will always come in handy and is quite difficult to replace. A hammer for beating meat, not a fist 😉 A brush for greasing pies and pastries. This is generally an indispensable item in the kitchen, and you can always buy it at a construction store.

  10. And, the last thing I want to talk about is metal tongs. Relatively recently, I realized how convenient it is to have them on hand. They can be used to turn hot meat, fish, vegetables in a frying pan or outdoor grill one, two or three times. You can use tongs to stir salads or take hot baked goods out of the oven. Believe me, the thing is very useful.

That's probably all for today. Of course, this is not the entire list of needs in your kitchen. I just highlighted and gave examples of the most basic things, in addition to dishes, cutlery and other things that are familiar to us. I hope my article will be useful to you, and your stay in the kitchen will become even more joyful and exciting! I look forward to seeing you again and don’t forget to stay tuned for new interesting recipes.

Housewives spend most of their time in the kitchen. After all, you always want to please your family with something delicious. But without the proper tools and equipment, sometimes it’s very difficult. When going to the store, many people buy dishes that are absolutely unnecessary for everyday life, while ignoring the truly necessary items. The end result is a surplus of cups and utensils that sit completely idle. The question arises, what do you need in the kitchen?

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Cooking utensils

Modern market offers very big choice dishes. Materials used for production: aluminum, ceramics, porcelain, cast iron, stainless steel, glass and glass ceramics. The choice of cookware must be approached responsibly, since its quality can affect your health.

Scientists have proven that aluminum cookware releases arsenic during cooking. Porcelain dishes are considered classics. It lasts a long time and is light in weight.

Ceramic dishes are now considered stylish, and they also have many useful properties. Ceramic cookware regulates temperature and humidity itself. The only negative is that this material absorbs fat and it is very difficult.

Tips for choosing cookware:

    • dishes with a thick bottom heat up evenly;
    • the handles of the utensils must be made of a material that will not heat up;
    • The lid must be the right size.

What utensils should be in the kitchen

Pots are the most necessary utensils in the kitchen, it is better to buy a set of at least 4 pieces. They must be different in volume.

Plates, bowls - buy multi-colored dishes; if you break something, you can always buy more. You need to have spare dishes in case guests arrive.

Pans are also a very important part of kitchen utensils. You will need 2-3 pieces, different in depth and diameter.

Forks, spoons, knives for table setting - it is better to buy a set.

Slicing knives – you will need a knife for bread, meat, vegetables.

Kitchen utensils are needed in the kitchen - grater, colander, potato peeler, ladle, kitchen towels, oven mitts, spatula, whisk. Also you can’t do without cutting boards, rolling pin, hammer for beating meat. This is a small part of what should be.

What items are in the kitchen

Many people have their favorite items that make cooking easy and enjoyable. Here are the items you can't do without:

  • bowls of different capacities;
  • pots;
  • knives;
  • pan;
  • kettle;
  • Polovnik;
  • cups;
  • spoons;

List of kitchen necessities and items used in the kitchen

Everyone appreciates convenience; it’s as important as ever. What you need to have:

    • containers for storing cereals, sugar, salt, tea;
    • a set of various spatulas, mortars;
    • coffee grinder;
    • tuples;
    • colander;
    • bottle opener and corkscrew;
    • dishes for the microwave;
    • foil, parchment paper for baking.

What you need for a kitchen at home

Shelves, cabinets, drawers.

It is impossible to imagine a kitchen without cabinets and shelves. Mountains of dishes would simply be on the floor. It is important to plan the placement of furniture correctly. Since the housewife often cooks, the set should be planned and arranged in a way that is convenient for her. Be sure to take the height into account. If the owner is short in stature, then it is better to abandon the high placement of the modules.

Roll-out drawers are much more convenient than cabinets. The largest drawers should be placed closer to the floor. Often, pans, pots and other bulky items are stored there.

Which materials are better to choose?

The facade material can be made of laminated chipboard, MDF, glass, wood or plastic. Manufacturers combine them in any variation.

It should be durable because you will be cooking with it every day for several years. You need to approach your choice wisely. The most suitable materials are wood, marble, granite, chipboard.

Filling drawers and cabinets.

Additional sections can be built into the modules. For example: bottle holder, carousel basket, modern dryers.

You need to have at least 5 sockets in the kitchen.

A good kitchen should have a sufficient number of sockets. , how many devices are used regularly. It is advisable not to place sockets near the sink and do not make them very low. The housewife should reach the outlet without effort.

What equipment should be in a modern kitchen?


Often a hood is used. The hood is designed to purify the air. When choosing, you need to take into account the area so that the device copes well with its duties. The modern market has presented a variety of designs and types of hoods. Arriving at the store, my eyes widen.

The hood is the most important thing in the kitchen. How to choose it?

Pay attention to the size. The width of the hood should not be . It is better to give preference to a slightly larger hood. Its surface should be 90 cm, if the surface of the slab is 50-60 cm.

Operating mode. There are several modes:

  1. Exhaust mode – when air is drawn outside the apartment.
  2. Filtration mode – the air is purified and returned back to the apartment.
  3. Or a universal hood with two built-in modes.

If you like the filter hood, then it is advisable to immediately buy replacement cartridges.


They are divided into coarse and fine cleaning. Rough cleaning retains parts of fat. It looks like reusable metal mesh that can be washed when dirty. Fine cleaning– carbon filters. Can be used once and must be purchased separately.

Microwave oven - a must have in the kitchen

An irreplaceable assistant for every housewife. Industry microwave ovens develops quickly. Many modes and functions will not leave any woman indifferent. It will help you save a lot of time and effort. Everyone will be able to choose the necessary set of functions for themselves.

What is a disposer? And why is it necessary in the kitchen?

A disposer is a waste shredder and a must have in the kitchen. The crushed products go along with the water into sewer pipes. Scientists have proven that this has a beneficial effect on pipes.
Only food waste can be crushed in the disposer!

Gas or electric stove

The gas stove has already become a classic. No kitchen can do without it.


Not the most economical device, it consumes a sufficient amount of water and electricity. But it will help the housewife to save time by not washing dishes.

Kitchen appliances

How to choose the right blender

Stationary blender - it is considered to be better than an immersion blender because it has more power. Pay attention to the material of the bowl. They are made from plastic and glass. These materials have both pros and cons. Glass does not absorb odors over time, but it is very fragile. Plastic ones are more durable, but they wear out quickly.

An immersion blender is more practical; puree soup can be made directly in the pan. Doesn't take up much space. Minor minus: the blender needs to be controlled manually, this is not very convenient if you need to cook a large number of food.

You need to consider what the blender will be used for. cost a lot of money, they are not needed for home use. Quality does not always correspond to cost. Pay attention to simpler models.

There must be a place for a mixer in the kitchen. With it you can very quickly prepare batter and cake cream.

You can also buy a steamer, bread maker, multicooker - they will help you cook healthy dishes saving time and energy.


TV helps you wake up faster in the morning, makes lunch and dinner more interesting, and makes cooking much more fun for the housewife. Do you need a TV in the kitchen? It all depends on the area and habits of the household. If you decide that you need it, then first you need to choose a place. The TV should not take up a lot of space and should be positioned so that it is comfortable to watch.

If the area does not exceed 9 sq.m. You should give preference to TVs with a diagonal of no more than 20 inches. With an average square footage of 15 sq.m. It is better to give preference to models up to 25 inches. And on large area Can accommodate a 36-inch TV.

This is all you need for kitchen appliances.

Cleanliness and order: this is what a good kitchen should have

Maintaining cleanliness is the most important thing for a housewife. Therefore, you should always have at hand:

  • Cleaners;
  • Dish detergent;
  • A set of universal napkins;
  • Bin;
  • Floor mop.
  • The most important thing is the apron. It will protect clothes from grease and unwanted stains while cooking
  • Napkins - required element. They will help cope with pollution.
  • A mop and bucket should always be at hand. In the kitchen, things very often fall apart and spill. And all this needs to be removed quickly before the family destroys it all over the house.

Other things every kitchen needs


First, decide on the shape and size.

    • square - perfect for washing dishes of various sizes, and it is also very spacious.
    • rectangular – suitable for narrow countertops
    • round - easy to wash, more spacious than rectangular.
    • corner - will be an excellent choice for saving space.

For kitchens with a small area, it is better to choose a sink without additional frames and dryers.

Refrigerators with one and two doors

The role of the refrigerator cannot be overestimated. Without it, most products will be lost. A refrigerator with one door is perfect for small kitchen. If the area allows, then you can choose a model with two or more doors.

Equip your kitchen with various technical innovations. This will diversify and simplify the cooking process. More time will be freed up for loved ones. And the quality and taste of the products will only improve. Don't be afraid to experiment.

Many people want to have as many utensils as possible in the kitchen. But, more often than not, purchasing different plates, cups, and pots is not justified. IN Everyday life Not all items are used.

The most important thing is that the kitchen has:

  • pans different sizes. It is advisable to have 3 of them. Small and medium saucepans for daily cooking and one larger one for entertaining guests;
  • frying pans of different diameters. There should also be three of them. But in fact, you can get by with fewer items in the kitchen. For example, in a deep frying pan you can stew vegetables and fry eggs. It is better to purchase products from non-stick coating and a lid. They are easier to wash, and food cooked in them is difficult to spoil;
  • knives. There must be at least two or three sharp knives in the kitchen. It is better to get medium and large sized cutting tools. It is also worth buying an “economical” knife for peeling vegetables and fruits;
  • plates (deep and shallow). For one person, 1-2 plates of each type will be enough. But it is advisable to have a little more items in the house in case guests come. Usually 6 plates are purchased;
  • bowls. These are universal plates that can be used both during cooking for temporary storage of food and for heating food. In the kitchen you will need 2-3 bowls of different depths;
  • glasses. They are purchased according to the same principle as plates;
  • forks, spoons. They are used in the cooking process, so it is better if there are a little more of them than other items;
  • teapot;
  • ladle;
  • grater. It is better to choose square products that have 4 working surfaces at once;
  • colander;
  • wooden spatulas. They are needed for frying pans and pots with non-stick coating. In the kitchen you can get by with a wooden spatula, spoon and fork;
  • puree masher;
  • knife sharpener;
  • medium sized corolla; for beating eggs, mixing certain types of products;
  • cutting boards. There should be 2 or 3 of them. One wooden (for vegetables) and plastic (for meat and fish);
  • oven mitts and kitchen towels.

Those who plan to bake will also need baking sheets, brushes, and a rolling pin.

I wish the kitchen was clean

The kitchen should always be kept clean. Therefore, you should have on hand such cleaning products as:

How to properly distribute free space in the kitchen?

All items in the kitchen should be arranged so that they are easy to find. That's why:

  • pots, pans and other large dishes should be placed in the lower part of the cabinet or cabinet;
  • It is better to place plates and mugs in the upper part of the cabinet or on a shelf;
  • forks, spoons, knives, and other small items should be placed in drawers. There are also special stands for devices. They can be either individual, for example, only for knives, or universal;
  • You need to arrange dishes and cutlery based on your own convenience.
  • Cleaning products should be stored separately from dishes. It's better to put them in a cabinet under the sink.

How to choose the right dishes for the kitchen?

Even the most expensive goods always have more affordable substitutes.

  1. Instead of metal ladles, bowls, colanders, and whisks, you can purchase plastic products.
  2. A high price does not always indicate the same quality - you need to remember this.
  3. It is not necessary to buy all types of cookware at once. Usually only the essentials are purchased kitchenware. The purchase of a second pan, bowls, as well as various small items can be postponed until later.
  4. First of all, you need to purchase items that you cannot do without. Instead of a whisk, you can use a regular fork; drain the water from the pan easily without using a colander. And without such an item as a ladle, it will be impossible to pour soup.
  5. Before purchasing, you should visit several stores to shop around, study the assortment, and consider the purchase.

Organizing a kitchen is not an easy task. Therefore, for those who have just started designing and planning a kitchen, many great ideas will come to the rescue. It's definitely hard to find one ideal project, which could make all the housewife’s dreams come true, therefore, it is worth combining, using only the details you like. And even after the renovation is completed, new ideas may appear that are just begging to be implemented. Don't be upset! It's never too late to improve your design, for example by adding some useful and definitely stylish elements and accessories.


You can use a wicker basket to store olive oil, vinegar and other containers. Comfortable, beautiful and stylish! In such a wicker tray, all the bottles are very easy to move.

Wicker accessories are simply irreplaceable in the kitchen! If there are open shelves, they can be filled with baskets with necessary things. It’s very convenient, and this kitchen looks neat and clean!

"Caches" for vegetables

Of course, potatoes and onions are small and compact vegetables, but for them you also need to find appropriate place. And this is not so easy to do. The idea with retractable drawer baskets is interesting and functional. This way, vegetables will always be at hand, but hidden from prying eyes.

Kitchen utensil drawer

What is a kitchen without kitchen utensils! Usually all the kitchen utensils just lie in a large box in bulk, and when you need to find any item, a lot of time, effort and nerves are wasted. There is simply an excellent way out of this situation. In the drawer you need to make several compartments, in which you can then place all the kitchen utensils.

No one wants to walk into the kitchen and see containers full of garbage, and even more so, no one wants to trip over them while preparing food. Then why not organize a bottom drawer in your nightstand that can hold one, two or even three trash cans. This way, you can not only keep your kitchen in good condition perfect cleanliness, but also take care of environment, because this is a very convenient way to sort garbage.

The idea is ideal for spacious kitchens. A huge sink is very practical, especially for big family, because washing dishes in it is much easier and faster.

Mobile kitchen

Kitchen work zone extremely important. Especially if it is mobile and can be moved from one place to another. Valuable idea for modern kitchens.

An apron is not easy decorative decoration kitchens and protecting walls from the effects of frying and washing. There are many others original ideas its use. For example, build a coffee machine into it.


If the size of the apron allows, then you can also build into it plasma TV. Now you can watch your favorite TV series while cooking, listen to culinary advice from professionals, saving valuable space in the kitchen.

The microwave oven is one of those bulky appliances that is very difficult to find a suitable place in the kitchen. But if you embed it in one of kitchen walls, then the problem will solve itself.

Placing kitchen utensils on an apron is a very practical idea. This way, all the necessary things will always be at hand.

All condiment lovers are faced with the problem of storing numerous jars. Great idea will use magnets. An iron strip is attached to the wall, to which jars and bags of spices can be attached using magnets.

Paper towels can be seen in any kitchen and are very practical. For convenient storage and use, you can install a special roll holder.

Vertical drawers are not only stylish and original, but also very convenient and practical. They are ideal for storing spices or other small containers.

Most people store their dishes on shelves or in kitchen cabinets, but to get the lowest dish at the back wall, you have to suffer. But there is one amazing idea. For example, store dishes in drawers with special partitions so that the plates do not touch each other and thus are not damaged.

Usually corners in the kitchen are a dead zone because they are not very convenient to use. Corner drawers will allow you to use all the space without exception. And this is also additional storage space.

Many people are upset by the lack of drawers under the sink; so much space is wasted aimlessly. However, at the very bottom you can arrange a drawer in which to store cleaning and detergents.

It looks like an ordinary drawer, but it's not at all like that. This is a double drawer that is ideal for storing cutlery.

Knife storage

Original and unusual way knife storage - right on work surface. It's safe and easy, but you should make sure that there is nothing underneath, because you can damage the things stored there and injure yourself when you need to get them out.

If you're just starting to cook, the variety of knives, pots and pans can drive you crazy. But which utensils will actually be useful in the kitchen, and which will just be an unnecessary waste? Together with the gastrobar chef Dobro bar&kitchen Kirill Karmalov, we figured out what home kitchen equipment should be like - and how it affects the quality of dishes. Please note: the list will also be useful for those who have just moved to new apartment and started thinking about how to furnish my kitchen.

Kirill Karmalov


Quality kitchenware doesn't have to be expensive. When choosing equipment, pay attention first of all to convenience and ergonomics. Now many (even Chinese) manufacturers make decent things that last a long time and do not damage the budget. Ideally, you should touch all the dishes you plan to buy with your hands and see if they are comfortable for you personally. Design and brand in in this case- the tenth thing.

Sauté pans

Buy a saucepan 0.86 l for 893 rubles; 1.2 l buy for 1,025 rubles

You will need two: one larger - one and a half to two liters, the second smaller - about a liter. The large one is convenient for preparing soups and porridges for two or three people, while the small ones can be used to prepare different sauces. When choosing a saucepan, pay attention to your stove. For induction cooker choose special dishes. For a gas pan, an aluminum saucepan is better suited. If you have an electric stove, keep in mind that it heats the cookware itself, and, accordingly, the handles will also heat up if they do not have some kind of thermal protection. It is important that the saucepan has a thick bottom. Firstly, a saucepan with a thin bottom will not last long - the bottom will become deformed and the dishes will become unusable. And secondly, the thick bottom heats up evenly and prevents food from burning.


buy for 8,725 rubles
buy for 5,654 rubles

The minimum set is two pans. One is medium, about three liters, and the second with a low side. The first one will be needed to boil pasta in it, for example. The second is convenient for stewing or preparing stews. Due to the large flat bottom and low sides, the liquid evaporates faster, and it is easier to control the degree of readiness of the products.

Frying pans

buy for 1,890 rubles
buy for 449 rubles
26 cm buy for 1290 rubles; 18 cm buy for 990 rubles

You need four frying pans. Let's start with the grill pan. Its ribbed bottom is designed to ensure that food has minimal contact with the hot surface, and excess fat flows into the grooves. It is better to choose cast iron: it will last longer. In addition, thanks to the properties of cast iron, heat is distributed throughout it as needed.

A pancake pan with a low side will also be useful. It’s good to cook not only pancakes, but also, for example, cheesecakes. The low side makes it easy to turn it all over. Frying vegetables or meat in such a pan is a bad idea. Products will fall out and oil will splatter all around.

For frying, you will need two Teflon-coated frying pans. One is 24–26 centimeters in diameter with a high side, the second is slightly smaller, about 16–18 centimeters, and is useful for breakfasts: omelettes, scrambled eggs and vegetables.

The brand doesn’t really matter, the main thing is that the Teflon is of high quality. And don't forget to care for your dishes properly. The Teflon coating does not tolerate rough handling. Even if something is very burnt, it is better to soak the pan for a while than to scrub off the dirt with a rough or metal brush.


buy for 771 rubles

You will need three to four bowls with a diameter of 16-22 centimeters and a depth of 11-12 centimeters. They can be made of plastic, stainless steel or wood. These are convenient for preparing salads and kneading something.

buy for 795 rubles
buy for 1,200 rubles

You will need a convenient whisk middle length about 16–18 centimeters - it is desirable that it is not very hard. Ask to see several options before you make a purchase. Don't forget about the universal tongs. They are convenient for turning over a lot of things. The material from which they are made is not particularly important.

buy for 630 rubles
buy for 606 rubles

Spatulas will also come in handy; buy two or three wooden ones. It is important that their tip is not straight, but rounded, similar to a spoon. A flat spatula cuts food when you stir something - these spatulas are good for turning. And it’s better if you buy a so-called “fish” spatula (with a beveled edge). It is advisable that there are slits in it: excess fat will drain through them and air will enter, which will make it easier to turn food over. Please note: if you choose a plastic option, the plastic must be heat-resistant.

buy for 980 rubles
buy for 249 rubles

For confectionery needs, a long narrow spatula is useful, which is convenient for spreading cream or chocolate onto biscuits. It is best to have two or three ladles from 200 to 250 milliliters.

buy for 249 rubles
buy for 2,715 rubles
buy for 2,500 rubles
buy for 289 rubles

One slotted spoon and a puree masher will come in handy. The latter, however, is not so necessary if you are not too lazy to press the potatoes through a sieve: put the finished potatoes in the sieve, let them dry and press them with a spatula - you will get an excellent mashed potatoes without lumps. Accordingly, we add to the list a 16-18 centimeter sieve, through which it is convenient to sift flour. Also grab a second cone-shaped sieve to strain broths and sauces. A colander for draining, for example, pasta is also a necessary household item.

buy for 599 rubles
buy for 578 rubles
buy for 1,190 rubles

A mortar for spices and salt and several mills will come in handy. Fish tweezers are rarely found on household kitchen, but this is a useful item, because it is much more pleasant to eat fish without bones, and with it they are easy to remove. Another useful thing is a centrifuge for drying greens and salads. It significantly speeds up the cooking process. But if there is little space in the kitchen, then you can completely do without it and dry everything on paper towel or buy greens that are already washed and ready to eat.

buy for 3,370 rubles
buy for 405 rubles
buy for 350 rubles

You will need a grater with different attachments and a cheese grater. Again, for pastry experiments you will need several silicone molds and a silicone mat on which it is convenient to prepare chocolate or cookies. You will also need a rolling pin, the handles of which do not move, but the surface rotates. Don't forget about the funnels: they can come in handy when you need to carefully pour something somewhere.

buy for 249 rubles

The inventory list can be completed with a mechanical citrus juicer.

Cutting boards

buy for 4,380 rubles

Boards come in wood and plastic. Plastic is more convenient in terms of care and labeling. The standard has been adopted all over the world: a red board is for meat, a green board is for vegetables, a blue board is for fish, and a white board is for bread. Plastic is more convenient to wash, but cuts appear faster in it, into which food gets clogged. Wooden boards now they are mostly glued together from pieces rather than made from solid wood. Such boards cannot be washed - only wiped. Therefore, if you really want wood, then it’s better to look for a solid olive board.


buy for 1,960 rubles
buy for 3,270 rubles
buy for 1,440 rubles
buy for 1160 rubles
buy for 1,138 rubles
buy for 1,919 rubles
buy for 1615 rubles

Buy ready set knives - not always good idea. You will hardly use any of them. Minimum required- these are three or four high-quality knives. The most important is a universal chef's knife with a length of 16 centimeters. Before buying, be sure to take it in your hand, it should fit in your palm so that it is comfortable, so that you feel that it is balanced in weight - not too light and not too heavy. The rest of the list of knives looks like this: a serrated bread knife, a short vegetable knife, and a fillet knife for cutting meat - it’s similar to a chef’s knife, but a little smaller in size.

The best knives are made in Japan - they still have the right attitude towards steel. You can buy Japanese knives even if they are not very expensive: they are likely to last a long time. Ceramic knives are popular, but I don't recommend them because they will last you two to three months and then you'll have to buy a new one. In addition, they are very fragile: if you drop such a knife on a tiled floor, it will most likely break. Don’t forget about the whetstone and musat - a special tool for straightening knife blades.


for 10,890 rubles
buy for 3990 rubles
buy for 1,669 rubles
buy for 2,295 rubles

In order to cook well, it is not necessary to equip the kitchen with expensive, bulky and complex appliances. For example, a food processor is a useless thing, in my opinion. You will very rarely cook in the volumes for which it is designed, and the food processor will take up a lot of space in the cabinet. What you definitely need is a meat grinder. High-quality homemade minced meat will never compare with store-bought minced meat. I generally do not recommend buying minced meat if you have not seen how and what it was prepared from.

Another necessary, but at the same time compact device - immersion blender. It has many attachments and can be used to prepare a huge number of dishes. It is advisable to have a mixer on hand: it is convenient for preparing creams, making preparations for ice cream and baked goods. The set should include a whisk, a spatula and a spiral dough hook. It will be useful to acquire electronic scales.


buy for 299 rubles
buy for 149 rubles

You will need some quality kitchen towels made of cotton (neutral colors so that they are easy to wash), as well as potholders. It is better to choose in the form of mittens - they are much more convenient to use.