High tech technology expresses. High-tech style in the living room and functionality. General characteristics of high-tech style in the living room interior

The high-tech style in the interior became popular during the technological revolution in the world, so its fundamental principles are the use of the latest technology and the functionality of all elements. In a room decorated in this style, you won’t find familiar decor, he was replaced plasma TVs, high-tech panels.

At the moment, high-tech in its pure form is quite rare. Designers prefer to dilute it with other trends (neoclassicism, pop art, avant-garde, etc.). This is necessary to add coziness to the room, because the high-tech interior is quite strict. Often the offices of successful companies are decorated in this design direction to show prestige and status.

Functionality and rigor of form are the credo of high-tech design

History of high-tech style

High-tech began its development in the 1970s in Great Britain. Some of the most famous practitioners of this trend are Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, and Nicholas Grimshaw. They brought to life the idea of ​​a house that would reflect scientific and technological progress. At first, this style was applicable to architecture and only ten years later it became popular in apartment interiors.

Objects embodying the progressive ideas of this movement were erected before the emergence of the movement itself. These include the architectural structures of Le Corbusier and Renzo Piano. The architects used a metal frame, concrete blocks, which became an innovation in construction and prepared the way for the development of high-tech.

This direction in design is characterized by an extreme degree of practicality. Interior decoration The rooms looked somewhat dry due to the lack of greenery and colorful decor, so they were in no hurry to decorate the apartments in high-tech style. At first, it was used mainly by offices of well-known companies. Thanks to this, high-tech gradually began to be associated with success and well-being.

At first, hi-tech was an office style

After the successful introduction of the style into office life, it became more popular in residential areas. To keep up with fashion trends, many apartment owners began to decorate living rooms, bedrooms and even kitchens in high-tech style. Such dwellings looked trendy thanks to the use of advanced technologies and new materials. Gradually, technological design moved from noisy megacities to the periphery.

Nowadays, both apartments and houses are often decorated in this direction. The interior looks quite ascetic due to the absence of unnecessary details. It is acceptable to decorate the living room, bedroom, bathroom with metal figurines and photo frames. For a bedroom, this style of interior design is quite unusual. However, such a room looks modern and fashionable.

High-tech design features

High-tech differs from modernism, classics, and country in the absence of a decorative shell and the presence of expressive lines. The space in the room is used to the maximum, so all things should have some functional meaning.

You will have to give up bulky furniture; it is better to choose models that can be transformed. For example, modular sofas or a small coffee table, which, thanks to simple manipulations, turns into a full-fledged large table.

The main artificial materials used: glass, plastic, metal, concrete. The exception is textiles: the use of linen and silk bedspreads is acceptable. However, even the fabric must be produced using advanced technology. You can purchase curtains with special impregnation that repels dust, dirt and moisture.

Five fundamental principles of high-tech style in the interior:

  • minimalism- only four colors are used, the walls are painted in one tone, the wallpaper is selected without patterns or designs;

High-tech is extremely minimalist: laconic furniture, few colors in decoration

  • manufacturability- the room is filled with modern appliances and furniture;

  • space- installed indoors big windows, compact furniture;
  • practicality- the apartment should have a lot of storage space. Every centimeter of space is used as practically as possible, and the space should not be overloaded with unnecessary details;
  • comfort- preference is given to comfortable furniture, and its arrangement is thought out before the smallest details for better organization of space.

Finish options

A high-tech room should have smooth walls, so all the shortcomings will have to be corrected with plaster and drywall. Also typical is the use of simple finishing without unnecessary details in the form of bas-reliefs and paintings. White or smooth paint is applied to the walls. decorative plaster. The walls can be cleaned down to concrete and left just like that. Sometimes they use wallpaper, but bright shades are strictly prohibited. To break up the monotony of the walls, hang a monochrome clock, frames with black and white photos or stylish paintings.

Smooth white walls are common in high-tech design

High-tech floor finishing options:

For the ceiling, a matte or glossy white stretch fabric is used. This is very convenient, because in this case there is no need to level the ceiling. If the surface is already smooth, it is painted or plaster is applied.

A flat white ceiling is common in high-tech

Hi-tech furniture

High-tech furniture is different unusual design, high technology. The main materials are plastic, glass, aluminum. The shape can be different: from a simple cube to curved lines and spheres.

It is worth choosing furniture with clear geometric shapes

A high-tech bedroom should be equipped with an unusual bed, which, for example, pulls out of a closet or seems to float in the air due to a special fastening. A futuristic look is always welcome!

The lighting under the bed looks beautiful: it makes the furniture seem lighter and airier. The use of built-in wardrobes is encouraged. A program for creating a wardrobe will help you create the perfect one.

Kitchen set It has a large number of lockers that open by simply pressing a panel. Dinner Zone equipped with a round table or a laconic rectangular model. Kitchen chairs are usually made of metal and plastic and have an unusual shape.

High-tech kitchen is plastic and strict forms

In the living room you can purchase a modular wardrobe, a transforming sofa, and glass shelves. Pay special attention to the choice of chairs, as there are a large number of suitable options. A single-color lounge chair without legs can be placed near the window and create a kind of relaxation area. It is better to install a plastic chair in the shape of a hemisphere with soft pillows inside in the corner of the room near glass shelves with books. If the apartment has an electric fireplace, then place a rocking chair on metal legs nearby.

High-tech decor

Decorative elements are practically not used, but there are exceptions:

  • ✔ large paintings in plastic frames with city landscapes;
  • ✔ tall lamp with a strict shape;
  • hardware;
  • ✔ floor glass vase;
  • ✔ full-length mirror.

It is not necessary to use all the options presented; you can limit yourself to a lamp and a painting. The main thing is to endure color scheme and place the decorations well. Various gadgets play the role of decorating a room: speakers, a humidifier and others.

The decor becomes lamps and appliances

To delimit functional areas in a room or separate rooms, use glass partitions. They are different types: matte, transparent, tinted, covered with film. Such sliding systems look much better than blank walls with closed doors, they help save space and fill the apartment with light.

Glass sliding partitions perfectly zone the space

What colors to use

The room is decorated in classic combination colors: white and black. These two shades should be the main ones in the interior. High-tech involves the use metal elements, therefore, the color of silver can also be present in the design of the room. The walls and ceiling should only be white, the furniture can be black, white or grey.

To refresh the urban orientation of the style, designers dilute the interior with bright details - a tall fresh flower, blue or ultramarine pillows, lilac lighting.

Sea green pillows enliven the interior

Kitchen sets in this style direction in the last ten to fifteen years, they began to be equipped with cabinets in red, green, yellow and others bright colors. The severity of the forms and the clarity of the lines remain unchanged. The bedroom may also contain bright accents in the form of a bed head or chair, made in a solid, rich color.


The room should be filled with light that highlights shiny surfaces. To do this, in addition to the main light source, additional spotlights are installed on the ceiling. The chandelier can be chosen with clear graphic lines or in the form of geometric shapes.

Additional lighting emphasizes the high-tech style

It is worth giving preference to lamps made of glass, plastic, chromed metal. The main light source is placed on the ceiling, and spotlights are installed in special niches on the wall or floor. To disperse a clearly directed beam, mirror surfaces are used, which also help to increase the area of ​​the apartment due to reflection.

LED models designed as hanging rings remain popular. Modular chandeliers of unusual shapes are also often used. To illuminate individual areas of the room, LED backlighting is used with the ability to control brightness, color and light mode.

The high-tech style is suitable for people who keep up with the times and follow the development of technology. Despite the external laconicism of the interior, repairs in this manner will be quite expensive. This is due to the use of modern technical equipment: a “smart home” system, a TV with a large plasma screen, an electric fireplace. As a rule, an apartment in this design direction emphasizes the high status of the owners.

You can save cash during renovation, using the Interior Design 3D program. It was created for designing the design of rooms with different layouts. You can download the program on our website. The product allows you to choose the optimal arrangement of furniture in the room, determine necessary materials for finishing. The program also has an estimate function.

High-tech apartment project in Interior Design 3D

Among the advantages of Interior Design 3D are a built-in set of layouts, a user-friendly interface, the ability to adjust the design and print finished project. The collection of finishing materials includes more than 450 items. If you are not satisfied with the color of the walls, floor, ceiling, just choose a different fill. It is also possible to change the texture of the finish. Create your projects, compare options to make your ideal renovation!

High-tech is a modern and trendy style, which is based on functionality, pragmatism, constructivism and dynamism in interior design. It achieved wide popularity at the end of the twentieth century.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

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The design of this direction clearly shows urbanism. Here, much attention is not paid to decor; on the contrary, they focus on the practical purpose of the details.

High-tech is quite dry and cold. Geometricism and cubism are clearly visible in it. Clear lines and breaks give the room restraint and rigor.

High-tech is most suitable for apartments and modern houses. At first glance, it is not as cozy as country style for wooden house or country cottage, but with the help of details and the right design approach, you can breathe life into a restrained and original style.

Interior in high-tech style

To decorate the walls of an apartment or country house most often choose brick, stone, concrete, using metal structures. Wallpaper in the high-tech style is used less often in the interior. As for shades, the trendy style is characterized by dull and cold tones.

White, black, gray are suitable for walls. Metallic will be appropriate for wall design. But for an accent, you can safely use brighter colors, for example, orange, red, yellow, blue.

Modern style does not tolerate tradition and outdated details. Carbon, chrome elements, plexiglass, and plastic are suitable for it. The naturalness and antiquity inherent in country or classic style are inappropriate here.

When choosing furniture for your interior, choose flat, clear and simple lines. Built-in furniture that is devoid of accessories is best suited for these purposes.

As for doors and windows, they should also match the overall appearance. Doors most often have a futuristic design. There should be enough windows in a room decorated in high-tech style, since lighting is very important here.

To make the room brighter, you can use lighting. Chandeliers and lamps can be located on the ceiling, on the walls, and even on the floor. They are made of chromed metal and glass.

Industrialism can also be seen in the design of the apartments. All pipes, cords and other communications can be left uncovered. Innovation and conciseness can be seen in other decorative items. Despite the fact that walls are most often left “bare,” paintings can be used in the design of an apartment or country house.

Paintings for interiors in high-tech style should be cubic, catchy, avant-garde. Against a metal background, concrete walls and glass “colorful spot” will be a great success and will attract attention.

High-tech style in the kitchen interior

Ultra-modern and avant-garde decor is ideal for kitchen design. Despite the fact that there is a certain “dryness” in the design, such a design can help solve the problem of a small space.

There are a lot of creative and beautiful ideas, which will help even a small kitchen become a spacious and attractive place! High-tech is characterized by zoning. This technique is suitable for the kitchen-living room.

Mirrors and glass in the form of partitions will help to divide the dining space and make the room more spacious. Expand small room Lamps will also help.

In choise flooring It is best to give preference to tiles or glossy self-leveling floors. If you are a lover of patterns, then only geometry is suitable for the high-tech style. Clear lines of contrasting shades will add originality to your interior and dilute its severity.

An exposed brick or concrete wall will highlight the urban motif. Often, smooth textures and plain plaster are used for walls. Tension or suspended ceiling can be decorated with metal and slats.

An important point in the kitchen - Appliances. It can be built-in and hidden behind panels and all kinds of shelves. If the equipment is visible, choose it in chrome, carbon and metallic shades.

There is practically no textile in the design. For windows, weightless thread curtains or light straight tulle in solid colors (best in contrast with the walls) or blinds are suitable.

Black, gray or white leather is used for furniture. If cushioned furniture in the kitchen it is fabric, choose muted and plain colors. When it comes to furniture, it is best to adhere to minimalism and rationality. Modular furniture using tinted, frosted or glossy glass is suitable for the kitchen.

High-tech interior design for the bathroom

Decorating a bathroom in this style is ideal for practical people who value modernity and convenience. A bathroom in high-tech style is proportional, restrained, and functional.

To decorate the bathroom, they resort to minimalist techniques. It has everything you need, without unnecessary parts and accessories. Windows, walls, doors, cabinets, shelves, and very often even washbasins and shower stalls have straight lines and angles.

White, black, gray, and silver colors are used to paint walls. It is best to decorate the bath in two contrasting colors. Stylish and unusual interior It will work if you use a monochrome palette - a combination of white and black.

Bathroom fittings should also match the overall high-tech style. Most often it is presented in metallic shades. Parts made from of stainless steel, aluminum, chrome surfaces - will fit perfectly into the overall interior.

A bathroom cannot be complete without mirrors. They will help to visually expand a small space and are an indispensable interior detail. Mirror surfaces can be combined with matte ones. Stylish and practical solution There will be “hidden” mirror shelves that will store bath accessories.

Very important detail can also be called bathroom lighting. Backlights and neon lamps should illuminate the space well and focus attention on work areas.

Living room interior in high-tech style

The design of the living room is dominated by synthetic and industrial materials. To finish the floor, ceiling, and walls, tiles, plastic, metal, and glass are used.

If the living room is large, it can be zoned using partitions, walls, shades and light sources. Since the large room will be dominated by cold tones, it may seem gloomy and devoid of comfort.

To solve this problem, bright details are often used. You can focus on furniture in colorful shades, surreal paintings, and eye-catching accessories.

Commonly used colors for furniture include red, blue, white, black, and yellow. Looks very impressive with metal parts deep Blue colour or electric blue. Red will bring a little warmth, fire, and brightness into the room.

Green plants will also help to brighten up the technological interior. Houseplants are used very rarely in the design of this style. But if you own a large living room, green (most often tropical and exotic) plants will bring harmony to the space.

Design of other rooms in an apartment or house

High-tech is also suitable for decorating a bedroom, hallway, office, hall. The design principles described above must be followed in other rooms, regardless of their purpose.

Hi-tech is used to a lesser extent for children's rooms, since the style attributes are more “adult” and cold. Soft and delicate textures, smooth lines and curves, pastel and soothing calm tones are not acceptable for the style. The design of the room is reduced to a minimum, and all attention is focused on monotony and futurism.

Very often, high-tech is used to decorate a studio apartment, since it is often inherent in dividing space with partitions. Studio zoning involves partitions and walls made of plexiglass or metal. Such designs look good in modern spaces that keep up with the times and progress.

Hi-tech (English hi-tech, from high technology - high technology) is the architectural and design style of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the logical development of postmodernism. High-tech style is focused on functionality, science, use high technology. The high-tech style bears the imprint of prestige, if only because all high-tech buildings are very expensive.

High-tech at the moment can be divided into two stages:

* Early high-tech (1960s - early 1970s)
* Modern high-tech (mid-1970s - to date)

The logical continuation of high-tech was the development that began in the 1990s. the “bio-tech” and “eco-tech” styles, which on the one hand adopted the craving for high technology from high-tech, on the other hand, in contrast to high-tech, are trying to connect with nature, not to argue with it, but to coexist organically.

History of high-tech

An important role in the emergence and development of high-tech style was played by the activities of the Arkigram group, which carried over the ideas of pop art and science fiction of the 1960s. into architecture. According to C. Jenkins' classification, high-tech belongs to late modernism, calling it the peak of modernism.

The Pompidou Center in Paris (1977), built by Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano, is considered to be one of the first important high-tech buildings to be completed. At first the project was met with hostility, but by the 1990s the controversy had subsided, and the Center became one of the recognized landmarks of Paris.

Famous high-tech architectural structures:

  • Kenzo Tange (丹下健三)
    Fuji Television building in Odaiba, Tokyo (1996) " target="_blank"> Fuji TV building Fuji TV building
  • Lloyd's headquarters " target="_blank"> Lloyd Lloyd
  • Milwaukee Art Museum, USA, project 1994, 2001 " target="_blank"> Art Museum Art Museum
  • Sage Gateshead, Gateshead, UK, 2004 " target="_blank"> Sage Gateshead Sage Gateshead
  • Santiago Calatrava Valls
    Allen Lambert Gallery, The Bay Wellington Tower, Toronto, Canada " target="_blank"> Lambert Gallery Lambert Gallery
  • Baron Richard George Rogers
    Showroom in Singapore " target="_blank"> Showroom Showroom
  • Baron Norman Foster
    HSBC head office building in Hong Kong. Its location was chosen in compliance with the principles of Feng Shui " target="_blank"> HSBC in Hong Kong HSBC in Hong Kong
  • Baron Norman Foster
    Head office of the Swiss insurance company "Swiss Re", London, UK " target="_blank"> Gherkin Swiss Re Gherkin Swiss Re

Main features of high-tech

High-tech is characterized by the use of high technology, pragmatism, the idea of ​​the architect as an elite professional, the provision of services by architecture, complex simplicity, sculptural form, hyperbole, manufacturability, structure and design as an ornament, anti-historicity, monumentality.

Predominant and fashionable colors

White, gray, black, silver-metallic, as well as rich pure colors - red, green, yellow

High-tech style lines

Using straight lines and simple shapes


Clarity and geometricity of forms, high pragmatism in space planning

Characteristic interior elements

The use of high technology, simplicity of forms of all interior elements, maximum functionality. Wide application of glass, plastic, metal


Tubular metal structures and stairs leading outside the building


Rectangular, as large as possible. Decentred lighting creating the effect of a spacious, well-lit room

High-tech style doors

Rectangular, simple, laconic. Often made of metal or glass

High-tech architects

Norman Foster (1935) is a British architect, winner of the Imperial and Pritzker Prizes. First made a knight by the queen and then a baron (Baron Foster of Thames Bank). He studied for two years at the Yale School of Architecture, where he received a master's degree and met Richard Rogers, with whom he created the Bureau of Four. From the depths of this institution emerged a very widespread high-tech style. One of the most popular architects of our time.

Richard Rogers (1933) is a British architect who, in collaboration with Renzo Piano and Norman Foster, created the high-tech style. Laureate of the Imperial and Pritzker Prizes. The Queen of Great Britain created him a baron (Baron Rogers of Riverside). Rogers, together with Renzo Piano, created the Pompidou Center in Paris in 1971.

Renzo Piano (1937) is an Italian architect who, together with Richard Rogers, created the high-tech style. The central work is the Pompidou Center in Paris (1971-77).

Kenzo Tange (丹下健三 1913 - 2005) is one of the most influential Japanese architects of the 20th century. Based on traditional Japanese aesthetics and structural principles, he designed in the “international style” (Tokyo Municipality, 1952-57) and high-tech style (Fuji Television Headquarters, 1996). Among his generally recognized masterpieces are the Catholic Cathedral of St. Mary and the Olympic Center (both in Tokyo, completed in 1964). He was one of the first to use shell ceilings: the Olympic Center and St. Mary's Cathedral in Tokyo, and the congress hall in Ehime Prefecture.

Santiago Calatrava Valls 1951 - Spanish architect and sculptor, author of many futuristic buildings in different countries peace. Its aesthetic is sometimes described as "bio-tech".

  • Santiago Calatrava Valls
    City of Art and Science, Valencia, Spain, project 1991, 2004 " target="_blank"> City of Art and Science City of Art and Science
  • Santiago Calatrava Valls
    Opera House of Tenerife, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain, project 1991, 2003 " target="_blank"> Tenerife Opera House Tenerife Opera House
  • Santiago Calatrava Valls
    Interior of the Milwaukee Art Museum, USA, project 1994, 2001 " target="_blank"> Art Museum Art Museum
  • Santiago Calatrava Valls
    Palace of the Arts Reina Sofia, Valencia, Spain, project 1992, 2005 " target="_blank"> Palace of Arts Palace of Arts

Vladimir Grigorievich Shukhov (1853 - 1939) - engineer, architect, inventor, scientist. V. G. Shukhov was the first in the world to use steel mesh shells for the construction of buildings and towers. Subsequently, high-tech architects, Buckminster Fuller and Norman Foster, finally introduced mesh shells into modern construction practice, and in the 21st century, shells became one of the main means of shaping modern buildings.

Types of high-tech buildings

The main types of high-tech buildings are public, commercial, office buildings. Often high-tech buildings are huge skyscrapers, airports, museums, cultural centers, bridges, viaducts.

High-tech interior

IN modern design High-tech style is extremely popular. The basic principles of interior design in high-tech style can be called: functionality, the use of metal, glass, plastics, concrete; rigor and simplicity of designs, straight lines, clean, light colors, practically complete absence decor. The main dominant is the form, not the color or color scheme. The almost complete lack of decor here is compensated by the “work of texture”: the play of light on the glass, the shine of chrome and metal surfaces, pattern of natural wood. To this can be added exposed brick and a variety of modern synthetic materials. Color and pattern for high-tech style are not characteristic details. A high-tech interior is built on a combination of space and light. The basis of the high-tech style is black, white and gray colors. Any other pure, unmixed shades can be added to them: red, blue, green, yellow colors. Drawings and decorative elements, in high-tech style there is practically none. The High-Tech style does not tolerate negligence - everything should be even and smooth: clean, often shiny surfaces of the walls, ceiling, floor, window frames, door frames.

For the high-tech style, lighting plays a very important role, as it allows you to highlight and favorably emphasize the texture and shape of the materials used in interior decoration. Moreover, the light also takes over additional role interior space organizer. Lamps, of course, must bear the imprint of man-made technology. Complex lighting options due to panels and built-in lamps are welcome. Using string lights, you can visually divide the room into functional areas, creating a border between the kitchen and the dining room or between the living room and the bedroom, while achieving incredible lightness and plasticity. You can often see soffits in high-tech interiors. And to add coziness to the room, you can use floor lamps with a scattering of halogen bulbs.

The usual decor for high-tech windows is various blinds. You can add curtains to them, but most likely they will be plain, without patterns.

The walls are usually plain light, although options in dark gray or even black tones also look great. The main thing is that these colors are skillfully played out in the interior.

Furniture in a high-tech interior is minimal. The main condition is that high-tech furniture should be comfortable, practical and not have unnecessary decorative details. High-tech furniture materials - leatherette, metal, glass, plastic. The fittings are often silver, matte or shiny.

  • Interior Hi-tech
    Interior by BVN-Architecture, Queensland, Australia " target="_blank"> BVN-Architecture BVN-Architecture
  • Interior Hi-tech
    Interior by Teka Studio, Bergamo, Italy " target="_blank"> Teka Studio Teka Studio
  • Interior Hi-tech
    Interior by HOK Mexico, Monterey, Canada " target="_blank"> HOK Mexico HOK Mexico
  • Interior Hi-tech
    Ruiz-Maasburg Penthouse in Spain by Hector Ruiz-Velazquez " target="_blank"> Penthouse Ruiz-Maasburg Penthouse Ruiz-Maasburg

English high technology, high tech, hi-tech - high technology) - the newest and most progressive technologies of our time.

The transition to the use of high technologies and corresponding equipment is the most important link in the scientific and technological revolution (STR) in modern stage. High technologies usually include the most knowledge-intensive industries.

High technology is a set of information, knowledge, experience, material resources in the development, creation and production of new products and processes that have the characteristics of the highest world level. The concept of high technology, i.e. how high it is, is constantly changing. However, the main result of their presence remains unchanged - they give an undeniable advantage to those who have them over those who do not have them.

Writing and arithmetic allowed the ancient Phoenicians to dominate the Mediterranean region for thousands of years without a single war. Invention of metal type in the 15th century. contributed to the rapid spread of Christianity throughout the world, determined the smoothing of cultural differences and the development of universal human values, which, in fact, laid the foundations of modern globalization processes.

If Genghis Khan had brought into this world not a sword, but a book, perhaps now we would be speaking New Mongolian. At the moment, high technology is not only and not so much advanced technology, but first of all a kind of information and digital space, without which the existence of this technology would be impossible.

High-tech industries traditionally include microelectronics, robotics, nuclear and aerospace production, the microbiological industry and the computer science industry, which includes the Internet and the latest digital infrastructures, including mass communications.

In 2005, the number of regular Internet users in the world exceeded 1 billion people. And this number is constantly growing, and with it the Internet itself and the related service market are growing. Of the 10 largest companies in the world by capitalization, 3 operate in the Internet sector, another 3 produce computers and software among them, only 2 are not related to high technology at all.

It is believed that more than half the cost of high-tech products consists of the so-called. expenses for R&D, that is, for research and development work. In reality, the share of R&D is much higher and can pay for itself over decades.

However modern world comes to the understanding that the price of high technology cannot be too high, since ultimately it is the latest scientific developments that determine the strategic vectors of movement not only of capital, but of the entire society, regardless of the degree of its involvement in consumption. Even 10 years ago Cell phones were considered a luxury. Today they are used by 3 billion people - slightly less than half the world's population.

The military industry of developed countries is the main consumer of high technology. Today, like 5000 years ago, the possession of more advanced technology is the main condition for ensuring strategic interests and solving tactical problems.

The very first high-tech war - the conflict between Great Britain and Argentina on the Falkland Islands in 1982 - clearly showed the advantages of high-tech weapons over conventional ones. All subsequent wars and conflicts only confirm this. According to the UN, in developed countries, spending on high technology amounts to 40% of GDP, in China - 30%. In Russia - no more than 5%, and most of this 5% falls specifically on the military-industrial complex. Maybe that's the only reason we still speak Russian.

A large reserve in high technology has existed in Russia since 1930–50. The basic law of socialism in the formulation of I. Stalin sounded like this: “Satisfying the ever-increasing material and spiritual needs of the Soviet people on the basis of higher technology.” Thus, he directly prescribed leadership in high-tech.

Huge resources were invested in the fields of high-tech weapons, nuclear energy, physics and others. As a result, they made it possible to create in the USSR the best aviation in the world, to be the first to go into space and lead the space industry for many years, to be the first to build an elementary particle accelerator - a synchrophasotron, a nuclear-powered ship and a peaceful nuclear power plant. We are still enjoying the fruits of those technological victories.

Today we have lost leadership in the field of high-tech to the West. Some factory in Singapore assembles the entire computer, with the exception of a small part that is produced in a small laboratory in California. Without this part the plant is useless.

Science has become a direct productive force; it has emerged from academic classrooms. Today, the Nestle Corporation employs more scientists than the Swiss Academy, and General Electric employs more than all US universities. Microsoft has only 27 thousand employees. This is far from the largest company, and yet it occupies one of the first places in the world in terms of capitalization. In 1993, which is not that long ago, the company employed 14 thousand people and had a turnover of approximately $3.75 billion. In the same year, one of the largest corporations in the world, General Motors, had a turnover of $120 billion.

Still, in 1993, Microsoft was worth more than General Motors. In 2007, it was already 16 times more expensive ($300 billion versus $18.5 billion). Computer and semiconductor firms are responsible for 45% (!) of the growth of the American economy.

High technology is the only way for civilized countries to survive in global competition, since in all other respects they are losing to southern sea countries with cheap labor force. For Russia, which is the coldest country in the world, a country with expensive labor, located far from sea routes, high technology is also the only chance for survival.

High technologies are impossible without education, so investing in education is investing in our future. Saving on education leads to the fact that we will gradually turn into the poorest, uncivilized and uncompetitive country in the world.

In March 2007, the scientific journal Technology Review, published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, published a list of 10 promising technologies that, according to scientists, will have the greatest impact on society in the coming decades. The list included:

1. Nanomedicine: will allow the delivery of drugs directly to diseased cells.

2. Epigenetics: will allow you to diagnose cancer and other diseases at the earliest stages, based on genetic tests.

3. “Nuclear reprogramming”: will allow you to renew the body by cloning healthy cells.

4. “Diffusion imaging”: using brain scanning technologies, it is possible to diagnose and treat such serious illnesses as schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease.

1. Technology of “comparative interaction”. By thoroughly studying how the various components of cells interact with each other, it is possible to prevent “deadly breakdowns” of the body and prolong life.

2. “Cognitive radio”. The development of wireless communications raises a new problem - interference. Teach mobile phones, computers connected to the wireless Internet, and radio stations to work harmoniously without interfering with each other.

3. “Safe Internet”: will protect users from disclosing personal information.

4. “Nanobiomechanics”: will allow you to create biochemical complexes capable of performing work at the micro level.

5. “Wireless Universe”: involves interaction electronic devices together.

6. “Stretchable silicon.” Silicon powers modern electronics. By creating new forms of this substance, new technological possibilities can be obtained.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓

The hi-tech direction as a design style appeared on the slope of late modernism against the backdrop of high technology. It is imbued with the era of rapid technological progress, space flights and ideas about the future. This design direction has become the definition high functionality, technological trends, impeccable configurations and prestige. High-tech is rich in the use of glass, plastic and metal materials.

High-tech style walls are made in one color.

They are decorated with glass or plastic inserts made to look like silver. Cold-colored stone or metal-look tiles are often used.

The ceiling is suspended or suspended.

It can be done using metal panels. The ceiling is installed in one or several levels. In the latter case, the lighting will successfully highlight the different levels.

Hi-tech style flooring.

Parquet with a shiny surface or ceramic tile. A parquet floor will sparkle if it has a mother-of-pearl shine, a cool tint or a gray, slightly bleached color. In this style, decoration in the form of rugs of the same color and/or with a pattern of geometric shapes is encouraged. When choosing tiles, you need to pay attention to glossy ceramics or porcelain stoneware. The chosen coating must be one color. If there are hand-drawn inserts, the lines should not be too pretentious.

High-tech furniture should be present in minimal quantities.

All furniture items are useful and practical. It is necessary to carefully consider the proportions so that the structures look light and the shapes have regular, geometric shapes. Materials for the manufacture of high-tech furniture are metal after grinding, plastic and leather substitute. The fittings used are shiny and, preferably, metallic in color.

When choosing a coffee table, you need to take into account high-tech trends.

A table, for example, can be movable, shelves and tables have glass surfaces, and chairs have steel legs or backs.

Decorative additions in high-tech style are required in a minimum quantity and must be in the spirit of the design.

You can use pots, vases, figurines, lamps made of ceramic, plastic, metal materials or glass. Mirrors must be chosen without frames and additional decor. Paintings are not suitable for this style, with the exception of abstraction. Graphic images or black and white photographs will fit well into the overall decor. High-tech tableware has a simple, discreet configuration and is made with chrome and shiny inserts. Ruffles, images of flowers, clay pots or all kinds of wooden accessories are not allowed for this direction. This style places emphasis on modern technology, which is also decorative.

High-tech is a relatively young style and almost never appears in pure form in a residential area. It is more common in design modern offices, pavilions and commercial buildings. At home, the style is diluted with other directions. It is popular among young people and modern people following fashion trends.
When styling a room as high-tech, it is necessary to use metallic, white, gray and/or black colors. Sometimes you can dilute it with a coffee or beige shade, but strictly straightforward, in the style of cubism. It is allowed to mix a catchy color with pastel shade one color scheme.
The main criteria of the high-tech style are the use of non-natural materials, transformation of forms and strictly defined color palette. As part of the style, you can use plastic with different characteristics. In this direction, it is necessary not to deviate from the main motif - steel shine, aluminum and chrome, technical themes and geometric shapes.

High-tech lighting differs from classic lighting. The main thing here is not to center the light. It is necessary to recreate the effect of a large and bright room. Light should reflect from metal objects, emphasizing the merits of the style. The use of cable lamps will allow you to divide the room into areas of different functionality. Soffits of various shapes are very practical. They will help to successfully focus attention on interior elements.
In the high-tech direction, things are put on display that are not customary to be shown. These items include pipes, ventilation shafts, beams, engineering equipment and any metal structures. All these interior details should look rich. The more decorative ornaments made of metal, the better, although they do not carry any load. It's just an addition to the overall style.

The emergence of high-tech style

The high-tech direction “hi-tech” originated in the 70s of the last century, and began to gain popularity 10 years later. This is the heir of modernism, so its individual criteria are noticeable: simplicity, manufacturability, constructive pattern and pragmatics. High-tech is considered the harbinger of an era of change.
The most important contribution to the development of the style was made by the Arkigram group of architects. She translated sci-fi motifs into architecture. Frey (with kinetic structures) and B. Fuller (with geodesic domes) played a great role in the formation of the direction.
Distinctive features of high-tech are metal compositions made of pipes, stairs located outside the building, the widespread use of steel color, the constant use of elements of cubism and constructivism, and pragmatism in planning.

The Paris Pompidou Center, which was built by Richards Rogers and Renzo Piano in 1977, is rightfully considered the first serious high-tech building. Initially, the project did not receive a positive assessment. It was only by the 90s of the last century that the disputes around the center subsided. These days, the Pompidou Center is one of the generally recognized Parisian monuments of modern art, along with the Eiffel Tower.

Significant contributions to the promotion of high-tech were made by Nicholas Grimshaw, Norman Foster and James Stirling.
The initial skepticism, and sometimes even complete rejection (as, for example, in the UK) shown to high-tech, was transformed into the opposite perception.

With the advent of the 80s of the last century, this design direction is considered one of the most privileged and expensive. It creates the authority of the largest trading institutions. The height of fashion in the 70-80s were structures with a mirrored facade and partitions made of light-repellent glass. In the 90s, the high-tech direction tried to reunite with environment, illustrating her images. As a result, there was a transformation into ecological and biological high-tech. This is most noticeable in the famous works of the British and Italian architect R. Piano.