How to remove old paint from wood. How and how to remove old paint from wood: chemical, mechanical and thermal methods

Before you paint wooden surface, which already has one or more previously applied layers of paint, remove the old coating using improvised means. If you don't know how to remove old paint, use step-by-step instructions.

First, prepare the wood for painting by sanding the product and impregnating it with a primer. By choosing the right tools and calculating the effort, you can process up to a meter of painted surface area in 10-20 minutes.

The specificity of wood as a working material is its softness (depending on the type and quality of the wood). When preparing a wooden surface for painting or varnishing, determine whether it is necessary to remove the entire layer of old paint or whether the product can be partially processed. Consider the following characteristics of the paint that is being removed:

  • thickness- single-layer coating can not be removed. The varnish (coloring substance) is easier to apply to it, holds better, and the wood is not susceptible to harmful effects once again. At the same time, the creation of very thick layers is fraught with a decrease in strength and density - they are easily destroyed at the slightest mechanical impact
  • invoice(may not coincide with the quality and functional characteristics of the new coating)
  • color- if you apply an insufficiently thick and dense layer of new paint, the old one will be visible or change the color of the new one (for example, overlaying blue and red colors will give a purple tint)
  • how long ago the old coating was applied- it can peel off on its own. Painting without removing the old layer, which is flaking, will “make” the treated area lumpy

What is needed to remove old paint from a wooden product?

Inspect the condition of the surfaces being treated, the structure and quality of the wood, and make sure that the product is suitable for further use. Based on this, select surface treatment methods, dress appropriately (in work, protective clothing) and take special means. Before removing paint from wood, prepare the product appropriately (using one of the methods discussed below).

To remove the paint and prepare the surface for various operations, use the following tools and set of materials:

  • chemical impregnation for cleaning surfaces from paint and varnish substances
  • hair dryer used for construction purposes
  • grinder with a grinding disc or drill with an abrasive attachment
  • sandpaper, small spatulas
  • means of protection against toxic substances

How to remove old paint from wood-based products?

To safely and accurately remove old paint from wood, gentle methods and tools are used that cause minimal or no damage to the wood base. Before removing paint from wood, it is exposed to:

  • chemically
  • mechanically
  • temperature

Removing paint from wood products using chemical means

Using chemicals is the fastest and most convenient way to remove cracked paint from a wooden base. In a specialized store you will find a product based on potassium carbonate and lime. The jar contains instructions for correct application of the substance to the surface, as well as an explanation of how to remove old paint. Using a soft bristle roller or brush, apply the product to the painted item. After a few minutes, use a small spatula to remove the paint from the surface.

The disadvantage of this method is the need to isolate the product from other household items before removing the old paint from the wood. The product applied is very toxic and easily permeates everything around (it is best to linger for upholstered furniture and thick wallpaper, fabric upholstery). Removal of old paint must be carried out wearing protective equipment.

How to remove paint using heat and abrasives?

Before repainting a piece, learn how to remove paint from wood using heat. This method is simpler than the previous one, but more dangerous, as it can cause a fire in the paintwork. The method is based on the fact that when exposed to temperature, the paint begins to decompose and release gas. It penetrates and accumulates under the coating, causing the paint to bubble and completely separate from the wood base.

To thermally remove old paint from a wooden surface, take a hairdryer or iron that is used in construction. The hairdryer works like a regular one, but has very high temperature conditions air heating. In the second case: the foil is applied to the surface, heated from above with an iron, and then removed along with a layer of unnecessary paint.

The easiest way to remove old cracked paint is to remove it. mechanically with help:

  • grinders or drills with grinding pads
  • sandpaper of varying degrees of hardness (according to the size of the abrasive elements)

This creates a lot of dust, so make sure you have protective breathing masks and a gown to safely remove old paint from woodwork.

Unsafe methods for cleaning old paint from wood products

It is not recommended to use open fire to heat the paint layer ( gas-burners). This leads to the ignition of the coating material, and then the wood itself. In addition, some types of wood, when heated, release special resins, due to which you will not be able to repaint the product.

Any type of pre-treatment of a product can lead to unpleasant consequences if you do not follow safety rules and work without protection. If the product can be taken out into the open space, then it is advisable to do this before removing old paint from its wooden surfaces. This will help you avoid additional hassle of cleaning the house, as well as unpleasant odors, obtained after chemical treatment of a wooden item.

Is it necessary to remove old cracked paint from a product?

Treating the wood before painting further facilitates the effective application of the new paint coating. Inspecting the wood surface will help you determine how to treat and remove the old paint, and whether it needs to be done at all. Removal of the coating is necessary if:

  • it cracked, swelling appeared
  • Several layers have already been applied to the surface, causing its coating to become uneven and lumpy
  • the previous version was of a different quality/texture or color. This may have a negative impact on end result painting or the latter will lie unevenly, lag, etc.

You need to prepare for the fact that removing paint from a surface is a labor-intensive process that will require a lot of effort and time. If you do not know how to remove paint from wood or do not want to bother yourself with such work, contact qualified craftsmen.

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Carrying out repair and restoration work often requires preliminary preparation. Most often you have to deal with paint that lies on the surface in several layers. The need to eliminate it is beyond doubt, because a smooth and well-cleaned base is the key to an even and durable coating.

Chemical paint remover

Removing old paint from wooden surfaces can be done in several ways: mechanical, thermal or chemical. The latter has gained particular popularity because it does not require time or effort.

Liquid for removing paint from wood contains active solvents, various kinds thickeners and thixotropic additives that do not allow the product to drain from ceilings and vertical surfaces. Some fluids contain corrosion inhibitors, disintegrants and surfactants.

Removers soften and destroy Various types paint coatings, they can remove putties based on pentaphthalic, oil, alkyd, glyphthalic, petroleum-polymer, melamine-alkyd, polyurethane and powder based. It is thanks to this versatility that the wash has become widespread.

Features of use

The remover is applied in an even layer so that its thickness is no less than the thickness of the coating being washed off. To reduce time and increase efficiency, the area to be cleaned is covered with plastic film.

Apply the remover using a hard brush in a thick, even layer.
The tool is guided in one direction, while being careful not to pass it repeatedly over the treated area.

After the time specified by the manufacturer, the remaining product along with the paint is removed with a chisel, spatula or water supplied under high pressure.

After complete cleaning, the wood is treated with a vinegar solution prepared in a ratio of 100 ml of vinegar for every 0.5 liter of water. Wipe the surface with a flannel cloth and leave until completely dry as far as possible from sunlight. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the wood will crack.

Washing mixtures have a rather unpleasant, pungent odor, so it is recommended that all work be carried out in a well-ventilated area.

Blend selection

Homemade washes

You can make your own paint remover for wood.

  1. Combine the solution in a convenient container ammonia(10%), liter of water and 2.5 kg of chalk. The resulting viscous mass is applied to the surface to be cleaned. After 4 hours, the remaining paint peels off and can be easily removed.
  2. If you have to remove old paintwork from a plank floor, experts recommend using soda ash. The floor area is thoroughly moistened with water, covered with a layer of soda ash, and covered with damp burlap. After 24 hours, the swollen paint is removed with a spatula.
  3. No less effective is a mixture prepared from quicklime (1.2 kg), potassium carbonate (0.4 kg) and water. A homogeneous thick mixture is spread over the surface and left for at least 12 hours.

If you don’t like multi-component compositions, pay attention to using liquid glass.
The product is applied to the surface and left until a silicate film forms, which will peel off along with the old coating.
The procedure is repeated several times until the desired result is obtained.

Review of ready-made washes

Gunter Marshall Guard Graffi
Peintures Guard Bio-Decap’ Paint
Remover Denalt 5001
Coatings alkyd,







yacht and parquet

any kind of graffiti everything except powder glaze,

urethane -


glypthal, alkyd,
epoxy, epoxy ester
Density, g/cm3 within 1.3 from 1.17 to 1.2 from 0.92 to 0.96 1,06 from 1.06 to 1.18 1,0
Appearance viscous colorless
liquid with unpleasant
translucent gel-like mass with a sharp
colorless viscous
with a pleasant
faint aroma
viscous gel colorless liquid colorless gel-like liquid
Shelf life 12 months 12 months 24 months 24 months 5 years 24 months
Consumption 2,4-5,0 3,2-5,3 5,4-6,7 1,7-2,3 3,1-6,7 2,3-4,0
Package volume 0.85 kg in a metal can 0.75 l in a tin can 1, 5, 10 and 25 l in plastic 5 and 25 l in plastic 3.78 l in can 0.25 l in a tin container and 10 l in a plastic container
Average price for removing paint from 1m² 25-51 rub. 50-70 rub. 145-175 rub. 390-550 rub. 33-80 rub. 30-80 rub.

Restrictions on use


Are you still looking for a fast and effective method get rid of old paint? Take a closer look at our mini-review and make the right choice, and this video in this article will help.

During renovation, each of us has faced the problem of removing old paint. This is especially a labor-intensive process when it comes to removing paint from wooden surfaces, because... wood has the ability to absorb any liquids, including paint. The process of removing paint from wood is called stripping. What decamping methods are there?

Mechanical method

You can, of course, make an effort and clean the wooden surface by scraping off the old paint with a putty knife or a wire brush. If it is a flat surface, then this process will not cause any particular difficulties. And if it is necessary to remove paint and varnish from decorative surfaces: carved furniture, twisted trim, etc., this will be a very labor-intensive process. Many hard-to-reach places and recesses will not allow you to properly clean the surface. In addition, using a sharp spatula can damage the wood or injure yourself.

Exposure to heat

Another method that is often used at home to remove paint from wood is to heat the surface with a household hairdryer and remove the swollen paint with a spatula. The method may not be bad for cases when you need to clean a small area of ​​old paint, or if these are entire walls in the house or the floor. Can you imagine how much effort it will take?

Homemade solution

You can use a caustic soda solution. This method is suitable for any surface, but requires special care because... this solution is chemical composition. Therefore, it is necessary to protect your face and hands from getting it on your skin. After application, the paint begins to bubble and is easily removed with a spatula. Do not forget to wipe the surface cleaned of old paint with a degreaser or water.


The easiest and highest quality way to remove especially multi-layer paint is to buy it in a store. chemical agent for this purpose, selecting it for the specific type of paint applied to the wooden surface. Chemicals are acids and alkalis, the use of which requires special care and the use of protective equipment for the skin (rubber gloves), respiratory tract (have a strong specific odor) and eyes (safety glasses). For household purposes, solvents containing acetone are usually used.

Recently, effective and universal washes have appeared that are the safest to use. An example of such a product is Docker S5, a product from Docker Chemical that allows you to remove paintwork without damaging or blackening the surface.

Wood paint remover DOCKER Wood fast action (5-12 min.). Effectively removes paint coatings (water-dispersion paints, oil paints, enamels PF-115, PF-133, PF-266, GF-021, etc.) from wooden surfaces. Deep penetration wash. Gel solution. A special additive allows you to preserve the structure of the wood without damaging the surface of the wood. Without smell.

One of the most effective ways to remove old paint from wood is to use a chemical stripper. The cleaning agent reacts with the paint material, causing the coating to soften and foam. The main advantage of chemical removers over other methods (mechanical, thermal) is that their action is more gentle on wood.

Types of washes

All types of washes are divided into two large groups: universal and specialized. Universal compositions are designed to remove any paints and varnishes from wooden surfaces. They are capable of dissolving paints and varnishes(LKM) both water-based and containing organic solvents.

The purpose of specialized removers is to soften only certain types of paints. For example, there are separate remover compositions for removing textured, oil-based and other types of paintwork materials. Specialized removers are considered more effective, since their development takes into account the characteristics of specific types of dyes. At the same time, specialized formulations are more expensive.

Removers are produced in the form of liquids, jelly and dry substances for further dissolution. When choosing a cleaning composition, it is necessary to proceed from the circumstances: for example, a jelly-like paste adheres well to wood, and therefore will not drain from vertical surfaces.

But liquid wash compositions - the best choice, if you have to clean a surface on which there are small parts or fine thread. If we are talking about expensive furniture (especially those covered with veneer), you need to choose a liquid that can be removed with white spirit, since if this is not done in time, the wood fibers of the product will swell.

Before purchasing a remover, it is recommended to carefully read the instructions (usually they are written directly on the packaging) or consult with a sales consultant. It should also be noted that not every preparation is suitable for working with wood. Therefore, it is important that the cleaning composition is intended specifically (or including) for wooden products.

Instructions for using the remover

The work consists of two stages: preparation and application of the wash.

Preparatory activities

Before you begin removing paint, you need to prepare the surface. To do this you will need to do the following:

  1. We remove dust and dirt from the surface.
  2. Cover the floor and all non-wooden parts on the product with plastic wrap.
  3. We carefully wipe the wood - it should become dry.

Applying the remover composition

The work is performed in the following order:

  1. Wet the brush in the preparation and treat the surface with it.
  2. We wait for 30-45 minutes so that the composition saturates the wood well.
  3. We try to remove paint from any area using a scraper. If it works, we continue to clean the surface mechanically.
  4. If the coating does not work, stop trying and apply another layer of remover.
  5. Usually two soakings are enough. We separate the paintwork using a suitable tool: a scraper - for flat surfaces, a scraper - for shaped profiles, a wire wool - for carved parts. In the case of carved oak, we use a nylon sponge with an abrasive material, since metal leaves stains on this type of wood.
  6. We separate the paint along the grain, but not across it. To neutralize the remover, we wet the wood with white spirit.
  7. We complete the removal of the coating by wiping the surface with a damp cloth.
  8. We wash the wood with warm soapy water. This way we degrease the material.
  9. Let the product dry, after which you can apply primer and paint.

Example of a wash composition

As an example, let’s look at the capabilities of a popular paint remover from wood – “Docker Wood” – that is popular among consumers. The composition is fast-acting: the effect occurs within 5-15 minutes. High-quality removal of many types of coatings, including water-dispersed and oil-based ones, is possible. For example, Docker Wood works well with pentaphthalic enamels with markings such as 115,133 and 126. The product contains special components that protect the wood from damage during paint removal.

Advantages of Docker Wood:

  • versatility in relation to paint and varnish coatings;
  • economical consumption (approximately 200 grams per square meter);
  • gentle effect on wood;
  • deep penetration, which is of great importance when removing multi-layer coatings;
  • performance;
  • no toxicity;
  • fire safety;
  • the drug retains its quality even after repeated defrosting;
  • complete absence of odor;
  • the wash works even with sub-zero temperatures(up to -7 degrees Celsius).

Note! Before use, as well as in case of defrosting, the drug must be stirred well.

Methods of application

Before applying the composition, prepare the surface. We remove dirt and dust using water and cleaning products. The washing material can be applied manually (brush, roller) or by immersion.

If selected manual method, apply the wash using a brush or other tool in a layer of 1-2 millimeters. After some time (5-15 minutes), remove the peeling paint with a stream of water or a spatula. We apply another (control) layer of remover and, after waiting a while, clean the surface again. If the paint does not lend itself, you can apply more than two layers of the stripping composition, but it should be remembered that the maximum contact time of the wood with the preparation is 2 hours.

Note! Wood should not be left to dry unless the stripper has been removed.

The coating can also be removed by immersion. To do this, pour “Docker Wood” into a suitable sized container and immerse the wooden part there. After 5-15 minutes, remove the paint layer in the same way as described above. In the case of dipping, the total time the wood is in the wash should not exceed half an hour.

Safety precautions

When working with Docker Wood, extra precautions should be taken:

  1. Do not forget to use protective equipment against acid damage (safety glasses, apron, respirator, gloves).
  2. If the drug gets on the skin or eyes, immediately rinse the affected surface with plenty of water and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

Storage Features

Docker Wood can be stored in its entire packaging at temperatures ranging from 0 to 30 degrees Celsius. The drug retains its quality for a year from the date of manufacture. If the package is opened, the remover must be used within 24 hours.

Alternative methods

If there is no proprietary wash composition, other preparations can be used. Below are some instructions for using different .

You can use either regular caustic soda or a solution that, in addition to soda, includes oatmeal and water. When using this chemical, do not forget about safety precautions (safety glasses, gloves).

Instructions for using caustic soda:

  1. We dilute baking soda in a container with water.
  2. Apply the solution with a wide brush. The remover must be distributed sequentially, without gaps on the surface.
  3. We wait until the soda saturates the wood. After a while, the soda will begin to corrode the paint, and the coating will become covered with bubbles.
  4. Remove the paint layer with a metal spatula. If there are pits on the surface, you can use a chisel, small spatula or a piece of sandpaper.
  5. We wash the wood first with a soap solution and then with a stream of warm water.
  6. Dry the material well before priming or painting it.

If the paint layer is thick or there are hard-to-reach areas on the surface, it is more effective to use a thick composition. You can achieve thickness by mixing baking soda with water. oatmeal. The waiting time after applying the solution to wood is approximately 1-2 hours.

Bleach can be used both as a stand-alone paint remover and as an addition to remover. In the latter case, bleach acts as a bleach. The fact is that after removing the paint, rotting or fungal damage will be revealed. In such cases, stains are inevitable, which bleach will help to whiten.

The paint is removed as follows:

  1. We dilute bleach in a container with water.
  2. Apply the chemical to the surface using a hard brush or steel wool.
  3. As the bleach evaporates, the wood will gradually dry out.

Note! You can work with bleach only in conditions of good air circulation and using personal protective equipment.

Other cleaning methods

When choosing a paint removal method, you should take into account the principle of “remove like with like”:

  1. Paints on water based can be deleted warm water, a stiff brush and rags.
  2. Oil coatings (paints based on fir or linseed oil) can be softened with turpentine. However, if the layer is thick, this will not be so easy. Oil-based paints are the most difficult to remove.
  3. Enamel paints begin to peel off after treating the surface with acetone or another solvent.

Precautionary measures

As mentioned above, when working with chemicals it is necessary to follow safety regulations. These rules include not only the use of a respirator, safety glasses and gloves, but also other recommendations, including:

  1. Good lighting in the work area helps prevent injury.
  2. To process large items, you need to use a durable table or other flat surface.
  3. Small parts (bars, planks, etc.) are more convenient and safer to process if they are stationary, for example, clamped in a vice.
  4. Safety glasses are needed not only to prevent paint drops from getting into your eyes. When working with powder coating materials, pieces of dry paint that have bounced off the surface being cleaned may get into your eyes. These pieces are very sharp and can injure your eyes.
  5. Also don't forget about making the right choice shoes It's better if it's old unnecessary shoes. Its material must be strong enough.
  6. Some types of washes can be a fire hazard. Therefore, you should work away from open sources of fire or heating equipment. Fire extinguishing means should be located in the immediate vicinity of the workplace.
  7. The optimal place for cleaning is the street. If this is not possible, it is necessary to ensure good air circulation in the room.

Note! New generation washing solutions are different high level safety, they do not emit harmful substances. At the same time, you need to understand that the effect of such removers on the paintwork is softer.

A proprietary stripper is the most effective way to remove paint and varnish from a wood surface. Working with such a drug does not require any special skills, but you must strictly adhere to safety rules to avoid damage to the skin and eyes.

We started renovation and don’t know what or how to remove old paint from wood before covering the old wooden surface new paint. Wooden furniture, frames or doors are updated for various reasons. It can be a real shame to throw quality stuff in the trash wood material, perhaps such a decision was made for economic reasons, when there is no money to buy new furniture. And wooden furniture is expensive now. Sometimes it will be cheaper to repaint the old one than to buy a new one.

Or maybe you just wanted to update the interior and change color scheme design in the house. Also, the paint can simply fade in the sun, losing its original color and shine, so it will have to be renewed. Or maybe, for example, wooden furniture was heavily stained with paint during finishing works and it must be removed from the surface. Of course, such a paint-stained surface should be cleaned.

Before repainting an old wooden surface with new paint, you must carefully remove the old paint, prime the wood, and only then paint it again. If you don’t do this and just paint it over the old paint, it won’t do any good - firstly, it will be ugly, and secondly, the paint will wrinkle and peel off.

How to remove old paint from wood

There are three main types or methods of removing old paint from wooden surfaces: mechanical, thermal and chemical. In the process of carrying out work, these types can be combined, for example, carried out in turn if the first one was not very effective.

Ways to remove old paint

  • Chemical (caustic soda solution, special removers).
  • Thermal (building hair dryer).
  • Mechanical (metal brush, scraper, spatula).

Mechanical methods removal of old paint varies.

  • Manually. Arm yourself with a spatula, a scraper and unlimited patience and nerves and try to remove the old paint by hand, only carefully so as not to damage the wood. This method is quite lengthy, labor-intensive and exhausting.
  • Metal brush You can also try to clean off the old coating, and then simply rub the surface with sandpaper.
  • Using power tools Quite large surface areas can be treated. For example, using a grinder (angle grinder) or a drill with special recommended attachments that can easily cope with this task. It's quite difficult. Be sure to use safety glasses or special eye shields and a respirator to protect your respiratory system when working.

Thermal methods for removing old paint from wood relatively popular and effective. Nowadays, for this purpose, manufacturers of professional manual construction tools a construction hair dryer was invented, effective and easy to use.

  • Construction hairdryer. You can remove old paint very easily and quickly with a hair dryer. You simply heat the surface with it, a stream of hot air melts the coating, it bubbles and peels off from the surface, after which it can be easily removed with a regular construction spatula. Only use a spatula to carefully remove the paint so as not to damage the wood. If paint needs to be removed from grooves or any recesses, you can try to pull it out using a small trowel or some other suitable tool. Construction hair dryer is very effective, but you should take into account the temperature to which it can heat a plane or surface and be prepared for this. You should work with such a tool carefully, according to the operating instructions, so as not to damage the surface. Be sure to use safety glasses or special eye shields and a respirator to protect your respiratory system when working.

Chemical methods for removing old paint Relatively expensive in price, special removers, liquids and solvents can cost even more than the paint itself.

  • Removing old paint. In construction stores in the paint and varnish departments you can buy a chemical agent for removing paint from wood; it is a kind of liquid. You need to do your research before purchasing as they come in different types. You should choose based on the type of paint with which the furniture was painted, and in our case it should be suitable for removing coatings specifically from wooden surfaces. Yes, they also sell universal products for all types of paint, and there are some. By the way, there are such removers in a thick state, in the form of jelly or paste, which are convenient to use, for example, on ceilings.

The method of using this wash is as follows: the liquid is applied in an even layer to the wooden surface using a roller, brush or spray gun. Then you should wait 10-15 minutes. After this time, the paint should swell, after which it is removed with the same spatula. This chemical has a strong odor, so before using, open all windows to ensure the area is well ventilated, and wear protective gloves to avoid burning your hands. You should also remember to protect your respiratory organs and eyes from the pungent odor.

Repair work is often very dusty and dirty, so you should prepare the room for it in advance, remove furniture, close protective film everything that cannot be taken out of the room.

Attention! Important! At repair work Follow safety precautions, protect your skin, respiratory tract and eyes with special protective equipment, this is very important! Take care of your health!