Painting wooden products: technology, tools, types of paint and varnish products. Painting wood


The question would seem simple, if you do not take into account the pitfalls that make themselves felt over time.

Wooden houses have been built in Rus' since ancient times, because... wood is an excellent building material and has many beneficial properties. It has low thermal conductivity and retains heat well, so in wooden houses you can successfully save on heating.

If you take a log and brick wall of the same thickness, then the thermal insulation performance of the first will be several times higher. This is explained simply: wooden walls have the ability to accumulate heat and distribute it evenly throughout the house, so wooden houses are cool in summer and warm in winter. Wood retains its performance qualities for many years and is a durable material. It has the ability to perfectly distribute the level of humidity inside the room and remove water vapor outside, which eliminates the phenomenon of condensation.

In wooden houses there is unique atmosphere comfort and warmth, therefore living in wooden houses has a beneficial effect on a person’s well-being, and the health problems familiar to a city dweller are put aside. In addition, the tree has a unique natural beauty that pleases and calms the human eye. And this is also one of the reasons why houses are built from wood. Facade wooden house speaks of the status of its owner. In addition, a house is a valuable property and a significant investment, and a beautiful and attractive appearance gives a wooden house additional value.

How and what to paint correctly wooden house(outside)? Part 1.

Negative loads that a tree experiences during operation

Wood, as a living and natural material, is very susceptible to aging. The aging and destruction of wood depends on many factors, but the most important enemies of wood are UV radiation, water and humidity, as well as fungi.

Sunlight together with water, temperature, oxygen and others external influences(dust, dirt, fungi, sulfur compounds) destroys the surface of the wood, as a result of which it turns gray and becomes rough, and its fibers stand upright. This surface gets dirty easily. Moreover, such changes can be seen literally within a few weeks.

Water first causes the wood to swell, which as it dries creates a state of stress that eventually leads to cracking. In addition, water stimulates humidity, and humidity, in turn, especially when elevated temperature, causes the growth of blue fungi, mold and rot. Mold fungi grow only on the surface in the form dark spots and have heavy and unpleasant smell. And blue fungi grow in the fiber of wood and “color” its surface brown, blue-gray or almost black.

Blue fungi and mold (pictured on the left) do not destroy wood or reduce its strength, but only cause aesthetic damage, making the appearance of the surface unsightly. But rot fungi (photo on the right) are already destroying the wood and causing structural damage inside it. They can destroy wood cells from the inside and corrode cellulose, as a result of which the strength of the wood is significantly deteriorated and the wood becomes unsuitable for use.

We should also not forget about bark beetles (pictured), which crawl out after a 2-3-year larval stage. In addition to all this, it must be taken into account that the atmospheric loads on a wooden surface in the coastal zone and in open spaces are especially high, and on the southern and western sides of buildings they are five times greater than on the northern. Thus, by carefully studying the causes of negative impacts on the tree, we can better eliminate and counter them.

How and with what to properly paint a wooden house (outside)? Part 2.

New wooden surfaces

In this article, we will mainly refer to paints and varnishes Tikkurili , because this company has long been engaged in the production of paints and varnishes; it has its own large research and development center, equipped with modern equipment for the manufacture and testing of products in the most different conditions, which means a lot of practical experience. They have proven themselves to be true professionals, so for painting the outside of a wooden house we recommend using the products of this company, the price of which is presented inprice list on our website. We have our own paint and varnish store where you can buy everything you need.

Preliminary surface preparation

Preliminary surface preparation has an important impact on the final result, and should never be neglected. Careful treatment of the area to be painted improves the adhesion of paint to the surface, thus significantly increasing the service life of the finished coating.

First, remove dust and foreign matter from the surface. It is better to do this by rinsing the surface with water using a garden sprayer and a brush, because... water collects dust better. If there are already areas affected by mold and blue stains on the surface, then they need to betreat with the following wood bleaches: Fongifluid, Sagus, Senezh Effo, Neomidom 500, Homeenpoistoand then rinse thoroughly with water. If there is resin in the places of knots (this is typical of coniferous wood), then you need to remove it with a metal spatula and then coat it with varnish for knots Oksalakka. Nail heads and other metal parts need to be coated anti-corrosion primer for metalRostex Super. You can learn about other types of anti-corrosion primers.

It is a good idea to leave the surface prepared in this way to dry for one or two weeks, covering it with plastic film (in warm weather, do not forget to open the film) and at the same time be sure to leave room for ventilation. By the way, if there is a suspicion that the tree is not completely dry, then we will dry it for at least a month, covering it with a curtain of film in rainy weather, and removing this curtain in dry weather. If there is no way to dry the wood at all, then we will cover it as is with a tinted antiseptic primerValtti Pohjuste or Euro Wood Primerand leave it until better times, when it will be possible to dry the tree.

Color selection

Now let's move on to the question: “ What color to paint a wooden house ? The question is extremely important, because the appearance of the house depends on it, which will, accordingly, please or sadden us. Therefore, you need to approach this issue as responsibly as possible. Understanding the importance of the issue, we offer color samples painted on wood for our customers in the store. In our opinion, this is the most practical and painless solution to the issue: “ What color to paint the house ?”

For greater reliability, we even offer for 200 rubles. (for glazing antiseptics) make a sample (0.9 liter jar), which you can leisurely paint at home on a scrap board, then calmly evaluate the color and make a decision. In addition, in the store we offer free consultations on choosing the color of the house so that it matches the color of the roof, windows, doors, gutters and other details of the house, as well as the surrounding landscape.

Paint selection

Now we are close to painting. But when modern choice paint and varnish materials and all sorts of flashy advertising, we just get lost. Here we need to draw the readers' attention to one important point. The development of paints and varnishes for wood protection is slow. The process of the emergence of structurally new paints is extremely slow (apparently, product testing takes a lot of time). Tikkurila, for example, has oil Inskaya painthas been produced for over 75 years, and the covering antisepticVinha- more than 30 years. This is said so that you know that any bright advertisement for new products from little-known manufacturers, to put it mildly, is disingenuous, promising an incredibly long paint life.

To protect wooden surfaces from the outside, the company offers several main types of coatings: glazing and coating antiseptics, oil and acrylate paints. What to choose?

Antiseptics penetrate the wood to a depth of several millimeters and protect the wood surface from the effects of atmospheric loads, rot, mold and blue stains. Antiseptics are glazing (translucent) and covering (opaque). Glazing (translucent) antiseptics preserve the wood texture well and at the same time give the wood some color shade, they preserve the beauty and design of wood better than other paintwork materials. Glazing antiseptics include: Valtti Color, Valtti Color Satin, Valtti Color Extra, Valtti Aquacolor. In addition to Tikkurila products, we can offer analogues from other manufacturers. These are Pinotex Ultra and Pinotex Classic and (service life 12 years), Belinka Exterior, Belinka Toplazur Mix, Belinka Toplasur, Belinka Toplasur UV Plus, Belinka Lazur. Covering (opaque) antiseptics completely cover the wood texture, while maintaining the visible relief of the wooden surface; Vinkha is one of them.

Oil paints absorb well into wood and have excellent weather resistance, they are good at preventing water from penetrating the wood, but they dry slowly (seven hours to a day or more). In addition, oil paints tend to slowly matte and change color over time, which is especially noticeable in bright and dark shades of paint. Tikkurila's oil paints include: dyeTecho .

Acrylate paints are extremely weather resistant. Compared to oil paints, they retain their color and shine much better and, in addition, have good vapor permeability (they “breathe well”). The acrylate present in paints gives them excellent elasticity. Acrylate paints live in time with the deformations of wood and do not crack. Acrylate paints include Tikkurila paintsPica Techo And Ultra.

Service life of glaze antiseptics, oil and acrylate paints

Regarding service life, let’s say that the average service life (after which it is recommended to renew the surface):

  • For glazing (translucent) antiseptics, the lifespan is 3-5 years. Although one of our friends, who went to study in Finland at a plant Tikkurili, told me that they had Valtti Color served for 23 years. It is possible (not a fact) that there are some artificial or special conditions, but in any case, it is better for us to annually carry out a “technical inspection” of the condition of the wooden surface and, based on it, make a decision about whether we should paint it again or not.
  • For coating antiseptics - 5-7 years.
  • Oil paints have a lifespan of 5-6 years.
  • Acrylate paints have a lifespan of 7 to 10 years.

Technology of applying paint and varnish coatings for wood

Regarding application technology paint coating for wood, let's say the following: many well-known manufacturers of paints for protecting wood from the outside, the technology of applying paint and varnish to wood is divided into two stages. The first stage is the application of a primer antiseptic. Primer antiseptic plays an important role in protecting wood; it significantly slows down the effects of moisture, rot fungi, blue stains and mold. Neglect of priming with such an antiseptic leads to global consequences; the service life of the entire paintwork is significantly reduced. The second stage is the application of the finishing coating; glazing and coating antiseptics, oil and acrylate paints can be used as it.

So, when the surface is prepared, we apply one layer of antiseptic primerValtti Pohjuste or wood primersBelinka Base (Belinka), and then, when the surface is dry (usually the next day), apply 2-3 layers of topcoat paint or antiseptic, drying each layer thoroughly.

At the same time, if you observe several simple tips, then the service life of the coating we apply will be maximum, and the appearance of the house will delight us for a long time:

  • mix the paint thoroughly before and during painting, otherwise the gloss and color of the paint coating on the surface may be uneven;
  • do a test paint on a small area of ​​an unnecessary board and check the correctness of the chosen color;
  • It is best to paint with a brush, because... This is the highest quality painting method. At the same time, try not to apply too thick layers, because... you risk getting uneven color and shine on the surface being painted;
  • if possible, tint the primer in a color closest to the future coating;
  • Do not paint under direct sunlight, as this will cause undesirably rapid drying. Therefore, do not carry out painting work in hot and bright sunny weather, or if precipitation (rain, dew) is expected. The most favorable weather for painting is cloudy, windless and warm;
  • Always apply paint and antiseptic in a longitudinal direction;
  • The ends of boards and logs are the weakest points, through which water is absorbed into the wood especially easily and quickly, so they need to be especially carefully coated with several layers of both primer and coating material.

How and with what to properly paint a wooden house (outside)?Part 3.

Previously painted wood surfaces

If we see that the previously painted surface has faded, has a faded appearance, is covered with mold, the paint on it is peeling, or there are other similar defects, then it’s time to think about updating the paint coating. A new coat of paint will significantly improve the appearance of the house, and at the same time you can also change the color of the facade itself.

But, before we begin the repair, we must decide for ourselves what we want to get as a result? Indeed, often the very condition of the wooden surface limits us in choosing paint. It is worth thinking about repairing not the entire facade, but its individual parts, for example, the southern and western walls of the facade, which experience the greatest atmospheric loads and, accordingly, more often need repairs than other walls. Sometimes a good solution is to selectively repair certain areas or high-quality repairs one (the most worn) wall, with the intention of repairing the other walls next season.

If wooden facade is in good condition technical condition and does not have gross structural defects or damage, it can simply be updated by repainting it in the same or a different color. In the case of repainting, when choosing a new paint, it is better to adhere to the following rule: for repainting, use the same paint or the same type of paint that was previously painted on the surface. If we do not know what paint the surface was previously painted with, we will try to determine the type of paint previously applied.

How to Determine the Type of Paint a House Was Painted with

Types of paints can be determined visually. Acrylate paint has a leathery surface and chalks less and later than oil paint. Acrylate paint usually cracks in the direction of the wood grain, while oil paint has checkered or transverse cracking in the direction of the wood grain. You can conduct a simple experiment, try to roll up a small piece of paint. If the l/k film remains intact, then this usually means acrylate paint, and if the film breaks with a bang, then it is most likely oil paint.

Glazing antiseptics also wear out over time and their film becomes thinner. If we see a glossy film of antiseptic, then the surface can be repainted with the same antiseptic of a richer or darker color or with oil-based paint. If the antiseptic has completely faded and does not form a film, then the surface to be coated can also be painted acrylate paint.

Old surface covered oil paint, paint with oil paint or acrylate paint (after cleaning the surface with a wire brush to the wood). We paint the surface covered with acrylate paint with acrylate paint or, if you really want, with oil paint (after having previously cleaned the surface with a wire brush to the wood).

Preparing a wooden surface for painting

Preliminary preparation is important during repairs; how thoroughly it is carried out, the better and longer the coating will last. In such cases, the surface to be painted is usually cleared of hanging patches old paint, dust, dirt, resin and foreign matter with a brush or scraper and washed with water. Mold is removed with a mildew remover solutionHomeenpoisto.For better adhesion of paint on the surface, it is recommended to degrease the surface with alkaline detergents.

Old sheathing, as well as rotten, crooked and cracked boards must be replaced with new ones. If you need to remove old paint, then remove it mechanically (sandblasting, scraper or metal brush) or chemically (using paint remover gel) . Chemical removal of varnish coating better preserves the wood texture, but the process itself chemical removal difficult and slow. To use it over large areas (in in this case facades), you need to stock up on great patience.

Chemical removal of old paint is used only when very thorough cleaning of the surface is required or the condition of the wood is such that it cannot withstand sandblasting. However, the end result of chemical removal is exceptionally excellent. In addition, it is necessary to do a trial removal of old paint. If you need to sand, then sand the wood. Next, we simply proceed according to the above plan. If we do everything as expected, we will get a good façade coating that will serve us for many years.

Painting the outside of a wooden house. Summary

We cannot say unequivocally that this particular paint or that one is the best, since in the store we regularly hear complaints from customers about the most seemingly excellent paints: Tikkurila, Belinka, Pinotex, etc. . Unpredictable. Maybe it depends on the area where the houses are located, maybe from incorrect application and non-compliance with the painting technology, maybe from something else. In our opinion, the best thing in this situation would be to consult with your neighbors at the dacha, or at work, or at landing. Find out what they used to paint and their impressions and recommendations. From the sales experience of 2013, our store sold the mostTikkurila paints(apparently, this is where trust in Finnish quality comes into play), then comes salesPinotex, and in third place -Belinka.

If you need urgent advice from a specialist in choosing the right paint, you can contact the store administrator using the Online Consultant. Also:

Hi all. Helpful information for blog readers. In this article you will learn how to paint wood and consider what technology is used to produce wood coloring.

Wood coloring

Wood coloring the most popular processing method wooden surfaces, and Since wood products and materials are widely used in interior decoration and construction, you need to understand how to paint wood and what paint to choose for wood. Paints for painting wood are divided, according to their composition, into synthetic and natural. So synthetic paints are made from petroleum products, and natural paints consist of natural vegetable oils, resins and mineral components. When painting wood, natural paints do not close the pores of the wood and do not interfere with natural air exchange.

So enamel paints for painting wood can be divided into oil and alcohol enamels; such paints give wooden surfaces shine and eliminate the need to apply varnish. They are also most often used to protect wooden surfaces from moisture acrylic paints, they also have significant wear resistance and durability, but contain toxic substances and cannot be used in living rooms. Such paints perfectly repel water, so they are successfully used for painting wood on building facades. However, such paints do not penetrate deeply into the wood structure, but only form protective film on its surface. Painting wood with oil and acrylic paints maximizes the service life of wooden surfaces.

Alkyd paints for painting wood are also resistant to aggressive influences; they penetrate deeply into the structure of the wood and produce the most durable protective coating. IN alkyd paints The binding component is an alkyd resin, and they are diluted with drying oil or white spirit. The basic composition of alkyd paints contains special antifungal additives. Such paints for painting wood are less toxic, frost-resistant, do not turn yellow and do not fade in the sun.

Popular and widely used are polyurethane paints For wood coloring, they are easily applied to wooden surfaces and are not inferior in quality to natural paints. Before painting wood, especially fresh wood, you need to treat the knots and cover its surface with drying oil or a primer, this will give stability and adhesion of the paint to the base, so the paint will not peel off, and the wood will be reliably protected from various aggressive influences.

Currently, there is a large assortment of different paints and varnishes for wood coloring and the question arises why steal a tree. Experience shows that Tikkurila acrylic and oil paints are capable of not only reliably protecting wooden surfaces, but also giving them an attractive appearance.

It all depends on correct selection protective paints for certain wooden surfaces, depending on the impact on them environment. So, for example, a properly processed and painted wooden facade of a house will retain its protective functions and beauty for many years. Watch a video about painting the wood of the facade of a house trimmed with wood:

Before you start painting the wood, you need to clean it of dirt or old paint, and also clean the surface with emery cloth. After that, unevenness and defects in the wood surface must be filled with wood putty and sanded again with emery cloth. Next, after the wooden surface has dried, it needs to be primed with drying oil, universal primer or diluted paint, after which you can begin coloring tree. To paint wood better, it is necessary to apply several thin layers of paint, since wood absorbs paint well.

Good luck and success in your renovation!

Why paint wooden surfaces?

Wood, in principle, is a very durable material, but do not forget that it is created by nature and its strength in a natural way respectively, is maintained in a living plant, and the cut one needs to be processed to preserve its properties for many years.

To protect wood products from unfavorable factors such as dampness, drying out, fading and many other environmental influences, it is covered with layers of paint or varnish. Sometimes, for many reasons, for the sake of nobility or to maintain the image in the interior, untreated wood is used indoors; this type requires especially careful care and special treatment.

Preparing for painting

Primary painting.

To paint wood well, careful preparation is required. First, you need to make sure that the product is not wet, otherwise there is no point in carrying out subsequent actions, the paint will quickly begin to peel and peel off, and this in itself is not the desired result.

Inspect the entire surface for roughness, knots, and cracks. If the wood turns out to be not ideal, then achieve a smooth texture using sandpaper, and fill the cracks with wood putty using a spatula. After that, additionally rub the dried putty with sandpaper.

The next step, for good adhesion of the wood to the paint, is to apply a primer layer of drying oil, if necessary, paint it twice with an interval of about 12 hours (you can do it in the evening and by lunchtime the next day). Drying oil is indispensable for impregnating wood natural oils, thereby reducing the subsequent consumption of paint material. After drying, additional sanding may be necessary.


Over time, the painted surface tends to lose its original aesthetics; it fades, cracks and gives the product an improper appearance. But thanks to the known properties of wood, it can be restored by re-painting. If the old coating is severely cracked, it is advisable to remove it using special means for removing. Rub it well and cover the surface with an alkaline primer and, accordingly, paint it in the usual way.

Which paint to choose or its varieties

Wood treatment products can be divided into paints and wax oils. Paints include nitro enamels, varnishes, and various primers.

Oil, enamels, nitro enamels.

Surfaces treated with oil paint are durable and resistant to moisture, they are inconvenient due to their long drying time and rough texture. Enamels, unlike oil bases, have a more delicate consistency, are smooth and easy to apply, and mostly dry quickly.

Nitrocellulose matte enamel NTs-257 and acid-curing nitro-enamel NTs-258 have gained great popularity for finishing wood, forming a perfectly smooth surface with a silk structure when coated, and the strength of the protective layer of such paint exceeds all expectations. In addition to all of the above, the paint dries quickly and adheres well, although it has the disadvantage of increased toxicity and susceptibility to rapid fire when in contact with an open flame.

Natural and synthetic coatings

Synthetic dyes are obtained during the processing of petroleum products; due to their stable molecular structure, chlorine and other aggressive substances are added to their composition, so their use is considered not entirely beneficial to health.

It is worth considering the use synthetic paints for large areas at interior finishings. During work, even with good ventilation of the room, work in a respirator and try not to paint for a long time, but do it with short breaks and go out into the fresh air (so as not to be poisoned by toxic fumes).

Natural coatings , on the contrary, are made exclusively from natural ingredients, are environmentally friendly, and contain minerals, oils, and resins. Although such paints do not have large selection V color solutions, absolutely safe and non-toxic.

Acrylic dyes

Ease of use and a wide selection of colors are attracting more and more people who like to experiment with acrylic mixtures. A creative mood and artistic taste, everything you need to use them, are more suitable for decorating paintings, panels, in a word, material for artists.

Acrylic lacquer on an organic basis, nowadays it is very popular for coating wooden objects (and not only, it can be used to cover anything), it is easy to use, non-toxic, quite durable and dries very quickly.

Surfaces coated with acrylic dyes have good resistance to fading and do not deteriorate from contact with water (not for long periods, of course).

Types of wax:

  • ready-made composition - beeswax product mixed with turpentine;
  • wax pastes - the mixture is a thick paste produced in tubes or iron cans;
  • liquid wax - created for the convenience of processing large areas, such as wooden panels, floors;
  • wax stains - slightly change the shade of wood, are used to refresh surfaces and hide minor scratches and abrasions.

Features of breeds

There are many tree species in the world, perhaps as many nationalities among humanity, and each of them has its own culture and history, many things distinguish them from each other. Likewise, wood comes from different origins and each type requires its own approach.

There are also noble breeds, such as the English or French, or simple breeds, such as birch and pine, it is not difficult to guess who they are similar to due to their simplicity (we have moved away from the topic).

So this is what this reasoning led to - before choosing a paint, you need to determine the type of wood, the absorption characteristics of coatings, the density of molecules, and so on. For example, wood with a high content of tannins differs in the painting of wood with a looser structure, due to different absorbency.

The type of wood is of great importance in the choice of paint and the choice of processing methods.

  • It is recommended to impregnate oak and chestnut with a special wood primer before painting to prevent tannins from penetrating into the paint layers.
  • For external construction (roofs and walls), relatively inexpensive pine and spruce species are used, which are suitable due to their resinous composition.
  • For interior decor Apply more valuable rocks to a beautiful texture after processing.

Types of staining

Paint should be applied in several stages in thin layers , this is much more effective than coating with one thick layer; firstly, it will look neater and resemble a factory-made high-quality paint job, without smudges and bumps. Secondly, when applying paint to the same area in thin layers, paint consumption will decrease due to consistency. In order to apply thick paint in thin layers, dilution with white spirit or drying oil may be required.

Painting, in addition to its protective function, is also decorative finishing for many wooden products. They often use imitation of valuable and noble wood species, painting them with dark tones using coloring solutions. They are varnished to maintain the natural structure and add shine and additionally carry a protective function, this method is called transparent type of coating . The varnish can be applied by hand, by dipping, using a sprayer or by pouring.

TO opaque types includes staining with nitro enamel, rich in variety color palette, covers wood imperfections quite well, gives a shiny sheen, prevents harmful atmospheric influences. This is a fairly common type of painting for wooden gables of houses, wooden benches in courtyards, parks, and recently there has been a tendency to paint furniture in this way.

Application water-based paints distributed indoors, they create an elegant yet durable coating for wooden surfaces. Light colors are usually used pastel shades, they should not be flashy to emphasize certain design styles. They are applied primarily by roller, brush or spray method.

Painting the outside of a house is necessary not only to give the facade an aesthetic appearance, but also to protect the wood. The right paint can protect wood negative impact direct sunlight, moisture and wind. As a result, the structure will be able to last much longer, maintaining all technical characteristics.

Why do you need to paint the outside of a wooden house?

Wood is an ideal building material that is extremely popular. In order for the building to maintain its functionality, it is important to carry out finishing work correctly.

Reasons for the destruction of wooden houses:

  1. Natural material is subject to the natural aging process;
  2. Negative influence external factors— temperature, humidity, wind;
  3. Moisture penetrating inside causes the fibers to expand; after drying, they contract. Ultimately, this cyclicity leads to the formation of cracks.
  4. Damage by bugs and insects.

To protect your house from such negative factors, you can simply paint the facade by choosing the right paint composition.

Before you start painting the outside of a wooden house, it is important to choose the right paint. Today there is quite a wide variety on store shelves.

Each type of paint has its own technical characteristics, which are worth familiarizing yourself with in advance.

Among the most popular options it is worth highlighting:

  • oil;
  • acrylate;
  • covering antiseptics.

Oil paints have been known for a long time and have been extremely popular throughout time. An undeniable advantage of the material is the high resistance of the coloring agent to atmospheric influences.

The paint penetrates the surface of the wood very well, thereby protecting it. The disadvantages of this variety include the long drying time.

It takes more than 20 hours for several layers of paint to dry completely. Also, after some time, the surface may lighten a little and lose its shine.

This type of dye has some similarities with the antiseptic composition. The paint is distinguished by very high levels of atmospheric resistance. Even after a long period of use, the surface of the house completely retains its rich color and shine.

When applying paint, the pores of the wood remain open, thereby allowing the wood to breathe. Thanks to the acrylate that is included in the composition, it is quite easy to work with. The paint is applied to the surface in an even, uniform layer.

Covering antiseptic

An innovative solution among paints and varnishes that can be found in stores today. In addition to durability, the covering antiseptic is able to restore faded wood to some extent. This coloring composition can be used as a top coat for any type of paint.

It is quite difficult to choose the best paint for the first time. In each individual case, they are best suited different variants paints

To begin with, it is worth considering whether the finishing of the new house will be carried out or the old one. In what climatic zone is the building located, and what atmospheric phenomena is it most exposed to? Only A complex approach allows you to make the right choice.

What characteristics should you pay special attention to?

When choosing facade paint for finishing a wooden house, you should consider the following factors:

  1. What are the expected operating conditions for the building that will be finished with paint?
  2. The type of wood with which a house or other object is built.
  3. Possibility of re-painting over time.
  4. If there is a layer of paint, it is important to consider compatibility with the new colorant.

To date, standards and GOSTs have been developed that paint for exterior use must meet:

  • high degree of wood protection;
  • maximum high level moisture resistance;
  • color fastness in direct sunlight;
  • the durability of the material should not be less than 5 years.

Review of TOP manufacturers

Today on store shelves you can find a huge number of facade paints from different manufacturers. But there are undoubted leaders who are extremely popular among buyers.

  • "TIKKURILA" (Finland), "Forester" (Canada), "DUFA" (Germany) are among the most popular options. They fully comply with all international and European quality standards. The paint covers the wood surface perfectly and is able to protect it from harsh conditions northern region. The products of these manufacturers differ high quality and quite high in value.
  • "VIVACOLOR" (Estonia, part of the TIKKURILA concern), "TECHNOS" (Finland), "ISAVAL" (Spain), "REESA" (Germany). Paints are less popular on the Russian market because they appeared relatively recently. The quality is also quite high and all materials meet European standards. These paints are distinguished by their more affordable cost.
  • Among domestic options it is very popular "Olivesta", "TEX", "Stroykompleks". An undeniable advantage of domestically produced products is their affordable price. In terms of quality, they are not inferior to foreign analogues.

Painting a wooden surface may seem like a fairly simple task, but in reality it is anything but. There is a technology that is very important to follow; it includes several stages and depends on whether the construction will be carried out or a new one.

  1. For proper distribution of pigment, it is important to periodically stir the paint while working.
  2. Uniform application is achieved only if the brush is correctly selected and its size.
  3. The brightness can be controlled by the amount of pigment added.
  4. It is not recommended to carry out work during lunchtime under the sun, as the paint will dry out very quickly.
  5. Antiseptics should be applied in a longitudinal direction.
  6. The ends of the logs must be treated with a primer before painting. This will prevent significant paint absorption. In addition, this treatment will protect the wood from rotting.

You can do all the work yourself. In order for the whole process to go much faster and better, it is important to first prepare all the necessary tools:

  • brushes (it is important to choose the right size);
  • roller;
  • container for paint;
  • gloves to protect hands;
  • masking tape to protect glass and other elements.

You don’t need any special skills to paint the surface, but you should follow some recommendations that will allow you to get a better result. To protect the surface from fungus and mold, it is worth applying several layers of antiseptic before painting.

Paint should only be applied to a dry surface. To achieve the best appearance several layers must be applied. Each new layer is applied only after the first has dried.

Color new house pure pleasure. Special preparatory work no need to carry out. The paint is applied to the surface using a brush. Paint should be applied only in the longitudinal direction.

How to paint an old wooden house

Before painting the facade of an old house, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory work. First you need to remove the old coating. It is important to paint the surface with the same composition as before. Otherwise, the paint will stick much worse.

To remove old paint from the surface, use a wire brush. If mold is detected, all areas must be treated with a special antiseptic and completely dried. Otherwise, the fungus will begin to appear again. If individual elements are completely rotten, they need to be replaced with new ones.

Before applying any paint to an old surface, it is recommended to perform priming work. This will significantly increase the adhesion between materials. And the paint will have an attractive appearance for a longer period.

A fence is not only a way to limit your own space, so it is very important to give it decent looking. It is necessary to start caring for a wooden fence from the very beginning, that is, when installing it. The places where you will install the fence are usually cleared of vegetation and anthills to protect the structure from the rapid colonization of insects. These areas can also be filled with colored gravel. And the most important thing you should do is paint your fence with special paint. Let's find out what paint to paint a wooden fence and how to do it correctly.

The need to paint a wooden fence

Fences made of natural wood can perfectly decorate any garden plot, because wood is a spectacular material. But at the same time, the wood is very thin, it has very little resistance to adverse climatic and weather conditions. The need to finish and paint the fence is a rhetorical question.

One category of owners prefers to paint the building in order to increase its service life, another wants to express their nature and their own status, the third wants to turn it into part of the general landscape design plot. And the most important thing is that painting a wooden fence is really the main way to extend its life.

But remember that you should not wait for the fence to begin to collapse, because it will last no more than 5-10 years in an “unprotected” form. During this time, the wood will be attacked by bark beetles; the material may become heavily saturated with water and swell, losing its original appearance. Therefore, you understand the importance of creating and periodically updating its protective coating.

If you leave a wooden fence without additional treatment, it will very quickly begin to change its appearance, and a little later it will even rot, because precipitation is the most serious threat for wood. In addition to snow, rain and insects, the tree has many other enemies. Let's say mold, mildew and moss development. They are also capable of removing wooden board out of order in a very short time. That's why it's so important to know how to properly paint a wooden fence to increase its lifespan.

Preparatory stage of painting

The first thing you need to understand before you start painting a wooden fence is that you need to correctly calculate the area for applying paint and the amount of composition that will be needed for this. The next step is to prepare the surface for painting. First, you should remove dust and all dirt. Next, you need to remove the remnants of the previous paint if you have to renew the old fence. This can be done using special scrapers that have a rigid base. The most the best way cleaning is considered grinding.

A similar procedure will be useful when painting a new fence. Typically, boards for fencing construction have a rough surface, which makes it impossible to apply an equally even layer of paint over the entire fence. Therefore, you must pay attention to creating a smooth surface of the board, which can only be obtained after a good sanding of the material with sandpaper.

The procedure for sanding boards is carried out in stages. First, use sandpaper to remove all protruding areas, all dirt and oil stains. After this, carefully inspect the board for various defects and damage. If during the inspection you find flaws on it in the form of potholes and cracks, they should be primed and puttied.

However, remember that the primer must meet the specific requirements of the surface, that is, it must be intended for wood. Apply it to the board first to achieve better placement of putty and paint application. Wait for the primer solution to dry, cover all uneven areas on the board with putty and leave to dry.

Then it is necessary to sand the boards treated in this way again with emery cloth. Apply the finishing coat of putty again, and the wood is now considered ready to be treated with a protective compound. Remember that most wood fence paints take a long time to dry, so good weather timing is recommended.

The composition will be able to lie well in the absence of rain and wind. However, it should be taken into account that direct sunlight can reduce the drying speed of the paint, and because of this, the paint will lose its properties in the future. protective properties. And finally, you need to prepare a tool for applying paint. A brush is suitable for spot painting a wooden fence. To increase the speed of work, it is customary to use a roller; to create a perfect, even layer, it is better to purchase a sprayer.

If there is a need to paint the board in places with difficult access, it is recommended to use a telescopic brush, which provides the required length of the handle. It is better not to use cheap Chinese brushes, which lose bristles during the painting process, which does not reflect well on the final quality.

Choosing paint for a wooden fence

When you've gone through everything preparatory stages and have prepared the wood for constructing the fence, you can proceed to the final painting. But before that, it’s still worth finding out what is the best way to paint a wooden fence so that it looks original, aesthetically pleasing and remains in its original form for a long time.

When choosing paint, it is important to take into account the shade and type of paint, its physical characteristics regarding resistance to climatic and mechanical influences, the environmental safety of the composition and cost-effectiveness, regardless of the wood surface being treated. The paint must be resistant to weathering, moisture and dampness.

Previously, when painting wooden surfaces, only oil-based paints were used. They cannot be called economical and acceptable, because with minimal changes in weather and a drop in temperature, such paint quickly swelled and cracked. And we had to clean the surface again, remove the remaining paint that had risen, treat the wood again with protective mixtures and paint. Today, the choice of paints for wooden fences is much wider.

When choosing better paint for a wooden fence, one thing must be taken into account important feature, which consists of the contact of the boards with the ground. If the fence is dug into the ground, then the part in contact with the ground should be treated with a special bitumen-based paint. This composition allows this surface to acquire water-repellent properties and significantly extend the life of the wooden fence as a whole. But this painting technology cannot be applied to an already installed structure.

Now you need to deal with the main part of the fence, which is located in the open air. As in the case described above, it is advisable to paint the boards before directly installing the fence. You will be able to better process the end surfaces of the structure. If you leave them unprotected, this will turn into their weak point, and moisture that gets there will cause rapid rotting of the fence. And it’s more convenient to paint horizontally lying wooden boards.

The first type of paint for wood is covering compounds. The essence of the coating they create is to completely hide the original color and structural features of a certain type of wood. These paints are used for wooden structure only when the wood has too pronounced flaws on its surface. Then several thick layers of paint will simply hide them, but at the same time the wood will lose its natural color.

The next type of paint that is suitable for a wooden fence and is used most often is glaze. Its peculiarity lies in the ability to preserve the original texture and shade of the wood. Naturally, all varieties of this paint for wooden fences should be selected depending on the requirements of the surrounding landscape and landscape design of the garden plot.

Acrylic paints are often used to paint a wooden fence. Naturally, acrylic is made with water impurities, so you should buy just such a composition so that moisture cannot have a detrimental effect on the wood when painting. That is, it is worth buying special acrylic paint for wood. If you apply paint with a base in the form of solvents to a wooden fence, then after a couple of years peeling will occur and the fence will need to be painted again. These processes are observed because pure acrylic paints have poor adhesion to wood.

Transparent construction glaze or varnish will become optimal solution for those developers who want to preserve the shade of the fence in its natural form. Such transparent solutions, with the help of a special pigment that is present in their composition, can only highlight the true color of the fence wood more brightly.

Antiseptics are not just paints for wood; this type of material is characterized by the ability to penetrate several millimeters into the wood structure. In addition, thanks to their own composition, antiseptics perfectly protect wooden fences from blue stains, rot, mold and the effects of precipitation. Antiseptic protective coatings They can be opaque or glazed (translucent).

Wood paint manufacturers

Let's look at the most common painting compositions for wooden fences and their main properties:

  1. Belinka Toplazur. Creates a compact and thick coating on the surface containing ultraviolet filters, which provide a high level of protection for all types of wood, giving it a silky gloss. With a two-layer coating, one liter spreads over 8-10 square meters, depending on the quality and type of wood, application method and cleanliness of processing.
  2. Holtz Lazur Gel. The translucent composition is intended for durable protection of wood for at least 7 years. Also worth noting is the highly efficient UV filter. For sawn wood, the gel consumption is one liter per 6-8 square meters, for planed - one liter per 9-11 square meters.
  3. Pinotex Ultra. The paint penetrates deeply into the material and contains active substances to protect the wood from blue stains, rot and mold. The substance is especially recommended for painting planed wooden surfaces, as it is capable of forming a beautiful, varnish-like layer. Not suitable for finishing wood inhabited by pests and infected with fungi. Consumption per layer of one liter: for planed wood - per 12 square meters, for sawn wood - per 8 square meters.
  4. Tikkurila Valtti Color. The composition is characterized by good applicationability, is able to be absorbed into wood and form a continuous film, which slows down the effects of moisture, prevents the occurrence of blue stains, fungi and mold. Consumption for sawn wood is 1 liter per 4-8 square meters, and for planed wood 1 liter per 8-12 square meters.
  5. Olympus Omicron-Maximum. The glazing thixotropic composition is intended for long-term protection of wood (at least 5 years) and contains a bioprotective complex and a UV filter. It is well applied to sawn (1 liter per 5-8 square meters), planed (1 liter per 10-14 square meters) and previously impregnated wood.

Procedure for painting a wooden fence

After you have chosen what to paint your wooden fence with, prepare high-quality paint for exterior finishing wood, brush size 4 and size 1 (edged or angled), cloth, broom, rubber and work gloves, as well as warm water. First, treat all elements of the wooden fence with a special bactericidal impregnation (antiseptic).

It is better to paint a wooden fence before you install it, unless, of course, you are updating an old fence. Treat purlins, boards and even posts. Do not forget about the ends of the boards, this will prevent rapid rotting of the material. When painting, it is recommended to move from top to bottom, that is, first process the top part of the board, then the bottom. And this is how each board should be painted.

To paint the bottom of a wooden fence, it is better to place a thin beam under the lower end of the board in such a way that you can paint on the ground and not have to worry about dirt and grass getting on your brush. It will be easier for you not to work on a hot day or in direct sun.

From the standpoint of durability, double painting of a wooden fence is optimal. To do this you need to create 2 layers. The first layer should be done using special primer, which has an alkyd-acrylic composition. The second is simple paint. If the fence is painted in this way, the alkyd particles will penetrate deep into the pores of the wood. The surface layer interacts well with such impregnation. The result is a durable coating that will last up to 15 years.

Applying varnish to a wooden fence

Today there are several types of varnishes on the market: alkyd, polyurethane, nitrocellulose, dispersion and urethane. Alkyd varnishes are mainly used for painting wooden fences due to their quality indicators. But in the struggle for environmental cleanliness, acrylic varnishes made at water based. Although experts recommend using them exclusively for indoor work.

Nitrovarnishes also differ good characteristics, but are also very toxic. If you decide to paint a wooden fence with nitro varnish, then we paint the fence at the dacha only after we put on a respirator. Polyurethane varnishes have found wide application in a variety of fields; they can even be used to coat musical instruments, because they are very durable and are not so susceptible to mechanical damage.

When choosing a varnish for wooden fences, the main thing is to be able to choose the right type of varnish and paint the fence according to the technology. It’s better to start before the first frost, so the coating has time to dry. Apply the varnish to the wooden surface of the fence using a simple small brush made of natural hair. The varnish is first applied in one direction from the edge of the wooden fence, carefully rubbing over the surface.

It is necessary to grind the composition so that the layer becomes thin, this way you will more thoroughly saturate the fence with the first layer, which will dry quickly. Once the first coat has been applied, wait for it to dry. This usually takes about a day. Then you can apply the next layer of varnish. The varnish coating will make the surface of the fence shiny without changing its natural color.

Updating an old wooden fence

You need to do things a little differently if you have to paint a durable, but old and unpainted fence for a long time. For this, it is customary to use all the same means as for a new fence. However, old structures have already been painted, and maybe more than once. Therefore, they require more thorough surface preparation. Here you will need rags, a broom, and a bucket of water. Don't forget rubber gloves.

Before painting an old fence, you should spend some time clearing it of various debris. It is necessary to remove cobwebs, dust, vegetation (moss), and other dirt, especially in joints and corners. You should also clean the top of the wooden fence of bird droppings. Make sure the surface is free of damage caused by bugs and termites. If you find signs of insects, you need to remove them or replace damaged boards.

After this, you need to remove all the old paint. This can be done with a spatula, sandpaper or a wire brush. First, the old layers are removed, then everything else. The entire coating must be removed in order to new paint lay on the wood without any problems. If it is difficult for you to work with a metal brush and scraper, then you can use a special gel - a softener of old paint. Only now can you start processing wood according to the same principles as for a new wooden fence.

Thus, you have already decided what color to paint the fence and what paint to choose. Finishing a wooden fence represents the final stage in the construction of the fence. Typically, as part of finishing, the structure is treated with protective varnishes or decorative paints. Carefully select the composition for processing the fence and carefully follow the instructions when working!