What can be made from dried roses. Crafts from flowers and leaves: in summer and all year round

From rose petals you can make wedding decorations of incredible beauty or make delicious jam. Flower petals are useful both when decorating a wedding hall and when creating wedding accessories, such as wedding glasses. We will tell you in this material what to do with the petals of roses and other noble flowers.

Rose petals are often used to create original jewelry and crafts, as well as for cosmetic purposes. Before you start creating, you need to collect and dry the petals. Any roses are suitable for crafts, but for aromatizing tea petals or for taking a bath with petals, you will need real roses, not treated with chemicals, which can be grown in the country or in the front garden in front of the house. Rose petals are laid out in a thin layer on paper in a well-ventilated area. In this case, the petals should be in the shade; in the sun they will “fry” and become dry and brittle. Drying takes from 1 to 3 weeks. Another way is to dry the petals in a box: to do this, pour a layer of sand or semolina, lay out the petals, and pour another layer on top. Sand and grain will absorb moisture, so the drying process will go faster.

You can make many unusual and original things from rose petals. One of them is a decorative lantern. For this you will need pink petals different color and a glass bowl of any size, not too deep. A small round aquarium will also work. The idea is simple: you need to stick pink petals on top of the glass bowl, slightly overlapping, like tiles on a roof. In this case, the glass surface must first be cleaned and degreased with alcohol or acetone. It is most convenient to glue using a glue gun - it is inexpensive and is always useful in the household of those who like to create unusual things with their own hands. To ensure that the petals do not collapse and the lamp lasts a long time, you need to generously spray the petals with hairspray, or with glitter spray for extra shine. The last step is to pour some water into the lamp, put floating candles in it and light the fire.

Petals are also great for decorating photo frames. You need to take an old photo frame, acrylic paint and acrylic glue. If you have pink petals, a frame painted white will look especially tender and touching. You need to apply the paint with a thick, textured brush so that the frame is not smooth, but acquires a unique texture. The petals are attached to the top with acrylic glue: there should be enough free space so that the texture and color of the frame is visible. On top everything can be coated with regular hairspray or acrylic varnish. Before varnishing, you can add additional decorations - beads or rhinestones.

Rose petals can also be the centerpiece of crafts and appliques that you and your child can easily make. There are two main technologies here: use powder from pink petals as elements of unusual mosaics, or simply stick the petals on paper, cardboard or a wooden base, giving them a fancy shape. Pink petals are suitable for making butterflies, ship sails, princess dresses, trees and any other shapes that you plan to depict on a panel of petals and other natural materials.

Rose petals for a beautiful wedding

Usually rose petals are showered on the bride and groom when they leave the church or registry office. However, this is not the only application.

Firstly, the petals are perfect for decorating wedding glasses, which are an important attribute of the festive feast. On the one hand, such decor is very easy to make with your own hands, on the other hand, it looks elegant, unusual and very stylish. The choice of petal color depends on the wedding colors. It is best to use artificial petals. Their colors will be brighter, and there will be more choice of shades: from creamy peach to lavender. In addition, wedding accessories are prepared long before the ceremony, so it is not known how the dried petals will behave after a couple of weeks.

The manufacturing technology is very simple: you need to glue the petals overlapping, from the bottom up to about a third or half of the bowl of the glass. To do this you will need a glue gun - these can be bought at any hardware store. Before you start gluing, you need to degrease and clean the glass; to do this, wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol or acetone. The stem of the glass can be decorated with ribbons and a lace “skirt” that is easy to sew. The remaining undecorated part of the wine glass can also be decorated with beads and rhinestones resembling dew drops using a glue gun. But here it is important not to overdo it: the petals will look very elegant anyway.

Secondly, you can stuff a cushion for rings with fragrant scarlet rose petals. This wedding accessory is not at all difficult to make with your own hands. In order for the rose petals to be visible, the upper part of the pillow must be made of transparent material- lace, tulle, organza. In this case, the top of the pillow does not need to be decorated, just make two small asymmetrical bows in order to secure the rings. But the sides of the pillow should be decorated with frills of ribbons and lace. You can also add beads or crystals around the perimeter of the pillow.

Rose petals are great for decorating the room where the main wedding celebrations will take place. The petals are often attached to the fabric that drapes the bride and groom's table. You can lay out heart petals, the names of the newlyweds, or, for example, a map of the starry sky with zodiac constellations bride and groom.

All about rose petals:

The original decoration of the hall for a winter wedding will be transparent Christmas balls filled with rose petals. On the one hand, it will remind you of the New Year, on the other hand, it will look romantic and unusual. You just need to buy large balls of transparent glass, remove the base, carefully fill the ball with petals, and return the base back. You can also attach a large bow to the ball to match the petals and hang such decorations around the perimeter of the room.

Dried rose petals will help the bride relax and have a good night's sleep on the eve of the wedding ceremony if she takes a petal bath in the evening. The oils contained in rose petals help relieve stress and leave your skin soft and velvety.

Rose petals can be eaten: the jam made from them is one of the most delicious in the world. If you plan to give your guests memorable bonbonnieres, then original idea will put homemade rose jam in them. You just need to buy beautiful jars and tie them with a ribbon with a wish. Cooking this delicacy is not at all difficult; you only need petals, sugar, water and citric acid or lemon juice.

How to make rose jam is shown in the video:

Now every woman can, without any problems, choose cosmetics for her face and whole body, hair and nails. But, despite the wide range of such products, more and more women prefer to prepare creams, lotions and tonics on their own - using improvised means and independently purchased ingredients. The resulting products have a lot of advantages: they meet the needs of a specific user and are prepared exclusively from proven ingredients. Today we will talk about what can be made from rose petals for the face, albeit from dry petals, but nevertheless...

Yes, yes, don’t rush to throw away dry rose petals. Recipes usually call for fresh petals, but many things can be made from dried petals. They can be an excellent raw material for the preparation of a wide variety of cosmetics. Since they can be used on the face and the skin of the whole body.

So, what can you do with rose petals for your face?

Rose oil

Have you seen rose oil on sale? But you can make it from rose petals with your own hands! To make rose oil at home, prepare a glass of dry rose petals. Pour them into an enamel container and pour a glass of olive oil. That's almost all! Place this mixture in a water bath and soak for two hours. Strain the finished oil.

The resulting product wonderfully cleanses the skin, adds tone and has a wonderful nourishing effect. Rose oil should be used when caring for dry and normal skin.

Petal face mask

To prepare a wonderful nourishing mask for normal to oily skin, prepare dry petals of four to five roses. Grind them in a coffee grinder to obtain pink powder. Mix a teaspoon of this powder with a teaspoon of heavy cream and a teaspoon of egg white. Mix well and leave for five to ten minutes to infuse.

Next, it is advisable to take a steam bath for your face, or use another method of cleaning it. The resulting mixture should be applied to previously cleansed skin of the face and neck. Leave the mask on for twenty to thirty minutes and then wash with cool water.

Mask for sensitive skin

This mask perfectly softens and nourishes sensitive skin, also helping to get rid of small wrinkles. Brew a couple of tablespoons of dry rose petals with a glass of just boiled water. Cover the container with a lid and leave for half an hour to infuse. Strain the resulting infusion and dissolve the starch in it so as to obtain the consistency of thick jelly. Apply the mask to your face and leave for a quarter of an hour to twenty minutes. Wash your face afterwards warm water.

Mask to improve complexion

To make such a mask from dry petals, collect them from two rose buds. Pour half a glass of pure alcohol over them and leave to infuse in a dark and cool place. After a couple of days, strain the finished product and mix fifty milliliters of tincture with a tablespoon of liquid honey and beaten yolk chicken egg. Apply the prepared mask to the surface of your face in an even layer. Leave it for a quarter of an hour to twenty minutes, then wash with ordinary warm water.

Multi-component mask with herbs

Why not make something more complicated out of roses. This aromatic mask will help restore elasticity to the skin of the face and décolleté, and will also help smooth out wrinkles. To prepare it, you should combine equal shares of rose petals, mint herbs, chamomile flowers, dill, as well as linden flowers and sage herbs. Grind and mix all ingredients. Brew a tablespoon of this mixture with a glass of boiling water. Wrap it up well and leave it for half an hour to infuse. Afterwards, soak a cloth in the prepared broth and apply it to the cleansed skin of your face and décolleté. After half an hour, remove the lotion, let the skin dry naturally, then apply a nourishing cream to it.

Nourishing mask

To prepare a nourishing mask for dry skin, grind dry rose petals in a coffee grinder. Mix them with cream until you get the consistency of thick cream. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin like a mask and leave for a quarter of an hour. Afterwards, wash your face with cool water.

You can use roses to make not only a mask, jam, a bath, but also a lotion.

Facial lotion

To prepare such a cosmetic product, it is worth preparing dry petals from several roses. Place them fairly tightly in a bowl or jar, but do not compact them. Brew such raw materials with boiling water so that the water just covers it. Leave the petals for twenty minutes, then drain the infusion and squeeze out the petals themselves. Add a pinch to the resulting infusion citric acid, and the lotion is ready.

Pore ​​tightening lotion

To prepare such a simple remedy, take four glasses of dried petals from red roses. Fill this raw material with half a liter table vinegar, cork well and leave in a dark place for three weeks. Strain the finished infusion and squeeze the petals thoroughly. Dilute the prepared infusion boiled water, maintaining an equal ratio. This product is great for cleansing oily skin, it tones it and helps get rid of blackheads and enlarged pores.

Simple Rose Infusion

To prepare such a cosmetic product, brew a tablespoon of crushed rose petals with one glass of just boiled water. Cover the mixture with a lid and leave for half an hour to infuse. Use it to prepare lotions on irritated areas of the skin, as well as under the eyes to eliminate puffiness.

Dry rose petals are great herbal remedy for skin care. Based on them, you can easily prepare many cosmetic products.

I have accumulated a lot of dry rose petals: my dear one often gives bouquets, and mostly roses. From the dried petals I made the following:

1. When arranging a romantic dinner by candlelight, I placed petals on the tablecloth and in a vase with floating candles.

2. I used a decoction of the petals for a bath: pour a glass of dried flowers with two glasses of filtered water, bring it to a boil and add it to a fragrant, relaxing bath. Divine procedure.

3. I am filled with petals glass vase for bathroom decor.

4. I filled small cotton bags with petals and laid them out in the wardrobe - they turned out like sachets.

Where else can you use petals?

I started searching the vast expanses of the Internet and this is what I found. True, for the first collage with butterflies you need to dry the petals in a completely different way...

Butterflies made from plants - it's easy!

Polina really likes my butterflies, her mother wrote to me. I am sure that Polina (photo above) and other children can make a butterfly from dried plants on their own. This is not at all difficult, because here the Creator Himself has done almost everything for us. The main thing is to see the butterfly in the surrounding flower petals. To do this you need to dry the petals different colors and see which ones look like butterfly wings. Usually you take the corner of a dried petal with your fingers, wave it to the sides - it already flutters like a butterfly’s wing. It is easy to work with a petal when it is glued to paper (white paper is smeared with glue - the petals themselves stick to the glue, just straighten them and smooth them with a brush)

The petals of mallow, tulip, petunia are good for butterflies, dahlias, cosmos, gladiolus are suitable - so much to list! Dry it, take a closer look, and you may be surprised at how many butterfly petals flutter in your hands. Flowers are dried separated into individual petals. If the petals are curved like a cup, a cut is made in the middle - then the petal will lie flat and there will be no folds on it. The photo below shows a dried tulip petal with a cut.

Look at the tulip petal - you don’t even need to adjust anything for the wing, just divide it in half completely, and, please, ready-made wings! Body of a butterfly in this case made from a weeping willow leaf with small cuts in in the right places(butterfly below in the photo on the left). For proboscis - dry blades of grass, pumpkin tendrils are good. Dried pumpkin mustaches look like fantastic curls that add elegance and decorativeness to simple work.

The butterfly in the photo below is made of mallow and petunia petals, the body is made of straw, on which stripes are drawn on the body using a burner.

The finished butterfly can be planted on any postcard with a plant theme. A few dried blades of grass plus a butterfly - the card turns out magnificent, warm, soft and lively. If you laminate it, the card will be strong and durable.

You can also simply make fish from dried leaves and flower petals. By placing blades of grass around, we get a swimming fish and a wonderful postcard for a gift.

Dare, work - and everything will work out!

Paintings from dried flowers

You will need:

Basis for the picture (whatman paper, thick colored paper, packaging cardboard)

Fabric (silk, cotton, linen, velvet) glued to a thick backing

PVA glue (or other quick-drying glue). The glue should not be very liquid so that it does not leave drops on the plants and does not spread.

Action plan:

1. Lay out the intended composition on a flat surface without gluing. Leave some free space around the edges for the frame. You can correct the shape of the petals and leaves with scissors in advance.

2. Glue each detail to the background. Working with dried flowers requires caution, so it is better to use tweezers and apply glue drop by drop into the center of the flower. reverse side flower.

3. After the glue has dried, insert the picture into the frame under the glass. The composition with a bouquet can be supplemented with applique by cutting out a vase or other decorations. You can use the same technique to decorate cards or candles.

We thank Tatyana Aleksandrovna Krasnovskaya for the work provided and assistance in preparing the materials.

I would like to ask you for advice, friends: what other ways to use dried rose petals do you know? Don’t write about lotions, jam and cream made from petals, please - I don’t know in what conditions the flowers were grown and what they were fed with. My stomach and face are the same...

Photo: Natallia Khlapushyna/Rusmediabank.ru

Unfortunately, the obligatory attribute of women's holiday - flowers - has a short life. But don’t rush to get rid of wilted buds and petals, but try to give them a second life, using them in various capacities in the home and interior. We offer several options.

dried flower

Perhaps the easiest way to use up fading flowers is to dry them. It is enough to leave the bouquet hanging upside down in a dark, dry room for several weeks. Before removing the finished dried flower, you need to spray it with hairspray several times. This way it will hold its shape better and can decorate any corner of your home.

You can make various compositions from dried flowers, supplementing them with real dried flowers (immortelle, gypsophila, haretail, etc.). A beautiful, long-lasting bouquet will be a wonderful detail.

Dontree Malaimarn/Rusmediabank.ru


From dried flowers at home it is quite possible to make an aroma pad - a sachet. The more fragrant the flowers, the better. Roses, daisies, etc. are good for such purposes. They are usually combined with citrus fruits and spices. For example, rose petals would be appropriate in a mixture of chamomile, cloves and rosemary. When choosing scents, be guided by your taste, but do not overdo it.


After all the ingredients chosen for the sachet are thoroughly dried, they are ground into powder and placed in cute little bags that you can sew yourself.

Applications and crafts

This way of using wilted flowers is sure to be loved by your kids. In addition, such crafts are great for developing fine motor skills, attention, creativity and perseverance. From dried or withered flowers you can make both ordinary applications on paper or cardboard, and complex painting compositions. To do this you will need scissors, a brush and glue. Frame your most successful works and hang them on the wall. Flower applications will be an original way to decorate greeting cards.


Press picture

This is a kind of alternative to applique. There is practically no need for glue here. It is enough to straighten the wilted flowers (not completely dried), leaving them for several days under pressure (for example, under a stack of books). Then place them in the desired composition on a thick base for photographs in a frame, securing their position with a small amount of glue, and gently press them with glass. Here's a flower picture for you. If you try, crafts made from pressed flowers can become real works of art.

Cosmetics made from petals

Some of my favorites female flowers- definitely roses. They are not only beautiful, but also multifunctional. Their aromatic and tonic properties have long been used in cosmetology. If you pour boiling water over the dried petals of this miracle flower and leave for about half an hour, you will get a wonderful skin-refreshing lotion, which also tightens pores. But such a product is not stored in the refrigerator for long - about 2-3 days.

Olga Miltsova/Rusmediabank.ru

Dry, powdered flower petals are added to scrubs or bath salts. If desired, you can prepare rose oil. To do this, add olive oil to well-dried flowers and simmer the mixture under a lid in a water bath over low heat for about two hours. Then, covering the vessel with a cloth, the future oil is allowed to brew for about 4 weeks in a dark corner. Next, after thoroughly straining and squeezing the petals, leave the oil for 2-3 hours, checking for excess water on the surface, which is important to drain to prevent souring. At the end, it is recommended to add an oil solution of vitamin E as a preservative.

Romantic petals

Wilted flower petals (especially roses) are often sold in flower shops for various festive occasions. This material is very romantic to use for table decoration and dishes. Flower petals can be placed in envelopes with love letters and confessions.

Flowers in a bottle

The original flower decor was once proposed by the Japanese florist Makoto Azuma. He placed the flowers in a beautiful bottle, tying its neck with a bright ribbon. Making such an interesting interior detail is quite simple: fresh or slightly wilted flowers need to be placed in a transparent bottle or jar beautiful shape, pour an aqueous solution of glycerin (1:2) and seal hermetically. Before the laying procedure, it is advisable to thoroughly wash and disinfect the vessel with boiling water. Such flower bottles may well become an original gift friends or complement the interior of your home.

Vladimir Pavlovic/Rusmediabank.ru

Candle with flowers

Do you love beautiful candles? Then this method is for you. You will need dried flowers, a candle for decoration, a brush, a spoon, a little wax and fire. Pre-dried flowers are glued to the walls of the candle using a brush and melted wax, or smoothed with a regular spoon heated over a fire.

Flower decorations

In souvenir shops you sometimes find tiny glass bottles for fragrances for sale. They can be filled with dried flowers, small shells or rocks and then hung on a pretty chain or ribbon. This way you will get an original phyto pendant.

Those who are patient can be advised to make beads from “flower beads”. Most often, rose petals are used as material. Having removed the white base of the petals, the roses are thoroughly crushed in a blender, then cooked over low heat, periodically bringing to a boil, and then cooling - 2-3 times. Then strain the pulp through a sieve to remove as much water as possible. Balls are made from the resulting mass, the size of which you choose yourself.

But it is worth considering that after drying they decrease by 40%. After a day, when the balls have dried, they are attached to a strong thread or wire using a needle. To prolong their fragrance, you can add a few drops of rose oil to them. These products should be protected from moisture.