Growing arctotis flower. Bright arctotis, growing from seeds

Arctotis flowers are rightfully one of the most prominent representatives garden plants. Along with luxurious-looking dense greenery, they have magnificent inflorescences.

Unfortunately, Arktosis can now rarely be seen on flower beds and private garden plots, even though they have been grown by people for a long time. We sincerely hope that in the foreseeable future this situation will improve, and these beautiful flowers will be able to gain well-deserved popularity among gardeners. After all, arctotis are unpretentious, hardy and at the same time decorative.

How to plant Arctotis seedlings or sow seeds in the ground

Seeds for growing Arctotis can be bought without any problems in flower shops, or you can collect them on your own plot. The seeds of these flowers reach maturity approximately two weeks after flowering. Arctotis seeds are very small size, so it is important not to miss the period for collecting them, otherwise you risk losing them without collecting them on time. You can collect them in reserve, since Arctotis seeds remain viable for up to two years.

These flowers are usually grown seedling method , and in warm climates arctotis can be grown from seeds directly in open ground.

  • To grow seedlings, you will need to first, in March, sow the seeds in a container with a peat-sand mixture.
  • You can also treat the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate. This will help protect the seedlings from unwanted infections and pathogens.

Arctotis growing from seeds video:

Growing seedlings at home is quite simple:

  1. Arctotis seeds must be scattered over the surface of the soil, cover with glass or some kind of film, and then place in a warm place (the temperature should be approximately 22-24 degrees Celsius). The first shoots should appear in a couple of weeks.
  2. When the first shoots finally hatch, your improvised tiny “greenhouse” can be opened. Watering is best done using the “bottom” method, through a tray. You should not spray the seedlings, as this can disrupt its growth. After your seedlings have grown further, it will be necessary to thin them.
  3. After full-fledged leaves appear, all seedlings are usually transplanted into separate pots, or 2-3 seedlings in one pot. In this case, be extremely careful, since newly emerged Arctotis have an extremely fragile and delicate root system. It is necessary to replant carefully and carefully so as not to damage the young plants.
  4. A transplant that is traumatic for the plant can be avoided if you initially plant the seeds in peat tablets. And when the seedlings reach about 10 centimeters in height, they are pinched to increase bushiness.

If you sow seeds in a mild, warm climate directly into the ground, then you can start in April. Several seeds should be planted in one nest, leaving a distance of 20-40 centimeters between them, and after the sprouts appear, thinning should also be done.

Arctotis planting and care in open ground with photos

You can transplant your pre-grown seedlings into the ground at the end of spring when the danger of any frost has completely passed. It is important to remember that Arctotis are very light-loving flowers. Therefore, before sowing, make sure that the area where they will grow is not deprived of the sun.

Arktosis flowers will certainly give you their luxurious inflorescences. The plants are not particularly picky about soil and can grow in almost any soil, with the exception of clay soil, which will be difficult for the plant’s sensitive roots to cope with.

Arktosis will feel most comfortable if there is a sufficient amount of sand in the soil., which can ensure its effective drainage - another condition for the favorable development of these plants.


First of all, after providing plenty of sunlight, Arktosis needs proper, moderate watering. It is highly recommended not to water it too often and too much. Excessive watering can cause the development of root rot and, as a result, destroy the plant.

It would be preferable to slightly dry the soil rather than over-water it.

This nature of the plant is due to the natural conditions of its homeland, South Africa, where the plant most often grows in rocky soil and dry weather.

Thanks to this, the plant has the ability to draw moisture from the depths of the soil with the help of its elongated roots, which allows Arktosis to maintain a fresh appearance even in the hottest weather. But weeds are not Arktosis’s friends at all, so after watering it is strongly recommended to inspect and cultivate the soil to free it from weeds.

Top dressing

Before Arktosis, it is recommended to fertilize them with a solution of mineral fertilizers. At the same time, remember that organic fertilizers can, on the contrary, only harm your flowers.

Features of flowering

It is best to remove faded flower stalks in a timely manner, this will help preserve more nutrients for living flowers and generally extend the flowering period.


  1. Arctosis is very difficult to keep through winter until spring, so the only way for them to propagate is through seeds. Of course, you can plant a flower from the ground and, after transplanting it into a pot, preserve it at home, however, the fragile root system of Arktosis is very sensitive to such transplants, they can lead to the death of the flower.
  2. A couple of weeks after flowering has completed, a fluff will appear in the center of the remaining basket - this is a ripe achene, and also a signal that it is time to start collecting seeds. Their concentration is unusually high. 1 gram can contain up to 500 seeds. Collection is best done in the morning in dry weather. The collected seeds are thoroughly dried, sealed in a separate container and stored until next spring.

Possible problems during care

Arktosis can decorate any garden. They are unpretentious and hardy; you just need to provide these plants with sunlight and moderate watering, and they will delight you with their luxurious floral decoration for a long time.

Beautiful Arctotis species description

Arctotis is perhaps the brightest specimen of the Astrov family. These wonderful flowers came to us from the vastness of South Africa. Arctotis is a Latin name that literally translates to "Bear's Ear". These flowers were given such a funny name due to their downy stems and wavy leaves. Because of this, Arctotis look very attractive and are able to decorate any flowerbed before they even begin to bloom!

The inflorescences of the Bear's Ear represent a rich variety of all kinds of flowers. You can find white, red, pink, orange and even purple flowers, appearing on long, elongated peduncles. By external signs they look like gerberas and can bloom for quite a long time - from June to November.

Arctotis also has something to boast about in terms of species diversity. There are about 30 of these luxurious flowers. Here are the most common ones:

Hybrid arctotis harlequin photo

Arctotis hybridus, Arctotis Hybrida is one of the most popular species, with large inflorescences up to 10 cm in diameter. Hybrid Arctotis are distinguished by a rich variety of colors.

Arctotis grandiflora, Arctotis Grandis - this species is very remarkable in that its inflorescences are most often painted silver-white, while their reverse side has a pronounced bluish tint.

Arctotis beautiful, Arctotis Speciosa are low plants with a very telling name. They reach a height of no more than 30 centimeters and have yellow-colored flowers. orange color.

Arctotis auricata, Arctotis Auriculata - distinguished by bright yellow inflorescences.

Sowing Arctotis seedlings is very simple

Arctotis “came” to us from South Africa.

This beautiful flower has many species, many of which have long taken root in our area, because in fact, growing arctotis in your own area is not at all difficult.

Botanical description

These are annual, biennial and perennial herbaceous or semi-shrub plants. Arctotis leaves are opposite or alternate. Inflorescence in the form of a basket. The color of the flowers is very diverse: they can be white, pink, scarlet, yellow, orange.
The fruit is a grayish-brown achene containing many small seeds.

Inexperienced gardeners may confuse arctotis with, as they are really similar.

Did you know? Latin name The flower "arctōtis" comes from the Greek "arktos" - "bear" and "otos" - "ear". That is, the literal translation is “bear ear.” The flower received its name due to its pubescent, fleshy leaves and stems.


Today there are about 30 species of Arctotis.

But in our gardens the most common are six:

  • acaulescent- This is a miniature view. His rosette is dense. Peduncles - 20 cm in height; inflorescences - orange, red;

  • short-stemmed- no more than 15 cm. It has practically no stems and looks like compact bushes with foliage. The flowers are small yellow, orange-yellow;

  • rough- in the wild it can grow up to 1 m, but in some areas - no more than 0.5 m. White or yellow inflorescences are medium in size;

  • arctotis lush- medium in size, with bright orange or bright yellow flowers. It is the ancestor of many modern hybrids;

  • stochasolist most common in gardens. Stems - up to 1 m, leaves - large. Hybrids come in a variety of shades;

  • hybrid- has a variety of flowers different shades: white to bronze. The height ranges from 20 to 120 cm. It is not recommended to use seeds of this type.

Growing from seeds

The flower propagates using seeds, which it is advisable to germinate first.

The procedure takes place at the end of March. Seeds are purchased or collected from flowering plant. Take small and shallow boxes, fill them with soil, scatter the seeds over the surface of the soil. The first shoots appear after 8-10 days. They will need to be thinned out a little. Water sparingly.

As soon as full-fledged leaves appear, the seedlings must be transplanted into individual pots or 2-3 pieces in one pot.

Important! When replanting, extreme care must be taken, since Arctotis has very delicate roots.

True, you don’t have to do a transplant if you immediately plant the seeds in peat tablets. When the seedlings reach about 10 cm in height, they are pinched to increase bushiness. The seedlings are transplanted into open ground around the end of May.


For this flower it is better to choose a heated greenhouse. Also remember that it needs a lot of light. If there is no greenhouse, the boxes can be kept in the house by covering them with transparent glass or plastic film and placing them in a warm place.

Important! Plant the plant immediately in open ground possible only in southern latitudes. This is done in May in pre-prepared shallow holes - 4-5 pieces in each, leaving 20-40 cm between them (for tall species, more space needs to be allocated).

The soil

Arctotis is not very picky about soil. Any type will suit him, except those that are overly heavy and those that do not allow moisture to pass through well. These flowers grow well in well-drained calcareous soil, which will need to be loosened from time to time and weeds removed from it.

Plant care

Arctotis does not require special care, which is good news, because you get to decorate your garden with a minimum of time.


Arctotis loves heat very much; indoors it grows well at a temperature of somewhere around +22...+24 °C.


The flower needs moderate watering. There is no need to water it very often or a lot. This may destroy it because it will arise root rot.


It also does not tolerate excessive soil moisture. For him, drought is even preferable to dampness. This is due to the fact that in its homeland the flower usually grows in rocky soil and in dry conditions.
It is able to draw moisture even from the very depths of the soil, and all thanks to its long roots.

Top dressing

Before flowering begins, it is recommended to fertilize the plant with a solution. Organic fertilizers may cause harm.


Flowering begins 2-3 months after sowing. Faded baskets of peduncles must be removed in time, this helps to preserve more nutrients for living flowers and will prolong the flowering period itself.

Seed collection

Achenes appear 2 weeks after the flower wilts. This is a signal to collect seeds.

Did you know? Peter I paid close attention to flower cultivation: during his reign, the Garden Office was established, which ordered rare flowers and garden decorations from other states.

Collection should be done in the morning, and in dry weather. Clean the collected seeds and dry thoroughly. Store them in fabric bags or a closed glass container in a cool, dry, dark place.

Difficulties in growing

There are no particular difficulties regarding the cultivation of Arctotis. The main thing is to remember that excessive watering is strictly contraindicated. Because of it, problems are possible - root rot, and as a result - the death of the flower.

Also tall plants vertical support is needed, which is also true for other flowers and garden crops.

Diseases and pests

The flower is quite resistant to diseases, but there are still pests that are terrible for arctotis:

  • . It is easy to recognize this insect, because it is visible. In addition, its presence causes deformation of the tips of the shoots, curled leaves and honeydew - a sweet discharge on the foliage. By the way, they will soon “settle” sooty fungus. Aphids need to be fought with insecticides: “Neoron”, “Accord”, “Imidor”, “Tabazol”, “Fatrin”, “Tsunami”, “Shar Pei”. Before use, it is recommended to spray the bush with water from a hose.
  • meadow (forest) bug. It is also not difficult to recognize this insect, because it has a characteristic flat body with a color ranging from dirty green to brown. Spraying with a mustard-based water solution (100 g per 10 l) will help here.

In both cases, you can also use onion infusion:

  • - 200 g;
  • water - 10 l.

Pour in the husk warm water. Let it brew for 4-5 days. Strain. Spray the plants every 5 days, but no more than three times.

As you can see, Arctotis is not a particularly picky plant. So it won't cause you much trouble. But aesthetic pleasure with your view - for sure! So, if you are still in doubt, throw them aside - having planted this flower, you will definitely not regret it in the future.

  • Bloom: from July until frost.
  • Landing: sowing seeds for seedlings - in March, planting seedlings in open ground - at the beginning or end of May, in areas with late summer - at the beginning of June. Sowing seeds in the southern regions directly into the ground - in April.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: limestone, drained. Damp or clay soil will not work.
  • Watering: rare but abundant. During dry seasons, water regularly.
  • Feeding: complete mineral fertilizer during the period of bud formation and flowering. The plant does not tolerate organic matter.
  • Reproduction: seed.
  • Pests: aphids and meadow bugs.
  • Diseases: gray rot.

Read more about growing Arctotis below.

Arctotis flower - description

The arctotis plant is represented by herbs and subshrubs with silvery or white-pubescent stems and leaves. The shape of the opposite or alternately arranged arctotis leaves is incised or wavy-toothed. Single saucer-shaped baskets with a diameter of 5-8 cm, strongly reminiscent of daisies or gerberas, rise on long peduncles and consist of white, purple, pink or yellow reed flowers and purple, violet or brown tubular flowers located in the center of the inflorescence. The multi-row involucre of the basket consists of numerous scales. The fruit of arctotis is a grayish-brown achene with a tuft. The seeds of the plant remain viable for up to two years.

Arctotis is represented by annual, biennial and perennial plants. Perennial arctotis in areas with cool climates is grown as an annual crop.

Planting Arctotis in open ground

Growing arctotis from seeds.

It is better to grow arctotis from seeds using seedlings. Planting arctotis and caring for it during the seedling period is possible even for a beginner, especially if you listen to our advice and sow in mid-March in peat pots, placing 3-5 seeds in each. The pots are then placed on a common tray and covered with film or glass. The first shoots may appear within a week. It is not advisable to grow arctotis flowers in a common container, since this crop does not tolerate picking, but if for some reason you sow the seeds for seedlings in a box or container, then at the stage of development of two true leaves, the seedlings should still be planted in 3 pots. When the seedlings reach a height of 10-12 cm, the seedlings are pinched to stimulate tillering.

Arctotis seedlings are planted in open ground after the threat of return frosts has passed. It could be mid or late May, or it could be early June. Hardening preparation precedes planting: the seedlings are taken out into the open air for a while every day so that they get used to the environment in which they will soon find themselves. The duration of the session is gradually increased so that by the end of the two-week period the seedlings can spend 24 hours in the garden.

Seedlings with a clod of earth are transferred into holes located at a distance of 25-40 cm from each other. If you grew them in peat pots, then place the seedlings in the hole directly in them. Fill the remaining space with soil, lightly compact the surface and water generously.

How to plant arctotis in the garden.

In areas with early and warm springs, arctotis can be sown directly into the ground in early May. The plant is light-loving, so it requires open areas illuminated by the sun. Arctotis is suitable for well-drained soils containing lime. The crop develops poorly in damp and clay soil.

When sowing, 4-5 arctotis seeds are placed in the holes. The distance between the holes is calculated depending on the variety and type of plant: for short arctotis, an interval of 25 cm is sufficient, and tall ones need more space for nutrition and development - up to 40 cm. The seeds are planted, the surface is lightly trampled, after which the area is watered abundantly. Shoots appear after a week and a half, and after 10-12 days they are thinned out. At good care arctotis can bloom in two months.

Caring for arctotis in the garden

How to grow arctotis.

Growing arctotis will require you to follow the usual and simple procedures: watering, loosening the soil, weeding, fertilizing, pinching and, if the need arises, treatment against diseases and pests.

Arctotis has good drought resistance: its deep root system is designed to extract moisture from the depths, so the plant does not need to be watered often. But during the dry period, try not to forget to moisten the soil, especially since wet soil is easier to loosen and weed.

There is also no special need for fertilizing, but applying mineral complexes During the period of bud formation and flowering, the culture responds well. Organic fertilizers are contraindicated for Arctotis..

Caring for arctotis also involves removing faded flowers. They do this to stimulate the plant to form new buds. Besides, tall varieties support may be needed.

Pests and diseases of arctotis.

In general, arctotis is resistant to both pests and diseases, but is sometimes affected by aphids and meadow bugs, and during periods of prolonged rains or when grown on wet soils it can develop gray rot.

Treating the plant with onion infusion or a solution of 100 g of dry mustard in 10 liters of water will help get rid of meadow bugs. If this measure turns out to be useless or ineffective, you can always use an insecticide.

Aphids, which cause harm not only by sucking juices from the plant, but also by being a distributor of incurable viral infections, is destroyed with the help of Fitoverm, Actellik, Aktara or other insecticides.

Arctotis after flowering.

The annual arctotis, which has lost its decorative properties, must be destroyed, after which in the fall the soil on the site is cleared of plant debris and dug up. In areas with cold winters, any arctotis, even perennial, is grown as an annual, but in Ukraine and southern Russia you can try to cultivate perennial species, if you protect the plants well from winter cold. Cut off the ground part at a height of 10 cm, mulch the surface of the flower bed with a thick layer of organic mulch - straw, bark, sawdust - and cover the area along the mulch with spruce branches or non-woven material.

Types and varieties of arctotis

In our latitudes, not many species of Arctotis are grown in cultivation.

- a compact perennial up to 15 cm high, native to South Africa. Its leaves and stems are covered with white felt pubescence. Ligulate marginal flowers of a bright orange hue. The species has been in culture since 1812.

Arctotis rough (Arctotis aspera),

also originating from South Africa, reaches a height of 40-50 cm. In our climate, this species is grown as an annual plant. Its inflorescences, up to 5 cm in diameter, consist of yellow tubular and yellow reed flowers with brown strokes.

perennial plant with a powerful taproot and pinnately dissected leaves up to 20 cm long, green on the upper side and whitish with pubescence on the lower side. The basket inflorescences, up to 5 cm in diameter, consist of yellow reed flowers with a purple lining and black and red tubular flowers.

all from the same areas of South Africa, where all arctotis grow in perennial culture, whereas here they are grown as annual plants. The light green, highly branched, erect stems of this species, pubescent with soft silvery-white hair, reach 1 m in height. Dense, asymmetrical oval-lanceolate leaves, wavy-toothed along the edges, are arranged oppositely and are also covered with felt pubescence. The upper leaves are sessile, the lower leaves are petiolate. Long peduncles bear graceful single baskets with a weak, but pleasant aroma and consisting of pearl-white marginal flowers with a golden-yellow base and a pale purple underside and small gray-violet tubular flowers forming a disc of a steel-blue hue in the center of the inflorescence. In cloudy weather the baskets are closed. This species has been in cultivation since 1900. A known variety of arctotis stechasolifolia grandis , differing from the main species in longer leaves and large inflorescences.

Arctotis hybrid (Arctotis x hybridus)

Under this name, complex hybrids popular in culture are united between different types arctotis. These plants, depending on the climate of the area, can be grown as both annual and perennial plants.

Species rarely found in cultivation include arctotis beautiful with blue marginal flowers, auricular with bright yellow ligulate flowers and magnificent or lush with large marginal flowers of orange color.

The most popular varieties are:

  • Pink Suga- arctotis, in which the marginal flowers from the ends to the middle are pink-purple, and from the middle to the base - yellow-orange;
  • Mahogany– the marginal flowers of plants of this variety are terracotta-orange, and the tubular ones are green;
  • Hayley– reed flowers are rich yellow, and the middle consists of cylindrical circles of dark yellow and black;
  • Brick Red– a variety with reed flowers of red color, the middle is dark yellow with dark brown.

Harlequin arctotis, a mixture of varieties of different colors, is in high demand among gardeners.

Growing arctotis from seeds is an interesting and exciting activity. IN natural environment habitat, the flower grows on the inaccessible slopes of the South African mountains, in places where there is a lot of sun and little water.

Features of Arctotis

If translated, the words “arktos” and “otos” sound like “bear’s ear” in Greek. Botanists who described the plant for the first time noted pubescent, fleecy leaves and stems beautiful flower, which reminded them of a bear's ear. The original shape of the leaves is an undeniable advantage of Arctotis.

Attention! The arctotis flower closes in cloudy weather and at night, and opens towards the sun in the morning.

For unknown reasons, few people grow the arctotis flower in their flower beds, although the pedigree of its cultivation as an ornamental crop goes back more than 200 years. However, among discerning connoisseurs the demand for it is quite high.

General characteristics:

  • family Compositae (Asteraceae);
  • watering - rare, in hot summers - regular, drought-resistant;
  • soil – loose, fertile;
  • tolerates hot and cold climates well;
  • beautifully flowering, stems straight, branched, pubescent;
  • flowering - from mid-June until frost;
  • fertilizing - complete mineral fertilizer during the flowering period, exclude organic matter;
  • pests – aphids, meadow bugs;
  • diseases - gray rot in rainy weather.

Most arctotis are perennials, but in forest and forest-steppe zones they are grown as annuals due to the cold climate of the middle zone.

Choosing a variety for planting

About 30 species of this beautiful plant are known, differing in shape and size:

Only five are popular for growing from seeds:

  • stochasolist - highly branched, tall, erect, with large flowers;
  • lush - medium-sized, bushy, with a lush clump;
  • stemless - short, with a powerful root system;
  • short-stemmed– dwarf compact variety;
  • rough – medium-growing variety with yellow-brown baskets.

Hybrids have increased vitality, increased size and accelerated growth.

Photos of growing arctotis varieties from seeds and a brief description:

  1. Arctotis stechasolifolia– a tall species with single inflorescences up to 8 cm. The variety gave rise to hybrid form this type: elongated leaves and ligulate large inflorescences with a yellow-brown core and tubular flowers, similar to chamomile or gerbera. In arctotis flower beds, growing occurs in the middle ground.
  2. Arctotis is lush - has fleecy ribbed basal leaves with brightly colored inflorescences resembling flames. Representatives of this species have hybrid varieties, the height of which varies from 20 to 120 cm.
  3. Arctotis stemless– this species is distinguished by a dwarf pale green rosette of leaves with small red or orange flowers. Depending on the region, it is grown as an annual or perennial crop, can grow in pots as an indoor plant.
  4. Arctotis shortstem- a low bush up to 15 cm high with dissected carved leaves, the peduncles are a rich bright orange color. Growing is done in the foreground.
  5. Arctotis rough– the stems of this species reach a meter in height, towering above their fellows, and delighting with the splendor of color, passing from a contrasting dark brown at the core to a white or light yellow shade towards the edges.
  6. Arctotis hybrid Harlequin- unites everything in its culture species diversity these amazing flowers: from dwarf bushes 15-20 cm high to tall specimens reaching a height of 100-120 cm, and the color palette varies from snow-white to carmine red and purple.

Important! The hybrid Arctotis variety does not produce viable seeds when grown.

How to collect seeds

After 15–20 days from the beginning of flowering, the seeds ripen and can be collected from the inflorescences. Take a wide pharmaceutical bandage, tie it around the baskets of flowers from which you need to collect and leave for 10-12 days. After ripening, the seeds are separated, dried and placed in a fabric or paper bag and sent for storage until the spring of next year.

Flower germination during cultivation lasts 2 years. Self-collected seeds are always better than purchased ones.

Growing Arctotis from seeds

Growing arctotis from seeds is a simple and exciting activity that allows you to get planting material in larger quantities compared to buying in a store.

Soil and site preparation

Preparation of the substrate for planting: before the process of growing from seeds, the soil from the summer cottage is sterilized:

  • add sand to the ground, distribute the soil mixture on a metal tray in a layer of 3–5 cm and place in the oven for 1–2 hours at a temperature of 80 °C;
  • second option: pour soil into a metal bucket at a ratio of 1:8, pour in water and boil over low heat for half an hour.

Plus heat treatment when growing arctotis flowers from seeds: death of insects, worms, bacteria and pathogenic fungi.

Disadvantage: imbalance between soil microorganisms.

To grow from seeds, you need to buy a high-quality substrate from a specialized store.

When to plant seeds for seedlings

For early and long flowering, seeds for seedlings when grown are sown in the second half of March:

  • scatter them over the prepared surface of the container, moisten them with finely dispersed water dust of a weak solution of potassium permanganate and cover with glass or plastic film;
  • Ventilate regularly to prevent mold from forming.

After 2–3 weeks, the first shoots will appear.

After the first shoots appear, young arctotis are replanted in groups of 2–3. in separate peat pots. Water through a tray so as not to disturb the growth of seedlings. A crucial point in growing when picking: the flower has a delicate, elongated central root and can be easily damaged during the procedure.

Important! The slightest overdrying or waterlogging can destroy arctotis seedlings.

In order not to injure the flower, it is better to germinate the seeds immediately in pressed peat tablets. They contain special additives to increase the germination of Arctotis. Peat tablet moisten and use a toothpick to place 2-3 seeds into it. After germination, the flowers are thinned out.

To increase bushiness when growing, arctotis seedlings are pinched. This happens when they grow to 10–12 cm. The light should be diffused; direct sunlight is detrimental to seedlings.

In warm southern climates, you can plant and grow flower seeds in a seedless way at the end of April - beginning of May.

Watering and temperature conditions

When growing young seedlings, they need regular moderate watering and fine spraying. It is better to moisten plants in the early morning hours. Water must be settled before watering. If the water is hard, mineral salts will precipitate, and the water will warm up to room temperature.

Important! At night, arctotis leaves should be dry.

Comfortable growing temperature for young seedlings is 22-24 °C and should not fall below 14 °C at night.


Growing arctotis from seeds in early spring will delight you with luxurious flowering all summer long until frost. The exquisite beauty of this plant is used in group and single groups, on alpine roller coaster and along paths, in meadows and flower beds. Unfortunately, the arctotis flower is not popular for growing in garden plots, but the undeservedly forgotten culture will regain its former popularity among gardeners.

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As a decorative flower culture arctotis has been grown for about two centuries, but in Russia this plant is not known to everyone. These flowers are very graceful and have rich colors. They are considered distant relatives of the gerbera. But her flowers are always open, while arctotis’s always close at night and on cloudy days.

Where does the flower come from?

In nature, Arctotis is a herbaceous plant.

Arctotis is native to South Africa, where it grows on rocky slopes. Sometimes found in the southern regions of Zimbabwe and Angola on poor soils. Some species grow under similar conditions in South America. Therefore, Arctotis can be considered an unpretentious crop, but this does not mean that they do not require care.

Translated from Latin, Arctotis means “bear ear,” which is what it is sometimes called. Just not for the shape of the flower, but for the characteristic leaves. It is also called South African chamomile, and the hybrid varieties that are sold in flower shops are called gabris. This is a plant of the Asteraceae family.

In the wild, arctotis grows in the form of shrubs and even grass, but in gardens, when cultivated, it can grow as single large flowers.

Features of growing Arctotis

You should plant several seeds in one nest, leaving a distance of 20–40 centimeters between them.

It is believed that this flower can be annual, biennial or perennial. It is an annual plant in central and northern Russia, as it does not tolerate cold well. But in southern regions the flower survives the winter well.

Gabris bloom from July until frost, until mid-November. The flowers resemble an aster or large chamomile, but they look brighter and larger. On summer cottage used as ornamental culture with a variety of colors. Thanks to this diversity various varieties go well together in garden beds.

Main popular varieties

In nature, this plant has many different species, but not all are used in gardening; many hybrids have been created.

Stoechadifolia (Arctotis Stoechadifolia)

Arktosis will feel most comfortable if there is a sufficient amount of sand in the soil, which can ensure its effective drainage

One of the most common varieties. Stems grow up to 1 meter. The coloring is complex, in a variety of shades (white, yellow, pink). It blooms for a long time, until frost.

How cultivated plant grown since 1900.

Short stem (Arctotis breviscapa)

Before Arktosis begins to bloom, it is recommended to fertilize them with a solution of mineral fertilizers.

A low plant up to 15 cm high. Perennial. The leaves and stems are covered with white pubescence. The flowers have a bright yellow tint in the middle and white at the edges.

It has been grown in gardens for a very long time - since 1812.

Rough (Arctotis aspera)

Organic fertilizers can harm flowers

Reaches a height of half a meter. In Russia it is grown as an annual. The inflorescences are predominantly yellow and brown.

Lush (Arctotis fastuosa)

Has bright orange or yellow flowers, grows lushly and densely. It is considered the progenitor of most hybrid forms.

Stemless (Arctotis Acaulis)

There are more than 30 varieties of Arctotis

The shortest and smallest variety of plant. Usually does not exceed 15–20 cm. The rosette is very dense, red or orange. Looks great in a flowerpot.


In southern regions with a warm climate, the crop can be grown from seeds immediately planted in open ground. This can be done as early as the beginning of May, if there is no threat of frost. However, the culture tolerates temperatures down to minus 1 degree. In colder conditions, you need to use the seedling method:

  1. Seeds are purchased either in a store or collected in the garden two weeks after flowering; Just do this quickly, the seeds are very small, then they will simply get lost in the garden.
  2. It is better to place the prepared peat soil in separate pots, 2-3 seeds in each; it is better not to place seeds in a common container; arctotis does not tolerate diving.
  3. Planting should be done at the end of March; Shoots will appear in 8–10 days.
  4. You need to water carefully, preferably from below.
  5. Sprouts can be planted in open ground at the end of May or even at the beginning of June, it all depends on the climate; this culture especially loves temperatures around 20 degrees.
  6. Low-growing varieties should be placed at a distance of 20–30 cm from each other, taller ones - at a distance of 40 cm.
  7. You can also plant seeds in a common box; with this option, they are scattered on the soil and covered with glass, after a while it is removed; diving is carried out very carefully so as not to damage the root system.

You can even choose calcareous soil, but not clayey or damp. Drainage is best.


Plant care will vary depending on the flowering period.

During growth and flowering

There is no need to water the flowers abundantly, they don’t like it. You can generally rely on rains, and watering during periods of drought. The plant may die from waterlogging of the soil.

Flowering occurs after 1–2 months. Before this, the plants can be fed mineral fertilizers once after planting, but in small quantities.

This crop cannot be fed with organic fertilizers!

Tall flower specimens need vertical support

After flowering, faded inflorescences must be removed.

Bear's ear leaves usually form a beautiful grass cover, which will be even more attractive if the top is trimmed.

After flowering - preparation for winter

1.5–2 weeks after flowering, the inflorescences begin to dry out. As soon as a peculiar white coating, collect seeds. There can be a lot of them in one bud, up to 500 pieces, so select a little from everywhere.

Only in the southern regions of Russia can a “bear’s ear” be left for the winter, covered with spruce branches or just leaves and pre-cut short.

Excellent combinations of arctotis are obtained with godetia, fuchsia and marigolds

IN middle lane In Russia, arctotis does not tolerate winter.

If you really fall in love with this flower, transplant it into a pot and take it home. Only the transplant must be done carefully. Root system plants are very weak.

Growing difficulties and diseases

The plant does not require special care, but frequent and abundant watering can be detrimental to it. Then the flower may be infected with fungal root rot. It is very difficult to get rid of it; often even pruning the roots does not help. It is better to burn the infected plant so that the fungus does not spread to other flowers.

Excess moisture in the soil can also cause spotting. It must be fought with Bordeaux mixture according to instructions.

In hot weather, aphids may invade the garden bed. An infusion of tobacco or garlic leaves will help here.

The variety of colors of the bear's ear is now attracting more and more gardeners. This plant is excellently used in landscape design. For example, on borders or recreational lawns.