How to use femoral saxifrage to treat cough and other diseases. Saxifraga (Pimpinella saxifraga L.)

Saxifraga berenets ( scientific name femoral saxifrage) from the umbelliferous plant family. This plant contains a large number of essential oils, widely used in folk medicine. It can cure many types of diseases.

Medicinal properties

This perennial owes its medicinal properties to a special chemical composition, which, in turn, provides an opportunity to strengthen a person’s immunity, relieving him of feeling unwell. But it is so widespread in the world that it is often used in cooking as a spice. Such rich and versatile properties of femoral saxifrage are attractive. It is collected, prepared and used in medical purposes as an antipyretic, expectorant, etc.

So let's consider biological description this plant.

Bedranets-saxifrage: description

Bedrenets is a herbaceous essential oil perennial, which has a branched root. Its diameter is 2 cm and its length is approximately 20-25 cm. This plant has a thin and ribbed stem. Moreover, its height is 55-60 cm. The position of the leaves of these umbrella plants occurs at the roots and also on the stem. Leaves located on top, without blades. And those in the middle of the stem are divided. They have a peculiar egg-shaped shape, and the edges look like teeth. Its flowers are quite small in size, light in color, and form an umbrella shape. The fruit is a two-seed, which has a brown color. When it ripens, it disintegrates into semi-fruits. The plant blooms from June to August. After this period, the fruits ripen.

This type of plant is widespread in Crimea, Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Urals, and some parts of Europe. Saxifraga sprouts directly next to the road, as well as in forests and clearings. He is not picky about soil.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of femoris is presented in the form of many useful properties. Here it should be noted the presence of tanning components, pimpillenin, bergapten, saponin, flavonoids, resins, pectins, aromatic components, sugar, phenols. This composition provides the extraordinary properties of the plant, which has a positive effect when used for medicinal purposes.

The root of Saxifraga is mainly used, and sometimes leaves, stems, flowers, and fruit. The most common use of this plant is decoctions and infusions from the aboveground part of the plant. It is worth especially noting the use of the raw materials in question in folk medicine and methods of its preparation.

When taking infusions of femoral saxifrage, it is important to pay attention to the conditions of such therapy. Indeed, in case of overdose, negative results and undesirable consequences are possible. Its use is strictly contraindicated for people with individual intolerance. Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers are required to obtain a recommendation from a doctor before proceeding with folk method treatment.

Indications for use

As for decoctions and infusions from these umbrella plants, they have healing properties. A similar plant is used as an expectorant, antipyretic, astringent, antiseptic, diaphoretic, analgesic, and sedative.

Saxifraga is used to treat diseases such as acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, whooping cough, fever, enterocolitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, kidney stones, constipation, rheumatism, gout, dropsy, tonsillitis, scarlet fever. Decoctions of such a plant help dilate blood vessels.


In addition, berenets has an antitumor effect. Medicines made from it are used in oncology. The flowers of the plant are a good raw material for the treatment of vitiligo. The inflorescences are used to treat sore throat due to sore throat.

Decoctions and infusions from the herb berenets-saxifrage are used in folk medicine for treatment urolithiasis, kidney and bladder diseases. They are an anti-inflammatory and expectorant. Saxifraga juice is considered beneficial, as it calms well in case of a nervous disorder.

What parts of the plant are used?

We emphasize that the roots and rhizomes of the femoral saxifrage are used to prepare medicines. Preparations are made in the fall or in early spring. This plant has some categories of chemical composition that are not soluble in water, for example, saponin, tanning components. Young leaves are used for decoction, and are also used in cooking in the form of sauces and spices. Infusions of femoral saxifrage root are used to treat diseases of the respiratory tract, digestive system, kidneys, as well as gastritis, etc.

Taking medications from femoral saxifrage is possible only if the instructions for use are followed. The patient should not exceed the dosage. Is it dangerous. Overdose contributes to the occurrence of photo- and contact dermatitis.

Juice from the root of the femoral saxifrage protects the human facial skin from age spots. Used to treat edema and dropsy alcohol tincture. To prepare it, use the root of the plant, alcohol and water.


The use of femoral saxifrage in gynecology is also popular. For a decoction for douching against chlamydia, use 1 tbsp. l. femoral herbs, pour boiling water (400 g) and leave to steep for 45 minutes. Then you need to strain the broth, cool and douche.

Currently, there are a lot of recipes related to the treatment of diseases based on the femur. We've looked at some of them. However, before using them, you should definitely consult with a specialist. Only a doctor will be able to determine how complex the inflammatory process is and whether the use of infusions and decoctions is necessary, depending on the degree of the disease.

In addition, the flowers are used to flavor drinks. Young leaves are used in cooking for making salads and soups, as well as in the form of seasonings for making sausage. Bedrenets replaces cumin and anise. It is suitable for egg dishes, cheese, fish, potato dishes. The smell of femoral saxifrage becomes most exquisite if you add lemon juice.


Thus, after analyzing medicinal properties femoral saxifrage, its use in folk medicine, it is important to note that this plant has extraordinary medicinal qualities for many types of diseases. For treatment, infusions and decoctions are made using its roots, leaves, and stems. The above treatment methods are widely applicable in folk medicine for the treatment of urolithiasis, kidney disease, and bladder disease. Saxifraga is an anti-inflammatory expectorant. Its juice is useful because it calms in case of nervous experience.

Consequently, such a variety of beneficial properties of the plant provides a complete replacement for many spices. Adding it to dishes allows you to give them a subtle aroma. This perennial owes its medicinal properties to its special chemical composition and beneficial substances, which, in turn, provide the opportunity to strengthen a person’s immune system, relieving him of ailments. But before turning to folk remedies treatment of diseases, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

What kind of plant is Saxifraga? How to distinguish it from similar umbrella species? Photo of the thigh. Use of the plant in cooking and folk medicine

Hello dear reader!

Other features of the femoral saxifrage

It is a perennial plant with a vertical, sometimes oblique, spindle-shaped rhizome in the soil. However, the rhizome can also take on very intricate forms - branching, as sometimes happens in carrots.

In the first year, only a rosette of basal leaves grows. The same as in the photo.

In the first year, the femur grows only a rosette of leaves.

The stem appears only from the second year. It is ribbed, almost without leaves. It can grow to a height of 60–80 cm. The stem branches in the upper part, but not particularly strongly.

I think the plant was named hipster for one feature. At the nodes the stem noticeably changes the direction of its growth.

“Nodes” are those areas of the umbrella shoot where stem leaves grow from the buds, and in their axils other buds give rise to lateral branches. In umbrella nodes there is also no internal cavity - it is only between the nodes.

And the stem does not grow straight, but slightly “broken.” Well, it’s as if there are some “joints” in its nodes, and the internodes are the “hips” of the plant.

Saxifraga blooms a little later than caraway. In June, its inflorescences can hardly be seen. The time of our relative anise comes in July. Small (up to 5 cm) umbrellas with tiny white flowers have an almost flat surface. The largest of the umbrellas is crowned by the main stem; on the side ones they are noticeably smaller.

Umbrellas of the femoral saxifrage

The fruits are slightly flattened, almost spherical pods. When ripe, they turn dark brown. Inside each there are two ovoid semi-fruits, about 2 mm long, with barely noticeable ribs. The fruits of the femoral saxifrage begin to ripen from the end of July, and this continues until autumn.

All parts of the plant have a characteristic pleasant odor. The femur contains essential oil - it is especially abundant in the fruits and rhizomes. During the flowering period, the leaves contain a lot of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and carotene. The rhizome is also rich in saponins, tannins, coumarins, and resins.

Saxifraga grows almost all over Europe - in dry sparse forests, on forest edges and clearings, in dry meadows on river terraces above floodplains, along roadsides and field edges. The saxifrage (another, now “official” name) has spread beyond the Urals, into Siberia - it seems to be found even in the Far East.

Undemanding to soils. It even grows between rocks, which is probably why it is named that way.

Use of femoral saxifrage

By all indications, it is this plant, and not common caraway, that should bear the name « wild anise» . It is used in cooking and folk medicine, replacing common anise, grown in fields only in the black earth regions of Russia.

Young leaves can be used in salads and soups. They are also used as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes, and for preparing various sauces. The leaves can also be brewed as a tea replacement.

Flowering umbrellas are sometimes added as a spicy seasoning when pickling vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes and others. Ripe fruits are used in baking. You can also use the rhizome of femoral saxifrage as a spicy seasoning. And on its grass (leaves, flower umbrellas, fruits) sometimes they make tinctures with pleasant aroma and a beautiful golden color.

Traditional medicine uses the rhizomes of femoral saxifrage. They are harvested in the fall, after flowering has ended. It is possible in the spring, but then you are unlikely to reliably distinguish the plant from others. Dry by hanging in bunches in the shade under a canopy.

Rhizome of femoral saxifrage

Juice squeezed from crushed fresh rhizomes is used to eliminate age spots on the skin. Decoctions, infusions and alcohol tinctures are made from fresh or dried crushed rhizomes.

Combination essential oil with saponins and tannins makes berenzo preparations useful for bronchopulmonary diseases, coughs, colds, and various stomach diseases. The plant has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, expectorant, antipyretic, and diuretic effects. An infusion of the rhizome is also used to gargle for sore throats.

To obtain an infusion, pour 1 tablespoon of crushed rhizomes with half a liter of cooled boiled water and leave for 8 hours. After straining, the rhizomes are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for another 15 minutes. After straining the infusion again, it is mixed with the first portion.

Drink for colds, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, stomach diseases, half a glass 3-4 times a day before meals.

The decoction is prepared by pouring 0.5 liters of boiling water over a tablespoon of raw material, and then heating it over low heat for half an hour. After boiling, leave for 1 hour and filter. Drink a quarter glass 3-4 times a day (for the same diseases as the infusion).

When consumed internally, you can add honey to taste. When using an infusion or decoction to gargle for sore throats, mouth gargles for toothache, and periodontal disease, you do not, of course, need to add honey.

The use of femoral saxifrage is contraindicated in early childhood and in case of individual intolerance.

In general, regarding the treatment of specific diseases and the use of certain medicinal plants, please contact your doctors, and not the Internet!
All recipes on my blog are given only to get acquainted with the properties of plants.

This is a good forage plant, readily eaten by animals. In addition to traditional medicine, femoral saxifrage is also used in veterinary medicine.

Saxifraga is a rather modest-looking plant with a very beneficial properties. It is quite easy to distinguish it from similar umbrella species, first of all, by carefully examining the leaves. In the genus Bedrenets there are also plants quite similar to it - large and lime-loving. But they are rare, and their properties and uses are the same.

Bedrenets grass is a long-known medicinal plant. The properties of the thighbone were first described in 1588. Other names annual plant berenets - tartar, heart herb.

Bedrenets description

Saxifraga is a fragrant, pubescent, branched plant that grows up to 60 cm. Most of the leaves are located at the bottom of the stem. The rhizome is dark brownish, short, about one and a half centimeters thick and up to 25 cm long.

Saxifraga flowers of both sexes. They come in white, pinkish or scarlet colors, it all depends on the species. The fruit is a smooth achene with two ovoid seeds. In August and September, when fully ripe, it forms two halves with seeds. The plant is undemanding to moisture and heat, and tolerates drought and low temperatures well.

Where does berenets grow?

Annual herbaceous plant The spice berenets belongs to the Umbelliferae family. Most common saxifrage femur. Grows in Europe, some areas of Africa or Asia. Grows in areas with subtropical and tropical climates.

Collection of the berenets plant

Collection of roots begins in early spring or autumn - September, November. Collect mature plants that have big root. The collected rhizomes are cleaned of soil, washed, and cut into small bars. For drying, special dryers are used, with temperatures up to 45 degrees. Most often, they are cut into strips, strung on a thread, dried for about a week in a ventilated room, then quickly dried in a dryer.

The leaves are collected throughout the growing season, dried well, and placed in fabric or paper bags.

Bedrenets saxifrage application

People's official medicine uses products from roots and rhizomes, less often flowers, seeds.

  • indicated for respiratory diseases;
  • berenets treats bronchial asthma, tonsillitis, scarlet fever;
  • helps against inflammation of the vocal cords;
  • berenets is a plant that is taken as a diaphoretic, antipyretic;
  • used for kidney and liver diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system;
  • successfully treat gout;
  • used for dropsy;
  • berenets helps against diphtheria, whooping cough;
  • fresh juice of the root eliminates blemishes on the face;
  • used as a food plant for centuries.

Bedrenets treatment

Thigh infusion: teaspoon of berenets herb roots, glass cold water. Pour in the roots, put on the fire, let it boil, remove from the heat. Drinking like tea - bronchial asthma. If you add honey, it is suitable for gargling with sore throat, cough, and inflammation of the gums.

Concentrated infusion: saxifrage femur root - a teaspoon, a glass of boiled, cooled water, leave overnight, tightly closed. Brew the filtered roots with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, and drain. Combine the two compositions, add honey. The product helps well with diseases of the digestive system.

Decoction: you need 15g of pre-finely chopped femur root, a glass of water. The composition is heated in a water bath for 5 minutes and filtered. Drink a tablespoon three times a day. Used as an anti-inflammatory agent to treat tracheitis and bladder problems.

Thigh tincture: carefully crushed roots, vodka (2:5), keep in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks. Add 30 drops to water and take three times a day. If cooked with wine, the ratio is 1:6.

Femur root juice: The roots of the berenets plant are thoroughly crushed and the juice is squeezed out. Six times daily use gets rid of any blemishes on the face.

Althea and berenets: equally the listed plants, 0.5 liters of boiling water. The mixture is kept in a water bath for 12 minutes. Take 50 ml three times before meals. If you can’t buy it, replace it with a mucaltin tablet. First use the femoral decoction, then the tablet.

Bedrenets contraindications

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • exacerbation of intestinal and stomach diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • bladder stones;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • individual intolerance.

The flowers are white, small, five-petaled, collected in complex umbrellas. The fruits are round-ovoid. Blooms in July-August. It grows in dry meadows, clearings, pastures, along roads, on embankments, wastelands, on grassy slopes, forest edges, in light forests in the European part of Russia, in Siberia, the Caucasus, and Kazakhstan. For medicinal purposes, rhizomes with roots are used, which are collected in autumn or early spring. They are dug up, cleared of soil, washed cold water, dried in the shade or in a dryer at a temperature not exceeding 450C. Dried raw materials acquire a pungent odor and bitter taste. Store it in a tightly closed container, protecting it from dampness. The rhizomes and roots of the plant contain saponins, essential oil, tannins, resins, sugar, furocoumarins, benzoic and acetic acid, gum In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions of femoral roots are drunk for abdominal and chronic pain, and used for colds. Since ancient times, the root of the femur has been popularly called the “tooth root”: a piece of the root, placed on the patient, soothes the pain. Our ancestors washed their bodies with a decoction of berenets roots, believing that this protected against infectious diseases. In addition, femoral saxifrage is used as an expectorant, enveloping, diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Traditional medicine recipes using femoris for the treatment of various diseases

Pour 6-7 g of femoral roots with 1 glass of boiling water and strain. Rinse with this infusion. For this purpose, an infusion of plant herbs is also used: pour 2 pinches of dry crushed herb with 1 glass of boiling water, strain.

Upper respiratory tract diseases, whooping cough, chronic diseases, kidney stones and
1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed root is poured into 2 cups hot water and boil over water for about 30 minutes. Cool for 10 minutes, strain and squeeze. The decoction is taken 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.

Stones in
Brew 1 teaspoon of dry femoral roots in 1 glass of boiling water, drink it with a decoction of rose hips (50 to 50) and honey (2 teaspoons) 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

, bronchitis of infectious origin
Saxifrage herb - 3 parts; wild rosemary herb - 2 parts; common thyme herb - 2 parts; coltsfoot grass - 2 parts. 3 tbsp. spoons of the mixture, brew 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, cool and drink 50 ml 4-5 times a day after meals.

Chronic, emphysema
Saxifrage herb - 4 parts; licorice root - 4 parts; marshmallow root - 3 parts; coltsfoot leaves - 2 parts. 2 tbsp. pour spoons of mixture boiled water room temperature and boil in water for 30 minutes, cool for 45 minutes, strain and drink 100 ml 3 times a day before meals and at night.

Qatar of the upper respiratory tract
Boil 15 g of rhizomes with femoral roots for 20 minutes in 0.5 liters of water, leave for 4 hours, strain. Take half a glass of the decoction 3-4 times a day before meals.

, upper respiratory tract diseases
Infuse 1 teaspoon of dry rhizomes of the plant for 8 hours in 1 glass of cooled boiled water, strain. Brew the rest of the roots in 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Combine both infusions. Take half a glass of infusion 3-4 times a day before meals.
Pour 5 g of dry femoral roots into 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 21 days, strain. Take tincture 15-20 drops from 1 tbsp. spoon of water 3-4 times a day before meals.

Add 15-20 drops of femoral tincture to 1 glass of linden blossom or raspberry fruit (see above).

on the skin
They are removed on the skin by lubricating them with the juice of the roots of the femoral saxifrage.

Recipes provided by herbalist, candidate of biological sciences Viktor Kosterov.

Saxifraga is a perennial plant of the Apiaceae family.

Also called:
  • whiteflower;
  • Yadrinets;
  • goat;
  • pimples;
  • Voronets;
  • quarryman


The plant is unpretentious, grows on forest edges and clearings, near roads, in meadows. Bedrenets is distributed in the temperate regions of Europe and . It has strong resistance to frost and drought, loves sunny places.

The stem of the femur is erect, slightly pubescent, reaches 50 cm in height. The size of the serrated pinnate leaves of the plant depends on their position on the shoot: the higher the leaf sits, the shorter its length. Snow-white small flowers form an inflorescence umbrella. The most valuable medicinal part of the femur is its branched rhizome, which can go to a depth of 25-30 cm.

In the 16th century, many Norwegian and Swedish reference manuscripts referred to the saxifrage as effective remedy against medieval epidemics. It was nicknamed “Saxifrage” because the plant is unpretentious and very hardy, because it sprouted after harsh winters and bloomed during periods of drought. Bedrenets is able to survive in any temperate climate.

Serious research into its medicinal properties began in the 20th century, and on their basis the plant was recognized as medicinal.


The root is rich in coumarins and furocoumarins (pimpinellin, bergapten), tannins, some acids and flavones. Sugar, ascorbic acid and carotene are present. The bitter taste and pungent aroma of the rhizome is due to the presence of golden-colored essential oil, which contains saxazulene.

Medicinal properties

Anti-inflammatory effects femora saxifrage helps fight many diseases of the respiratory system. The rhizome has antipyretic, expectorant, diaphoretic, and diuretic effects. Using lotions from the infusion of the root eliminates spots on the face. Thanks to the presence of furocoumarins, femoral oil relieves muscle spasms and strengthens blood vessels.

Therapeutic infusions of femur are recommended as an excellent antiseptic; they are used to disinfect deep wounds and accelerate the healing of ulcers and burns. For arthritis, it is rubbed into the skin as a painkiller. The plant is considered effective in the fight against chlamydia.

Medicinal use

The plant is used for coughs - it speeds up the expectoration process. The juice of the rhizome is used for nervous disorders and stress. Infusions are used to normalize the functional activity of the stomach: they eliminate constipation, increase appetite and improve the digestion process.

Gargling with a decoction of femoris , and lotions made from fresh rhizome juice eliminate pigment spots on the face. Fresh leaves treat flatulence, improve intestinal function, and also eliminate pain from ulcers and gastritis.


Decoction for bronchitis and kidney stones :

Add 1 tablespoon of dry, crushed rhizome to two glasses of water. Heat the mixture over low heat for a quarter of an hour, leave to brew (about 4 hours) and strain. The infusion is consumed 100 ml three times a day.

Decoction for rinsing :

Pour 20 g of dried root into water (0.5 l). The mixture must be boiled for twenty minutes. The broth is infused for 1 hour, then filtered. The decoction is consumed 100 ml 4-5 times a day. It can also be used for gastritis and gout.

Alcohol tincture for the immune system :

The tincture is prepared from femoral root. 100 g of dried rhizome is poured into 0.5 liters of vodka, the mixture should be kept in a glass container in a dark place for about 10 days. Sometimes it needs to be shaken. After each meal, take 30 drops of tincture.

Treatment of chlamydia


prepared in the same way as in the previous recipe, only 0.9 liters of vodka are used. For 3 weeks, 30 minutes before meals three times a day, 1 tbsp.