Saxifraga berenets. Beneficial properties of saxifrage: use in folk medicine and contraindications

Saxifraga berenets (scientific name Saxifraga berenets) is from the umbelliferous plant family. This plant contains a large number of essential oils, widely used in folk medicine. It can cure many types of diseases.

Medicinal properties

This perennial owes its medicinal properties to a special chemical composition, which, in turn, provides an opportunity to strengthen a person’s immunity, relieving him of feeling unwell. But it is so widespread in the world that it is often used in cooking as a spice. Such rich and versatile properties of femoral saxifrage are attractive. It is collected, prepared and used in medical purposes as an antipyretic, expectorant, etc.

So let's consider biological description this plant.

Bedranets-saxifrage: description

Bedrenets is a herbaceous essential oil perennial, which has a branched root. Its diameter is 2 cm and its length is approximately 20-25 cm. This plant has a thin and ribbed stem. Moreover, its height is 55-60 cm. The position of the leaves of these umbrella plants occurs at the roots and also on the stem. Leaves located on top, without blades. And those in the middle of the stem are divided. They have a peculiar egg-shaped shape, and the edges look like teeth. Its flowers are quite small in size, light in color, and form an umbrella shape. The fruit is a two-seed, which has a brown color. When it ripens, it disintegrates into semi-fruits. The plant blooms from June to August. After this period, the fruits ripen.

This type of plant is widespread in Crimea, Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Urals, and some parts of Europe. Saxifraga sprouts directly next to the road, as well as in forests and clearings. He is not picky about soil.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of femoris is presented in the form of many useful properties. Here it should be noted the presence of tanning components, pimpillenin, bergapten, saponin, flavonoids, resins, pectins, aromatic components, sugar, phenols. This composition provides the extraordinary properties of the plant, which has a positive effect when used for medicinal purposes.

The root of Saxifraga is mainly used, and sometimes leaves, stems, flowers, and fruit. The most common use of this plant is decoctions and infusions from the aboveground part of the plant. It is worth especially noting the use of the raw materials in question in folk medicine and methods of its preparation.

When taking infusions of femoral saxifrage, it is important to pay attention to the conditions of such therapy. Indeed, in case of overdose, negative results and undesirable consequences are possible. Its use is strictly contraindicated for people with individual intolerance. Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers must obtain a recommendation from a doctor before proceeding with folk method treatment.

Indications for use

As for decoctions and infusions from these umbrella plants, they have healing properties. A similar plant is used as an expectorant, antipyretic, astringent, antiseptic, diaphoretic, analgesic, and sedative.

Saxifraga is used to treat diseases such as acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, whooping cough, fever, enterocolitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, kidney stones, constipation, rheumatism, gout, dropsy, tonsillitis, scarlet fever. Decoctions of such a plant help dilate blood vessels.


In addition, berenets has an antitumor effect. Medicines made from it are used in oncology. The flowers of the plant are a good raw material for the treatment of vitiligo. The inflorescences are used to treat sore throat due to sore throat.

Decoctions and infusions from the herb berenets-saxifrage are used in folk medicine for treatment urolithiasis, kidney and bladder diseases. They are an anti-inflammatory and expectorant. Saxifraga juice is considered beneficial, as it calms well in case of a nervous disorder.

What parts of the plant are used?

We emphasize that the roots and rhizomes of femoral saxifrage are used to prepare medicines. Preparations are made in the fall or in early spring. This plant has some categories of chemical composition that are not soluble in water, for example, saponin, tanning components. Young leaves are used for decoction, and are also used in cooking in the form of sauces and spices. Infusions of femoral saxifrage root are used to treat diseases of the respiratory tract, digestive system, kidneys, as well as gastritis, etc.

Taking medications from femoral saxifrage is possible only if the instructions for use are followed. The patient should not exceed the dosage. Is it dangerous. Overdose contributes to the occurrence of photo- and contact dermatitis.

Juice from the root of the femoral saxifrage protects the human facial skin from age spots. Used to treat edema and dropsy alcohol tincture. To prepare it, use the root of the plant, alcohol and water.


The use of femoral saxifrage in gynecology is also popular. For a decoction for douching against chlamydia, use 1 tbsp. l. femoral herbs, pour boiling water (400 g) and leave to steep for 45 minutes. Then you need to strain the broth, cool and douche.

Currently, there are a lot of recipes related to the treatment of diseases based on the femur. We've looked at some of them. However, before using them, you should definitely consult with a specialist. Only a doctor will be able to determine how complex the inflammatory process is and whether the use of infusions and decoctions is necessary, depending on the degree of the disease.

In addition, the flowers are used to flavor drinks. Young leaves are used in cooking for making salads and soups, as well as in the form of seasonings for making sausage. Bedrenets replaces cumin and anise. It is suitable for egg dishes, cheese, fish, potato dishes. The smell of femoral saxifrage becomes most exquisite if you add lemon juice.


Thus, after analyzing medicinal properties femoral saxifrage, its use in folk medicine, it is important to note that this plant has extraordinary medicinal qualities for many types of diseases. For treatment, infusions and decoctions are made using its roots, leaves, and stems. The above treatment methods are widely applicable in folk medicine for the treatment of urolithiasis, kidney disease, and bladder disease. Saxifraga is an anti-inflammatory expectorant. Its juice is beneficial because it calms in case of nervous feelings.

Consequently, such a variety of beneficial properties of the plant provides a complete replacement for many spices. Adding it to dishes allows you to give them a subtle aroma. This perennial owes its medicinal properties to its special chemical composition and beneficial substances, which, in turn, provide the opportunity to strengthen a person’s immune system, relieving him of ailments. But, before turning to folk remedies for treating diseases, you need to consult a specialist.

Saxifraga is a perennial plant that belongs to the Umbrella family. The height of the plant reaches 50 cm. The stems are straight, covered with fluff. The leaves at the bottom of the stem are long-petiolate, pinnate, individual leaves are pollen, the size of the leaves depends on the location on the stem - the lower to the ground, the larger.

Bedrenets blooms from the beginning of summer and ends flowering at the end of September. The flowers are small, white, gather in an umbrella. The rhizome is multi-headed and highly branched. Femoral saxifrage grows under any conditions. Most often it can be seen in clearings, meadows or pastures. Loves light.

Preparation and storage of femoral saxifrage

For treatment in folk medicine, roots and rhizomes are used. They are collected in late autumn or early spring. The roots are dug up, washed and dried. Should be stored in a dry place in cardboard boxes. The roots are crushed immediately before preparing tinctures, as the beneficial properties and aroma quickly disappear. Leaves begin to be collected as soon as rosettes begin to appear, but before flowering occurs. The seeds are collected when they have already acquired a brownish color.

Leaves should be dried in a warm and well-ventilated area. Lay them out in thin layers and sometimes turn them over. After drying, they should be green and crumble easily in your hand. Another way to prepare femoral saxifrage leaves is salting. When collecting seeds, the umbrellas are first collected, dried and threshed. The seeds are placed in jars and stored in a dark place.

Composition and medicinal properties of femoral saxifrage

  1. Decoctions and tinctures of femoral roots are used in folk medicine for diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder.
  2. Femoral decoction is very effective remedy for cough, sore throat, hoarseness, gout and bronchitis.
  3. The juice has a sedative effect in cases of nervous disorders. It is used for ascites, whooping cough, asthma and inflammation of organs.
  4. Due to the content of coumarin and volatile oils, which are highly soluble in ethanol, they have an antispasmodic effect. This is why alcohol tincture is much more effective than decoctions and infusions.
  5. Furocoumarin derivatives are able to relieve spasm of smooth muscles, bile ducts and blood vessels.
  6. Eating femoral roots stimulates the function of the gastric glands. The plant has a good effect on the body as an antitussive and expectorant. In clinical trial conditions, it was found that the use of drugs that contain femoral saxifrage products is effective in improving health in salt diathesis, liver diseases, gastritis and kidney stones.
  7. As an external remedy it is used for sore throat and stomatitis.
  8. The use of femur in folk medicine

    Decoction of femoral roots for gargling and mouthwash

    To prepare a decoction of femoral roots, you need to take 10-15 grams of crushed roots and add 500 grams of water. Put on fire and boil for 15-20 minutes. Leave for an hour and strain. Take a decoction of 100 ml every day, 5 times a day. An effective remedy for gastritis, gout, and kidney stones. The decoction is also used for rinsing with sore throat or ulcers on the gums.

    Juice from fresh roots for skin spots

    Juice from the roots of the femoral saxifrage will help with age spots. To do this, the root is finely crushed, the juice is squeezed out, a napkin is blotted with this juice and the face is wiped 5-6 times a day.

    Alcohol tincture of femur for dropsy and swelling

    Treatment of dropsy with vodka tincture of hips is effective. To do this, take 2 parts of crushed root, 5 parts of vodka and 2 parts of water. This tincture is used 4-5 times every day, 30 drops.

    Anti-inflammatory infusion of thigh. Recipe 1

    For the treatment of tracheitis, bronchitis, urolithiasis and inflammation of the bladder, an infusion of femoris is prepared. To do this, add a spoonful of crushed dry femoral roots to water (2 cups). Keep in a water bath for no more than 15 minutes, leave for 4 hours and filter. Take 100 ml 2-3 times a day.

    Anti-inflammatory infusion of thigh. Recipe 2

    An alcoholic infusion of berenets is prepared from 100 grams of crushed dry roots and poured with 500 ml of vodka, infused for 1-2 weeks and taken 15-25 drops 2-3 times a day. Effective use for inflammation.


    Take preparations from femoral saxifrage only following the exact instructions, do not increase the indicated dosage. An overdose of the drug may cause photodermatitis or contact dermatitis.

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Polyscias is an excellent alternative to classic variegated shrubs and woody ones. The elegant round or feathery leaves of this plant create a strikingly festive curly crown, and its elegant silhouettes and rather modest character make it an excellent candidate for the role of large plant in the house. Larger leaves do not prevent it from successfully replacing Benjamin and Co. ficus. Moreover, polyscias offers much more variety.

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Saxifrage is a perennial plant that prefers rocky mountainous terrain to live. Five-petalled flowers, white, pink and yellow color, usually collected in umbellate inflorescences. Widely known for its healing properties, the plant is often used in landscape design.

Chemical composition of saxifrage

Composition of saxifrage includes many trace elements, pigments, vitamins, as well as organic substances: saponin, coumarin, alkaloids, flavonoids, fatty and organic acids, glycosidic and triterpene compounds, ether components. Cell sap is rich in mineral salts.

Medicinal properties of saxifrage

The medicinal properties of saxifrage are due to its diverse chemical and organic composition.The plant has analgesic, sedative, anti-infective, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and anti-fever properties.

It is believed that the medicinal herb in small doses increases lactation in women, frostbite is treated with lotions, and saxifrage decoction relieves fever.

Important! If you plan to grow saxifrage from seeds, keep them in the cold for two months. This process is called stratification.

Collection and storage of medicinal raw materials from saxifrage (leaves, roots, seeds)

All parts of the plant are used as medicinal raw materials: leaves, stems, seeds and roots. The leaves and stems are harvested in May. Collected material dried in the shade, then crushed.

Juicy leaves can be frozen for the winter. Ripe dry brownish seeds are collected at the end of summer. The roots of the plant are dug up in early spring or late autumn, washed, crushed and dried in a ventilated area.

Dry medicinal saxifrage preparations are stored in glass containers in dark places. When collecting raw materials, it is important not to confuse saxifrage with poisonous plants, which are similar in appearance. From one saxifrage bush, raw materials are collected, not exceeding 80% of its total mass, which will allow the plant to recover.

Did you know? By feeding a cow with saxifrage, you can significantly increase milk yield.

The use of saxifrage in folk medicine for various diseases

Since ancient times, people have used saxifrage preparations for their treatment. The most popular are infusions of roots, seeds and leaves, root decoctions, as well as juice squeezed from saxifrage. Let's consider the diseases that a useful plant helps to cure.


Recommended for the treatment of hypertension Infuse two handfuls of powder from dry leaves in 500 grams of vodka for two weeks. Take 30 ml as needed. Chewing fresh leaves twice a day for two weeks is also effective.

Ulcers and boils

Will help get rid of an abscess or boil applied bandage soaked in plant juice, or leaves crushed until the juice appears. The folk recipe Using saxifrage gives quick results.

Cough, tonsillitis and asthma

Diseases such as cough, tonsillitis and asthma are treated drinking saxifrage tea with honey. To make tea 1 tsp. Bring the roots with a glass of water to a boil and cool. You need to take the healing drink three times a day.

Important! Saxifraga can be grown at home in flower pot, in this case, annual replanting into a fresh earthen substrate is required.

Stones and sand in the kidneys

You can cleanse your kidneys of stones and sand using saxifrage infusion.It is prepared from a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. roots and a glass of water, which is boiled for a quarter of an hour. The infusion should stand for at least 3 hours before use. It is recommended to take a third of a glass of this infusion 3-4 times a day.


Saxifraga relieves the pain of otitis media; for this, a lotion of fresh plant juice is applied to the ear or a piece of cotton wool is soaked in the juice and inserted into the ear canal.

Pain reliever

Traditional healers advise taking saxifrage infusion 4 times a day after meals as a painkiller. Infusion of 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water and heated for a quarter of an hour in a water bath.

Stomach ulcer

Saxifraga will help with stomach ulcers if you also follow an appropriate diet. To do this, pour 30 grams of leaves into a glass hot water and insist for an hour. This healing drink is taken half an hour before meals in the morning and half a glass in the evening. Regular consumption of freshly squeezed saxifrage juice will speed up recovery.

Did you know? Seasoning from saxifrage roots can diversify the taste of meat dishes.

Contraindications for use

Exploring a variety of healing properties plants, the benefits of saxifrage for human body. With the right approach, many ailments can be cured. Taking medications from this plant should be done after consultation with a doctor, taking them Children under two years of age and pregnant women are prohibited.

Botanical characteristics

Saxifrage, translated as Pimpinella saxifrage, the second name is tooth root. This is a perennial plant. Its rhizome is multi-headed, up to two centimeters thick, quite branched, brown in color, with yellowish-white dots inside.
The stems of the dental root are straight, hollow inside, reaching a height of seventy-five centimeters. They are covered with very short fluff. The leaves are odd-pinnate, with the lower ones being round-ovate, tight, toothed, and the apical leaf being three-lobed.
The flowers are quite small, they are white, collected in a regular umbrella. The plant blooms from the beginning of the first summer month to October.


Bedrenets - saxifrage is widespread; this plant can be found along roads, in meadows, between thickets of bushes, as well as on forest edges.

Part used

The part used is root system, which is usually collected from March to April, or in the fall, from September to October.

Collection and preparation

Dig out the roots after the plant has flowered and carefully wash them under running water, and then deleted excess moisture and placed in a ventilated place on pallets or plain paper.

You can place them under a shed or in a ventilated attic. If you want to prepare raw materials quickly, then use special dryers, where the raw materials will reach the desired condition much faster.

It should be noted that after complete drying, the raw material will have a rather pungent odor, even slightly irritating to the olfactory organ, and it will taste pungent and bitter.

The plant is grown in fairly fertile soil, and it must be well drained. As for illumination, the femoral saxifrage feels good both in sunny areas and in semi-shaded areas.
It is usually propagated by sowing seeds, which can be planted both in spring and autumn, and also using the division method.


This plant has been known in folk medicine since ancient times. And the first mention of it dates back to 1588, when its medicinal properties were described.
People very often call it “tooth root”, this is due to the fact that a small piece of the root of this plant helps relieve pain; if it is placed on the causative organ, the unpleasant sensation will disappear.

The root of this plant contains essential oil and a substance such as pimpinellin, which is insoluble in water. Berenets is used in folk medicine as an expectorant and diuretic.

Dosage forms prepared from it are used for pain in the abdominal area, to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, and also as a sedative that calms the nervous system.
People often used it for whooping cough, as an expectorant and a sedative at the same time; for dropsy, it was used as a diuretic, and for constipation and impaired digestion of food, as a normalizing activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is very effective to use the plant for hoarseness of the voice; for this, fifteen drops of tincture are used, which are added to the prepared decoction of linden blossom.

The tooth root is used as an external remedy; preparations prepared from it are used to gargle an inflamed throat. It should be noted that the juice from the root of this plant removes age spots on the face, so its use for cosmetic purposes is important.


Decoction. To prepare it, you will need 30 grams of crushed roots, which should be poured with a liter of water, after which the drug should be boiled for thirty minutes in enamel dishes With closed lid, then leave for one hour. It is recommended to drink one hundred grams, five times a day.

Infusion. To prepare it, you will need two tablespoons of crushed leaves, pour them with a liter of water, and then leave for thirty minutes. It is recommended to drink one hundred milliliters four times a day.

Another dosage form is the preparation of tincture. To make it, you will need one hundred grams of dried crushed root, which is recommended to be filled with a liter of alcohol.

Then you need to infuse the drug for at least twenty days, preferably in a dark place and in a warm place, optimally at room temperature. You need to take the tincture twenty drops three times a day, regardless of meals.
- You can prepare a tincture with wine, for this you will need six parts of a weak alcoholic drink, and one part of dry raw materials. The ingredients are mixed and cooked for at least two weeks. After which the drug is filtered and can be used.
Side effects from use
When using folk remedies Based on this plant, contact dermatitis may occur.


The plant is not very popular among gardeners as a decorative culture. But it is used with therapeutic purpose. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.
There is no need to assume independence in matters of treatment; it is always better to seek advice from a qualified doctor who will help solve the problem.