Sosnowsky's hogweed (Hercules flower) - Heracleum Sjsnowkyj manden. Umbrella family - Apiceae (Umbelliferae). Hogweed plant: beneficial properties and harm

The beneficial properties of hogweed include: the advantages of fodder use - crop yields up to 100 t/ha and above, rich biochemical composition - proteins, vitamins, ash elements and especially sugars, ensuring high-quality silage both in pure form and with components. The Russian name for the plants, “hogweed,” comes from their use as food. In a number of regions of our country, in early spring, the young growing leaves of this plant were used to add to soups (borscht). They were also pickled, salted, pre-soaked or boiled to remove essential oil and coumarin compounds. It is not worth cooking borscht from Sosnovsky's hogweed. Its relative, Siberian hogweed, is more suitable for this, which has long been added to soups and salads as a spice. In a number of localities in Russia, its name was transformed into “borscht”, or “bear’s paw” - due to the shape of the leaves and their large size. There is enough data in published works of the late 19th and 20th centuries that these plants are eaten by deer, elk, bears, aurochs, bison, sheep, goats, and cows. It is noted that for rabbits, as well as cattle, hogweed is a fattening food. This food quickly restores the strength of animals weakened during the winter.

At the end of the 40s of the twentieth century, domestic scientists were tasked with solving the problem of feed production in the country, especially in the northern regions, where the traditional bean-oat feed mixture did not provide animals with sufficient feed. Many botanical institutions took part in this large-scale and multi-year program. For the initial introduction of hogweed into the culture, attention was paid to the use of Sosnovsky hogweed for silage in the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1947, for the first time, in the Polar Alpine Botanical Garden, this species was introduced into primary culture. Many farms grew it over large areas due to the possibility of long-term use of plantations, the low cost of its cultivation, and the richness of the biomass in protein, vitamins, microelements, and sugars. In the stage of mowing ripeness, Sosnovsky's hogweed contains dry matter 13-15%, protein 14-31%, fat 6-7%, fiber 17-24%, nitrogen-free extractives 45-50%, ash 7-12%including 1.1 ─ 1.4% calcium and 0.3 ─ 0.6% phosphorus, 20 ─ 30% sugars (in petioles and stem up to 35─ 37%), 30 ─90 mg% carotene, 9001300 mg% ascorbic acid, the leaves contain a lot of rutin, which has P-vitamin activity, and folic acid(vitamin B 9), which has an antianemic effect.

A significant part of the hogweed crops was in the central and northwestern regions of the Russian Federation, the Komi Republic, the Baltic states, Belarus and Ukraine. Varieties of Sosnovsky's hogweed were created: Northerner And Success. Its meaning as fodder crop he hasn't lost even today. For example, hogweed silage is successfully used in raising cattle in the Ukhta region of the Republic. In addition, Sosnovsky's hogweed is a honey-bearing plant, the honey productivity of which reaches 300 kg/ha.


Beekeeping magazine (archive for 2001). Author - L. Borodina.

I quote: “The nectar productivity of hogweed varies and depends not only on the species, but also on the area and growing conditions. So, in the Zhitomir region it reaches 300 kg per 1 ha for the Sosnovsky hogweed, in the Leningrad region - 293, in the Kiev region - 280, in the Penza region - more than 100 kg per 1 ha (A.N. Babarykina). Honey from hogweed is matte gray or matte yellow in color, fragrant, but with a special flavor. According to A.N. Babarykina, the pollen productivity of one plant different types Hogweed ranges from 3.2 mg (small hogweed) to 112 mg (Central hogweed). Thus, hogweeds are plants of complex use.”

from 02/08/2008. Author - A. Lazarev, senior researcher at the All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Pushkin

I quote: “Cow parsnip is an excellent honey plant: it is estimated that up to 500-600 bees are actively working on each hectare during its flowering. It is also characterized by high feeding properties. Its plants contain a lot of carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, microelements, and in terms of cobalt content, its green mass is close to legumes. In addition, hogweed contains a lot of zinc, copper, manganese, iron and enough calcium. It is an excellent component for the preparation of combined silos with a number of crops: the consumption of such silo mixtures by animals is high. Fast growth in the spring and the formation of a large plant mass, as well as prolonged active activity of the leaves (the yield of green mass ranges from 400 to 800 c/ha) make this crop highly promising in forage production. Based on all these characteristics, Sosnovsky’s hogweed as a forage plant can be beneficial for any farm containing cattle.”

I quote: “Hogweeds are good honey plants, they can also be sources of yellow paint.”

Humanity knows many types of flora that can bring both benefit and harm. One of them is hogweed, a plant that has been on everyone’s lips lately. This popularity is due to its suddenly intensified negative impact on human health.

What is hogweed? Botanical characteristics

Hogweed - perennial. Reaches an average of 1.5 meters in height, and some species are even six meters tall. The stem of hogweed is hollow, ribbed, covered with scales and fairly hard fibers. The branches of this grass are located closer to the top. The leaves are large, sometimes reaching half a meter in length. Their upper surface is mostly smooth, and only the central vein is covered with hairs. Root system powerful. The flowering period is early and mid-summer, and the plant bears fruit in August. It is widespread in Europe and Asia. In Russia, it is most often found in Altai, the Caucasus, the Urals, Siberia and Udmurtia. It has about seventy species. Capable of actively reproducing through self-seeding.

What does blooming hogweed look like? In this state it is a magnificent sight! White, greenish-yellow or deep pink tiny flowers are collected in complex compositions - the center consists of many (sometimes up to a hundred) small umbrellas. On a summer morning, large, bright green leaves collect dew in such quantities that you can wash your face with it. This picture looks simply amazing, you just want to come closer and touch it with your hands. But all this alluring beauty, unfortunately, is full of danger...

Hogweed. Species that can cause harm

Of the 70 species of hogweed, only a few can be found in Russia. Some of them are dangerous, and some are harmless. Dangerous ones include:

  • Hogweed Sosnovsky- one of the most tenacious, tall (up to three meters) and powerful species. It is distinguished by a large amount of green mass. It can be biennial or perennial. Blooms and bears fruit once in a lifetime. Its flowers are large - white or pink. This is a poisonous hogweed.
  • Wild hogweed- reaches two meters in height, is a biennial plant. Blooms white. It is found in the south of Russia - in the foothills. The plant is quite poisonous.
  • Hogweed Mantegazzi - perennial grass, reaching 6 meters in height. Capable of capturing territories at a phenomenal pace. This herb is most widespread in the Caucasus. If anyone is wondering what the hogweed, which poses the greatest danger, looks like, here is its description. It blooms white, and the fresh fruits of this plant are green. Hogweed Mantegazzi - the most poisonous plant of this type.

Harmless varieties

Among the harmless varieties found on the territory of the Russian Federation, first of all, the following can be distinguished:

  • Siberian hogweed- is not particularly tall and is found in different regions RF. Its flowers are green-yellow, and the fruits are very small, shaped like an egg.
  • Hogweed dissected- found in the forest-steppe zone of Siberia - on river banks, on hills and in thinned out forest areas. Blooms with large white flowers.
  • Hairy hogweed- has a height of up to 1.5 m. Blooms white. Found in the Caucasus, Crimea, and Asia Minor.

Secrets of the name

The official name of this plant is Heracleum. This is how the Roman scientist Pliny named it in his time in honor of the famous ancient hero. And in fact, hogweed resembles Hercules - it is just as powerful, fast-growing (gains up to 10-12 cm per day), tall and extremely tenacious. The plant can withstand even ten-degree frosts, is completely unpretentious, and answering the question of how to grow hogweed is extremely difficult. Even chemicals he is often not hired because he knows how to quickly adapt to them.

But this is the Latin version of the plant's name. In Russia, the hogweed grass received this name because of its nutritional qualities. By the way, it was once called “borscht”. The roots of some species of this plant taste like cabbage. When there was a shortage of the latter in many Russian regions, they were fermented, pickled, salted and made into borscht.

An amazing feature of hogweed

As noted above, hogweed is a surprisingly tenacious plant. And this applies not only to each individual specimen, but also to the species as a whole. It is characterized by the highest stability in nature. Some researchers are inclined to believe that hogweed is not inferior in antiquity to tropical rain forests.

He has one unique property, which helps to survive and stay on this planet. It lies in the magical “circle of power”. The fact is that fallen and dead greenery does not freeze during the winter under a layer of snow, but turns into excellent humus, which nourishes young shoots and makes the new plant even more powerful than the previous one. This, in turn, will produce more humus, which will affect the growth of grass next year. And then - progressively. This is such an unbreakable chain.

Interestingly, the hogweed grass does not allow strangers into its company. You won't find any trees among its thickets. Even if shoots appear from “stray” seeds, they will die very quickly under the influence of hogweed poison.

However, the last one in the forest is also not a survivor. It happens that it will be carried under the canopy of trees, and even grass will grow... But the plant will look more like a weakling than a mighty Hercules.

The history of the appearance of hogweed in Russia

How did it happen that the hogweed weed has spread so widely in Russia? There are two factors - human carelessness and the unique vitality of grass.

And it all started back in the 40s of the last century, during the time of Stalin, who, having learned that in North America This plant is actively fed to livestock, and he ordered its cultivation throughout the USSR (at that time it was found only in the Caucasus). The disengagement process was launched and subsequently supported by other leaders - Khrushchev and Brezhnev.

Everything went according to plan, the hogweed was beneficial. But then perestroika broke out, and then the Union collapsed. Devastation came to the collective farms, and the uncontrolled hogweed broke free, rapidly conquering more and more territory. From a cultivated plant, it has turned into a dangerous weed, with which today the struggle is life and death.

Why is hogweed dangerous? What harm can it cause to a person?

In fields, in vegetable gardens and cottages, on river banks, etc., you can find species of hogweed that are very dangerous for humans, especially in summer time, during the flowering period.

The pollen, smell and juice of the grass can cause allergies in humans with serious consequences. In addition, hogweed can cause burns, which in some cases are fatal.

This is due to the essential oils and coumarin contained in this plant. When these substances come into contact with human skin, they reduce its ability to protect itself from solar radiation to almost zero. Their effect does not appear immediately, which aggravates the situation. A person, not knowing that he has been exposed to poison, calmly walks in the sun and receives terrible burns. And when symptoms appear - dizziness and headache, nausea and vomiting, sometimes it is too late to do anything.

Burnt skin takes a very long time to heal. The blisters turn black and last from three to six months, sometimes leaving behind large scars. And if the epidermis was seriously damaged, then relapses are possible.

It is noteworthy that hogweed pollen can even seep through clothing. And if it gets into the eyes, the juice of this plant can cause blindness. A large accumulation of coumarins in the body threatens a person with vitiligo.

In a high-risk area

Hogweed is especially dangerous for young children, the elderly, people with low immunity and fair-skinned blonds. Allergy sufferers who are sensitive to exposure are also at risk of death. essential oils. Their larynx may become swollen due to exposure to hazardous substances, sometimes leading to suffocation. The listed categories of citizens, like no one else, should stay away from hogweed.

What should you do if you couldn’t avoid an encounter with hogweed?

  • Rinse affected skin areas running water with laundry soap.
  • Pour over the burned areas with an alcohol-containing liquid (cologne, vodka, etc.) or a weak solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin.
  • You can use drugs such as Panthenol, sodium usninate (on fir balsam) or syntomycin liniment for treatment. The use of fixing bandages is strictly prohibited.
  • After providing first aid, you should consult a doctor. And if harmful substances have affected the mucous membranes (for example, the eyes), this must be done immediately.
  • Block access to sunlight to the affected areas for at least two days.

Useful properties of hogweed

Hogweed is a plant that can bring not only harm to humans, but also benefit. It was already noted above that his cultural species serve as feed for livestock, and were also used by Russians as an ingredient for soups. But these are not all the options for culinary use.

Candied fruits were also made from the stems of hogweed, and vodka was distilled from the roots and sugar was obtained. Until now, in some Caucasian villages this plant is the main food product for humans and animals. Remembering that poisonous hogweed is sometimes found, people treat it in a special way, neutralizing dangerous substances.

But they are especially impressive medicinal properties hogweed. Remedies prepared from its seeds, stems, leaves or roots help with women's ailments, stomach diseases, muscle spasms, skin problems, convulsions, epilepsy, nervous disorders, psoriasis, liver pain, asthma, purulent wounds, dysentery, etc. In addition, hogweed has calming properties and is an excellent appetite enhancer.

Fighting an uninvited guest

Hogweed, the burns of which can cause serious harm to humans, is today being massacred throughout the country. There are even fines for citizens who allow this grass to spread on their property. But the struggle is not going very well. This is explained by the fact that not everyone knows how to remove hogweed once and for all.

The most effective weapon in the war against giant grass is the scythe. And it is better to mow in the dark or in cloudy weather, when high humidity air. Be sure to wear waterproof clothing, a mask and goggles. You should only touch this plant with gloves, preferably not made of fabric.

You can burn the fruits of hogweed. They burn well because they contain oils. But first they should be dried. Digging up seedlings individually in the spring also has a good effect.

The seeds of this insidious plant can be stored in the ground for a very long time. They are “expelled” from there by weeding, plowing, plowing, disking, etc.

If you act persistently, the result will not be long in coming. After all, hogweed is a freedom-loving plant. And sooner or later, proximity to a person will make him disappear. How tropical rain forests inevitably disappear under such conditions.

There are about 70 species of hogweed growing around the world - these are herbaceous plant, a member of the Umbelliferae family. Many people believe that hogweed is a poisonous plant, but some of its species are completely harmless to humans. They are often fed to livestock and grown as ornamental plants, and some types of hogweed can even be eaten by people. In this article we will tell you about the benefits and harms of hogweed, its composition and healing properties.

As we have already said, hogweed is a herb that grows mainly in fresh mail and in damp areas. Main distinctive features- height reaching 3 meters, large leaves, strong, ribbed trunk. That is why it was called “hercules grass” or “bear paw”. In addition, hogweed has white-green flowers collected in large umbels and starting to bloom in June. The plant is considered very tenacious, resistant to pesticides and frost.

The history of the appearance of hogweed in Russia says that it was brought from the Caucasus. In the 40s of the 20th century, Stalin ordered the withdrawal the new kind this plant for feeding livestock, as happened in North America. However, milk and animal meat began to have a specific taste, the toxic properties of the plant appeared, and hogweed leaves burned people’s skin. The plant was no longer grown on purpose, but its seeds germinated very quickly on their own. Subsequent crisis Agriculture- another reason that this plant has become a dangerous weed that has conquered large areas.

Many also ask the question of why this plant is called hogweed. The etymology of the name dates back to the 18th century, before the beginning of breeding dangerous hogweed Sosnovsky. Our ancestors actively consumed the stems and petioles of leaves for food; the scientist Krasheninnikov wrote that “... the aforementioned grass is similar to our borscht in everything.” Also, there used to be a saying: “If you had hogweed and snot, you will be full without bread.”

Chemical composition of hogweed

It is not surprising that previously the main use of hogweed was for food. The composition of this plant is unique. There is about 10% sugar, 16% vegetable protein, 2% essential oils, 23% fiber, amino acids, tannins. In addition, hogweed contains vitamin C (212 mg per 100 grams) and many minerals (iron, titanium, boron, nickel, copper, manganese, carotene).

Hogweed has found application in medicine due to its octyl ether content. It is used to treat Trichomonas infections, which cause many diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth, genitals and intestines.

Useful properties of hogweed

The composition of this plant is quite rich, so folk medicine Hogweed is often used. The medicinal properties of this plant make it possible to actively treat skin and nervous diseases. Often, hogweed infusion is taken for epilepsy, nervous tics, hysterics and convulsions as a sedative. Medicinal properties Hogweed is useful for kidney inflammation and cholelithiasis; the roots of the plant are used to treat these diseases. Hogweed seeds are used in folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic and antipruritic agent. Of course, this plant is not used in traditional medicine or in the manufacture of medicines.

Purulent wounds, ulcers, psoriasis, and fungus can also be cured thanks to the medicinal properties of hogweed. The hogweed plant is known for its beneficial properties for toothache, diarrhea, flatulence, scabies, metabolic disorders, as well as for gastrointestinal diseases and for stimulating appetite. Healing properties Hogweed are concentrated in the leaves and roots of the plant. For example, poultices of their fresh leaves can reduce joint pain due to rheumatism. A tincture is also made from hogweed to treat dermatosis, furunculosis, eczema; inflorescences and stems are used for this.

As you can see, hogweed has found application in various fields of traditional medicine. However, please note that the beneficial properties of hogweed may not appear in all types. of this plant. Harmless varieties include Siberian hogweed with green-yellow leaves, dissected hogweed, growing in Siberia, and hairy hogweed, found in Asia Minor, the Crimea and the Caucasus.

Of course, there are both medicinal properties of hogweed and contraindications. Indeed, in most cases, hogweed is a poisonous plant. The main contraindications to the use of hogweed include:

  • Gastritis;
  • Coding for alcoholism;
  • Individual intolerance.

Harm of hogweed

As is known, most species of hogweed are poisonous. Every person should know how dangerous it is in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. After all, this plant can be found on personal plots, near bodies of water, in vacant lots in the city, etc.

When is hogweed dangerous? The plant poses the greatest threat in the summer, during flowering. The main danger is that hogweed is toxic and causes severe burns. It is enough to touch the plant for 2 minutes to get a 1st degree burn. This happens because the plant juice contains phototoxic substances, furanocoumarins. When exposed ultraviolet rays they are activated. This causes dermatological damage. Therefore, be careful not to touch this dangerous, albeit beautiful plant.

Hogweed Mantegacia - the most dangerous and poisonous

Another danger of hogweed is the occurrence of hallucinations when taking medications based on it. Possible increase or decrease blood pressure, decreased sexual activity.

The most dangerous types of hogweed include:

  • Hogweed Sosnovsky - height up to 3 meters, powerful in appearance, with large white, pink flowers and a large amount of green mass;
  • Wild hogweed - height up to 2 meters, flowers white, grows mainly in the south;
  • Hogweed Mantegacia is the most dangerous and poisonous species. It can reach a height of 6 meters, grows mainly in the Caucasus, the flowers are white, the fruits are green.

An overdose of hogweed causes dizziness, itching, burning of the skin, which are signs of discharge. Therefore, we recommend that you consult your doctor before taking hogweed for medicinal purposes.

Hogweed is a plant with medicinal and strong toxic properties. Contains furanocoumarins, which cause skin burns. Toxic compounds are especially dangerous during hot sunny months.

The hogweed plant comes from the Apiaceae family. Looks like an ordinary weed. The grass has spread throughout Russia from the Caucasus, where it grows under natural conditions in the eastern part of this region. Hogweed can be found in meadows and along roads. It grows along the banks of rivers and lakes, on agricultural land, pastures, in gardens and parks. Used as a honey plant, common among beekeepers in central Europe.



  1. 1. Stem. Reaches from 1 to 4 m in height, up to 10 cm in diameter. The inside is hollow, sparsely pubescent. The upper part is green, the lower part is covered with purple spots.
  2. 2. Root. Reaches up to 200 cm in depth, the most large mass highly branched roots are located in the soil layer to a depth of about 30 cm.
  3. 3. Leaves. Very large, of various shapes, up to 150 cm in diameter. Short, rounded teeth are located along the edge of the leaf blade.
  4. 4. Flowers. Collected in a dense and large umbrella with a diameter of up to 50 cm, consisting of 30-75 flowers. On one plant there can be from one to 20 thousand, sometimes even up to 50 thousand. The flowers are small, consisting of five white petals, reaching 10 mm in length. Blooms at the turn of June and July.
  5. 5. Fruit. Ovoid or oval, 8-10 mm long (rarely up to 15 mm). Consists of two lobules, each containing one seed. The fruit is olive in color with four brown stripes. Germination is maintained for several years.

Most known species hogweed:

  1. 1. Siberian is a plant that is harmless to humans. It looks like a tall weed with yellow, green flowers, collected in umbrella inflorescences. Previously, the grass was an ingredient in borscht and cabbage soup (when cabbage was not yet such a common vegetable). This species has medicinal properties for health (reworded, poorly said) and is used in medicine.
  2. 2. Ordinary - a large perennial plant. Grows in Asia and Europe. Beneficial features herbs - use (similar) as anti-inflammatory, soothing medicine. Safe for humans.
  3. 3. Hogweed Sosnovsky is a poisonous plant, which received its name from the Russian botanist, researcher of the flora of the Caucasus Dmitry Ivanovich Sosnovsky. The stems, leaves, and roots contain essential oils containing furanocoumarins. large quantities. It has a very characteristic smell of coumarin compounds, noticeable after rubbing the leaves. These substances cause second and third degree burns upon contact with skin. Sosnovsky's hogweed is especially dangerous during sunny weather, high temperature And high humidity air. Under no circumstances should you touch the plant or approach it in hot weather - the glands of Sosnowski's hogweed can secrete toxins at a distance. The harm of the plant lies not only in the risk of skin burns, but also in its carcinogenic effect. In pregnant women, it can even cause fetal defects.

Burns and first aid

Hogweed Sosnovsky

Symptoms of burns from Sosnowski's hogweed appear from half an hour to 2 hours from the moment of contact with the plant. During the first 24 hours, the skin becomes very red and becomes covered in blisters filled with fluid. The inflammation may persist for several days; after about a week, the affected areas of the skin begin to darken. They can remain like this even for several months. Wounds after a burn are very difficult to heal, often leaving noticeable scars on the body. In addition, the poisonous plant can cause conjunctivitis, nausea or vomiting, headaches and difficulty breathing. Especially allergy sufferers and children are exposed to the poisonous effects of Sosnovsky's hogweed. In extreme cases, a burn can result in death.

When plucking or collecting hogweed leaves and flowers for medicinal purposes, special care and protection is recommended, especially for the hands, face and other exposed parts of the body.

If you come into contact with a toxic plant, you need to deal with the burn as quickly as possible. You should thoroughly wash the affected areas with soap and water and avoid exposure to sunlight for at least two days from the moment of contact with the plant.

Ultraviolet radiation worsens inflammation, making wounds more difficult to heal and leaving scars more defined. You can use ointments and creams on the affected areas to soften allergic reactions and accelerate the healing of burns and skin ulcers. Medicines that soothe pain, burning, and itching will be useful. If Sosnovsky's hogweed juice gets into your eyes, they should be thoroughly rinsed with water and protected from sunlight (necessary Sunglasses with UV filter). If a cornea burn occurs, you should consult a doctor.

Composition and beneficial properties

Common and Siberian hogweed have beneficial properties and are used in folk and traditional medicine. Medicinal raw materials are roots, inflorescences, leaves, fruits, and stems.

The root contains pimpinelin, isopimpinelin, bergapten (heracline), isobergapten, xanthotoxin, phytosterols (beta-sitosterol), hydroxycoumarin (scopoletins, glutamic acid.

Stems, leaves and flowers contain essential oils 2-3%, furocoumarin (leaf 0.5-0.6%, umbrella 0.55%), carotene, vitamin C. Fruits - furocoumarin (0.62%), essential oil ( 1-2.5%).

The medicinal effect of the hogweed plant:

  • sedative;
  • antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diuretic.

The plant also lowers blood pressure.


  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • colic in the gallbladder;
  • swelling and tenderness of the liver;
  • jaundice;
  • reflux esophagitis,
  • digestive disorders (dyspepsia, flatulence, diarrhea, intestinal and stomach spasms);
  • menstrual pain, scanty periods;
  • hypertension;
  • skin diseases (vitiligo, psoriasis, some forms of acne);
  • oliguria;
  • autonomic neuroses (for example, stomach),
  • epilepsy.

Hogweed - recipes for all diseases

Hogweed is a herbaceous perennial plant that belongs to a very strange species of umbrella plants. Among the people, this name is most common - hogweed, despite the fact that in fact, there are several names for this amazing plant. In addition, there are about 42 subspecies and varieties of hogweed, some of which serve only a decorative role, others are suitable for consumption by both humans and animals (for example, when feeding cattle) and so on. In this material, we will look at one of the subspecies of hogweed, which is often used in both folk and traditional medicine, we will tell you how and how to properly prepare a medicine based on the plant, and naturally, that it can be used to cure.

How to recognize medicinal hogweed, how to store and prepare it for the winter?

Since we have already said that there are different types of hogweed, you should know exactly which one is medicinal and useful. As a rule, such hogweed has long-petioled leaves, which are collected in a kind of basal rosette, small flowers it is collected in one bowl, forming a bouquet (at the same time, the petals are white, less often yellow-greenish).

Attention! In fact, hogweed is a plant that is by no means the safest. He has poisonous properties, which significantly affect the skin, causing burns. By the way, when collecting hogweed, you can easily get burned, even through light clothing. Therefore, when preparing a plant for the winter, be careful, and if you are tormented by thoughts about how it can be useful, just read the material below.

What parts of the plant are used as medicine?

First of all, these are the leaves that are collected during the flowering of the plant. The second is the root of hogweed, which is dug up in the fall, after the entire life (scientifically, vegetative) process. To harvest the root of a plant, just cut it into pieces, 10-12 cm each, and leave to dry in a dark and dry room. Next, the hogweed root is ventilated and stored in any convenient container (a jar, for example). We do the same with the leaves of the plant, but in this situation, you just need to separate each leaf from each other and dry them thoroughly. For convenience, after drying, the leaves can be crushed and also stored in a container or fabric bag. The shelf life of such a preparation is about 2 years, after which the hogweed begins to lose its beneficial properties. Now, as for the medicinal properties of the product we are considering.

Composition of a useful product and its corresponding properties

Let us note that in traditional medicine (in comparison with folk medicine), hogweed is, of course, not so widely used, but if you go to the pharmacy and look closely at the composition of medicines based on herbs and plants, you can often find hogweed root as a component of this medicine. So, what is contained in hogweed?

- P first of all, this is a high concentration of alkaloids and other resins, flavonoids, carotene and other trace elements, various tannins and other substances;

- V Hogweed contains about 15% protein and 2% essential oils, about 10% sugar and as much as 23% fiber. Of course, there are also vitamins - this is approximately 2%.

As for the area of ​​​​use of what we are considering healing product, then its spectrum is very wide. Hogweed is most widely used as a remedy for external use - the treatment of purulent formations and wounds, the possible appearance of ulcers, and so on. And, naturally, it is also used internally. For example, this is a treatment for organs such as the liver and lungs, and is often used to treat jaundice and asthma. Popularly, hogweed was also used to treat psoriasis. It is also very effective in combating fungal formations, so special foot baths are made based on hogweed.

Hogweed is very effective for nervous disorders, neurotic situations, used to relieve internal pain, toothache and even diarrhea. The use of hogweed in inflammatory processes is also known - to prevent inflammation due to bruises, blows, etc. It is noted that the plant is also useful for female or male sexual insufficiency (sexual coldness, etc., the effect is similar to ginseng root). Hogweed is also used for spasmodic diseases and pain, and in many other cases. Well, let's look at the significance of the plant in folk medicine, how to properly and expediently prepare any medicine based on it.

Recipes for using hogweed - a plant for many diseases

Hogweed for housing and public utilities diseases

In this case, an infusion of hogweed will be very useful, which is made as follows - pour cold and boiled water over the hogweed, in an amount of about 400 ml, then add about 30g of crushed dry grass from the plant and infuse for an hour and a half. Next, the medicine needs to be filtered and the raw materials squeezed out. Start using – consume 25-30 minutes before meals, chilled. A single dose of medication is no more than 50 ml.

For cholelithiasis

A simple recipe is very effective - pour about 200 ml of boiling water into a container, adding about 15 grams of hogweed root. Boil the future medicine for 12-15 minutes, then leave for the same amount of time. Regardless of whether before or after meals, or perhaps during the treatment period, the patient does not eat food at all, but takes plenty of liquid, take the medicine about 3 times a day, 20 ml each time.

Another recipe for treating the stomach

This recipe involves using both the leaves and roots of the plant. So, for preparation you will need:

- O about 3 tablespoons of dried leaves of the plant, to which add about half a liter of boiled water room temperature;

- V In this case, steam about 10 g of hogweed root in boiling water and leave for 40 minutes;

- With stir the substance and leave for another 2 hours.

Ultimately, start using 50 g of the medicine three times a day, approximately 20-30 minutes before meals.

With insufficient sexual activity in men and women

A simple recipe for solving such piquant problems. To prepare you will need:

- n tincture of hogweed and coriander, as well as tincture of hops (all separately);

- To Each tincture is mixed in proportions of 30 to 15 and to 15 (according to the order stated above);

- R dilute the mixture with water at room temperature and start drinking.

Take the medicine about half an hour before meals in an amount of 25 ml.

Recipe for toothache and spasmodic pain

And in conclusion, a simple recipe on how you can get rid of inflammation, toothache and cramps. So, for preparation you will need about 10 g of hogweed leaves, mixing them with about 200 ml of alcohol or a liquid containing alcohol (for example, vodka, other infusions, etc.).

Leave for 2 weeks, and after preparation, apply - rinsing the tooth cavity, or taking orally, no more than 15 ml per day. And remember that hogweed is a fairly universal plant, and based on these recipes, you can cure a lot of similar diseases.

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