How to properly cut potatoes for frying, boiling, baking, chips: methods for cutting potatoes. How to beautifully cut potatoes into strips, cubes, in the shape of a flower, in a spiral, for soup, borscht, in wedges, slices, cubes, in a rustic way, in circles, thinly: tools

This is one of the most crucial moments! If you want a truly delicious dish, carefully evaluate the following factors.


Celebrity chef Heston Blumenthal says Heston Blumenthal's 10 tricks to the perfect roast potato that the most delicious country-style potatoes come from the dry, most starchy varieties - those that are easy. As a rule, such root vegetables have a light brown skin and almost white flesh. Starchiness will allow you to achieve the most impressive contrast between the crispy crust and the literally melt-in-your-mouth center of the finished dish.

But the distinctly yellowish, moist, dense, waxy potatoes should be put aside for some others.


Small round potatoes are not your option. It is difficult to cut them in such a way as to get as many flat edges as possible. But the crispy fried edges in country-style potatoes are the key, perhaps the most delicious moment!

It is better to choose elongated potatoes about the size of a medium avocado. It can easily be cut into eight pieces, each of which will have three extensive flat edges.

There are different approaches here. But they are united by one goal: while preserving the skin and the recognizable, triangular shape that is important for country-style potatoes, make as many flat edges as possible.

The same culinary master Heston Blumenthal, for example, suggests cutting potatoes crosswise. First - lengthwise into two halves. Then, turning the potatoes 90 degrees, lengthwise again, you will get four identical elongated “slices”. And then in one movement - across.

It's really simple and fast, but not best option. Students at the University of Essex carried out a simple geometric analysis of potatoes and figured out how to cut the root vegetable to get maximum crisp surface area.

The first step in their concept follows Blumenthal's practice: the potato is cut in half lengthwise. But then you need to turn the potatoes 90 degrees and cut them with a fan.

This cutting technique is called edge cut. You can learn more about mathematics and knife work in the video prepared by the students.

Students said that potatoes cut this way taste better. And they were not unfounded. The experimenters took the time to prepare a couple of hundred servings of country-style potatoes in traditional and new cuts. And then we sent the resulting dishes for tasting to friends on campus and to several nearby restaurants. Completely free, asking only that eaters compare and rate differently cut portions of potatoes.

Result: tasters liked edge cut potatoes more. So use the best practices and don’t say thank you!

How to cook country-style potatoes

1. Get rid of excess starch

Despite the fact that initially it is better to choose starchy varieties as more delicate, some of the starch still needs to be removed. Firstly, this will allow the potatoes to better hold their shape during heat treatment. And secondly, starch is excess glucose, which not everyone needs. Of course, first of all we are talking about those who watch their figure or suffer from.

Good way to get rid of excess starch - put the peeled and chopped potatoes in a saucepan and place under running cold water for 5 minutes.

2. Cook

Bring the water to a boil and place the prepared potato wedges in it so that the liquid covers them by at least 1 cm. You can salt the water, but it is not necessary. If you're a fan of subtle flavors, add a small bunch of thyme and a little lemon zest.

Put it in boiling water, this is important. The longer the tubers are in water, the more nutrients they lose, so our task is to cook them as quickly as possible.

Until ready. It is enough that the potatoes become soft and can be easily pierced, for example, with a knife or toothpick. This will take 7–10 minutes.

Don't let the vegetables boil! You need whole slices.

3. Dry the potatoes

Drain the boiled potatoes into a colander. If you are afraid that the potatoes will fall apart, use a slotted spoon. Using it, carefully transfer the slices into a colander or onto a prepared towel. Be careful and try not to get burned.

Wait until the water has completely drained and the slices have cooled.

4. Check for important cracks

If you do everything correctly, as it cools, the flat edges of the potatoes will develop small, shallow cracks. In the next step, these cracks will help the potatoes absorb the fat and get a really crispy coating.

If there are none, carefully work with a fork: make shallow holes on the flat edges of each slice.

5. Fry in your favorite oil

Some people prefer liquid peanut butter, some like olive oil, while others keep it simple and make do with regular sunflower milk. There are no uniform recommendations for selection.

The frying process may vary depending on where you plan to cook your potatoes.

The pan should be deep and wide enough to accommodate a single layer of potatoes. You can save a little on oil: 0.5–0.7 cm is enough.

Bring the oil to a boil over high heat, place the potato wedges over the entire surface and leave to fry for 5 minutes. Do not turn over so as not to break the slices before they set into a crust! And make sure the potatoes don't burn.

After the designated time, turn the potatoes over so that their unfried edges touch the bottom.

Fry over high heat, turning occasionally until evenly golden brown on all sides. Try not to overcook, otherwise the potatoes will acquire a characteristic burnt taste.

Country-style potatoes in the oven

You will need a deep and wide pan so that all the slices fit in one layer. It is worth pouring more oil so as not to dry out the potatoes.

Preheat the oven to 180°C, place the pan with butter in it and wait 15 minutes. When the oil is hot, add the potato slices, stir gently and return the pan to the oven. Let sit for 60-75 minutes, turning every 20 minutes to ensure even browning on all sides.

Let us immediately warn you that you will not get that crispy crust, since the temperature in the multicooker is low and the potatoes will be boiled rather than fried. However, the crust - even if not ideal - will still be there, and the dish will still turn out delicious.

Pour the selected oil into the multicooker bowl so that it rises about 1 cm above the bottom. Select the “Multicook” or “Baking” mode with a temperature of at least 125–130 °C and bring the oil to a boil. Carefully place the potatoes into the bowl and, without lowering the temperature or turning the slices, leave for 20 minutes. If possible, leave the lid on to allow excess moisture to escape from the potatoes.

Then turn the slices over and leave again for 20 minutes. Depending on the desired degree of doneness and readiness, you can turn it over again and leave to fry for 10–15 minutes.

6. Add flavor to the dish

Crush a few cloves, mix with finely chopped rosemary and add to the potatoes 3-5 minutes before they are ready. You can also add a few whole garlic cloves and sliced ​​into rings onion. Don't forget to stir!

7. Serve the potatoes hot

If you did not salt the water during cooking, sprinkle the potatoes with coarse salt to taste before serving. Garnish each serving with a sprig of rosemary.

Potatoes are an indispensable ingredient for many culinary recipes, but can also be prepared as a completely independent dish. However, first you need to properly prepare the potatoes, that is, cut them.

There are many different ways to properly cut potatoes. Every housewife has her own secrets, but you should familiarize yourself with the rules, which are the same for everyone. First you need to decide on the dish you want to prepare, and then choose special kitchen tools for slicing potatoes.

Depending on the culinary recipe, potatoes can be cut different ways, and here you just need a special skill. But if at first it turns out ugly, then don’t be upset: with experience you will be able to skillfully and quickly deal with it.

Choosing a form

  • For first courses, potatoes are cut into small (about 3 cm) slices, and for baking or stews it is better to make the size larger (5 cm). The potatoes are first cut into halves, and then each of them is chopped.
  • Many young housewives are interested in how to cut potatoes for frying to avoid burning. This is done very simply: you need to cut the potatoes into medium slices (a medium potato is cut along a radius of up to 6 parts).
  • Boiled potatoes are added to vinaigrette and other salads, which are crushed into circles or cubes.
  • For vegetable soups or soups from cereals, it is better to cut the tuber into 2 cm cubes. The potatoes are divided into equal parts, and then each of them needs to be processed with a knife along and across.
  • To prepare a delicious side dish that goes with any dish, you need to know how to cut potatoes into strips. The potato is cut into lobes, and then each lobe is divided into small “sticks”.
  • Suitable for meat special way cut into balls, called "chateau". The diameter can be adjusted to 3 cm and is therefore ideal for roasting. Medium size balls (2 cm).
  • To the fish raw potatoes shape into barrels. They are boiled and served.

If you are too lazy to manually cut potatoes, then you can choose and purchase special devices and kitchen tools for slicing. With their help, you will not only save a lot of time, but also be able to achieve beautiful shape pieces without effort.


  • Slicer. From the name, everything becomes immediately clear: with the help of this tool, the problem of how to cut potatoes into identical slices disappears by itself. The slicer will also help you with other products. This is very convenient if you need to cook something quickly. This device usually consists of a steel knife with serrated edges. Stainless material ensures maximum long-term use on the farm.
  • A very popular product is a device for cutting French fries. You can prepare your favorite dish at any time, with virtually no effort. This tool is equipped with two sharp knives, the size of the grid of which varies and is adjustable.
  • There are also many kitchen appliances on sale now that can be cut with a spiral and make various notches. And special corrugated knives will quickly give the pieces the desired shape.
  1. Give preference to potatoes with a low starch content: the slices will retain their shape well when fried. Light, yellow and pink tubers are suitable.
  2. Try to choose firm and smooth potatoes of the same variety and size. This will ensure the same level of doneness.
  3. But it is better to put tubers with green skin aside or carefully trim them: green color signals an increased content of solanine, which can spoil the taste of potatoes, or even lead to poisoning.
  4. Before cooking, peeled potatoes need to be soaked to remove excess starch. Ideally, you need to soak overnight or at least a couple of hours, but 30–60 minutes will also work to your advantage. If you don't have time, still rinse the peeled and sliced ​​potatoes under cold water.
  5. And don't forget to dry the slices with paper towels: frying wet potatoes is not a good idea.
  6. The shape and size of the chopped potatoes can be any. The main thing is that all the pieces are the same. This will ensure they cook as evenly as possible.
  7. The frying time directly depends on the thickness of the pieces: the thicker, the longer. If the slices vary in size, judge doneness by the thickest one.

How to fry potatoes in a frying pan

  1. Choose a cast iron or steel frying pan with a thick bottom. This the best option for frying potatoes.
  2. It is healthier to fry potatoes in refined vegetable oil, but tastier - in lard or lard. Which option to choose is up to you.
  3. To ensure that the potatoes are perfectly browned, they should be placed in well-heated oil. It is not recommended to fry in cold oil or add it during frying.
  4. It is better to fry potatoes in one layer. Then it will be covered with a crispy crust.
  5. You need to turn the potatoes several times. It is important to find a balance: do not turn too often (otherwise the pieces will not brown) or too rarely (otherwise the dish will simply burn).
  6. And you always need to add salt at the end. Otherwise, the potatoes will release moisture, stick together, and instead of perfect golden pieces you will get something unappetizing.

How to cook French fries

  1. Usually, for cooking, tubers are cut into even pieces 5–10 mm wide and thick.
  2. It will take a lot vegetable oil. A lot of. About four times more than when frying in a pan.
  3. The absence of a deep fryer can easily be filled with a frying pan or saucepan with a thick bottom.
  4. The temperature of the oil in which the potatoes can be dipped should be about 180 °C. If you don't have a kitchen thermometer, simply drop one slice into the pan; if it immediately sizzles and floats, the oil is ready to use.
  5. If you plan to fry a lot of potatoes, don't do it all at once. It is better to divide the cubes into several small portions and cook one at a time.
  6. Place the finished potatoes in a colander to drain excess oil and dry with paper towels.
  7. It is better to salt the fries and add spices right on the plate.

How to fry potatoes in a slow cooker

  1. Potatoes are cooked in a multicooker in the “Baking” or “Frying” mode.
  2. First you need to heat the oil well, and then add the prepared potatoes.
  3. Cooking time is about 40–50 minutes.
  4. After about half an hour, the potatoes need to be turned over, and towards the end - salted. It's simple!



  • 5 medium potatoes;
  • 2–3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • a pinch of cumin;
  • small sprig of rosemary;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


Peel, cut, rinse and dry the potatoes. Heat oil in a frying pan and place the slices in it. When they are well browned, turn them over and add the onion, cut into half rings.

Continue cooking, stirring the potatoes occasionally until they are well browned on all sides. When the dish is almost ready, add chopped garlic, rosemary leaves, cumin, pepper and salt. Stir, wait a few minutes and remove the pan from the heat.


  • 6–7 medium yellow potatoes;
  • 6 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 medium sized onion;
  • 300 g fresh (or 30 g dried);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 sprigs of thyme;
  • 5 tablespoons chopped parsley;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.


Place the potatoes prepared for frying in a frying pan with 3 tablespoons of hot oil. Fry over high heat, stirring occasionally. When the potatoes are golden brown, cover the pan and cook for another 5 minutes. Season with salt and remove the dish from the heat.

Now you can start cooking the mushrooms.

Heat the remaining oil in another frying pan. Fry the onion in it until translucent. Add pre-peeled and washed mushrooms (if the mushrooms are very large, they can be chopped). Cook for about 7 minutes until all the moisture has evaporated and the mushrooms are golden brown. Season with salt and pepper, add chopped garlic, chopped thyme and parsley.

Place the mushrooms in the pan with the potatoes, stir and cook for a few more minutes over medium heat.

  1. If you use dried mushrooms, you need to soak them beforehand. It's best to do this the night before cooking.
  2. Fresh mushrooms can be pre-cooked to ensure they are cooked.


  • 6 medium yellow potatoes;
  • 200–220 g bacon;
  • ½ red onion;
  • 2 tablespoons capers;
  • 3 tablespoons of wine vinegar;
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard;
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil;
  • rapeseed oil for frying;
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper - to taste.


Cut the potatoes into large cubes, put them in a saucepan, cover with water and cook over medium heat until tender.

While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the bacon. Cut it into large pieces and fry in a large saucepan over medium heat. When the bacon is cooked, remove it with a slotted spoon, drain the fat, and wipe the surface of the pan with a paper towel.

Pour quite a bit of rapeseed oil into the pan and heat it until it starts to smoke a little. Place the drained potatoes into the hot oil and shake the pan. Reduce heat and fry potatoes until light brown. Add salt and pepper.

After a few minutes, shake the pan again and add the diced onion. Continue cooking until the onion becomes translucent. Then put the pre-dried capers into the pan and pour in the vinegar.

When the vinegar has almost evaporated, add the olive oil, mustard and bacon. Season with salt and pepper again and stir. Serve the salad warm.

Perfectly even slices of fries, sauce and a soft drink are frequent attributes of fast food advertising brochures. And if few people admire the last two components of the banner, then potatoes are the peak of culinary perfection. How to cut potatoes into strips at home? Nothing could be easier! Let's hone our skills together.

How to create potato masterpieces easily and quickly?

The easiest and fastest way to cut slices of raw vegetables is to use a special device - a square vegetable cutter. Fortunately, today there are plenty of such devices. They come in the form of a removable attachment on a plate or jar, are part of a manual food processor, and are also represented by a special tetrahedral grater with a pointed edge.

Using such devices is quite simple:

  • Using a knife, cut off the bottom so that the tubers can be placed in a vertical position on the table.

  • Place the vegetable slicer on top with the sharp edge on the vegetable pulp.

  • Admire the result.

Perhaps the only drawback of this method is that it is impossible to regulate the thickness and length of the bars. And the length of the straw depends only on the pressure of the hand. So if physical strength is not enough, the vegetable cutting method is not suitable for you. But don't worry, there are other options.

Sleight of hand - and no vegetable cutters

Despite the fact that potatoes are mostly round in shape, they can easily be cut into neat, thin strips using a sharpened knife. kitchen knife. True, this method is quite labor-intensive, and the process itself will take a lot of time. But the finished result is worth it. Shall we try?

So, let's do the following:

  • Wash and peel the potatoes as you did before.
  • Trim the ends of the tubers so that they are flat on all sides.

  • Don't forget to remove the parts from the base too. The result should be a perfectly even rectangle.

  • Now cut the pulp into thin slices. Each cut should be no thicker than 4 millimeters.

  • Place the slices flat on cutting board and cut crosswise into thin strips.

  • The perfectly smooth and thin straw is ready. It can be seasoned and baked in the oven.

Such thin slices are suitable for making salads, although it is better to boil the potatoes first, and also as an Indian side dish with hot spices. But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to fry such straws. Thin strips will quickly boil, and as a result, instead of fried potatoes, there will be vegetable porridge in the pan. Although this is a matter of taste.

Cutting potatoes like at McDonald's

Fragrant and crispy French fries with garlic sauce... Just the thought of them awakens your appetite. Of course, you can not bother yourself too much and just buy ready-made frozen potatoes in the supermarket. But who knows what kind of tubers they are, how long they are stored there and what they are made of?

It’s much healthier and tastier when you cook French fries at home. Moreover, the technique is very simple:

  • Traditionally, we wash and peel the potato tubers. It is desirable that each of them be almost equal in length and oblong in shape.

  • Cut each potato in half. Then we divide the resulting parts in half again in the longitudinal direction.
  • We cut each strip into 4 parts.

  • While we are cutting a new batch, we place the already prepared potatoes in a bowl of water. This way there will be less starch, and the potatoes themselves will not have time to turn black.

Now you can look for a suitable recipe for making French fries in the oven, slow cooker, microwave, or just in a frying pan. By the way, it will be very tasty if you roll the potatoes in olive oil with spices and crushed garlic before frying.

"Country style potatoes"

Don't like French fries? Then perhaps you will like spicy country-style potatoes. This simple dish is now served even in the most fashionable restaurants.

To prepare such potatoes, you will need to find and buy tubers in the store as young as possible. Choose those vegetables whose peel in your opinion is the thinnest, smoothest and without burrs. By the way, there should be no green spots on the root crop. Often they are direct witnesses to the content of pesticides and other inedible chemicals.

In general, when the purchasing and selection process is complete, your actions should be as follows:

  • Using a soft brush or an ordinary clean, preferably a new kitchen sponge, thoroughly wash the potatoes from dust and dirt.
  • Without peeling the skin, cut the tubers into halves.

  • Now the resulting pieces need to be cut in half again.

  • Shape each quarter to the desired size. Usually it is enough to make just one transverse incision.

  • These are the resulting potato slices.

  • But the work doesn't end there. Place potato wedges in a flat-bottomed bowl and cover with cold water.

  • Let the straw lie there for 5-7 minutes. This will help rid the potatoes of excess and unnecessary starch.
  • Then transfer the slices to paper towel.

  • After all the water has drained and been absorbed into the napkin, the potato straws are ready for further use.

Remember that any of the above options takes practice. It is unlikely that you will be able to create perfectly smooth blocks the first time. Usually, novice cooks have to spend a lot of free time and mountains of spoiled vegetables to achieve ideal results. We can only wish you further success!

Each dish requires a specific cutting of ingredients. Potatoes are one of the most common and popular ingredients for preparing breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks, salads and much more.

This article will give you tips on cutting potatoes.

How to beautifully cut potatoes into strips: instructions

Potatoes cut into neat strips are ideal for deep frying. If you don't have a deep fryer, a heavy-bottomed frying pan or saucepan will also work (you'll need to pour a large amount into it).

How to do everything right:

  • Select potatoes
  • Suitable for large and medium sized root vegetables
  • Carefully peel the potatoes, cutting out all, even the most minimal damage.
  • Wash and dry the potatoes (you can simply wipe them with a towel).
  • Cut the potatoes into 3 slices (lengthwise)
  • Now cut each plate into strips about 1-1.5 cm thick (no more).
  • The ends can be left uneven

IMPORTANT: If you cook French fries, be sure to fry them in small portions. This way the potatoes will turn golden on all sides and acquire an elastic crust.

French fries"

How to beautifully cut potatoes into cubes?

Diced potatoes are often used to prepare first and second courses, such as soup or stir-fries. Preparing potatoes is very simple, for this you need:

  • Clean and rinse it
  • Dry or wipe with a towel
  • Cut each potato into 2 or 3 layers (depending on how large the potatoes are).
  • Cut each layer first along and then across
  • Depending on how large the cubes you need, you can cut the layer into 2 or 3 strips.

IMPORTANT: The advantage of this cut is that it can be obtained from any potato (small or large).

How to beautifully cut potatoes in the shape of a flower?

You don't often see potatoes cut and arranged in the shape of a flower. This curly cut is used for baking dishes in molds, combining it with vegetables or meat.

How to cut:

  • Choose large potatoes, which are ideal for creating large petals.
  • Peel and wash the potatoes.
  • Cut large potatoes in half
  • Then start cutting each half into thin slices (with a knife or using a slicer).
  • Start laying out the flower; to do this, the “petals” need to be folded in a circle.

How to beautifully cut a potato into a spiral?

To cut potatoes into spirals, you need to get a special device, which consists of an attachment, a knife and a skewer. Modern market has several of the most popular manufacturers of such spiral cuts.

How to do:

  • Place the potatoes on the holder
  • Insert knife
  • Start by running the knife from the top to the bottom of the potato.
  • Cut a spiral that is too long in half

IMPORTANT: Each spiral, initially or as it is cut, is threaded onto a skewer (you can also use a wooden kebab stick). The potato spiral is fried in a large amount of oil, as in deep fat.

How to beautifully cut potatoes for soup or borscht?

Any dish should be not only tasty, but also beautiful. Of great importance for soup, borscht or pickle soup is the cutting of potatoes - one of the main ingredients. It is best to cut into small cubes for the first course.

How to make the cut:

  • Potatoes of any size need to be peeled and washed.
  • Cut the potatoes into 3 slices (if they are large, you may need 4 slices).
  • After this, cut each plate into strips 1 cm wide, which are then cut crosswise.
  • You should get neat 1 cm cubes.

How to beautifully cut potatoes into slices, in a rustic way?

Potatoes, cut into slices, are ideal for preparing a dish such as “country-style potatoes”.

How to cut:

  • Wash the potatoes thoroughly without removing the skins.
  • All pieces of dirt and shoots must be removed.
  • Place the potatoes on the board
  • Cut it in half but keep it whole
  • Depending on the size of the potato, make two or three more cuts.
  • The resulting slices can be fried

IMPORTANT: Country-style potatoes are fried in a large amount of oil, then placed on a paper towel (to absorb excess fat) and served, seasoned with crushed garlic and finely chopped fresh herbs.

How to beautifully cut potatoes into slices?

This type of potato cutting is suitable for making casseroles and stews.

How to cut:

  • Potatoes should be peeled and washed
  • Cut the potatoes in half
  • Take half the fruit; it should be cut with a knife or on a cutting board.

How to beautifully cut potatoes into cubes?

Wedges are cutting potatoes into thick strips.

How to cut:

  • Peel and wash potatoes
  • Cut each potato into 2 or 3 layers (depending on size).
  • Cut each layer into 3 or 4 strips

How to beautifully cut potatoes into slices?

This type of cutting is ideal for baking.

How to do:

  • Potatoes should be peeled and washed
  • You will need a cabbage shredder
  • The cutting can also be done with a regular knife, but the rings will be thinner.
  • Place the potatoes on the holder and start cutting into thin round slices.

How to beautifully cut potatoes thinly?

Thin slices of potatoes are called “pai”. I use it to decorate gourmet dishes, as well as add potatoes to salads.

How to do:

  • You will need a grater for Korean carrots
  • Choose the largest grater
  • Start grating the peeled potatoes (the process is labor-intensive, but possible).
  • Potatoes cut into thin strips are deep-fried until golden brown.

This method of chopping root vegetables is the simplest and most understandable. As a rule, cutting potatoes into cubes is most often used if the vegetable is intended to be used in the preparation of salads and various soups. According to experienced chefs, fried potatoes cut in this shape will be no less tasty.

Cutting potatoes into neat cubes does not represent special labor. To do this, you should use a knife and a cutting board, on which a pre-washed and peeled vegetable is placed, which should be cut into two equal parts.

After this, one of the halves is cut into two more slices. For convenience, it should be laid with the cut part down.

If you use a large root vegetable, additional chopping into more slices may be necessary. Having collected all the slices together, you need to cut the vegetable into cubes using transverse movements with a knife.

Frying diced vegetables has its own advantages, because as a result, the connoisseur of fried potatoes will receive a dish in which everyone small piece will be covered with a crispy golden crust. At the same time, the inside of the potatoes will remain soft and juicy.

Straws are the form of potato cutting that most modern housewives prefer. The fact is that the vegetable, cut into strips after frying in oil, is very reminiscent both in appearance and taste of French fries, beloved by many. So, first you also need to peel the root vegetable and rinse thoroughly under cold water. running water.

The root vegetable should then be laid out on the cutting board on its side, after which a slice of 1 centimeter thick should be cut off. Identical strips should be formed from the cut slice, the width of which should correspond to the thickness of the slice.

Immediately before frying the chopped vegetable, it should be thoroughly washed again to get rid of excess starch.

Pre-peeled and washed potatoes should be placed on a board, securing them with your fingers on the sides. After this, the root crop is divided into four equal parts using longitudinal and transverse movements with a knife. Each formed slice is subsequently cut into two more parts so that the result is two identical slices.

The thickness of each block should be no less than 1 and no more than 3 centimeters, which will ensure proper roasting. It is also recommended to rinse the chopped potatoes again in a container with cold water.

It is better to fry the vegetable in slices in a regular frying pan with the addition of a sufficient amount of oil. This technique of chopping root vegetables can be found in such a popular dish as country-style potatoes.

Much less commonly used is the method of cutting potatoes for frying, which involves forming uniform circles from the vegetable. This method of chopping root vegetables is quite simple.

Peeled and washed potatoes should be placed on a cutting board with the side down and, using transverse movements, cut into uniform circles, the thickness of each of which should not exceed 5 millimeters.

This method of chopping vegetables is suitable for baking in the oven along with other ingredients, as well as for frying in a frying pan with vegetable oil.

IN in this case When stirring the contents of the pan, you need to act extremely carefully to preserve the original shape of the main ingredient.

To make the task easier, modern housewives can always use various devices designed for cutting potatoes into shapes.

Such kitchen utensils will not only ensure the formation of identical pieces, but will also minimize the likelihood of injury when using a sharp knife.

How to properly cut potatoes for frying

Fried potatoes are a favorite treat for residents of the post-Soviet space. To prepare this dish, proper cutting of root vegetables plays a significant role. The juiciness and taste of potatoes depends on this.

When frying potatoes, the following cutting methods are used:




If you fry potatoes, the cutting method depends on the cooking habit. Before cooking, root vegetables should be thoroughly rinsed under running water, the “eyes” should be removed with a knife and the skin should be peeled.

The root vegetable will turn out tasty if you fry it in the form of thin strips. To do this, potatoes are cut across the root crop with a thickness of at least 1 cm, after which they are cut longitudinally into thin strips for frying. After cutting, the potatoes should be rinsed again under running water.

It is recommended to fry potatoes in a heated frying pan with sunflower oil. If you want to make homemade French fries, then fry the slices in a large amount of oil, but in small portions. This will allow the potatoes to fry and get a beautiful golden crust.

The potatoes are salted 4-5 minutes before the dish is served. At the same time, add ground pepper and other spices to taste.

A popular way of cutting potatoes among chefs is to use neat cubes, thanks to which the dish will not be overcooked and will look appetizing. Diced potatoes are used to prepare first and second courses, as well as salads.

Technology for cutting potatoes for frying:

potatoes are peeled;

rinse under copious amounts of running water;

each root vegetable is cut into 3 layers;

cut the layer across, then lengthwise;

the result is neat cubes.

In this way, tubers of different sizes are cut.

How to cut potatoes for frying

Kitchen electrical appliances are used to cut potatoes, saving time and effort.

The main tools are a cutting board and a sharp knife.

Vegetable cutter, which is used for chopping vegetables.

Special attachments for cutting French fries.

As practice confirms, delicious dishes obtained from potatoes cut into cubes from moderately starchy varieties.

This is done simply:

Place the washed and peeled potato on a cutting board, pressing it with your hand to the side of the center;

each tuber is cut into 4 slices - lengthwise and crosswise;

after this, each slice should be cut in half again - the result is thin crescents;

The potatoes are washed under running water to remove excess starch and excess moisture is removed with a towel.

After this, they begin to prepare the dish. Root vegetables are fried in vegetable oil in a hot frying pan, which is covered with a lid. Remove the lid 5-8 minutes before the end of cooking.

Potatoes cut into wedges are suitable for frying, making casseroles or the popular country-style potatoes.

The original version is fried potatoes in the shape of a spiral. Preparing fried spirals is not difficult. You can prepare the tubers using food processor, having a knife attachment. It is this attachment that is inserted into the top of the potato and scrolled from top to bottom. The result is a neat spiral, which is strung on a skewer and fried in vegetable oil.

Which potatoes taste better?

Durum potatoes are used for frying. When cooked, it does not lose its original shape and retains useful qualities. Soft varieties of root vegetables may simply turn into puree when fried.

If the potatoes are cut too large, the cooking time will increase, but if they are cut too small, you will end up with mashed potatoes during the frying process.

Fried potatoes with breadcrumbs

Fried potatoes breaded in breadcrumbs are an original alternative to a familiar and ordinary dish. If desired, bread crumbs are mixed with curry pepper, turmeric, ground pepper and other spices to taste.

Fried potatoes with breadcrumbs turn out very similar to french fries. Prepared without large quantity oils In this form, root vegetables retain a maximum of vitamins.

Technology for preparing fried potatoes with breadcrumbs:

  1. The tubers are cleaned and washed under running water.
  2. Each potato is cut into cubes.
  3. After this, the root vegetables are sprinkled with a small amount of vegetable oil and a mixture of spices and left for half an hour to marinate.
  4. Then the potatoes are sprinkled with breadcrumbs and fried in a hot frying pan.
  5. You can also bake the tubers in this way - place them on a baking sheet in layers, then place them in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Inexperienced young housewives often do not know when to salt potatoes when frying. Salt the potatoes 5-6 minutes before the end of cooking, then cover the pan with a lid and let it cook.

Fried potatoes are a hearty and appetizing dish that is eaten on weekdays and holidays. Any chef can prepare a tasty, appetizing dish. Be a little patient while cooking and cutting potatoes. Aesthetic beauty is no less important than taste.