Laminate composition: what’s special about it. What does laminate consist of: its composition and useful qualities

When choosing building material many factors need to be taken into account: price, environmental friendliness, quality, appearance.

When selecting a material that will become a floor covering, such as laminate, you need to know its properties and components. This knowledge will help you make your choice in his direction.

Laminated panels and their technical characteristics.

Laminate is very popular among many finishing materials. Due to its properties, it can compete with coatings such as parquet, tiles or linoleum.

Why is laminated coating so relevant for use in houses or apartments?

  • Long service life.

When laying laminate flooring, you must comply with all important recommendations for installation, which are in the instructions for it. This will guarantee that the floor covering will quietly serve you for about 10 years. In this case, it will not require repairs.

Important! Many manufacturers provide a warranty period for laminate flooring of 10-15 years. This becomes a good motivation for purchasing it.

  • Impact resistance.

Laminate, unlike other floor coverings such as parquet board or linoleum does not scratch, easily withstands all loads. Within normal limits, it does not cause surface deformation from various mechanical influences. It can also withstand heavy loads of up to 1200 kg (for the gap between panels). The panels between each other can only be broken, but not torn.

Important! Only those laminates that are made by foreign manufacturers have high technical characteristics.

  • Moisture resistant.

Among the brands of German and Norwegian companies there are those that use a special composition to treat the surface of the laminate. It is moisture resistant and reduces the effects of water to zero.

Important! Not all companies use this layer for their products. Such processing is expensive. Therefore, if you need just such a product, focus on products of a higher price category.

  • Environmentally friendly.

Laminate is not parquet, which is made from solid wood. But its production also does not use any harmful chemical substances, which after a few years begin to emit toxic fumes.

The laminated coating is anti-allergenic and will not cause irritation upon contact with the skin.

  • Design.

The laminate assortment includes dozens different shades, has a different texture that will suit even the most picky customer. It can be used as flooring for any style and interior design.

  • Price.

Laminate, among all other floor coverings, is an example of an excellent combination of price and quality. Purchase products at the same price best quality or the same level is not possible.

Advice! If, when purchasing, you noticed that the cost of some laminated panels is much higher, then this will be a guarantee that the material is of high quality. After all, the price of this flooring reflects the amount of effort and quality of the material that went into its production.

Laminate composition.

All of the above makes it possible to understand that laminate is a floor covering that feels good in environment and is in high demand.

The question arises: due to what indicators are the laminate so high? specifications, because this regular panels made of wood?

Standards for panel sizes: 1200 by 1200 mm. Thickness 6-11 mm. There are usually four layers. There are companies that can make other sizes, but more often these are individual orders or wholesale purchases.

Laminate is a panel consisting of several layers.

  • Upper layer.

It is a transparent film that is specially created to protect against exposure to laminate negative factors. This may be moisture, scratches, chips and other mechanical damage. It also protects the panels from fading, the shade does not change saturation.

  • Decorative layer.

This layer is what we are used to seeing. It is made to match the texture of the rocks different trees. It can also imitate stones or alloys in nature.

  • The basis.

As a rule, it is a fibreboard. Its main function is the frame of the laminating coating. It gives strength. It happens that in inexpensive models chipboard is replaced with MDF, but it is not highly reliable.

  • bottom layer

This is paper. It is impregnated on all sides with resin. Main function - protection panels from exposure to moisture, which will be happy on the floor.

Important! If the bottom layer is impregnated with resin, this does not mean at all that the laminate will withstand even a flood. You should always treat the material with care, despite the manufacturer’s bright slogans that deformation is excluded.

Additional fifth layer.

The word additional means that it is not always used. It is used by well-known brands that have enough funds to invest in products. The function of the fifth layer is sound insulation, as well as reducing echo in a residential building.

You learned everything about the composition of laminate and understood why it is so highly valued around the world. Now you can opt for this particular coating.

Flooring and life.

To carry out high-quality installation of laminate flooring, you do not need any special skills or extensive construction experience. No special expensive tools are needed.

  • The first is preparatory stage. The process is important and responsible, because if you do not pay attention to it, the service life of the laminated coating will not be long.
  • The concrete screed must be perfectly level, then the result will be high.
  • The substrate must also be of good quality.
  • Durability also depends on the type of fastening. Laminate with glue allows less moisture to pass through, but it cannot be dismantled.
  • Proper care is the key to the durability of laminate flooring.

As a result, we can say that the laminate flooring will consist of a concrete screed, a substrate, and the laminated panels themselves. They all depend on each other. If one component is missing or its quality leaves much to be desired, then there will be no reliability and quality of other components.

Proper floor care.

  • The first thing to do is to eliminate the possibility of flooding of the room. It says that you need to check the pipeline, seams in the floor and everything else for sealing.
  • Cleaning should be dry 2-3 times a week to remove all small particles, such as sand, that can deform the surface of the coating.
  • If the laminate has minor defects, then they must be repaired, otherwise dust and dirt will accumulate there, which will deform the decorative layer. To do this, you can use special furniture wax or floor sealant.

The temperature and humidity in the room must be constant. Differences in these indicators lead to the panels compressing and decompressing, which threatens the failure of the locks.

Important! If the laminate is glued, it is easily destroyed in a room where the air is dry. Optimal humidity must be at least 70%.

Now you have found out all the information to make your choice in favor of laminate flooring. If you still have doubts about the fact that you do not know how to lay laminate flooring, then watch the thematic video on our website.

Laminate flooring has recently become popular in the post-Soviet space. Many people were first interested in what the laminate is made of and how long it can last in an apartment or house.

In fact, the market offered consumers an inexpensive option for parquet or natural boards, which consumers did not fail to take advantage of.

General information

Who doesn’t remember the old painted wooden floors in Soviet-built houses? Some residents covered them with linoleum, but it was “cold”, others used carpets, carpet runners or carpet. It was warm, but cleaning them, especially if there were animals at home, turned into torture.

And then changes occurred in the construction market, and he introduced customers to a new product - laminate, somewhat reminiscent of parquet and wooden board simultaneously, and options began to appear for:

  • natural stone;
  • ceramic tiles;
  • brickwork.

On the outside, it was no different from natural materials, which the manufacturers were very proud of and considered a compliment.

In the photo - laminated flooring in the interior

How do they do this? The thing is that the visual effect is obtained due to the realism of the photographs. In short, when we look at laminate, we see a photograph of natural texture.

Briefly it consists of:

  • basics,
  • impregnations,
  • photos,
  • laminating layer.

Today there are also models with embossing, which, combined with high-quality images, allows you to achieve an unrivaled illusion effect. natural material. Very often it is difficult to distinguish it from real wood, ceramic floor tiles or stone.

Making laminate flooring is the work of a powerful press that glues together a kind of cake into one highly durable structure. The result is a wear-resistant surface. We will learn more about this below.


There are misconceptions about the structure of laminate flooring. Some people think that this is parquet, since the surface patterns are often similar, while others call the flooring plastic because of its shine. Let's figure out for sure what laminate is made from, so that when we buy, we won't be embarrassed in front of the sellers.

Manufacturers mainly offer consumers laminate slats (boards) consisting of 4 layers:

  1. A high-tech material in the form of a film containing aluminum oxides is located at the very top of the lamella.
    It is designed to protect the material from:
    • action of sunlight;
    • minor scratches;
    • pollution;
    • blows;
    • chemicals.

It also prevents its color from changing. A laminating film is produced from decorative paper, which is then impregnated with melamine-formaldehyde resin. It is applied to the wooden layer using a press. The laminated surface can also be varnished to give it varying degrees of shine.

  1. The next layer is paper, which is impregnated with resins. It contains images imitating types of wood, stone, and ceramics. The color range is so wide that it can satisfy the most demanding consumers.

Advice: purchase laminate from one batch in the required quantity with a reserve.

  1. Under the paper there is a load-bearing layer of laminated lamellas made of fibreboard or chipboard, which are produced by pressing wood material with glue. They have a certain elasticity and increased density. Other slats containing wood are also used, but their price is often higher than other options. This is the most important layer on which the performance of the laminate and the reliability of its locking connections depend.
  2. The “pie” is completed by a layer of paraffin-impregnated cardboard, plastic or melamine film. Its main purpose is to protect the laminate from moisture, water vapor, mold and mildew, it gives the laminate even greater stability and rigidity.

Advice: when choosing, pay attention only to well-known and time-tested brands, otherwise any violation of the production process cycle will lead to rapid wear and destruction of the floor covering.

Also make sure that the geometry of the laminated slats is not disturbed. Otherwise, when laying the floor covering, the instructions for which are quite simple, even if you come across one panel with such a defect, you will spend a long time and painfully searching for the reasons for the discrepancy between the panels.

Laminate production

We already know what laminate flooring consists of, why not take a look at the factory where it is directly assembled into one piece.

How do workers manage to create lamellas with such precision and what do they use for this?

  1. Only robots work in production workshops. This makes it possible to eliminate the notorious “human factor” from the technological chain. The machines do their job monotonously and without emotion, and their work is monitored by special sensors and high-precision cameras that control the laying of layers.
  1. The assembled “pie” goes through the conveyor under the press, where the individual components are formed into a single whole. The process occurs at a temperature of about 200˚C and a pressure of approximately 300 kg/cm 2. The pressing time is 30 s, and the texture is further pressed with a preform.

  1. After the press, the sheets are cooled without the use of drying rooms. IN natural conditions. The process is very important in laminate production. This is where a violation of the geometry of the lamellas can occur.

  1. The last stage is cutting and laying. For this, there are special machines that cut out ridges and grooves, making it easy to install the lamellas yourself. The process takes place on high speed. The slats are then hand-checked for texture, color and finish before being packaged.

Laminate comparison

  1. Laminate and carpet:
    • easier to maintain and clean;
    • stains can be removed with acetone;
    • anti-allergenic;
    • antibacterial;
    • does not accumulate small ticks on itself;
    • ecologically pure;
    • service life is long.
  2. Laminate and linoleum:
    • better appearance, thanks to embossing it looks like natural material;
    • more durable in use;
    • easy to maintain.
  3. Laminate and ceramic tiles:
    • cheaper;
    • easier to install, does not require special surface preparation;
    • not afraid of blows.


The article gives an idea of ​​what laminate is made of and how it is produced. It became clear that the material is a complex technological solution that requires knowledge and equipment.

The result is laminated lamellas that are easy to install, easy to maintain and durable to use. In the video presented you will find additional information on this topic.

Recently, laminated floor coverings have begun to conquer the construction market, thereby displacing materials such as linoleum, carpet and parquet. The reason for this popularity is the low price of the material and excellent performance characteristics. Let's find out what laminate is made of, how it is produced and where it is used.

When did laminate appear?

The birthplace of laminate is Europe, and the production of the coating began in the mid-eighties of the last century. Therefore, to this day, European laminate is considered the best. Of course, progress does not stand still and laminated products began to be produced in China, Ukraine and Russia.

Although modern laminate production can be called impeccable, there is no limit to improvement, and new technologies are being developed every day. Thus, previously there were laminate models imitating various types of trees, but now marble, granite, flowers, fruits and even 3D images can be depicted on the floor surface. In addition, models with textured coatings appeared on the construction market, which was not the case before. Given the rapid growth in popularity and frequent improvements in production technology, product quality is guaranteed by an appropriate certificate for laminate, thereby removing unscrupulous manufacturers from the market.

Where is laminate used?

Due to its excellent performance properties, laminate can be used in almost any field of activity:

  • Private construction. Since laminate is produced in all kinds of color ranges and at the same time has excellent wear resistance, it is almost ideal for use in houses and apartments;
  • Offices, shops and other public premises. In places with increased load on the coating, the service life of the laminate is 5 years or more, and this indicator depends on the quality of the material and the integrity of the manufacturers. Also, the protective layer of the laminate will not lose its appearance even with intensive movement on the surface;
  • Sports and industrial complexes. The excellent strength properties of the coating allow the installation of laminate in areas with extremely high loads. For example, the coating can easily withstand the weight of machines, sports equipment and other equipment.

Laminate flooring is conquering new heights every day and is used in almost any field of human activity. And the main reason for this is the low price of the material combined with quality and durability.

What is laminate made of?

The production of laminated floor coverings is reminiscent of creating a “sandwich” consisting of four layers, each of which performs its own function:

  • Protective top layer– represents a layer applied to the base protective coating. It is made from melamine or acrylic resins that can withstand stress in the form of scratches, impacts and indentations;
  • Decorative layer- paper with a pattern printed on it. Can imitate various materials and is “responsible” for the appearance of the coating;
  • The main layer is the “heart” of the laminate, because all the main functions are assigned to it (heat and sound insulation, structural strength). The main material for laminate is fiberboard (sawdust that undergoes special heat and pressing treatment);

Important! The main layer must be processed with high quality, because the quality of the entire material depends on it.

  • Stabilization layerthis coating It is applied to increase the rigidity of the entire product and prevent it from deformation. Additional sound insulation can also be attached to the stabilizing layer.

What classes is laminate divided into?

Depending on the thickness of the top protective layer and the additives included in the composition, the laminate can acquire a different class of wear resistance.

Therefore, laminate is divided into two groups, each of which has three classes:

  1. Household group:
    • First class or 21– designed for light and intermittent loads. Ideal for bedrooms, offices and libraries;
    • Second class or 22– the production of laminate of this class involves medium loads. It can be used for living rooms, children's rooms, etc.;
    • Third class or 23– this laminate can withstand increased loads and is perfect for kitchens, living rooms and hallways.
  2. Commercial group:
    • First class or 31– designed for use in small office spaces, conference rooms, where there are light loads;
    • Second class or 32– this group of laminate is used for large office premises, reception areas, small shops, etc. This class is designed for medium-sized loads;
    • Third class or 33– designed for heavy and frequent loads. For example, supermarkets, cinemas, gyms and other large premises.

Advice! If you use commercial laminate at home, you can extend the life of the flooring for a long time, but it will cost much more.

How is laminate made?

At the moment, there are several technologies for the production of laminated coatings, namely:

Production using DPL technology

The bulk of the laminate produced is a coating created using DPL technology, that is, direct pressing. This type of production is a laminate standard, which is enshrined in GOST, because this technology was the original and it serves as the basis for others.

According to this technology, the initial action is to create a base, namely, impregnation and pressing of lumber into a durable fiberboard sheet. After which it is cut into boards and treated with protective layers. First, a decorating layer of paper is created, which is protected with melamine or epoxy resins. A sheet of paper and a stabilizing coating are placed on the bottom of the board. Sometimes an additional soundproofing coating is applied.

The gluing process takes place in a special press under a pressure of 2000-3000 kg/m2 and a temperature of at least 200 degrees. Gluing time takes only 1 minute. After the board has cooled, cutting occurs and the laminate in packaging indicating the grade is sent to the retail chain.

Production using HPL technology

According to this production technology, which is carried out at high pressure, it is possible to achieve a particularly durable coating. The pressing process occurs in two stages:

  • First, a surface coating is formed, which includes several layers of kraft paper, decorative and protective layers.
  • Then, as in the previous technology, the top layer is glued to the base coat.

Interesting to know! This technology also produces high-strength countertops for kitchen sets, as well as other high-strength finishing materials.

Unfortunately, this production technology is expensive, because the creation of lamellas requires large production costs.

Finished products are necessarily packaged in a sealed film wrapping. Most often, a laminate packaging or box is created for the product, which protects the surface from dust and dirt, which will serve as an abrasive and thereby damage the decorative layer of the lamellas.

Production using CPL technology

This technology is analogous to DPL, with the exception of just one point; there is also an additional layer of kraft paper, which serves as an additional reinforcing element.

Production using DPR technology

This is a modern, highly efficient laminate production technology. Its main advantage is the absence of a paper layer, which plays the role of decoration. Wherein decorative coating applied directly to the base fiberboard sheet. According to the technology of applying a pattern, a special impregnating material is applied to the slab, after which it is heated, and then the decoration is applied.

This technology has a number of advantages over its predecessors:

  • The technology allows you to apply all kinds of designs, bright color combinations and even 3D images;
  • Laminate production is much cheaper;
  • Thanks to the simplification of production, this technology allows the production of laminate in small exclusive batches.

Important! The finished material must be stored correctly; for these purposes, the laminate in the pack is hermetically sealed, thereby preventing the entry of destructive dust and moisture.


As you can see, the production of laminate is a complex high-tech process, for which special equipment is used, as well as special warehouses with excellent ventilation, in which the packaged material is stored for a certain time. Although the material is packaged in separate boxes, which contain from 9 to 12 lamellas, and the weight of the laminate package fluctuates around 15 kg, different batches must be stored in common packages.

Laminate is one of the most popular floor coverings today. This fact is explained by a number of advantages such as high resistance to impacts and scratches, the action of aggressive chemicals, durability, affordability, fire safety, ease of installation, wide selection of colors and processing options.

Laminate structure

This type of finish is a multi-layer structure, which includes:

  • The top wear-resistant layer, which determines the quality of the product and the degree of abrasion of the surface. The top layer is made of acrylic with the addition of corundum (for glossy options) or melamine resin (for matte surfaces). The thicker this layer, the higher the resistance of the coating to various types of influences.
  • Decorative layer. Made from paper, which can have any design, as well as color and shade according to the RAL scale. The most popular is a laminate that imitates the structure of natural wood and granite; there are also options for multi-colored marble, black or white gloss, sand, etc. This layer has virtually no effect on the weight and cost of the lamellas.
  • Moisture-proof film. The presence of waterproofing allows you to reliably protect the base of the laminate, and also eliminates the risk of damage to the structure from accidentally spilled water for 3 days. Of course, so high protection Moisture protection is not inherent in all brands of coating, but most manufacturers still strive for this. The degree of moisture resistance of the coating can be found in the instructions included in the packaging.
  • Stabilizing layer. It is made from MDF (Middle Density Flag) - a medium-strength stabilizing board or High Density Flag (HDF) – high strength boards (according to the markings used by the European Manufacturers Association). Strength, heat and sound insulation, and ease of installation depend on the quality of the stabilizing part of the panel. The denser the base, the better the lock works, eliminating the risk of gaps forming.
  • Resin-impregnated or waxed paper. Its main function is to protect the coating from deformation.

To improve sound insulation characteristics, special substrates are used, in the production of which the following materials are used:

o Foamed polyethylene (isolon)

o Technical jam

o Polystyrene (two-layer backing made of polystyrene and aluminum foil).

Having found out what the laminate consists of, the conclusion suggests itself: the thickness of the panel should vary in the range of 6-12 mm, with the optimal figure being 8 mm. The thicker the panel, the higher the sound insulation and the easier installation.

In addition to the above main laminate layers, products different manufacturers may contain additional layers that give it the required properties. Large manufacturing companies carry out and implement developments that are aimed at improving the quality of manufactured products.

What kind of floor should I make? The question is relevant for anyone who is undertaking a serious renovation. Perhaps the most popular flooring these days is laminate. What are the features of this material? What is it made of? Is laminate flooring harmful to health?

What is laminate made of?

The main raw material for this material is sawdust. It consists of approximately 90% of them. The whole secret of strength and durability lies in the multilayer coating manufacturing technology.

Most manufacturers offer mass production of laminate consisting of four layers:

  • The top layer is protective. It is made in the form of a laminating film that protects from mechanical stress, heat, exposure to sunlight, and dirt. This is a composite multilayer coating consisting of melamine or acrylic resin. This laminate layer may include microscopic mineral particles such as corundum, which greatly increases the abrasion resistance. Sometimes this layer is given relief in accordance with the pattern of the second layer - decorative.
  • The decorative layer is made of paper or polymer with a printed pattern. It can be anything, imitate stone, tile, wood. Color shades can satisfy even the most demanding customers. Like all facing building materials, laminate must be purchased in one batch in the required quantity with a small margin (trimming, transportation) so that there are no differences in shades.
  • The base layer is a durable particleboard or fibreboard, which is produced by pressing wood material under high pressure with High Density Flag (HDF) adhesive. The slab is distinguished by its elasticity, increased density, and at the same time it is light and can be easily processed. It has the main function of heat and sound insulation; it also has a lock cut out for connection with other boards.
  • The lowest layer is paraffin-impregnated cardboard, plastic or another denser melamine film layer. Protects the laminate from moisture, vapors, fungus, mold, protects against deformation, gives greater rigidity and stability.

Advantages of laminate

This material has many advantages:

Is laminate flooring harmful?

The laminate is made from crushed wood, a natural and environmentally friendly product. But it’s not enough to give strength. high pressure Therefore, the material is impregnated with resins, and the layers are glued together using natural or artificial binders. Some of these materials contain substances hazardous to health: phenol, formaldehyde, toluene. It is believed that since they are present in the material, they must be released into the air during operation and harm health. There is just one point here - there are so few of them in a laminate board that they cannot cause any damage. The air in an ordinary city apartment contains much more of these substances even without laminate.

According to European standards, laminate flooring is divided into several emission classes (degrees of formaldehyde release). The material from most well-known manufacturers has an emission class no higher than E1. It is this material that is absolutely harmless to human health, since the proportion of harmful substances in its composition is extremely small.

Something else is important. When the laminate ignites, a highly toxic gas that is hazardous to health is released, leading to serious poisoning. If a laminate floor catches fire, do not try to extinguish it yourself and try to get away from the smoke zone.

So why are there rumors about the dangers of laminate flooring? The bottom line is that there are two categories of material - high-quality laminate from well-known brands and cheap fake laminate.

Well-known manufacturers of this flooring carefully control the composition and manufacturing technology; their products are harmless, which is confirmed by safety certificates from independent organizations and the great popularity of this material in European countries.

Counterfeit laminates are made on the basis of a cheap analogue of chipboard (chipboard). The density of such a base is low, so it is impregnated with adhesives and resins containing unreasonably a large number of formaldehyde E240. Other parameters of such a “laminate” are also not controlled, and no one knows what such a product actually contains.

Therefore, when choosing a laminate, do not try to buy a cheaper coating, but pay attention to quality and safety certificates: health is more important than savings.