Types of bathroom faucets. Review of modern designs of the plumbing market. Which faucet to choose, types of faucets

The first water supply system has been known since the time of the Roman Empire; even then, people strived for more comfortable conditions life. The problem of mixing cold and hot water was solved by Lord Kelvin about two centuries ago. Today, the types of bathroom faucets can baffle even a professional. To choose a high-quality bathroom faucet with shower, you need to take into account many nuances. The point is not the disappointment of wasted money, but the fact that the bathroom is an area where you can relax after a busy day. And issues of recreation must be approached with full responsibility.

It is necessary to plan the installation of plumbing in advance, then you can apply all the innovative solutions developed by constructors and designers.

Durability indicator

It is necessary to pay attention first of all to the material from which the mixer is made:

  1. Brass faucets with chrome plating are recognized as the best. This optimal combination cost and reliability. Not subject to corrosion. The internal elements of the device rarely fail; it retains its attractive appearance. A budget option made from of stainless steel.
  2. made of bronze, ceramics or glass, belong to the luxury class. Designer delights come to the fore. There are many options, there are even backlit devices.
  3. Plastic faucet, not suitable for bathtubs. The only thing that can attract is low price. The quality is appropriate: parts quickly break, become scratched, and change color.

From classic to modern

The founder of the genre is the two-valve mixer. For a bathroom with a shower in houses with an old layout, this is the most suitable option, since it is easier to install in the water supply system. This type of device is also used when implementing. The name of the device speaks for itself; it includes a faucet that regulates the flow of water at the inlet. One of the disadvantages of such devices is leakage in the tap; this can happen even in the closed position.

The next stage of development was the inclusion of ceramic elements in taps. The pressure is regulated by ceramic plates; just turn the valve half a turn, the device has become more convenient to use, and the likelihood of leakage is reduced.

Reusable products are gradually being phased out. When you are offered herringbone mixers for bathtubs and washbasins, this is precisely a two-valve device.

More modern is the lever design. One of the most popular models. The pressure and temperature of the water jet changes with one movement of the hand - a special handle is moved in different planes. Horizontally adjustable mixing of hot and cold water, vertically – pressure. A ball locking mechanism or cartridge is installed inside.

The service life of the second one is affected by the quality of the water, so it is advisable to install a filter in front of such a device. The most common are single-lever models with ceramic cartridges. Manufacturers offer designs with the most unexpected designs.

Technologically important point– product body. It can be prefabricated or cast. A prefabricated bathroom faucet is preferable. Since the quality of water leaves much to be desired, it is more convenient to replace individual parts of the structure than the entire product.

type of instalation

The interior design of the bathroom plays a significant role. Based on its size, you can realize sophisticated ideas or leave the classic version. The range of sanitary ware presented in stores and the increase in space make it possible to turn a bathroom into a relaxation room. For example, wall-mounted bath faucets without a shower allow you to optimally distribute the functionality of the room, placing elements where it is most convenient.

Some devices fill the bathtub, high room faucets or low ones are selected based on needs and are not associated with the main device. The shower is permanently mounted on the wall, so you get the feeling that it has a life of its own.

Sometimes a mortise version is used. Installation is carried out in the side of the bathtub, this is a mixer for a jacuzzi. The advantage of such models is their ergonomic design and ease of use. They are easy to operate without leaving your seat and are compact. The shower hose is masked and pulled out as needed.

A wide bathroom faucet will fill it in a matter of minutes, even if it is a large one. Such a device is also called a cascade bath faucet, three-position - this is the number of elements that are used in the design.

The bathroom faucet hides all the fasteners and water pipes. To provide access to it in the event of a breakdown, a special panel is built on which controls with spouts are installed, and behind it all communications.

More original bathroom faucets are floor-standing. This is a continuation of embedded models. They look very impressive.

They are installed when the bathtub is in the center of a large room. A stand is used, the mixer is fixed on it, communications are carried out under the floor.

Rest to the fullest

Since the bathroom is a place of comfort, I want to provide for the entire room. A well-chosen mixer will add additional opportunities for relaxation.

In a separately installed shower stall, products with three positions are used. There can be up to five of them. The cabins are often equipped with economy class models, which have 2 modes.

If one is used, then you can control the operation of the watering can. Two positions make it possible to switch the water flow between the top and manual watering can. Three modes complement the device with lumbar hydromassage. The 4-position shower mixer has a foot hydromassage function. There are more advanced devices, but their cost increases sharply, and all the capabilities are practically not used.

Types of bathroom faucets: new technologies

Progress does not stand still; manufacturers are constantly competing to improve their developments. Unusual bathroom faucets allow you to control the water temperature with an accuracy of one degree. These types of bathroom faucets are called thermostatic – this is the future. They do not have well-known valves, all adjustments are made automatically, the operating mode is set using buttons. Externally, the device looks like a narrow bathroom faucet, but the filling is completely different. The advantage is that the operating mode is set only once, but the cost of such devices is still far from the consumer.

When deciding what types of bathroom faucets to choose, the main attention should be paid to product quality. An affordable product can satisfy all the required parameters. It is difficult to call a low-quality product a fake; it will work for some time, but will quickly fail, and the consequences of a breakdown can be quite serious.

Sometimes manufacturers use unsuitable materials, such as silumin, which is very fragile. To determine by eye what the faucet is made of, you can take it in your hands: if you feel heaviness, most likely it is made of brass or stainless steel, which already speaks in favor of the product.

Only you can decide which faucet is suitable for the bathroom; not only the aesthetic component is important, but also the durability of the device.

How often do you call a plumber?

A modern bathroom is practically no different from an ordinary living room in terms of interior design. This is no longer the dull room that our parents used several decades ago exclusively for sanitary purposes, without paying any attention to style, interior elements and lighting. Today, bathrooms are unique design masterpieces. Various types of bathroom faucets, a huge number finishing materials, furniture and decorative elements They allow you to turn an ordinary bathroom into a luxurious relaxation room with a warm shower.

In this article we will focus on important element bathroom, let's look at what kinds of bathroom faucets there are and talk about their design features. Today there is a huge number various types faucets that differ from each other in material of manufacture, location in the bathroom, shape and design styles. By design features, stainless steel bathroom faucets can be divided into several groups:

  • wall-mounted outdoor, which are attached to the cold and hot water lines coming out of the wall;
  • wall-mounted interior, the body of which is closed in the wall, and outside there are only control levers and a spout;
  • mortise, installed in the body of a bathtub or washbasin, often having a retractable shower hose;
  • floor-mounted – this is a tall bathroom faucet on a long leg that is installed on the floor.

Advice! Each type of mixer has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is necessary to purchase a mixer before planning repairs and lay out the wiring according to its design features.

Wall-mounted faucets with external installation

Conventional metal faucets, which were installed in homes back in Soviet times, are no longer widely produced today. In their place came significantly improved options in various designs and with several types of fluid flow control elements.

Wall-mounted bathroom faucets today are available with two types of controls:

  • reversible valves;
  • lever controls.

A horizontal bathroom faucet is installed on a pre-prepared wiring, which is hidden in the wall or special boxes. The distance between the incoming mixer lines is usually standard, but sometimes there are exceptions and special adapters are included with the product.

Wall products have a large number of design executions that allow you to successfully emphasize almost any interior design direction. For example, a square bathroom faucet with a valve-type control can be used in styles such as modern or classic. For the Hi-Tech style, a flat bathroom faucet with a lever-type control is ideal.

Important! Lever-type mixers are much more expensive than their valve counterparts due to the complexity of the control mechanism, but in terms of reliability and durability they are an order of magnitude higher. So the inflated cost is justified.

These types of bathroom faucets in most cases have additional opportunity connecting a flexible hose and a shower head, which significantly expands its capabilities. In many cases, the spouts are removed from such faucets and 3-mode bathroom faucets are installed on a long flexible hose. These faucets allow you to use three shower modes at your own discretion.

They are also actively used in bathrooms. small size, where the washbasin and bathtub are installed next to each other. A long faucet is installed on the wall, which can provide water for filling the bathtub or for the washbasin due to the rotating spout.

Indoor wall faucets

Bathroom faucets from the wall are the same lever faucet, only it assumes the possibility of being built into the wall. In this case, the entire body of the product is hidden inside the plasterboard wall, and in the outer part only the tap for controlling the ceiling and the spout for supplying water remain. This stainless steel bathroom faucet looks very aesthetically pleasing, although it has some installation difficulties.

Important! These types of bathtub faucets offer the possibility of remote location of controls. For example, the water supply lever can be placed at waist level in a shower stall and it will turn on the water to the shower head, which is located at the top of the wall. In this case, all pipelines will be hidden in the wall.

If you have opted for a built-in product, then it is better to purchase a ceramic bathroom faucet that has a built-in control cartridge made of ceramic. Such cartridges last a very long time, but are also much more expensive than their metal counterparts.

Inset mixers are also very popular today. The herringbone bathroom faucet, which is the most common model of this type, can be installed directly on the sink itself in a hole specially provided for this. This tabletop bathtub faucet can be installed in a countertop that has two built-in sinks and will supply water to either of them.

These models have a large number of design variations and are often installed on the bathtub if it has holes specially provided for this.

Floor-standing types of faucets

Floor-standing types of bathroom faucets are extremely rare and are usually used in stylistic options registration This is a frequently encountered element when decorating a bathroom. hi-tech style. The product is installed on the floor and has a long bathroom faucet with a high stand. The water supply to such a tap is carried out secretly in the cavity of the screed. These products may have various options controls and many design solutions, mainly supporting the above-mentioned style.

Sooner or later, renovations in the house reach the bathroom. The tiles are pasted, there is a new sink, the toilet is shining with snow-white faience, and before the happy completion of the renovation there is only one last trip to the store... for a new faucet. To say that there is a wide selection of them in the current market would be a very serious understatement. Appearance, material, principle of operation, price vary widely, Sowhich mixer to choose standing in a display case?

You can choose a simple brass faucet with a lever in the middle, or you can delight yourself with a home device that costs several hundred dollars, not much behind the complexity of a modern fighter jet. You can choose the usual option with a pair of taps that regulate the pressure of cold and hot water, or you can install a device with an electronic temperature controller and a digital display.

However, there is something for everyone general rules: A new faucet should be reliable, comfortable and last a long time.

So what qualities influence the viability of a faucet?


Take a close look at what the faucet body is made of. If it is plastic, ceramics or silumin, put it aside. Plastic and silumin have extremely low mechanical strength, and ceramics may not survive sudden changes in water temperature. The steel body is also not the best choice. Low-quality steel does not get along well with water. Even if they are chrome-plated, a small scratch on the coating will quickly decorate the bathtub or washbasin under the faucet with untidy rusty stains. The probability of finding a mixer in a stainless steel case that costs reasonable money tends to zero.

Our choice is brass cases (often mistakenly called bronze). They can be original yellowish in color or chrome plated - the choice here depends solely on your preferences.

The case may well be decorated with wood, plastic or natural stone. If these materials are not part of the housing that holds back the water pressure, there is nothing to worry about.


Also incorrectly called valves and taps. This is what you grab to open the water.

You should avoid lambs made from cheap plastic. The reasons are simple - they are fragile and will quickly become covered with cracks, or even begin to rotate around the valve stem. The ideal choice from the point of view of durability is brass wings; they are also very beautiful in appearance, especially when covered with decorative chrome. Steel will again rust, but most ceramic wings have a weak spot - a plastic insert that secures them to the rod and can break with a little force.

It is worth considering one nuance: lambs made of any metal get quite hot in hot water. It’s better to choose those that look like a ship’s wheel or a wheel with spokes - the small cross-sectional area of ​​these spokes prevents the transfer of a large amount of heat from the rod on which the lamb is put on to the place that you touch with your hands.

All of the above applies to faucets with separate taps for cold and hot water. In the case of a mixer with a lever that directly controls the temperature and water pressure, everything is much simpler. Make sure you're comfortable picking it up and off you go.

Mixer type

It is worth deciding, almost first of all, where exactly you are buying the mixer. It can be intended for a sink, washbasin or bathtub, with a shower hose, a shower stand or without all of this. Faucets for shower stalls, for example, may simply have two taps and a thread for a hose, or they may additionally have a spout (or gander) under which it is convenient to wash your hands.

Faucets also differ in the type of connection to the pipes. There are faucets that are attached directly to the threads of pipes coming out of the wall - these used to be installed in kitchens, but now they can most often be found in bathrooms and showers. Faucets, which are installed on various sinks and washbasins, most often have special hoses that connect to the threads of the water pipes located under the sink.


Pay attention to its shape and length. In most cases, a faucet designed for a bath will have a more convenient long spout, which can, if necessary, be moved to the side, directed into a basin into which you collect water, or into a nearby washbasin. A kitchen faucet with a spout that is too long will mean that when washing dishes, a significant part of the kitchen will be splashed. The height of the spout is also of great importance. Try pouring water into a large saucepan if the kitchen faucet spout ends twenty centimeters from the sink surface!

Another point related to spouting. Its metal should not be as thick as chocolate foil. Being too thin, it will inevitably become deformed the first time it hits something lightly. In addition, the quality and durability of the spout is the simplest sign that allows even an ignorant person to distinguish a high-quality faucet from a cheap craft, in the production of which they even saved on the amount of metal.

Shut-off valves

Levers, taps, buttons, rotating handles, electronic thermostats...

A description of all types of water pressure regulating devices will take more than one page. Let us dwell on the description of the simplest, most convenient and reliable type of taps and switches that can be seen in the store.

Our clear choice is a faucet with ceramic faucets. They shut off the water by turning the knob half a turn, while inside two ceramic semicircles are displaced relative to each other. In the “open” position, they leave a gap for water to pass through; in the “closed” position, they completely block the hole in the mixer body. Unlike taps with rubber gaskets, they do not require periodic maintenance in the form of replacing these same gaskets. In addition, at a very affordable price, they are very durable.

Most bathroom faucets have another problematic component - the switch from the spout to the shower. The most reliable implementation of this unit is a lever that rotates freely 360 degrees in any direction. When the slots of the ceramic or brass cylinder rotating inside coincide with the corresponding slots in the mixer body, water is supplied to one or another outlet from the mixer body.

It is worth clarifying the nuance associated with the operation of ceramic elements in faucets. Do you remember what happens when a pebble gets lost in buckwheat porridge and gets on your tooth? Crunch! The same thing happens to the ceramic in your faucet if a piece of slag or scale gets between the thin ceramic plates when you forcefully turn off the water. The way out is simple and obvious - the cheapest filters rough cleaning installed immediately after the valves at the entrance to the apartment, will extend the life of both the faucet and the numerous users tap water household appliances.

Another completely viable design is adjusting the water pressure and temperature with one lever. Often in the kitchen, when one hand is occupied with a rag or a pan, such a mixer is even more convenient. But repairing it when the ceramic elements are worn out or damaged is much more expensive, and in search of the cartridge of your exact size needed for repair, you often have to go to more than one store...

Electronic thermostats

One of the interesting new products is a mixer that automatically selects the ratio of hot and cold water, maintaining the set temperature of the stream. Such systems are extremely convenient to use; they won’t scald you with boiling water or douse you with ice water... The only downside is the exorbitant price.


But this is completely at your discretion. Color, shape, size - depend only on your taste and how much you are willing to pay for a new faucet.

Choosing faucets for the kitchen, bathroom, toilet

Choose good mixer among the great diversity is not easy. As in other areas, the consumer faces a dilemma: take inexpensive Chinese or high-quality European equipment. First of all, you pay attention to the design, yes, this is important, but do not forget to check the characteristics of the mixer, the principle of its operation and ease of use. Choose a reliable, high-quality model and then it will serve you for a long time. Consult with a specialist; of course, the salesperson in the store will tell you, but after all, he is not a professional and partly he has his own interests.

  • The most important indicator of quality is the material used to make the faucet. Traditionally, the best plumbing fixtures are made from centrifugally cast brass. This production method ensures uniformity of composition and strength.
  • You can distinguish a quality product by its weight. German faucets hansgrohe, Grohe, Bulgarian Vidima and Italian-made plumbing fixtures are several times heavier than the products of numerous Chinese companies.
  • Authenticity will be indicated by instructions printed on white paper, color packaging and a warranty card. Sellers are required to issue a warranty, the period of which is 2-5 years, depending on the manufacturer’s policy.
  • Remember that you should not prioritize cheapness. Practice shows that buying a cheap faucet is almost always more expensive than purchasing a high-quality one.

mixer function

The main function of a faucet is to mix hot and cold water. Now the plumbing market offers many design options for faucets. But let's figure out what a mixer is? These are devices to which two pipes with hot and cold water. But how the water is mixed in the mixer depends on what kind of faucet the mixer has. Depending on the internal structure there are several types of faucets

  • Single lever
  • Two-valve
  • Thermostats
  • Sensory

Single lever mixers.

Single lever mixer.
And here's another single-lever mixer

Single-lever faucets appeared relatively recently but are quickly gaining popularity due to their ease of use and large selection on the market. The water supply is regulated by moving the lever up and down, and the temperature adjustment is to the right and left, which is much faster and more convenient compared to two-valve mixers. Single-lever faucets use cartridges. They are reliable and durable, easy to replace during repairs. Disadvantage: high requirements for water quality and price.

Two-valve mixer.

2 lever kitchen mixer

These mixers have been known since Soviet times. However, even now they have not lost their relevance. Two-valve mixers are successfully used for both kitchen sink and for the bathroom. The bathroom uses a faucet with a shower diverter. A two-valve mixer looks like a faucet with two valves. It will take more time to adjust the water temperature than with a single-lever mixer, but the result will be more accurate. Thanks to this, water is consumed more economically, which is important if the apartment has a water flow meter. In two-valve faucets, rubber gaskets or ceramic discs are used as a closing element. Rubber gaskets are adapted to low water quality, they are easy to replace and are cheap. But their service life is short. Ceramic discs last a long time and to adjust the water, just turn the valve half a turn, which is convenient to use.

Double lever mixer


Modern technologies do not stand still. Faucets equipped with a thermocouple that controls the flow of hot and cold water are gaining popularity. It is enough to adjust the required water temperature parameters once and they are saved, and a constant water pressure is also maintained. Therefore, thermostats have two regulators. On one side of the thermostat mixer, the water pressure is regulated by a handle. And on the other there is a temperature scale on which you independently set the temperature you need.

Mom lets me wash my face myself

This is very convenient; if there are children in the house, you don’t have to worry about their safety. Well, if you need hotter water or vice versa, just change the function. Comfort and reliability are guaranteed to you. And you can choose the design to your taste. But, I want to add a fly in the ointment. Unfortunately, our water supply systems do not always work well. With unstable pressure, surges and drops, thermostats do not always cope with the load and malfunctions may occur. (this happens!) If there are no problems with pressure in the water supply, then using such a tap is a pleasure. It works perfectly when turned off hot water on summer period and the hot water is heated by a “boiler”. In this case, the temperature in both pipes is stable and has the same pressure. You only use the flow knob, and the other is always in position 36.6

Touch sensor faucets for sinks.

We have long been accustomed to the fact that when entering an airport, train station or just a shopping center, the doors open on their own. Is it nice to wash your face in the sink with water at a comfortable temperature, without using any levers? The same ones are used here infrared sensors, only miniature ones. Let's take a look inside sensor faucet, let's see what's there. There is a monoblock with control valves and the electronics necessary for its operation, touch sensor and a small lithium battery. Yes, yes, it is a battery with a service life of at least two years - it is designed for an intensity of use of the mixer of 3000-5000 starts per month. Such a faucet is hygienic, water is used sparingly, but most importantly, you don’t have to worry about turning off the tap, so you won’t flood your neighbors below. The simplicity of the design and the absence of different connections makes it easy to install the device yourself.

Touch mixer. Convenient mother of the hand.

And one last thing. Which material should you prefer? Most of the models offered by manufacturers are produced from become And sanitary brass. Since brass darkens over time, faucet bodies are chrome plated. These combinations are the most reliable and convenient.

Bath faucets

We combine the design you like with the necessary functionality (not to the detriment of the latter.) Bathroom faucets differ in that they are combined with a shower. In a small bathroom we use a faucet with a swivel spout, which makes it possible to use it for both the bathtub and the sink. Usually these are faucets with a hand shower, which can, if desired, be mounted on a holder installed at the height you need. IN country house, and houses of modern buildings with a large bathroom, you can give free rein to your imagination in choosing styles and decorative design. and also by installation method; wall-mounted, floor-mounted, table-top, built-in wall. You can install a cascade mixer. It is installed directly on the side of the bathtub. The bathtub will fill several times faster. This mixer is compact, practically does not create splashes, and is silent. True, the most inexpensive one costs twice as much as the usual one. In addition to the listed devices, electronic contact faucets are now used in luxury bathroom interiors, which are configured using buttons on the panel. When it comes to materials, there is no place for stereotypes. Starting from inexpensive but high-quality plastic, silumin, ceramic cases and ending with glass, stone, cases with wooden decoration. In terms of functionality, the housing can be cast or made. The cast body has little functionality in terms of mobility, but is the most durable, moreover, it is more hygienic, easier to care for, and there are no different connections. Faucets with a prefabricated body are functional, but the greater the functionality, the more connecting nodes, which means less strength and more difficult to clean. Faucets with a telescopic spout have appeared, which can not only rotate left and right and along their axis, but also extend and even take different positions.

Bath and shower thermostats Click here, you won't regret it!

How do you like it? Do you feel like taking a shower? Shower mixer. It differs from a bath faucet primarily in its size, being more compact. This is due to the absence of a spout and a bath-shower switch. The water flows directly into the shower set, mixing there and reaching the desired temperature. Installation of such systems can be either external or hidden.

Basin mixer.

Basin mixer. One of the main requirements for a basin faucet from customers is not so much technical excellence, but compatibility with other existing bath or shower faucets, i.e. creating a harmonious ensemble in the bathroom. Like similar mechanisms designed for bathtubs, sink faucets are designed for one hole or three. The latter option requires special plumbing. The first remains more common because its installation is somewhat simpler. This type of faucet must be equipped with a special kit for quick installation, as well as a connection. You can choose a rigid line using chrome-plated brass tubes or a flexible line with stainless flexible hoses. Some models of sink faucets are equipped with a special drain set. With its help, you can open or close the sink drain hole by pressing a small lever in the faucet body. Another interesting configuration is known - these are faucets equipped with a pull-out spout to ensure simple and effective care behind the surface of the shell. With such a mechanism, the plumbing fixtures will retain their original appearance for a long time, and cleaning will not take much time and will not require significant effort.

Bidet mixer.

Bidet mixer. In terms of its technical and functional characteristics, it is in many ways similar to a sink faucet. In most cases, the faucet is mounted directly on the side and can have one or three holes. The only difference is that the bidet faucet kit includes a special aerator with a ball joint, which allows you to change the direction of the stream and makes the use of plumbing simpler and more comfortable. Another modification of the classic bidet faucet is complemented by a hygienic shower. This function allows you to use a regular toilet as a bidet. To do this, you need to have a sink nearby. If the bathroom is not large, this is an excellent way out. The hygienic shower can also be connected to a standard shower mixer, including a concealed mixer. You can also use special thermostats for bidets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=le67aIUEuZ8

How to recognize a “Chinese” faucet? Why quotes? There are decent manufacturers in China. I mean artisanal production of cheap goods. These faucets are not only cheaper, but also lighter. For their production, achievements of powder metallurgy are used and plastic and aluminum powder are often used. In the best case, the Zamak material is used - an alloy of zinc, aluminum, steel and 7-10% brass. Naturally, there is no need to talk about guarantees and service life of such mixers.

Due to the increase in prices for housing and communal services and the installation of metering devices, the demand for sensor faucets for home needs has increased. Most in demand today touchless thermostatic mixers, allowing you to set the temperature and water pressure with high accuracy.

Types of touch faucets.

Depending on the area of ​​application, they are installed in the house different models mixers. For the kitchen we install a mixer with lever and touch controls, since we need constant adjustment of the water temperature. This mixer is equipped with a valve or levers.

The package may include an aerator, but a watering can and a pull-out spout are not included with inexpensive models.

The latest models of kitchen faucets are a modern multifunctional device that can be turned on and off with a button or from a touch panel, equipped with an aerator or timer to save water, and also have a pull-out spout for a pot or kettle.

In the bathroom you can install touchless washbasin products and a sensor shower. To turn on the water supply you must be in the work area sensor, which can be configured using the remote control. Sensory showers have an undeniable advantage in saving water consumption. The delivery set includes a touch panel with a built-in touch sensor. If quite recently sensory mixers were considered an expensive purchase, now a sensory mixer can be found from 9,000 rubles. But the best choice is, of course, value for money. Touch faucets They differ from each other in the type of sensors that operate on photocells and infrared rays. The latter have a significant “plus” since they do not require special distance calibration during installation. This becomes possible due to the absence of dependence on the distance of the object. The faucets are powered by a 9V series lithium battery with a two-year lifespan. It is capable of cycling water on and off about 4000 times. Usually the battery is sold complete with the mixer.

Benefits of sensor faucets

  • Using a touch-sensitive faucet allows you to stop worrying about whether you've turned off the tap. Setting a suitable temperature eliminates the need to constantly mix cold and hot water.
  • If there are small children in the house, you will not be worried about the child getting burned.
  • And of course, it saves water

How to choose a mixer

Choosing a kitchen faucet

To make the mixer convenient and suitable for you, decide how you will use it. Faucets with a medium or, preferably, high spout are suitable for the kitchen; then it will be easy to place a large saucepan or a tall flower vase. Accordingly, the sink (sink) should be deep. In the bathroom, if in addition to washing your hands and brushing your teeth you will not use the faucet for other needs, a faucet with a low spout and a short spout is quite suitable.

When choosing a wall-mounted mixer, it is important to pay attention to such an indicator as the angle of incidence of the jet. Depending on this, fix the mixer in height relative to the sink.

But for me there is no faucet, I’ll wash myself in the bath.

The bathroom is a relaxation area for every person, so everyone wants to make this place comfortable and convenient. However, these factors depend primarily on the technological nuances that make up a reliable plumber. Some people think that the types of bathroom faucets do not matter in the bathroom; in fact, these elements are a factor in comfort and aesthetic sophistication. To take a closer look at the pros and cons of the mechanism, you need to know what types of bathroom faucets there are.

Classification of mixers

Plumbers divide these faucets according to several parameters. If we talk about wiring, they are divided into horizontal and vertical. They also all differ in their internal structure.

Before purchasing a faucet, it is important to pay attention to the material. Of course, it is better to choose a mechanism made of brass for the kitchen. The fact is that this alloy reacts well to metal corrosion. Brass is prized for its durability and reliable performance, and many well-known brands use an alloy of zinc and copper to make beautiful bathroom faucets.

For example, chromium and nickel are used to coat the outside of the device, thus creating a corporate identity. But for additional elements(handles, watering cans, etc.) manufacturers use high-strength plastic. More expensive products are coated with bronze or gold plated.

Double valve type bathroom faucet

Despite the fact that a large number of new models appear every year, the two-handle mixer still remains the sales leader. This is due to the fact that modern plumbing may not always fit into the style of a bathroom or shower. In this case, the two-valve type is more suitable, since it does not require additional elements, because the classics are always in demand.

Using a faucet in this mixer, the temperature of the liquid is adjusted. This part is considered key in the mechanism. Although the Brooks crane has one drawback - it wears out quickly. Many have already encountered such a problem as water leakage. It is the crane brooks that is responsible for this, so it is often changed. As a rule, faucets of this type were previously used in buildings Soviet period, when there were no options for replacing with a more advanced option.

Ceramic crane axle boxes, which have a rotating mechanism, are highly valued. This factor gives the design additional practicality. Several ceramic plates with special holes inside help open or close the faucet valve. In this situation, it is much more comfortable to control the water flow, the mixer works correctly.

This device appeared on store shelves relatively recently. The faucet is also called a one-arm bath faucet. Despite everything, its popularity is well-deserved, since with the help of just one lever the water flow in the tap is adjusted. The water pressure and temperature are changed by tilting the lever (down, up, left, right). It is worth noting that disassembling a single-lever mixer is very simple and does not require any effort.

The internal design of this type is equipped with cartridges that can be replaced with new ones over time. This element refers to locking mechanisms. This type is easy to control, since just one movement is enough to block access to water.

Single-lever devices can differ in their holistic appearance. It's about finding leverage. If the design is of a non-standard type, then the lever is located near the tap. In this case, this subtype of design can be compared to a gearbox in a car in relation to the driver. Joystick products are in great demand in the market.

Thermostatic type bathroom faucets

This type of plumbing equipment has been used in practice for a very long time. The advantage of the design is a one-time installation temperature regime. That is, once installed desired temperature water, you won’t have to go back to this. The mode will not change, despite changes in pressure and temperature of the water in central system water utility. Only the user himself can make adjustments in water management. This design is also called a two-jaw mixer, since it has two handles that do all the main work (temperature and pressure).

The so-called regulator is always in a single position, although the water pressure can be adjusted at your own discretion. When using this mixer, it is impossible to cause burn injuries, so the structure is most often installed where there are children.

From the very name of the mixer it becomes clear that you don’t have to touch the tap to turn the water on and off. The design is equipped with an infrared element that controls the mechanisms. The type has a screw and lever hidden in the faucet body. It is these elements that are responsible for the temperature and pressure of the liquid. As soon as the hand approaches the structure, water begins to flow to the tap. By the way, expensive models have an automatic water temperature control system.

These types of bathroom faucets differ in their operating principle:

  • The first subtype works for a certain time, then automatically turns off;
  • The second subtype is turned off as soon as the user's hands are removed from the coverage area.

Non-contact models can be powered by special batteries or mains power. Installation is carried out in the user’s living conditions.

Already today in stores you can find mixer types of bathroom faucets - common for bathtub and washbasin, changing the color of the water. However, this device costs a lot of money and is not designed to work with hard water. This technology is very capricious and requires certain conditions.

Cascade types of bathroom faucets

We will not pass by these faucets with very beautiful design solution. Aesthetes will truly appreciate such bathroom faucets. Wide spout increases throughput water several times, up to 60 liters per minute. A bathtub with this design fills almost instantly. However, like everything there is a significant disadvantage - the price.

Installation of mixers can also take place differently, depending on the installation location. Some design models can be installed in the bathroom, others on the wall.

It is easier to install a mixer in a shower stall, since there are special recesses for installation. But the equipment is installed on the wall in two ways (open and closed). The most commonly used universal faucet is a mixer for the bathroom and washbasin.

Plumbing fixtures of any type differ in their service life and monetary range. The higher the cost per design, the longer the equipment is likely to last. In addition, each person has his own preferences and conditions that must be taken into account.

In this matter, the main thing is not to undercut in order to avoid more complex problems in the future. Plumbers advise spending money once and being sure that a quality product is installed in your cubicle or kitchen that will last for many years. In any case, every plumbing seller must give the buyer a guarantee of quality.

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