What color to choose for the room. How to visually make a long room square. Feng Shui wall color

Have you started renovating and are deciding what to paint the room with? Remember that the color scheme of wall paints should not be left aside. Be sure to take this aspect into account while working.

Color is a powerful tool and accentuates architectural details.

Take a look at Newton's wheel: you can gravitate towards either the cool spectrum (blue, turquoise) or the warm spectrum (red, orange).

Orange and yellow solutions visually bring the space closer to the eye. This makes the room smaller. A warm color palette is used as an accent in a long narrow room. Painting the end part with orange and red shades creates balance.

Herbal, blue, violet solutions move space away from the human eye, which are made from small room big. On an end or side interior partition, this technique will allow you to make narrow room wide, and from small - large.

Color selection

Shops and markets offer a wide range of dyes. How to choose the color of the walls in the apartment?

  1. Consider the existing items, put them together to make the right decision. Floor coverings, artwork, carpets, upholstery will suggest the right option. If your home is unfurnished, choose a color last.
  2. Take samples home. The wall paint you see on the counter will look different under the lighting in your home.
  3. Do not view the sample against a white background. Color is affected by its surroundings, so placing a swatch on a white background will cause it to appear darker than it actually is. Many people define too light a tone this way. The sample should be viewed against the background of the sofa, floor covering, wooden furniture, flooring.
  4. Take into account how the palette flows. If home prevails open plan, then choose one color scheme for the entire floor, add bright accents to the desired areas.

These tips will help you get rid of unnecessary waste of time and money.

Style solutions

There are trends that have been around for a long time: blue and white kitchens or calming green bedrooms. However, new ideas are also interesting. They are worth paying attention to.

Calm style

You can settle on one color, for example, blue - it calms the psyche. This looks good in the bathroom or bedroom, anywhere you need to relax. Curtains, towels, bedding, accessories may be different.

Blues, lavender, carnation and soft lemon colors - great option romantic atmosphere. Will create a calm environment pastel shades warm, cold, neutral milk. Use different textures of bedding and accessories to make the decor even more attractive.

Sage, buttery golden shades will make the kitchen cozy. Choosing a wall paint color from subtle blue combinations will create a peaceful home.

Elegant style

Neutral options will create an elegant mood. This is not only a beige and milky option. An ordinary bedroom will become elegant with almond finishing patterns. Add color to pillows, vases to offset neutral tones. Don't be afraid to add structure to your accessories. Neutral wall paint colors will allow you to play with the atmosphere of your home and make it visually wider.

Various patterns of rust, mahogany or garnet will create an earthy, rich feeling.

Bright style

If you want fun, then when choosing the color of the walls in your apartment, use bright combinations and their shades - such as orange and gold, red and dark purple. The nearby colors of the circle are complemented by the opposite ones on the wheel: gold and orange with purple. Red and black are chosen to create a contrast to the oriental style.

Choose two opposite circle combinations: they will play against each other. The style completely depends on your taste, it should be matched to the atmosphere.

On video: how to make your living room bright and sunny.


Visually lowering the high ceiling is a tone that is darker than the rest of the space.

If you make the ceiling lighter, you can expand the room. If you are afraid to overdo it with the ceiling palette, use notes Ivory. This will add elegance, a smooth transition from one shade to another.

Interior partitions

Perfect interior partition The one that creates emphasis is the one that is guaranteed to attract attention. If you can’t decide, then consult with your friends. Use one that won't be hidden or boring. A balanced design involves the correct placement of furniture near the accent partition. A huge closet or long curtains should not obscure it.

You can’t leave the space next to it empty, otherwise it will look unbalanced.

A different palette of paints for walls will create a certain state. Once you find one you like, limit your choices to no more than two combinations.

Colors and their meaning in design


The cozy, rich dark brown color will make you curl up and fall asleep. It creates an atmosphere of forest and magic. Sunny brown will take the most unusual forms in different time days.

Brown will look perfect with rich orange or muted pink.


Red increases energy levels at home. This shade is quite intense. Choosing this wall paint color is intuitive and personal.

Purple increases blood pressure, breathing rate, and heart rate.


Yellow notes capture happiness and are associated with sunlight. This is an excellent option for the kitchen, dining room, bathroom, where this color will give wellness. In the hall, small corners, yellow will look welcoming.

Lemon coloring a space is quite cheerful, but is not recommended for the main scheme. A large number of yellow creates a feeling of disappointment and anger.


Orange is used to create excitement and enthusiasm. It looks great in the gym, where you need to release anger and negative emotions.


The combination of purple shades is always the richest, but at the same time quite sophisticated. As an accent, it gives depth to the scheme.

Tones of milky lilac and lavender create peace without a feeling of cold.


Green is the best soothing color for the eyes. The colors combine from refreshing blue, invigorating golden, delicate light green: they suit any corner of the house.

In the kitchen, this shade cools down and promotes unity and harmony.


Blue colors reduce the number of heartbeats, are considered relaxing, and are recommended for bedrooms and bathrooms. The pastel palette of the house is milky blue and can highlight the warm notes of furniture and fabrics. In living rooms and large kitchens We select bright blues, azure.

Blue is used as a main color scheme with dilution; too much of it can cause a feeling of sadness.


Neutral tones, such as beige, milky, gray, black, are basic for the decorator.

They go out of fashion and come back again; their advantage lies in their versatility and flexibility. Black is rarely used, mainly as an accent. Experts believe that black is essential in every corner of the home. This shade adds depth to the setting.

Do you want to feel romantic and calm? A light warm or cool palette will help with this. How to choose a wall paint color to bring peace and a cozy atmosphere? Make the room buttery, golden - like the kitchen. Need to feel calm and balanced? Make everything out of notes of moss and sage. What if your energy and bright personality are overflowing? Transform with rich colors.

How to understand the atmosphere of elegance and serenity? Choose neutral shades of color for the walls, such as cool grassy.

You don't have to spend a lot of money to remodel. appearance your house. With a little pigment and a lot of imagination, you can easily change everything by using the right combination of colors to paint the surface. You can feel the way you want with the help of a brush and imagination, because choosing the color of the walls is not such a difficult task.

Color combinations in the interior (2 videos)

Variety of colors in the interior (35 photos)

To create comfort in your home, it is important to take into account many nuances and, above all, the color of the rooms. It should have a calming effect, since we are talking about home, and should not evoke negative emotions, etc. Today we will learn what color to paint the child’s room, living room, bedroom and bathroom.

Living room color

Choosing the color of a living room is one of the most complex tasks, especially if you have a large family. It is necessary that everyone likes it, but at least that it does not cause negative emotions.

white, blue, blue and brown colors in the living room interior

Room tone

The first thing you need to decide is the tone of the room. You should understand whether it will be dark or light. In this case, start from the size of the room. So, if the room is small, then you should opt for paints in light shades, as they will visually make it more spacious. If you have a large room, then you should choose dark shades. They will make the room more comfortable and visually compact.

blue and white living room with striped details and gold decor

Room color

When choosing a color for your living room, you should also consider what color the interior will be. They can be in the same range or contrast with each other, but the main thing is that they must be combined so that there is no feeling of discomfort.

pale yellow, white and beige colors in the living room interior

Many people prefer beige tones. The color scheme in this case varies from yellow-brown to gray-brown. These tones will create a cozy and warm atmosphere in your living room.

Green color, if made muted, fits almost any interior, so it is often chosen for a room of this type.

cozy bright living room with fireplace and large windows in the house

White, gray and black are classic colors for the living room. However, in this case there are some nuances. If you have small children in your home, then it is better to refrain from decorating the living room in white or gray tones. As for the color black, if you consider it gloomy, then you can choose the appropriate decor to “dilute” it. For example, it could be white or pink flowers, green petals, etc.

Children's room color

Baby's room color

A nursery is a room where first a baby will live, and then a teenager. That is why the color in it will have to change as the child grows up. From birth until he is four years old, his room should be decorated in soft, soothing colors. It can be blue, muted yellow or pink. As the baby grows up, the color scheme should be richer. Blue should be replaced with blue, muted yellow or pink should be replaced with the same colors, but bright. Note that you can combine these colors in the design, that is, make the walls not monochromatic, but dotted or circled. However, you should not use more than two shades, otherwise your baby will be constantly excited and have problems sleeping.

You should know that there should be no dark colors in the design of a children's room. The fact is that they have a depressing effect on the baby and can cause fear and various phobias.

white and blue wall decoration purple interior with pink details

Teen room color

If you are thinking about what color to make a teenager's room, then it is best to do it in purple shades. Psychologists say that this color stimulates mental activity and also contributes to the development of creative thinking. Information in such a room will be better absorbed, which means that the child will not have problems doing homework.

green furniture in a bright room bright blue furniture in a bright room white and green colors in the interior

Bedroom color

A bedroom is a place where a person should fully rest. Psychologists say that if you frame it in the correct way color scheme, you can improve your sleep quality. Thanks to this, even if you don’t devote too much time to it, you will still receive good rest. Ideal in this case are all shades of blue and cyan. They calm you down and make you sleepy. You can also opt for beige tones. These colors help you calm down and relax. In addition, yellow, purple and pink tones are suitable for the bedroom. In this case, focus on your inner feelings and your preferences. As for black and white, they should be avoided. In the first case, the bedroom will look gloomy, in the second, boring and you will quickly get tired of it. There is also no need to register this room in red colors. They have a stimulating effect, so you won’t be able to stay in such a bedroom for a long time; you will very soon have a desire to leave it.

pale yellow, beige, white and blue colors in the bedroom interior dark bedroom with brickwork on the wall muted orange, white and brown colors in the bedroom interior bright interior bedrooms conducive to relaxation elegant furniture, painting and lighting on the bedroom ceiling in light colors

Bathroom color

Choosing the color of the bathroom is no less important than choosing the color for the living room. In this case, you should focus exclusively on light shades. Firstly, they will visually expand the space, and secondly, this is necessary to make it more convenient for you to apply makeup. Most often, blue, turquoise, green, yellow, pink and white tones are used for the bathroom. Black and red shades should be avoided. They have a depressing effect and therefore even a short stay in a bathroom decorated with similar flowers can ruin your mood for the whole day.

blue room decoration classical white interior light green room decoration with white fixtures and mirror

When thinking about what color to make a room, you should immediately abandon the orange tone if you often diet or watch your figure. The fact is that psychologists say that this color awakens the appetite and therefore extra snacks appear and, along with them, centimeters on the waist.

We found out what colors can be used to decorate the living room, children's room, bedroom and bathroom. We also learned which shades to avoid. We hope that our tips will help you make your home more comfortable.

It is believed that for a small apartment you need to use the lightest neutral colors possible, and preferably one color. Wherein best color considered white. But this is just one of them. There is some truth here, but this position greatly limits design possibilities and makes the interior boring, colorless, and inexpressive. Well, if one color is used, it even visually reduces the space. So, it will not live up to expectations: it will remain a small white room.

For decoration you need to use two or three colors.

One color will be visually smaller, but more colors are only suitable for larger spaces. The choice of two or three colors depends on your preferences. At the same time, two colors are more academic, strict; two-color combinations gravitate more towards. Three colors are a more fantasy combination, this is typical for more. The basic principle of selection is this: in general, the color of the apartment should be light, without sharp contrasts, but at the same time with bright details. One color should be the base color (there will be more of it). These could be walls, large ones architectural elements

, part of the furniture. So it should be very light, including white. But the second color may already be muted bright, and you need to choose pure colors. For example, if you want to use yellow, then it should be a basic yellow color (dandelion color), and not lemon or carrot-tinged.

The second color gives the room depth. Large furniture, a wall detail or an entire wall can be presented in this color. It should be noted here that the second additional color can be a shade of the base color, but it must differ significantly in saturation (for example, very light beige and oak color). Then the base and secondary colors will not be perceived as one color. The third color can be very bright, or even dark

(including black ones). The third color gives the room expressiveness and mood. As a rule, these are decorative accessories, small pieces of furniture, rugs, and trinkets.

You need to arrange the colors like this: darker and brighter colors in the back of the room, light ones in the foreground. The brightest accents can be placed throughout the volume, but the larger ones are still in the background. For example, a bright orange chair, of course, should be placed further from the entrance. But orange vases can stand anywhere. In general, it is better to avoid overall variegation and use color to highlight individual zones.

And if it’s well lit, it’s cold. This applies to both additional color and accessories.

To not only visually increase the size of the apartment, but also “raise” the ceiling, you can unusually use base color walls: use not one, but several shades of the same color on the walls, so to speak, with a “stretch”, from darker at the bottom to lighter at the top.

The best color combinations for a small apartment these are:
Various shades of white ( White color not a single one, it has many shades!) with any muted bright colors (light yellow, light pink, peach, gray, light green, light blue, bluish-greenish, muted orange, light lilac). Bright accessories with a basic white color can be of any color.

Cream - beige. Accessories: yellow, red or orange.

Light beige - chocolate. Accessories: red, orange, white.

Light beige - terracotta. Accessories: pink, crimson, yellow.

Cream - muted orange. Accessories: bright orange, green, terracotta, chocolate.

The color of unbleached wool is light yellow. Accessories: white, green, reddish brown.

Very pale blue - light green. Accessories: white, mother-of-pearl, blue, emerald, bright green.

Pale yellow - turquoise. Accessories: dark brown, green, orange.

The ivory color is a muted cherry. Accessories: lilac, yellow, wood color.

Pearl gray - yellow. Accessories: dark blue, white, black.

Very pale pink - light lilac. Accessories: fuchsia, purple, blue.

The color of unbleached wool is blue. Accessories: white, blue, gray, light terracotta.

Light peach is the color of wood. Accessories: black-brown, golden, cream.

Champagne is a dark wood color. Accessories: red, white, ivory.

Don't forget that you can use different shades one color. For example, light beige and dark beige or different shades of green, etc. Accordingly, accessories should be of a different color, but must be combined with this range.

When decorating a small apartment, you should avoid combinations such as red - green, yellow - blue, and orange - purple. These are very harmonious combinations in themselves, they are even called contrasting harmonies (according to color wheel), however they are only suitable for large spaces. Combination of black and white flowers It is also advisable not to use it - this is too sharp a contrast for a small apartment.

The chosen color of the walls in the living room sets the overall character of the house. The living room is a place for personal relaxation, where you can relax and escape from the everyday hustle and bustle, as well as gather with your friends and loved ones. Choosing the optimal shade can lift your mood and help you cope with stress. There is a whole science for this, called Feng Shui.

Features of choice

By choosing the color scheme of the walls, you can visually increase or decrease the size of the living room.

Factors influencing color choice:

  • Room area
  • Lighting
  • Personal preferences
  • Functional requirements

For compact living rooms, light colors are suitable, making the area of ​​the room seem larger. A pattern on one of the walls will successfully complement the interior, in harmony with the overall color.

In spacious rooms there are much more opportunities for realizing fantasies. The color palette can be soft or contrasting.

They will stretch out the space, and the horizontal ones will expand it.

Wall color and cardinal directions

When choosing the color of the walls for the living room, you should pay attention to the lighting of the room. The same shade in natural and artificial lighting will look completely different.

Turning the room towards any of the cardinal directions also affects the overall “picture”. For north side Soft and warm shades are suitable, they compensate for the lack of sunlight. It can be yellow, green, beige or chocolate.

If the windows face south, then the living room can have cool shades, since there is enough daylight in the room. Sky blue, turquoise and white.

For east side It is better to use warm light colors, for example, soft pink, honey, peach.

For a living room whose windows face west side, preference should be given to cool colors. The walls can be painted gray, blue, mint.

Feng Shui wall color

Feng Shui is an ancient and very interesting theory, the purpose of which is to have a beneficial effect on life with the help of objects and colors. It is believed that any colors affect the energy of the house and affect the spiritual state of a person.

According to the rules of Feng Shui color palette The living room can be chosen based on the principle of masculine or feminine, or based on which side of the world the room is facing.

Light and warm colors, such as red, yellow, green and white, are considered masculine.

Dark and deep colors are assigned to the female part, for example blue, purple, black.

For a living room located on the north side, blue color is suitable. Shades of blue promote relaxation and reduce activity. For interior decoration, you can choose paintings depicting bodies of water.

For the southern part it is better to choose orange and red wall colors, it protects from negative energy and increases vitality. These colors should be treated with care. According to Feng Shui theory, the color red can increase blood pressure and have a negative effect on the nervous system. For the living room, it is better to use more muted shades of these colors, soft coral and peach. Red color

For north-eastern and western rooms it is better to use a cream, beige and honey palette. Colors help improve mood, cheerfulness and inspire optimism.

Popular colors for the living room


Beige color is universal; it looks harmonious in almost any style. The living room will be warm and cozy; the character of the room can be changed with the help of decor. Can serve as finishing brickwork or unusual paint application.


Modern and fashionable color, which is often used to create loft, classic, and modern styles. The walls of the room can be complicated with a variety of textures and geometric shapes.


Various shades of blue have a relaxing effect. For people with high load it will be the best solution for decorating the living room. Corresponds to oriental, maritime, Mediterranean and shabby chic style.


White color is considered neutral, but by playing with colors you can create absolutely any interior. It has a lot of shades, and thanks to the complex application on the walls, the living room will turn out to be original and completely unusual. White walls will become the basis for creating the character of the living room. For a dark living room, white color will be a salvation; there will be more light in the room.

Decorative elements will make the interior strict and refreshing, or, on the contrary, will give comfort and warmth.


A trendy color for recent years, which is associated with greenery and nature. The walls can be painted in different shades, zoning the space of the room. Wallpaper with a bright print will highlight the eco-style of the living room.

In addition, green has a beneficial effect on vision and has relaxing properties.


A bright, summer and sunny color, it is subconsciously associated with something warm and pleasant. Suitable for covering the walls of a spacious living room.

A too bright and poisonous shade of yellow in a small living room will be oppressive, while pastel and light colors will promote communication, increase attention and mood.


Olive is a shade of green; it envelops you with its noble shade and gives a state of comfort.

Wall decoration in olive color will look harmonious in classic, Scandinavian and country style.


Walls peach color will fill the interior with rich colors of summer and early autumn. Suitable for classic, modern and fusion styles.

Peach is combined with gray, turquoise and burgundy.


Painting the walls turquoise will give a feeling of freshness and spaciousness to the living room. It has different depths of color from weightless pastel to rich and deep. Combines with almost any color without overloading the overall interior of the room.

A color scheme

Monochromatic Using shades of the same color allows you to visually preserve and increase the area of ​​the room. Each color has many shades; combinations of them will allow you to create an original and unique interior of the living room.

Without overloading the interior, by painting the walls in different shades, you can zone the space or focus attention on a certain area.

Neutral wall color gives more possibilities for a flight of fancy. Muted and delicate shades are suitable for classic style living room decoration.

Furniture or decorative elements that become boring over time will allow you to change the character and style of the living room. Walls in a neutral color can be shaded bright accents in the decor of the living room. For example, light gray in combination with beige will give home comfort. The calm colors of the walls will relax you after a hard day and will play in the evening sunset.

A contrasting combination is suitable for a more modern stylistic direction.

This option is suitable for brave owners. When executed correctly, the most unexpected combinations can occur.

Harmonious combination of two colors one half of the spectrum will give the living room interior Garden of Eden. The walls of the room can be made using a gradient method or a smooth transition of colors from one part of the living room to another.

Using this method is preferable for spacious rooms, although if you use light shades, a small living room will also be harmonious.

How to combine wall color with furniture color

When creating the interior of a living room, it is worth deciding what the focus will be on. If the walls of the living room are rich and bright colors, then it is better to choose furniture elements of restrained and monochromatic colors.

White furniture can be decorated with pillows that match the color of the walls.

If you choose more restrained shades for painting the walls, the main accent in the interior can be bright furniture. A sofa, as an independent element of the living room or in tandem with brightly colored armchairs, will become the main object of attention in the room.

Also, the entire living room concept can be made in one color scheme. The interior will be discreet, but tasteful.

Interior color and style


The classic style corresponds to restrained and muted colors, such as green, blue, pear. As a rule, the walls are painted in one color or covered with wallpaper with a discreet pattern.


Living room made in modern style, will allow you to use more colors. The walls can be bright colors such as turquoise, grey, blue or emerald.

Most often, only one wall of the living room is painted in a bright color; in this case, the space is not overloaded and an oppressive feeling is not created. In contrast to bright color Light furniture will look interesting on the walls.


Country style is directly associated with nature and rustic themes. Accordingly, the use of any natural shades is suitable.

Distinctive feature The stylistic direction is considered to be ceiling beams.

The colors of the walls can be painted in any natural shades, green, brown, gray.


A trendy trend used to create a modern living room. Literally, loft translates as attic or basement. Accordingly, the interior is done primarily in cool colors.

The photo shows a loft-style living room, accent wall decorated with brickwork.


The walls of the living room are made in light colors, white, beige, blue. A distinctive feature of the style is maximum functionality and simplicity of the interior.


Provence style has a restrained palette. The walls are decorated in olive, lavender and other pastel colors.

Features of choosing colors for the kitchen-living room

For creating perfect interior You should adhere to a number of rules:

  • General color palette
  • The choice of wall color depends on the lighting
  • The lighter the color, the more spacious the room seems

Features of choosing colors for a small living room

The design of a small room should be as functional as possible. The walls can be decorated with a beautiful, discreet pattern.

    For small rooms it is preferable to use light colors

    Bright colors will add decorative elements to the interior

    Mirrors and reflective elements will help to visually increase the area

    It is preferable to choose curtains from thick and light material

  • Painting one of the walls a different color will make the living room interior stylish and unusual

Each room in the house has its own function and should be as comfortable as possible for staying in it. They spend a lot of time in the living room. The color of the walls should be pleasing to the eye and not cause an irritating effect.