Is it possible to replace the sink in the kitchen unit? Types of kitchen sinks. Materials used for the production of sinks

Anyone who has purchased a new kitchen set or decided to replace an old sink with a new one asks the question - “How to attach the sink to the countertop?” There are some pretty simple rules, which will allow you to do this work yourself, without resorting to the services of a specialist.

Choice of material – porcelain stoneware or metal?

If you are just planning a purchase, it makes sense to take a close look at the options presented on store shelves. Kitchen sinks can be overhead, mortise or wall-mounted according to the type of fastening. The first two options are the most common. They can also be made from various materials:

  • stainless steel;
  • enameled metal;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • artificial stone;
  • acrylic;
  • glass

Next point in classification kitchen sinks- their form. Today, you can find not only traditional rectangular sinks or sinks that are located in the corner, but also round and more intricate bowls. When choosing an extravagant configuration, make sure that it does not affect the ease of maintenance and cleanliness of the kitchen. It also makes sense to decide on the number of bowls (often there are two), the location of the mixer and the presence of additional functions, such as the possibility of installing an additional tap for filtered water or an overflow.

But if the shape and the presence of additional “options” are still a matter of taste and comfort, then the material from which the sink is made directly affects its durability, practicality and ease of use. Let's consider the two most popular options: metal and porcelain stoneware (artificial stone). Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Knowing them, you can choose the most suitable one for yourself.

A metal sink is a time-tested classic; it fits most interiors, is simple and reliable to use, easy to clean, can withstand hot boiling water and impacts (if a pan falls, for example). Among the disadvantages is the noise that is created by both the water from the tap and the dishes if it is moved along the bottom of the sink. It is also quite difficult to achieve the initial shine: drops leave marks on the surface.

A porcelain stoneware sink looks expensive, it is durable and strong, environmentally friendly, and comes in a wide variety of colors and configurations. But you will need to be much more meticulous about cleaning it. Well, the main argument not in favor of this option remains the rather high price. Analogues made from artificial stone are much more affordable, but are inferior to sinks made from stone chips in many respects.

Installing a sink in the kitchen - cut in or overlay?

Installing a sink in the kitchen largely depends on whether the structure in front of us is an overhead one or a mortise one. Until recently, the vast majority of sinks were metal and countertop, standard in size. The kitchen cabinets corresponded to the same dimensions. The sink was simply placed on the side vertical walls, and it became the top horizontal surface. The new generation of bowls, as mentioned above, are varied in both shapes and sizes, so most of them are mortise-mounted: a suitable hole is cut out in the durable and monolithic countertop of the kitchen unit and the sink is installed.

Since, due to the plumbing line, sewer pipe and siphon, and sometimes several siphons, the sink cabinet does not have a back wall and additional stiffeners, its assembly and installation must be done with special care. All open sections should be treated with water-repellent agents, otherwise the material of the housing will be deformed due to moisture, creating a favorable environment for the development of fungi and mold.

So, to install an overhead sink with your own hands, we will need:

  • sink and cabinet;
  • electric drill;
  • wood drills;
  • screwdrivers;
  • pliers;
  • silicone sealant (preferably transparent);
  • tape measure or ruler;
  • masking tape;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • fastener L-shaped with oblique slits.

If the sink is light, it can be fixed using only one sealant; it will simultaneously act as glue and will not allow drops of water to flow under metal surface. A more reliable way would be to fasten the washbasin using self-tapping screws. On the assembled cabinet you need to install 4-5 special L-shaped fasteners, which are sold in specialized stores. To do this, secure them with self-tapping screws in the center of each wall of the cabinet; for reliability, you can make 2 fastenings. The main thing is to correctly calculate the length of the screws - they should not be visible from the outside of the structure. All fastenings must be placed at the same height.

It is much easier to install a sink on which a siphon and faucet are already installed, since this will be inconvenient to do afterwards. Especially when it comes to a corner structure.

If you have not done this before, treat the cabinet sections with a sealant or moisture-repellent compound. After this, the sink is inserted into the cabinet, the fasteners are tightened, securely fixing the structure. IN modern versions overhead sinks are provided with even more elementary fastening, when self-tapping screws are fixed vertically in the upper sections of the cabinet walls. The sink, which has corresponding holes, is put on the heads of the screws and pushed in in a given direction. In this case, the main thing is to correctly measure the places where the screws are attached.

How not to make mistakes during installation - do you need a partner?

If you purchased an undermount sink, carefully read the instructions on how to install a sink in your kitchen. Installing a sink into a countertop requires precision and accuracy. Otherwise, you risk ruining the surface, which is quite expensive. You will also need a marker, template cardboard, a wood or jigsaw, a cloth or a special sponge to remove excess sealant.

You can mark the hole directly on the tabletop, but if you do not have sufficient experience in such work, it is better to first make a template from thick cardboard. So, carefully measure the inside of the sink and transfer these measurements onto cardboard, cut out with a small margin, attach the template to the bowl, and make adjustments if necessary. If the sink has a wing - work surface, on which you can place the washed dishes, decide which side is more convenient for you to place it on. The template is convenient because it makes it easy to imagine what the installed sink will look like, where the faucet will be, and whether wall cabinets will interfere.

All this needs to be clarified before creating the hole. Once you have decided, secure the template with masking tape, outline with a marker and remove. It wouldn’t hurt to cover the perimeter of the future hole with tape, this will protect decorative coating countertops from mechanical damage. Using an electric drill, drill several holes close to each other. Choose a comfortable place, such as a corner. Connect them using a chisel and start cutting out the hole using a manual or electric jigsaw. Constantly check the correctness of the cut line. Since modern countertops are quite thick, the jigsaw blade may break, so prepare a spare one just in case.

It is advisable to use the help of a partner who will hold the blade of the hole being cut from below, otherwise it may fail under its own weight and the fracture will come out crooked. Observe safety precautions and do not injure the assistant’s hands. Seal the edges of the resulting hole from moisture. Assemble the sink, install the siphon, mixer, and install the necessary gaskets. Apply caulk around the entire perimeter of the hole, right up to the edge. Install the sink and press it firmly. The sealant will securely fix the bowl; remove any excess immediately with a damp cloth or a special sponge.

Allow the glue to set and do not move the shell. Next, connect the communications and make sure there are no leaks. In a similar way, you can install a stone and metal mortise sink. For metal ones on the inside of the kitchen table, sometimes they also use special fasteners that press the bowl and wing to wooden structure. Installing a stone sink does not require them, since the heavy sink is quite securely fixed to the sealant.

How to install a sink in the kitchen - drill a hole for the faucet

Sometimes manufacturers provide the buyer with a choice of where and how to mount the kitchen faucet. This often applies to sinks made of natural or artificial stone with a wing or an additional small bowl. For some it is convenient to place them on the right, for others on the left. It happens that in such sinks at factories they make two holes on both sides and put a plug in the kit for the excess. But much more often you have to drill a hole yourself, and it’s good if a cutter of suitable diameter is hidden in the box with the sink.

Such a cutter or crown will be needed in any case. Many craftsmen, especially when working with sinks made of artificial stone, are afraid to make a hole, they are afraid that the bowl will burst or the edges will turn out sloppy. If you follow all the rules and take your time, problems should not arise in such an important matter. Stock up on tools and get started. But first use two useful tips. Drill the hole in a ventilated area, as resins emit a rather pungent odor when heated. Place the sink itself in the box in which it was sold or in another suitable size. This will help you easily keep your house clean, since the process produces a great many shavings.

  • Carefully measure the location of the future hole and mark it with a marker.
  • Drill a hole in the center with an electric drill. Start slowly, at low speed, to prevent the drill bit from slipping and damaging the decorative coating.
  • The hole in the center is necessary because the cutter or crown has a point in the center and is thus fixed in one place.
  • Place the cutter on the drill, start drilling a hole, take your time, hold the tool strictly vertically, and securely fix it so that there are no chips or scratches.
  • In the case of a porcelain stoneware sink, it is necessary to additionally protect your eyes with glasses, and add water to the cutter, which will become very hot, to cool it.
  • Install the mixer into the finished hole and finish as described above.

The main thing to remember is that not only the aesthetics of your kitchen, but also its durability and safety depend on compliance with basic rules and the sequence of work. And the money saved on the services of a master can be spent on something more pleasant.

Washing is indispensable element any kitchen. The kitchen sink is probably used even more often than the stove. At the same time, the sink has the most negative factor for any kitchen set this is high humidity. Despite the fact that installing a kitchen sink is very simple, it is important to install it correctly and protect the kitchen unit well from moisture.

Types of sinks by installation method

Based on the installation method, there are three types of sinks: overhead, mortise and under-mounted.

Overhead sinks (Fig. 1) are installed directly on the kitchen cabinet. Often cabinets are already sold with a sink already installed or are sized to fit a specific model of sink.

Mortise sinks (Fig. 2) are the most popular. They can be metal or ceramic and have a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Overhead sinks cut into the countertop.

Under-counter sinks (Fig. 3), just like overhead sinks, cut into the countertop, with the only exception that they are installed not on top, but on the bottom of the countertop. Under-table sinks are used only for countertops made of natural and artificial stone, less often for wooden countertops.



Installation of a mortise sink

The vast majority of kitchen sets have a countertop made of chipboard. It is for this type of countertops that mortise sinks are used. Drop-in sinks can be made from different materials and have different shapes, but the installation procedure is the same for all types of mortise sinks.

Rules for installing a mortise sink

  • The sink should not be installed in close proximity to the stove, because splashes may fall on the stove and extinguish the flame.
  • The sink should be installed so that access to all its parts is free; this applies to a greater extent to sinks installed in the corner of the kitchen unit.
  • The sink should be installed between the refrigerator and the stove, so the kitchen will be most functional and convenient.
  • Sinks should be positioned correctly relative to the front edge of the countertop. This point greatly affects the ease of use of the sink. The distance between the edge of the countertop and the sink should be no more than 5–7 cm.


Sink installation procedure

Installation of the sink begins with marking the countertop. For this purpose, a template is used that is printed on the packaging of the sink. The template is cut out, placed on the sink and outlined. To prevent the template from moving, you can secure it with masking tape.


If there is no template, then the markings are made directly on the sink. To do this, the sink is placed on the countertop and outlined. Next, stepping back approximately 1 cm from the markings made, draw a line that follows the contour of the sink.


It is advisable to stick masking tape along the line of the future cut. The tape will protect the tabletop from chips that inevitably form when cutting out the tabletop.

Using a drill with a diameter of 8-10 mm, make several winding holes for the jigsaw file. It is advisable to make holes in the corners of the sink, this will make cutting out much easier.

Using a jigsaw, cut out the tabletop according to the markings made. To simplify cutting out the space for the sink, it is advisable to use thin narrow files.



Fasteners are installed on the sink. If the sink has a seal, then you can immediately proceed to attaching the sink to the countertop. If there is no seal around the edge of the hole under the sink, silicone sealant must be applied to the countertop.


The sink is installed in the hole in the countertop and secured with fasteners. The fasteners are tightened diagonally and only manually with a screwdriver (see Fig. 9). This will ensure that the sink fits tightly to the countertop and there will be no leaks.

Fig. 10.

Installation of mixer and siphon

Before installing the sink, it is convenient to install a mixer and siphon in the sink. This will make it easier to connect the sink to the water supply and sewerage later.

Mixers are usually sold already assembled. To install them in the sink, you need to connect the hoses, install the mixer on the sink and secure it with a nut.

The siphon is even easier to install; it is attached to the sink with a screw through the drain hole.

Fig. 12.

Installation of an overhead sink

The overhead sink is installed directly on the kitchen cabinet. Attaching the sink to the cabinet depends on the design of the sink. Most often, the sink is secured with four self-tapping screws. Below is a short one. But a very informative video on installing an overhead sink.

The sink is an indispensable piece of furniture in the kitchen. It is very important - just like a gas stove or refrigerator. But install sink into countertop it's much easier to do it yourself than to connect it gas stove, if you know the principles of performing such work. To do this, it is enough to have the necessary tools and a great desire to learn new things. The important thing here is right choice sinks

Types of kitchen sinks

Kitchen sinks have a very wide range. You can verify this by visiting a specialized plumbing store. There are many classifications of sinks. They can be at least divided into six types.

Depending on the type of installation, we can distinguish:

  • Corner, rectangular, round and oval, curly. The simpler and more versatile the shape of the sink, the easier it will be to care for. Complex shaped sinks can decorate the kitchen interior well, but will not be practical in everyday use. We must not forget about the main function of the sink - having a convenient place for washing dishes and other things.
  • Single and with two sections. There are models with convenient transfer of water from one sink to another.
  • The mixer can be located on the sink itself or on the wall.
  • The presence of additional functions, such as installing a filter, taps for connecting garden hoses.

The most popular are shells from of stainless steel. They are durable, functional, easy to clean, suitable for any interior, and the most important thing about them is their reasonable price.

Checking steel for quality can be done using an ordinary magnet. When purchasing, you must attach it to the sink. If it holds well, then the sink is made of good steel. When the magnet falls off even with slight movement, it is better not to use such a sink.

Sinks made of steel and granite are available in both overhead and inset versions. Self-installation mortise sink into the countertop is not a complicated process, nor is installing the invoice. But to do this, you first need to take care of the base.

Preliminary preparation of instruments

In order to attach the sink to the cabinet, you need the appropriate tools. Before installing the sink, you need to check that the kit contains fasteners for it. Often these are double-sided clips. Their need to be secured to the ends of an already cut tabletop and on the inside of the sink. Additionally, the kit should include a tubular seal to seal the joints.

You also need to take care of the following tools:

  • A jigsaw and a set of blades for it. It can be replaced with an ordinary saw.
  • Drill with drills of different diameters and screws.
  • A set of measuring tools: a stationery knife, a water level, a square, a ruler, a screwdriver for screws, a pencil and a tape measure.
  • Silicone sealant.

A durable cabinet is the key to durability

Overhead and mortise sinks are installed in cabinets with opening or sliding doors. In this case, the back wall of such a cabinet should be open. In order to assemble the cabinet correctly and reliably, you need to know several mounting features.

The bottom line is that such structures do not provide additional reinforcement and bulkheads, as this may interfere with the sewer pipes and the installation of the sink itself. In this regard, the cabinet does not have additional stiffening ribs, which will affect its service life. Moreover, if you install a countertop sink, it will not even have a countertop. Instead, the entire top of the cabinet will be occupied by a steel sink panel. This will also negatively affect the strength of the structure.

A special feature of assembling a sink cabinet is a careful approach to its strengthening. It should be much stronger than other kitchen furniture. When installing a sink in the kitchen, you need to place rubber gaskets under the cabinet. This will prevent water leakage. Even with great tightness, moisture can penetrate under it. It is advisable to treat rubber gaskets with waterproof agents. In the inside of the bedside table you need to install fastenings for jumpers. They are installed after installing the sink and connecting it. Such jumpers can be made from thick planks.

Installation of overhead and mortise sinks

The countertop sink can be installed using conventional or sliding methods.. In the first case, there are slides installed on it on the side and front, and the cabinet itself has special grooves. After assembling the bedside table, you can install the sink on the grooves and begin connecting it. With the direct installation method, it is necessary to carefully seal the joints. This will be the attachment to the tabletop. The sealant will properly glue the sink to the bedside table: it has good waterproof properties. It is necessary to apply it around the entire perimeter of the top of the cabinet and fit the sink tightly.

A large and heavy sink cannot be secured with sealant alone. In this case, over time, it may fall into the bottom of the cabinet along with the dishes and damage sewer pipes, fixtures and water hoses. It can be strengthened using additional bars or installing an internal protective sheathing.

As a rule, overhead sinks are equipped with additional fasteners. They can be made from bars, which must be firmly glued to the top of the cabinet. Then the sink will rest on them.

Before installing a built-in sink, you need to make sure that the cabinet is strong and that the entire sink can be installed in the opening. After fixing the sink, there should be no distortions or unevenness, and it should sit firmly on the bedside table.

Step-by-step installation instructions

Installing a sink into a countertop yourself will not be difficult, but the instructions must be read and followed. The quality of installation will depend on this.

How to embed a sink into a countertop

Most sinks have a template to install upon purchase. It is designed in the form of packaging cardboard. Simply cut it out and attach it to the tabletop. Using a marker, outline the outline - and you can proceed to subsequent work.

If there is no template provided by the manufacturer, you need to do it yourself. You can use cardboard from the packaging of a TV or computer, but it must be durable. Having attached the shell to the cardboard, you need to outline its contours and cut out the desired part. If the template comes out big, it’s okay, you can always trim it and adjust it to the desired shape. It is better to cut off more initially. Otherwise, there is a chance that you will need to look for another cardboard.

Location and location cutting

For such work, it is appropriate to apply the proverb “measure twice, cut once.” You can move the template around the countertop freely until you begin completely cutting out the space for the sink. After determining the exact location, the template must be glued with stationery tape in order to evenly outline the contours. After this, the template can be thrown away . Surface at the cutting site need to be covered with tape to avoid damage to the surface during operation.

In order to learn how to install a stainless steel sink on a cabinet, you need to understand how to correctly cut a hole for it. First you need to drill several holes with a diameter of 2 mm along the outlined contour. They are made as close to each other as possible, 3-5 centimeters long. You need to drill for convenient and easy entry of a saw or jigsaw. Before starting to completely saw the contour, it is necessary to connect the holes into a single groove.

Before drilling begins, spare blades are purchased. Countertops are usually very thick and can be quite difficult to saw. The jigsaw should be positioned confidently in your hand. Minimal bevels and hand movements to the sides during operation can lead to breakage of the blade and damage to the tabletop.

Completing the installation

Sealant must be applied to the end of the cut hole. Its quantity should be sufficient for high-quality gluing of the shell, but it should not be overdone, as it will come out over the edges. The sink must be pressed firmly against the countertop and held for a minute. If the sealant has come out beyond the edges, it is removed with an ordinary rag from the outside and inside. It will take several hours for the glue to completely harden. After this, you need to go to the sink and connect it to water supply and sewerage.

Important points when installing a sink

Installing a sink is a simple process, but it requires special attention to the details. Especially when it comes to specific types of sinks, for example, ceramic or glass. They should be well attached to the tabletop.

Several rules must be followed sink installation:

Most sinks are installed in a corner or near a wall adjacent to the bathroom, since they are connected to the sewer. But today, technology allows it to be installed anywhere in the kitchen.

Where to install the sink depends on the preferences and taste of the housewife, as well as on the type kitchen furniture. If each part of the set is separate, and there are no plans to completely change it in the near future, then you can install an overhead sink. But if you are installing a sectional kitchen set with one large countertop, it is better to buy a built-in sink to avoid moisture.

One of the main places in design modern kitchen occupied by washing. Its role is to provide conditions for the initial processing of products, cooking and washing dishes. Therefore, installing a sink in the kitchen should provide for:

  • convenient connection to it with communications: water supply and sewerage;
  • tightness of connections;
  • hygiene of the installation.

Diagram of a standard sink fastening to the countertop from below.

Choosing a new kitchen sink should take into account not only the aesthetic appearance, but also how to install it yourself. There are several of them:

  • installation on brackets: by attaching to the wall using metal holders;
  • invoice: mounting the panel on a special cabinet without a tabletop;
  • installation of a mortise, integrated sink: the panel is mounted in the holes of the countertop or under the countertop slab.

The following instructions on how to install a kitchen sink in different ways will help you complete the installation correctly.

Preparatory work

Before carrying out work in the kitchen to dismantle the old sink and install a new one, it is necessary to shut off the water supply from the hot and cold water supply risers.

Dismantle the old sink: disconnect the nut securing the mixer, the connection, remove the mixer; disconnect the siphon from the drain hole, then from the sewer pipe, plug the pipe hole with improvised means; remove the sink.

Bracket mounting

Installation of a sink into a countertop.

Tools and materials required for installation:

  • building level;
  • perforator;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws with plastic dowels;
  • brackets for attaching the sink.

Step 1. Make markings. Mark a horizontal line at a convenient height. Horizontalness is checked using a building level.

Step 2. Turn the sink upside down, place the brackets the way they will stand when the sink is installed, and measure the distance between them. Transfer the resulting measurement to the wall and mark the future location of the brackets. Attach the brackets to the wall according to the marks and mark the locations of the mounting holes.

Step 3. Drill holes for fastenings according to the marks. Hammer plastic dowel inserts into the holes. Attach the brackets with screws.

Step 4. Install the sink, secure it according to the design. Connect the mixer and siphon to the sink. Instructions for their installation are usually included in the package. Make connections to water supply and sewerage. Turn on the water and check the connections for tightness. If a leak is detected, disassemble unreliable elements, dry them and reassemble them again, using additional sealing with silicone, carefully installing the gaskets included in the kit.

Installation of the cover panel

Scheme for installing a sink into a countertop.

Overhead sinks are mounted in cabinets specially designed for this purpose, often without internal structures, in order not to interfere with the connection of water supply and sewer pipes. The countertop in such a cabinet is the sink panel. Therefore, assembling the cabinet with your own hands should be carried out as reliably and correctly as possible. Inside the cabinet, if necessary, additionally install fastenings for jumpers that add rigidity to the structure. They can be made from planks or pieces of board and used as small shelves.

Tools you will need for work:

  • screwdriver for assembling the cabinet;
  • jigsaw or hacksaw - for cutting holes in the housing for communications, if necessary;
  • adjustable wrench - for installation of eyeliner.

When choosing a place to install the cabinet, it may turn out that the existing water supply and sewage connections in the kitchen are located on the side of one of the walls of the sink, and for some reason it is impossible to carry them to the place from the rear, open side of the cabinet. In this case, installation of the sink will require preliminary marking and cutting of holes into which communications can be supplied (Fig. 1 a) and b)).

Installation diagram of an overhead sink.

The sink panel, which is installed on the cabinet, can be an overhead panel or slide in from the front. In the second case, the cabinet has grooves for the curved “slides” of the panel, along which it moves until it stops.

When installing the sink overlay panel on top of the cabinet, here are some brief instructions to help you avoid mistakes:

  1. Mark the position of the bottom edge of the sink, previously placed on the sink panel cabinet, and secure the support bars at the level of the mark to further support the sink filled with water.
  2. Apply a layer of sealant along the upper perimeter of the cabinet and install the sink panel in its original place.
  3. Install the mixer and connect it to the water pipes using a flexible or rigid connection. Install a siphon and connect it to the sewer pipe. Check the connections for tightness by running water. Identify installation deficiencies and eliminate leaks.

Installation of an integrated sink

A sink purchased for installation by inserting into the countertop should be selected with the template included in the kit.

Otherwise, marking and cutting out the hole for the sink can be difficult and not precise enough, which will lead to moisture penetrating under the sink and ruining the wooden countertop. Making a hole for a sink in an artificial stone countertop will have to be entrusted to a specialist. It’s quite difficult to do this with your own hands without having the necessary tool

for processing such material.

  • Tools for work:
  • adjustable or gas wrench - for installation of communications.

  1. Step 1. Carefully cut along the contour of the template for installing the kitchen sink. Determine a place on the countertop where the installation of a mortise sink will not be interfered with by elements located under the countertop. Place the template on the tabletop and carefully align it parallel to the edge, secure it and trace along the outline with a pencil.
  2. Step 2. Cover the surface of the tabletop along the contour with masking tape. This is done in order to protect its surfaces from damage by the jigsaw body when cutting a hole.
  3. Step 3. Use a drill to drill a hole for the jigsaw blade. Cut the hole exactly along the contour. This must be done without putting pressure on the jigsaw, otherwise its blade will bend and the cut will be uneven or oblique, deviating from the contour line. In any case, this will require additional refinement of the cut using Sherhebel, a file, etc. Cut a hole for the sewer outlet and water pipes, if needed.
  4. Step 4. Carefully treat the cut surfaces with silicone sealant. Allow the necessary time for hardening. Try on the sink.
  5. Step 5. Install a siphon of the selected design on the sink. Install a drinking water tap on the countertop (if necessary). Using a template, mark the holes on the sink panel for installing the faucet. Drill holes. Attach the mixer with the connected flexible hose to the sink. Install the sink fasteners included with the product. If their reliability is insufficient. You can make your own mount from metal mounting tape by threading it through the holes of the mounts.
  6. Step 6. Seal the edge of the tabletop with a rubber seal or apply a layer of sealant. Install the sink panel. On the bottom side, inside the cabinet, fasten the mounting tape with tension using self-tapping screws to the cabinet parts. Apply a layer of transparent sealant around the perimeter of the installed panel (excess can be trimmed off after hardening).
  7. Step 7. Connect communications inside the cabinet.

A more difficult option for installing a built-in sink in the kitchen yourself is to install a panel under the countertop. To do this, after cutting the hole according to the template, an additional groove is made along the perimeter of the cutout with reverse side countertops.

  1. Step 1. Make a template that will follow the dimensions and contour of the surfaces of the sink and the “wing” of the panel that must be open. Apply the outline according to the template on the top side of the tabletop.
  2. Step 2. Cut a hole along the contour, file the rough edge of the tabletop, and sand it. Turn the tabletop over.
  3. Step 3. Select a groove on the reverse side so that the tabletop panel fits freely into it.
  4. Step 4. Apply a layer of modified silane glue into the resulting groove and place the sink panel there (install the sink in the “upside down” position). Press the panel along the perimeter with your hands, then tighten it through the backing with clamps in several places and leave the glue to harden for 12-24 hours.
  5. Step 5. After the glue has hardened, the sink is additionally fixed with two-component epoxy resin. The composition is prepared according to the instructions and poured into the gap between the panel and the body of the countertop. After hardening, the junction of the countertop and sink is glued with aluminum tape.
  6. Step 6. Turn the countertop with the installed kitchen sink over and place it on the cabinet. Carefully cut off excess glue around the sink. Connect water and sewerage.

Installing sinks in the kitchen is not as difficult as it may seem at first. The main requirements are the careful implementation of work to seal all possible places of water penetration and the exact matching of the hole for installing a built-in sink.

A kitchen sink is one of the elements filling the kitchen workspace, giving it functionality. Therefore, the quality of further operation of the plumbing depends on the correct choice and installation of a sink in the kitchen with your own hands.

How to select and install a sink in a kitchen countertop

Before you begin choosing the installation method of the structure, decide on the choice of model. The sink is selected based on need. For cafes, restaurants and other catering establishments, industrial-type sinks are used, differing in size and workmanship. Standard ones are suitable for home household types structures where the main focus is on design.

Design features

For the kitchen, the best options are those with a deep sink and a low faucet, which prevents water from splashing around. A saucepan or other large item used in the kitchen will not fit into a shallow sink, so using such a sink will be less practical. The sink should be large enough to accommodate the set of dishes that the family puts away after lunch or dinner.

Quality of material

The simplest one is made of stainless steel. Kitchen sinks made of enameled steel are popular among buyers of budget models. Although products made from artificial stone are gaining in demand, they have a large number of advantages and are more convenient to use.

Customer reviews of kitchen sinks posted on the Internet clearly illustrate the interest of buyers in purchasing high-quality sanitary products, even if you have to pay more money for washing family budget, it is better to spend it on purchasing reliable plumbing equipment than on other unforeseen expenses.

Kitchen sinks: variations on a theme…

There are many technologies for installing kitchen sinks. The installation method is selected based on the product you purchased and the type of design:

  • Overhead. Such sinks are considered budget-friendly, which is why they are widespread on the market. Of all the options, this is the simplest in terms of installation. The sink is installed on a separate cabinet. The only negative is the presence of gaps between the sink and the kitchen cabinet, which subsequently leads to damage to the kitchen furniture.
  • Mortise. Such a sink is installed in the countertop, having previously cut a hole in the work surface. You can do this yourself, but keep in mind that the work requires high precision. Therefore, if you do not have carpentry skills, it is better to contact a specialist about installing a sink in the kitchen.
  • Podstolnoy. This innovation appeared on the market relatively recently. The products belong to the more expensive segment. Thanks to the unique fastening - below the tabletop - they provide high-quality sealing and an impressive appearance.

What you need for a kitchen countertop

Before getting started, prepare the equipment that will be useful during the installation process:

  • sealant;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • jigsaw;
  • fastenings (supplied with the sink).

Important! When starting to install a sink in the kitchen, do not forget to treat all seats with sealant before final fixing the sink. Through high-quality waterproofing, you will protect the chipboard from possible damage due to contact with moisture.

Installation of overhead sink

The overlays look attractive. Made from stainless steel. The products are mounted on a separate unit of the kitchen unit. The sink completely covers the upper part of the module. Installation is not labor intensive. To install an overhead sink in the kitchen, use a set of special L-shaped fasteners with an oblique slot. To install one sink you will need 4-5 products.

Important! Before installing the structure, install the faucet in the kitchen sink and mount the sink with the equipment already connected. It may be inconvenient to do the steps in a different order.

How to attach a sink to a cabinet

The wizard will easily cope with the task by following the step-by-step guide:

  1. Prepare the fasteners, place them in the intended places and make notes.
  2. Where the marks were previously made on the cabinet, screw in the screws so that about 5 mm remains on the free end. 15mm products are suitable.
  3. Cover the end side of the cabinet or drawer with a sealant, which will not only protect the furniture, but also provide additional fastening to the sink. This is a little trick in the process of installing a sink in the kitchen.
  4. Then mount the sink on the screwed fasteners, ensuring complete contact with the surface.
  5. Secure the fasteners and wipe off excess sealant. Having completed the work at this stage, you can begin connecting the plumbing to the water supply and sewerage system.

Installation of inset sinks

Installing a surface-mounted kitchen sink is not difficult. With mortise structures the situation is more complicated, but such a sink is in more close contact with adjacent surfaces, providing high level tightness, gives the tabletop a solid, neat appearance.

The issue of installing a stainless steel sink for the kitchen is easy to deal with. The only thing you have to do is cut a hole in the countertop for the sink.

Algorithm for installation in a kitchen countertop

By performing actions in the correct order, a novice master will be able to complete the task:

  1. Having decided on the location of the sink on the kitchen countertop, based on design features washing, determine the shape of the future hole. To do this, prepare a cardboard template by turning the sink upside down and outlining the surface area of ​​the sink with a pencil. If the purchased sink has a complex geometric shape, then a ready-made template is included for installing a stainless steel sink in the kitchen.
  2. The prepared template for installing the sink in the countertop in the kitchen is applied to the work surface, retreating 7-7.5 cm from the edge, and begin to cut out. They deepen 1.8-2 cm from the edge of the template, leaving support for the sides of the sink.
  3. Make a hole on the cutting line using a drill, cut out the outline using a jigsaw. The area of ​​the tabletop to be processed is secured on the bottom side so that it does not fall during sawing and damage the edges of the kitchen countertop.
  4. Sealant is applied along the contour of the saw cut and the lower joints of the kitchen sink.
  5. Now you can begin installing the sink in the countertop in the kitchen. It is pressed with the supplied clamps.
  6. Having secured the sink and removed excess sealant, we begin to connect the communications.

Installation of structures flush or below the countertop level

A built-in sink can be mounted in different ways:

  • Flush with the tabletop, but this process is labor-intensive due to the removal of the tabletop layer under the edge. It is important here not to overdo it when working with carpentry tools, and not to set the sink too low. The depth is determined by the height of the side, adding to it the thickness of the applied layer of sealant.

  • Below the top level of the cabinet. If the installation height of the kitchen sink is below the level of the countertop, use the help of specialists. Using this method, sinks made of natural and/or artificial stone are installed. To make the fastening here you will need a special set of tools: a jigsaw, a diamond-coated saw. Such sinks often do not have a water drain. This is due to the fact that in industrial conditions complete sawing of shells made of natural and artificial stone is not carried out. To fasten products made from the material, a special mounting adhesive is used.

For those who are planning to install a kitchen sink made of stainless steel, acrylic, artificial stone or other material, this advice will not be superfluous:

  1. Replace with silicone sealant. Rubber does not provide such a reliable fit, and the service life of the gasket is lower than that of a sealed filling compound.
  2. When working with products made of artificial stone or natural granite, have a partner help you so as not to drop the heavy sink and damage the product.
  3. When attaching the sink to the work surface or cabinet, screw in the screws by hand. Using a tool due to excessive stress on the working surface can lead to damage to the structure: chips, cracks, and scratches.

Main installation rules

Having finished with the installation corner sink for the kitchen, start connecting communication systems. The hoses through which cold and hot water will be supplied are connected to the general water supply system.

Important! During connection, use rubber gaskets to seal the joints.

Having secured the hoses, work continues in the following sequence:

  • an S-shaped siphon outlet is introduced into the sink; bottle bottles become clogged too quickly;
  • a pipe (angular rigid or flexible corrugated) is connected to the siphon;
  • the outlet from the siphon is introduced into the sewer pipe;
  • check connections to detect leaks.

Sometimes it happens that the diameters of the sewer pipes and the siphon differ significantly. In this case, use an adapter - a sealing collar. Without a rubber or silicone gasket, the connection may leak, which will lead to the formation of mold, mildew and rapid deterioration of pipes and furniture.

Having completed the work of connecting the sink to the sewer and checking the system for proper functioning, the installation of the sink in the kitchen can be considered complete.

The sink is ready for first use and further use. You can’t do without a sink in the kitchen, because most... technological processes involve the use of water.