How to make a figured ceiling? Using the Symbol menu. Covering the frame with plasterboard

Curly ceilings are one of the varieties suspended and suspended ceiling systems. Their difference lies in the creation of different unique figures through two- and three-level ceiling structures, giving the room a unique and original appearance. Figures, like the multi-level system itself, are created using frame appropriate form and its subsequent sheathing with plasterboard or stretched fabric.

We invite you to figure out with us how to make a figured ceiling with your own hands.

Curved ceiling installation technology

A figured ceiling looks most original if it is created using plasterboard box combinations, which, in fact, represents a figure, and stretch ceiling, mounted on flat horizontal surfaces of higher (first) levels. It is about the construction of such a structure that we will talk about.

Setting the ceiling plane

To make a profile frame for a figured ceiling, you must first determine correct ceiling level. It should be taken into account that the optimal difference between the levels of multi-level ceiling systems is a difference of 50 mm.

In addition, recessed luminaires for installation will also require a distance of about 50m. In other words, between the floor slab and the lower level of the system you will need to retreat at least 100mm.

So, the process is carried out as follows:

  1. With help roulette measure 100 mm from the ceiling and transfer the mark to all corners using a hydraulic or laser level.
  2. Pull between marks chop cord- a thread soaked in dry blue, and use it to beat off lines between the marks along the entire perimeter of the room. To do this, the thread is slightly pulled back like a slingshot and released, as a result of which a smooth and clear line is imprinted on the surface.
  3. Using these lines, figured ceilings are limited in height and it is along them that they are filled frame guide profile suspended ceilings.

Setting the shape of the ceiling

To set the shape of the figured ceiling you will need some knowledge of geometry and ability to make drawings. Ceiling figures, as a rule, are made in a round shape and at the same time have corners. Therefore, by specifying the required radii, you can create correct form almost any figure.

Let's look at what marking a ceiling figure looks like in practice:

  1. First of all, do it yourself improvised compass. To do this, take a CD profile, mark two points on it with a distance between them equal to the required radius, and drill holes along them. One of the holes will serve as the center of the circle (a dowel will be driven into it), and the second will be used to draw a circle (with a marker rod inserted into the hole).
  2. With the help of such a compass they draw directly on the ceiling drawing of the required configuration. If necessary, additional holes are drilled in the profile to change the radius.
  3. In order not to get confused in the drawings, the main lines should be made bolder or using marker different color.

Advice! If you do not have sufficient experience in drawing such geometric designs, practice first on paper using a regular compass. When you understand the principle of drawing figures, move on to drawing on the ceiling.

Installation of a figured ceiling frame

The final stage of creating a curly frame structure is giving it volume. In fact, you will need to recreate the figure applied to the ceiling in volumetric form. It's not very simple task, but it will be completely within the capabilities of anyone who shows the proper level of patience and ingenuity.

To create a design, you need to use CD and UD profiles. UD profile required bend radius in accordance with the figure being performed. To facilitate bending, the side planes of the profile are trimmed with a grinder or metal scissors.

Having bent the profile, it is attached to the ceiling in accordance with the indicated drawing using dowels. Straight sections of ceiling figures are strengthened CD profile to give the frame rigidity.

Covering the frame with plasterboard

The figured frame is sheathed quite simply:

  • To do this, pieces of plasterboard are first cut to size in accordance with the straight sections of the figure and screwed to the frame using self-tapping screws.
  • Then the figured (rounded) parts of the frame are measured with a tape measure and pieces of drywall are cut out according to the obtained dimensions.
  • Next, these pieces are bent to the desired radius.

Advice! To without special labor To bend the drywall, you can use a spiked roller and slightly moisten the sheets.

  • When the bent parts of the drywall are dry, they are also attached to the frame with self-tapping screws. After this, the figure covered with plasterboard on the ceiling must be putty and further finishing . In addition, the tension part of the two-level ceiling structure must be installed.

According to these instructions, the figured ceiling system is installed. The creation nuances for each type of figure arise differently, since any of them can be called unique. However, there are virtually no configurations that cannot be created using aluminum profile and drywall. And here, in fact, you will need to show the proper level of imagination and ingenuity so that the figured ceilings come out exactly as you planned.

Also articles about working with symbols in Word:

  • How to put emphasis in Word?
  • How to put square brackets in Word?
  • How to put quotes in Word?
  • How to draw an arrow in Word?

A curly brace in Word can be easily set according to the text using a keyboard on the English layout, but if you need to install a large curly brace covering several lines, you must resort to additional features. Next, we’ll look at how to put a curly brace in Word through the menu.

Depending on where you need to make curly braces, in a formula or in text, the corresponding menu is used. To install a curly brace in a formula, you must use the “Equation” menu, but now we will focus on installing a curly brace on the text, for which you need to use the “Shapes” menu item on the “Insert” tab.

After selecting the “Shapes” menu item, a list of all possible installable shapes opens, among which you can find the curly braces we need.

To install any such curly brace in Word, you need to select it, and then left-click on the text in the required place and, without releasing it, stretch it to the required size.

After installing the bracket, the “Drawing Tools” tab appears, where a menu is located for additional configuration of shapes. The installed curly brace can be moved to any place in the text, and its size can also be freely changed using the “Size” menu, or simply by stretching it with the mouse.

Microsoft Word training for beginners

Those who often use MS Word for work probably know about most of the capabilities of this program, at least those that they often encounter. In this regard, it is much more difficult for inexperienced users, and difficulties can arise even with tasks whose solution seems obvious.

One of these simple, but not everyone understands, tasks is the need to put curly braces in Word. It seems that this is extremely simple to do, if only for the reason that these same curly braces are drawn on the keyboard. By clicking on them in the Russian layout, you will receive the letters “x” and “ъ”, in the English layout - square brackets. So how do you put curly braces? This can be done in several ways, each of which we will talk about.

Lesson: How to put square brackets in Word

Using the keyboard

1. Switch to the English layout ( CTRL+SHIFT or ALT+SHIFT, depending on the settings in the system).

2. Click in the place in the document where you want the opening curly brace to be placed.

3. Press the “ SHIFT+x", that is " SHIFT” and the button on which the opening curly brace is located (Russian letter “ X”).

4. An opening bracket will be added, click where you want to place a closing bracket.

5. Click “ SHIFT+ъ” (SHIFT and a button containing a closing bracket).

6. A closing parenthesis will be added.

Lesson: How to put quotes in Word

Using the menu "Symbol"

As you know, MS Word has a huge set of symbols and signs that can also be inserted into documents. Most of the symbols presented in this section will not be found on the keyboard, which is quite logical. However, there are also curly braces in this window.

Lesson: How to insert symbols and signs in Word

1. Click where you want to add an opening curly brace and go to the tab "Insert".

2. Expand the button menu "Symbol" located in the group “Symbols” and select “Other symbols”.

3. In the window that opens, from the drop-down menu "Kit" select “Basic Latin” and scroll a little down the list of symbols that appears.

4. Find the opening curly brace there, click on it and press the button "Insert" located below.

5. Close the dialog box.

6. Click where you want the closing curly brace to be and repeat steps 2-5.

7. A pair of curly braces will be added to the document in the places you specified.

Lesson: How to insert a checkmark in Word

Using special code and hotkeys

If you carefully looked at everything that is in the “Symbol” dialog box, you probably might have noticed the section “Sign code”, where after clicking on the required symbol, a four-digit combination appears, consisting of only numbers or numbers with large Latin letters.

This is the character code, and knowing it, you can add the necessary characters to the document much faster. After entering the code, you must also press a special key combination that converts the code into the required symbol.

1. Place the cursor where you want the opening curly brace to be and enter the code "007B" without quotes.

2. Immediately after entering the code, press “ALT+X”- it is converted to an opening curly brace.

3. To enter a closing curly brace, enter the code “007D” without quotes in the place where it should be, also in the English layout.

4. Click “ ALT+X” to convert the entered code into a closing curly brace.

That's all, now you know about all the existing methods by which you can insert curly braces in Word. A similar method is applicable to many other symbols and signs.

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The curly brace may not be the most important element when working in Word, but sometimes it is used in texts or in formulas. Keyboard input

elementary. We will look at other, less obvious ways.

Parentheses can be used for different purposes, consider inserting a curly brace for text. You need to go to the “Insert” tab and click on the item called “Shapes.” In it you can see various figures, among which we select the brackets we need.

An alternative way is the “Symbols” item, which is located in the “Insert” tab. Everything is done in the same way as above. You need to select a curly brace from among the characters.


Many owners of dachas are familiar with the fact that paths in the yard form spontaneously. Of course, they have advantages: they don’t take much time to create, and on warm days they are extremely convenient. Well, here's what to do during the rain or after it, because this kind of path transforms into a pile of mud. There is a wide range of materials and methods for creating a garden path.

What to make it from?

Excellent design technique - a private house and the track are made of the same material. This will reduce costs, because many people have money left over after construction. wooden boards, stones, bricks. And such a combination will look presentable. If the house is made of wood, then the path can be made of a mix of beams and stone; if the base of the house is lined with stone, it is good in in this case A path with added gravel will look good.

Creating a path using curly shapes

A very nice look, but not the easiest to implement. To implement the idea, you need to purchase a form.

Makes a figured path step by step:

  1. It is necessary to decide on the placement of the path on the site and its width. Rope and wooden pegs will help with this. The shapes are 60x60 cm in size; if you need a larger width, they are folded across.
  2. Now, using a shovel, dig a trench 8 cm deep. Thoroughly compact it by hand or with an electric vibrator. Then crushed stone is poured there in a layer of 4 cm and river sand 5 cm in height, which is watered with water before starting work. Before use, the molds are lubricated with oil, and only after that they are installed.
  3. To prepare the solution you need crushed stone, cement and sand in a ratio of 4:1:3. Additionally, a binding mixture for the foundation is added. While stirring, add water. You should get a thick mixture. If you want the track to be colored, then you should add a dye of the desired color to the working solution. Next, fill out the forms for them.
  4. The mixture will set in about 40 minutes. The finished tiles must be laid out.
  5. While the solution is not completely dry, you can beautifully decorate them with pebbles, pieces of multi-colored tiles and much more.

How to make a concrete path

Not many owners of private plots want to devote a lot of time to creating an original and unusual garden path, so it is often made of concrete. But even this option can be refined with ceramics, colored mosaics and much more.

Step-by-step production of paths from concrete slabs:

  1. The first stage is measuring the width and length of the track and deepening its bed by 8 cm.
  2. Then it is sprinkled with sand. Optimal height layer - 5 cm. It is compacted and watered with water.
  3. Further along the length of the bed, frames made of plywood are mounted. The most suitable parameters for it are 60x60 cm. The distance between them is 5-7 cm. The width of the frame and the track should be the same.
  4. Poured concrete mortar. When it dries, decorative elements are carefully placed on top.
  5. After 3 days, they are planted in the soil between the slabs. plant crops for the lawn. All is ready!

Makes garden paths with your own hands from boards

Many of you have seen photographs where, instead of the usual bokeh, there are fancy patterns. Today you will learn how to create any bokeh pattern using a fast lens and a slot in cardboard.

Bokeh is a certain area of ​​photography that is not in the focus area.

In fact, everything is very simple: you just need to make a lens cover with your own hands and cut a hole in it. You will also see what kind of photos you can get using this design.

And for those who are too lazy to do this themselves, they even sell special sets of plates with slots that you just have to place in front of the lens. Well, for those who find this not enough, there are special creative lenses, for example, Tilt-shift lenses.

However, don’t miss out on experiencing the pleasure of creating your own lenses!

And you will need:

- Black or very dark cardboard of a different color

- Scissors, stationery knife

- Black adhesive tape

- Actually the camera itself with a fast lens

It’s not in vain that we wrote about the lens. Ideally, you need a prime lens with an aperture value of 1.8 or 1.4. This trick will be difficult to pull off with dark zoom lenses.

Let's get started:

1. We need to cut a strip of cardboard. The length should be slightly larger than the circumference of your optic. Now you need to roll the cardboard and glue it. Looking a step further, we will say that such a cylinder will be put on the lens, and we will secure it with adhesive tape.

2. We need to take and place the cylinder or lens we have cut out, on which we will take photographs, on another piece of cardboard with the lens down. Next we draw a circle with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the lens. Or a cardboard cylinder, it all depends on what we put in. And now make small cuts along the contour of the resulting circle.

3. Now we proceed to the most important stage. In the center of the cut out circle we need to draw a small outline, which is the basis for our bokeh pattern. Now you need to carefully cut out the design you like with a sharp knife. It could be anything. But we advise you to start with the simplest figures in order to get better at this matter. And then you can move on to more intricate patterns. You can also punch out the figures with a hole punch, in which case smooth edges are ensured.

4. At this stage, you need to cut a large circle from the sheet, and then cut the tabs, and attach it to the previously cut cylinder. Now bend the tabs inward and secure the structure with adhesive tape very tightly so that no light from the outside can penetrate.

5. That's it! After this you can start creating. We advise you to start shooting where there are several light sources. Night city lights or Christmas tree lights are great for this.

Now let's talk about shooting. We recommend shooting in either aperture priority mode or fully manual mode. You need to open your aperture to its maximum possible value. For those who don't know, this is the smallest numerical value of f. For example, let's take the 85m F/1.8 lens. It has the smallest aperture number - 1.8, with this value the lens gives greatest number transmitted light.

A beautiful figure is the dream of every woman. With ideal parameters, you feel confident: the clothes fit perfectly, and men hold their gaze, and it’s also pleasant to see your reflection in the mirror. It cannot be said that an ideal body is the key to a happy life, but it certainly adds self-confidence.

I want a good figure

It’s quite natural to want this, but how can you make your figure beautiful? After all, not many can boast of model parameters: most women are seriously upset when they try on clothes or step on the scale. No problem! You can overcome many visual defects and achieve the body of your dreams.

First, let's make a list of the most common figure flaws, because, as they say, “you need to know your enemy by sight.” So, what makes a woman's silhouette unattractive:

  • Overweight;
  • Visual defects against the background of normal weight, so-called problem areas: saggy or bulging belly, flat buttocks, “ears” on the hips, cellulite, etc.;
  • Flabby skin that has lost its elasticity and beautiful color;
  • “Webs” of veins on the legs and thighs, which sometimes take the form of ugly bumps (thrombophlebitis);
  • A weakly defined waist or its absence (observed even with normal weight due to the characteristics of the figure);
  • Poorly chosen wardrobe.

Everyone can supplement this list with personal observations at their own discretion; the main thing is to identify your problem areas and begin to act. Don't know how to get the perfect figure? Read on and learn the art of improving your body with us.

What is good for your figure?

Before you take care of yourself and start working with your body, you should know which activities will bring the greatest benefit. You cannot act at random; a good effect can only be achieved by working through a lot of information on the topic of interest. So, let’s take a note of what’s good for your figure:

  • Proper nutrition;
  • Sports loads;
  • Cosmetic procedures;
  • Good dream.

It would be useful to note that correctly selected clothing plays an important role in the visual improvement of the figure (its perception by others). With the help of a successful ensemble you can, if not make your figure ideal, then at least hide its flaws.

How to make your figure beautiful: adjusting your diet

When women say “I want good figure“, they, for the most part, dream of some kind of “magic” diet that in a matter of days (maximum a couple of weeks) will turn a plump plump woman into a slender, graceful lady. If your goal is to improve your figure to ideal parameters, then this path is not for you.

How to make your figure beautiful with the right diet? Experts recommend a fractional nutrition system, since frequent eating in small portions promotes optimal weight loss and good health.

The principles of fractional balanced nutrition, or how to make an ideal figure:

  • Eat little but often (5-6 times a day);
  • The volume of any portion is no more than the palm of your hand;
  • Do not drink food, you can drink 1.5 hours after eating;
  • Light snacks between meals (unsweetened fruits, nuts) are allowed.

What is good for your figure:

  • Fruits and fresh vegetables;
  • Dairy products;
  • Greenery;
  • Pure still water (up to 2 liters per day);
  • Fish and seafood;
  • Fat-burning herbs and spices (turmeric, ginger, etc.);
  • Herbal teas that regulate metabolism.

What is harmful for improving your figure:

  • Fatty and fried foods;
  • Sweets;
  • Lemonade and alcohol;
  • Fast food, dough products, baked goods;
  • Abundance of meat food;
  • Eat before bed.

Proper nutrition is not the key to ideal parameters. Yes, you can lose weight healthy food will make the skin fresher and cleanse the body, and the abundance of natural products will charge you with energy and vigor. However, in order to completely remove visual defects (“ears” on the hips, sagging skin after losing weight, etc.), a balanced diet alone is not enough. To make a figure beautiful, you need not only to remove extra pounds, but also to strengthen the body, raise skin tone, and give shapes relief and elasticity.

How to get an ideal figure: playing sports

Suitable for creating a beautiful body different kinds physical activity. Each person can choose for himself suitable look sports or physical activity, based on your preferences. Sports activities that help improve your figure:

  • Shaping, fitness, training on simulators;
  • Various areas of fitness - callanetics, Pilates, step aerobics, etc.;
  • Complexes of strength exercises from Hollywood stars or famous trainers;
  • Swimming, water aerobics;
  • Running, jumping rope, cardio exercises;
  • Additional loads in the form of exercises on the “Health Disc”, torsion of a gymnastic hoop, etc.

Practice shows that the words “I want a good figure” from a woman’s lips do not mean at all that she is ready to immediately run to the gym or regularly visit the pool. Most ladies are sincerely convinced that sports activities are not for them. How to make a beautiful figure without special physical activity? It is not advisable to get by on a diet alone, especially for young ladies over 30, but dancing is a completely suitable alternative.

Ballroom dancing will help you make your figure as graceful as possible - regular classes correct your posture, tighten your buttock muscles, and make your legs and hips slimmer. If fitness, aerobics and other sports activities are not for you, sign up for a dance studio and your silhouette will acquire beautiful outlines and grace.

Improving your figure through cosmetic procedures

For a beautiful figure, no less than proper nutrition and sports activities, important ongoing care behind the body. It is necessary to regularly nourish the skin with useful substances, cleanse the body of toxins, as well as dead skin cells and keratinized particles of the epidermis.

What procedures help make your figure beautiful and slim:

  • Wraps and various body masks (clay, honey, chocolate, oil, etc.);
  • Cleansing the skin with a scrub;
  • Pilling;
  • Bath, sauna, steam room;
  • Various types of massage.

These pleasant procedures, in addition to their effective effect on the body, have another important meaning - they have a positive effect on psychological state a person, helping him to tune in to positive emotions. And the right attitude is an important factor in the desire to make your figure as good and beautiful as possible.

Sleep and a beautiful figure

It would seem, how to make a figure slim and beautiful with the help of sleep? Yes, everyone knows that not getting enough sleep is harmful, and chronic lack of sleep contributes to the appearance of deep wrinkles on the face and dark circles under the eyes, but what do ideal body parameters have to do with it? However, there is a connection between proper rest and a beautiful figure.

The fact is that a person who has not had enough sleep tends to replenish the supply of missing energy with the help of high-calorie foods, especially sweets. Gradually, such a diet becomes the norm, which leads to inevitable weight gain. In order to keep your body in good shape, you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. At good rest you will have the strength to do the necessary physical activity, follow a diet and carry out procedures to improve your figure.

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