We choose a finishing material: suspended or suspended ceiling. What is the difference between a suspended ceiling and a suspended ceiling: what materials are used, differences in installation, advantages and disadvantages of each type, reviews

The modern construction world is full of high-quality and high-tech materials that will allow you to carry out repairs at the highest level. Today, many people use tension or suspended structures to decorate the ceiling. Some people confuse these two names, sometimes without understanding the significant differences in the way the ceiling is decorated. What's better stretch ceiling or hanging structures will help to understand their comparative characteristics.

There is an opinion among consumers that stretch ceilings are more reliable and practical. Comparing these two types of ceiling structures, you can see that these two types of structures have many similarities. To understand their characteristics, you need to carefully study the information about them.

Comparative characteristics ceilings will help you choose exactly the covering method that suits your individual characteristics premises.

Stretch and suspended ceilings can be made from different materials. At the same time, PVC and plasterboard designs are the most popular among consumers. Comparative characteristics of these types will help to more clearly understand the similar and different features of each design.

How are the ceilings different?

  • Stretch ceilings are easy and quick to install. In most cases, they should be installed by professionals with a set of specialized tools.
  • Suspended structures can be installed independently. In this case, the installation process will take some time and will also lead to significant contamination of the space.
  • Installation of tension fabrics takes only a few hours.

The advantage of plasterboard construction is strength. It is much more difficult to damage such a ceiling than a stretch ceiling.

Which is better: suspended or suspended ceiling

When choosing finishing materials, it is important to consider many factors. Right choice will depend on the area and height of the room, the magnitude of potential material costs, the quality of the material and its design. Today, many are faced with the choice of suspended ceilings or suspended structures.

You can decide on the type of ceiling covering only by acquiring complete and comprehensive information about the materials from which they are made and the types of frames and profiles.

You can consider design options and their features using the example of common stretch ceilings made of film and suspended ceilings made of plasterboard. To understand what design fits better, it is necessary to consider how materials will behave under different everyday circumstances. The ceiling may flood with water, it may catch fire or break.

What's better:

  • Stretch ceilings and plasterboard ceilings are not subject to fire.
  • PVC ceilings are not afraid of water, but drywall is damaged by it.
  • Stretch ceilings will last up to 15 years without special care. Suspended - up to 10 years.
  • Stretch ceilings are afraid of the cold. Hanging - no.

When choosing a ceiling, it is important to take into account the operating conditions. It is very important to follow the rules for caring for structures. The design of both types can be varied and original.

Design of suspended and suspended ceiling structures

Types of ceiling coverings have a wide range of designs. However, it is worth noting that suspended ceilings are usually used to decorate commercial buildings. Stretch ceilings are ideal for residential premises.

When installing suspended ceilings, it is important to take into account that after installation the ceiling in the room will drop.

This is especially worth considering when installing a ceiling in a room with low ceilings. Here a wide selection of glossy surfaces of canvases will come to the rescue. They will help to visually enlarge the room and raise the ceilings.

Design options:

  • Tension fabrics can be: glossy, matte, satin.
  • Hanging structures are slabs, slats, lining.

Thanks to a variety of materials, ceilings can be single-level or multi-level. This allows you to create amazing and original designs.

Stretch or suspended ceilings: which is cheaper?

When it comes to the cost of ceiling finishing, many are interested in the price of purchasing and installing stretch and suspended ceilings. These types of structures have become widespread today. Sometimes it is difficult to determine which ceilings are cheaper.

The correct choice of suspended or suspended ceilings is subjective. Each customer decides for himself which design will be the most practical and beautiful.

Tensile structures are becoming increasingly cheaper today. This is due to the high demand for them. Therefore, the difference between the ceilings in price has become small.

Ceiling price difference:

  • The price of suspended ceilings will depend on the type of material chosen, its quantity and installation method.
  • The price of suspended structures will also depend on the materials. At the same time, on self-installation you can save money.

Stretch ceilings take up less space than, for example, plasterboard structures. Stretch ceilings are easy to care for. Plasterboard sheets require more careful maintenance.

Let's compare what is better: suspended or suspended ceilings (video)

In order to choose a suitable design, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of each individually. Their features are influenced by the material from which they are made, its reliability, strength and functionality. When choosing ceilings, many people pay attention to their design and cost.

  • The basis for the tension fabric is a special profile (baguette), equipped with a fastener for fabric or PVC film. The system is used as a frame for a suspended ceiling metal profiles, which are attached to the walls and ceiling, forming a grid for attaching drywall. Also, the base for gypsum boards can be slatted, but in this case special processing of wooden guides is required.
  • The plasterboard surface is impervious to minor damage, and the stretched canvas can easily be damaged by the touch of a small sharp object. After serious damage to the canvas, it will be required complete replacement, if the drywall is damaged, you can putty it or simply replace the damaged sheet.
  • The suspended ceiling forms a hard surface, and suspended ceilings, under certain conditions, sagging of the material is possible.

The described points allow us to superficially understand the question of how a suspended ceiling differs from a suspended ceiling. For a more accurate understanding of the differences between these systems, one should consider their characteristics in turn according to a number of criteria.

Comparison of suspended and suspended ceilings

For comparison, it is best to use the main operational and installation parameters:

Difficulty of installation

Work on installing tension systems requires more highly qualified craftsmen and special equipment (heat gun). It will not be possible to install such a structure on your own without proper experience.

In the case of a suspended ceiling, minimal experience and skills are sufficient, but the help of at least one more person will be required, since it is quite difficult to attach gypsum board sheets to the ceiling alone, without special equipment.

Another important factor during installation:

  • The process of installing tensile structures involves a minimum of debris (dust occurs only when preparing holes in the wall for attaching the baguette), so before work it is enough to cover the furniture and walls with plastic film;
  • When installing suspended ceilings, a lot of dirt and dust arises. At the beginning, the base is prepared, the guides and gypsum boards are installed, and at the final stage the surface is puttied, sanded and painted, and therefore all the furniture has to be completely removed from the room.

Installation speed

The main disadvantage of installing suspended ceilings, compared to tension systems, is the speed of work. If a couple of hours are enough to install a tensioned fabric, then at least two days for a suspended one, but most often the whole process takes 3-4 days.

Indoor height loss

Reducing the ceiling height when installing both structures depends on the degree of horizontal differences in the base and the design of the lighting fixtures that are planned to be mounted in the ceiling.

Usually, for the installation of suspended ceilings, a distance of 40 mm from the base is sufficient, but for the installation of a suspension system, at least 100 mm will be required.

Moisture resistance

Tension systems are capable of holding up to 100 liters of liquid, which is especially convenient for leaks from upper floors. If the sagging of the material under the weight of water does not exceed 3 cm, the water is carefully drained through the lighting holes (after completely de-energizing the room), after which the ceiling takes on its original appearance, but with more significant leaks, it is often then necessary to completely change the canvas.

Drywall is destroyed under the influence of water, so in case of leaks, in any case, you will have to replace the damaged sheets.

Fire resistance

Both materials do not support open fire, but, unlike drywall, which is completely safe, when burning PVC material a chemical reaction occurs, which leads to the formation of toxic fumes.

Operation and care

The service life declared by the manufacturers is for tension systems about 15 years, and for suspended systems - 7 years(without cosmetic repairs).

The ceiling covering made of PVC film or fabric is cleaned with a damp cloth. This is enough to remove any dirt even in the kitchen, but you should remember that fabric coverings should not be rubbed too hard, as this process can lead to the appearance of fluff, which in certain lighting will contrast with the main surface.

Painted drywall can also be wiped with a slightly damp cloth, and if necessary, the dirty area can be touched up.

Summary table comparing tension and suspension systems.

Which is cheaper?

If you approach the question in this way: which is cheaper - suspended or suspended ceilings, considering only the price of the material, the comparison will not be entirely correct.

Indeed, drywall is much cheaper than plain PVC film, which is used for stretch ceilings, but to install a suspended system, you will need to purchase mounting profiles, fasteners, hangers, and after installing the structure, it will have to be puttied, joints and fastening points sealed, the surface treated with a primer and paint applied. The result can be an impressive amount, and this is only based on materials.

Taking into account all the costs of materials, wages for craftsmen to prepare the surface for work and perform finishing, price square meter suspended structure can range from 700 rubles, if the work is carried out independently, and up to 3000 rubles, when hiring a team of finishers.

The difference between a suspended ceiling and a suspended ceiling is that, in addition to fabric or PVC film, when equipping the first, you only need a profile and a special heat gun. As a result, the cost per square meter of such coverage is from 700 to 7000 rubles, and these costs mainly depend on the type of material, the price of which can vary tens of times.

What and in what cases is it better to choose

The desire to improve your own home modern materials should not be to the detriment of the design features of the room, so you should carefully weigh all the pros and cons when choosing suspended ceiling or tension. The pros and cons, as well as the features of both options, were discussed above, but, as additional recommendations, the following arguments can be given in favor of one or the other ceiling covering:

  • if you need to make a ceiling in country house where temperature changes are possible, it is recommended to install only a suspended structure, but it should be remembered that if the house is not intended for permanent residence, and in winter periods Regular heating of the premises is not provided; over time, the gypsum board sheets will collapse under the influence of humidity;
  • ceilings in loggias and balconies can only be made of plasterboard, since negative temperatures contribute to the destruction of tension materials;
  • if the ceiling height in the room is no more than 2500 mm, you should abandon the hanging system in favor of a stretch ceiling, which consumes less living space;
  • on the upper floors, where leaks are possible, it is recommended to install tension systems.

In other equivalent rooms, the choice of material for finishing the ceiling will depend on the financial capabilities of the customer, the required time frame for completing the work, the need to maintain cleanliness during installation and other conditions.

There is no clear answer to the question of which ceiling is better - suspended or suspended; each option has the right to exist if the installation of structures is carried out by professionals.

Beginners, most likely, will not be able to cope with the installation of suspended ceiling systems, and suspended ceilings are not so difficult to build, so inexperienced finishers can do this work quite well on their own.

Also, do not forget that you can always combine both types of finishes.

When renovating an apartment, owners are often faced with choosing the design and decoration of the ceiling. This is an important part of the big picture. When entering a room, no one pays any attention to the ceiling if it is decorated correctly and harmoniously coexists with the rest of the room’s decoration. If the balance of matching colors and design is upset, it is the ceiling covering that gives it away.

The ceiling is an important tool in creating home comfort and an atmosphere of relaxation and security. When answering the question of which ceiling is better: suspended or suspended and which one is suitable for this particular room, you need to understand all the intricacies of the production and use of different ceiling coverings. We'll talk about this later in the article.

Stretch and suspended ceilings have long replaced old wallpaper and painting. Their quality characteristics have proven themselves well during operation. Today it is impossible to imagine a renovation without updating the ceiling covering using one of the options: suspended or suspended ceiling. You can decorate a room in a completely different style, visually expand it or extend it. Give the room warmth and homeliness or, on the contrary, focus on bright, flashy colors.

So, what is the difference between a suspended ceiling and a suspended ceiling?

Stretch ceiling

This is a structure consisting of fabric or film, which is fixed at the edges on a metal or plastic baguette. Installation of such a ceiling is quite easy. To begin with, the edges of the canvas are fixed, and then they are stretched using heat drying. The polyvinyl chloride film, when cooled, takes the desired shape. This is the case with a film ceiling. If the material is fabric, then drying is not necessary. In order for the suspended ceiling to look beautiful, you need to use a solid fabric. But if the ceiling area is too large, then its improvement is sectional. You can use both PVC and fabric. The second option is more expensive, but it is also more resistant to temperature changes. The disadvantage of woven stretch ceilings is that if damaged they cannot be repaired. In addition, the fabric is very susceptible to moisture.

Suspended ceiling

It is a surface that serves as decoration. This surface is attached to a special frame, additional elements later mounted into it. :

  • rack and pinion, on guides;
  • plasterboard, solid.

The frame of the ceiling is made of metal pendants that are attached to the ceiling. The frame held by the hangers serves as the basis for fastening the cladding panels. The cladding materials are plasterboard, microfiber, metal and hardboard.

The appearance of suspended and suspended ceilings (photo attached) is completely different, and the choice always remains with the owner of the house or apartment. In order not to make a mistake in your choice, it is worth knowing all the nuances of the system service and its installation.

Installation features

To understand the difference between a suspended ceiling and a suspended ceiling (photo in the article), you should consider the installation of each type.

To install a suspended ceiling, you will need to prepare the necessary materials and tools in advance.

What you will need for installation

  • plasterboard or other material, if the ceiling is installed in the bathroom or kitchen, then moisture-resistant material will be required.
  • starting profile for fastening, the material used is metal;
  • brackets for forming suspensions;
  • fasteners for connecting joints;
  • self-tapping screws are used for drywall, and for hangers - anchor bolts;
  • paint and putty for interior finishing;
  • screwdriver, meter, level, hammer drill and metal scissors;
  • brushes, spatulas for final finishing;
  • additional spotlights and wires are needed for lighting.

Let's look at the difference between suspended and suspended ceilings in installation.

Installation begins with the installation of profiles treated with special agents to protect against corrosion. They are attached to the walls. Hangers, which are attached to the profile and the ceiling, are the main regulator of ceiling height. All work is completed by covering the system with plasterboard or other materials. After completing the fastening process, the ceiling is painted and the joints of the sheets are sealed with putty.

A special feature of installing a suspended ceiling is its size, which depends on the lowest point of the ceiling. Considering that ceilings are rarely level, the anchors will be lowered by different amounts so as to form an even ceiling. If lighting is installed, then the distance between the base and the drywall should not be less than 10 cm. It is important to apply markings to the ceiling and install a correct, even structure.

Installation of suspended ceilings occurs somewhat differently. This is also an indicator of how a suspended ceiling differs from a suspended ceiling.

The tools you will need are the same as for the suspended ceiling. The only difference is that for a PVC stretch ceiling you will need an air heating gun. Installation is carried out only in a well-heated room. The temperature should aim for 40 degrees. Cleaning the ceiling from old paint or plaster is required, otherwise, crumbling, it will ruin the entire appearance of the film.

The first step is to attach the baguette to the walls of the room with dowels. The distance from the ceiling is up to 7 cm. Then the base angle is fixed using methods such as:

  • harpoon;
  • wedge;
  • clip-on

The use of harpoon fasteners is the most expensive, and installation is carried out only by specialists. The clip system is used for fabric ceilings.

The baguette serves as a fastener for the film; it is simply inserted under the baguette strip, thus stretching it, forming an even sheet.

Not only installation, but also characteristics and the ability to be placed in different rooms- what is the difference between a suspended ceiling and a suspended ceiling?

Advantages of suspended ceilings (according to reviews)

Advantages and disadvantages can be found in each of the ceiling covering systems. The advantages of suspended ceilings are the following:

  • the design is convenient in that it can be removed as needed; hiding communications behind it is not difficult;
  • no need to level old ceiling when using hanging;
  • long service life;
  • excellent insulator of noise and heat loss, allows you to lay an additional layer thermal insulation materials;
  • absolutely harmless, odorless;
  • installation is simple and can be done independently by a person who does not have the skills and abilities in construction.

Main disadvantages

The main disadvantages of suspended ceiling designs, according to reviews, is that when they are installed, the height of the walls is significantly reduced, about 15 cm. These are not suitable for apartments with low ceilings. The cost of the ceiling covering is quite high, this is due to the installation of the frame system. If installation is performed incorrectly, over time the joints between the panels will become noticeable.

Advantages of suspended ceilings

The main advantages of installing suspended ceilings, according to reviews, are:

  • The range of films and their colors makes it possible to create a ceiling exactly according to the customer’s sketch or drawing.
  • The work is carried out quickly and does not require special skills. The quietest and cleanest ceiling system installation job ever.
  • Moisture resistant. Even if the neighbors above begin to flood, the water will accumulate in the film tank, but the film will not tear, and after draining the liquid it will return to its previous state. Only polyvinyl chloride suspended ceilings are not afraid of moisture; in this case, fabric ones will become unusable.
  • Very easy to use. They are easy to wipe; you can use a damp cloth to collect dust or a vacuum cleaner. Soot is also easily removed from the surface.
  • Easy to install, no condensation.
  • They don't burn.
  • Long service life, do not fade if it is a PVC ceiling. Fabric ceilings are more susceptible to ultraviolet radiation.


Stretch ceilings still have some disadvantages, namely, they are not resistant to temperature changes; if it is too cold, they can crack. If mechanical damage to the ceiling occurs, it is almost impossible to repair a scratch or small puncture. Requires special care in operation. Stretch ceilings will cost more than suspended ceilings.

Suspended or suspended ceiling - which is better?

When choosing the type of ceiling, you should initially be guided by the room in which it will be used, as well as the height of the walls. Stretch ceilings require less space from the main ceiling. The cost of structures also varies. If funds are limited, then it is better to choose a suspended ceiling. But it is also worth taking into account the warranty period, for example, stretch ceilings can last up to 20 years.

There are also many contradictory issues, such as replacing a damaged part, which can only be done on suspended ceilings; damage on tension ceilings leads to unsuitability. Having chosen the type and understood how a suspended ceiling differs from a suspended ceiling, you can choose not just one, but combine them in different rooms of an apartment or house. Both options will only decorate the ceiling and delight the owners of the house with their qualities and performance properties.

Many people consider the ceiling not the most important element during repairs, however, it also plays a huge role. Nowadays the most popular type of finishing is a suspended or suspended ceiling. They are distinguished by their beauty, durability and price. The cost of a stretch or suspended ceiling is not small. But which ceiling is better? We will examine this question in the article.

Before choosing one, you need to decide what pros and cons of each type?

Stretch ceiling. The stretch fabric covers the entire ceiling, which means that all imperfections and wiring will be hidden. The canvas is installed quickly, it is possible to install it yourself, but you will need a heat gun.

The service life of suspended ceilings exceeds 20 years. With careful care, some can last for 30 years. The canvases are made of PVC, high quality The product allows it to be installed in children's and medical institutions. But still, they may contain harmful substances that can react to high temperatures. To avoid this, do not expose the canvas to overheating. Fabric ceilings are absolutely safe.

The variety of ways to decorate the canvas will not leave anyone indifferent. You can choose a plain fabric, or a colored one. Even photo printing, which will allow you to create a unique themed interior in the nursery.

Ceilings are not afraid of water. They can be installed in the kitchen and bathroom. The canvas can withstand up to 100 liters of water, which will save your apartment from flooding.

The disadvantages include the price. This is not the most expensive type of finishing, but not the cheapest either. The tension fabric is afraid of mechanical influences, so you need to make sure that no one pierces it or throws something at it. Especially if you have children and animals. Fabric ceilings are more durable and do not have this drawback.

Stretch ceilings can only be installed in heated rooms; they cannot tolerate low temperatures and are afraid of temperatures above 50 degrees.

Dropped ceilings. There are several varieties, but they are all installed in one way: using a frame. But the material that is attached to the frame is different.

Slatted ceilings. Made from metal or plastic. Plastic does not last long and quality characteristics. But it is cheap and easy to clean. It will live in good condition for 5 years, but over time it will begin to turn yellow and fade. It should not be installed in the bathroom or kitchen. It will lose its appearance within a year.

But aluminum slats will last a very long time. They will fit well into any room. Aluminum undergoes special treatment: it does not oxidize, does not rot, does not react to temperature changes and high humidity. Such ceilings will last more than 15 years. Caring for them does not take much time, just wipe them with a cloth periodically. It is cheaper than other types, but still not cheap. You can install slatted ceilings yourself.

The color spectrum of the slats allows you to choose. Eat different coatings: matte, glossy. As you know, hanging structures take away centimeters from the ceiling, but for aluminum slatted ceilings this is a small problem, since the mirror surface visually increases the space.

Along with slats, there are cassette ceilings. In terms of structure, in general, they are no different. They also come in plastic and metal, with the same characteristics. Just instead of long strips - cassettes.

Suspended plasterboard ceilings. Drywall is not afraid high temperatures. You can install it yourself, it is not expensive. The design of the structures is also full of variety. But he is afraid of moisture. This drawback does not allow it to be installed in the kitchen or bathroom. If you want to install it, you can coat it with moisture-resistant varnish.

Comparison of suspended and suspended ceilings

Stretch and suspended ceilings can hide all the flaws of the ceiling: appearance, communications. In this they are not similar to each other.

Installation of suspended structures occurs using a frame. First they attach it and only then slats, strips, cassettes, sheets. The frame is the same for all types. It is built from profiles and hangers. There is practically no debris during work, only when holes are drilled for dowels.

Stretch ceilings are attached using a harpoon, wedge or cam method. The baguette is installed on the walls and the canvas is stretched over it. During installation use heat gun and heated to 60 degrees, fabric ceilings are installed using the “cold” method. There is not much garbage, but due to the temperature you will have to remove everything that could be damaged from the room.

Difficulty of work. You can install suspended ceilings yourself, but you will need a gun and at least some understanding of the work process. If you spoil the canvas, you can throw it away. Installation will take more than 4 hours.

Suspended ceilings can be easily installed yourself; you do not need any special tools or specific knowledge. But their installation may take several days.

Bulky. Stretch ceilings will take 10 centimeters away from the room, just like suspended ceilings. It all depends on the choice of lighting. Case width lighting fixture equal to the distance of the structure from the ceiling. But in both cases this disadvantage can be hidden with a glossy surface. Shine and bright hues will help expand the space.

Ceiling care. PVC tension fabrics do not require special costs strength for cleaning. You just need to buy special remedy and wipe the ceiling with it. But if for some reason you get a stain, it will be quite difficult to wipe it off. But with fabric ceilings it will be more difficult. They need to be vacuumed.

Aluminum ceilings require no maintenance. They are simply wiped periodically with a cloth. Plastic is also not difficult to clean. But plasterboard structures require periodic updating. They will need to be painted or varnished.

Strength. PVC fabric is not durable. It is afraid of mechanical influences. If you have children or pets, you will have to keep an eye on them. But the fabric fabric is much stronger and is not afraid of small impacts.

Suspended structures are also susceptible to impacts. But other types of damage are less dangerous to them. Aluminum ceilings are not afraid of anything at all.

Fire resistance. Both types of coating do not support combustion. But in the case of a PVC ceiling, with strong heating, the canvas begins to release phenol - a toxic substance harmful to health. When purchasing, check the material for its content; it should not exceed acceptable standards.

Moisture resistance. PVC stretch ceilings are easy on moisture. If you get flooded, they will withstand the water. But the fabric is afraid of her. In the case of suspended structures, nothing will save you from flooding. And plasterboard ceilings will be damaged by water.

Life time. Stretch ceilings will last more than 15 years. As well as hanging ones. But the drywall will have to be updated periodically.

Temperature. Stretch ceilings are installed only in heated rooms. They are afraid of low and high temperatures. Suspended structures do not have this drawback, but they can still become deformed due to dampness.

Price. What is cheaper: tension or suspended structures? There is no clear answer here. It all depends on the materials. Canvases for suspended ceilings come in different qualities - the higher the price, the better the canvas. Of course, installing drywall will be cheaper, but it will require additional expenses to update it.

What is better to choose

There is no universal answer to this question. It all depends on your funds, preferences and the room itself. PVC stretch fabrics are suitable for any room, but they are less safe. When heated strongly, they can release toxic substances.

In this regard, there is a risk of stumbling upon a low-quality counterfeit, which will contain phenol in quantities that are more permissible. It can be installed in apartments under the roof; if your roof is leaking, the ceilings will be saved from flooding. The fabric fabric is absolutely safe, but is afraid of water. It is not worth installing it in the kitchen and bathroom.

But it’s ideal for a child’s room: safe, durable, you can apply any design.

Suspended structures can be installed in unheated rooms. Suspended ceilings allow access to the main slab at any time. This applies to those who have problems with wiring. Aluminum ceilings can be installed anywhere, but some people are intimidated by their bright shine. Plastic ones should not be installed due to their short service life. Drywall is not suitable for rooms with high humidity.

All aspects should be considered for selection the required material. Despite the high cost of suspended ceilings, you will save money if you install them, because they do not require additional materials and updates. Their service life exceeds that of all other types.

Before making repairs in an apartment or private house, any owner carefully considers each stage of the work. One of the most difficult moments is the choice of materials and type of construction for decorating the ceiling space. Among large quantity options, many consumers prefer suspended or tensioned structures.

To make the right choice between suspended and suspended ceilings, you need to evaluate several points. Firstly, you should study the advantages and disadvantages of both systems, understand the difference between suspended and suspended ceilings. Secondly, you need to determine the style in which the room will be decorated. Thirdly, it is important to estimate the amount of expenses so that they fit into the family budget.

Beginners in the field of repair face many questions, including finishing technology, choice of materials, procedure for performing installation work, similarities and differences between one or another design. What is the difference between a suspended ceiling and a suspended ceiling? This question should be examined in more detail.

Comparison of suspended and stretch ceilings

Doing comparative analysis, it is important to consider the basic similarities of the designs, as well as understand the difference between suspended and suspended ceilings.

System similarities

In search of an answer to the question of which is better, a suspended or suspended ceiling, the following common features can be noted:

  • Same installation principle. Suspended ceilings and stretch ceilings are installed at a certain distance from the main ceiling; a wooden or metal frame is used for fastening. Baguettes are used as an addition and decoration.
  • Reducing the height of the room. Design features Both designs require a location at a lower level than the main ceiling.

  • Regardless of whether a suspended or suspended ceiling is installed indoors, it is possible to hide significant defects on the ceiling surface. During the shrinkage process of the house, both systems are not deformed. After installing such systems, you can forget about carrying out repairs in the ceiling area for a long time.
  • Possibility of masking electrical wiring, as well as pipes and cables of other communications. This can be a ventilation and air conditioning system, as well as a complex shape of the base ceiling.
  • Suspended ceilings and stretch ceilings allow you to realize various design ideas, including the creation of the most bizarre shapes. Therefore, it is very difficult to determine which is better, suspended or suspended ceilings.

Distinctive features

To understand the difference between a suspended ceiling and a suspended ceiling, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Installation time. If a suspended ceiling can be completely ready for use in a few hours, then suspended structures in some cases require quite a lot of time. For example, slatted and cassette ceilings can be installed in a few days, but creating a plasterboard structure of complex shape can take from several days to several weeks.

  • Opportunity self-assembly and installation can play a decisive role when choosing which is better, a suspended or suspended ceiling. Suspended ceilings, including modular structures, can be assembled and installed with your own hands. As for the suspended ceiling, only qualified craftsmen with special equipment can perform the work here.
  • There is a difference between suspended ceilings and suspended ceiling structures in terms of performance characteristics. The stretch ceiling does not require repair or painting; it must be wiped periodically with a damp cloth. When flooded by neighbors on the upper floor, the suspended ceiling does not deform and also does not require repairs. In the case of suspended structures, the situation is much more complicated. Pushing from the top floor can damage the plasterboard ceiling, which means it will have to be completely dismantled. When deciding which suspended ceiling is better, you should take into account that plastic and aluminum structures in this case will not suffer from moisture, but the walls and floor will have to be updated.

  • Possibility of partial repair. If a stretch ceiling is damaged in any area, the main fabric must be completely replaced. In a similar situation with a suspended structure, it is possible to replace a damaged fragment, for example, a slats, panels or cassettes.
  • The cost of structures can be called the main criterion for the question of how a suspended ceiling differs from a suspended ceiling. The initial price of a stretch ceiling is significantly higher than that of a suspended ceiling structure. However, taking into account many years of trouble-free operation of a stretch ceiling, we can say that such systems will cost much less than a slatted or cassette design.

Rules for choosing ceilings

Suspended and suspended ceilings are characterized by their individual advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is necessary to consider a specific situation in order to understand which system is better under certain conditions. There are several factors on which the choice of a suspended ceiling or suspended ceiling depends.

Indoor ceiling height

Low ceilings in the apartment, up to 2.5 meters, force the owner of the living space to fight for every centimeter of height. In this case, preference should be given to suspended ceiling structures that do not require the installation of recessed lighting. Designs from plasterboard sheets need to create a massive frame that significantly reduces the ceiling level. The main fabric of the tension structure can be attached directly to the ceiling, which leads to a decrease in the ceiling plane by only 2-3 cm.

Purpose of the premises

The purpose of the room is of great importance when choosing between suspended and suspended ceilings. If there is moisture in it high level or there is a risk of flooding from neighbors on the top floor, then it is better to give preference to tension film structures. In this case, the likelihood of damage to the interior of the room is minimized.

However, such ceilings are not at all suitable for rooms in which the air temperature can drop to negative values. Such premises include country houses without heating, balconies and loggias.

If the inter-ceiling space requires regular access, then it is better to opt for modular structures that are easy to assemble and disassemble.

The rest of the premises special attention does not attract, therefore, suspended and suspended ceilings can be installed in them.

The style in which the room is decorated

When choosing the type of ceiling depending on the style of the room, you should take into account many nuances. However, in most cases this applies to appearance ceiling, and not to its design features.

Repair budget

The costs associated with the purchase and installation of suspended ceilings and suspended ceilings largely determine what kind of ceiling structure will be installed in the room. If you have a limited budget, it is better to opt for inexpensive structures and those that you can assemble and install yourself. Such ceilings include ceilings based on plastic panels.

However, by choosing a suspended ceiling structure, you can get overall savings. This is possible due to the durability of the main fabric and easy care behind him. When purchasing a suspended ceiling, the consumer pays once a large sum for the material and installation work, while forgetting about repairs for 10, 20 and even 30 years, subject to proper operation.

When choosing a design for decorating the ceiling space, it is important to study all the similarities, as well as understand how suspended ceilings differ from suspended systems. In addition, it is necessary to study the advantages and disadvantages of both types of ceilings.