Design features: frame-panel houses. Frame-panel houses


Frame-panel technology is an advanced house-building technology that allows you to erect a building in the shortest possible time and significantly minimize construction costs. Frames in frame-panel construction are most often made of wood, less often - of steel. The most modern panels made of composite materials using polystyrene foam insulation.

Houses built using panels frame technology, significantly differ from a home of the same comfort class with a lower cost. These days there are many different technologies (Canadian, Finnish, etc.). However, you should not be confused by this variety, since, in essence, they have the same principle: the load-bearing part is a frame assembled from timber with steam and wind insulation and insulation inside, lined on both sides with some material (lining, siding, drywall, etc. .). These technologies differ depending on the use of different materials.

Each part of the wall structure performs its function. The load-bearing part receives and transmits loads to the foundation, ensuring the preservation of heat in the house. The outer cladding protects against the penetration of moisture from the outside. Wind insulation eliminates this disadvantage of classic wooden buildings like airflow. prevents moisture from internal air from penetrating into the wall and condensation of water vapor.

The basis of the house is wooden frame from dry wood - vertical racks coniferous trees with a thickness of 50-100 mm (corner posts are made thicker) and a width of 150-200 mm, and horizontal strapping. IN in this case the width of the beam will be the thickness of the wall, which depends on design temperature outside air. For example, a wall with a 150 mm thermal insulation layer provides year-round comfortable living in an area with an average climate and keeps the interior warm in winter and cool in summer. For areas with harsh climates, more significant thermal protection is needed - 200 millimeters or more.

Assembling the wall frame of a frame-panel house

Assembling the wall frame frame- panel house It is carried out on the principle of a honeycomb structure and is a fairly strong and rigid structure. IN general view it consists of lower and upper frames, vertical (load-bearing) posts, struts and auxiliary elements such as intermediate posts and crossbars, between which window and door openings are located. The supporting frame posts are installed in increments of 400-600 mm. In order to save material, this distance must correspond to the width of the insulation; in addition, it is necessary to take into account the location and size of windows and doors.

Erecting frame- panel house with your own hands, the lower frame, which serves as the base of the frame, is assembled from beams or logs. It is insulated in the same way as the casing of log houses. In the event that the floor beams will be attached to the frame, it is made from two crowns; if they rest on pillars, then from one crown.

According to the technology in a frame-panel house, after installing the lower trim, they install corner beams, controlling their verticality. Vertical frame posts are mounted between the corners at intervals of 4-5 m. A supporting horizontal board is temporarily nailed to them along the entire length of the wall, after which all other vertical posts can be installed and secured along it. To give the frame greater rigidity, horizontal jumpers are fixed between the posts. After they are secured, the temporary supports can be removed.

The top trim is placed on top of the racks. If it is assembled along its length from several bars, each of them must rest on at least three frame posts.

The technology of frame-panel housing construction involves installation above door and window openings upper frame, which is connected to the beam top harness frame. The lower part of the window opening frame is reinforced with additional racks. It should be taken into account that it is best to attach brackets for radiators to these racks.

It should be noted that recently, house frames have begun to be assembled from steel. They are significantly superior to wooden ones in strength and durability. Steel has only one disadvantage - high thermal conductivity, which contributes to the formation of “cold bridges”. In turn, they cause the loss of a significant amount of heat, as well as freezing of the inner surface of the wall and condensation, which has a destructive effect on the wall structure and finishing materials. To combat this phenomenon, steel thermal profiles are produced that have a minimum cross section and through grooves for better heat flow.

Construction of frame-panel walls

Frame-panel structures are filled with insulation inside - mineral (stone or glass) wool or expanded polystyrene (foam). Heat-protective materials have a number of characteristics that must be taken into account when choosing them, and it is better to use the help of a specialist. It would also not be superfluous to find out the degree of impact of insulation on the microclimate of the home and human health (it is advisable to independently collect information about what harmful products are contained in protective materials, since manufacturers, as a rule, do not publish such data). Your choice may also be influenced by your financial capabilities. However, as experience suggests, insulating materials It is better not to save, since the savings obtained with their help will compensate for all costs over time.

On the inside of the wall, using frame-panel construction technology, the insulation is hermetically sealed with vapor barrier materials, which prevent moisture vapor from entering the walls from the room side. The range of vapor barrier materials presented by the trade includes a large number of vapor-tight reinforced films, as well as vapor-tight reinforced films with a reflective reflex layer of aluminum.

Their use is considered mandatory, since the insulation is effective as long as it is dry. For example, mineral wool insulation with a volumetric humidity of 5% has 15-20% more heat loss than dry insulation. And what more humidity thermal insulation material, the more noticeable the heat losses become.

According to the technology of building a frame-panel house, the vapor barrier can be mounted both horizontally and vertically close to the thermal insulation. Connections to the frame studs are made with mechanical staplers or galvanized flat head nails. It must be taken into account that water vapor has a very high diffusion (penetrating) ability, therefore the vapor barrier must be created in the form of a continuous screen, and, therefore, prerequisite is the tightness of the seams.

A lath is placed on top of the film on top of the frame, to which the internal facing material, such as plasterboard, is attached. Another advantage of a wall made using frame technology is that all communications are hidden under the internal lining in a double metal hose or corrugated hose, and therefore there is no need to hammer the walls and cut the grooves, followed by putty and plastering. At the same time, electrical wiring and cables remain accessible and can be removed at any time.

The outside walls are covered windproof material, which ensures the free release of vapors from the wall to the outside and at the same time serves as a barrier to wind and moisture from the atmosphere getting inside. A sheathing is placed on top of the wind barrier, to which the external cladding material of the house is attached, such as lining, siding, polymer or vibrocement boards. Thus, a ventilated space of 25-50 mm in size is formed between the frame and the outer cladding - the so-called “ventilated facade”, thanks to which moisture will not accumulate inside the wall, which contributes to the rotting of the wood.

A typical mistake is to use a vapor-proof material as windproofing (sometimes polyethylene film, roofing felt, glassine, etc. are used for this). The atmospheric air contained in the insulation at the border with the internal vapor barrier will heat up and move towards the street. Having reached the outer boundary of the heat-insulating material, water vapor must be able to leave it freely without having time to condense.

Advanced technology of frame-panel housing construction

It should be noted that even with frame housing construction, which is confidently called 21st century technologies, it is possible to speed up the pace of housing construction and minimize labor costs. For this purpose, building panels are used (they are sometimes called “sandwich panels”), manufactured in a factory using the most modern production technologies.

Dimensions of produced panels different manufacturers their own and depend on the technological capabilities of production. Maximum dimensions approximately the following: length - up to 12 m, width - about 1.2 m, thickness - from 50 to 300 mm. The panel thickness is calculated depending on wind loads, span (the distance between the elements of the supporting frame) and the required heat transfer resistance. Manufacturers usually have specially designed tables to make selection easier. required sizes material.

Look at the photo of a frame-panel house made of sandwich panels: each released panel is completely finished and consists of a frame frame, sheathed on the outside and inside facing material, filled with insulation with vapor barrier and windproofing film. Most often, double-glazed windows and doors are already built in, and all the necessary communications are laid inside: air ducts, .

The use of SIP panels (Srtuctural Insulated Panels systems - “structural insulating panels”) is considered the pinnacle of panel housing construction technology. This is no longer the usual sandwich panel, but a new one composite material, consisting of a connection of two different physical properties components. The strength of the SIP panel is determined by the oriented strand board and the embedded timber frame. And polystyrene foam is responsible for heat and sound insulation. When making a panel, these materials are glued together under pressure, and they become one.

The sandwich panel can be made independently from the same materials as frame walls. Its assembly is carried out in a horizontal position. First they do wooden frame, the internal lining and vapor barrier film are mounted on the sheathing. Then the panel is filled with insulation, covered with windproofing material and the outer cladding is secured. Construction of a house begins with securing it to the foundation wooden beam, playing the role of the lower trim. The panels are installed from the corner, where they are connected either end-to-end or using corner beams. The panels are connected to each other with tongue-and-groove locks, and where small voids form, they are filled with mounting sealant. The top trim is mounted along the top of the panels.

Advantages and disadvantages different types houses are identified both at the construction stage and during operation. Panel-frame structures are becoming increasingly popular today. The unique technology allows the structure to be assembled in the shortest possible time. Due to its lightness, the house practically does not shrink, which means that finishing works You can start immediately after construction.

In terms of durability, they are inferior to brick and concrete structures. In addition, such houses require a ventilation system. Unlike log buildings, they are less environmentally friendly, the reason for this is the use of various insulation materials.

What are the opinions?

“Who would doubt the relevance frame houses– minimal costs and quick construction fully explain this. Having worked in a construction company for more than three years, I made a corresponding conclusion for myself (they were based on reviews of frame-panel houses from many customers) - it is better to invest more money in the construction itself than to “patch” holes later. The main problem is poor insulation of the supporting structure - the rooms quickly cool down, hence the additional costs.”

Oleg Eroshkin, Moscow.

“As the owner of such a house, I can unequivocally say that the microclimate of the internal space leaves much to be desired. In winter you have to ventilate the rooms often because it’s stuffy, and in summer it’s hot. However, as I found out, the problem can be solved - just adjust the ventilation system. In general, some disadvantages are covered by other advantages - the opportunity to save on the foundation and building materials, and already move into your own home for 4 months.”

Andrey Shelestov, Nizhny Novgorod.

“For their construction, they use ready-made factory material - panels (for those who don’t know, this is a layer of OSB boards and expanded polystyrene). It's hard to imagine that they can provide reliability and durability. Problems arise when installing wall-mounted furniture and these are not the only disadvantages of this building. But in other cases, when financial possibilities are limited, a frame house can be considered as one of the options for future housing.”

Arthur Usmanov, Kazan.

“A lot also depends on the assembly of the frame. Poorly conducted installation work can lead to disastrous consequences - “creaking”, greenhouse effect. During assembly Special attention should be given to an exhaust system that promotes good air circulation. This will rid the room of stuffiness, condensation and everything that negatively affects the longevity of the house. Although its service life is clearly inferior to the “durability” of brick buildings.”

Sergey Eliseev, Saransk.

“OSB boards contain harmful phenol-formaldehyde resins, so I recommend replacing them with LSU or DSP analogues. In most cases, mineral wool is used as insulation, but for the same reason, give preference to expanded polystyrene. When choosing the second material, pay attention to the fire resistance class; G2, G1 are suitable. Ideally, frame-panel buildings are more suitable for summer seasonal recreation (for example, in the form of a country house), but not for year-round living.”

Anastasia Lapina, Moscow.

“Panel walls in such houses are easily damaged. Intruders getting into your home special labor will not amount to. As has already been noted in the reviews of frame house owners, mineral wool is not the best solution as insulation. One of the reasons is the inability of the material to breathe. Hence, again, condensation, high humidity– everything that will lead to the appearance of mold and the proliferation of fungal microorganisms. Therefore, it is better to use mineral wool together with CBPB boards.”

Maxim Bernst, Barnaul.

Turnkey construction price

Quality largely depends on the literacy, responsibility and professionalism of the developer. The design and construction of the house itself is confirmed by a contractual basis. It also discusses the cost of building materials and services. professional workers. Moscow prices for a turnkey prefabricated frame house:

Type of work

Cost (rubles/m2)
Laying the foundation 3 500
Installation of the frame, external and internal partitions 9 950
Roof installation 1 450
Installation of window and door structures 1 500
Exterior finishing (facade) 1 850
Engineering 2 650
Interior decoration 3 150
Electrical work 950

Prices are ambiguous and different construction companies may appear differently. An agreement is drawn up between the two parties (the developer and the customer), which stipulates all the conditions of construction: from the cost of building materials to the stages of construction.

The current trend in the construction environment is frame-panel houses, which are also called frame-panel houses. Thanks to the technology used, it is possible to obtain a finished and, importantly, high-quality housing in a short time. Surprisingly, just a few months after the start of construction, the customer will be able to move into a full-fledged, fully finished house. So, what features do frame-panel houses have that a potential customer definitely needs to know about?

The essence of frame-panel housing construction technology

We are talking about the production of frame houses from so-called sandwich panels (sip panels) in industrial conditions. All parts are pre-manufactured in factories, after which they are delivered to the construction site. The production of panels for frame houses is a highly precise business, all of their elements have proven themselves to be excellent in operation.

The concept of a sandwich panel and its components

Panels for frame house They have a heterogeneous structure, they consist of three layers, thanks to which they will retain heat well inside the house. The outer layers are oriented particle boards(OSB), and between them there is PSB-S, which is a self-extinguishing structural polystyrene foam. The elements of sip panels are glued together with polyurethane glue. Separately, it should be noted that thanks to the PSB-S layers, which have excellent heat-saving properties, the house will always have a comfortable atmosphere for humans. made of sip panels are considered environmentally friendly due to high-quality modern materials used during construction.

Panels can be quite different in thickness: from 120 to 224 millimeters. Their standard dimensions are 1.25x2.5 meters. Sandwich panels are no more than 7 meters in length.

Video about the production of a frame-panel house:

Advantages and disadvantages of frame-panel houses

Like any other construction technology, the one discussed here has both its positive and negative sides. Here are the most important ones:

  1. Strength. Frame-panel houses have such a design that almost all of its elements are both enclosing and purpose-bearing. For this reason, the walls in buildings are extremely strong; they have a chance of not collapsing even during an earthquake. It's simple: the structure is rigid and its weight is insignificant. The sip panel is glued monolithically and can withstand heavy loads.
  2. Durability. Expanded polystyrene is a reliable and durable material, as proven by already proven experience. The buildings constructed from it have been successfully used for more than 40 years. Research shows that they will be in good condition, suitable for life, even after 80 years.
  3. Energy saving. The houses in question are very warm, so there is no need to spend money on a powerful heating system. These buildings tolerate temperature fluctuations from -50°C to +50°C.
  4. Environmental friendliness. Expanded polystyrene is a hypoallergenic material; food containers are made from it. This is a clear confirmation of the fact that it is absolutely safe for humans. As for OSB, it contains a very small amount of glue (only up to 3% in the board), which is possible negative impact which is neutralized during the pressing process. According to the generally accepted classification, the sandwich plate belongs to category E1. In addition, the data frame panels for building a house - unfavorable environment for mold to occur.
  5. Fire resistance. All materials that are used for construction frame-panel houses, are checked according to existing GOSTs and classified as low-flammable and moderately flammable. If you take the sip-stove out of the fire, it will go out instantly. In addition, it is non-toxic when burned.
  6. Price. Wooden panel houses are much cheaper than many others. There are several explanations for this. Perove - sip panels themselves are lightweight, so they do not require an expensive foundation. Secondly, the installation does not use cranes or other similar equipment; all structural elements are quite lightweight and can be installed by workers without much difficulty. You also save money on labor costs for builders, because 4 people can build a house quite quickly. In addition, sandwich panels have a smooth structure, so there is no need to level floors and walls for interior decoration. Installation can be done both when it is warm and when it is cold outside.
  7. Quick installation. If 5-6 workers work, wooden panel houses can be erected in a month, and after about six months it will be possible to move into the house.

These are the main ones. But this review would be incomplete without highlighting their shortcomings, which it is advisable to talk about:

  1. Ventilation. Frame-panel houses require special, built-in, pre-designed ventilation, otherwise it will always be stuffy inside the room.
  2. Layout. The layout of such houses in itself is not bad, it’s just that there are not too many options. And it is impossible to go beyond the standard layout, so no optimization proposals from customers are accepted.
  3. Indefinite service life. The fact is that the construction of frame-panel houses began relatively recently, in the 50s of the 20th century, but in our country only at the beginning of the 21st century. For this reason, no one can say for sure exactly how long such a structure can last.

So, frame specialists have both positive and negative. However, there are much more of the former and they are more significant, so we can safely recommend this type of construction for modern consumers.

Video with the installation process of a frame-panel house:

Differences between frame-panel and frame houses

Many people confuse these concepts, which is fundamentally wrong, because we are talking about two, although close to each other, but different construction technologies. Let's start with something common: both types of houses are based on the frame principle. However, their designs are not similar to each other, and the houses are also assembled and operated differently.

Let's look at the difference between frame and frame-panel houses in more detail. The first ones are made on the basis of a strong frame, to which all the components of the house are attached directly to construction site. The installation of insulation is also carried out there. As for the walls, during the assembly process they are treated with a special material, which will make the house resistant to moisture and steam in the future. Frame houses are famous for their thermal insulation. A prominent representative is. Here's another one of them distinguishing feature: the space inside and outside the house can be decorated as you like, for example, with wood or ordinary wallpaper.

So, the main difference between these two types of houses is production technology. Frame houses are manufactured directly on the construction site, and in the case of frame-panel houses we are only talking about the assembly of ready-made sip panels. These sandwich panels are made at the factory, in a specialized workshop according to standard projects. Insulation and processing of panels also takes place outside the construction site, unlike frame buildings. Frame-panel houses are assembled a little faster, but they cannot be designed individually, and frame houses can be customized to suit your needs. In addition, the customer cannot control the quality of work on the production of sip panels; he is not allowed into production. But the construction of a frame house takes place before his eyes from the first to the last minute.

Frame-panel technology is the future of construction. It has many undeniable advantages that are extremely relevant for the residents of our country. The use of sip panels in construction is an excellent way to quickly obtain high-quality and warm house. In addition, the financial resources required for the construction of such a house will be more than moderate, at least compared to the costs of housing built using a different construction technology. And you don’t have to wait until the end of winter to start work. Therefore, you can take a risk and end up with your own excellent home, naturally, having first analyzed all the pros and cons and made an informed choice. Frame-panel houses have long conquered American and European countries, and now it is our turn to appreciate this approach to construction.

Of course, such houses have been built on a large scale in the USA, Japan, and England for the last 60-70 years. And only today frame-panel houses have firmly established themselves in the vast expanses of the CIS. A panel frame house is characterized by walls assembled from a timber frame and specially prepared SIP panels. In turn, SIP panels are two bonded slabs of chipboard, fiberboard, etc., with insulation laid between them. Such construction is also called “Canadian technology”.

Frame construction is carried out in several stages, but the most important point is assembling the frame of the house and attaching ready-made panels to it. Subsequently, all that remains is to bring communications to the cottage and decorate it inside and out.

Houses built using frame-panel technology, from the outside with competent exterior decoration are no different from standard stone or wooden cottages. But at the same time, panel houses have a number of advantages.

Features of a frame-panel house

Important: the most important advantage of a Canadian home is complete absence shrinkage. This means that you can move into the cottage immediately after construction is completed.

In addition to such a compelling criterion in favor of panel-frame, you can add the following advantages:

  • A cottage can be built using Canadian technology in the shortest possible time. Most often, only 2 months pass from the start of construction to its end.
  • Panel-frame cottages can be built at any time of the year. If only not during the rainy season, to avoid getting the panels and frame of the house wet.
  • A house assembled from SIP panels on a prepared frame has low thermal conductivity. Thus, walls that resemble a kind of construction sandwich are able to retain heat in the house for a long time.
  • High energy efficiency when heating such a cottage. Again, due to high-quality assembled walls made of SIP panels.
  • In addition, the mass finished house does not exceed 40 tons, which allows you to save on foundation installation. Here it will be possible to arrange a lightweight version of the base, such as a pile or shallow-buried strip.

Important: in order for the construction of a panel frame house to be of the highest quality and efficiency, you can purchase a ready-made house kit, which is simply assembled directly on the site from existing clearly fitted parts.

Houses using Canadian technology: prices

To understand how profitable it will be to build a private panel house using Canadian technology, we suggest considering the prices for installing such a cottage at different conditions material purchases:

  • So, if the customer decides to purchase a ready-made SIP house kit and assemble it with his own hands on a foundation he has already prepared himself, then the price of such construction will cost approximately $85/m2.
  • If the purchased house kit is assembled by specialists using the foundation prepared by the customer, then the cost of building a m2 of such a cottage will already be $115.
  • If the customer buys a house kit and orders the entire scope of work from installing the foundation to installing all communications in the house, then the price of such a cottage will be $225/m2.

Building a house using Canadian technology

Stage 1: design

Houses made from SIP panels generally have one floor. In some cases, it is possible to build a cottage on two levels, but the peculiarities of the climate in the region under construction should be taken into account. Such a cottage does not need wind.

The convenience of Canadian technology lies in the fact that absolutely any project can be developed for a frame-panel house. If only there was enough finance. However, most often for such cottages they use ready-made standard projects. But in any case, if there is a desire to have unique house, different from everyone else in cottage village, then you can give the task to a specialist so that he can develop an individual project for a panel-frame house.

Stage 2: foundation

After preparing the project, the foundation is prepared for the panel-frame house. It is usually made in two types:

  • Pile/column. Most often used on heaving soils. Pillars or piles are deepened into the ground to a level of 2.5 meters. In this case, a sand and gravel cushion with a total thickness of 30-40 cm must be poured under the supports. All supports should be located in the corners of the frame house, under load-bearing walls and at the junctions of partitions.

Important: if the supports are poured from concrete, they must be reinforced.

  • Tape shallow. This type of base costs about three times less than a standard tape contour. The parameters of the shallow base in this case can be 30x40 cm (width/depth) plus the thickness of the sand cushion. During the process of pouring the contour, it must be waterproofed from below and on the sides, and also reinforced.

Important: strip foundation cannot be built on heaving soils. In this case, fill in either monolithic slab 30 cm thick, or arrange a pile/column base.

Stage 3: assembly of frame and walls

  • It is fashionable to assemble a panel house using Canadian technology immediately after the foundation has dried. Start with the floor frame. For this purpose, special SIP panels are used, which require high-quality waterproofing. It can be done using bitumen mastic, roofing felt and antiseptics.
  • The next stage of assembling the frame is the installation of the timber frame. It is attached to the laid floor panels and fixed with anchor bolts directly to the foundation.
  • Then the longitudinal beams of the frame are installed in the frame, driving them into the frame according to the tongue-and-groove principle. In this case, the joints are additionally foamed, and the beams themselves are additionally fixed using ship nails or self-tapping screws.
  • All longitudinal panels at the top (ceiling) point are also tied with timber.
  • Then the entire frame is covered with SIP panels.

Important: thinner panels are used to construct internal partitions at home.

Stage 4: roof of a panel cottage

For roof installation, it is better to use SIP panels. With a thickness of 204 mm, they perfectly withstand horizontal loads (wind) and vertical loads (snow). In addition, the panels themselves are already thermal insulation material, which allows additional savings on installation and insulation of the cottage.

  • The support points for the roof will be the Mauerlat from below and the ridge beam from above. And so that the roof has greater rigidity, you can additionally fasten two or four of the same beams parallel to the ridge beam, but lower.
  • All SIP panels are joined together and tied with timber along the contour.
  • Then the roof is waterproofed and covered with finishing roofing material.

Finishing touches of construction

A fully assembled frame-panel cottage must be reliably sealed. To do this, all technical gaps are filled with high quality polyurethane adhesive.

Now you can install the doors and windows and begin decorative finishing Houses. For external cladding most often they use siding or drywall followed by plaster.

Important: you can celebrate a housewarming in such a house immediately after construction is completed.

Frame-panel houses are built according to the standards of frame technology: construction of the frame, installation of insulation, cladding. The peculiarity of the method is that panels for frame houses with insulation are made at the factory, and the assembly of the house is much faster. Depending on what part of the house kit is made in a factory, there are several types of panel houses, differing in construction time, budget, design approach: houses made of sip panels, frame-panel or frame-panel, modular.

Construction of frame-panel houses - classic technology and quick assembly

Frame-panel or assembled from elements prepared at the factory. Finished walls are made using high-precision equipment. Construction companies offer standard house kits or individual design to order.

Basic principles of frame technology

Frame houses are popular due to short construction times and cost-effectiveness. Using this technology, a frame is first made of beams and boards, then insulation, membrane layers that protect from moisture and wind, and a vapor barrier are installed. The structure is sheathed on both sides with sheet materials, and then external and internal cladding is made finishing materials.

In a traditional frame house, all the "layers" of the wall assembled on site according to a pre-developed project. Sometimes they talk about national teams frame houses, meaning ready-made house kits in which wooden elements and panels are prepared in production to the dimensions of a specific project and marked. At a construction site, they are assembled like a construction kit according to drawings.

Design and production of house kits for frame-panel houses

Manufacturing is automated: window and door openings and even holes for sockets are cut in advance. But the degree of automation of production at different enterprises differs.

The most advanced automation option - design drawings are loaded into a computer, the location of technological openings and places for stitching frame elements are specified. The output is ready-to-assemble elements with virtually no manual processing.

House kits are made according to standard samples, minor changes to the layout are possible but must be made before going into production. Calculation and production of an individual project is much more expensive than a standard one, and the equipment has to be rebuilt. Delivered directly to the site finished walls and the house is assembled, and the exterior is made by hand.

Advantages and disadvantages of frame-panel houses


  • faster assembly compared to standard frame technology;
  • no shrinkage, the ability to immediately begin finishing;
  • the use of a lightweight foundation and, as a result, budget savings;
  • energy efficiency comparable to a brick house;
  • fire safety due to the use of self-extinguishing materials for the production of panels.


  • increase in cost compared to a standard frame;
  • service life - 50-60 years;
  • impossibility of making changes during the construction process;
  • need for installation supply ventilation, although some manufacturers claim that simple ventilation is sufficient for summer houses;
  • difficulty in redevelopment after some time.

Houses made from SIP panels

Vulture frame houses are assembled from panels made according to the sandwich principle: a block of polystyrene glued between sheets of OSB using polyurethane glue. The use of oriented strand boards significantly speeds up construction, since three layers have already been combined and all that remains is to cover them with finishing materials outside and inside. The insulation does not need to be installed separately and the house is built faster than a classic frame.

Design Features

Manufactured at the factory. Polyurethane glue is applied to the OSB sheet, a polystyrene board is placed, glue is added again, a second sheet of OSB is placed on top and pressed with a press. The OSB sheets protrude 2.5-5 cm beyond the edges of the polystyrene. This creates a “groove” that is used to attach the panel to the frame beam. The quality of the panels is determined by the grade of polystyrene, OSB and the correctness of the geometry.

The construction of a house from sip panels begins with the foundation. After the foundation is ready, they do timber frame and bottom floor from sip panels. Then they build a frame in which the pitch of the vertical posts is equal to the width of the panel, and they start at the side of the house. The panels are attached to the racks using the tongue-and-groove method, having previously been applied to polystyrene polyurethane foam. As a result, all voids at the joint are completely filled.

Advantages and disadvantages of a house made from SIP panels


  • speed of installation;
  • no complicated equipment is needed - workers install lightweight panels by hand; a team of 3-5 people is enough to assemble a house;
  • expanded polystyrene is a self-extinguishing material; if the panel is removed from the fire zone, it will go out. therefore, in terms of fire safety, a structure made of sip panels is better than a wooden one;
  • Electric heaters are sufficient to maintain a comfortable temperature.


  • small compared to brick houses The service life of the panels is a conditional minus. Some manufacturers are already claiming tests showing that polystyrene will not degrade for about 80 years;
  • The customer cannot control the quality of manufacturing of sip panels. If there is a cavity inside, it will form bridge of cold, and efforts to heat the house are reduced to nothing. Violation of the geometry leads to installation difficulties. The only way to avoid mistakes is to contact manufacturers who use high-quality certified components and provide a guarantee.

European traditions in frame construction

In Russia, houses have been built using frame technology since the end of the last century; in Europe, active construction began already in the 50s. Our builders adopted the experience of their colleagues, and the technologies received appropriate names: Finnish, German.

Finns are big believers in maximizing natural materials in combination with modern technologies: the frame is usually made of laminated veneer lumber, cellulose is used as insulation, and the structure is sheathed with wood.

German manufacturers of frame house kits often use basalt wool, and for cladding - cement-bonded particle board. The fire safety of the house and the speed of construction come first. All materials used are fire-resistant or self-extinguishing, and the assembly technology has been worked out to the smallest detail.

Lightweight structure - inexpensive foundation

A distinctive feature of frame buildings is their low specific gravity. A small load allows you not to make a massive foundation, but to make do with an inexpensive pile-screw, shallow-depth strip or support-column foundation. Shallow foundations are suitable for heaving soils, characteristic of many regions of Russia; they are not deformed by “swelling” of the soil during freezing.

Pile-screw foundations They are convenient because they can be done at any time of the year in just two days. The use of piles helps to cope with height differences on the site and does not require any preliminary soil preparation. Before construction begins, a test screwing is done to determine where the solid ground begins. After installing the piles, a bottom frame is made of timber and treated with bitumen mastic to prevent rotting of the wood.

Modular houses - construction in a few days

The construction of houses from large modules, entirely produced at a factory, is a popular European method that is gradually taking root in Russian realities. Houses using this technology are designed according to the “constructor” principle, combining several modules of rooms and roofs for the construction of one building.

Factory production of modules

At the factory, the frame of the module is assembled, it is insulated, windows and doors are installed, and external cladding and interior finishing are done. The walls are made in the same way as in frame method construction: a layer of insulation between two panels, membranes, external and internal cladding. The difference is that all these layers are made at the factory; wires and pipes for the bathroom are immediately laid inside, and the roof is separated into a separate module.

The modules have standard sizes and fit together like construction parts. When designing, allowable overall dimensions for transportation are taken into account. In Russia: width – 2.5 m, and the length of the elements is calculated taking into account the transport used for transportation. When ordering, manufacturers provide the opportunity to choose a design and finish. Possible: lining, siding and other modern materials.

Delivery and installation of the house

Transportation requires heavy equipment and a crane. The structure is usually installed on a pile-screw foundation, which can be done at any time of the year and with any ground relief. Two to three days are enough to install such a foundation.

Assembling a modular frame house takes 1-2 days, most of the time is spent on sealing the joints between the modules to avoid heat loss. Electrical wires coming out of adjacent modules are connected and the junction boxes are covered with junction boxes. After assembly, only minor work remains interior decoration and plumbing installation.

Advantages and disadvantages of modular houses


  • assembly speed - several days;
  • independence from weather and season;
  • availability of finishing;
  • Possibility of house transportation to a new location: the modules are separated, transported and reassembled, only the foundation is made anew;
  • Energy efficiency of the house allows you to save on heating.


  • heavy equipment will not reach every populated area due to bad roads;
  • The customer cannot control the production of the house kit at the factory. And if a mistake is made, for example, there are voids in the wall, this is fraught with large heat losses and discomfort;
  • service life is approximately 50 years, and since the technology has been used not so long ago, there are no verified data on service life.

Frame-panel houses are a promising technology. If you don’t have time for long construction and the desire to delve into technological intricacies, but you need a house quickly, this method is ideal. Prefabricated houses are universal: they are used for permanent residence And summer cottages, as guest house or as a temporary option until more permanent housing is built.

Video: accelerated shooting of a house made of SIP panels