Superphosphate fertilizer application. How to quickly test soil acidity. Signs of phosphorus deficiency in crops

The use of superphosphate fertilizer relieves gardeners of many problems. After all, sometimes even the most zealous gardeners have problems with plants - either the leaves wither, or their shape and color change. This may indicate that there is not enough phosphorus in the soil, an essential substance for the normal growth and development of crops.

Phosphorus is needed to ensure metabolic processes in the plant, its nutrition and energy saturation. Productivity directly depends on the degree of saturation of the soil with this chemical element. And superphosphate is made precisely on the basis of phosphorus and nitrogen. It also includes a complex of trace elements and minerals. So, this fertilizer is incredibly useful and often simply necessary for growing cultivated plants.

How to feed with superphosphate?

In order to achieve the best results, it is important to read the instructions for use of superphosphate fertilizer. Depending on the specific plants, you need to select the proportions and method of applying the fertilizer. Usually all this is specified on the packaging.

It is also important to remember that in acidic soil the fertilizer does not have the same potency, so you need to make allowances for this. And in order to deoxidize the soil and give the fertilizer the opportunity to act in full force, you need to add wood ash or a lime mixture in the amount of 500 ml of lime or 200 g per square meter land. And only a month after this you can use superphosphate - before that the earth will not complete the deoxidation process.

When you are ready to fertilize, you simply pour the granules into the soil. This will ensure an excellent growth and development rate for plants that need a lot of sulfur. Among them are potatoes, turnips, flax, radishes, and onions.

Application of double superphosphate

The so-called double superphosphate must be added to the soil in early spring, before planting begins, or in the fall, as soon as the harvest is harvested. This is necessary so that the fertilizer has time to absorb into the soil.

Instructions for use of double superphosphate:

  • To ensure uniform application, it is better to use a grain seeder;
  • It is better to apply superphosphate before sowing crops;
  • manual spreading of granules does not have the same effect, since the fertilizer must be closer to the root system of the plants;
  • to improve the effect, you can use double superphosphate together with nitrogen-potassium, potash fertilizers, introduced in spring and autumn.

Superphosphate application rates: for seedlings of greens and vegetables, 30-40 g of double superphosphate is added per square meter, for feeding trees in the fall, 600 g per square meter is applied to the soil, for seedlings in a greenhouse - 100 g per square meter of land is applied, in the holes 4 g of fertilizer is added to the potatoes.

Why and how to dissolve superphosphate in water?

Sometimes gardeners pre-dissolve superphosphate granules and only then add it to the ground. This ensures an accelerated process of its penetration to the roots of plants.

To dissolve it in water, you need to achieve a high reaction temperature; for this, the granules are poured with boiling water. There is no need to be afraid that phosphorus will lose its properties - they are all preserved. But the fertilizer takes an easily digestible form.

In order to prepare the mixture, you need to take a container, stir the granules in a proportion of 20 tablespoons per 3 liters of water, put them in a warm place for a day and stir from time to time. The slurry will look like cow's milk.

The resulting solution is added to water for irrigation at the rate of 150 ml per 10 liters. For best result also add 20 ml of nitrogen fertilizer and 0.5 kg wood ash. The resulting fertilizer is very important for spring feeding roots At the same time, beneficial substances reach the plants gradually, and their effect lasts for several months.

Fertilizer superphosphatemineral composition, which includes phosphorus and nitrogen. It also contains a number of useful substances for plant growth, such as sulfur, potassium and others.

Phosphorus plays an important role in the life of crops, accelerates growth and increases resistance to various diseases. Thanks to it, the fruits of plants are preserved longer, have a beautiful appearance and a pronounced taste. The use of an agrochemical is popular among gardeners, summer residents and gardeners.

When to use?

If a plant lacks phosphorus, it signals this with external signs:

  1. Blue-violet spots appear on the back of the leaf.
  2. The foliage turns red.
  3. The entire leaf becomes bright green with a purple tint.

Typically, such signs appear due to a lack of heat and light. During cold weather, the plant's root system is unable to properly absorb phosphorus from the soil. In such cases, this agrochemical can radically change the situation. Its use in alkaline and neutral soil leads to remarkable results.

Types of superphosphate

To choose the right superphosphate, you need to carefully study its types and their applications:

On what soils can it be used?

If other fertilizers are applied to the soil in small portions and at a certain stage of plant development, then superphosphate can ensure proper crop growth throughout the season.

To get the maximum effect of a fertilizer, you need to understand what soils it works on:

  1. Soil with alkaline and neutral reaction. In such soil, the effectiveness of fertilizer is maximized, which has a beneficial effect on the life of all crops.
  2. Acidic soil. The combination of an agrochemical and such soil leads to the formation of iron and aluminum, the properties of which the plant does not need at all. The problem can be eliminated by adding wood ash and limestone to the soil. .

In other types of soils, superphosphate works ideally, but using several methods that help reduce the soil's absorption of the agrochemical:

  1. It is necessary to use poorly soluble types of superphosphate.
  2. Use the method of applying superphosphate in rows.
  3. Ensure targeted absorption of fertilizer by the soil.
  4. Apply superphosphate in certain places.

How to use?

To achieve the desired results, you need to know exactly how to apply fertilizer to the soil when growing a particular plant. Instructions for use are always indicated on the packaging or in the attached insert. Double and simple types are used in growing all types of plants and trees without limitation. Both types of superphosphate are very effective when planting seedlings and sowing seeds.

However, the use in some types of soils has a number of nuances:


The dosage of the agrochemical is determined based on the type of crop and soil composition:

  • When growing vegetables and herbs double superphosphate is added to the soil in 6 tbsp. l. per 1 sq. m. plot. When making simple type fertilizers, the dosage is doubled.
  • If the soil is depleted of nutrients and microelements, then in this case the dose of fertilizer is increased by 30%.
  • For good productivity of garden trees About half a kilogram of a dual type of agrochemical substance is added to the soil.
  • For plants, grown in greenhouses and greenhouses, 100 grams of fertilizer is enough.
  • Planting a vegetable such as potatoes, pour about 1 tsp into each well. substances.

Step-by-step instruction

A double agrochemical is used with the onset of spring, before planting crops. You can also apply an agrochemical immediately after harvesting. During intensive plant growth, you can water with a fertilizer solution; do this once or twice a season.

  1. Step one. When using a double type of substance, it is advisable to use a grain sieve, since such fertilizer has the form of granules.
  2. Step two. The primary layer of superphosphate must be applied before sowing and planting seedlings. This is often done using a plow. Thanks to this method, the granules will not be washed away by irrigation and rainwater and will not settle into the soil below the crop layer.
  3. Step three. You can use the method of spreading fertilizer manually, but this action is practically ineffective. The plant needs access to fertilizer through the root system, which is impossible with this method.
  4. Step four. Gardeners advise using double superphosphate together with potassium substances and applying them in the fall and in early spring.

Table for applying superphosphate to the soil by month

Name of the month Instructions for use
September The recommended method is a basic application of 15 cm, which will allow phosphorus to remain in the soil.
April An agrochemical requires deep application, which facilitates the dissolution of the substance into ions.
May Fertilizing the soil is carried out simultaneously with sowing the seeds. This method will provide intensive growth germination and will provide root system useful substances.
Summer months At this time, the agrochemical is used as crop nutrition. The amount of fertilizer is determined based on the type of soil and the characteristics of growing a particular plant.

Superphosphate extract

Phosphorus agrochemical is problematic to dissolve in water. But in a liquid state, it reaches the root system of the plant faster. Farmers found a way to turn matter from a solid into a liquid.

Method one. First of all, to dissolve the granules in water, it is necessary to increase the reaction temperature. For these purposes, use water at about 90 degrees, that is, boiling water. With this dissolution, all the beneficial properties of phosphorus are preserved. Phosphorus takes on a form that is easily absorbed by the plant. The container with the solution is transferred to heat and stirred repeatedly until all granules are completely dissolved. After about a day, you will get a ready-made suspension that looks like milk.

It is recommended to dissolve 20 tablespoons of the substance in 1/3 of a bucket of water. This base solution is then used as the main fertilizer. To do this, a little more than half a glass of the finished suspension is diluted in a bucket of water with the addition of 4 tbsp. l. nitrogen substance and 0.5 liters of wood ash.

The resulting fertilizer is used in early spring to feed the plant. During active growth the plant is experiencing an acute lack of nitrogen, and such help will ensure the rapid absorption of nitrogen by the roots from the soil. As for the phosphorus element, it does not immediately reach the root system of the plant. Its impact lasts for many months, and sometimes for more than one year.

Second way. The second way to dissolve superphosphate in water is to use live bacteria. For these purposes, fertilizer is mixed with microbiological preparations that protect plants from various diseases. After this, the resulting compound is diluted with water room temperature and they insist for a day. In this case, the suspension must be stirred frequently. The suspension is used for root and basal feeding.

Estimated cost

The price of superphosphate will be determined by the manufacturer’s brand, the quality of the substance and its quantity.

For example, 0.5 kg of double superphosphate will cost approximately 30 to 50 rubles. An agrochemical in a 1 kg package will cost from 60 to 200 rubles.

Phosphorus compounds play an important role in plant growth, therefore application superphosphate fertilizers will provide them with vital substances, resulting in high productivity.

Phosphorus in this fertilizer is 26%. Chemical formula: Ca(H 2 PO 4) 2 x H 2 O and CaSO 4. There are two types: powder and granular. The first option is cheaper, but it has rather low efficiency. You won’t find it in stores now; granular versions are sold everywhere. Therefore, we will give exactly its characteristics.

Pros: in addition to phosphorus, it contains nitrogen (6%), calcium (17%), sulfur (10%) and magnesium (0.5%). Perfectly absorbed by plants.

Minuses: 40% of the fertilizer consists of gypsum, which is absolutely useless for plants. That is, when buying a package of fertilizer, you are actually giving away half of its cost for an unnecessary substance.

When to apply: in the fall for digging.

Features of application: cannot be mixed with urea; ammonium, sodium and calcium nitrate; potassium carbonate, lime, dolomite, chalk.

Double superphosphate

This version contains 40-50% phosphorus superphosphate. Chemical formula: Ca(H 2 PO 4) 2 x H 2 O.

Pros: it contains twice as much phosphorus as simple superphosphate, which means there is much less unnecessary ballast. Double superphosphate costs more than usual, but not much. And you need to apply it twice as much. As a result, in terms of per hundred square meters it turns out to be more profitable. And it’s easier to deliver it to the dacha, because instead of two packages simple fertilizer you only need one double.

There are no cons! And if you know about them, write in the comments to the article.

When to apply: in the fall for digging, in the spring in holes or rows, as a liquid fertilizer during flowering plants.

Features of application: cannot be mixed with urea, ammonium, sodium and calcium nitrate, potassium carbonate, lime, dolomite, chalk.

Where can superphosphate be used?

As we found out, superphosphate has no significant disadvantages, and double phosphate has none at all. However, it cannot be used everywhere. This fertilizer can be safely used only on alkaline and neutral soils.

Superphosphate is not suitable for acidic soils - phosphorus oxide, which is part of the fertilizer, reacts in an acidic environment, resulting in the formation of iron and aluminum phosphates. Plants cannot absorb these substances. Therefore, before using superphosphate, the soil must be deoxidized: sprinkle 500 g of slaked lime per 1 m2 on the surface (on highly acidic soil), and dig the area with the bayonet of a shovel. And only a month after this you can add superphosphate.

When and how much to apply superphosphate

In the fall, under digging. This traditional version, since phosphorus is absorbed by plants for a very long time - in 2-3 years they use only 40% of the fertilizer.

Application rate: double superphosphate - 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons (20-30 g) per 1 m2, plain 3-4 tbsp. spoons (40-60 g) per 1 m2. This is for normal soils. For the malnourished and very poor, the dose is doubled.

In spring, in holes or rows. You can apply superphosphate in the spring, in the rows immediately before sowing seeds or in the holes before planting seedlings. This is a more economical option; less fertilizer is consumed, but the plants will begin to absorb it later than when applied in the fall.

Application rate: double superphosphate - 1 teaspoon (5 g) per hole or per 1 linear meter of row, simple - 2 teaspoons per hole or 1 linear meter of row.

By the way, it is very useful to add superphosphate to the holes when planting potatoes - it will not only feed the plants, but also rid the garden of wireworms.

During flowering of plants. Phosphorus is known to be responsible for abundant flowering, so it is useful for them to feed the plants at this time. In this case use liquid fertilizer. First, prepare a mother solution: 20 tbsp. spoons (300 g) of double superphosphate pour 3 liters hot water(the fertilizer will not dissolve in cold conditions) and stir periodically until the granules are completely dissolved. Then the concentrate is shaken and diluted at the rate of 150 ml per 10 liters of water. It is also useful to add 20 ml of any liquid vermicompost and a half-liter jar of wood ash.

Water the plants at the root at the rate of 1 liter per bush or per 1 linear meter of row.

Signs of phosphorus deficiency

You can determine that plants lack phosphorus by their appearance and leaves. During phosphorus starvation:

Growth slows down greatly;
- leaves become “rusty” or dark green with a bluish tint, curl and fall off;
- on lower leaves dark copper or black-violet spots appear;
- leaf petioles turn purple.

These signs most often appear when the air and soil temperatures drop - when it gets colder, plants absorb phosphorus worse.

To correct the situation, you urgently need to water the beds with a superphosphate solution - how to prepare it is described above.


In superphosphate (both single and double), phosphorus is in the form of phosphoric acid. It practically does not move in the soil - wherever it is added, it becomes fixed there. Therefore, these fertilizers must be embedded in the ground to the depth of the bulk of the roots. If you just scatter it over the surface of the area, there will be no use.


Gypsum, which is contained in simple superphosphate, as we found out, is unnecessary ballast. In the vast majority of cases. But there are exceptions to any rule.

For example, gypsum improves the properties of podzolic and sandy loam soils. It is also useful for legumes and cruciferous plants. So, in these cases it is worth using not double superphosphate, but just simple one.

Everyone who grows plants knows that without fertilizing there will be no harvest of either edible or ornamental crops. Plants lack the nutrients found in the soil; in addition, not all soils are nutritious, so crops need to be helped with fertilizers. In this article we will talk O superphosphate, its application and properties.

The role of phosphorus in plant development: how to determine phosphorus deficiency

Role phosphate fertilizers for plants cannot be overestimated: thanks to this element, the root system of plants develops and strengthens, taste characteristics increase, fruiting increases and oxidative reactions in plant tissues decrease. When a plant is sufficiently provided with phosphorus, it uses moisture more economically, the amount of healthy sugars in the tissues increases, the tillering of plants increases, and flowering becomes more abundant and fruitful. With sufficient phosphorus, active fruiting is ensured, accelerated maturation, high productivity. Thanks to phosphorus, plant resistance to diseases, changes in weather conditions, and taste qualities fruits

Phosphorus for plantsit is a stimulant, it encourages the plant to transition from the period of growth to flowering, then to fruiting, activating everything necessary processes life activity. Lack of phosphorus reduces protein synthesis processes and increases the level of nitrates in plant tissues. The lack of the required amount of the element slows down growth, the leafy mass of the plant changes color. With a lack of phosphorus, the plant becomes more susceptible to fungal and viral infections.

What is superphosphate

Let's look at what phosphate fertilizers are. This is a complex, balanced composition in the form of powder or granules, used to provide cultivated crops with all the necessary nutrients. Based on its composition, the fertilizer is divided into groups: simple, double, granular and ammoniated.

Superphosphate fertilizer contains phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, calcium and sulfur.

When and why is superphosphate used? In the soil, even the most nutritious one, there is no more than 1% phosphorus, and even fewer compounds with this element, so it is extremely important to compensate for this deficiency with the help of mineral superphosphate. The use of superphosphate fertilizer becomes mandatory if you notice that the leaf mass has darkened, turned blue or rusty.

These are signs of phosphorus deficiency, most often manifested in seedlings. Important!

During the hardening period, there may be a reaction to a decrease in temperature, and at the same time the root system of the plant is not able to absorb the required amount of phosphorus from the soil. The seedlings are fed with phosphorus, and the processes of growth and development are restored.

Types of superphosphates Superphosphate has many types; some compositions are enriched with magnesium, boron, molybdenum and other elements.

We will consider the most used of them in more detail. Did you know? Phosphorus is one of the essential elements

life of plants, animals, humans and the Earth as a whole. The content of this element in the earth's crust is 0.09% of its mass, its content in sea waters is 0.07 mg per liter. Phosphorus is present in 190 minerals, in animal and human tissues, in all plant tissues and fruits, and in organic DNA compounds. Simple superphosphate fertilizer, or monophosphate, is a powder gray, containing up to 20% phosphorus in the composition. The powder does not cake. However, compared to more advanced types, it is less effective. Due to its low price, it is widely used by farmers and industrial agriculture . This fertilizer is applied during deep digging in spring and autumn, 50 g per square meter, combined with potassium and. nitrogen fertilizers Upon landing fruit trees add 500 g to the well, trunk circle growing tree - from 40 to 70 g. For vegetable crops

application rate is 20 g per square meter.

Double Double superphosphate is distinguished by its content of calcium phosphate, which is highly soluble in water. It is recommended to water plants that have slowed down and become weak with a liquid solution of double superphosphate. This composition is used for all crops and on all types of soil.


Granular phosphate is produced industrially, rolling into easy-to-use granules, moistening the powder composition. The dosage of phosphorus in granular superphosphate is up to 50%, the content of calcium sulfate is 30%. They respond particularly well to granulated superphosphate cruciferous plants. Granulated superphosphate is well stored because it does not cake, and when applied it disperses well. Another advantage: it is poorly fixed in soil layers, which is especially valuable on acidic soils with increased amounts of aluminum and iron. IN acidic soils Fertilizer is applied by mixing with chalk, increasing its effectiveness. Most often, granular superphosphate is used on large agricultural areas.


The main advantage of ammoniated superphosphate is that it does not contain gypsum, which is poorly soluble in water. The ammoniated fertilizer contains, in addition to phosphorus (32%), nitrogen (10%) and calcium (14%), 12% sulfur and up to 55% potassium sulfate. This superphosphate is valuable for oilseeds and cruciferous crops, they greatest need in sulfur. This fertilizer is used when necessary to normalize the levels of salts and alkali in soils. The main advantage of the ammoniated composition is that it does not oxidize the soil, because the acid reaction is neutralized by ammonia.

The efficiency of this fertilizer is 10% higher than other formulations.

Compatibility with other fertilizers Best conditions to convert superphosphate into forms accessible to plants, the soil acidity is 6.2-7.5 pH and the temperature is not lower than 15 degrees Celsius.

To ensure these conditions and the availability of phosphorus to plants, preliminary deoxidation of the soil is carried out. Superphosphate interacts well with lime, wood ash and dolomite flour. Attention!

Deoxidize the soil in advance: a month before the intended application of superphosphate. Increases the absorption of phosphorus when used together with organic fertilizers

: humus, manure and bird droppings.

Instructions for use of superphosphate The use of superphosphate for plants is recommended in the form of application to the soil when digging in the fall or when sowing crops. Can also be used as a fertilizer when growing garden crops

  • , fruit trees and shrubs.
  • when planting seedlings - 3 g in each hole;
  • as a dry fertilizer per square meter - 15-20 g;
  • for fruit trees - from 40 to 60 g per square meter of trunk circle.


In soils, the presence of phosphorus is often limited by nature to 1% of the total mass of macroelements. However, this is not enough - the plants slowly enter the fruiting period, age faster, and take root poorly. Adding superphosphate solves these problems.

How much phosphorus is in superphosphate?

The full formula of superphosphate looks long and confusing, because, in addition to the main component - phosphorus oxide, superphosphate also contains other macro- and microelements. On average, phosphate fertilizers contain from 20 to 50% phosphorus. What is more important is not the percentage content, but the water solubility of phosphorus oxide - thanks to this, the component easily reaches its goal, feeding the roots, stems and leaves of plants.

The role of phosphorus compounds in plant life is incredibly important. Phosphorus stimulates the development of the root system, as a result of which plants more intensively receive all the necessary components from the soil, slows down the aging process, and improves the taste of vegetables and berries.

Today, farmers and simple gardeners have access to the following types of phosphorus-containing fertilizers:

  • Monophosphate is the simplest fertilizer in the form of a gray powder. It contains about 20% phosphorus oxide, which explains the low cost of such feeding. In addition to phosphorus, up to 8% nitrogen and up to 10% sulfur are present. The rest of the volume is occupied by calcium sulfate or, simply put, gypsum.
  • Granulated superphosphate is a more complex and rich version of monophosphate. Granules are obtained by moistening the fertilizer and rolling industrially. In this type of feeding, the percentage of phosphorus oxide can reach 50%, in addition, the composition is improved with calcium sulfate. Granulated superphosphate is especially valued for feeding cruciferous crops. The use of granules allows you to extend the effect of fertilizing the soil for several months in advance, since the granules dissolve quite slowly.
  • Double superphosphate - as the name implies, contains a double portion of easily digestible phosphorus. This composition contains few excipients, which makes it economically beneficial for large agricultural companies. Double superphosphate contains up to 20% nitrogen, about 6% sulfur.

There are also ammoniated, magnesized phosphates, with a high content of boron and molybdenum - their use is determined by the specifics of the soil and the preferences of the crops grown.

Observing plants - signs of deficiency

Thus, you can safely place double superphosphate in the wells for perennial plants, bushes and trees. It will be useful for beginners to know the signs of the need to use phosphate fertilizers. The plants themselves will tell you everything, you just need to observe - if the green mass acquires a dark shade, the foliage with reverse side or even the front becomes bluish, with a rusty tint, then all the signs of phosphorus deficiency are evident.

Bluish tints in the color of leaves can often be observed in early plants and seedlings that undergo hardening. This is normal - at low temperatures, roots do not accept phosphorus well, and with warming the situation should improve. However, it doesn’t hurt to be on the safe side - add double superphosphate with watering.

Phosphorus-containing fertilizers are especially effective on alkaline and neutral soils. But too acidic soils react with phosphorus oxide, converting it into aluminum and iron phosphates, which are practically not absorbed by plants. This problem can be solved by pre-applying slaked lime or slaked lime to the bed. These components are scattered evenly over the area at the rate of 200 grams of ash or 500 grams of lime per square meter and dug up. You need to do this in advance so that the reaction has time to pass.

How to apply fertilizer - mandatory rules

Monophosphate can be applied to the soil both in early spring and late autumn. In both cases, the application rates are the same: per square meter - 40-50 grams with continuous application. It is best to use a grain seeder to distribute the fertilizer. The dose on depleted soils can be doubled.

When planting fruit trees, you can pour all 500-600 g of superphosphate into the hole. Repeated use of phosphorus-containing fertilizer will be needed no earlier than after 3-4 years - in this case, up to 70 g of macroelements are added to the tree trunk circle. Simple superphosphate combines well with nitrogen fertilizers, and double superphosphate with potassium fertilizers. What you should not do is mix phosphate components with chalk, urea and ammonium nitrate. First, saltpeter or urea is added, and no earlier than a week later, phosphorus is added.

Since phosphorus and phosphorus-containing fertilizers are difficult to dissolve in water, sometimes gardeners apply them in liquid form - this way they reach the roots faster. How to transfer this substance from a solid to a liquid state? Everything is quite simple - you just need heat! To do this, phosphate fertilizers are poured with boiling water - useful properties the fertilizing does not lose, but it acquires a form convenient for application.

The container with the solution is placed in a warm place and stirred from time to time. The granules completely dissolve, or rather are crushed to microscopic particles, within a day, and the liquid takes on the appearance of fatty cow's milk. To be on the safe side, dilute no more than 20 tablespoons of granular fertilizer per 3 liters of water. The finished suspension is also dissolved in water to obtain a basic solution - 150 ml of superphosphate suspension is enough for 10 liters of liquid. You can also add 20 mg of a previously prepared wood ash solution - about 0.5 liters. Why nitrogen? In combination with it, phosphorus is better absorbed by plants.

Potatoes and tomatoes are phosphorus lovers

It is these two crops that will be especially grateful for phosphorus fertilizing. With potatoes, everything is clear - phosphorus acts primarily on the root system, and in the case of potatoes this affects the quality and size of the tubers. Most often, this fertilizer (double superphosphate) is applied in the spring, into each hole. It is best to use granular fertilizer, it is easier to dose the amount of chemicals - about 4 grams are needed per bush.

If you apply fertilizer using the surface dispersion method, then in this case up to 20 grams of superphosphate are taken per 1 m2. This dose of phosphorus will be acceptable for all vegetable crops.

Tomatoes react especially to the application of phosphorus fertilizers. delicious fruits. In particular, tomatoes love potassium superphosphate. Phosphorus fertilizing is applied to the soil during planting of seedlings - up to 20 g in each hole. There is no need to bury the fertilizer deeply, it should be at the level of the root system. Tomatoes use almost all of their phosphorus to form fruits, so there is a practice of reapplying fertilizing during the flowering period.

It should be noted that young plants with a weak root system do not absorb phosphorus well, so in order to save money, long-lasting granular superphosphate should be used. But adult plants can also be fed with a suspension, the preparation method of which was described above.