How to make your own candles. Plastic molds for candles. Multi-colored candles in layers

Candles became popular back in the Middle Ages. They were only among people of means because their price was very high. They were made from different materials, it could be paper or papyrus, different plants and fat. Then the North American colonists figured out how to get wax. After this, a lot of different experiments and experiments were carried out, but the expected result never happened. This lasted until paraffin was invented. Since then, candles have been made from it.

DIY candle molds

Shapes for candles can be very different, it will depend only on your imagination and mood. Various transparent glass jars, cups that you have in your kitchen, baby food and yoghurt containers, and small boxes made of thick cardboard are suitable for this. You can also use orange and lemon peels. And you can also do plaster candle mold, to do this, you need to fill the figurine of an animal or flower with plaster and wait until it hardens.


The wick can be purchased at a special store, taken from a candle that you have, or made with your own hands. There are two options.

Materials you will need for work:

  • bamboo or balsa wood sticks;
  • sunflower oil, you can also use olive oil;
  • napkins;
  • scissors.

First you need to cut the stick to the length you need. Then place the resulting stick in sunflower or olive oil for twenty minutes. This is necessary so that the wick burns longer. After this, remove the stick and lightly blot with a napkin. Your wick is ready.

Second option. Here the wick will be made from cotton thread. Necessary materials for work:

  • floss thread or cotton thread;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • borax.

You need to cut a couple of strips of cotton thread. Then take a glass and mix three tablespoons of borax and one tablespoon of salt in it. After this, lower the strips of thread into the glass and leave them there for twelve hours. After this time has passed, the threads will need to dry thoroughly.

When the threads are dry, weave them together and dip them in wax or paraffin. Once dry, the wick will be ready.


For this you can use essential oils. When the candle burns they will evaporate and permeate the air. pleasant aromas , which, in most cases, have a good effect on the body. Oils can be mixed to create candles for different purposes, some for relaxation and stimulation, and others for uplifting. The more oil is added to the candle, the brighter its scent will be. But if you make a candle with your own hands from natural wax, it is better not to use fragrances.


It is not necessary to use this component, since you can make a candle without it. But if you decide to make your candles bright, you can use wax crayons that children use to draw on the asphalt. Before use, it must be crushed into small crumbs, and then added to the melted mass for the candle. There are still liquid food coloring, but they are not suitable for our candles, because they contain water. You can replace them oil paints or special paints that are sold in stores that have everything for candle making.

How to make a candle at home

DIY wax candles

Necessary materials:

  • wax or paraffin, at your discretion;
  • form;
  • flavorings and dyes, if you decide to use them;
  • a container for a water bath and a saucepan with water;
  • wick;
  • sticks that will support the wick;
  • glue gun.

Making candles.

The first step is to decide on the form into which the wax will be poured. Then install the wick in this form. The wick must be glued to the bottom of the mold, using a glue gun and fix his stick, and if there is no stick, then you can use a regular pencil for drawing.

After you have fixed the wick, you need to make a mixture for the candle. To do this, melt wax or paraffin in a water bath. As soon as the mass becomes liquid, you can add flavors and dyes to it.

The last step in the work will be pouring the mass into molds. In order for it to take the shape you want, it needs to harden, which will take several hours. After hardening, your original candle will be ready.

DIY gel candles at home

They can be a wonderful gift or souvenir. They smell very beautiful and burn much longer than paraffin or wax. Moreover, the container in which the candle will be made, after it burns out, can be used for other purposes. We will tell you further how to make candles with your own hands.

Materials for work:

  • gelatin, it should be colorless;
  • glycerin and tannin;
  • ink that has different colors;
  • essential oil that you prefer;
  • glass container;
  • wick;
  • various items

Making candles.

The first thing to do is add five parts gelatin to twenty parts water. Then twenty-five parts of glycerin are placed in this mass and it is all heated over low heat until transparent.

Bye gelatin and glycerin When it gets hot, you need to dissolve the tannin. To do this, you need to take two parts of tannin and ten parts of glycerin, after mixing, add it to the total mass. The mixture should simmer until it becomes clear.

If you want the candle to be bright and beautiful, add ink; the color of the candle will depend on its color. After this, essential oils are added.

To decorate a candle, you need to put decorations on the bottom of the mold, these can be beads, various beads, shells and even pieces of fruit.

After this, the wick is fixed in the mold; it needs to be in the middle. Then the mass is poured in and left to harden. A beautiful candle, after hardening it will be ready for use.

For this you can use whatever you like. If you are making an aroma candle, you can use pieces of fruit; oranges, tangerines, lemons, and grapefruits are suitable. But before that, the fruit must be dried; this can be done in the oven at seventy degrees.

You can also use various ribbons, decorative threads and lace as decoration. But you need to be careful with this decorative material, as it lights up easily. It is best to mount it on a candlestick.

Candles self made You can decorate with pine cones, coffee beans, cinnamon sticks, various beads, printed photographs. How your candle will be decorated depends only on your imagination and desire.

And candlesticks can decorate any interior.

To do this, you do not need to buy candles and/or candlesticks, as they can be do it yourself, using old candles preserved at home and a few handy tools.

Here are a few interesting ideas how can I do it beautiful and fragrant candles and candlesticks for them at home.

How to make coffee candles

You will need:

Small bowls or glasses

Candle paraffin (can be cut from old candles, melted and used)

Candle wick

Super glue

Coffee beans

Chopped vanilla beans


1. Melt the paraffin in the microwave, in a saucepan on an electric stove or in a water bath.

2. Glue the wick to the bottom of a bowl, glass or other form, where you will then pour the melted paraffin.

3. Pour some paraffin into the mold, add a layer of coffee beans and a layer of vanilla beans. After this, fill out the form completely. Try to keep the wick straight.

* While pouring paraffin, you can stir it with a stick.

4. Wait for the paraffin to harden and trim off any excess wick if necessary.

How to make a candle (video instructions)

Beautiful candles at home: animals

You will need:

Paraffin (can be from an old candle)

Small toy animals

Small candlesticks (with thin stem)

A drill with a small drill bit or any thin, hard and sharp object (to make a hole in the toy for the candlestick)


Spray paint or acrylic paint.

1. Hold the stuffed animal with pliers and make a hole in it so you can insert a candle holder. Be careful not to pierce the toy all the way through.

2. Paint the toy on all sides. If you use spray paint, then you need to paint in the fresh air, and preferably using a respiratory mask (aerosol paint contains substances harmful to health).

*If desired, you can paint the candlesticks.

* Let the paint dry, and then you can light candles or simply place candlesticks with candles in a prominent place to decorate the interior.

DIY shell candles at home

You will need:

Deep shells


Short wick

Super glue


1. Place shells on newspaper.

2. Glue the wick to the bottom of the shell.

3. Melt the paraffin and pour it into the shells.

4. Wait until the paraffin cools down and you will succeed perfect decoration for the bathroom, for example.

Making cinnamon candles (photo instructions)

You will need:

Cinnamon sticks

Thick candle (not scented)


1. Place a rubber band on your candle.

2. Start tucking cinnamon sticks under the gum.

* You can use two or three elastic bands for security.

* You can decorate the candle with braid, jute sack fabric and/or a sprig of berries (can be artificial).

Homemade candle with spices

You will need:

4 small jars (or 2 large)

2 tbsp. spoons of spice (you can use cinnamon or a mixture of several spices, for example, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and nutmeg)

Olive or nut oil (1/2 cup)

Long wick (about 30 cm)


Adhesive tape (scotch tape)



1. Pour some oil into a saucepan and place on low heat, but do not bring to a boil.

2. Add spices to the oil and stir.

3. Remove from heat and let cool.

4. Pour the resulting solution into a jar and let it brew for no more than 2 days.

5. Melt the paraffin - cut a piece of paraffin (new or from an old candle), place it in a saucepan and put it on low heat.

6. Prepare the wick. Attach it to the bottom of the jar using tape.

7. Add 2 tablespoons of oil to the jar.

8. Pour melted paraffin into the jar and stir to combine the oil and paraffin.

9. Place the jar in the freezer for 20 minutes or just in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

10. When you light a candle, you will feel a pleasant aroma.

DIY lemon candle (master class)

You will need:

Paraffin or beeswax

Lemon essential oil

Container for paraffin (mold).

1. Melt the paraffin in a saucepan over low heat.

2. From a saucepan, pour a little melted paraffin onto the bottom of the candle mold and insert the wick.

* The wick can also be glued to the bottom of the container in advance.

3. Add a few drops of lemon essential oil to a saucepan with paraffin.

4. Pour the melted paraffin into the mold, holding the wick straight.

5. Wait for the paraffin to cool.

* You can decorate the candle with jute and film, making it an excellent addition to the gift.

Making a lavender candle at home

You will need:

Soy wax

Soy wicks


Flavoring agent

A jar or other container for a candle.

1. Place soy wax in a saucepan and heat to 60-70 degrees. For one large soy candle you will need 2 cups of crushed wax.

2. While the wax is melting, glue the wick to the candle container.

3. Remove the wax from the stove and let cool to 50 degrees. After this, add a flavoring agent - vanilla aromatic oil or lavender.

4. Pour the melted soy wax into the jar. Try to keep the wick straight; to do this, you can press it with chopsticks or toothpicks.

5. The wax will harden overnight, after which the candle can be used, and if necessary, you can cut off part of the wick if it is too long.

Here's another way to make a scented candle at home:

Summer citrus candles at home

You will need:


Floating candles

Lemons and lime

Essential oil with the scent of lemon or other citrus fruits

Aromatic herbs

Twine or braid.

1. Cut lemons and limes into wedges.

2. Place the herbs in a jar. IN in this example Rosemary, thyme, lavender and chamomile were used.

3. Fill the jar halfway with water and add 10 drops of essential oil.

4. Place lemon and lime slices in a jar and add water.

5. Now all that remains is to place a candle on the water and decorate the jar with twine or braid.

Stylish and well-executed interior decor speaks of the excellent sense of taste of the owners, and original decor with handmade candles emphasizes the individuality of the home.

Today you will learn how to make a candle yourself, spending a minimum of time and money.

All that is required from you is just desire! In this article we will talk not only about all the stages and subtleties of creating a candle, but also consider some ideas for decorating candles that will delight the eyes of both hosts and guests.

Making candles with your own hands

It may be hard to believe, but making and decorating candles with your own hands does not require any expensive or rare materials.

We will use only what is in the arsenal of any housewife. So, for work we will need:

  • A vessel in which we will melt the wax;
  • Any shapes for candles;
  • A large container with which we will make a water bath;
  • Wooden sticks (2 pcs.);
  • Various details for decorating finished candles (lace, beads, shells, cinnamon sticks, coffee beans);
  • Any wax pencils (crayons will do);
  • If available, use the stubs of used candles; if not, use regular paraffin candles;
  • Paper yarn (cotton threads).

This is all that will be useful to us in creating our own wax candle. Who knows, what if we end up with a real decorative miracle?

Making your own wick

If you have ever watched a master class on candle decor, you know that the work of creating candles begins with making the wick. Regardless of what kind of candle you want to get in the end - wax, paraffin or gel, you won’t be able to do without a wick.

In order to make a wick with our own hands, we only need one single element - ordinary cotton thread without any impurities. If you want variety, take colored yarn, the result will surprise you!

As for the design of the wick, there are several interesting options:

Most often a flat wick is used. It consists of many thin threads intertwined with each other. As a result, three main threads are formed from them, which are also intertwined. This wick is the most versatile and suitable for any type of candle.

Crochet braid - very original solution. This wick is suitable for different types candles and various materials.

A twisted wick is made like this: three parts of the yarn are soaked in a saline solution and left for 10-12 hours. When the yarn is dry, twist all the parts together until you get the wick of the desired thickness.

If you don’t want to bother with making a wick, just take it out of a purchased household candle. Don't forget to saturate the wick with wax in advance to get a beautiful and even flame.

Selecting the shape for the future candle

Let's start with the good news - there are no restrictions or strict rules in this matter. Your imagination will have plenty of room to run wild!

The most convenient are ready-made silicone molds, but if you decide to do everything yourself, you can easily use improvised materials. Yogurt boxes, tin cans, plastic cups are all perfect for making candles at home.

For example, let's take a plastic cup from under your favorite yogurt. At the bottom, in the middle, you need to make a hole with a thick needle - this will be the place where we will insert the pre-prepared wick.

On one side of it, which remains outside the glass, you should tie a knot - this is done so that when pouring wax, it does not leak through the hole in the glass.

We place any wooden or plastic stick on the top of our form and tie the free end of the wick to it. Make sure that it is sufficiently tensioned and located exclusively in the center - this will ensure even burning and melting of the candle.

Let's give the candles some color

If you just wanted to learn the technology of making candles at home, then this step could be omitted. If you need unique candles to decorate your room, don’t neglect coloring.

For this purpose we will take children's colored wax crayons. They are the most the best option because do not dissolve in water, mix well with paraffin and will not “delight” you with a surprise in the form of an incomprehensible sediment at the bottom.

The technology for adding color to a candle is very simple: you just need to select a piece of chalk desired color and grate it. Mix the resulting shavings with cinders using a wooden stick and send to melt. This seemingly simple process plays a big role in decorating candles and should not be skipped.

Filling the candle

Take a regular tin can and lightly squeeze it around the edges - this will make it easier to pour out the candle. In the same jar we put everything from which the candle will be made and send it all to a water bath.

All you have to do is wait until the material is completely melted and you can start pouring. Remember that you should pour the candle into the mold gradually - first one layer, then the next and so on.

When the mold is completely filled, let the candle cool at room temperature. After this, the candle can be easily removed and the excess wick can be cut off, leaving about 1 cm. Our candle is completely ready - you can start decorating.

Decorative candles for every smell and taste

In addition to the usual paraffin or wax candles, You can try to make more original options:

Gel candles. Making them yourself will not be difficult, because the recipe is already written on the packages of gel wax - use it! Much more interesting process– decor of gel candles. Any decorations that you like are laid out on the bottom of the mold, and then everything is filled with gel wax. The effect is simply incredible!

Aroma candles. As you know, hand-made candles not only have an aesthetic function, but are also able to exude the favorite aroma of the owners of the house. Add a drop of aromatic oil to the candle base, and you can arrange a whole aromatherapy session at home!

The interior of the entire room depends on the correct decoration of candles. If you want to make the design of the room truly original, photos of the decor of candles made and decorated with your own hands will help you with this.

Choose the option that you like, listen to yourself, experiment, create and you will definitely be able to create a real wax masterpiece.

Photos of candle decor

An ideal way to decorate for almost any holiday event - beautiful candles how to quickly and easily do which you will learn for yourself by reading detailed instructions. Today, candles in the interior can both bring aesthetic pleasure to the owners and guests of the house, and become an assistant in case of an unexpected power outage.

Also, self-made candles can easily become an interesting gift for family and friends, who will certainly appreciate the effort and time spent.

Some people think that candles are an exceptionally cute decorative element, which is true, except when they are placed in the house. scented candles, because they can replace the most expensive psychotherapeutic agent, creating the right atmosphere for relaxation.

Is it possible to make beautiful candles with your own hands?

Of course, today candles are sold in almost all souvenir shops, however, if this time you planned to give it as a gift to a loved one, it is much more pleasant to make this piece of furniture yourself.

If you are thinking about how to make candles with your own hands, then don’t worry, because the task may seem quite difficult only at first. With the right approach, you will quickly understand that the process of creating a candle is quite easy.

You can confirm this fact by simply contacting people who decided to start making candles, but got involved so quickly that it became not just an additional income, but also an exciting activity. The more often you practice making candles yourself, the better quality they will be every day.

To create candles at home you will not need large financial expenses, therefore, in addition to the pleasure that you will get from the creation process, you will also be able to save a lot of money.

What materials are needed to make candles?

You really can’t make candles at home without special materials. You should prepare:

  • Vessel (the wax will melt in it);
  • Molds used for candles;
  • A saucepan (useful during the water bath);
  • Two sticks;
  • Various decorative elements(this is how the candle will look original);
  • Wax crayons;
  • Stubs from used candles
  • Paper threads

Sequence of work

Firstly, you need to lower the prepared paper thread into the mold that you took to pour the wax/paraffin that was subsequently melted. Using a wooden stick, which should eventually end up on top of your form, you need to fix the upper end of the future wick.

Secondly, cut the paraffin (wax) into small pieces and place it in the prepared bowl. Next, a saucepan with clean water you need to put it on low heat, place a bowl with wax in it and melt it. The main thing is not to forget to stir regularly so that lumps do not form.

Thirdly, pour a little of the previously melted wax into the mold, position the lower end of the wick directly in the center. All you have to do is wait until all the wax thickens slightly.

Fourth, fill with the remaining wax that was melted into the mold, and once the candle has completely hardened, cut off the part of the wick that will be superfluous. It is advisable to do this in no case earlier than twenty-four hours later.

Important point. You should not light candles that you think are ready until they are completely hardened. Remember that at least a day must pass from the moment the candle is created to its first use.

Decorating candles

The real pinnacle of craftsmanship when creating candles yourself is not at all scenting or coloring them, but decorating them with a variety of natural materials, starting from coffee beans and ending with pine cones, seashells or herbs with an incredible aroma.

Important point. The materials should be laid out on the bottom of the mold prepared for the candle until the melted wax is poured into it.

Another popular way of decorating today is the decoupage technique, which involves decorating with napkins of different colors.

How to turn an old candle into a new one?

If you liked the instructions on how to make a candle with your own hands, then first of all you should know that to create a new candle you will need essential oils.

To give a decorative element a scent, just add a couple of drops of oil to the already melted wax immediately before pouring the mold.

If you want to achieve the relaxing effect of candles, you can use a combination of bergamot and lavender oils.

If you want to get rid of bad thoughts, it is better to choose rosemary and lemon oils. No for peace of mind better option than rose or geranium.

How to create a gel candle?

In order to create a candle, you must first purchase a special gel that will be used instead of paraffin. It has a number of advantages:

  • It is completely transparent. In practice, this makes it possible to achieve interesting contrast with various decorating techniques;
  • During combustion, the gel does not emit odor or soot that is unpleasant for households.

Technology for creating any gel candle in general, it is similar to the process of creating a wax one, but there is a difference: it is necessary to pour pre-melted gel, not paraffin, into the prepared form. Moreover, this must be done in compliance with a couple of nuances.

Firstly, before the gel is poured into the mold, it must be heated. This will avoid the formation of unwanted bubbles on the candle.

Secondly, the form for creating any gel candle must always be not only transparent, but also beautiful. After all, in the future the candle will not be taken out of it.

The imagination of a person with a creative nature is practically unlimited: the cost of materials needed to create candles with your own hands is quite affordable today.

The process is quite interesting, it does not take much time, as it might initially seem when you see a photo of candles made with your own hands. Having created a beautiful, unusual candle once, you will definitely decide to repeat the experiment.

Knowing how to make truly exclusive candles yourself, being inspired interesting works talented people, you will always have an idea of ​​what you can give as a gift to your friends, and how to decorate the table for a holiday, creating an incredible atmosphere of comfort.

Photos of candles with your own hands