How to clean grease from the mesh on the hood. Features of washing different materials. Cleaning the hood above the stove

To extend the life of household appliances, they need systematic care. You need to know how to clean grease from your kitchen hood. Fat is the main enemy of kitchen surfaces. It settles on the stove, on the tiles, on the facades of furniture. The grease trap of the hood takes the brunt of it. Suffering from this appearance and functionality deteriorates.

All parts that come into contact with grease and dust need to be cleaned. Be sure to read the instructions for use. You need to pay attention to which parts are removable and with what means they can be treated. Without this knowledge, you can irreversibly damage the device. After all the manipulations, the main function should be restored - trapping fat and purifying the air.

Preparatory stage

Using the instructions, we disassemble the hood. We remove all elements that have a greasy coating and can be dismantled. If the parts are screwed on, remove the bolts and put everything together so that they do not interfere or get lost.

We outline a rough plan of action. Adjust it depending on the type of kitchen hood you have.

  1. 1 Unplug the power cord from the outlet.
  2. 2 Remove the grease filters. If they are disposable, prepare a replacement one.
  3. 3 If the design allows, remove the air duct. Otherwise, we clean the accessible part.
  4. 4 Clean soot from external and internal surfaces.
  5. 5 Clean the grille.
  6. 6 Replace disposable filters (if your model has them).
  7. 7 Dry the washed parts and assemble kitchen hood.
  8. 8 Connect the cord to the electrical outlet.

We figured out the action plan. Now let's figure out how to clean the hood in the kitchen at home.

Steam cleaning

Most effective method Wash the kitchen hood filter from grease, wash its external and internal fragments - steam cleaning. A steam generator is a unit that allows, without the use of chemicals Clean almost any surface. Another advantage of this miracle machine is that the steam disinfects the surface, because its temperature is above 150°C. Steam allows you to wash off grease from your hood in a matter of minutes without much effort.

Many people believe that a steam generator costs a lot of money and not everyone can afford it. This is a misconception. All kinds of attachments make it a universal assistant not only in the kitchen. The bathtub, toilet and washbasins will be cleaned and disinfected. Steam does not cause allergies. The financial benefit can be seen by comparing the cost of the unit and the annual cost of the products you use for cleaning. We get clear example how long it will take to recoup this investment.

Automatic cleansing and folk remedies

IN modern world ideal option cleaning is considered to be one that does not require the expenditure of effort and time. The dishwasher is a great way to clean your grates without the hassle. This option is suitable if the kitchen hood is made of stainless steel or the parts are covered with enamel.

Place all parts that need cleaning in the dishwasher and fill detergent and turn it on. We spend the freed time on completing the next point.

The question arises, how to wash the kitchen hood filter for those who do not have the above equipment. The methods are varied. Using improvised means that any housewife has in her kitchen, you can clean the hood of grease. Yes, it won’t be quick and will require effort, but it will save you money.

Let's get acquainted with all the valuable products that help solve many everyday problems effectively and on a budget.

Baking soda and vinegar to combat stains

Baking soda is an excellent cleaning agent. But it requires a container, preferably a large one. Boiling is best. If not, choose the largest pan, pour water into it and put it on the fire. Throw 200-250 g of soda into boiling water and stir until completely dissolved. If the dimensions allow, lower the entire hood grate into the liquid and boil for about 30 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination. If the dimensions do not allow processing the whole, we immerse one side, and after a while we add more soda and turn the mesh over to the other side. You can lower the corners of the grille. Then turn it over 4 times and add baking soda after each.

Grease, dust and soot will come off on their own. This will cause the solution to turn yellow. We take out the hood grate and wash it under running water and polish with a sponge.

Vinegar is not only a seasoning and a liquid for preserving food. Like any acid, undiluted acetic acid has an aggressive effect on fats. It also corrodes the skin of the hands and burns the nasal mucosa when inhaled. Therefore, you need to work with gloves and a respirator.

Apply vinegar to the removable panels and leave for 15-20 minutes. The dirt will dissolve and all you need to do is remove the remaining fragments with a sponge, rinse with water and dry.

It is worth remembering one more acid - citric acid. Natural lemon will also work. It is cut into halves and rubbed onto surfaces that require cleaning. Using citric acid act in the same way as in the previous example with acetic acid. We wait a few minutes and clean the parts of the hood from grease. If the stains are complex, be prepared to repeat the procedure several times.

Using laundry soap and ammonia

There are several options for cleaning grease from hoods using soap.

  1. 1 You can rub the block into warm water, dissolve and immerse the parts in this mixture.
  2. 2 Alternatively, rub the grate itself with soap. Pour hot water into a baking tray, place greased grease in it and place in a hot oven. Boil there for about half an hour. When dissolved, laundry soap breaks down even old fat. After soaking, the filters are removed and washed thoroughly.

Ammonia is a tried and true option. The presence of a pungent and unpleasant odor forces one to resort to protective measures. The room must be well ventilated, and the respiratory system must be protected with a respirator.

Pour half a glass of alcohol into 3.5 liters of warm water. Lower the grease trap for 4 hours. When the dirt has dissolved, remove it with a sponge and rinse. This method is suitable for heavily soiled surfaces.

Household chemicals

In order not to greatly complicate the process of preparing cleaning mixtures, you can use ready-made chemical compounds, such as:

  • dishwashing liquid;
  • "White";
  • facilities different manufacturers based on formic acid;
  • powders or liquids for cleaning pipes.

To remove grease, you can use folk remedies. The procedure is the same as when using conventional means:

  1. 1 Apply to the surface (dip the part into the solution).
  2. 2 Wait for time.
  3. 3 Rub with a washcloth or brush.
  4. 4 Rinse with water.
  5. 5 Dry.

Cleaning the outer casing

When the internal filters are cleaned and dry, we move on to the front part. The cleanliness of the outside of the hood greatly affects the overall neatness of the kitchen. The treachery of this detail is that dust settles on the fat and “cements” it. It is for this reason that it is better to wash the outer part regularly. The use of abrasive powders or iron scrapers is not permitted on this surface. They may leave scratches or remove the glossy finish. Liquid products are also avoided as they may get on the face, neck or hands.

A few simple recommendations will help you easily cope with this mission:

  1. 1 Take dishwashing detergent, apply it to a damp sponge and rub the surface. Leave for half an hour and wash with a damp cloth. If there are hard grease spots left and do not want to be washed off, you can rub them with a rubber scraper (as for car windows).
  2. 2 It’s easier to clean a kitchen hood if you don’t turn it on gas burner idle. Dry heat forms a deposit of fat on the surface, and it is more firmly fixed.
  3. 3 If there are buttons on the hood and flooding occurs, then remove the mechanical control unit for cleaning. It is advisable to ask someone who has experience in this matter, otherwise the cleaning will end in failure.

How often should you clean?

How to wash off fat and how often should such cleaning be carried out? Each person answers this question individually. It all depends on the hostess’s availability of free time, on the family’s eating style, and finally, on her temperament. There are women who cannot sleep if the kitchen does not shine.

If the family is large and you have to cook often, if household members prefer fried food rather than steamed food, the period of high-quality operation of the catch filters is reduced. Average general cleaning can be done once every quarter or six months. The filter may need to be cleaned every month. Wherein external structure can be washed once a week or more often. It all depends on desire.

Modern hoods are equipped with replaceable disposable filters.

They need to be replaced when they become dirty. It would be a good idea to purchase several additional filters when purchasing a hood. This will insure against unnecessary expenses if the manufacturer decides to stop producing equipment of this type.

Systematically washing the grill in the dishwasher is a great option that will save time and effort, and the results will be unsurpassed.

Care and timely care will extend the “life” of your kitchen assistant.

A kitchen hood is equipment designed to remove vapors from liquids, unpleasant odors, smoke generated during cooking. The main function is ventilation, updating the air in the room. With regular use, the device quickly becomes covered with fatty deposits and begins to work intermittently. You can clean the kitchen hood of grease and return it to functionality yourself without the help of specialists.

The hood is an important assistant in the kitchen; it must be kept clean. Improper care leads to moisture and odors. The frequency of cleaning depends on the intensity of use of the device. It is recommended to adhere to the following deadlines:

  • weekly cleaning of kitchens in public catering establishments;
  • Clean your home hood every 1-3 months.

Don’t delay cleaning - removing old grease and carbon deposits is difficult and time-consuming.

Before cleaning, you must unplug the equipment and disassemble it. Explore technical documentation to determine the nuances of removing individual sections. Prepare a container for removable parts, kitchen set and release work surface slabs

Parsing scheme:

  1. Release the retaining clips.
  2. Remove the grille from the grooves.
  3. Unscrew the mounting bolts.
  4. Remove the filter. In some models it is hidden behind a metal grille.
  5. Remove the pipe.
  6. Remove the air filter inside if your unit has one.

Inspect the parts to assess the extent of contamination and select a grease cleaning option.

Step-by-step instructions for cleaning a kitchen hood

If you clean it step by step and know the basic nuances, then removing dirt and grease from the device will not be problematic. There are many options, the main thing is to choose the right one. Choose a product for individual hood elements and the degree of contamination, and do not act according to one given algorithm.

Cleaning the filter

Every kitchen air purifier model comes with a filter. It collects grease, prevents it from penetrating into the device and settling on the body or engine.

Warm fat gets to the surface, hardens into a jelly mass, and is difficult to remove. It is necessary to monitor the serviceability of the filter.

The filter can be disposable or reusable. The first type is made of acrylic, non-woven fabric, and must be replaced. It cannot be washed; after cleaning it will not cope with the task. More reliable and practical than a kitchen hood with reusable metal filters.

Cleaning mechanism:

  1. Prepare a container of the required capacity.
  2. Fill in hot water, boiling water.
  3. Add no a large number of dishwashing detergent, baking soda.
  4. Load the filters.
  5. Leave for 2-3 hours to remove dirt without physical impact.
  6. After the time has passed, remove the residue with a sponge. Gradually lower the water temperature.

For complex, labor-intensive contaminants, the container with the immersed filter is boiled until all the dirt and scale comes off.

Cleaning the grille

The grease grate in the kitchen can be cleaned different ways. It must first be removed from the clamps.

A simple way to restore cleanliness is to treat with a steam generator. The device is used to remove fat from the outside of the body and the inner surface of the pipe.

The main advantage is steam. When exposed to a temperature of 150 degrees, any deposits are destroyed in 5 minutes.

You can clean a dirty hood grill using a dishwasher. You can wash other parts made of stainless steel or with an enamel coating in it; it is better to wash aluminum parts by hand. Select the mode with the minimum temperature.

Review of effective products for cleaning grease from hoods

outer casing, exhaust fan and some internal parts can be tidied up and removed from dust using water and detergent, a soft cloth or sponge. The grate needs to be deep cleaned. To achieve the effect, use traditional methods or household chemicals designed to dissolve stickiness and dirt.

Folk remedies

Various acids and alkalis have high properties, but they must be used carefully, according to the recipe.

  1. Cut the lemon into large slices or circles. Wipe the pulp onto the kitchen grate and leave for 20 minutes. Then gently brush away the dirt. To enhance the effect, lemon can be sprinkled with salt. If there is no citrus, use another available remedy - citric acid. Crystals in the amount of 40 g. must be dissolved in warm water and applied to the surface for 30 minutes. Rinse with a cloth.
  2. Delete old fat Laundry soap with an alkali percentage of 72% will help. You will need a brush with plastic or metal bristles. Recipe: dissolve half a piece in a 3 liter container of water. Place the mesh in the solution and do not remove it for 20-30 minutes. After the time has passed, clean the hood in the kitchen with a brush. Rinse warm water, dry.
  3. Labor-intensive clogs can be boiled out. The method is suitable for the grate and filter (charcoal varieties cannot be wetted). Place the part in a heat-resistant bowl or bucket, fill with water with added shavings laundry soap. Boil until all the dirt is gone and the water turns dark.
  4. Vinegar is a reliable home remedy, but use it carefully. Be sure to open the window in the kitchen and wear rubber gloves. Apply undiluted 9% acid to the grate using a sponge or spray bottle. After 10-20 minutes, wipe off the residue with the abrasive side of the sponge.
  5. Pour warm water into a 5 liter saucepan, add laundry soap, ground into shavings, 5 tbsp soda ash. l, grated or chopped apple. Bring the solution to a boil, place a wire rack in it. You can use this method to clean soot, carbon deposits, grease on a gas pan, electric oven. After 30 minutes of boiling, the parts are removed and dried.
  6. Pepsi and Coca-Cola have amazing properties. Life hack: dip the contaminated mesh in a drink for an hour and scrub with a sponge. Rinse under running water.

Household chemicals

Stores offer a selection of chemicals to combat grease deposits on kitchen hoods. They speed up the process of putting the device in order and preserve its appearance. Before starting use, be sure to read the instructions. Carry out all actions wearing waterproof gloves.

  • Sanita. An active spray called 1 minute on the eyes dissolves the fatty film and removes any impurities. The express product is universal; it can be used to clean various household appliances, including grills and ovens.
  • Schumann. Belongs to the professional line products. Used for washing surfaces involved in food preparation. When using, safety precautions are required. The effect appears a few minutes after distribution. Capable of removing old fat.
  • Cilit Bang. The manufacturer offers products labeled Anti-Fat + Shine. They easily remove dirt and are gentle on metal elements.
  • Synergetic. Gel for slabs. Natural, safe. You can use the cleaner for hoods and ovens. Does not contain abrasive particles.
  • Anti-Fat from Cinderella. An effective and affordable product that can remove any difficult stains from different types surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom.

Some housewives take risks and use Mole to remove clogged pipes; it can damage the metal on top and cause corrosion inside.

Before using the products household chemicals Conduct a test in the kitchen: apply a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​the appliance and study the reaction for half an hour.

The pyramid above the stove helps keep the indoor air clean while cooking. Like a magnet attracts smoke and fumes. Active use leads to the formation of fatty deposits. Every housewife should know how to clean the grate and wash the kitchen hood filter from carbon deposits and grease. The atmosphere in the kitchen and the health of the household depend on their freshness. Inhaling carbon deposits negatively affects the condition of the respiratory tract; the smell eats into furniture and interior items.

Cleaning the kitchen is a long and labor-intensive process. It is important for every housewife that all kitchen appliances, Appliances and the work surfaces were in perfect condition and sparkling with cleanliness: my home is my abode, as they say. But in order to ensure perfect order in the kitchen, it takes a lot of effort.

Cleaning the filter from the hood is the key proper operation device

It is especially difficult to wash kitchen hoods, because large amounts of grease, dirt and soot accumulate there, and regular sponge And you won't be able to clean it all with a cleaning product. After all, you need to wash not only the surface of the hood itself, but also all its components, such as grilles, filters and other internals. The better you wash the filters, the better your device will work.

Preparatory stage of cleaning

Before you start cleaning the kitchen hood, you must do the following:

  • First, read the instructions in detail, which indicate what products can be used to clean the hood and its filters;
  • then you need to turn off the device from the electrical network;
  • remove the top cover;
  • take out the mesh, then the internal filter, it is located immediately behind the mesh;
  • and if necessary, you can pull out the tube itself, which goes to the vent.

All components are removed to make cleaning the device as convenient as possible.

How to make cleaning your hood easier at home?

There are several ways that you will forget what it’s like to stand over the hood for hours, armed with various types rags and detergents. Top most effective home remedies for cleaning kitchen appliances:

Lemon - effective remedy filter cleaning

  • detergent;
  • soda;
  • ammonia;
  • laundry soap;
  • vinegar;
  • lemon;
  • pipe cleaner.


Let's take a closer look at how these tools work and how to use them.

Detergent is used for minor stains

  1. Detergent. This method can be used for minor contamination, when the layer of fat has not yet dried on the surfaces of the grille and hood filter. Dishwashing liquid is diluted with water in a ratio of 4:1. After that, all contaminated parts are dipped in a solution with soap and left for a while. Then you should splash all the parts with boiling water and wipe off any remaining grease with a regular cloth.
  2. How to clean the hood filter and mesh using soda? Baking soda is one of the universal products that greatly helps clean any item in the kitchen, and the hood is no exception. To clean, you should: take a large saucepan, such that the grates can fit into it, fill it with water, bring to a boil and pour half a glass or a glass of soda into it, depending on the size of the pan. You need to add it gradually, in small portions. Then wait until the soda has completely dissolved and dip it into the resulting mixture. necessary details. They will take about an hour to wash. If the pan is too small for the filter, then it must be lowered into water alternately, first with one side, then with the other. After completing this procedure, there should not be a hint of grease or dirt left on the parts.
  3. How to wash a kitchen hood filter if the fat layer is tightly stuck and the above procedures do not help? If the parts of the device are so dirty that after boiling them in a soda solution several times, fat still remains, then ammonia should be used. You need to take hot water and ammonia, in a ratio of ½ cup ammonia for 3.5 liters of water. Place the contaminated parts there and leave for a while. During this procedure, it is recommended to open windows and doors so that the pungent odor is not so strong.
  4. Laundry soap is another one effective method for washing the hood. In order to thoroughly wash all components of the device, it is recommended to use soap Brown, containing 72% fatty acids. For 2-3 liters of water, take about half a bar. This product must be crushed and dissolved in water brought to a boil. The resulting solution must be used to treat all objects and surfaces, as well as the filter and grilles. After which you should remove the remaining fat with a rag or metal scraper.
  5. Very often, old dirt remains on the surface of a household appliance, which is very difficult to clean. How to clean a kitchen hood filter from hundred-year-old grease? In this case, it will come to the rescue acetic acid. It must be applied to the filter and the surfaces of other elements of the hood, wait about 10 minutes and remove any remaining dirt with a sponge. Vinegar can also be used as a solution by mixing it with water in a 1:2 ratio. This mixture can be used if the contamination is relatively fresh. It is worth remembering that when working with acid you should use rubber gloves so as not to damage the skin of your hands.
  6. Lemon is also used to clean various parts of household appliances. How to clean a hood filter using lemon? You need to take the citrus pulp and apply it to all contaminated surfaces, leave for 10-12 minutes and rinse off with a napkin. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.
  7. How to clean the hood grille and its filters using a pipe cleaner? This method is used extremely rarely and only in the most severe cases. You need to take the grilles and filters of the kitchen hood and place them in a sink or stainless steel bowl. Then fill them with the product, after which you will immediately notice a reaction. After a couple of minutes, the parts must be removed and washed thoroughly under running water. You should not leave the hood parts, and especially the filters, in the solution for a long period of time, as the metal parts may deteriorate. Also, do not forget that this procedure is performed exclusively with rubber gloves, and this method should be used no more than 1-2 times during the entire period of use of the household appliance.

Pipe cleaner is used in extreme cases

We have sorted out the questions of how to clean the filter and how to clean the grille of the hood. Next, we are going to look at the recommendations and tips for caring for the hood.

Of course, each family has its own rules and peculiarities for cleaning the house. Cleaning can be done daily, or maybe once a week. As for the kitchen hood, it does not require daily cleaning, even though it is used every day. But you shouldn’t neglect this moment, so as not to complicate your task.

It is also known that in modern models They use replaceable filters that only need to be changed once every three months, which will save a lot of time and energy. But owners of more outdated models should arm themselves with detergent and clean them at least once a month.

In addition to the internal parts of the hood, do not forget about the outer hood. After all, it is also contaminated not only with fat, but also covered with dust. If you start this process, then it will be very difficult to wash the outer part of the device. To avoid this situation, you should treat the surface of the hood with some kind of grease remover. Individual greasy spots can be removed using a metal scraper.

Where food is prepared there should be perfect cleanliness. This applies not only to dishes and stoves, but also to the hood in the kitchen. This useful device helps get rid of the unpleasant smell of tobacco smoke and burning in the kitchen and throughout the apartment, which often accompany the cooking process. With these advantages, the hood tends to quickly become dirty and covered with plaque and greasy stains, so it is better to regularly clean the hood grille, body and motor from carbon deposits, soot and grease.

This must be done because large quantities contamination, the grill becomes clogged, the functionality of the device is significantly reduced, and unpleasant odors spread throughout the apartment.

The hood must be washed regularly, since the filtered air carries soot, dust and droplets of fat that settle on the grille.

How to clean a kitchen hood

Cleaning the hood should be carried out following certain rules and sequence of actions. The work is performed in this order:

  • Disconnect the device from the network.
  • Remove the filters (if they are disposable, make sure you have spare ones).
  • Remove the air duct if required by design features. If it is impossible to disconnect it, limit yourself to cleaning the accessible part of the device.
  • Wash the hood filter from grease or, if you have disposable filters, replace them with new ones.
  • Clean the fan.
  • Clean the filter grid.
  • Wait until the washed parts dry completely.
  • Reinstall all parts.
  • Connect the hood to the network.

Remember to be careful when cleaning your hood and always unplug the appliance.

Cleaning the hood with detergents

In supermarkets you can find a huge amount of household chemicals that can remove even old dirt and are ideal for cleaning a kitchen hood.

When there is a lot of dirt and the hood parts have not been cleaned long time, improvised means may be ineffective. In such cases, it is impossible to do without the use of aggressive means.

The grease remover is applied as described in the instructions and distributed evenly over the surface of the grate. After some time has passed, usually 5-15 minutes, cleaning is carried out and the chemical is washed off with plenty of water using a sponge or cloth.

If you use strong chemicals, protect your respiratory system with a mask and your hands with rubber gloves. Open the windows to prevent the smell from spreading throughout the apartment, and only then start working.

  • To avoid damaging the hood parts, test the selected product on a small area. If the chemical does not harm the surface, you can begin cleaning the entire part. Apply the product to the surface of the grate and leave for 5-7 minutes.
  • After the aggressive substances have taken effect, clean the parts first with a brush and then wipe with a sponge. At the end of the work, you need to thoroughly wash off any remaining grease and chemical cleaner from the surfaces and dry the parts.

However, not every family can afford the purchase of an expensive product; moreover, some substances included in gels, sprays and powders are very toxic and can cause allergies. If for one reason or another you do not plan to purchase a chemical cleaning product, use folk recipes getting rid of fat.

How to clean the hood grille using folk remedies

In order to remove soot and greasy deposits from the grate at home, simple and inexpensive means, which every housewife can find.

Laundry soap or dishwashing detergent

  • Any of these products is dissolved in water, maintaining a ratio of 1:4.
  • The hood parts are soaked in the resulting solution for 1-2 hours, after which they are doused with boiling water and washed with a sponge.
  • You can reinstall the parts only after they are completely dry.

Baking soda

You can boil the dirty mesh and filters in a baking soda solution.

  • Fill in large capacity with water 1 glass of soda and put on fire.
  • After the powder has dissolved, place the hood parts there and boil for 30 minutes.
  • After this, all you have to do is rinse the grille under water.
  • If small dirt still remains, remove it with a foam sponge.


This product will help wash away even the strongest and oldest stains, but if you decide to use this method, take care of respiratory protection by wearing a respirator. Open the windows in the room so that the acrid smell of ammonia does not spread throughout the apartment.


Add 1 cup to a large pot of water table salt and wait for complete dissolution. Heat the salt water, but do not bring it to a boil, and place the mesh in the hot solution for 30 minutes.

If soaking does not remove all dirt, wipe the parts with a sponge soaked in lemon juice or a solution of citric acid prepared in a ratio of 1:3.

Table vinegar

When cleaning the hood parts with vinegar, be sure to use gloves, this will protect the skin of your hands from irritation.

  • Soak a foam sponge in vinegar (do not take the essence!) and apply the product liberally to the contaminated parts of the hood. It will take 10-15 minutes for the fat to dissolve. After this time, remove any remaining vinegar and grease by rinsing the parts under water.

Lemon acid

  • Prepare a concentrated solution of citric acid and apply it to the mesh and filters. It will take 15-20 minutes for the product to start working. After the greasy deposits have soaked and become soft, you need to clean the parts and rinse them in warm water.

If during the cleaning process you were not able to remove all the dirt, repeat the procedure again.

Cleaning external surfaces

The hood must be clean not only from the inside, but also from the outside. Not only do they remain on the surface of the device greasy spots, but also dust, which complicates the task and spoils the appearance of the kitchen. In this case, it is unacceptable to use abrasive powders and hard sponges, as this can cause scratches on the surface. How to easily clean the outer housing of the hood?

  • Dishwashing liquid is suitable for these purposes. Apply it to a cloth or foam sponge and rub the surfaces generously. Leave the product on for 30-40 minutes to soften the fat, then clean the body. Heavy dirt can be removed using a rubber scraper; this will not damage the surface.

After cleaning, remove any remaining product from the surface by wiping it with a clean, damp sponge.

Cleaning the hood with a steam cleaner

Most in a simple way To clean the grate, use a steam generator.

Those who are not yet planning such a purchase can use cleaning chemicals or folk remedies. And owners of dishwashers can easily cope with the problem of grease using this unit.

How often should you clean your kitchen hood?

The frequency of washing the hood parts depends on how intensively the owner uses it. gas stove. The more often the family cooks, the more often the hood is cleaned.


  • If there is Dishwasher and the grate is the right size, you can wash it along with the dishes once a week. Metal grate hoods are usually made of stainless steel, so such cleaning will not cause harm, but will save effort and time.

To prevent streaks from leaving on the aluminum or glass surface of the hood, use window cleaner and a dry cloth.

With proper and timely care, the hood above kitchen stove will serve you for a long time and will prevent the spread of unpleasant odors from the kitchen throughout the apartment.

Don’t know how to clean the kitchen hood from grease and fumes? Don't despair. We will tell you about all the simplest and most effective ways to care for your range hood to create a fresh atmosphere in your kitchen. This can be achieved with cheap folk remedies and household chemicals, with virtually no effort.

Preliminary preparation before cleaning the hood

If you have planned a full wash kitchen appliances, then get ready to have to scrub the cap, grille, filter and all the insides of the device. Before washing the hood, carefully read the instructions, unplug the umbrella from the network, and carry out the following manipulations:

  • Dismantle the hood mesh, which is located above the stove, by unfastening the special fasteners.
  • Remove all removable components of the device: grille and filter.

Important! Some models have internal disposable filters that can simply be replaced with new ones.

Traditional recipes for cleaning internal parts

There are many ways to clean a kitchen hood from soot and grease. Most of them are based on the use of improvised means.

Soda solution

Cleaning a kitchen hood with soda is very effective, as sodium carbonate easily removes greasy stains from the surface. Usage:

  1. Pour 5 liters of water into an iron pan and place it on the stove to heat.
  2. When the water is warm, pour a standard packet of baking soda into it.
  3. After dissolving it, immerse the filter and grid into the container. After this, bring the brew to a boil on the stove.
  4. Boil on low heat for about 30-60 minutes.
  5. Over time, you will notice that all contaminants are easily and simply removed from surfaces. Rinse the elements with running water, using a brush to help remove particularly stubborn areas.
  6. To enhance the effect, add shavings of laundry soap to boiling water.

Detergent + cleaning powder for hood

  1. Soak the removable parts in a container of warm water, after adding a dishwashing detergent that fights grease.
  2. Leave everything in the water for an hour.
  3. After this, using the powder and a soft metal sponge, rinse the filter and grilles with running water.
  4. If at the end of the procedure there are still dirty areas, repeat the procedure from the beginning.

Recipe with vinegar essence and soda

Simple and effective method To clean the kitchen hood from grease, dust and soot, use a combination of soda and vinegar essence.

  1. Place the “ventilation” grille and filter on a flat surface, sprinkling baking soda on top.
  2. Pour vinegar essence (70% undiluted) into a spray bottle and thoroughly spray all the soda with it, focusing Special attention the most contaminated areas.
  3. Leave to lie for 10-20 minutes. After this, rinse the parts with clean water.

Important! When cleaning the kitchen, you need to watch your hands, so be sure to wear protective gloves before starting any manipulations.

Soda + vegetable oil

  1. Mix soda powder with vegetable oil in proportions of 1/1.5 and stir until thick sour cream.
  2. Spread the resulting mass onto the removable elements of the device and leave it alone for half an hour.
  3. After the dirt comes off, wash everything with water, and additionally help yourself with a brush.
  4. This cleaning of the hood from grease will give the surfaces shine and cleanliness.

Lemon cleansing option

  1. Divide a large lemon into two halves or quarters.
  2. Wipe all contaminated areas on the filter and mesh with them.
  3. Let the lemon juice soak into old grease and grime stains for about 10 minutes.
  4. During this time, wipe the surfaces with a damp cloth.
  5. Repeat everything from the very beginning until the result satisfies you.

Cleansing with ammonia

  1. Dilute half a glass of ammonia in 3-4 liters hot water.
  2. Immerse all dirty parts in the boiling solution for 3-4 hours.
  3. After this, use a sponge or brush to remove any remaining dirt and grease.

Important! Before you start cleaning the device in your apartment, be sure to put on a respirator and ventilate your home, as otherwise there is a risk of burning your internal organs from the caustic fumes of ammonia.

Household chemicals in the fight for clean hoods

Today, the range of household chemicals for combating kitchen umbrella contamination is huge. Here are the ones that will definitely cope with stains:

  • Sanita spray will “eat away” fat accumulations in a matter of minutes, yellow plaque and other contaminants. Sanita is considered an express product and occupies a leading position in the market due to its budget cost and universal action. The product is not intended for the care of varnished and enameled surfaces.
  • "Anti-Fat" Cinderella. Gently removes the most stubborn dirt. Applicable on all surfaces. Just spray the product on the dirt, and after half an hour, remove the residue with a sponge. The downside is that it consumes quickly.

  • Synergetic. This gel is positioned as a natural and safe cleaning product that does not contain harsh chemicals. On the plus side, the gel is biodegradable. Also suitable for cleaning pans and cleaning the oven.
  • CilitBang "Anti-Fat + Radiance". Created on the basis of surfactants without abrasives, which have a gentle effect on the oldest soot.

Interesting! All gel-like preparations are used according to the scheme. Place the removable parts in a deep container, spread several layers of the product, and pour in a small amount of hot water. After 10 minutes, put on gloves, take a wire brush and remove any remaining grease.

  • Whiteness is a universal product for cleaning exhaust hoods at home. Apply it to a surface dampened with water and wait 20 minutes. Wash with water. Work carefully and follow safety precautions.

To properly clean your hood from grease, you can use some household tricks:

  • Place all removed appliance parts in the dishwasher using a mild detergent designed for dishwasher use. According to a lot of reviews on the Internet, the machine will cope with the task perfectly.
  • Steam cleaner with sponge attachments. It runs on electricity, so all you have to do is move it across the surface, melting the plaque.

You should take a comprehensive approach to cleaning, since grease often accumulates not only inside, but also outside.

Important! When manipulating with outside device, be extremely careful not to get any cleaning products on your face or hands.

  • We recommend using a variety of preparations for ovens and stoves, which are applied by spraying and eat away dirt and grease in just 15 minutes.
  • Washing the device is recommended at least once every 3 months, or more often as it becomes dirty.

In order not to worry about how to clean the hood when the grease has already become ingrained, you should worry about preventing contamination:

  • Every time you have finished cooking, wipe off any drops of oil from the device with a sponge;
  • wash filters regularly (1-2 times a month);
  • clean the product slowly, having studied the instructions for use of cleaning products;
  • minimize the operation of the burners “idle”, as dry heat contributes to the formation of dense, thick carbon deposits on the surface;
  • after washing the corrugation and returning it to its place, be sure to check the traction.

Timely care will allow you to keep your equipment clean and extend its service life. Give the little worker some time and she will repay you with fresh air in the kitchen. What cleaning methods do you use? Share recipes with readers in the comments.

Video: Caring for a kitchen hood using folk remedies