What is the temperature in the central heating pipes. Heating system temperature graph

Each management company strives to achieve economical heating costs apartment building. In addition, residents of private houses are trying to come. This can be achieved by drawing up a temperature graph that reflects the dependence of the heat produced by the carriers on the weather conditions outside. Proper Use This data allows you to optimally distribute hot water and heating to consumers.

What is a temperature graph

The coolant should not maintain the same operating mode, because outside the apartment the temperature changes. This is what you need to be guided by and, depending on it, change the temperature of the water in heating objects. Dependence of coolant temperature on outside temperature air is compiled by specialist technologists. To compile it, the values ​​​​available for the coolant and the outside air temperature are taken into account.

During the design of any building, the size of the heat-providing equipment installed in it, the dimensions of the building itself and the cross-sections available in the pipes must be taken into account. IN high-rise building Residents cannot independently increase or decrease the temperature, since it is supplied from the boiler room. Adjustment of the operating mode is always carried out taking into account the temperature curve of the coolant. The temperature scheme itself is also taken into account - if the return pipe supplies water with a temperature above 70°C, then the coolant flow will be excessive, but if it is significantly lower, there will be a deficiency.

Important! Temperature graph is compiled in such a way that at any outside air temperature in the apartments a stable optimal heating level is maintained at 22 °C. Thanks to it, even the most severe frosts are not scary, because the heating systems will be ready for them. If it is -15 °C outside, then it is enough to track the value of the indicator to find out what the temperature of the water in the heating system will be at that moment. The harsher the weather outside, the hotter the water inside the system should be.

But the level of heating maintained indoors depends not only on the coolant:

  • Outside temperature;
  • The presence and strength of wind - its strong gusts significantly affect heat loss;
  • Thermal insulation - high-quality structural parts of the building help to retain heat in the building. This is done not only during the construction of the house, but also separately at the request of the owners.

Table of coolant temperature versus outside air temperature

In order to calculate the optimal temperature regime, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics available to heating devices- batteries and radiators. The most important thing is to count them power density, it will be expressed in W/cm2. This will most directly affect the transfer of heat from the heated water to the heated air in the room. It is important to take into account their surface power and the drag coefficient available window openings and external walls.

After all the values ​​have been taken into account, you need to calculate the difference between the temperature in two pipes - at the entrance to the house and at the exit from it. The higher the value in the input pipe, the higher the value in the return pipe. Accordingly, indoor heating will increase under these values.

Weather outside, Cat the entrance to the building, CReturn pipe, C
+10 30 25
+5 44 37
0 57 46
-5 70 54
-10 83 62
-15 95 70

Proper use of coolant involves attempts by house residents to reduce the temperature difference between the inlet and outlet pipes. It could be construction work for insulating a wall from the outside or thermal insulation of external heat supply pipes, insulating floors above a cold garage or basement, insulating the inside of a house, or several works performed simultaneously.

Heating in the radiator must also comply with the standards. In central heating systems it usually varies from 70 C to 90 C depending on the outside air temperature. It is important to consider that in corner rooms the temperature cannot be less than 20 C, although in other rooms of the apartment a decrease to 18 C is allowed. If the temperature outside drops to -30 C, then the heating in the rooms should rise by 2 C. In other rooms it should also temperature rise provided that in the rooms for various purposes it may be different. If there is a child in the room, then it can vary from 18 C to 23 C. In storerooms and corridors, heating can vary from 12 C to 18 C.

It is important to note! The average daily temperature is taken into account - if the temperature at night is about -15 C, and during the day - -5 C, then it will be calculated according to the value of -10 C. If at night it was about -5 C, and in the daytime it rose to +5 C, then heating is taken into account at 0 C.

Schedule for hot water supply to the apartment

In order to deliver optimal hot water to the consumer, CHP plants must send it as hot as possible. Heating lines are always so long that their length can be measured in kilometers, and the length of apartments is measured in thousands. square meters. Whatever the insulation of the pipes, heat is lost on the way to the user. Therefore, it is necessary to heat the water as much as possible.

However, water cannot be heated above its boiling point. Therefore, a solution was found - to increase the pressure.

It is important to know! As it increases, the boiling point of water shifts upward. As a result, it reaches the consumer really hot. When the pressure increases, risers, mixers and taps are not affected, and all apartments up to the 16th floor can be provided with hot water supply without additional pumps. In a heating main, water usually contains 7-8 atmospheres, the upper limit is usually 150 with a margin.

It looks like this:

Boiling temperaturePressure
100 1
110 1,5
119 2
127 2,5
132 3
142 4
151 5
158 6
164 7
169 8

Innings hot water V winter time year must be continuous. Exceptions to this rule include heat supply accidents. Hot water supply can only be turned off in summer period for preventive maintenance. Such work is carried out both in heat supply systems closed type, and in open systems.

The heating battery is the main element heating system in a city apartment, an effective household device for heat transfer. The coziness and comfort of living of all residents of the house largely depends on the batteries (radiators) and their temperature.

In this article we will tell you: what should be the temperature of the heating radiators in the apartment, what are its standards and whether interruptions in the heat supply are acceptable.

Start of the heating season

The beginning of the supply of heating to residential apartments is indicated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/06/2011 N 354. The document states that as soon as the average daily air temperature on the street is below +8 ºС and remains unchanged for 5 days in a row, in heating is turned on in apartments.

In all other cases, the moment of heat supply can be delayed legally. Detailed information about when Which temperature turn on heating in apartments You can read.

Note: heat will begin to flow into apartments no earlier than on the 6th day after the recorded air temperature readings outside.

In the majority regions of the country heating season begins from mid-October and ends in April.

Reasons for the lack of heat in the apartment

Situations are possible when, due to the negligent attitude of the heat supply company to its own responsibilities, heat is not supplied to the apartments. Why? The reasons for the lack of heat include:

  • Breakdown of the heating system of the house;
  • Filling of pipes that conduct heat into houses with air;
  • Unfinished renovation work.

If the delay in heating supply is caused by a breakdown intra-house system, then until the problem is fixed, it is impossible to correct the situation.

If the reason for the delay is in filling the heating supply pipes with air, you must contact the operating organization. The specialist must “blow out” the batteries within 24 hours after the call, and there will be no obstacles to filling them with circulating liquid.

Why is the heat supply to the radiators interrupted?

Start heating season does not mean its continuity. Sometimes the heating supply is temporarily stopped, which raises a lot of questions and indignation from the population.

It is important to know that legally, interruptions in the heating supply can be:

  • Maximum 24 hours. Provided that the minimum air temperature in the apartment is +12 ºС;
  • Maximum 8 hours. If the temperature drops to between +10 and +12 ºС;
  • No more than 4 hours if the thermometer shows +8 ºС and below.

All downtime periods are indicated in total for the month. If residents notice that these values ​​are exceeded, they should file a complaint with the responsible organization. Familiarize with optimal Temperature indicators in an apartment in winter can be found in .

Heating radiator temperature standards

The heating system of an apartment building is the result of engineering work. This is a complex mechanism consisting of many elements.

Therefore, it is so important to follow the rules for installing and operating heating radiators in every apartment. Otherwise, the heat will be distributed unevenly, which will lead to the fact that it will be warm in one apartment and cold in the next one.

An important point also is . To avoid such situations, we came up with appropriate valid values(standards).

Acceptable minimum battery temperature

Like anyone else index, important for normal vital activity person (, etc.) battery temperature during the heating season must have acceptable minimum.

However, the minimum temperature of batteries in apartments by law and regulations not registered. This means that the indicator should be such that was preserved permissible temperature air in the apartment (+18 to + 25 degrees).

Obviously, which is unacceptable low battery temperatures, achieve normal air temperature throughout the apartment impossible.

What should the maximum value be?

In contrast to the minimum, the maximum value is precisely specified in SNiP 41-01-2003 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”. This document defines the standards established for indoor heating system elements:

  • The maximum permissible standard temperature for radiators in an apartment is considered to be 95°C with a two-pipe heating system;
  • With a single-pipe heating system, the temperature maximum is 115°C;
  • The recommended temperature is between 85°C and 90°C. This is due to the fact that 100°C is the boiling point of water. When this indicator is reached, special measures are taken to prevent boiling;

Note: Despite the fact that the maximum temperature is 115 °C, operating batteries in this mode is not recommended. They break quickly if they work under such increased load.

How to measure battery temperature?

If you suspect that the batteries are not heating well, you can measure their temperature. There are several ways to measure battery temperature, namely:

  • An ordinary thermometer. In this case, 1-2°C should be added to the measured surface area of ​​the heating device;
  • Using an infrared thermometer;
  • Use an alcohol thermometer to measure the temperature of the battery by taping it tightly to it. For accurate measurement, you need to cover the thermometer with heat-insulating material.

It is important: The device used to measure battery temperature must have a quality certificate. The measurement range should be from 5 to 40 degrees C - this greatly minimizes the measurement error. The permissible error is no more than 0.1 g. C of measurement.

If the battery temperature significantly doesn't reach recommended quantities should be written application to the management company to carry out measurements. Commission in the presence of the apartment tenant will carry out control measuring the fluid circulating in the battery and will establish inconsistency.

Note: Before measuring the temperature of the batteries, measure the temperature of the hot water from the tap. These indicators are interrelated with each other. If the thermometer readings are in the range from 60 to 75 °C, this is considered normal; if lower, this is a deviation from it.

What to do if there is no heating?

If you couldn’t wait for heating, it’s time to take decisive action. First, we need to understand the reason for what is happening. If it turns out that a breakdown in the heating system of the house is to blame, it needs to be fixed. If the supply company is to blame for the heating delay, you need to prove that the apartment is cold.

To do this, together with a representative of the operating company, it is necessary to measure the temperature in each room. If it turns out to be lower, it is important to record the readings.

Based on the results of measurements, the service company is obliged to take action, correct the situation and recalculate heating fees during periods of discrepancy. If there is no action on the part of the responsible company, it can be held administratively liable for violating public utility rules.

The minimum permissible air temperature in a living room in winter is +18 °C. As soon as an underestimated value of this indicator is recorded, the organization supplying heat is obliged to reduce the payment for it by 0.15% for each hour of violation.

If the recalculation did not motivate the responsible organization to correct the errors, a collective complaint should be filed by the residents of the house about violation of the temperature regime. It will become the basis for going to court. For violations, the organization supplying heat may be seriously fined.

Thus, the temperature of the batteries in the apartment during the heating season must comply with the requirements of SNiP.

Residents of apartments can independently measure the temperature of the batteries to determine whether the standards are being met. Knowing all acceptable normal, boundaries and timing associated with the onset of the heating season gives opportunity protect your rights if they are violated.

The following tells about heating standards in apartments: video:

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The basis for an economical approach to energy consumption in a heating system of any type is the temperature schedule. Its parameters indicate optimal value heating water, thereby optimizing costs. In order to apply this data in practice, it is necessary to learn in more detail the principles of its construction.


Temperature graph – the optimal value of heating the coolant to create a comfortable temperature in the room. It consists of several parameters, each of which directly affects the quality of operation of the entire heating system.

  1. Temperature in the inlet and outlet pipes of the heating boiler.
  2. The difference between these coolant heating indicators.
  3. Temperature indoors and outdoors.

The latter characteristics are decisive for the regulation of the first two. Theoretically, the need to increase the heating of water in the pipes occurs when the temperature outside decreases. But how much do you need to increase so that the heating of the air in the room is optimal? To do this, draw up a graph of the dependence of the parameters of the heating system.

When calculating it, the parameters of the heating system and the residential building are taken into account. For central heating The following system temperature parameters are accepted:

  • 150°C/70°C. Before reaching the users, the coolant is diluted with water from the return pipe to normalize the incoming temperature.
  • 90°C/70°C. In this case, there is no need to install equipment for mixing the flows.

According to current system parameters utility services must ensure compliance with the heating value of the coolant in the return pipe. If this parameter is less than normal, it means that the room is not heated properly. Exceeding indicates the opposite - the temperature in the apartments is too high.

Temperature chart for a private house

The practice of drawing up such a schedule for autonomous heating not very developed. This is explained by its fundamental difference from the centralized one. The water temperature in the pipes can be controlled manually or automatically. If the design and practical implementation took into account the installation of sensors for automatic regulation operation of the boiler and thermostats in each room, then there will be no urgent need to calculate the temperature schedule.

But it will be indispensable for calculating future expenses depending on weather conditions. In order to draw it up in accordance with the current rules, the following conditions must be taken into account:

Only after these conditions have been met can we proceed to the calculation part. Difficulties may arise at this stage. Correct calculation of an individual temperature schedule is a complex mathematical scheme that takes into account all possible indicators.

However, to make the task easier, there are ready-made tables with indicators. Below are examples of the most common operating modes heating equipment. The following input data were taken as initial conditions:

  • Minimum air temperature outside – 30°C
  • The optimal room temperature is +22°C.

Based on these data, schedules were drawn up for the following types of operation of heating systems.

It is worth remembering that these data do not take into account the design features of the heating system. They only show the recommended temperature and power values ​​of heating equipment depending on weather conditions.

The temperature graph represents the dependence of the degree of heating of water in the system on the temperature of the cold outside air. After the necessary calculations, the result is presented in the form of two numbers. The first means the water temperature at the entrance to the heating system, and the second at the exit.

For example, the entry 90-70ᵒС means that under given climatic conditions, to heat a certain building, the coolant at the entrance to the pipes will need to have a temperature of 90ᵒС, and at the exit 70ᵒС.

All values ​​are presented for outside air temperature for the coldest five-day period. This design temperature is accepted according to SP " Thermal protection buildings." According to the standards, the internal temperature for residential premises is 20ᵒC. The schedule will ensure the correct supply of coolant to the heating pipes. This will avoid overcooling of the premises and waste of resources.

The need to perform constructions and calculations

A temperature schedule must be developed for each locality. It allows you to ensure the most competent operation of the heating system, namely:

  1. Bring into compliance heat losses when supplying hot water to houses from average daily temperature outside air.
  2. Prevent insufficient heating of rooms.
  3. Oblige thermal stations to supply consumers with services that meet technological conditions.

Such calculations are necessary both for large heating stations and for boiler houses in small towns. In this case, the result of calculations and constructions will be called a boiler room schedule.

Methods for regulating temperature in a heating system

Upon completion of the calculations, it is necessary to achieve the calculated degree of heating of the coolant. This can be achieved in several ways:

  • quantitative;
  • quality;
  • temporary.

In the first case, the flow of water entering the heating network is changed; in the second, the degree of heating of the coolant is adjusted. The temporary option involves a discrete supply of hot liquid to the heating network.

For central system heat supply is most characteristic of a high-quality method, in which the volume of water entering the heating circuit remains unchanged.

Types of charts

Depending on the purpose of the heating network, the implementation methods differ. The first option is a normal heating schedule. It represents constructions for networks that operate only for space heating and are centrally regulated.

The increased schedule is calculated for heating networks that provide heating and hot water supply. It's being built for closed systems and shows the total load on the hot water supply system.

The adjusted schedule is also intended for networks operating for both heating and heating. This takes into account heat losses as the coolant passes through the pipes to the consumer.

Drawing up a temperature chart

The drawn straight line depends on the following values:

  • normalized indoor air temperature;
  • outside air temperature;
  • degree of heating of the coolant when entering the heating system;
  • degree of heating of the coolant at the exit from the building networks;
  • degree of heat transfer from heating devices;
  • thermal conductivity of external walls and total heat losses of the building.

To perform a competent calculation, it is necessary to calculate the difference between the water temperatures in the forward and return pipes Δt. The higher the value in a straight pipe, the better the heat transfer of the heating system and the higher the indoor temperature.

In order to rationally and economically use the coolant, it is necessary to achieve the minimum possible value of Δt. This can be achieved, for example, by carrying out work on additional insulation of the external structures of the house (walls, coverings, ceilings above a cold basement or technical underground).

Heating mode calculation

First of all, it is necessary to obtain all the initial data. Standard values ​​of external and internal air temperatures are adopted according to the joint venture “Thermal protection of buildings”. To find the power of heating devices and heat losses, you will need to use the following formulas.

Heat losses of the building

The initial data in this case will be:

  • thickness of external walls;
  • thermal conductivity of the material from which the enclosing structures are made (in most cases indicated by the manufacturer, denoted by the letter λ);
  • surface area of ​​the outer wall;
  • climatic region of construction.

First of all, find the actual resistance of the wall to heat transfer. In a simplified version, it can be found as the quotient of the wall thickness and its thermal conductivity. If the outer structure consists of several layers, find the resistance of each of them separately and add the resulting values.

Thermal losses of walls are calculated using the formula:

Q = F*(1/R 0)*(t indoor air -t outdoor air)

Here Q is the heat loss in kilocalories, and F is the surface area of ​​the external walls. For a more accurate value, it is necessary to take into account the glazing area and its heat transfer coefficient.

Battery Surface Power Calculation

Specific (surface) power is calculated as the quotient maximum power device in W and heat transfer surface area. The formula looks like this:

P ud = P max /F act

Coolant temperature calculation

Based on the obtained values, the heating temperature regime is selected and a heat transfer line is constructed. The values ​​of the degree of heating of the water supplied to the heating system are plotted on one axis, and the outside air temperature on the other. All values ​​are taken in degrees Celsius. The calculation results are summarized in a table in which the nodal points of the pipeline are indicated.

Carrying out calculations using this method is quite difficult. To perform competent calculations, it is best to use special programs.

For each building, this calculation is performed individually. management company. To approximately determine the water entering the system, you can use existing tables.

  1. For large heat energy suppliers, coolant parameters are used 150-70ᵒС, 130-70ᵒС, 115-70ᵒС.
  2. For small systems for a few apartment buildings parameters are applied 90-70ᵒС (up to 10 floors), 105-70ᵒС (over 10 floors). A schedule of 80-60ᵒC can also be adopted.
  3. When settling in autonomous system heating for individual house It is enough to control the degree of heating using sensors; you don’t need to build a schedule.

The measures taken make it possible to determine the parameters of the coolant in the system at a certain point in time. By analyzing the coincidence of the parameters with the graph, you can check the efficiency of the heating system. The temperature chart table also indicates the degree of load on the heating system.

Computers have been operating successfully for a long time not only on the desks of office workers, but also in production and production management systems. technological processes. Automation successfully controls the parameters of heating systems of buildings, providing...

The specified required air temperature (sometimes changing throughout the day to save money).

But the automation needs to be properly configured, given the initial data and algorithms to work! This article discusses the optimal heating temperature schedule - the dependence of the coolant temperature of a water heating system at different temperatures outside air.

This topic has already been discussed in the article about. Here we will not calculate the heat loss of an object, but will consider a situation where these heat losses are known from previous calculations or from data from the actual operation of an existing facility. If the facility is operational, then it is better to take the value of heat loss at the design temperature of the outside air from the statistical actual data of previous years of operation.

In the article mentioned above, to construct the dependences of the coolant temperature on the outside air temperature, a system of nonlinear equations is solved numerically. This article will present “direct” formulas for calculating the “supply” and “return” water temperatures, which represent an analytical solution to the problem.

You can read about the colors of Excel sheet cells that are used for formatting in articles on the page « ».

Calculation of heating temperature graph in Excel.

So, when setting up the boiler operation and/or thermal unit Based on the outside air temperature, the automation system needs to set a temperature schedule.

It may be more correct to place the air temperature sensor inside the building and configure the operation of the coolant temperature control system based on the internal air temperature. But it is often difficult to choose a location for installing the sensor inside due to different temperatures in different rooms of the facility or due to the significant distance of this place from the thermal unit.

Let's look at an example. Let's say we have an object - a building or a group of buildings that receives thermal energy from one common closed heat supply source - boiler room and/or heating unit. A closed source is a source from which the extraction of hot water for water supply is prohibited. In our example, we will assume that, in addition to the direct selection of hot water, there is no selection of heat for heating water for hot water supply.

To compare and check the correctness of the calculations, let’s take the initial data from the above-mentioned article “Calculation of water heating in 5 minutes!” and create a small program in Excel to calculate the heating temperature schedule.

Initial data:

1. Estimated (or actual) heat loss of an object (building) Q p in Gcal/hour at the design outdoor temperature t nr write down

to cell D3: 0,004790

2. Design temperature air inside an object (building) t vr in °C enter

to cell D4: 20

3. Estimated outside air temperature t nr in °C we enter

to cell D5: -37

4. Estimated water temperature at the “supply” t pr enter in °C

to cell D6: 90

5. Estimated return water temperature t op in °C enter

to cell D7: 70

6. Indicator of nonlinearity of heat transfer of used heating devices n write down

to cell D8: 0,30

7. Current (we are interested in) outside air temperature t n in °C we enter

to cell D9: -10

Cell valuesD3 – D8 for a specific object are written once and are not changed further. Cell valueD8 can (and should) be changed by determining coolant parameters for different weather conditions.

Calculation results:

8. Estimated water flow in the system GR in t/hour we calculate

in cell D11: =D3*1000/(D6-D7) =0,239

GR = QR *1000/(tetc top )

9. Relative heat flux q define

in cell D12: =(D4-D9)/(D4-D5) =0,53

q =(tvr tn )/(tvr tnr )

10. Supply water temperature tP in °C we calculate

in cell D13: =D4+0.5*(D6-D7)*D12+0.5*(D6+D7-2*D4)*D12^(1/(1+D8)) =61,9

tP = tvr +0,5*(tetc top )* q +0,5*(tetc + top -2* tvr )* q (1/(1+ n ))

11. Return water temperature tO in °C we calculate

in cell D14: =D4-0.5*(D6-D7)*D12+0.5*(D6+D7-2*D4)*D12^(1/(1+D8)) =51,4

tO = tvr -0,5*(tetc top )* q +0,5*(tetc + top -2* tvr )* q (1/(1+ n ))

Calculation of supply water temperature in Excel tP and on the return line tO for selected outside temperature tn completed.

Let's make a similar calculation for several different outside temperatures and build a heating temperature graph. (You can read about how to build graphs in Excel.)

Let's compare the obtained values ​​of the heating temperature graph with the results obtained in the article “Calculation of water heating in 5 minutes!” - the values ​​are the same!


The practical value of the presented calculation of the heating temperature schedule is that it takes into account the type installed devices and the direction of movement of the coolant in these devices. Heat transfer nonlinearity coefficient n, which has a noticeable effect on the heating temperature curve different devices different.