Type of heating of an apartment building. Centralized heating systems. Warm floor in Khrushchev


An apartment in a multi-storey building is an urban alternative to private houses, and very a large number of of people. The popularity of city apartments is not strange, because they have everything a person needs for a comfortable stay: heating, sewerage and hot water supply. And if the last two points do not need special introduction, then the heating circuit multi-storey building requires detailed consideration. From the point of view of design features, centralized has a number of differences from autonomous structures, which allows it to provide the house with thermal energy in cold season of the year.

Features of the heating system of apartment buildings

When heating equipment is installed in multi-storey buildings It is imperative to comply with the requirements established by regulatory documentation, which include SNiP and GOST. These documents indicate that heating design should ensure a constant temperature in apartments within 20-22 degrees, and humidity should vary from 30 to 45 percent.
Despite the existence of standards, many houses, especially older ones, do not meet these indicators. If this is the case, then first of all you need to install thermal insulation and change heating devices, and only then contact the heat supply company. The heating of a three-story house, the diagram of which is shown in the photo, can be cited as an example of a good heating scheme.

To achieve the required parameters, use complex design, requiring high-quality equipment. When creating a project heating system apartment building specialists use all their knowledge to achieve uniform heat distribution in all sections of the heating main and create comparable pressure on each tier of the building. One of the integral elements of the operation of such a design is operation on a superheated coolant, which provides for the heating scheme of a three-story building or other high-rise buildings.

How it works? The water comes directly from the thermal power plant and is heated to 130-150 degrees. In addition, the pressure is increased to 6-10 atmospheres, so the formation of steam is impossible - high pressure will drive water through all floors of the house without loss. The temperature of the liquid in the return pipeline in this case can reach 60-70 degrees. Of course, in different time During the year, the temperature regime may change, since it is directly related to the ambient temperature.

Purpose and principle of operation of the elevator unit

It was said above that the water in the heating system of a multi-story building heats up to 130 degrees. But such a temperature is not needed by consumers, and heating the batteries to such a value is absolutely pointless, regardless of the number of storeys: the heating system of a nine-story building in in this case will not be different from any other. Everything is explained quite simply: the heating supply in multi-storey buildings is completed by a device that turns into a return circuit, which is called an elevator unit. What is the meaning of this node, and what functions are assigned to it?
The coolant heated to a high temperature enters, which, according to its principle of operation, is similar to a metering injector. It is after this process that the liquid carries out heat exchange. Coming out through the elevator nozzle, the coolant under high pressure exits through the return line.

In addition, through the same channel, the liquid is recirculated into the heating system. All these processes together make it possible to mix the coolant, bringing it to optimal temperature, which is enough to heat all apartments. The use of an elevator unit in the scheme makes it possible to ensure the most high-quality heating in high-rise buildings, regardless of number of floors.

Design features of the heating circuit

In the heating circuit behind the elevator unit there are various valves. Their role cannot be underestimated, since they make it possible to regulate heating in individual entrances or in the whole house. Most often, the valves are adjusted manually by employees of the heat supply company, if such a need arises.

IN modern buildings often used additional elements, such as collectors, thermal and other equipment. In recent years, almost every heating system in high-rise buildings has been equipped with automation to minimize human intervention in the operation of the structure (read: ""). All the details described allow us to achieve better performance, increase efficiency and make it possible to distribute more evenly thermal energy for all apartments.

Pipeline layout in a multi-storey building

As a rule, multi-storey buildings use a single-pipe wiring diagram with top or bottom filling. The location of the forward and return pipes can vary depending on many factors, including even the region where the building is located. For example, the heating scheme in a five-story building will be structurally different from the heating in three-story buildings.

When designing a heating system, all these factors are taken into account, and the most successful scheme is created, allowing all parameters to be maximized. The project may involve various options coolant filling: from bottom to top or vice versa. In individual houses, universal risers are installed, which ensure alternating movement of the coolant.

Types of radiators for heating apartment buildings

In multi-storey buildings there is no single rule that allows the use of a specific type of radiator, so the choice is not particularly limited. The heating scheme of a multi-storey building is quite universal and has a good balance between temperature and pressure.

The main models of radiators used in apartments include the following devices:

  1. Cast iron batteries. Often used even in the most modern buildings. They are cheap and very easy to install: as a rule, apartment owners install this type of radiators themselves.
  2. Steel heaters. This option is a logical continuation of the development of new heating devices. Being more modern, steel heating panels demonstrate good aesthetic qualities, are quite reliable and practical. They combine very well with the control elements of the heating system. Experts agree that steel batteries can be called optimal for use in apartments.
  3. Aluminum and bimetallic batteries. Products made from aluminum are highly valued by owners of private houses and apartments. Aluminum batteries have the best performance when compared with previous options: excellent appearance, light weight and compactness are perfectly combined with high performance characteristics. The only disadvantage of these devices, which often scares off buyers, is the high cost. However, experts do not recommend saving on heating and believe that such an investment will pay off quite quickly.
Fulfill renovation work in the heating system of an apartment building, it is also not recommended to do it yourself, especially if it is heating in the walls panel house: practice shows that residents of houses, without the appropriate knowledge, are able to throw away important element system, considering it unnecessary.

Centralized systems heating demonstrate good qualities, but they need to be constantly maintained in working order, and for this you need to monitor many indicators, including thermal insulation, equipment wear and regular replacement of used elements.

Due to the high cost central heating, many people increasingly prefer autonomous heating, completely switching to individual heating devices. But many do not realize that an autonomous heating unit is calculated and installed in apartment building on the same principle as the installation of a centralized heating main.

I would immediately like to answer the question that interests everyone, from what date the heating is turned on. This issue is resolved by the authorities of the settlement or city.

According to the current schedule, the heating system of an apartment building is turned on under two conditions:

  1. When a certain period of the year arrives. As a rule, heating in high-rise buildings starts working in the first half of October. And when it will be turned on, on the 1st or 15th, depends on weather conditions.
  2. Average daily temperature outside it is within the range of up to 8°C and does not exceed this figure for five days.

It does not matter whether the temperature drops in October or September. In Salekhard, for example, heating season begins already in the first ten days of September, while in Crimea even at the end of October the heating is not always turned on.

If you think that individual system heating in an apartment in a multi-storey building has a lot of differences from centralized heating, then you are deeply mistaken. Of course, there are some differences between them, but they are not as fundamental as between a multi-storey building and a private household.

So, how does the heating system work in an apartment building? During the construction of the structure, a heating main is laid, on which a certain number of thermal valves are mounted. These are nothing more than thermal circuits, so their number is closely related to the number of risers in the structure.

Next, the system is equipped with a mud collector. Sometimes two such structural parts are installed at once. If you are designing a heating system in an apartment building of the Khrushchev type, then the scheme in this case involves equipping the hot water supply with sliding elements. They are necessary in case of unexpected drainage of liquid from the line. Valves of this type are mounted by insertion. There are two methods for installing this structural element:

  • to the coolant supply pipeline;
  • to the return circuit.

Some difficulties in installation and the use of a huge number of components and parts when installing a heating system in an apartment building are caused by the fact that hot water circulates through it as a coolant, the temperature of which can reach 80 ° C, and sometimes higher.

Due to a certain hydraulic pressure in the thermal circuit, the liquid is not converted into steam, but gradually releases its energy to the heating devices.

What is return used for?

When the coolant has a critically high temperature, there is a need to use return fluid. This is due to the fact that on the circuits through which the cooled coolant is returned, the pressure is an order of magnitude lower than on the supply pipeline. As soon as the water temperature drops to an acceptable level, the liquid again enters the system from the supply section.

In fairness, I would like to pay attention to one important detail: often heating units are located in small areas, to which only employees have access utilities. Thanks to this approach, emergency situations and accidents can be avoided. After all, if unauthorized actions are applied to the heating of an apartment building, for example, on the part of children or people who have little knowledge of this issue, then this could end very badly. It’s good if the heating in an apartment building stops working. Much worse if the flow hot water will splash out on the person standing next to you.

Why are batteries often barely warm?

Of course, many are interested in the question of why, with enough high temperature coolant in the line, radiators in most cases remain slightly warm? The answer is simple: heating risers in an apartment building are equipped with elements that protect the circuit from overheating and, as a consequence, from its deformation.

The second question immediately arises: why heat the water to a critical level if its heat still does not go to heating the room? Here everything is even simpler: the coolant is heated at thermal power plants, which are located far from your homes. So, if the water warms up to 40°C, which is necessary to warm up residential buildings, then by the time it reaches your home through the centralized pipeline, its temperature will drop by 20 degrees. Ultimately, your batteries will generally be cold.

Purpose of the elevator unit

This is probably the first time many of you have heard this term. Although this is nothing more than an injector that is included in any piping of a multi-story building. It is into this structural element that heated water is pumped from a centralized main. In addition, the return coolant is pumped through the elevator unit, after which it begins to actively circulate along the thermal circuit, giving its energy to the heating device and pipeline. In this block, hot water and cold water from the return are mixed to the temperature that we feel when we touch the radiators.

Shut-off valves are usually located on the return lines, in front of the elevator units. With the help of such structural elements, in the event of an emergency, one or another can be switched off without damaging the heating system of the entire structure.

Recently, in order to save money, people have begun to equip heating circuits with meters. Thanks to such devices, it is possible to monitor not only the temperature of the coolant, but also the amount of heat consumed by a certain area of ​​the house. In most cases, meters are installed in the amount of one device per house. Less often, people equip individual entrances with such devices. This allows you to more accurately calculate thermal energy consumption.

The principle of piping the heating main

Most of multi-storey buildings has a single-circuit piping. What does it mean? The heating circuit of an apartment building in this case is a single (for a separate entrance) heat main. The coolant supply of a single-circuit circuit is carried out both from bottom to top and from top to bottom.

The device for supplying coolant from top to bottom ensures a reduction in heat loss by 20%, compared to another option for supplying heated liquid to the radiators. This is why in multi-storey buildings the upper floors are always warmer than the lower floors.

As for determining the area of ​​heating devices, it’s much easier to remove everything. So, according to SNiP, to heat 1 sq.m it is necessary to spend approximately 100 W. Knowing the square footage of the room and the heat output of the radiators (a bimetallic battery of 8 sections produces no more than 120 W), you can independently calculate how many sections are needed to heat the structure.

Many of us are greatly mistaken when they say that the taller the building, the more complex and confusing is the scheme for piping it with a thermal circuit. Regardless of how many floors there are in a building - 5 or 55, the principle of organizing heat supply is the same. It is not as complicated as it seems at first glance, but it is quite effective. We hope the information presented above helped you understand how heating works in an apartment building.

Video: How to supply heating in an apartment building

When designing large-scale heating systems (in particular, calculating the adjustment of the heating system of an apartment building and its full functioning), especially close attention is paid to the external and internal factors of equipment operation. Several heating schemes for central heating have been developed and are successfully used in practice, differing from each other in structure, working fluid parameters and pipe routing patterns in apartment buildings.

What types of heating systems are there for an apartment building?

Depending on the installation of the heat generator or the location of the boiler room:

Heating schemes depending on the parameters of the working fluid:

Based on the piping diagram:

Functioning of the heating system of an apartment building

Autonomous heating systems of a multi-storey residential building perform one function - timely transportation of heated coolant and its adjustment for each consumer. To enable general management According to the scheme, a single distribution unit with elements for adjusting the parameters of the coolant, combined with a heat generator, is installed in the house.

An autonomous heating system for a multi-storey building necessarily includes the following units and components:

  1. The pipeline route through which the working fluid is delivered to apartments and premises. As already mentioned, the pipe layout in multi-story buildings can be single- or double-circuit;
  2. KPiA - control devices and equipment that reflects the parameters of the coolant, regulates its characteristics and takes into account all its changing properties (flow rate, pressure, inflow rate, chemical composition);
  3. A distribution unit that distributes heated coolant through pipe lines.

A practical heating scheme for a residential multi-storey building includes a set of documentation: design, drawings, calculations. All documentation for heating in an apartment building is drawn up by the responsible executive services (design bureaus) in strict accordance with GOST and SNiP. Responsibility for ensuring that the centralized system central heating will be operated correctly is the responsibility of the management company, as well as its repair or complete replacement heating systems in an apartment building.

How does the heating system work in an apartment building?

The normal operation of the heating of an apartment building depends on compliance with the basic parameters of the equipment and coolant - pressure, temperature, wiring diagram. According to accepted standards, the main parameters must be observed within the following limits:

  1. For an apartment building with a height of no more than 5 floors, the pressure in the pipes should not exceed 2-4.0 Atm;
  2. For an apartment building with a height of 9 floors, the pressure in the pipes should not exceed 5-7 Atm;
  3. The temperature range for all heating schemes operating in residential premises is +18 0 C/+22 0 C. The temperature in the radiators is at staircase landings and in technical rooms-+15 0 C.

The choice of piping in a five-story or multi-story building depends on the number of floors, the total area of ​​the building, and the thermal output of the heating system, taking into account the quality or availability of thermal insulation of all surfaces. In this case, the difference in pressure between the first and ninth floors should not be more than 10%.

Single-pipe wiring

The most economical option for piping is a single-circuit scheme. A single-pipe circuit works more efficiently in low-rise buildings and with a small heating area. As a water (rather than steam) heating system, single-pipe wiring began to be used from the early 50s of the last century, in the so-called “Khrushchev buildings”. The coolant in such a distribution flows through several risers to which apartments are connected, while the entrance for all risers is one, which makes installation of the route simple and quick, but uneconomical due to heat losses at the end of the circuit.

Since the return line is physically absent, and its role is played by the working fluid supply pipe, this gives rise to a number of negative aspects in the operation of the system:

  1. The room is heated unevenly, and the temperature in each individual room depends on the distance of the radiator to the point of intake of the working fluid. With this dependence, the temperature on distant batteries will always be lower;
  2. Manual or automatic adjustment temperature on heating devices is impossible, but in the Leningradka circuit it is possible to install bypasses, which allows you to connect or disconnect additional radiators;
  3. It is difficult to balance a single-pipe heating scheme, since this is only possible when shut-off valves and thermal valves are included in the circuit, which, if the coolant parameters change, can cause a failure of the entire heating system of a three-story or higher building.

In new buildings, the single-pipe scheme has not been implemented for a long time, since it is almost impossible to effectively monitor and account for the coolant flow for each apartment. The difficulty lies precisely in the fact that for each apartment in a Khrushchev building there can be up to 5-6 risers, which means that you need to install the same number of water meters or hot water meters.

A correctly drawn up estimate for heating a multi-storey building with a single-pipe system should include not only the costs of Maintenance, but also modernization of pipelines - replacement of individual components with more efficient ones.

Two-pipe wiring

This heating scheme is more efficient, since in it the cooled working fluid is taken through a separate pipe - the return pipe. The nominal diameter of the return coolant supply pipes is chosen to be the same as for the supply heating main.

The double-circuit heating system is designed in such a way that the water that has given off heat to the apartment is supplied back to the boiler through a separate pipe, which means it does not mix with the supply and does not take away the temperature from the coolant delivered to the radiators. In the boiler, the cooled working fluid is heated again and sent to the supply pipe of the system. When drawing up a project and during operation of heating, the following features should be taken into account:

  1. You can regulate the temperature and pressure in the heating main in any individual apartment, or in a common heating main. To adjust the system parameters, mixing units are cut into the pipe;
  2. When carrying out repair or maintenance work, there is no need to turn off the system - the necessary areas are cut off shut-off valves, and the faulty circuit is repaired while the remaining sections operate and move heat throughout the house. This is both the principle of operation and the advantage of the two-pipe system over others.

The pressure parameters in the heating pipes in an apartment building depend on the number of floors, but are in the range of 3-5 Atm, which should ensure the delivery of heated water to all floors without exception. In high-rise buildings, intermediate pipes can be used to lift the coolant to the top floors. pumping stations. Radiators for any heating systems are selected according to design calculations, and must withstand the required pressure and maintain the specified temperature.

Heating system

The layout of heating pipes in a multi-storey building plays a big role in maintaining the specified parameters of the equipment and working fluid. Thus, the upper distribution of the heating system is more often used in low-rise buildings, lower – in high-rise. The method of coolant delivery - centralized or autonomous - can also affect the reliable operation of heating in the house.

In most cases, a connection is made to the central heating system. This allows you to reduce the current costs in the estimate for heating a multi-storey building. But in practice the level of quality of such services remains extremely low. Therefore, if there is a choice, preference is given to autonomous heating of a multi-storey building.

Modern new buildings are connected to mini-boiler houses or to centralized heating, and these schemes work so efficiently that it makes no sense to change the connection method to autonomous or another (communal or apartment-by-house). But the autonomous scheme gives preference to apartment-by-apartment or house-wide heat distribution. When installing heating in each individual apartment, autonomous (independent) pipe distribution is carried out, a separate boiler is installed in the apartment, control and metering devices are also installed for each apartment separately.

When organizing a common house wiring, it is necessary to build or install a common boiler room with its own specific requirements:

  1. Several boilers must be installed - gas or electric, so that in case of an accident it is possible to duplicate the operation of the system;
  2. Only a double-circuit pipeline route is being carried out, the plan of which is drawn up during the design process. Such a system is regulated for each apartment separately, since the settings can be individual;
  3. A schedule of planned preventative and repair activities is required.

In a communal heating system, heat consumption is monitored and metered apartment by apartment. In practice, this means that a meter is installed on each coolant supply pipe from the main riser.

Centralized heating for an apartment building

If you connect the pipes to district heating, then what difference will there be in the wiring diagram? The main working unit of the heat supply circuit is the elevator, which stabilizes the liquid parameters within the specified values. This is necessary due to the long length of heating mains in which heat is lost. The elevator unit normalizes temperature and pressure: for this, in the heating station, the water pressure is increased to 20 Atm, which automatically increases the temperature of the coolant to +120 0 C. But, since such characteristics of the liquid medium for pipes are unacceptable, the elevator normalizes them to acceptable values.

Heating point ( elevator unit) operates both in a double-circuit heating circuit and in a single-pipe heating system of a multi-apartment high-rise building. The functions that it will perform with this connection: Reduce the operating pressure of the liquid using an elevator. The cone-shaped valve changes the flow of fluid into the distribution system.


When drawing up a heating project, do not forget that the estimate for installing and connecting centralized heating to an apartment building differs from the costs of organizing an autonomous system to a lesser extent.

Initially, the houses of Khrushchev's projects were conceived as temporary, to solve the housing problem. However, to this day, they occupy a fair share of the fund. The main problem of living is the layout of the heating system of the Khrushchev building and its structure. Given natural wear and tear, it often does not fully perform its functions.

Centralized heating scheme for Khrushchev

The houses of this project are characterized by a single-pipe scheme, when the distribution of coolant starts from the upper (5th) floor and ends with the entry of cooled water into the basement. Such heating systems in Khrushchev have one significant drawback– uneven distribution of heat across apartments.

This is due to the alternate passage of the coolant through the floors, i.e. The greatest degree of its heating will be on the 5th, 4th, and on the 1st the amount of heat is not enough to heat the room. In addition, the heating scheme of a five-story Khrushchev building has the following disadvantages:

  • Poor condition of heating elements. Lime build-up on the inner surface of pipes and batteries leads to a decrease in diameter, and as a result, a decrease in heat transfer;
  • Lack of temperature control system on batteries. Reducing the flow of coolant using devices is impossible, as this will affect hydraulic pressure throughout the entire system. The solution is to install a bypass on each radiator.

To solve these problems, it is necessary to carry out modernization - install modern radiators and pipes. Metal heating devices and pipelines made of polymers have proven themselves to be the best. They have increased heat transfer rates, which helps to heat rooms faster. However, to truly create effective system The heating system in the Khrushchev building needs to be replaced on all floors. If old pipes and radiators are left on the top ones, then the speed of water passage in the system will remain unsatisfactory.

Such modernization can be carried out not only by residents, but also by attracting the resources of the housing office. This organization is obliged to carry out planned replacement of pipelines. They know how the heating system in a Khrushchev building works - the diagram and location of pipelines for a particular house.

Auxiliary heating in Khrushchev

What to do if, even after improving and replacing elements, the temperature in the apartment is far from ideal. The best option is autonomous heating in Khrushchev. However, this is not always possible - installation gas boiler not allowed due to low pressure in the main line or due to inappropriate chimney ducts.

Then they begin to develop alternative ways to increase the temperature in the room. The negative point is that the heating scheme of a five-story Khrushchev house does not provide for the connection of additional radiators. This can lead to reduced pressure in the pipes and significant heat loss for residents living below. To avoid unpleasant moments, you can perform a number of actions that help save energy in your apartment.

Insulation of external walls of Khrushchev building

It is recommended to install a thermal insulation layer on the external walls. It will help reduce heat losses and will not affect the current state of the heating system in the Khrushchev building. It is also necessary to replace the old ones wooden windows to new ones made of PVC or laminated veneer lumber. Special attention You should pay attention to the thickness of the double-glazed windows. For effective thermal insulation, this parameter must be at least 28 mm.

Warm floor in Khrushchev

This is one of the best mechanisms increase in temperature in the apartment. It can be installed not only in the bathroom and kitchen, but also in living areas. It is best to choose infrared heated floor models, since their installation requires a minimal increase in thickness flooring. The heating circuit of the Khrushchev house is not designed to connect a water heated floor. Its installation can lead to improper operation of the entire heating circuit of the house.

Apartment heaters

They can solve the problem with the rate of heating of the air in the apartment and do not affect the operation of the main heating system of apartments in Khrushchev-era buildings. Along with traditional oil and converter-type electric heaters, infrared models have become very popular. They increase the temperature not of the air, but of objects, heating their surface. However, the disadvantage of such devices is the increase in financial costs for electricity.

Before connecting the heaters, you need to check the electrical wiring. Often the wire cross-section is not designed for heavy loads. The heating scheme for a five-story Khrushchev building is designed only for water coolant.
Therefore, it is recommended to replace it first, and only after that install powerful electrical appliances.

Autonomous heating systems in Khrushchev: choosing a boiler and correct pipe routing

Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to install individual heating in a Khrushchev-era building. To do this, you need to select a boiler that meets the standards and provide management company developed project. She first gives technical specifications, on the basis of which an autonomous heating system in Khrushchev-era buildings is compiled.

What should you pay attention to when solving this problem? Let's look at the main components autonomous heating in Khrushchev - a boiler, a piping system and radiators.

Heating boiler for Khrushchev

Average area two-room apartment in Khrushchev buildings does not exceed 60 m2. Therefore, the optimal power of a gas boiler should be 7-8 kW. The next condition is the type of burner - it must be closed. Since the design of the heating system in the Khrushchev-era building does not include the installation of a boiler, normal air exchange must be ensured for its operation. This is necessary to take air from the street using a coaxial chimney. In some cases, it is possible to install carbon monoxide exhaust systems into the building's air ducts. But before this, it is necessary to obtain the approval of the fire service. This is often an obstacle to installation. individual heating in Khrushchev.

Heating pipes and radiators

For laying the main line, it is best to use reinforced polypropylene pipes. They are characterized by simple installation and affordable cost. Their advantages include the possibility of hidden installation. It can only be performed on the floor, since gating load-bearing walls forbidden. The heating system in Khrushchev is designed in such a way that the installation location of radiators is most often located under the windows. When designing an autonomous heating system, it is possible to provide for the installation of additional batteries. Most often they are installed in the bathroom.

Project and heating schemes for Khrushchev

When developing a heating scheme for a Khrushchev house, you need to take into account all the nuances. In particular, provision of hot water supply. Therefore, it is best to purchase double-circuit boilers heating.

The requirements for the scheme are no different from the standard ones.

In this case, it is possible to install a water heated floor. For this purpose, the heating scheme of the Khrushchev house provides for the installation of a collector. It will distribute the coolant through the underfloor heating pipelines; the built-in system for mixing hot and cold water flows (two-way valve) will automatically regulate the temperature.

For a minimal increase in floor thickness, it is recommended to use decorative coating, designed for installation directly on water heating pipes. The packaging must be marked accordingly.

In addition to upgrading the autonomous heating installation, you can perform a number of actions, the result of which will lead to a reduction in current operating costs and payment for housing and communal services. Considering the specific layout of the heating system in a Khrushchev building, installing heat meters in an apartment is impractical. This is due to the lack central riser, i.e. even for studio apartment you will have to install at least three meters - in the bathroom, kitchen and living room.

The total cost of installing one device can range from 25 to 30 thousand rubles. The way out of this situation is to install a common house meter. It will take into account the amount of thermal energy consumed for the entire building. Fortunately, the centralized scheme characteristic of all types of heating in Khrushchev allows this to be done. As an additional function, a mode for adjusting the coolant supply depending on the outside temperature can be provided.

For the central heating scheme of a five-story Khrushchev building, you can install a balancing riser. It will perform the functions of uniform distribution of coolant throughout all floors of the house. However, which project is carried out only in agreement with the housing office, since it falls under the category of changing the principle of hot water supply.

A significant part of residential and utility rooms Heated centrally, despite the variety of other options. First of all, heating schemes for multi-storey buildings are relevant for the construction of entire microdistricts and small settlements. One boiler room can provide heat to a large number of objects.

Benefits of centralized networks

A distinctive feature of such systems is that the boiler equipment is located in separate building. The coolant is delivered through pipelines that are laid directly along the street to each facility.

Such networks cannot be created by hand, since the volume of work carried out is very large.

  • Any heating scheme for a multi-storey building is well thought out by specialists, so serious failures rarely occur.
  • The operation of such systems is usually carried out on fuel, the price of which is low.
  • A centralized heating network, as a rule, is maintained by special services, which means there is no need to monitor performance.
  • With this option, there is no need to place the boiler within the home, which saves space.

As for the disadvantages, these include the functioning of the system according to a certain schedule and the inability to individually adjust the temperature regime.

Approximate system structure

Central heating in terms of design is practically no different from autonomous systems. However, the cross-section of the pipelines in this case is much larger, and the equipment installed in the boiler room is much more complex.

  • The heating source is large and small boiler houses, as well as special thermal power plants. In the first case, the coolant acquires a given temperature directly during fuel combustion. In another option, heat is provided by steam. In addition, thermal power plants are capable of generating electricity.
  • Using a network of pipelines, coolant is transported to objects. The diameter of the input and output elements usually reaches 1000 mm. As for laying, it can be done both above-ground and underground.
  • Heating equipment provides the opportunity to transfer heat to rooms. The main instruments are . They are installed in heated rooms.

One thermal power plant (CHP) allows you to replace several small boiler houses, and therefore construction costs are reduced.
In addition, a considerable area is freed up.

Basic classification methods

Any diagram of the heating system of a multi-storey building may belong to one category or another. Classification of centralized systems can be carried out according to several criteria. You can learn more about them by reading the information below.

Depending on the type of coolant

  • Liquid networks are most widespread in heating multi-storey buildings. They make it possible to deliver coolant over considerable distances without a sharp deterioration in quality characteristics.
  • Steam systems are used much less frequently, but are still found. They allow production with smaller diameters. This option is mainly used where water vapor is required.

Based on the connection method

  • Independent networks involve heating the coolant in a special heat exchanger.
  • Dependent systems involve providing heat directly through pipeline branches.

More about the device

To heat an apartment building centrally, it must be connected to a heating main that runs from the thermal power plant or boiler house. For this purpose, inlet valves for thermal units are made in the main pipeline.

Immediately after the shut-off elements, mud collectors are installed, which are necessary for the precipitation of salts and metal oxides. Thanks to these devices, you can extend the operating period.

Hot water connections are made directly into the house circuit. After them, the main unit should be located - the heating elevator.

System layout

Typically, the heating scheme in an apartment building assumes the presence of one supply pipe with a bottom or top outlet. It can diverge into a certain number of branches, which are directed into the building from the basement or attic.

With lower wiring, pairs of risers are combined using special jumpers located in the attic or top floor. An air vent must be installed at the top point.

A top-fill heating system involves installing an expansion tank with an air vent on the technical floor. The valves serve to cut off each riser from the general network.

The correct slope when installing pipelines makes it possible to ensure the drainage of coolant when opening air vents.

The top-filling branch has some features.

  • The temperature of heating devices decreases as the coolant moves downwards, so on the lower floors it will be lower. Compensate heat losses possible by installing additional radiator sections.
  • Starting the system is quite simple, because for normal operation you only need to open special valves, as well as air vents for a certain time.
  • Draining the coolant from the risers is somewhat complicated, since you first have to cover it on the technical floor. Only after this does the reset open.

The heating system of multi-storey buildings is adjusted by changing the diameter of the elevator nozzle.
That is, when its size changes, the heating level increases or decreases.

Optimization process

When delivering the coolant from the source to the heating devices, quite large heat losses occur, so certain measures must be taken to maintain the temperature regime.

In fact, there are only two ways out of this situation.

  • Installation of equipment with more high efficiency allows you to improve the functioning of the system.
  • Additional thermal insulation of pipelines can significantly reduce heat loss.

About the main disadvantages

  1. Any centralized system operates according to a certain schedule, so during operation it is necessary to adapt to it. In addition, it is impossible to adjust the temperature yourself.
  2. The cost of boiler equipment and pipelines is quite high, which means that if the work is carried out poorly, you can spend huge amounts of money.
  3. The work on installing centralized heating is very labor-intensive, so in the event of an emergency it will take quite a bit of time to fully or partially restore the system.
  4. Periodic pressure changes in centralized network may reduce heating efficiency to some extent.

As a conclusion

Above, instructions were presented regarding the design of heating systems in multi-storey buildings, so that apartment owners could assess the scale of the centralized network and its effectiveness. If necessary, an autonomous branch can always be created that will support desired temperature in a residential area. Additional information on this topic can be found by watching a special video.