Summary of GCD in the middle group: Houseplants. Detailed applique - indoor flower

Lesson notes in kindergarten: In the world of indoor plants for children 5-7 years old.

Author: Naira Igorevna Nersesyan, teacher of MBDOU "General developmental kindergarten No. 144", Voronezh
Purpose: Preschool teachers, primary school teachers, inquisitive parents. The summary is suitable for classes with children 5-7 years old.
Target: Name plants and their main parts. Properly care for plants.
Tasks-Expand your knowledge about indoor plants.
-Give an idea of ​​the propagation of indoor plants.
-Develop the research skills of children aged 5-7 years during joint activities.
-Cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.
-Develop curiosity and hard work.
-Teach to draw indoor plants.
-Improve plant care skills.
-Introduce several types of indoor plants.
-Expand students’ knowledge of environmental culture.
Preliminary work Creation of a subject environment aimed at developing children’s interest in plants, the availability of demonstration material: pictures and posters from the series<<Houseplants>>. Video material - for display on the screen.

Progress of the lesson

Educator Guess the riddles:<< Дышит,растет, а ходить не может>> (Plant).
Purify the air
Create comfort
The windows are green,
They bloom all year round. (Indoor plants)
What are we going to talk about today? (About indoor plants).
A glass of water is covered,
With a hedgehog glove. (Cactus)

A bush grew in a tub,
And wide and thick:
Leaf like leather
Tightly folded
Elder trunk,
Like rubber. (Ficus)

Leaf with a hump, groove,
It has thorns, but does not know how to hurt,

But he treats us at any hour. (Aloe)

There is a pot on the window,
It contains the most wonderful flower,
Purple, graceful,
The aroma is alluring! (Violet)

Educator What other indoor plants, besides the ones listed above, do you know? (Kalanchoe, cala, fern). Show me a picture?

Educator Indeed, these plants are grown only indoors, because most of them are native to hot countries, where all year round summer. Man creates approximately the same conditions in winter as in summer. But why?
Children All conditions are created so that the plants do not die or freeze in winter.
Educator Remember what plants need?
Children Plants need soil, light, heat, air, and water.
Educator There are five plant helpers, like five fingers on a hand. Do plants need soil?
(Yes, they grow in pots with soil).
Why are indoor plants placed on the windowsill? (They need light to grow).
Why are indoor plants not taken outside in autumn and winter? (They need warmth).
What other condition do plants need to grow well? (Plants need air to breathe).
What should be done to make it easier for them to breathe? (In order for air to get to the roots of the plant, you need to loosen the soil and wipe off dust from them).
What is the fifth condition for plant growth? (Water is necessary - they must be watered regularly).
Let's see how the flower grows.

Children name the main parts of the plant (root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit with seeds).

There are a lot of indoor plants, let’s get acquainted with a few more of them.
Up the steep wall,
On cast concrete,
The centipede crawls
He takes the leaves with him. (Ivy)

Children take turns on the screen looking at pictures of plants, with the teacher repeats complex names and remember (geranium, coleus, begonia, gardenia, agave).

Physical education minute
A sunflower grows in the yard.
There is a sunflower growing in the yard,
In the morning he reaches for the sun. (Children stand on one leg and stretch their arms up.)
Next to him is a second one, similar,
He is also drawn to the sun. (Children stand on the other leg and raise their arms up again.)
We turn the handles in a circle.
Don't accidentally hit your friend!
A few laps forward
And then vice versa. (Rotation of straight arms forward and backward.)
We had a wonderful rest
And it's time for us to sit down. (Children sit down.)

Educator How to properly care for indoor plants? (Water, loosen, spray, dust, wash). Let's always take care of our indoor plants together. (Children water the flowers, wipe off the dust, spray with the instructions of the teacher)

To secure proper care they watch video footage of the plants, the teacher comments

Educator Look at all the pictures and draw your houseplant.

Educator From all the drawings, choose the most expressive and neatest.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 47" combined type Strelitamak, Republic of Belarus

Prepared and conducted by: Kuzmina Svetlana Valerievna, Sterlitamak, 2015

Target settings:

  • identify the ability to find one or many objects in a specially created environment, answer the question "How many?" using words "one" , "a lot of" ; repeat the name of the flowers.
  • continue to strengthen the pupils’ skill of composing a flower from parts, applying glue to the parts and gluing them onto a sheet;
  • develop imaginative thinking, speech breathing, the ability to pronounce a phrase increasing in the number of words and fine motor skills in one exhalation;
  • promote the formation of interest in indoor plants, create a desire to care for them, admire them; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Tools: voice recorder, album sheets, flower parts cut out of colored paper (leaves, core, stem, petals), flannelgraph, brushes, paste, napkins,

Preliminary work:

Examining indoor plants, working with model diagrams, memorizing poems and songs about flowers. Discussion of behavior and game situations in Everyday life what is needed for plant growth Enrichment and activation of vocabulary: indoor, applique, petal, aroma

Progress of activities:

  1. Surprise moment
  2. Training "Cheerfulness"
  3. Working with schematic models
  4. Finger game "They planted a seed in the ground"
  5. Application "Violet"
  6. Exercise “Oh, how it smells!”
  7. Fizminutka "Flowers"
  8. Reflection

GCD move:

Educator: Hello, girls and boys! Today a letter was brought to our group, look, it’s from a bunny. He's writing:

“Dear children, help me, please. My friend Mishutka went into hibernation and asked me to take care of his pet, I am sending you his photo (the teacher shows a photo of a violet). But the fact is that I don’t know anything about him, and I couldn’t refuse, what should I do, tell me...”

Educator: Anyuta, what kind of pet do you think lives with Mishutka? (the flower is a violet), that’s right, how did you guess that it was a flower? (it's in a pot and blooming), who knows what the flowers in pots are called? (houseplants). Yes, they live on our windowsill at home and delight us with their blooms, but they need to be properly taken care of. What is needed for this?

I have a proposal for you: you can record everything that we say on a tape recorder and send an audio letter to the hare in the forest, so that while the bear is sleeping, he can preserve the flower until spring. Well, first you need to get into a working mood

The teacher conducts the training "Cheerfulness" )

My ears hear everything. (children stroke their ears)

My eyes see everything. (children stroke their eyes)

I inhale the scent of flowers! (take a breath)

Educator: You and I found out that the flowers that grow in our home are called indoor, and what flowers do we have in our group? (impatiens, ficus, violet, coleus). Look, I have prepared diagrams for you - models that you can see on the bottom (a houseplant has a root, a stem, leaves, and some may have flowers). To grow beautiful flowers they need to be planted correctly

A finger game is played:

Planted a seed in the ground ("put" in the palm of a child "seed" )

The sun came out in the sky.

Shine the sun, shine! (we squeeze our hands and unclench them one by one)

Grow the seed, grow! (put your palms together and raise your arms up)

Leaves appear on the stem. (connect your palms, connect your fingers one by one with the thumb and simultaneously on both hands)

Flowers are blooming on a stem! (we squeeze our hands and unclench them in turn).

So what do all plants need to grow? (light - sun, water, warmth and our care). I propose to make a beautiful applique of a blooming violet and send our work to the Hare, so that he does not forget to water Mishutka’s violet, the Bunny will make an exhibition of violets, and when spring comes, Mishutka and he will admire our crafts

Practical activity – application "Violet" turns on "waltz of the Flowers"

(Suggest making a flower from the prepared parts: first put the flower, and in its center place the core in the form of a circle, place the stem and pot under the flower. Then apply an even layer of paste and gradually stick on the parts of the applique.)

Educator: What great fellows we are! Look at our wonderful flowers. Our violets raised their heads, smiled at the light, and straightened their petals. And they breathed in their scent...

(Exercise in progress “Oh, how it smells!” )

Oh, it smells!

Oh, how it smells!

Oh, how nice it smells!

Oh, how nice the flower smells! While we were making the appliqué, we were tired, we need to take a minute break

The teacher invites the students to do physical exercises:

The flower says to the flower:

Pick up your piece of paper. (children raise and lower their hands)

Go out onto the path and stamp your foot. (children walk in place, raising their knees high)

Shake your head -

Greet the sun in the morning. (head rotation)

Tilt the stem slightly

Here's a charger for the flower! (bends are performed)

Now wash yourself with dew,

Shake yourself off and calm down. (shaking hands)

Finally everyone is ready

Celebrate the day in all its glory! (pupils sit down)

Educator: Admire how beautiful our flowers turned out. What color is your flower? (names a color) How many flowers do you have? (one) How many flowers are there? (a lot of) What kind of flowers did we get? (beautiful, gentle, loved, kind)

Educator: You see how much effort it takes to grow flowers. Therefore, take care of them. We will take care of the flowers in our group and quietly, in a whisper, we will ask "How are you feeling?"

Project objectives: Educational To help expand children's knowledge about indoor plants; Contribute to the formation of ideas about the importance of indoor flowers; Developmental Develop practical skills in caring for indoor plants; Enrich children's vocabulary; Develop children's coherent speech; Educational Cultivating a love for nature Cultivating observation and caring attitude towards plants; Contribute to the development of environmental culture education; Involve parents in this issue.

Project type: practice-oriented, group Participants: educators, children, parents. Duration of the project: short-term Expected result: to form a system of knowledge about indoor plants among children of the senior group through the implementation of the project. Increase interest in the peculiarities of life and development of plants, the desire to independently carry out instructions for caring for plants, observation and experimentation skills in the process of search and cognitive activity.

Entertaining experiments: “With and without water” “Can a plant breathe?” “What do plants need to eat?” Conversations: Are houseplants friends or enemies? “caring for indoor plants” “Medicinal indoor plants” “What do plants need to live? “How children and their parents take care of indoor plants at home” View ready-made presentations about indoor plants ECD: “Training how to care for indoor plants” “Flower for Mom”

Learning and reading poems about plants; Discussion of proverbs, sayings, guessing riddles; Artistic creativity Making flowers from paper; Drawing of indoor plants with paints, pencils, crayons; Application “I’ll give my mom a flower” Designing flowers from mosaics Outdoor games “Collect a flower from petals” “Let’s decorate the carpet with flowers” ​​Labor Looking at illustrations depicting indoor plants. Work in the “Nature Corner” caring for indoor plants

Application for children 3-4 years old. Class notes Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Indoor plants”

Lesson 27. Indoor flower (Colored paper. Applique from prepared parts of the object)

Program content. Teach children to make a flower from parts, apply glue to the parts and stick them on a sheet. Develop perception and thinking.

Demonstration material. Landscape sheet with three unfinished flowers (no leaves, no petal, no core).

Handout. Half of an album sheet, a flower cut out of colored paper and its core in the form of a circle; colored pencils, glue, glue brush, rag, oilcloth lining.

Progress of the lesson

Show the children a landscape sheet with three unfinished flowers (no leaves, no petal, no core) and ask them to fill in the missing details with colored pencils.

Give each child half a landscape sheet, flowers cut out of colored paper and their cores in the form of a circle. Invite each child to make a flower from the prepared parts: first put the flower, and in its center place the core in the form of a circle, place the stem and pot under the flower. Then apply a uniform layer of glue and gradually stick on parts of the applique.

Ask the guys: “What flowers did you get?” (Beautiful, indoor, blue, etc.)

From the book Modeling and application with children 6-7 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “My Home” Lesson 21. Building a house (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. To develop in children the ability to sculpt a house from rolled up columns, placing them on top of each other and firmly connecting them together. Strengthen the ability to use a stack. Develop

From the book Drawing with children 6-7 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Indoor flowers” ​​Lesson 15. Thumbelina (Drawing with gouache) Program content. Continue learning to draw illustrations for a fairy tale. Continue learning to draw a fairy-tale character, observing body proportions; achieve expressiveness of the image. Demonstration

From the book Drawing with children 4-5 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week “My Home” Lesson 21. Houses for nesting dolls (Drawing with colored pencils) Program content. Teach children to draw small and large objects consisting of a square and a triangle. Continue learning how to compose a plot composition. Cultivate responsive

From the book Lepka with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Indoor plants” Lesson 27. Aloe (Brush painting. Gouache) Program content. Continue learning to paint an object from life with a brush. Introduce the indoor aloe plant. Material. Aloe in a pot. Landscape sheets, gouache, brushes, jars of water, rags (on

From the book Drawing with children 5-6 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week “My Home” Lesson 22. House for a bunny and a rooster (Plasticine modeling) Program content. Strengthen children's ability to bring a product to the desired image using plasticine. Learn to retell fairy tales based on illustrations. Demonstration material. Heroes

From the book Application with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Indoor plants” Lesson 27. Cactus in a pot (Plasticine modeling) Program content. Strengthen the ability to bring a product to the desired image using natural materials. Introduce children to a houseplant - a cactus. Demonstration material.

From the book Drawing with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Plants” Lesson 31. Flower in a flowerbed (Plasticine modeling) Program content. Continue to teach children how to combine crafts natural material and plasticine. Develop memory, attention, perception, speech and thinking. Demonstration material. Subject

From the book For you, girls author Ievleva A. S.

Theme of the week “My Home” Lesson 41. Ice hut (Drawing with pastel crayons) Program content. Continue to introduce children to cool tones. Learn to transmit characteristics items using cold color scheme. Introduce opportunities

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Indoor plants” Lesson 57. Seven-flowered flower (Drawing with gouache) Program content. Continue to introduce children to the colors of the rainbow. Learn to carefully paint an object with gouache, allowing the paint to dry. Strengthen the ability to convey different colors And

From the author's book

Theme of the week “My Home” Lesson 22. House for a bunny and a rooster (Colored paper. Application from prepared parts of an object) Program content. Cultivate compassion and kindness. Teach children to form a whole from several parts; apply glue to the part and stick it

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Indoor plants” Lesson 27. Indoor flower (Colored paper. Application from prepared parts of the object) Program content. Teach children to make a flower from parts, apply glue to the parts and stick them on a sheet. Develop perception and

From the author's book

Theme of the week “Plants” Lesson 31. Tulip (Colored paper. Application from prepared parts of the object) Program content. Continue to teach children how to make a whole from parts. Introduce the names of garden flowers and parts of plants. Demonstration material.

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “My Home” Lesson 22. Fence near the house (Brush painting. Gouache) Purpose. Continue to teach children to draw various objects consisting of combinations of lines. Learn to retell fairy tales based on illustrations in the book. Develop speech and thinking. Demonstration

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Indoor plants” Lesson 27. Flower in a pot (Brush painting. Watercolors) Purpose. Continue to teach children to draw flowers using the “dipping” method, to draw lines with a brush in various combinations. Demonstration material. Houseplant with

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Plants” Lesson 31. Green bushes (Brush and finger painting. Gouache) Purpose. Improve children's skills in combining various techniques (painting with a brush and fingers). Demonstration material. Album sheet on which a bush is drawn,

From the author's book

Indoor plants The world of indoor plants is so large and diverse that it is difficult to take any account of. Until recently, it was possible to grow 10–20 species of the most unpretentious plants, and today hundreds and hundreds of plants are known that are

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 135

Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd

Methodological development

“Organization of a mini-museum

"Space distances"

In a subject-developmental group environment with the goal ofdevelopment of cognitive and intellectual abilities

older children preschool age»

Explanatory note


Kamneva Maria Sergeevna

Myshkina Natalia Alexandrovna

Job title


Name of methodological development

“Organization of the mini-museum “Space Distances” in a subject-developmental group environment with the aim of developing the cognitive and intellectual abilities of children of senior preschool age”

Place of work

municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 135 of the Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd

contact number


“When we fully explore space, it turns out that while we were here on earth, we were already in the sky. »

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Astronomy for children is an area that stands on the border between the real and fairy-tale worlds. starry sky arouses great interest in children and encourages them to study the world, space, look for information in various sources, develops the child’s memory and ability to think abstractly.
Getting to know the world around us, the structure of the Universe, expands the boundaries of a child’s thinking, strengthens the craving for new academic disciplines and new discoveries.

Several decades ago, few of yesterday's boys did not want to become an astronaut. This dream is not at all relevant for modern children. Meanwhile, space pirates, star wars and other alien creatures are the heroes of their favorite cartoons. Fictional characters misinform preschoolers by telling them about non-existent planets, and often evoke negative emotions in them and contribute to the development of fears. Therefore, it is important to competently organize work to develop children’s ideas about space.

Since ancient times, people's eyes have been directed to the sky. From the first steps on earth, man felt his dependence on the sky; his life and activities largely depended on it. Our ancestors knew and understood the “habits” of the sky well. For them, the sky was alive, full, and manifesting itself in many ways. It is this love and knowledge of heaven that we cultivate in our whys. We developed a series of lessons about space, which included everything that concerns the above-ground world, everything that exists above the earth, above us. And first of all, what the child can see: the Sun, clouds, firmament, stars, Moon, etc. Children became acquainted with the Sun, the brightest star, the Solar system and its inhabitants - planets, with the most bright stars and constellations; learned about the messengers of distant worlds - meteors and meteorites, about comets that can be seen in the night sky. Children were introduced to our blue planet, how the Earth rotates around its axis, the annual rotation of our planet around the Sun, and why there is a change of day and night on Earth. We introduced the children to various aircraft, astronaut clothing, space heroes, and most importantly, we revealed to the children the importance of space flights for humans.

During our lessons about space we pay a lot of attention entertaining experiences and experiments that encourage children to be creative.

The space theme turned out to be one of the most popular among our children. Children love to “travel into space.”

And seeing how the children were playing and imagining, the parents of our group and I decided to help them - we made attributes for space games. And when there were a lot of space exhibits, they decided to create a mini-museum “Space Distances”.

The purpose of the mini-museum: create conditions for joint cognitive activity of parents and children, for the development of natural scientific ideas about the surrounding world and space.


  • Introduce children and parents to the history of the development of astronautics.
  • To form and consolidate the first ideas about the Universe, about the planets of the solar system, their features, location relative to the Sun, about the zodiac constellations.
  • Deepen and systematize children's knowledge about aircraft, animals that have conquered space.
  • Foster respect for the astronaut profession.
  • To educate a socially active creative personality.
  • Develop cognitive activity, curiosity, creativity, imagination, thinking, communication skills.

These problems are solved in all types of children's activities: in classes, in games, in work, in everyday life.

Expected results:


Children’s assimilation of knowledge and ideas about space, outer space; emotional, value-based attitude towards people whose work is related to space exploration.

Fostering a sense of love for one’s native land and a desire to take care of one’s planet.

Development of an active, independent, creative personality in children


Acquisition of knowledge and practical skills by parents when interacting with a child.

Exchange of experience in family education between teachers and parents

Participation in the celebration of the Russian holiday - Cosmonautics Day

Formation of partnerships between parents and teachers in the joint organization of group life.


Systematization and improvement of the quality of work with children on the development of cognitive and research abilities through different kinds productive activity

Level up pedagogical competence in mastering modern educational technologies (project method);

Dissemination of pedagogical experience in the use of non-traditional visual technologies, mnemonics, electronic educational resources.

We began our work on creating the mini-museum “Cosmic Distances” by familiarizing ourselves with methodological literature, learning the history of the creation of the museum, the next stage was the selection of equipment.

All museum equipment is selected in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard; sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations; meets hygienic, pedagogical and aesthetic requirements. The selection of equipment was carried out based on the fact that when implementing the “Childhood” program, the main form of work with children and the leading activity is play.

Section "Space Workshop"

This section was created so that children would transfer the acquired knowledge to the product of the activity. Crafts made together with students and their parents served as attributes for role-playing and outdoor games on a space theme.

Purpose of this section: Develop the ability to identify signs of beauty and harmony in the phenomena of the surrounding world and express a subjective - evaluative attitude in the products of activity.

Tasks:- learn to depict outer space - stars, planets, etc.;

Teach children to think through the composition and content of the product of the activity;

Teach children to use foreground and background space;

Cultivate accuracy and the desire to carry out plans to the end.

Expected Result: development of children’s cognitive and intellectual abilities, their creative potential, children’s proactive construction of building material, designer, paper rockets according to his idea, manifestation of creativity and detail in his work.

Exhibits presented in the “Space Workshop” section- These are children's drawings and crafts made together with teachers and parents.

Section "Collections about space"

In the history of space exploration there have been many outstanding successes, such as the launch of the first satellite or the first human flight.

The space collection is already represented by quite rich material on the history of human exploration of outer space.

The collection material in this section serves as a visual demonstration aid, which was collected together with the students and their parents.

Purpose of this section: Develop interest in scientific knowledge of social reality, curiosity. To foster a sense of involvement in the fate of our planet. To give preschoolers the opportunity to learn that the Postal Departments of the USSR, socialist countries and many other countries of the world have dedicated special series of stamps to space flights and launches of scientific space stations to the Moon and towards the planets of the solar system.

Tasks: - cultivate interest and respect for pioneer people;

To promote familiarization with the history of space exploration;

Cultivate a cognitive interest in astronomy, a desire to observe celestial objects;

To promote familiarization with the history of the first space rocket;

To foster feelings of patriotism and pride for one’s homeland.

Exhibits,presented in the section “Collections about space” - the collection of postmarks.

Section "Space Gym"

Purpose of this section: Development of motor activity in children.

Tasks:- improve and expand children’s play ideas and skills;

Develop the ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of your partners, observe role interactions and relationships in the game;

Strengthen the ability to complicate the game by expanding the composition of roles, coordinating and predicting role actions and behavior in accordance with the plot of the game, and increasing the number of combined storylines.

Expected Result: Improving the technique of performing motor actions, speed and dexterity. Orientation in game situations, nurturing a sense of teamwork in games.

Section "Space food"

Sometimes it is difficult to organize a varied diet when there is a large abundance of products in stores. How is food organized in orbit during long space flights? What do they eat in orbit? How to eat food in zero gravity?

Purpose of this section: study the problem of organizing space nutrition.

Tasks: - study the history of space food production;

Find and study the nutritional standards of astronauts;

Analyze materials and identify changes in the diet of astronauts from the beginning of manned space exploration to the present;

Learn how to prepare space food and store it.

Exhibits,presented in the “Space Food” section - dummies of space food.

Section "Cosmocinema"

Purpose The creation of the “Cosmocinema” is the development of the cognitive abilities of preschool children using modern information technologies - multimedia presentations. As well as improving the quality of the educational process, the possibility of enriching the educational process in kindergarten and increasing its effectiveness.

Objectives of the “Cosmocinema” section:

Make the activity attractive and truly modern, strengthen the child’s motivation;

Multimedia presentations make it possible to optimize the pedagogical process, individualize the education of children with different levels of cognitive development, and significantly increase the effectiveness of teaching activities;

The use of multimedia presentations allows us to make classes emotionally charged, attractive, which arouse keen interest in the child, are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to the good performance of the lesson.

The multimedia presentations we use are created in the POWER POINT presentation software. Multimedia activities are carried out in the music room, with a multimedia projector, screen, in compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards when working with a computer.

Exhibits,presented in the “Cosmocinema” section - multimedia presentations “Space distances”, “Journey to Space”, “Far and near planets”.

"Literature about space"

Target: to activate and enrich children’s vocabulary, expand knowledge and ideas about space, the planets of the solar system, constellations, asteroids, meteorites. To form ideas about the role of man in the study of outer space.

Section objectives:

Introducing children to literature about space;

Forming interest in unknown facts from the history of space;

Formation of the foundations of environmental and planetary consciousness;

Expanding ideas about planet Earth, the planets of the solar system, and public holidays;

Fostering a sense of involvement in the fate of our planet, seeing and feeling the beauty of the Earth’s nature;

Development of children's cognitive and intellectual abilities, their creative potential;

Developing communication skills and friendly relationships.

Exhibits,presented in the section “Literature about space” - children's encyclopedias about Space; fiction (fairy tales, stories, poems); card index of riddles about space.

"Space Laboratory"

Our Space Laboratory was created to develop children's cognitive interest, aesthetic, emotional development, and acquisition of skills independent work, development of imagination, thinking, intelligence, increasing interest in research activities, formation of a scientific worldview. In the laboratory, children are busy playing, experimental activities, observations.

Purpose of creation: formation of a worldview about space, the ability to use knowledge about space in practical activities; develop and support children's cognitive interest in space.


Develop cognitive interest in the topic “Space”;

Increase interest in research activities;

Train children to put forward a hypothesis, test it in practice, draw conclusions, generalize the results obtained, compare them with their assumptions;

To develop in children the ability to creatively apply knowledge and skills acquired through experimentation.

Work in the laboratory is carried out in a playful way. Children become scientists and conduct experiments in special coats.

"Cosmic game"

This section consists of didactic games that promote:

- development of cognitive and mental abilities: obtaining new knowledge, generalizing and consolidating it, expanding their existing ideas; development of memory, attention, observation; developing the ability to express one’s judgments and draw conclusions;

- development of children's speech: replenishment and activation of vocabulary;

- social and moral development of a preschool child: in such a game, learning about the relationships between children and adults occurs, in it the child shows a sensitive attitude towards peers, learns to be fair, to give in if necessary, learns to sympathize, etc.

Board - printed games about space - This An interesting activity for children to learn about the world of space. They are varied in type: “lotto”, “dominoes”, paired pictures”, etc.

Target board-printed games:

Successful development of speech skills, mathematical abilities, logic, attention, memory;

Development of self-control skills.

Word games - built on the words and actions of the players, children independently solve various mental problems: they describe objects, highlighting their characteristic features, guess them from the description, find similarities and differences between these objects and phenomena.

Target word games:

Development of visual memory

Improving the grammatical structure of speech

Developing interest in studying the Universe

Development of mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, discrimination, classification);

Education of voluntary behavior, memory, attention;

Games with objects - are based on the direct perception of children, correspond to the child’s desire to act with objects and thus get acquainted with them.

Target games with objects:

The ability to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects.

Acquaintance with the properties of objects, size, color.

Exhibits,presented in the section “Cosmic game”

- printed board games;

Card index of word games;

Games with objects (games of dramatization, plot- didactic games).


Implementation of our innovative project to create a mini-museum “Cosmic Distances” proves the need for an innovative approach in the formation of the cognitive and intellectual abilities of children of senior preschool age. This work was carried out taking into account the “Childhood” program, taking into account the age and individual capabilities of the children.

As a result, the children got an idea about the planets of the solar system, about the Earth as a planet: shape, size, movement around the Sun and its axis. We learned the name of the first cosmonaut on Earth. We got acquainted and learned about the meaning of new words “cosmonaut”, “space suit”, “satellite”, “constellation”, “meteorite”, “orbit”, “telescope”.

This activity contributed to the development of logical thinking, creative imagination, as well as children’s ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between objects and phenomena.

When implementing the project, variable forms of work were used: problem-search situations, integrated, complex training, analysis of problem situations.

Much attention was paid to creating conditions for the development of cognitive and speech activity of older preschool children, as well as the development of their curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection, the development of mental abilities and speech, which contributed to the comprehensive harmonious development of the individual.

Thematic planning provides for all forms of work with children: direct organized activities, free play, individual work with children, reading fiction, conversations with children, entertainment. All these forms serve to achieve the set goals - the comprehensive development of children of senior preschool age, the development of the child’s ability to discover new, unexpected opportunities in the everyday, and develop the ability to systematize and generalize their knowledge.

For cognitive development with children, we held weekly conversations on the topics “Why is it necessary to study space?”, “Yuri Gagarin - the first cosmonaut of the planet”, “Planets and stars”, “What kind of spaceships are there”, “Stars and constellations”, “Earth - our home in the Universe”, “The Sun is the source of life on Earth”. The purpose of these conversations is to expand preschoolers’ ideas about the Universe.

As a result of direct educational activities– ideas about space and outer space were formed.

While engaged in artistic activities, the children sculpted cheerful Martians, cosmonauts, spaceships and lunar rovers, and depicted their ideas about flying into space. Created an album with drawings " Space worlds”, crafts took their place at the thematic exhibition “Mysterious Space”.

Preschoolers received their initial ideas about the Universe, about the first flight to the Moon, the launch of a satellite and scientists-inventors in an accessible and exciting form, going on space travel in the process of cognitive activity and role-playing games.

Didactic games “Space”, “Space Problems”, “Constellations”, etc. are very popular among students.

The most effective is Team work children, teachers and parents to study the topic of space. Parents became our active participants and assistants in creating the exhibition.

Along with the development of cognitive abilities, our children’s vocabulary has been enriched, their natural scientific understanding of space has expanded, and initiative and creativity have widely manifested themselves. The children realized the uniqueness of our planet and the importance of studying it. The children understood that it is necessary to respect the work of people whose work is related to space exploration. They now know a lot and can tell other children about the achievements of Russian scientists and astronauts.

The work on the space theme in our mini-museum does not end there. Future plans: creating panels for development fine motor skills, replenishment of exhibits in sections: space collection, space cinema, space games, as well as leisure activities with the involvement of parents.


  1. Levitan E.P. For kids about stars and planets. - Moscow, 1981.
  2. Why. Ed. A. Aleksina. - Moscow, 1992.
  3. Skorolupova O.A. Conquest of space. – 2nd ed., Moscow, 2007
  4. Children about space and Yuri Gagarin - the first cosmonaut of the Earth: Conversations, leisure activities, stories / Author.-comp. T.A. Shorygina, comp. M.Yu.Paramonova. – M.: Sphere shopping center, 2011. – 128 pp.-(Teacher’s Library) (3).
  5. Magazine “Child in kindergarten” 1,2002. Publishing house "Education of preschoolers"
  6. Introduction to the science of “Astronomy”. Guidelines for the block cognitive development. KOIPKRO, Kostroma 2002.
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