How to decorate the walls? Possible wall finishing options. Finishing materials for interior walls: types and characteristics

The apartment is the place where they come after working day, gather with friends, raise children, where most of their lives are spent. Therefore, it is very important that the repairs carried out are enjoyable. In order to decide what the space should look like after renovation work, you need to look at what types of apartment decoration there are: photo design ready-made options and redevelopment. Modern finishing materials, when used correctly, can turn a room into a masterpiece, and an apartment design project, consistent in the same style, will help create a unique interior.

In the pursuit of convenience and coziness, it is often forgotten that incorrectly selected materials for small m2 are not only wasted time and money, but also the effect of repairs is the opposite of the expected result. Before deciding what color the walls, ceiling and floor will be, you need to make a project, choose options color range furniture. If the furniture is in calm tones, then when decorating the walls, bright accents are needed.

You can see how it looks in the photo. With bright furniture, on the contrary, you need finishing in soft, soothing colors. The interior should not contain more than four colors. It is desirable that these colors be of the same spectrum.

Already undergoing construction, each room in the house carries its own load, so each room is characterized by certain color schemes. Living room
Color options based on contrast will look interesting, as well as monotonous decoration using accents. Kitchen This is the place in the apartment whose interior can be safely made bright, juicy, and stimulating the appetite. Anything will do bright hues
, any shades of red. The contrast of colors, as in the photo, will look great. Bedroom Pale tones of pink, coffee, sand. If you like the design project in bright colors
y colors, then they need to be used as an accent against a pale background, since the main background of the room should be calm. Children's room
Delicate, not too bright colors in the decoration. The traditional blue and pink design can be replaced with green and orange. The interior of a student’s room should be in a working mood. Light finishing materials, preferably the use of mirror surfaces. Anything that will visually increase m2 of a small space.

It is necessary to pay attention that if the design of the room is in light colors, then the floor must be made dark. When using bright colors in wall decoration, the floor is made lighter.

Living room
Children's room


Just a few years ago, choosing wallpaper for decorating apartments and studios and gluing it with your own hands was problematic, because there was almost no choice and construction was carried out in the same way. Now the situation has changed in better side, therefore, before giving preference to any group of material, you need to know its features:

  • paper wallpapers are natural. They are divided into simplex and duplex (single-layer and two-layer);
  • non-woven, consist of cellulose and synthetic fiber. A layer of foamed vinyl adds volume to the design;
  • vinyl is a synthetic, durable wallpaper that can be painted;
  • metallized wallpaper has a two-layer structure. A layer of aluminum foil does not transmit radiation from household electrical appliances and can protect the room from exposure to radiation from power lines. The use of this wallpaper visually increases the m2 of the room. What the interiors of rooms and studios look like after decoration can be seen in the photo;
  • fiberglass materials are different great strength, glued with special glue. You can repaint it several times with your own hands without fear of damaging the texture;
  • textile types of wallpaper are made from natural raw materials. The composition includes applied to paper base linen and cotton.


Decorative plaster

When finishing studio apartment made using decorative plaster, it has a presentable appearance, looks attractive and modern. The design depends only on the desires of the owners and the interior. The photo shows only some of the work options, with decorative plaster, done with your own hands. This finishing method has whole line positive aspects:

  • you can make adjustments to the wall after the rough finishing of the apartment has been completed;
  • insulated outer wall, sound insulation is enhanced. There is no need to make additional insulation of the walls, losing m2 of room area;
  • treatment against mold and high humidity;
  • The coating can be adjusted independently at any time.

Decorative plaster is used only when finishing walls in the apartment. There are several types of finishes:

  • textured plaster gives the walls volume. Has high plasticity. You can imitate natural materials;
  • structural plaster, due to the mineral inclusions included in the composition, forms pores with unevenness when applied, creating the appearance of an old surface;
  • Bayramix - high-quality plaster with a base of marble chips;
  • decorative Venetian plaster will decorate the interior and make it unique;
  • liquid wallpaper - the easiest way to make it yourself redecorating, refresh the interior.
Liquid wallpaper


Tiles are traditionally used to decorate bathrooms, bathrooms, and kitchens. All those places where the moisture content is high. Despite the variety in the choice of tiles, all of their types differ only in the quality of workmanship and size, on which the number of pieces per m2 depends.

  • Otherwise, this building material for work is selected according to three rules that you need to pay attention to:
  • When renovating rooms smaller than 4 m2, choose light colors that will visually expand the space;
  • high-quality tiles should have clear proportions with strict geometric shapes; For different varieties

tiles require different brands of adhesive.


  • Almost all interior design of the room begins after the apartment has been rough finished with plasterboard. Renovating apartments and studios using this material has a number of advantages:
  • perfect alignment of walls with minimal investment of money and time for frame construction;
  • simple, quick installation of sheets on a wooden or metal frame with your own hands;
  • the ability to independently hide communications in the wall when carrying out work;
  • you can carry out repairs yourself without overpaying the construction team for each m2 of work; you can do it yourself decorative elements

on the walls or ceiling. The photo shows the design of different rooms with such elements.

  • It should be noted that depending on the premises in which the work plan is planned, different types of this material are used:
  • conventional is used in heated dry rooms;
  • moisture-resistant plasterboard is used for decorating a kitchen or bathroom;

fire-resistant is used where high requirements for fire safety are put forward.

Wall panels Wall panels are, used for finishing apartments and studios. They have a huge selection of colors and textures. They are made in several versions from artificial and natural raw materials.

Wall panels have different kinds. They differ in the number of parts per m2 and in the raw materials from which they are made:

  • natural wood will give a respectable look, the interior decoration of apartments will look elegant and sophisticated;
  • particle boards are well suited for DIY decoration of hallways and corridors. They have low cost. Fits well into the design of rooms with small m2;
  • Fiberboard will decorate the interior of any room where there is no moisture. They have a wide color range;
  • MDF panels are universal, have high sound and heat insulation qualities;
  • The disadvantage of PVC panels is that they are artificial materials. Moisture-resistant and durable, they are used in finishing rooms with high humidity;
  • glass Wall panels mainly used in the design of partitions;
  • gypsum vinyl panels are the same plasterboard in which the cardboard is replaced with vinyl. Their outer surface with a pattern or a certain color is ideal for decorating studios.

Gypsum vinyl

Decorative rock

Designed for outdoor use and considered cold, decorative rock increasingly began to be used in the decoration of apartments and studios. When used wisely, it makes the interior of the room warm and cozy. This is a universal material that is not afraid of changes in temperature, moisture and at the same time is easy to care for. It will not be difficult for anyone to decorate a piece of wall or window opening with this material with their own hands. Options for using it with decorative plaster and wallpaper look very good; the photo shows such a finish. It fits organically into the design project of any room. If damaged, it is easy to remove the damaged part and insert a new one in place of the old part.


Making repairs using paints and varnishes is the most economical way to change the interior. Before starting work, please note that paints are divided into several groups:

  • based on drying oils (oil) - they take a long time to dry, when painting you need to use products personal protection, diluted with drying oil;
  • based on varnishes (enamel) - immediately ready for use, dry within 24 hours, special solutions are required for dilution;
  • based on aqueous solutions of polymers (adhesive);
  • based on aqueous polymer dispersions (water-based). They dry quickly, are not allergenic, and thanks to the coloring pigments, you can achieve any color shades.

Before painting, the room must be vacated. The furniture is taken out or covered with film, all objects are removed from the walls, and the floor is also covered. Preparation is a must. Walls are divided into two types:

  • in a newly built house. Before work, it is enough to putty them, clean them with sandpaper and then prime them;
  • V old apartment- the walls must be cleaned, washed and only then puttied.

Painting is a way to completely change the design of a room in a short time, just by making minor repairs.


When creating a design project for a room, the floor plays an important role in it. All floor coverings are divided into piece, sheet and monolithic seamless. The peculiarities of the floor are that, in addition to being attractive, it must be warm, wear-resistant, and after repairs, fit perfectly into the interior. All floor coverings have their advantages:

  • parquet is an environmentally friendly, durable coating. Its surface can be renewed many times by cycling. Matches any style of room;
  • ceramic tile It is mainly used in the bathroom, kitchen, corridor, and when decorating loggias. It is not afraid of temperature fluctuations and is often installed as a finish in a heated floor system;
  • laminate is an artificial floor covering that resembles parquet, but the cost per m2 is much less. When making repairs, it is necessary to take into account its features; it can quickly deteriorate if the class is incorrectly selected and installed incorrectly;
  • tongue and groove board is used to create classic interiors apartments and studios to highlight the finish;
  • linoleum is the most versatile and inexpensive type flooring. It comes in a variety of colors and patterns, making it suitable for any room;
  • The carpet has a variety of colors, is comfortable when walking, and creates coziness in the room. Very fussy to care for.

Ceramic tile
tongue and groove board


The main principle in finishing the ceiling is that it should be lighter than the walls and floor, should not be discordant against their background, and should be in the same stylistic integrity.

The type of finishing work depends on the height of the ceiling and is done in several ways:

  • by whitewashing is not only the cheapest renovation of apartments and studios, but also the most impractical. The whitewash easily peels off at the slightest disruption of the technological process;
  • painting is more reliable than whitewashing, but requires preparatory work;
  • stucco decoration looks good on high studio ceilings;
  • a suspended ceiling is convenient for hiding defects in ceilings;
  • tension, or French, reduces the height of the room, but at the same time hides the imperfections of the ceilings, is not afraid of water, and has a variety of colors. The variety of its species is shown in the photo;
  • multi-level ceiling is made using plasterboard. Allows you to model various projections on the ceiling and install lighting lamps according to any pattern. The photo shows several ways to design such ceilings.

Stucco molding

Stages of finishing work

After the construction of the house is completed, residents, in most cases, are offered bare walls that must be finished themselves. The finishing of a living space is divided into rough and finishing.

Having completed construction, before you redesign the apartment space or carry out regular repairs in it, you need to decide what you want to get in the end. This is especially necessary when planning studios.

Incorrectly made calculations and inaccurately placed accents may not only fail to increase the square footage of the apartment, but also turn it into an uncomfortable concrete box that brings only negative emotions. Almost all design studios carry out repairs and remodeling. In addition, you can view user photos on the Internet. By looking through several photos and choosing the most interesting from them, you can end up finding an idea for a unique, original design that will not be found anywhere else and which you can be proud of.


Apartment design options, interior design.

Photos with apartment finishing options

Examples of surface finishing in various rooms of the apartment.

There has long been a succinct saying that even the walls of a home can heal—it’s not for nothing that people say that. Decorative finishing walls, that is, interior finishing work is the most “delicious” creative part of the renovation. The most different ideas options for decorating walls, decorating the comfort of your own home or office are achievable today more than ever! The market offers a myriad of finishing materials for indoor walls. To big choice did not lead to any confusion, it is enough to have a clear idea of ​​what you want, as well as a little understanding of what modern finishing materials are.

A lovingly thought out, harmonious interior truly relieves stress and calms you down.

Wall decoration various materials, which has become so organically relevant and so beloved, has a number of advantages:

  • such design is almost always unique, inimitable;
  • adaptable to absolutely any stylistic decision- from classics to the most daring;
  • perfectly camouflages light unevenness and surface defects;
  • significantly increases sound insulation;
  • significantly enhances the moisture resistance of surfaces.

Paint for interior wall decoration

Coloring is the most common, main available method decorative design walls It is based on the application of coloring materials (paints) to the surface. A huge selection of colors, the presence of various techniques (which can be used even without special training) make it especially popular. For internal covering Two main types of paint are used: either acrylic or alkyd.

Acrylic paints include water-based and water-based dispersion paints. Advantages: this dye is affordable, easy to work with (due to its composition, practically odorless), it is suitable for decorating absolutely any room. More often acrylic paints They are used to cover large surfaces and dry very quickly.

Decorative wall decoration, photo:

Alkyd paint is used a little less frequently; it is dissolved with white spirit or turpentine.

Advantages: indispensable for working on large, small wooden or metal elements– window, door frames, pipes, heating radiators. By combining different gradations, tones of the same color, related or contrasting colors in one room, you can easily create a unique, unusual, but cozy space.

Decorative plaster for interior wall decoration

Another undisputed leader in the construction market, used for interior work- decorative plaster. This is an excellent finishing material for walls inside the apartment.

No wonder, because the advantages of this material are obvious:

  • protection from mechanical damage;
  • individual design of rooms is achieved with a minimum of effort;
  • the composition includes environmentally friendly natural materials;
  • the condition remains good for a long time, keeps its shape perfectly;
  • washes and cleans well.

In appearance, decorative plaster is a special heterogeneous mixture of different structures and grain sizes.

For interior work, compositions that dissolve with water are ideal (they do not have a strong odor).

As a rule, plasters can be tinted, that is, several shades of pigments can be mixed in order to achieve an individual exact tone, to fully realize the plan. There are a lot of techniques for applying plaster, all of them are quite simple to perform.

Wall decoration with wallpaper

Classic wallpapering, it seems, will never cease to be relevant, simple, and affordable.

Currently, the choice of high-quality, sophisticated wallpaper is very wide. The most common:

  • paper classic;
  • washable vinyl;
  • non-woven;
  • natural;
  • represented by liquid textures.

Ordinary paper wallpapers can be background or embossed, single-layer or double-layer. Considering their environmental friendliness, they are simply irreplaceable for a child’s room or bedroom, they are inexpensive, “breathe”, and easy to glue. The other side of the coin regarding the types of wallpaper finishes: they are short-lived, fade, and get dirty easily.

Non-woven wallpaper is non-woven, high density, applied to paper. They have great strength, but at the same time allow air to pass through. Cracks and surface roughness are camouflaged. They are very easy to stick - the adhesive mass needs to be applied only to a solid base.

Vinyl wallpaper is foamed vinyl applied to a paper or non-woven backing. They can be smooth, embossed, with a pattern, made using hot stamping or silk-screen printing.

They are great for hallways and corridors, as they are moisture resistant, which means they are easy to wash and clean. Such wallpapers retain their color saturation for a very long time, practically do not fade, and are airtight (therefore, it is better not to glue them to the walls of a bedroom or nursery).

Natural wallpapers are made from environmentally adaptive, natural derivatives:

  • traffic jams;
  • jute;
  • straws;
  • veneer;
  • bamboo;
  • reed;
  • seaweed

They are applied to a paper or, less commonly, non-woven base. This is an exclusive, very cozy, pleasant to the touch decorative material. To protect against dust, the manufacturer treats such wallpaper by special means. Most often, such natural coatings are used to emphasize individual elements. They are somewhat capricious and require protection from sunlight.

Decorative panels for interior wall decoration

Today, the construction market offers a wide range of similar decorative materials for interior wall cladding. The shape and material of manufacture, coupled with convenience and speed of installation, allow you to achieve excellent results quickly and relatively inexpensively. Using panels you can hide imperfections, irregularities, electrical wiring, and other construction communications. These decorative materials

are attached to a special metal sheathing, which is initially mounted on the mother surface.

Decorative panels are presented as sheets, rectangular canvases, narrow slats. Thus, you can choose an individual, convenient cladding option; they can be installed horizontally or vertically. The most popular, frequently used type of this decorative coating is made from fiberboard, chipboard, MDF, polyvinyl chloride, gypsum, natural (or recycled) wood, and cork. Decorative 3D analogues stand out.

Photos of wall cladding with different materials: High-quality panels for interior cladding must be environmentally friendly, resistant to moisture and temperature changes. Use of various detergents

should not be a problem, low flammability in case of fire is also important.

Wall finishing with plasterboard Drywall is a modern, inexpensive material, a reasonable alternative to plaster when creating a flat surface is required. Even a novice builder can handle drywall; it is non-toxic, non-flammable, and there is no residue left after work. large quantities

dust, construction waste.

  • The advantages of plasterboard cladding are:
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • maintaining an acceptable indoor microclimate;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • the ability to implement any design designs;
  • compatibility with other finishing materials that can be used as a topcoat;

low price. When working with drywall, you should take into account its fragility; it also needs a reliable frame.

If there is an increased level of humidity, then, most likely, it may be necessary to pre-coat the mother surface with a special primer.

Clinker tiles for interior wall decoration natural materials which it imitates.

Clinker imitation stone, photo:

Such tiles are easy to work with, their minimum thickness is only 8 mm, they have a long service life and are resistant to mechanical damage. If you are tiling a kitchen or bathroom, then the level of moisture resistance of this coverage must be appropriate.

Clinker tiles have a rich range of colors, and over time the shades do not fade or fade. For cladding, you can choose a material of any texture: smooth, glazed, rough, rustic. Clinker tiles are not affected by mold or various types of fungi, do not emit toxic fumes, are fire resistant, and durable.

Brick panels for interior wall decoration

Often the design concept for interior design requires a realistic implementation of brickwork. Internal brick cladding looks stylish, modern, and differs from real brick finishing in saving space, time, and effort. Using this material, you can decorate a separate wall or partitions between rooms, or decorate the entire room for masonry, if the situation requires it.

Brick panels are available in a variety of colors and textures, and they perfectly hide defects and utility lines. They harmoniously combine with wallpaper, plaster, painted or wooden parts of the interior. With the help of brick panels you can place accents and create a unique, completely individual interior. The most commonly used brick imitations are made from polyvinyl chloride and MDF.

Types of decorative wall finishing - brick cladding, photo:

The advantages of this facing coating:

  • easy installation - even a beginner can handle it;
  • easy cutting (convenient to join corners);
  • no additional finishing work;
  • good sound insulation;
  • additional thermal insulation;
  • no need to pre-level the work surface;
  • replacement of individual panel fragments if damaged.

An acceptable pricing policy is also a significant advantage when choosing this brick decoration.

Wall finishing with laminate

We all know that laminate has long been successfully used for flooring. It looks aesthetically pleasing and is relatively inexpensive. Not so long ago, designers decided to use laminate for wall decoration. This design move is wall laminate for interior decoration- unexpectedly came to the taste of customers and began to be used to emphasize individual interior details. Naturally, a surface completely covered with laminate will look ridiculous, but skillfully introduced inserts or fragments will only emphasize the individuality of the style.

Laminate cladding, photo:

If you choose the right shades of laminate flooring and combine them with the colors of the floor or wallpaper, you will be able to advantageously highlight the nuances of any style direction– from high-tech to timeless classics. Laminate fragments can be mounted horizontally or vertically.

Wooden panels for interior wall decoration

No matter how many new building materials appear on the market, natural wood will always be in demand and relevant. Such cladding undoubtedly has a lot of positive qualities, but it is appearance plays the main role. Solid, practical, presentable wooden panels look appropriate in any room. They can also be made as an imitation of natural wood. This option will also look good, its price will be much lower than its analogue made from natural wood. We are talking about MDF and fiberboard/chipboard cladding.

Wooden panels, photo:

The advantages of this coating are a long service life, environmental friendliness, and soundproofing qualities. With its help, you can easily and quickly hide flaws and irregularities, highlight separate areas in the room, and give it respectability. Wooden cladding products do not lose their external and performance qualities for a long time; they will look appropriate in an apartment, country house or country house. If you wish, you can choose any color scheme of the material, its texture, shape.

Artificial stone for interior wall decoration

It looks authentic and, surprisingly, harmonious, and is available in different colors and textures. It can be used to highlight individual details or corners in a room; it harmonizes perfectly with wallpaper or plaster. With the help of artificial stone, you can realize any design fantasies. Even a small fragment of a room (for example, an area entrance doors), decorated with this facing product, can change the perception of the room as a whole.

Artificial stone, photo:

This is a reliable imitation of a wide variety of natural textures, sometimes fake diamond It is even difficult to distinguish from natural rocks. It is much lighter in weight than its authentic counterpart, its scope of application is much wider due to its versatility.

Artificial stone adapts to the room temperature and will never feel cold when touched. It is easy to attach to any surface, be it wood, concrete or brickwork- it is very comfortable. This decorative element is environmentally friendly, made from cement, water, appropriate dyes, sand impurities, water, and plasticizers.

Wall decoration with plastic panels

Plastic is a truly universal facing material. It can be installed in absolutely any room; it is not afraid of moisture or low temperatures. The low price is a pleasant bonus against the backdrop of the undeniable advantages of this facing product. Plastic elements have a wide range of colors and shades, they can be various widths, length (there are also square and rectangular tiles). This cladding is characterized by a long service life and high moisture resistance, thanks to the locking type of connection of the elements.

Photo of the working process:

The soundproofing and heat-insulating aspect also takes place (cellular structure inside the panel). The surface of modern plastic panels can be made to resemble wood or ceramic imitation, marble, or leather covering.

The parts are easily mounted on any surface (frame sheathing is required), do not require high construction skills, and after working with them a minimum of construction waste remains. Such finishing panels are easy to care for (abrasive products cannot be used); along with cold, they are able to withstand high temperatures.

Wood wall decoration

As mentioned above, wood is a magnificent, environmentally friendly, visually attractive decorating material. For these purposes, a variety of species are used: oak, apple, walnut, spruce, pine, birch, alder, linden, larch. When choosing wood, you must take into account its texture, for example, the same coniferous species may have multiple eyes and knots.

Photo of wood cladding:

By choosing wood cladding, you provide the room not only with a presentable appearance, but also with a favorable atmosphere (moisture exchange, thermal insulation qualities, pleasant smell). Today, it is important to cover walls with clapboard, timber, blockhouse, board, the so-called wooden wallpaper, Gusvarblok. Let's take a closer look at the most commonly used options.


This is the most a budget option, if we take into account natural wood. The lining fragments are easy to install, they can be easily replaced if damaged, and painted if desired. This cladding is quite durable and has good soundproofing qualities. The lining is durable, but it does not like humidity and can be attacked by fungus and insects.


It is not too different from ordinary lining; an indicator of the European standard is the presence of ventilation recesses and improved grooves for connecting fragments. Ventilation grooves prevent the formation of condensation, and grooves help minimize gaps during installation. There are three categories of eurolining on the construction market - “A” ( best quality, without knots and notches), “B” (average rating, with a rare presence of knots), “C” (worse than the first two, extremely rarely used for finishing).

Block house

When facing with a blockhouse, it seems that the walls were built from a log house. It all depends on the special technology of cutting the log: the top, bottom, and side parts of the log are actually cut off, and the resulting semicircles are used to make a blockhouse.

The square middle is either used entirely as a beam or sawn into boards. This way, all parts of the log are used.

A blockhouse is good for everyone - it looks beautiful, is environmentally friendly, retains heat, and absorbs sounds. The production technology of this facing material involves high-quality impregnation with antiseptic and fire-retardant compounds. As a result, the blockhouse becomes heat-resistant and unattractive to insects and fungi. It is released different sizes, but for a room it is better to take a narrow format so that the area is not “eaten up”. It is easy to install, and the most budget option (spruce, pine) exudes resin, which helps improve waterproofing qualities and strength.

This cladding is quite durable and will not lose its performance characteristics for many years.


It has the positive qualities of the options described above, and has the most varied designs (there are even wood carvings, embossing, brushing).

This is a rather expensive type of cladding; it can be used to create an exclusive coating; hidden joining grooves allow you to create complete panels without disturbing the design. With all this, installation of the gusvarblok is quite simple and does not require special skills or prior training.

Natural wood wallpaper

This is thinly sliced ​​veneer of varying thickness and width, glued onto thick paper. The choice of wood types is incredibly wide - more than 100 varieties. These wallpapers are designed as rolls; if desired, they can be used to cover rounded surfaces, which cannot be done with the other analogues described above.

Wooden wallpaper requires a special approach; it must be periodically treated with a special varnish or wax. It should be borne in mind that they are prone to swelling when in contact with moisture, and also change color when exposed to sunlight. Wallpaper made of wood is afraid of insects, fungi, high temperatures

(fire hazardous). An alternative to this coating is thermowood analogues. They are more practical, impregnated with special antifungal compounds, fire resistant, and look good after a long time. Thermowood wallpaper can only be glued to a flat surface.

Decorative wood panels

This is one of the most expensive cladding options, made from noble wood varieties (cedar, oak, alder, maple). It signals the owner’s wealth, looks elegant and respectable. There are panels with a multilayer structure, the front layer of which is made of valuable wood. To make the middle and lower layers, more inexpensive spruce or pine is used. Decorative panels can be coated with an acrylic fixative or special wax to retain moisture and prevent exposure to sunlight. The option with wax is considered more environmentally friendly and is recommended for bedrooms and children's rooms. Once every 5-6 years, the panels need to be treated with a special varnish or wax mastic.

Stone-look wall panels for interior decoration

This is a sought-after, quite popular material, which was previously used only for outdoor work. This coating is convenient, easy to install, and relatively inexpensive. The basis of its manufacturing technology is mixing plastic and stone powder.

Photo of stone cladding:

  • Varieties of stone panels are made:
  • from PVC, by casting method (homogeneous structure);
  • combined type - polystyrene foam with polymer;
  • combined type - polystyrene foam with polystyrene foam;

"Stone" options for the facade. The most popular wall finishing options are imitation marble, malachite, granite, and limestone. The placement of “stones” on the canvas can be uniform, chaotic, in a checkerboard pattern - whatever you like. Color palette

This decorating coating is resistant to temperature changes, is not afraid of moisture, has soundproofing properties, and is difficult to deform.

MDF wall panels for interior decoration

This is a type of wooden elements of internal cladding, as well as one of the most inexpensive, lightweight options for leveling the “native” base. They are easy to install and can be attached to any surface without any problems. In production, mainly wood waste is used, which remains from processing wood of various species.

MDF coating, photo:

A big advantage of using this facing material is the absence of toxic components. Product composition: wood fibers, acrylic varnish, carbide resin, wood veneer. MDF panels have an attractive appearance, are resistant to moisture, have soundproofing qualities, and can be of any shape or size.

To summarize this review, it is worth emphasizing that high-quality building materials are best guarantee life safety. They need to be chosen carefully, since we will spend every day surrounded by them. By choosing high-quality, proven building materials with a quality guarantee and appropriate certificates, you can be confident in taking care of yourself and your loved ones. Decorative wall decoration is an important stage of renovation. If you approach this process with taste and give freedom to your creative potential, you can create a room in which you will always be comfortable!

Technology development modern building materials allows you to build cheaper and faster. Frame-panel and monolithic houses, buildings made of foam concrete and wood concrete, which until recently were perceived as exotic, are now becoming classics of the genre.

Oddly enough, but the closest attention of potential developers is not focused on construction technologies, but to new materials for home decoration. And this is understandable, for the vast majority it is not enough to build the box of a building; you also need to be able to present the goods face-to-face or make a very precise and expressive decoration of the house.

The most popular new finishing methods

Traditionally, a wide range of materials for finishing a newly built building is divided into several large groups:

  • Decorative materials for interior finishing work. This also includes floor and ceiling coverings, wall finishing materials for auxiliary premises;
  • Facing and protective coatings used in finishing the facade of a building;
  • Coverings for bedrooms and children's rooms;
  • Universal materials based on ceramics, composites and plastics.

For your information! Most new materials and coatings represent further technological developments of traditional finishing methods.

Most manufacturers follow this approach to developing new materials for two reasons. Firstly, it is easier and faster to overcome a person’s psychological barrier to the perception of new materials. Secondly, a modified product is much easier to sell than a completely new product.

Traditionally, the development of new materials proceeds in three directions:

  • Getting a new look. For example, most of today's new wallpapers have such a range of paints, patterns and colors that were previously simply technically unavailable for production;
  • Improvement of old finishing characteristics. With the introduction of new technologies for the production of ceramics and porcelain stoneware, the design, quality and durability of floor and wall tiles have grown by an order of magnitude;
  • Increasing the safety and environmental friendliness of coatings, especially for children, people suffering from allergies and intolerance to certain groups of chemical compounds. Demand for new, safer finishing options is growing much faster than for coatings with unusual appearance.

The bulk of new finishing materials have emerged through the widespread use of gypsum mixtures, acrylic and polyurethane resins, and the production of updated types of ceramics and compounds. Technologies producing materials for exterior finishing Houses.

New technologies and materials for finishing facades.

Truly innovative in the cladding of facades and external walls was the emergence of new building mixtures for producing decorative plaster and the introduction of a new principle of surface-mounted finishing.

New plaster and paint coatings

Decorative plaster based on acrylic resins and a variety of various fillers made of marble or calcite made it possible not only to change the color and texture of the walls, but also to give them a new look through imitation natural stone or the formation of a certain surface topography. This coating practically does not fade in the sun, is not afraid of rain and frost, and if the application technology is followed, it can stay on the walls for more than ten years.

The disadvantages of plaster materials include the high dependence of the quality of new coatings on the qualifications of the plasterer; in addition, most of the work has to be done manually, especially at the stage of forming the texture of the walls.

Important! A real discovery in the field of finishing façade walls was the emergence of new water-soluble acrylic, water-based and water-dispersed paints, which have a colossal number of new shades and colors.

With their appearance, the outer walls and facade of the house can be painted in the most exquisite tones and colors. The vast majority are new paints and varnishes For exterior finishing allowed at home with minimal effort give old and drab concrete buildings a fresh, updated look.

Decorating external walls with hanging decor

With the introduction frame technologies finishing, it became possible to radically change the appearance of buildings, giving the walls a completely new look. For example, the use of thermal panels with glued porcelain stoneware or imitation tiles for finishing natural stone makes it possible to give an old cinder block building the appearance of antique masonry made of natural stone, facing bricks, or even very accurately imitate wooden walls from timber or rounded logs.

Similar results in finishing can be achieved by cladding building facades with more durable panels of plastic and metal-plastic siding, a wooden block house and even new modified lining. Unlike thermal panels, new plastic and wooden cladding panels are easier and cheaper to install, therefore they are most often used in combination with new thermal insulation coatings.

In addition to hanging decor, new ceramics are increasingly being used to decorate walls. facing materials- bricks and tiles made of porcelain stoneware and hyper-pressed mixtures. The new type of finishing is cheaper than traditional facing bricks, and is not inferior to it in durability and appearance.

Most of the new technologies are, in fact, universal and are used in the development of new materials for interior decoration.

What's new in home interior decoration

Most of the innovations in interior decoration concerned the development and use of new finishing mixtures, the use of plasterboard and MDF panels for wall repairs, the use of porcelain tiles for floor finishing and the installation of self-leveling floors. In fact, most of the new products are already known materials for exterior finishing, adapted for interior use.

A real discovery in the matter of interior decoration was the emergence of hand painting and new environmentally friendly natural materials.

Relief and graphics

Applying graphic images to the walls of an apartment or house cannot be considered a truly new type of decor. Wall painting has been known for several thousand years. But with the advent of high-quality gypsum and decorative plasters, it became possible to create an ideal background or base for applying a picture.

Hand painting instantly turned into an exclusive type of decoration, along with photo wallpaper and 3D decor.

Graphic images have become fashionable, especially in thematically oriented design of rooms using natural materials, specially made interior items and design.

The new 3D photo wallpapers and tiles with a printed photo are considered very interesting. After the room, the perception of space and perspective completely changes. A simple technique allows you to visually increase the spatial perception of small rooms, for example, a bathroom and a bedroom.

Natural materials

Traditionally, finishing from natural materials was limited to laying wooden parquet and sticking standard paper wallpaper using adhesive solutions based on modified cellulose. The modern interpretation of environmentally friendly premises is increasingly forcing homeowners to abandon vinyl or non-woven wallpaper in favor of more exotic trellises made of cork, reed or woven bamboo fiber.

It's no secret that even new plaster plaster mixtures contain surfactants, polymer plasticizers and dyes, therefore, for finishing the most important rooms in the house, compound plaster materials based on finely ground silicon and lime are increasingly used. The use of natural types of plaster is considered an absolute novelty, for example, Moroccan tadelakt - a waterproof coating without dyes and synthetic binders.

The most expensive type of finishing is the use of genuine leather and fabrics made of cotton, linen and jute.

New panel materials for finishing walls and ceilings

Appearance frame finishing interior design made it possible to solve the issue of repairing old premises with crooked walls at a completely new level. Instead of throwing tens of kilograms of cement-sand mass, to level the surface, a relatively simple technology is used for laying flat, glass-like gypsum boards on a pre-assembled frame made of steel profile. With the help of new technology, it turned out to be possible to level and cover walls even with extremely curvature of the surface.

Along with plasterboard for finishing work, MDF boards made from pressed cellulose fibers began to be used. The outer surface of this material is covered with a laminated layer that imitates wood, stone, or tile. New, light and flexible material can be used for finishing ceilings and walls, simulating cladding made of expensive types of wood or natural stone.

Relatively new technology finishing of ceilings is the use of heat-shrinkable polyvinyl chloride membranes. For decoration ceiling surface It is enough to stretch a thin polymer sheet onto a pre-mounted frame and heat the surface with a heat gun. As a result of shrinkage, the membrane is leveled to a mirror state, hiding defects and problem areas of the ceiling.

New floor materials

Among the new materials used for floor finishing, we can mention the appearance of self-leveling floors, the use of heavy-duty multi-layer linoleum and the creation parquet flooring from tongue and groove boards.

The self-leveling floor is a mixture of mineral filler and water-soluble polymer resin. Using a low-viscosity but fast-hardening mixture, you can make a perfectly flat floor, which is subsequently covered with laminate or parquet boards. It is almost impossible to achieve such a surface quality by grinding or pouring concrete screed.

Commercial brands of linoleum of classes 33 and 34 can rightfully be considered a new finishing material. Unlike domestic grades 21 and 23, the new material has an additional polyurethane coating, which ensures a service life of one and a half decades. Home linoleum will have to be replaced at least once every 5 years.

One of the most successful new materials for floor finishing is considered to be a coating made from parquet board like laminate. Simplicity of assembly and installation is combined with high strength and durability of the material.


New materials for finishing premises and the facade of a house not only simplify the work, but in some cases also make it possible to do it yourself, which means the cost of finishing operations is reduced by 20-30%. In addition to the attractive appearance, decorative coverings become safer and at the same time more durable.

The most common and known method wall decoration is, of course, wallpaper. Their relevance is explained by the variety of patterns and textures.

Today, construction stores offer a wide range of wallpapers. They are different types, depending on the functions they perform. You can find out more about the types of wallpaper in our article.

In addition to the fact that all types of wallpaper play a decorative role, they also:

    Visually enlarge the room

    Set the tone for the room

    Hide wall unevenness

    Easily replaced with other wallpapers

But they have their drawbacks:

    Many types of wallpaper are made based on synthetic material

    Eco-friendly wallpaper will cost you much more

    Problematic from the point of view of washing, unless it is special washable wallpaper

Painting the walls

Painting walls is the biggest competitor to wallpaper. Today there is such a huge selection of colors that designers never tire of coming up with new ones. original ideas wall decoration with their help.

Read more about the process of painting walls in ours.

The advantages of this type of finishing seem obvious:

    Painted walls are easy to clean

    The walls can be easily repainted in a different color

    Unlimited choice of colors and paint compositions

But paint also has a number of disadvantages:

    Before painting, the walls must be perfectly smooth and even, and this is an additional waste of effort, money and time.

    Paint on walls does not last forever and may crack over time.

    Standard texture, you can use wallpaper for painting, but this is an additional expense

    Lack of drawings, plain walls, unless there is an option to use stencils for the walls

Regarding the price, it is impossible to say for sure. The price factor depends on the quality of the paint. But on average, the price level for paint coincides with the average prices for wallpaper.

Finishing with decorative plaster

Decorative plaster, like regular plaster (intended for leveling walls), is a finishing layer of building material. But the very definition of “decorative” suggests that the main function of such plaster is finishing, that is, decoration.

Read more about decorative plaster on our website.

Advantages of decorative plaster:

    Technologies allow us to achieve an imitation of the desired material (granite, textured wallpaper, metal)

    The range of colors and textures of decorative plaster has no limits

    Plaster is easy to clean with wet cleaning

    It hides imperfections (flaws) well

    Before applying it, you do not need to prepare the walls to a perfectly smooth state.

    Plaster is an excellent insulation material

    Decorative plaster will last you much longer than wallpaper - 35-65 years

    This finish will fit well into any interior.

The main disadvantages of this type of finishing:

    Price. The cost of the plaster itself is approximately one and a half times higher than the cost of wallpaper. For owners who are making renovations for 5-10 years, this type of finishing will be unreasonably expensive

    Difficulty finishing. Incorrect application technology can significantly reduce the service life of decorative plaster, including its rework. Therefore, you should not skimp on both the finishing process and the material; it is better to trust the specialists

    Difficult to remove. If you want to remove decorative plaster, then you will need a lot of time and effort

Wood paneling

Decorating apartment walls with wood is only gaining popularity, since many people associate wooden cladding with cozy country houses, but not with an apartment.

But, having passed the fashion for synthetic materials, experts returned to the “well-forgotten old” - wood. Now designers have begun to use, in addition to the usual ( wooden planks) wooden panels, block house (imitation of solid logs) and other materials to create comfort in the interior.

Why do designers return to wood again and again? Because a tree is:

    One of the most environmentally friendly materials

    Perfectly maintains the microclimate of the room (allows air to pass through, absorbs excess moisture, retains heat)

    Durable material

    Has a pleasant smell

    Always in fashion

The disadvantages include:

    Difficult to maintain - you will have to tinker with the wood, it is not recommended to wipe it with a damp cloth, and stains are very difficult to remove

    Change in appearance - wood material deformed under the influence of high humidity, temperature changes

    Expensive - any type of wood paneling is quite expensive

    Poor fire resistance

Thus, the main criterion for long-term service wood finishing- this is the normal level of humidity and temperature in the room.

Covering with cork

Traffic jam construction material- This is the bark of the cork oak tree. Decorating apartment walls with cork is both an original and practical solution.

Custom cork lining technical specifications similar to wood paneling.



    Supports microclimate


    Easy to wet clean

    Acts as a good sound insulator

    Elastic and flame retardant material

The only drawback cork covering its selection is considered limited. Cork, of course, also exists in the form of wallpaper, slabs, rolls, and liquid cork, but visually it is very similar to each other.

Finishing with ceramics

Everyone is used to seeing ceramic tiles on and in, but modern tendencies they say that tiles can fit perfectly into a hallway or adequately decorate part of a room.

Advantages of tiles for wall decoration:

    Very durable

    Easy to clean

    Has good sound insulation

    Suitable for rooms with high humidity


Let's move on to the disadvantages of finishing walls with tiles:

    It is very difficult to lay tiles with high quality yourself, it is better to trust a professional

    Ceramics are not the most budget option for wall decoration, but the price is worth it

Finishing with decorative stone (brick)

Decorative stone is a material that consists of sand, cement, dyes and other additives, and looks like real stone. Coming back into fashion natural materials That's why designers are increasingly using decorative stone.

TO benefits Such finishes include:

    Strength and durability of the material. Artificial stone will serve you for at least half a century

    Easy to install. You can easily lay decorative stone with your own hands if you wish and necessary tools. (Read how to veneer walls with decorative stone)

    A large assortment. Manufacturers began to add various additives, which significantly expanded the range of products.

    Environmental friendliness. It is made from completely natural ingredients

    Originality. The stone adds coziness to the room and at the same time speaks of the originality of the interior.

Artificial stone has only two lack compared to real stone:

    It preserves worse over time

    Inferior in strength to real stone

    Its use in large quantities can make the interior heavier.

Finishing with decorative panels

Decorative or plastic panels are not considered something exclusive and are very often used by enterprising owners.


    Installation of decorative panels is very simple

    Such panels can be installed on walls without prior alignment and adjustment

    Creates good sound insulation. This is due to the distance between the wall and the panel, which forms an additional barrier to noise

    Not picky about care. Their surface can be wiped with a regular damp cloth.

    Resistant to high humidity and temperatures

    Inexpensive. Panels are a low-cost product


    The panels are made from unnatural materials and can emit toxic substances

    Decorative panels are not very durable material

Finishing with linkrust

Linkrust is an unusual material; during its manufacture, various types of plastics or resins are applied to wallpaper or a fabric base to impart smoothness or texture to the surface. This surface can be easily painted.

Initially, linkrust was invented as an alternative to expensive stucco, and now linkrust is used to implement the most unusual ideas.

The advantages of this material:

    Looks very original

    Eco-friendly. It contains natural resins and additives

    Plastic. Easily adapts to uneven surfaces, so there is no need for additional wall leveling

    High temperature resistant

    Easy to clean. Simply wipe with a damp cloth

    Durable material



    Complex installation process

    Such a surface requires regular maintenance - painting or varnishing.

    Linkrust does not tolerate low temperatures

And its price is average cost between expensive stucco and budget wallpaper.

Finishing with 3D panels

More unusual way wall decoration, unlike regular panels, but, accordingly, they are more expensive. 3D panels are the same decorative panels, only their design protrudes above the plane.

This type of panel benefits due to its originality and wide range; you can also use them to place accents on a certain area of ​​the room or completely decorate the room with such panels. But remember that 3D panels can steal your free space or visually make the room smaller.

Having familiarized yourself with the possible options for wall decoration in the interior of the apartment, weighing, as expected, all the pros and cons, you can choose the option that suits your liking, pocket and capabilities. Good luck with this wonderful final stage of renovation!

Interior wall decoration usually completes renovation work. It is performed after the construction of a new house, overhaul or cosmetic renovation of the interior. The choice of materials for finishing walls inside the house and the method of their installation depends on the condition of the walls.

  • Wet installation. It involves plastering the walls after removing the old coating. Plaster serves as the basis for other types of finishing.
  • Dry method. A frame is mounted on the walls or followed by cladding with tiles, wallpaper, and panels.

The wet method is labor-intensive and is accompanied by a large amount of dust and construction debris. Its use requires that the room be completely cleared of furniture. The advantage of this method is the thorough preparation of the walls, thanks to which the finishing materials will be able to fully demonstrate their inherent decorative properties.

Using the dry method allows you to minimize the amount of dust, increase the speed of finishing, and improve sound and thermal insulation. Its disadvantage is the reduction in the volume of the room.

When choosing materials for interior wall decoration, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the room. An important factor is the environmental safety of the coating. Avoid materials that release toxic substances when exposed to heat and ultraviolet light.

For the bathroom it is better to use moisture-resistant and easy-to-clean coatings. For the hallway, corridor, kitchen, cladding that is resistant to dirt and wear, for example, ceramic tiles, is suitable. The choice remains with the owner of the house.


Plaster is often a starting finish and is used to level walls. It is done by applying mortar to the wall. Plaster differs in the composition of the mixture; it is divided into the following types:

  • Cement. The mixture consists of cement, sand and water. Due to the strength provided by the presence of cement, it is used in damp rooms and is lined with stone and tiles. Its advantages are low price and excellent leveling ability.
  • Plaster. The presence of gypsum in the mixture allows the walls to regulate moisture levels. When humidity rises, the coating absorbs excess moisture, and when there is not enough moisture, it releases it. The material is easy to use and flexible.
  • Complex. It is prepared by mixing gypsum, cement and other fillers that improve the properties of the solution. Due to additives, the plasticity of the solution and its thermal insulation properties increase.

Decorative plaster is used to finish the walls of the house. It is applied over the starting coating in a fairly thin layer. Depending on the filler, plaster can be textured, structural or Venetian. The structure and texture of the surface is given by granules of different sizes, which are part of the mixture. Due to this, a relief coating is created.

Venetian plaster allows you to get perfectly smooth walls. Its peculiarity is the presence of mineral fillers in its composition, which provide a unique look to the finished finish.

Decorative plasters help hide wall defects, are resistant to mechanical stress, and allow you to create unique patterns and designs.


A traditional finishing option, which, thanks to the variety of types, colors, and materials, successfully retains its first position. Depending on the material, there are several types of wallpaper.

Paper wallpaper is distinguished by its low cost and variety. The disadvantages of the material are fragility, instability to humidity, and high wear. However, due to the ease of gluing and accessibility, they can be replaced at any time.

Basis vinyl wallpaper could be paper or fabric. They are distinguished by strength and moisture resistance. The relief surface allows you to hide small irregularities.

Fabric wallpaper is made by gluing fabric (cotton, silk, linen, wool) onto non-woven fabric or paper. Sometimes a pattern is created by gluing individual fibers of fabric. The main advantages of this type are its excellent decorative properties. In addition, such wallpaper creates a favorable indoor microclimate. Their disadvantages include the difficulty of gluing and high cost.

Rolled material - linkrust - is produced by applying a plastic mass based on cork chips, linseed oil, and wood flour onto paper. Plasticity allows you to give the outer covering any shape, for example, in the form of stucco. The frozen material can be painted and washed.

Liquid wallpaper is a finishing coating that occupies a middle position between plaster and wallpaper. Their basis is cellulose mixed with decorative components. Water is added to the dry mixture to obtain an adhesive composition. Finishing work liquid wallpaper does not require special preparation.

A spatula is used for application. The finished coating is durable and resistant to stains. Liquid wallpaper is not recommended for use in damp rooms; it should be protected from direct sunlight.

A unique appearance and excellent performance properties are inherent in glass wallpaper. They are made from fiberglass impregnated with a solution of modified starch. The outer covering is attractive and original. Fiberglass wallpaper does not burn, in addition, it does not allow flames to spread, so they are often used where fire safety is required.

A material that is not yet very common, but has a number of advantages, is metal wallpaper. Their advantages:

  • prevent the spread of electromagnetic waves, reducing their negative impact;
  • have thermoregulating properties;
  • easy to clean from dirt;
  • give the interior a sophisticated look.

The basis of the wallpaper is foil, on which a pattern is embossed. They should be protected from damage by sharp objects.


Finishing panels for home are affordable and easy to use. They feature a variety of surface designs, color scheme. The material is durable, strong enough, improves sound insulation, and does not require complex maintenance. In addition, to install the panels you will not need to level the walls.

There are three types of panels: slatted, tile, sheet. Slatted ones are planks up to 30 cm wide. They are recommended for use in small rooms.

Tile panels are made in the form of a square with a side of 30-100 cm. They are connected to each other using grooves, and fixed to the wall with glue. Combining slabs different shades, achieve a unique pattern.

Sheet panels are large in size (more than 2 m). Their surface can imitate any material. Glue is used for fastening, and the joints are hidden using moldings.

Depending on the material, panels are made of wood and plastic. Plastic finishing panels are moisture resistant, unpretentious, and easy to install. A high-quality panel has a flat surface and clear geometry.

The disadvantages of the material include fragility. Therefore, it should be protected from strong impacts.

Wooden panels are produced in the form of slats and slabs. Their advantage is naturalness and environmental safety. The disadvantages of the coating include low resistance to moisture and elevated temperatures. Wood swells due to humidity, but if the room is too dry, it shrinks. Therefore, wooden panels should be installed in rooms with stable temperatures and humidity.

For decorating walls in the kitchen, or rather, creating working area near the stove and table, use glass panels. Performance characteristics such an “apron” exceeds the performance of tiles. The coating is unpretentious, easy to clean from grease, and has excellent decorative properties.

To attach the panels, glue or frame is used. The first method is less labor-intensive, but requires the right choice glue. It can only be used if the walls of the house are smooth. The frame allows you to quickly and effectively hide surface imperfections. It is constructed from metal profiles or wooden slats.

Decorative rock

For those who want to create a unique exquisite interior, difficult to find the best option, how . They are used to cover entire walls or individual areas, arched openings, and fireplaces.

The advantages of such cladding:

  • strong, durable, practical;
  • goes well with other materials;
  • creates a unique interior.

Natural and artificial stone are used for finishing. The disadvantages of natural are heavy weight, high cost, and labor-intensive installation. Artificial materials freed from these disadvantages, but retained all the advantages. A variety of shapes, sizes, textures allows you to give your home a respectable look, make it cozy and stylish.