Interior designer courses for beginners and professionals. Review of the best training courses for web designers and where to study on your own

Course programs are developed in accordance with international standards of the profession. Upon completion of training, you will receive two diplomas: a Russian professional one and a British one, which gives the right to work abroad in your specialty. Training is possible both face-to-face and remotely.

Enrollment for summer intensives 2019 has been announced!

Get a new profession over the summer and start working immediately after completing your studies - this is real! Our summer intensive courses are designed for people who want to get the most in the shortest possible time. The training system is built in such a way that everyone who comes, regardless of their level of training, within a few summer months receives a full set of knowledge necessary for a designer to work in his specialty.

, 2.5 months

Duration: 2.5 months (420 academic hours)
Start of classes: in June
Final work: graduation project
Until February 28 – 10% discount

Interior decoration, 2 months

Duration: 2 months (360 academic hours)
Time: Monday to Friday (10:00–16:30)
Start of classes: in June
Final work: graduation project
Until February 28 – 10% discount
Total number of places in the group: 16.

Graphic design and advertising, 1.5 months

Duration of training: 1.5 months (216 academic hours)
Time: Monday to Friday (10:00–16:30)
Start of classes: in June
Final work: graduation project
Until February 28 – 10% discount
Total number of places in the group: 16.

Professional course in interior design. It meets the international standard of the profession as defined by the International Interior Designers Association (IIDA). Russian diploma and British professional diploma without traveling abroad and language test.

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Interior design of residential and public premises


Class schedule: Monday to Friday (10:00–13:00)
Start of classes: February 4

Residential interior design


Duration of training: 1 year
Class times: Wednesday (18:30–21:30) and Saturday (10:00–16:30)
Start of classes: February 6

Residential interior design


Duration of training: 1 year
Class times: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday from 18:30 to 21:30
Start of classes: February 12

Interior design of residential premises. Intensive

Day, group I

Class times: Mondays from 10:00 to 13:00 and Tuesdays, Wednesdays from 10:00 to 16:30
Start of classes: February 4 (group recruited)

Day, group II

Duration of training: 5.5 months
Class times: Mondays from 10:00 to 13:00 and Tuesdays, Thursdays from 10:00 to 16:30
Start of classes: in February

Unlike a designer, a decorator designs a living space without resorting to radical means(construction work, redevelopment). His arsenal includes only decorative means: textiles, light, paints, textured materials, art objects and furniture.

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Number of seats in the group: 16.

The course is developed based on the training standards of the world's best design schools in the UK, Germany, and Switzerland. The intensive, relatively short training format is very convenient for busy people who do not know the laws of design and do not have special skills in the profession.

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Students study the history of gardening art, the basics of composition and landscape graphics, plant growing, soil science, garden elements, fundamentals engineering communications And construction work, educational (on a one-year course) and diploma design. Development landscape design real areas.

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More information about studying at the School

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Interior Design program is one of the most popular in our School, since it is based on the requirements of international professional standards(International Association of Interior Designers) - the best standards in this field. Our School was the first in Russia to apply these standards in teaching and achieved the highest results. After successful training in the “Interior Design” program, you can receive not only a diploma from our School, recognized by Russian employers, but also an international one (based on certification of the diploma project in the UK through the International Department). MSD is a member of the International Interior Designers Association (IIDA), namely Therefore, we offer our graduates a well-trodden path into the global design community; we provide a unique opportunity to become a designer “without borders.”

If you are interested in the Interior Design program, you can choose both full-time and distance learning, aimed primarily at those who are accustomed to intensive independent work.

Full-time students can choose the most convenient format of study.

Program (professional coloring and styling of residential and public premises) refers to the number innovative projects International School of Design. By choosing this program, you will become acquainted with the latest research in the field of color, the psychophysiology of color, the international advanced NCS color system developed by the Scandinavian Color Institute, new trends in the field computer graphics, decorative techniques, technologies, materials. The latest developments in the field of color and unique practical experience in decoration are the main distinctive features of this program.

As part of the direction, the International School of Design offers an expanded program in landscape design and plant care. You will get acquainted not only with modern world trends in the design of gardens, but also with the evolution of styles of landscape art. The best creative works and design projects created during the training process can be considered as a portfolio for employment.

If you are interested full-time education, then you are given the opportunity to choose the most convenient time:

  • Morning from 10:00 to 13:00
  • Day from 14:00 to 17:00
  • Evening from 18:30 to 21:30

In addition to programs additional education Since 2008, MSD has offered external training (for specialists).

The International School of Design offers students and practicing designers participation in foreign internships. In addition to the educational purpose, internships broaden your horizons, fill your life with new emotions and impressions, and most importantly, they have practical significance: when applying for a job, in most cases, foreign internships are equated to work experience.

We do everything possible to increase your intellectual capital.

Choose a program, study and strengthen your professional status!

We are pleased to invite you to interior design courses in Moscow. You can easily select a program that matches your existing knowledge, skills and wishes. You will be able to take interior design courses in Moscow for beginners, for those who are already improving their skills and planning to master two levels at once. We also invite you to courses on fabrics in the interior, sewing, and cutting curtains. Come!

Why take an interior design training?

Creating stylish, cozy and comfortable interiors- the main goal of many people. Some people prefer to use the help of professionals when arranging apartments, houses and other spaces. And others become such specialists themselves. Interior design courses will allow you to master the most interesting areas and turn into an experienced craftsman in the shortest possible time.

After completing interior decorating courses, you will be able to:

Transform the surrounding spaces
help loved ones in decorating various rooms,
find interesting work,
open your own business.

In interior design courses you:

Significantly expand your knowledge and skills,
get the experience you need,
learn to express your individuality through the implementation of interesting projects.

Why is it profitable and interesting to take interior design courses in Moscow with employment with us?

1. To train as an interior designer, we use current programs. Experts carefully select material for courses. This allows you to master a lot of valuable skills in the shortest possible time.

2. Our school of interior design in Moscow pays special attention not to theory, but to practice. We do not give book knowledge! We do our best to let you know professional secrets, shared their experiences with colleagues, discussed interesting topics and works that corresponded to all trends.

3. Training to become an interior designer in Moscow in our center is conducted by experienced teachers. They have professional skills and are subtle psychologists who are able to reveal the individuality of each listener.

4. Our interior design school has everything you need for training. Students study in spacious, bright classrooms and have access to modern programs. This allows you to constantly improve.

5. Courses on interior design of apartments and houses will not take you much time. The training is fast but professional.

6. You won’t have to overpay for training interior designers. Our courses are accessible to many. We carry them out at a competitive price.

Ask any questions you may have, get acquainted with the programs presented. Sign up!

Consider this an introductory course in interior decorating. We may not all have the vision required to create exquisite design down to the smallest detail, but we can decorate our own interiors in a way that looks professional.

Consider this an introductory course in interior decorating. We may not all have the vision required to create exquisite design down to the smallest detail, but we can decorate our own interiors in a way that looks professional. To some extent, the design can be presented in the form of a formula that includes certain steps - a kind of foundation building, brick by brick, to create individual style registration

On the other hand, there is the art of decoration, a style that obeys neither rules nor formulas. You may not have this sense of style, but you can learn to develop it.

How? There are basic principles that allow you to create a seamless and harmonious design interior of the room. By following these 10 steps, you can start creating a cozy and functional living space that will create a homely atmosphere within just four walls.

1. Functional layout

Interior design should start with functional layout rooms. To get started, we advise you to search the Internet for free resources and programs that offer to create the layout and design of a room. Such programs will allow you to specify conditions such as the size of the room and the dimensions of furniture pieces, and then try to create various options layouts to see which one is best for you.

We often find out about planning mistakes too late, so why not create a virtual room plan first and avoid having to move furniture from place to place, making mistakes over and over again while trying to create a suitable layout?

The functionality of a living space greatly depends on individual style. If your home nest seems empty to you, you will probably want to buy expensive furniture or decorative elements, but large families will prefer open plan, not limited by a large number of design details. Take into account your personal needs and then try to choose good program, which will help you create the perfect interior plan for you.

2. Don’t be afraid to spend money on good upholstered furniture

Many designers will tell you that if you want to invest in one piece of furniture, let it be a sofa. Choosing the right one upholstered furniture for a room can be very difficult. What color furniture should I choose? With what upholstery? What size? How much should you spend on your purchase? What is it like – a good, high-quality sofa?

Visiting numerous furniture shows and showrooms can help you find a style that suits your tastes and needs. However, before you go shopping, take measurements! It would be terrible to fall in love with a piece of furniture and then find out that it is too big for your room.

We recommend limiting your choice to a few options and then selecting the one that has best quality. Buying furniture High Quality, you can be sure that it will serve you for many years, if not a lifetime, so choose the best you can afford. Oh, yes: choose an upholstery that you won’t get tired of soon... who wants to spend the rest of their life looking at a sofa with a flower or a color that has long gone out of fashion?

3. Decorative objects

It seems that the use in the interior of things that have no special purpose– a rather pointless idea. Why buy something that you can't even put to good use? The answer is simple: because such items indicate style, and therefore complement the interior design.

Now you may not have the talent to immediately create aesthetically pleasing decor, but with the help of trial and error, you can select the right number of decorative objects that will harmoniously fit into your interior. Many interior design professionals will tell you that if you really like something and you buy it, you will definitely find a place for it where it will look best. However, while this statement is quite true for those who understand design, it may not be suitable for insecure beginners.

If you're at a loss, we recommend looking through magazines and visiting furniture stores to see what you like. Pay attention to how decorative elements are arranged in furniture showrooms. Notice that many items are organized into decorative groups rather than simply placed individually in different corners of the room. Above all, buy only what you really like, what best suits your personality.

4. Add some greenery

Plants are often the last thing people think about. This is a big mistake when it comes to design. You may think that the interior design of your room is impeccable, but pay attention to whether you were able to use plants and objects of natural origin in it.

It's amazing how much the atmosphere and comfort of the interior changes when you place a small palm tree planted in a pot. At the same time, your room will seem fresher and your decor style much more cohesive.

That's the thing about classics: they never go out of style. Why spend a fortune on a sofa with straight, angular lines if the style will be outdated in five years? Fashion trends can be brought into the interior with the help of smaller and less expensive parts, and let the main pieces of furniture remain simple, elegant, and classic.

Take a look at the living room in the photo below. Black chairs behind dining table kept in classic style and will be appropriate in any interior. The animal print upholstery allows them to keep up with current fashion trends and is easy to change, while the shape of the chair will never go out of style - meaning it's a great long-lasting buy.

10. Take a photo and correct it

This is perhaps one of the most important steps. After all, a picture can tell a thousand words. By taking a photo of a room, you can look at it from a different perspective. In a sense, photography will allow you to look at your own interior for the first time - through the eyes of a guest.

All of a sudden you may find that wall painting hanging too high, or that there is too much in your room small parts cluttering up the space, or what you have chosen sofa cushions Doesn't fit with the overall style at all.

It is best to take several photographs, from different points and from different angles. This way you can see what needs fixing and what just doesn’t fit in your chosen interior style.

Can you consider this article an introduction to interior decorating? Of course, it does not reveal all the secrets of design (only a specialist designer can do this), but it will definitely guide you along the right path to creating stylish design home interiors that are both functional and attractive. To creating a home that speaks about who you are.

Absolutely anyone can use these tips: create the right layout, buy a beautiful sofa, create decorative groups of objects or layers, add live greenery or a little black, stick to classic lines, correct design mistakes with the help of photographs and - most importantly - decorate the interior truly individual.

What little tricks do you use to create a stylish home interior?

Tell friends

Duration: 10.5 months
Lesson mode: 4 times a week for 4 ac. hours or 2 times a week for 8 ak. hours
Certification document: diploma

Interior design courses for beginners are designed to teach interior design from scratch. The Academic School of Design in Polyanka is rightfully considered one of the most authoritative schools in Moscow teaching interior design.

Program basic course involves substantive acquaintance with the main aspects of design activity, study of theoretical foundations and acquisition of applied skills.

Signing up for training in a group is an opportunity to quickly and effectively immerse yourself in the design environment and master basic principles work as an interior designer, learn professional design, proper communication with customers, and then implement unique author’s designs.

1. Theoretical foundations of interior design

  • Interior design in the context of creative professions, features in Russian conditions.
  • The main planning zones of the living space.
  • Modern designs multi-storey buildings: brick, block, panel, frame, monolithic. The influence of structures on the creation of internal space.
  • Problems of reconstruction. Connecting apartments vertically and horizontally.
  • Multifunctional and recreational spaces in the structure of an architectural public facility. Types of space-planning solutions for public premises. Reconstruction of spaces when creating public interiors. Increasing usable area by installing balconies, terraces and mezzanines.
  • Stairs, their types and calculation options.
  • Main types of residential buildings and features of their internal space solutions. Reconstruction of suburban housing according to the degree of demand and degree of complexity. Parts of buildings. Foundations, walls, ceilings, roofs.
  • Scale. Rules for drawing plans and drawing dimensions.
  • The modern market for construction and finishing materials. Criterias of choice.

2. Art history. Historical and modern styles

  • Art of Ancient Egypt.
  • Art of Ancient Greece and Rome
  • Romanesque and Gothic style.
  • Proclassical styles are Renaissance and Classicism.
  • Baroque. Rococo. Pastoral motives of the reign of Louis XV. Chamber interior as part of an enfilade. Plaster and wood are the two interior poles of Rococo.
  • Eclecticism. Modern.
  • Prerequisites for the creation of interior culture of the 20th century. The principle of leading trendsetter countries. USA at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and the organic architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. Prairie houses and the concept of a system of transitional spaces.
  • Constructivism in Europe and the historical background of its emergence. Bauhaus school. Features of European and American functionalism. Interiors of the 70s of the 20th century. Pro-industrial and biomorphic interiors of the late 20th century. Minimalism and postmodernism. Ethnic interiors.
  • Art of India, China and Japan.

3. Color science and composition

  • Composition theory. Basic types of composition. Laws, means and types of composition. Composition problems.
  • Color theory. Color circle. Open and mixed colors. Cold and warm tones. Primary colors, second and third order colors, additional colors. Nuanced and contrasting compositions. Color mixing technologies. Color stretch marks.
  • Selection of simple and complex color ranges For various types interiors.

4. Textiles in the interior

  • History of the introduction of textiles into the interior, analysis of the market for modern fabrics and paratextile materials.
  • The concept of textile interior. Features of cut when creating individual interior elements.
  • Window decor. Lambrequins, ties, swags, rolls, Roman blinds, fabric slides, etc.
  • Development of window decor for a specific interior.

5. Design methods

  • Basic concepts and terms. Functional, engineering, technical, psychophysiological and aesthetic requirements for space-planning solutions. Main types of planning systems modern interior. Planning and redevelopment of a city apartment (structures, materials and sanitary equipment).
  • Conceptual approach to creating a design project. Individual components of a design project and the laws of their influence on final result. Studio apartment. History of origin and evolution during the 20th century.
  • Creative technologies in design.
  • Residential interiors in multi-storey buildings various structures and their redevelopment.
  • Layout in design. Layout techniques.

6. Basics descriptive geometry. Constructing an interior perspective.

  • Basics of descriptive geometry.
  • Frontal and corner perspective of the interior. Story. Basic concepts and laws of construction. Construction algorithm.
  • Constructing perspectives of designed interiors and individual elements in them.

7. Computer-aided design

  • Review of programs created for interior designers. Their a brief description of and comparison of possibilities.
  • Basic panels and tools of the ArchiCAD program.
  • Construction of plans, working drawings and three-dimensional images.

8. Interior sketch: techniques for presenting a project

  • Image various materials used in design and decoration - stone, tile, wood, textiles, glass, mosaic, stained glass, plaster, etc.
  • Using different artistic techniques, tools and paints.
  • Making samples of various textures, interior items, furniture.
  • Application of the learned techniques in drawing the project.
  • Quick sketch of the interior.

9. Interior colors, graphics

  • Graphic techniques for presenting a project. Black and white and color sketches of interiors.
  • Application of acquired knowledge and skills in interior design.

11. Training in public speaking and working with clients

  • Training on identifying the polar qualities of a project and the principle of its presentation to customers when different conditions. Ability to interact with customers and the ability to present yourself and your design project.

12. Design of residential and public interiors

  • Issuance of technical specifications and functional zoning. Analysis of the specifics of receiving an order for public interior design. Tender and various options for participation in it. Specifics of drawing up technical specifications.
  • Public interior in a classic design. Development of concepts in accordance with the issued or selected slogan. Creation of a complete virtual interior with mass elaboration of details.
  • Sketch-idea of ​​living space. Development of a conceptual solution for a residential interior, taking into account technical specifications, architectural and design conditions. Creation of a layout and elaboration of individual components of a design project.
  • Working draft. Measurement drawings. Requirements for plans before reconstruction, after reconstruction and furniture placement plans. Floor, ceiling and layout plans. Layout. Finishing list. Drawing up specifications and estimates.
  • Creation of a package of technical plans, layouts and sketches for projects.
  • Design of residential and public interiors. Detailed projects for a studio apartment, public interior and country house.
  • Compiling a portfolio. What is included in the concept of portfolio. Portfolio for customers and construction teams.

The effective training system at the Academic School of Design will allow you to deeply study the design specialty in less than a year! You don't need to spend 5 years studying at higher education educational institution in order to become a qualified specialist - we have selected subjects for the course that, in an intensive training format, will allow you to very quickly begin authoring work, decorating interiors in apartments, houses, commercial and other premises, while demonstrating excellent results. Don’t wait - make your wishes come true right now: sign up for the Interior Designer course, and in a year you will be able to take on the most complex and interesting projects!

The design course program includes lectures and practical classes, as well as workshops in basic (major) and special disciplines in the field of interior design.

* a 10% discount is provided for full payment of the course, a 5% discount for phased payment, payment in installments is possible - 10 payments of 27,000 rubles each.

** a 10% discount is provided for full payment of the course, a 5% discount for stage-by-stage payments, payment in installments is possible - 10 payments of 24,000 rubles each.