How to equip a gas boiler room in the basement of a private house?

Wallpaper As a rule, a cellar is used at any time of the year to store food, so the main requirement for its design is to create conditions for maintaining a stable temperature all year round . It is necessary to provide protection against freezing of the cellar in winter time

and excessive overheating in summer. Exist various ways cellar insulation

, and their choice depends on the design of the building itself. If the cellar is built in the ground, it is easier to maintain a stable temperature in it, since such a design initially involves protection from strong winds or rain. If the location of groundwater on the site does not allow the construction of an underground cellar, you will have to pay more attention to the aspects of cellar insulation, in particular vapor barrier, heat and waterproofing.

How to choose the right way to insulate a cellar with your own hands?

  • There are several of the most common and popular ways to insulate a cellar with your own hands.
  • Insulation with sawdust
  • Insulation using glass wool or mineral wool

Application of foam plastic

Insulating the cellar with sawdust

Sawdust is an easily accessible and cost-effective insulation material that can be easily obtained at any woodworking plant. The disadvantages of this method include some complexity of the process itself - before you start insulating the cellar with your own hands, you need to waterproof the walls and floor using tar, which must be applied in several layers. Then the layer of sawdust is compacted so that the thickness of the layer is about 30 centimeters and covered with roofing felt. The resulting structure is covered with a concrete screed, which must also be waterproofed with another layer of roofing felt or bitumen.

Insulation with mineral wool Mineral wool has excellent technical characteristics

and provides a sustainable result, but has a fairly high cost and requires careful attention to vapor and waterproofing.

Advantages of do-it-yourself cellar insulation with polystyrene foam Insulating a cellar with your own hands using polystyrene foam has many advantages. This material is available, has wonderful, lightweight and mold resistant. The disadvantages include its easy flammability, which leads to an unstable fire situation, and the ability to release when heated bad smell. Therefore, it is still worth choosing a more environmentally friendly material for insulating residential premises.

Use of modern insulation materials

Modern insulation materials are characterized by a long service life and relatively low cost.

Types of modern insulation

  • Asstratek;
  • Penoizol;
  • Polyurethane foam;

Asstratek refers to the means of insulation of a new generation - this polymer compositions, applied with a brush or spray, and the layer thickness sufficient for high-quality thermal insulation is only 2-3 millimeters.
Polyurethane foam, applied in an even layer, can last about seventy years!
Penoizol- a liquid analogue of polystyrene foam is resistant to fire and is more than affordable.

How important is it to properly organize cellar heating?

A properly designed cellar should be heated using heat from the soil, which is accumulated by the surface layers of the soil during the warm season.
How effective this process will be depends on many factors:

  • presence or absence ventilation system;
  • groundwater level;
  • materials used to waterproof the cellar.

It is known that at a depth of 3–4 meters, fluctuations in the average annual temperature are insignificant and range from 5–10 degrees. Therefore, the depth at which the cellar is built is critical to ensure a stable temperature inside the cellar. This is especially true for cellars that do not have any buildings above them.
Heating a cellar located under a building where people constantly live - more simple task, since alternative heating methods can be activated and controlled.

How to heat a cellar using affordable means

Natural and electric method of heating the cellar

  • naturally;
  • using electricity.

Most preferred and safe method heating - natural, due to the accumulative effect of the soil.

Almost every private house has a basement. As a rule, fresh harvests and pickles, as well as unnecessary things, are stored in it. In addition, it is often rebuilt into residential premises.

Types of basements

Basements in a private house can have a variety of purposes, according to which the underground is divided into several types.

  • Cellar. Its functions include storing vegetables and fruits, as well as homemade products. winter period time.
  • Utility room. Good to place in it engineering structures, such as water heaters, boilers, filters. This makes it possible to remove bulky appliances from the bathroom or kitchen, and make good use of the usable space.
  • Ground floor. Perfect option for creating a billiard room, gym or office in the basement.
  • Workshop. Such a basement in a private house will simply be a salvation for those who like to make something with their own hands. If desired, the room can be divided into two parts: a workshop and a warehouse where tools will be stored.
  • Basement garage. This is the most popular option. However, it should be remembered that the main condition during construction is to make convenient entry. Such basements in a private house should be quite spacious, since they will not only store the car, but also carry out minor repairs if necessary.

Construction of a basement

If the basement in a private house is planned for technical use, the height of its walls should be within 1.8-2.2 m. For residential basement optimal height 2.5 m.

The order of work depends on the groundwater. If they are located close enough, then, first of all, they form the floor. If they are missing, then you can begin building walls.

How is the floor made?

The floor in the basement of a private house is made as follows. They dig a hole that has a margin of width for the formwork, and form a sand cushion with the addition of crushed stone. Next, formwork is arranged, waterproofing is laid, followed by reinforcement, and concrete is poured.

If the walls were built first, the sand cushion is simply poured concrete mortar. A layer of waterproofing is laid between the walls. In this case, formwork is not needed. The main thing here is to dig a hole.

How to make walls?

When constructing monolithic basements, the walls are equipped using technology strip foundation. Trenches are dug, sand is poured into the bottom and formwork is installed. After completion of waterproofing work, reinforcing mesh is laid and concrete is poured.

If you first need to fill the floor, then the formwork for forming the walls is installed only after the concrete has completely hardened. Otherwise, due to the heaviness of the solution, the formwork braces can be pressed into the floor and form completely unnecessary depressions.

Walls can be built from brick. But doing this work requires care, because... It is necessary to ensure that the walls are erected strictly horizontally and vertically. The laying begins from the corner and continues until the 7th row.
It is recommended to lay reinforcement every half meter in order to give the structure additional strength.

We must not forget about the location of the doorway. The lintels are made of reinforced concrete or wood.

Another option for building walls is to use blocks. This method saves a lot of time - a basement in a private house from blocks can be built quite quickly. The only thing that will need to be done is to align each block both vertically and horizontally, as well as to the level of the wall. It is best to start laying from the corners.

Basement waterproofing

When building a basement, even in the driest place it is necessary to make high-quality waterproofing. It should be remembered that heavy rains and breakthrough water pipe no one has canceled yet.

Internal waterproofing

If the basement is built of bricks or blocks, it is necessary to secure the gaps between the joints. Waterproofing mastic is applied 2 cm thick. Additionally, the blocks can be treated with mastic. Now they begin to stuff and apply plaster on the walls. Let's get down to the floor. Coat the joints between the walls and the floor with bitumen.

External waterproofing

This work is necessary to ensure reliable protection from moisture of external walls and under the floor. The most the best remedy To protect the floor, clay is compacted at the bottom of the pit, which is covered with a double layer of roofing material and coated with bitumen.
Walls are protected in a similar way. However, first you need to check that horizontal waterproofing protruded beyond the wall by 15 cm. Next, roofing material is laid along the entire height of the walls, which should extend beyond the surface by about 20 cm.

How to insulate the basement of a private house?

As you know, the basement in a private house is the coldest and dampest place, which requires not only waterproofing, but also insulation. In the winter season, thermal insulation will eliminate heat loss, and in the hot season, condensation.
So, let's look at how to insulate the basement of a private house. You can insulate the walls after 6 days, when it dries. Gluing slabs of extruded polystyrene foam is done directly onto the waterproofing. Bitumen (resin) is suitable for gluing. The slabs should protrude about 40 cm above the ground surface. Before filling the trenches, it is necessary to cover the insulation. You also need to perform horizontal insulation at a depth of 30 cm in the place where the blind area will be located.

The floor is insulated using the same method. Expanded polystyrene, 10 cm thick, is laid on waterproofing. Then they put on another layer of heat insulation. Penofol can be used to reflect heat inside the basement.

The ceiling also needs protection. For its insulation, foam plastic, mineral wool, and expanded polystyrene are suitable.

Basement ventilation

A well-thought-out design in a private home can not only protect the room from the appearance of fungi and mold on the surface of the walls, but also significantly extend its service life. In addition, air circulation makes it possible to preserve food and things located there well.

Types of ventilation

Basements in a private house can have two types of ventilation, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages:

Natural ventilation;
. forced.

Natural ventilation

This system has been used for decades, and currently also does not lose its popularity. Its design is quite simple and does not require significant financial expenditure.

The operation of the system is based on the existing temperature difference between inside and outside the basement, due to which air moves.

This ventilation system consists of two pipes - supply and exhaust. The exhaust pipe starts from the ceiling and goes to the roof. It ensures the removal of air from the room. The supply pipe is placed on the opposite wall and installed closer to the floor. Its function is to supply fresh oxygen. Thus, natural ventilation the basement in a private house maintains normal humidity in the room.

The diameter of the pipes plays an important role. The best option is its total diameter is at least 10 cm.

Forced ventilation

This system is most often used for large basements. The purchase and installation of forced ventilation requires quite significant costs, for this reason not everyone can afford such luxury. The advantage of this method is that it makes it possible to bring the microclimate of the cellar as close as possible to natural conditions. The basic principle of its operation is to forcefully create a flow of fresh air using special fans.

Heating the basement of a private house

In order to keep the basement dry and warm, you need to take care of the heating system. The choice of equipment depends on how much heating is needed.

Storage of agricultural products

Typically, this does not require additional basement heating. Most often, proximity to a heated living space above is quite enough. Low temperatures are not terrible, but it is necessary to prevent minus temperatures, as the products will simply freeze. In this case, heating should be arranged. The best option is to connect a fan heater or heater.

Bath, swimming pool or sauna

Premises with high humidity except heating devices must have dehumidifiers installed. Most often used for heating infrared heaters, which are built into the ceiling, ceilings and walls. In order to obtain additional heat, a heated floor is laid. The best choice is tape, which is more unpretentious and durable. However constant use A warm electric floor is an expensive pleasure. This the best option for temporary heating.

Isolated rooms

If the basement in a private house (photos are given in the article) is equipped as an additional living space, you can use a boiler or stove to heat it. The boiler is most often installed for the entire house, and an additional pipe with coolant is simply laid underground. Use the following calculation for heating the basement:

For heating 50-180 sq. m a boiler with a capacity of 25 kW is installed;
. for heating 200-300 sq. m, a unit with a power of 25-30 kW is installed.

If the basements in a private house have an area of ​​up to 200 square meters. m, you can install a stove long burning, and for additional heating make a warm floor. In such basements there is a billiard room, a dining room, a gym, home cinema etc.

So, despite the fact that the basement requires additional costs during construction, a private house with a basement is very practical and convenient.

The design of heating a house has certain elements. The heating circuit includes a boiler, a connection system, fasteners, manifolds, pressure-increasing pumps, batteries, thermostats, an expansion tank, pipes, and air vents. On this website tab we will try to select the necessary structural components for our mansion. These structural units are very important. Based on this, the compliance of each installation element must be carried out carefully.

For some residents of private houses, having a basement is very important. Therefore, many of them are wondering: how to make a basement in a house (cellar) with your own hands? The process of building such a premises is very labor-intensive and will require considerable financial and time costs, as well as a responsible attitude to the matter. However, if the goal is set, then there is nothing impossible in how to make a basement in the house (cellar).

Before starting this work, it is necessary to carry out geological studies to determine the groundwater level. This will help establish the required depth of the basement and solve some construction issues. At a low level, you can dig a deep basement, at a high level (the waters are close to the surface), an underground is built, or a drainage ditch is additionally constructed. Afterwards, a drawing and calculations of the future basement are performed.

It is much easier to build a basement before building a house, but if the house has already been built, then there is nothing impossible in building a basement underneath it. Before building a basement under the house, it is also necessary to perform calculations, but taking into account the fact that there is already a considerable load (building) on ​​top of the future basement. The construction of a cellar under an already built house requires the mandatory construction of reliable thick walls made of dense concrete. Thus, such walls will also serve as a foundation.

Construction of a basement (cellar) with your own hands

Construction of a basement in a private house begins with the calculation of digging a pit.

When hitting hard ground areas, use a jackhammer.

When the required depth is reached, you can begin to form the steps.

At the next stage, removable formwork is installed - boards nailed to the racks. Along the entire length and height from the formwork to the dug wall, it is necessary to maintain the same set distance (usually 200-300 mm), which is then filled with concrete. To save time, two formworks are installed, each on the opposite wall.

When the concrete hardens, the formwork is removed from the walls and the process is repeated for other walls.

After pouring and drying the walls, you can begin constructing the ceiling. On concrete walls Channels are installed maintaining a distance of 500 mm.

We weld the reinforcement on top in two rows.

Ventilation of the basement in the house

Ventilation of the basement in the house This is often simply a grated hole made in the basement of the foundation, called a vent. This ventilation system is suitable for small cellars.

Arrangement of more complex ventilation, for rooms with large area, begins with preparing a diagram that takes into account the size of the basement and the capacity of the ventilation ducts. This diagram shows the location of the supply and exhaust pipes, and their diameter is calculated.

Ventilation will ensure normal air circulation, but you also need to take care of it normal humidity, why take timely care of the waterproofing of the basement. When pouring concrete walls, you must ensure that there are holes left for ventilation pipes.

Before you fill the ceiling, it’s time to take care of laying the air vent pipe. It is better to use large diameter pipes to increase the air exchange rate. The supply pipe is partially exposed to the street, and the exhaust pipe is slightly above the roof level. The entrance to the pipes is covered with a deflector.

After its placement, concreting is carried out.

Construction of a basement roof

Boards are fixed above the future entrance to prevent concrete from flowing down from the roof and the passageway.

The roof is being poured with concrete.

Waterproofing the basement of a house

Sometimes the use of the basement is impossible due to the high dampness in this room. To avoid this, it is necessary to properly waterproof the foundation during construction and ensure good ventilation in the room.

Waterproofing the basement of a house begins with isolating the walls and floors of the room from surface water seeping through the ground. In the basement, which is distinguished by the location of the groundwater level below flooring, it is enough to waterproof the floor concrete base, and on top of it, make a waterproof floor; to waterproof the walls, cover the surface that comes into contact with the ground with hot bitumen in two layers.

The presence of groundwater nearby is not a reason to refuse to build a cellar. The only condition in this situation is that it is necessary to carry out careful calculations on the basement plan and think through the entire construction process to the smallest detail before building the cellar. If groundwater is close, then the construction of drainage will avoid excess moisture inside the basement. Drainage is a system of trenches that helps lower the groundwater level. The construction of a drainage system begins with digging a trench around the cellar pit about 1 m wide and just below the basement level. Next, the trench is refined with any material that does not rot. Coarse-grained crushed stone is used as filler, into which a perforated pipe is buried. The constructed trench is hidden with ordinary soil, after which they begin to waterproof the basement.

It is necessary to lay the entrance walls when the construction of the basement roof is completed.

The steps are then poured with concrete.

After completing all the above operations, the soil for the screed and the screed itself are planned at the entrance.

At the end, beacons are installed to ensure the same height and a screed is performed above the basement itself.

Now the finishing work begins.

How to insulate the basement of a house

Insulating the basement is as important a process as installing a ventilation system and performing waterproofing. Before you insulate your basement , it is necessary to select the most suitable insulation material. The insulation itself is carried out in three directions - the walls, floors and ceilings are sealed (if the basement serves as a separate room and not a cool cellar). Insulation work involves careful sealing of all joints and cracks, as well as reliable fastening insulating material. Particular attention is paid to the insulation of the pins and nails used in construction, since they are cold-conducting elements.

Heating the basement of a private house

A basement, equipped as a cellar for food preservation, does not need a heating system - such storage should always be a little cool. To ensure normal temperature conditions, it is enough to simply insulate the walls and ceiling in the basement. In the cellar, heating occurs naturally due to the release of heat from the soil due to soil heat accumulated in the surface layers. Additionally, in severe winter weather with significant frosts, the ventilation pipes are blocked and insulated.

If it is planned to place a full-fledged room in the basement, for example, a gym, playroom or office, then such a room is provided with a full-fledged heating system - a branch is made from the general heating system Houses. Then the basement of a private house is heated using one of the types of fuel: solid, gaseous or liquid. It is also possible to install an autonomous boiler or electric heater in such a room.

Basement design in a private house

Each owner chooses the design of a basement in a private house according to his own taste and depending on the purpose of the basement.

If it's a workshop

The room is equipped with reinforced shelves for storing tools, cabinets, and special equipment is installed;

If the basement will serve as a cellar for storing grown crops and other products

Accordingly, special compartments-dividers are erected in the room and racks for conservation are installed; if the basement serves as a recreation room, then the room is decorated as the owners wish.

When building a basement, you should initially take into account its functional purpose in order to determine its size and what materials will be required in the process. This will also help you decide on the choice of heating and ventilation system for the basement.


You should not think that the basement modern house can be used exclusively as a warehouse for unnecessary things - this room can be given a lot more useful applications. You can make a cellar in it. workshop, garage, equip technical and even residential premises. Why is it worse than, say, the first floor? The walls, floors and ceilings are the same - the only thing missing here is windows. In this article, together with the site, we will study the question of how to build a basement with your own hands and equip it according to modern requirements residential premises.

DIY basement construction photo

DIY basement: construction technology

Construction of a basement is the very first stage in the construction of a private house, unless, of course, you do not take into account the foundation and territory planning work. In some situations, the construction of the foundation is precisely the beginning of the construction of the basement - this approach to the matter is chosen when constructing low and light buildings. The entire process of building basements can be divided into three main stages: excavation (construction of a pit), pouring concrete base and the construction of basement walls, which in turn are an element of the foundation.

  1. Pit. Everything is clear here, and no questions should arise - an excavator is driven onto the site and a huge hole is dug with its help.
  2. Concrete base. In fact, you will have to fill in the so-called slab foundation or, simply put, a concrete pad. Sand filling is made at the bottom of the pit, then waterproofing is laid. on top of which a frame made of reinforcement is installed, which in turn is filled with concrete about 250 mm thick.
  3. Walls - you can pour them out of concrete yourself, or you can lay them out concrete blocks. Here, choose according to your taste and budget - blocks are more expensive, although if you take into account the work of installing formwork, reinforcement and concreting, it will turn out about the same. At this stage of work, you should take care of two things - you need to remember about the openings connecting the basement rooms, as well as the entrance. You will have to install a flight of stairs - you don’t want to get into residential or technical basements across the street? In general, in an amicable way, the door to the basement needs to be made both from the inside of the room and from the outside.
  4. The whole composition of concrete is completed by the ceiling. The ceiling of the basement is laid on the walls, which, in fact, are the foundation - usually concrete plates. Recently, monolithic casting technology has been increasingly used.

This is how the solution to the question of how to build a basement in a private house looks in brief? This is just a sequence of work - in fact, you will have to face a lot of difficulties. You will need to resolve the issue of supplying communications, plan the premises in advance and decide on their purpose (one of them or even several in any case will have to be allocated for technical needs). In general, there is something to think about, and the main thing in this matter is not to rush, so as not to be like the saying “a good thought comes later.”

How to make a basement with your own hands photo

Basement waterproofing: two technologies that will ensure a dry climate

Waterproofing the basement must be approached with special care - especially if you want to make living quarters in it, where dampness is strictly contraindicated. As a rule, the issue of isolating basements from groundwater and simply moisture from the soil is solved by a set of measures that include external and internal waterproofing, as well as drainage of the foundation of the house. The latter is designed to remove excess moisture from the soil, and the first two prevent its residue from penetrating into the concrete.

Basement waterproofing photo

How to insulate a basement outside and inside

Many have noticed that the floors below ground level are always much colder; here the coolness comes from the ground. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, when the soil freezes in winter, it is not very good, since heating such a room is quite expensive. It is for this reason that the issue of basement insulation needs to be given due attention. There are two approaches to solving this problem - insulation can be done from the outside or from the inside of the room. The first is preferable.

External insulation of the basement is carried out using polystyrene foam with a thickness of at least 50mm. The beauty of this technology is that sheets of this material practically do not need to be fastened. It is enough to glue them pointwise using a special polyurethane foam. and the rest of the work will be done by the soil, which is used to fill the space around the already completed basement floor.

To enhance the effect of foam plastic, you can additionally perform internal insulation basement How to insulate a basement from the inside? Exactly the same as the walls of the upper floors - using mineral wool and plasterboard. In this case, the outer walls of the basement will have to be covered with plasterboard, and the space between it and the concrete will have to be filled with mineral wool. In principle, if we are talking about saving space, then you can resort to the so-called insulated plaster - its efficiency is much lower, but in combination with external insulation the effect will be quite sufficient.

Don't forget about floor insulation. Fill the reinforced screed over the foam and everything will be fine.

How to make basement ventilation: main stages of work

You simply must ensure a supply of fresh air to the basement, even if a garage or workshop is planned in it. Without proper ventilation, mold will likely grow in underground rooms, despite high-quality insulation and waterproofing. You will need to calculate and assemble a full-fledged, branched ventilation system - install air ducts, equip their end parts with adjustable grilles and equip this system with forced fans. No matter how difficult it may seem, ventilation is actually simple to do.

The simplest version of the ventilation system is two pipes leading outside, one of which goes down closer to the floor (through which air flows into the room), and the other closer to the ceiling (its task is to remove polluted air naturally). To remove air from all rooms simultaneously, the upper pipe is branched using tees and carried into each individual room. This is how ventilation of the basement of a private house is done. As you can see, there is nothing complicated.

To conclude the topic, a few words about how to build a basement with your own hands in an already finished house. In principle, this task is doable, although it will be difficult. You will need to remove the floors, dig along load-bearing walls trenches to the depth of the basement, fill them with concrete, after it dries, remove all remaining soil, make a floor in the basement, and then build floors, not forgetting about the entrance to the basement. In general, it is difficult and time-consuming, and most importantly, it is impossible to do without subsequent repairs of the entire house.

How to equip a gas boiler room in the basement of a private house? Heating the basement of a private house

pipe insulation, how to make heating in the base

Basement heating is of interest to both owners multi-storey buildings, and private country cottages. They are often equipped with bars, billiard rooms, cafes, recreation areas, gyms, saunas or small cinemas.

Any similar use of the underground of a house requires heating of the basement for people to be comfortable in it.

Types of basements

SNiP 31-02-2001 regulates the types of underground premises as follows:


It is a floor with a floor in a room that is below the ground level by half the height of the walls. A room of this type can be forced-heated with additional equipment, or without heating.


The space located under the house between the ceiling of the first floor and the ground. The bottom of the building, where communication pipelines are laid and equipment is placed, is called technical underground.

Ground floor

The basement of a house is characterized by a floor level below the ground, recessed to a distance of less than half the height of its walls. Lighting, heating and other types of work are done in the basement, since this room has great functionality and is used as an additional floor of the house.


The cellar is buried in the ground, ensuring the storage of food and crops throughout the winter. It can be made either under a building or as a separate building; it can be placed under any outbuilding.

Organization of thermal protection at home

In places where heating will be done in the basement of a private house, it is necessary to insulate the external walls, especially the parts that will be in direct contact with the ground. This will help keep the heat inside and prevent condensation from forming.

In basements without heating, insulation with heat-protective materials is done, as for a heated one, only additional layers can be added to the ceiling of the room to prevent the cold from penetrating into the upper floors.

But even so, the temperature in the house will be significantly lower, so individual insulation of heating pipes in the basement is necessary from freezing during the cold season.

With external thermal insulation, the basement receives the following advantages:

  • There are no cold bridges through which wind and frosty air enters the room;
  • When condensation forms, it does not have time to cause a destructive effect on materials and the room;
  • The useful space inside the basement does not become smaller;
  • It is convenient to inspect structures, which allows you to quickly notice their damage by fungus or mold, as well as defects due to damage from insects and rodents.

Among the disadvantages it is necessary to note:

  • It is necessary to protect the layers of thermal insulation from mechanical damage for the entire period of use of the house, with the cost of protective devices being significantly greater than the layers of thermal insulating material themselves;
  • It is difficult to protect against damage from insects; disinfestation is done using poisons and other toxic substances, which is not always applicable in a residential building;
  • When facing with brick, cold can penetrate, which will reduce the heat level in the room.

Even when designing the structure, protective work is planned against the following factors:

  • The impact of groundwater, which, if it gets into the basement, is difficult to dry, especially in terms of enclosing structures;
  • Moisture in concrete mixture when poured, it enters the room for a long time, imparting dampness and a musty smell;
  • Capillary rise of water from different sources through capillaries in the materials from which the basement was built is possible;
  • The air in the room also forms moisture through condensation; the inner layer of thermal insulation is not capable of ensuring absolute tightness, so condensation may form on the walls of the base. It is also formed from gases from the soil, which can penetrate the entire perimeter of the basement;
  • For internal insulation of a room, materials are often used whose level of water penetration is quite high, and when wet their characteristics are reduced. Then it is necessary to protect them individually waterproofing works;
  • Internal thermal insulation layers create difficulties when draining the basement. Moisture from soil, concrete and capillary water from base materials are very difficult to remove and require long-term drying. It is required to make high-quality waterproofing;
  • The walls that are below ground level are cold, and the warm and humid air of the basement somehow affects them from the inside, which leads to the formation of moisture with subsequent destruction of materials.

When equipping a structure that protects from damage, additional layers of thermal protection can be made, both outside and inside. But they have the same disadvantages as the base, only at the same time they increase the estimate several times.

Arrangement of heating of underground premises

Heating in the basement is designed to create optimal temperature regime, which changes during its operation. As a rule, water or air systems are used. The loads of the basement heating system are determined based on the heat balance of the basement.

When the basement is not in use by the owner, a high temperature can be maintained without using a heater - at a depth of more than two meters, the temperature in some regions does not drop below - degrees Celsius.

Proper thermal insulation of basement walls keeps the temperature at a level of up to degrees Celsius without additional heating systems. In addition, communications and equipment also emit heat, which makes it possible to increase the temperature of the room.

All heating devices are located near the enclosing structures of the basement walls.

Requirements for gas equipment in the basement

When installing gas boilers and other equipment, you must follow the rules for their installation and use. A gas boiler is installed if there is a boiler room in a private house. In the underground apartment building installation gas equipment strictly prohibited.

The requirements for installing gas units are as follows:

  • Ceilings in the room must be at least 2.5 meters;
  • The basement area cannot be less than 4 square meters;
  • Natural lighting must be provided, and for every ten square meters of the room there must be at least one window opening measuring 0.3 sq.m.;
  • Doorways should be at least 80 centimeters in width;
  • The basement must be equipped with high-quality ventilation;
  • It is necessary to make a gas analyzer that can use an electric valve to turn off the gas supply in the event of a problem.

Operation of gas equipment in the basement must be carried out exclusively in accordance with the rules:

  • With open doors to the street,
  • With a hood, the draft of which is at least three volumes of air per hour;
  • The air flow is calculated by the sum of the exhaust volume with the amount of air required for burner operation;
  • A window must be equipped.

Installation of a coaxial chimney for a gas boiler in the basement

Except electric ones, everything gas boilers installed in a basement with air flow and smoke removal. This device is located next to the unit or with heating boilers with a sealed combustion compartment.

As a rule, manufacturers supply this equipment along with the boiler. A classic hood is not required for such devices; combustion products will not be removed from the room.

The device is characterized by the presence of two tubes, which are located one inside the other without contact. They are taken outside. A larger channel is made to remove combustion products, and a small tube brings in fresh air.

Then the smoke from the boiler is removed safely, without coming into contact with incoming portions of air from the outside.

The advantages of such a device:

  • The ease of operation of the device allows it to be placed anywhere;
  • When placing the smoke outlet horizontally, there is no need to break through the walls for the exhaust hood equipment to remove the gas. Windows can be used;
  • The system does not contact the air in the basement, oxygen in the room does not burn, and carbon monoxide does not flow into the basement;
  • Outside air enters through the tube already heated, heating is done by the device of the tube, which increases the power of the boiler;
  • The device is easy to install;
  • The equipment is equipped with fire protection due to cold outside air.

Installation of a coaxial chimney is done as follows:

  • The chimney gas exhaust pipe is placed vertically to a maximum of 3 meters in height;
  • The outlet to the street is made horizontally through the wall near which the boiler is placed; the area cannot be less than one meter;
  • If the draft is forced by fans, then a horizontal outlet is not required;
  • The outlet of the chimney opening must be 2 meters above the ground and at least one and a half meters above the chimney itself. It can also be done near a window opening or ventilation vent at a distance of half a meter from them;
  • An inclined pipe is used to drain condensate.

Commissioning of gas equipment and any renovation work must be carried out by employees of specialized gas organizations.

heating the basement of a private house

Articles written

How to organize heating in the basement of a private house?

Peter Kravets

Let's look at how to heat a basement

Cellar construction technology

How to heat the basement is of interest to home owners if they want to set up a billiard room, home cinema, sauna or gym. Here you can build a swimming pool or even additional living space.

In all these cases, proper heating is required. How to properly heat a basement with your own hands is suggested in this article.

What types of basements are there?

According to SNiP 31-02-2001, basements can be:

  • Basement. It is a floor in which the floor level of the room is lower than the planned ground level and more than 1/2 the height of the room. It can be heated, with the installation of heating devices, or without heating.
  • Underground. This is the space located under the building between the ceiling of the first floor and the ground surface. The lower part of the building, the room where communications are laid and engineering equipment is located, is the technical underground.
  • Ground floor. It is arranged when the floor level of the room is lower than the planned ground level by a height of no more than half the height of the rooms. The ground floor differs from the underground in the presence natural light and great functional content.
  • Cellar. It is a device buried in the ground used for storing food all year round. It can stand separately from buildings, be located under residential building or any outbuildings.

(Read also Basement and basement: difference and Constructive decisions)

How to organize thermal protection for a basement

In heated basements, thermal insulation of external structures that are in direct contact with the ground provides protection for walls in the ground from freezing, prevents the internal surfaces of enclosing structures from condensation, and reduces heat loss.

The photo shows four main methods of constructing thermal insulation for heated basements:

Basic methods of thermal insulation of basements

Thermal insulation in basements without heating is carried out in the same way as in heated ones. It can be done with the additional construction of a thermal insulation layer in the ceiling above the basement, when the unheated basement is separated from the part of the building located above the ground by a layer of thermal insulation.

In this case, the temperature in the basement will be significantly lower, and in order to prevent freezing and protect the communications laid in the basement from damage, they may need to be insulated.

When placing a layer of thermal insulation on the street side of the basement structure, there are the following advantages:

  • It makes it easier to eliminate cold bridges.
  • When condensation occurs, the moisture content of the enclosing structures is minimal.
  • The usable area inside the room is not reduced.
  • Convenience for inspecting structures, which allows you to promptly notice their damage, such as rotting, destruction due to the action of insects.

The disadvantages of external thermal insulation are:

  • The need to protect the thermal insulation layer from mechanical damage during construction and during the entire period of its operation, and the price of such protection may be higher than the cost of the thermal insulation material.
  • Insect control is difficult to implement. This problem, when using external insulation, can only be eliminated with poisons, which is not always possible.
  • When making brick cladding, there may be cold bridges that increase heat loss in the basement.

Formation of a cold bridge with external insulation of the basement

In order to avoid problems associated with waterlogging of enclosing structures, which lead to unpleasant odors, mold, rot and corrosion.

In this case, at the design stage of the structure it is necessary to solve problems such as:

  • Groundwater inflow. Once they get into the basement, it is very difficult to ensure quick drying of the basement enclosing structures.
  • Moisture present in building materials with freshly laid concrete, it exits through the room itself quite long time.
  • Capillary rise of liquid occurs through the foundation of the building.
  • Moisture condensation forms from the room air. This is due to the fact that it is difficult for the internal thermal insulation layer to ensure tightness, which contributes to the condensation of internal air on the concrete foundation wall; in addition, moisture condensation is possible from soil gases, which often penetrate along the perimeter of the base of the basement.
  • When constructing internal thermal insulation, materials that are sensitive to moisture are often used, whose performance deteriorates significantly when wet. In this case, even at the construction stage, very high-quality waterproofing should be carried out, which is often difficult to achieve.
  • The inner layer of thermal insulation can create difficulties when drying it, for example, with a closed vapor barrier layer. This occurs when moisture is released, which is present in building materials, the seepage of soil liquid and the capillary rise of moisture.
  • Simple removal With an internal vapor barrier layer, this problem does not disappear. In this case, moisture gets inside the thermal insulation from the basement air, and then condenses inside the enclosing structures. This creates favorable conditions, in which mold and fungi develop.
  • Walls located below ground level are quite cold, they are in direct contact with the ground, and many methods of constructing thermal insulation inside the basement cannot ensure the tightness of the thermal insulation layer. In summer, warm and fairly humid air from the room can flow onto cold surfaces of the basement, where the air temperature inside is below the dew point.

Tip: With moisture and insects, the least number of problems are created by a basement design with a middle layer of thermal insulation, although it is the most expensive and structurally complex option.

When using a building envelope that has external and internal thermal insulation layers, the same disadvantages exist as when using external thermal insulation, and the additional installation of an internal thermal insulation layer increases its cost.

How to organize heating in the basement

Heating in basements is necessary to maintain desired temperature internal air, which depends on the purpose of the room during operation. The most commonly used systems are air and water heating.

The load on the heating system can be determined from the heat balance equation for the basement. In some cases, in basements that are not in use, it is possible to maintain a relatively high temperature without installing a heating system. This is possible at a soil depth below two meters in the climate of the Moscow region, where it never drops below 5–10 °C.

Properly manufactured thermal insulation of walls in the basement allows you to maintain a temperature of 5–10 °C in cold weather without additional heating. In addition, engineering equipment located in the basements makes it possible to maintain the required temperature due to process heat generation. Heating devices are most often located near the surfaces of the basement enclosing structures.

What are the basic requirements for placing gas equipment in the basement?

The requirements for the installation and operation of gas equipment are strictly regulated and limited. The question of whether it is possible to install a gas boiler in the basement is specified in building codes and regulations.

A gas boiler can only be installed if the boiler room is in a private house. In the basement apartment buildings installation of gas heating equipment is prohibited. The instructions indicate the requirements that must be observed when installing gas boilers.

These include:

  • The ceiling height in the room is at least 2.5 meters.
  • The total area in the basement must be more than 4 square meters.
  • Natural lighting is a must here. The area of ​​the window opening is 10 sq.m. rooms of at least 0.3 sq.m.
  • Construction required front door, the width of which is at least 80 cm.
  • Availability in the basement natural circulation air.
  • It is necessary to provide for the installation of a gas analyzer and a special electric valve that gives a signal and turns off the gas supply.

Advice: The main requirement for the installation of gas equipment is good air circulation, which is only possible if there is a large air flow.

When used in the basement heating equipment should be strictly observed established standards.

These include:

  • Open doors to the street.
  • The hood must correspond to a coefficient that is equal to three times the air exchange per hour.
  • Inflow required air is calculated by summing the exhaust volume and the required amount of air for normal operation of the burner, as indicated in the data sheet.
  • There must be a vent, no matter what kind of gas there is in the basements.

Installation of a coaxial chimney for a gas boiler

When installing heating boilers, with the exception of electric ones, it is necessary to properly arrange the removal of smoke and the flow of oxygen necessary to support the combustion of the coolant.

For gas boiler such a device can be installed together with heating boilers that have closed chamber combustion. Most often, the necessary equipment is included with the boiler itself.

Such devices can be installed in any room; they do not require the installation of a classic exhaust system. It is enough to place a coaxial chimney. There is no need to remove combustion products from the basement.

Coaxial chimney

The unit consists of two tubes, which are located one inside the other, do not touch each other, thanks to special jumpers, and are led out into the street. The design combines two independent channels.

They are used for specific purposes:

  • A small diameter pipe is used to remove combustion products.
  • An element with a larger diameter takes air into the combustion chamber.

In this case, smoke is removed from the boiler, and air enters it. The advantage of such a system is that it is securely closed and the air inside the room does not mix with smoke and air inside the coaxial chimney.

The advantages of installing the device are:

  • The most important thing is the simplicity of the system design and the ability to install the heating device in any in the right place.
  • At horizontal position chimney does not need to break through the roof to remove gas. The pipe can be led outside through a window or the wall closest to the boiler.
  • Such a system is not connected to the air in the room. When the device is operating, oxygen in the room is not burned out and does not flow into the rooms. carbon monoxide, accompanying the operation of gas boilers.
  • The air taken from the street enters the chamber where combustion occurs already heated, which is explained by its passage between the outer and inner pipes, through which the hot exhaust smoke is discharged outside. This increases the efficiency of the heating boiler.
  • The unit is easy to install.
  • It has an excellent degree of protection against unexpected fire. This occurs due to the cooling of the entire system by cool street air entering through the channel between the pipes.

When installing a coaxial chimney, several rules should be followed:

  • The vertical outlet pipe of a coaxial chimney should be a maximum of three meters.
  • The outlet pipe goes outside horizontally through the wall, close to which the boiler is located in the basement. A horizontal section no more than one meter long.
  • When installing forced draft, which is carried out using fans, vertical section no system needed.
  • The outlet should be located at a height of at least two meters above the ground and at least one and a half meters above the chimney.
  • The chimney outlet is mounted on the side or on top of any window, door or ventilation grill at a distance of half a meter from them.

Advice: You should not install the outlet of a coaxial chimney pipe under the window. But in case of emergency, the window can be located above the chimney at a distance of more than one meter.

  • Condensate drainage, when installing a coaxial chimney, is provided by a sloped pipe.

The video shows how to install a coaxial chimney and a basement with heating equipment.

Heaters for cellars and basements

Organize high-quality and efficient heating of the cellar or basement in country house is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Especially if you want to make the underground room suitable for growing plants or for long-term stay of people. Heating the floors using a heated floor system alone will not help here.

Homeowners often use heaters to increase the air temperature, although they look bulky in the basement and do not always solve the desired problem. Good decision will involve installing a heating system in the basement, however, from a technical point of view, this is a significant amount of work.

Main types of heating systems

We can immediately distinguish two main types of heating:

  1. Water heating private house, which provides for the installation of radiators and a boiler (gas or electric).
  2. Stove heating, the organization of which requires the presence of a “potbelly stove” or stove.

Water heating operates on the basis of a boiler (it can be electric or gas). One of the main advantages of such a heating system is the constant availability of warm water.

Simple water heating system: 1- boiler; 2 - expansion tank; 3 - supply pipe; 4 - radiator; 5 - return pipe.

When installing stove heating, the installation of a “potbelly stove” or stove is required. This type of heating is more economical both during installation and during further use, which is its main advantage. In addition, in this case there is no need to look for a place to install a bulky boiler. The stove will produce enough heat to heat a small basement of a private house.

But for the system to operate effectively, it is necessary to provide a chimney. Here you need to approach the issue responsibly and accurately calculate the parameters of the pipes to organize sufficient traction.

Calculation of underground floor heating

Often homeowners do not think about heating basements and basements because they do not use their area as a living area. And in seasonal homes, heating issues are not particularly relevant. However, if you live in a private house in winter, the situation changes dramatically. To organize a heating system, you will need to make some preliminary calculations.

When choosing boiler heating, it is necessary to accurately calculate the area of ​​​​the room that needs to be heated (this can be either the whole house at once, or just the basement). If the area is large enough (from 500 sq. m.), then the boiler power should be more than 40 kW. When it is necessary to heat only the basement of a private house, then simple equipment with a power of about 25 kW will be sufficient.

When installing a stove, you must first of all decide on its type: a “potbelly stove”, a brick stove or, possibly, a long-burning stove. When choosing a potbelly stove, you need to take into account that this device can only heat a small cellar or basement country house, therefore, if you need to heat a large room, you should pay attention to other types of stoves.

The long-burning stove is suitable for an area of ​​up to 200 square meters. m. The required power of such a stove is calculated in exactly the same way as in the case of boiler equipment. A good option would be to install a traditional brick stove, because in this case you don’t have to decide on power. The main thing is to correctly calculate the dimensions of the chimney and arrange the firebox.

If you install a stove in the basement, it can solve heating problems in the entire private house. Here important point is that the stove must be located in the lower rooms so that warm air masses circulate correctly - from bottom to top. If there is no basement in the house, then the stove should be placed on the ground floor.

If a traditional brick stove was installed in the basement, it is important to remember that its damper should be closed when everything has already burned out and no flame appears on the coals. This will significantly save fuel by saving heat. If this is not done, the heat emanating from the coals will simply go out into the chimney.

Installation of heated floors in the basement

The presence of a heated floor in a living space will become great solution to create a comfortable environment. Often, heated floors are installed even when the house has stove heating, since cold air masses that arise during ventilation of the room pass through the floor.

It must be taken into account that when installing a heated floor in the basement of a private house, it is necessary Special attention pay attention to thermal insulation and waterproofing of the foundation base. It is recommended to use a combined solution as insulation - mineral wool and polystyrene foam. Installation of an additional waterproofing layer is necessary if there is high level groundwater or there is a possibility of seasonal flooding of the basement.

Installation options for heated floors. Click to enlarge.

If the groundwater level is high, a drainage system should be provided on the site. This is very important if an electric heated floor is installed in the basement, which should not be exposed to moisture under any circumstances.

Heating using electrical appliances

Electrical appliances for heating basements are the simplest and a budget option. Today, a heater is an indispensable device that is used when it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature regime.

In order for heaters to work properly, the basement of a private house requires high-quality electrical wiring designed for their total power.

Electrical equipment can be very different. Let's consider its main types.

Convector heaters

To fully heat a large basement of a private house, convectors are best suited. Heaters of this type will help cope with cold air even in the bitterest frosts. Convectors can be made in different types designs, so you can choose the most convenient view (on the wall or on the floor).

Among the main advantages of such heaters are the following: the room warms up quickly and fully, the device is easy to install, it does not make noise, it can heat the entire building or individual rooms. The main disadvantage is the serious energy costs.

Convector heater.

Oil heaters

Previously, equipment of this type was used quite widely. For heating, the oil in the radiator must first warm up, after which it will begin to release heat into the room. IN in this case the time costs for heating a cellar or basement are much greater than in the case of convectors.

Oil heaters are quite cheap, easy to use, but have considerable weight and have some installation restrictions. Main advantages: long service life, absence of noise during operation, affordable price, ease of installation and maintenance, ability to move.

Oil radiator.

Infrared heaters

Equipment of this type is used extremely rarely for heating a basement or cellar. The point is that the devices operate in such a way that they only heat up those objects and surfaces that are under or in front of them (if the device is mounted on a wall). Thus, it will take considerable time and electricity to warm up the basement completely.

The main advantages of devices of this type: quiet operation, high level of reliability and long operation, safety in use, increased efficiency, the ability to heat a certain area. Among the disadvantages we highlight: stationary installation, high ceilings for installation, with prolonged use there is a possibility of overheating.

Infrared heater mounted on the ceiling.

Which heating method should I choose?

Heating a basement or cellar is a rather complicated issue. Here it is necessary to approach the issue of choosing the type of heating of the room as responsibly as possible, based on the wishes and requirements of the owner. For example, if you need to heat the basement in a seasonal home (that is, during the cold spring and autumn months), then installing a simple heater will be enough.

On the other hand, if you plan to make a full-fledged living space from the basement of a country house, then it is necessary to arrange more efficient heating. The best option in this case seems to be installing a furnace or boiler. It is worth noting that to install a gas boiler it is necessary to allocate separate room, and its work must be coordinated with the relevant services.

calculation and selection of a furnace for heating and forming a heated floor

Preface Heating a basement is a labor-intensive process that allows you to make a given area suitable for living.

Heating a basement is a labor-intensive process that allows you to make this area livable. When you decide to implement such an idea, the question immediately arises: turn to a professional or do it yourself. If you don’t understand anything about heating, insulation and have never held a screwdriver in your hands, then your verdict is clear - you need help. But if you understand a little about all these issues, know how to handle the tool and want to realize your idea, then you can safely get to work.

So, if you decide to do the heating in the basement yourself, then you will have to decide on the following questions:

  • how to heat a basement;
  • how to calculate basement heating;
  • how many and what materials will be needed;
  • how to install the system.

All these questions are very important and the progress of the work depends on their solution. Therefore, first decide on the answers to these questions, and then get down to the main work.

How to heat a basement: heating options

The first question that needs to be resolved is how to heat the basement, that is, with what. There are two options - water and stove heating. The first requires the presence of batteries and a boiler, and the second - only a stove or potbelly stove.

Water heating

It’s quite easy to do water heating with your own hands, which is why they resort to it most often.

This type of heating can be realized using an electric or gas boiler. True, there is one big drawback here - heating occurs due to steam, which rises upward, and, therefore, the most high temperatures fall on the upper part of the basement. This way, you heat the ceiling instead of distributing heat evenly throughout the room. Therefore, water heating has a very low level Efficiency But there is also a big advantage here - the presence hot water in system.

Stove in the basement of the house

You can install a stove or stove. This type of heating is more economical in terms of installation and operation, which is its main advantage. And you won’t have to clutter up the basement area with a large boiler.

The stove also provides a sufficient amount of heat for heating, the main thing is to correctly resolve issues with the implementation of the chimney, which is very often problematic, since you need to correctly calculate the length of the pipe in order to have good draft.

Each of these options is well suited for heating the basement of a private house, as it can serve as separate heating for the basement or for the entire house as a whole. So, by placing a stove or boiler in the basement, you can make a “fork” throughout the room.

Basement heating calculation

Heating is an important component of a living space. If in summer time heating is an inconspicuous and seemingly unnecessary detail, then in winter everything changes dramatically. So, you have already decided what to heat with, now you need to calculate the heating of the basement.

If you have chosen boiler heating, then you need to know the area of ​​the area that you are going to heat. This could be the whole house or just the basement. But it is more expedient - the whole house. So, to calculate the boiler power, decide on the area that needs heating. After this, compare the indicators with the following diagram: with an area of ​​60-180 m2, the boiler power should be no more than 25 kW, from 200 to 300 m2, the boiler power is 25-35 kW, 300-600 m2 - 35-60 kW, 600-1200 m2 – 60-100 kW.

If you want to install a stove, then decide what kind of stove it will be - a potbelly stove, a long-burning stove or a brick stove. If it’s a bourgeois, then with 6-8 m2 you can get by with a simple model that you can make yourself. But at 40-60 m2, a potbelly stove assembled independently will no longer be able to cope with the heating task assigned to it. Here you will need oven models made in production.

Long burning stoves are suitable for areas up to 210 m2, and required power Such a stove for your basement can be calculated in the same way as the power of a water heating boiler. A simple brick stove is the simplest option; its power does not need to be calculated, although here you need to not miscalculate the length of the chimney and correctly implement the firebox.

Stove heating in the basement: nuances

A stove in the basement is the only correct solution for heating the entire house as a whole. The fact is that it is better to place the oven at the bottom of the room so that circulation warm air went correctly - from bottom to top. Otherwise, there is a sharp decrease in efficiency, and unnecessary costs appear. If the house does not have a basement, then the stove should be located on the first floor of the building. Also, the oven area should be fenced off from the general space.

But there are also some nuances here. A stove in the basement of a house is not just heating of the home, but an element of the system that requires attention. For example, with a conventional brick stove installed, the pipe damper must be closed at the moment when everything has burned out and no blue flames appear when the coals move. This allows you to save fuel by saving heat. If this is not done, then the heat provided by the smoldering coals will be “blown out” into the chimney. That is, the temperature in the furnace cannot heat the air entering the pipe. Therefore, it turns out that if you close the damper early, you can let smoke into the room, and if you close it too late, you will miss out on precious heat.

Warm floor in the basement

Warm floors in the basement are no less important detail insulation of the basement. This is especially important when stove heating, when a cool “breeze” pulls across the floor, which arises (particularly in brick kilns) as a result of ventilation and characteristics of the chimney. So, how to implement floor insulation in the basement?

It is best to use the following scheme:

First “layer”: waterproofing;

Second “layer”: thermal insulation made of polystyrene foam or mineral wool;

Third “layer”: screed;

Anti-drip waterproofing is designed to protect the floor from the effects of groundwater. For thermal insulation, it is best to use waterproof materials that can withstand heavy loads. Therefore, polystyrene foam or mineral wool are best suited for these purposes. Laying waterproofing is necessary only if mineral wool was used to lay the previous layer. With polystyrene foam there is no need for this material. And the final stage of work will be screeding. It is best to implement a “clay castle” type screed, which will guarantee the necessary protection for your entire floor.

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Heating in the basement, basement or cellar

As a rule, multi-story buildings have a basement. Initially, the purpose of the basement was to create a place where heating system equipment and pipelines could be placed. Then the basement began to be used for storing something technical, and then for storing vegetables, fruits, and pickles, as in a cellar. Recently, due to the high cost of space and rent, basements have begun to be used for completely different purposes.

High-quality thermal insulation in the basement will ensure less heat loss.

The ground floor can often be seen converted into a store, warehouse, office and even residential premises. If the BTI and technical supervision services do not have any questions or complaints, then such re-equipment in basements is quite acceptable, but requires the installation of heating.

Selecting a heating option

How to choose the right heating in the basement? A difficult question, the answer to which considers several options. There is no need to rush when choosing heating for the basement; it is important to calculate all the work, in addition, decide in economic terms what will be more profitable and what will be suitable and almost ideal for your premises.

House heating scheme.

Only after this you have to choose which type of heating is most suitable. To measure the area of ​​the basement, as well as temperature fluctuations, you will need:

  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • note paper;
  • thermometer;
  • barometer.

You should record temperature and humidity readings over a period of several days to determine what will work for you. Then analyze the indicators that will show you what humidity is in the basement and how much heat is required for heating. There is equipment that not only heats, but also dries the air, or vice versa, humidifies it. In addition, you will have to take into account the structure of the foundation of the room, repairs in the room, the presence of doors and windows.

It is also important how isolated the basement is from general communications. If it is possible to insert into general heating, remember that problems may arise with payment calculations, since it is not always possible to calculate the correct numbers. However, there are options where individual heating not suitable for your specific basement.

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Author Topic: calculation of heating in the basement (Read 2858 times)

Davydova Elena Ivanovna, individual entrepreneur (Perm)

IMHO, you should be guided by MDK 4 - 05.2004, approved. Gosstroy of Russia 08/12/2003 And if Management Company the basement will still be classified as a “heated basement”, then the calculation should be carried out according to clause 1.2.:

“If there is a heated basement in the building, 40% of the volume of this basement must be added to the resulting volume of the heated building. The construction volume of the underground part of the building (basement, ground floor) is determined as the product of the horizontal sectional area of ​​the building at the level of its first floor and the height of the basement (ground floor).”


As a rule, multi-story buildings have a basement. Initially, the purpose of the basement was to create a place where heating system equipment and pipelines could be placed. Then the basement began to be used for storing something technical, and then for storing vegetables, fruits, and pickles, as in a cellar. Recently, due to the high cost of space and rent, basements have begun to be used for completely different purposes.

High-quality thermal insulation in the basement will ensure less heat loss.

The ground floor can often be seen converted into a store, warehouse, office and even residential premises. If the BTI and technical supervision services do not have any questions or complaints, then such re-equipment in basements is quite acceptable, but requires the installation of heating.

Selecting a heating option

Only after this you have to choose which type of heating is most suitable. To measure the area of ​​the basement, as well as temperature fluctuations, you will need:

  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • note paper;
  • thermometer;
  • barometer.

You should record temperature and humidity readings over a period of several days to determine what will work for you. Then analyze the indicators that will show you what humidity is in the basement and how much heat is required for heating. There is equipment that not only heats, but also dries the air, or vice versa, humidifies it. In addition, you will have to take into account the structure of the foundation of the room, repairs in the room, the presence of doors and windows.

It is also important how isolated the basement is from general communications. If there is a possibility of connecting to general heating, remember that problems may arise with payment calculations, since it is not always possible to calculate the correct numbers. However, there are options where individual heating is not suitable for your specific basement.

Gas or electricity?

It is recommended to use a network voltage in the basement no higher than 42 V.

So, an important factor in determining which basement heating you choose will be the purpose of the room. If you plan to equip a living space in the basement, you will need full heating so that it is warm even in the most terrible frosts. Options for steam heating and a gas boiler will be relevant here, if the design provides for this. If the ventilation of the basement is poor, then first you need to finish it, plastering all the cracks where outside air can come from.

If you are planning an office space or a store, you can opt for a heating system based on radiators that operate from electrical network and are capable of heating rooms with a fairly large area. Such heating in the basement will also dry the air, so it is ideal for rooms with high humidity. But with this choice of heating, it is worth paying attention to the power of the electrical network where the radiator will be connected. If the office is heated, where there is already a lot of electrical appliances and electronics, such voltage will not be able to withstand the network and there will be a need to install additional equipment, which will incur certain costs in addition to paying for electricity.

If the humidity in the basement exceeds acceptable standards, then in addition to heating, you should also worry about drying the air, since moisture destroys the basement as a whole and negatively affects the quality of the air you will breathe. This way you can create comfortable conditions on the ground floor.

If you plan to store something in the basement, use it as a warehouse, and the relatively low temperature will not interfere with storage, you can use an ordinary battery, and installing it will not require any special changes in the heating design throughout the house.

Infrared heating is an alternative to boilers and batteries. This option has several advantages: short installation work, ease of installation of equipment. It can be arranged quickly, conveniently, simply and efficiently.

In any case, when installing any heating, consultation with certain responsible services is first necessary. You can only install a heater in the basement yourself; in all other cases, you will need the help of specialists, professionals in their field.

Calculations that will be associated with installing heating in the basement are also best left to professionals.