Is it possible to change radiators during the heating season? Is it possible to change batteries during the heating season? When to change heating batteries

We recently bought an apartment and didn’t have time to change the batteries - we turned on the heating. The house is a cooperative one, turning off the heating must be agreed upon with the person in charge of the house. She categorically refused to do this, and the local mechanic, bypassing her, also refused to help us. They suggest waiting until the end of the heating season. What can be done in this situation? And one more thing: if you still have to wait for spring, is it possible to fill the floors, lay laminate and stretch the ceiling, and then replace the batteries? Please advise how to make sure that the repair after replacing the radiators does not suffer, otherwise I just give up...

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8 answers

It’s okay, the batteries can be replaced at any time, both before and after the laminate ceiling.

Helpful answer? 1 Yes

/ No
Before you fill the floors, think about your neighbors below)))) you can wet them a little))))

and batteries are changed in the summer. 1

Helpful answer?
Not really
Here Vladimir discovered such technologies! Freezing!!! Live and learn...

It seems to me that Alina has no urgent need to install these batteries at any cost.
It’s just that a person is worried, but then how to do it?!
Alina, lay the film on the floor, put wet rags or damp cardboard on it. And let the master fiddle there with his welding/grinder.

These are all local gadgets. What if you have an accident? What if your radiator is leaking? Will you wait until summer? Substitute basins? Your manager is simply a fool or extorting bribes. All over the world, radiators are replaced year-round. The shutdown of risers is generally short-term, especially since severe frosts are still far away. To replace a radiator, a normal plumber needs no more than half an hour, even if you digest the riser and re-solder the piping - about 2 hours. Sometimes, usually when it’s really very cold outside and you need to speed up the process of turning on the water, they simply turn it off for literally 5-10 minutes to turn on the American taps (if they don’t exist). Then change (remove and install) your batteries at least every day, even throughout the winter.
What do you need to do. There are three options:
1. Talk to the manager again about the reasons for not turning off your riser. Motivation and written explanation. If you have a cooperative, then you, as a member of the cooperative, have the right to collect signatures, an extraordinary meeting and elect a new manager. Remember your rights. To turn off the riser you just need to turn off two taps and drain the water. This does not affect the heating system of the house (the entire circuit).
2. emergency call. There is a city emergency service. They called - I have a leak. The emergency crew arrived and turned off the riser. Change radiators. By the way, in a number of regions, for example in St. Petersburg, on weekends when local plumbers are on weekends, turning off the risers through the emergency lights is a common practice. You don't pay any penalties or extra money. And some houses (housing office, management company, etc.) do not have their own full-time plumber at all and are completely dependent on the emergency lights.
3. Use freezing technology. There is a special device that freezes the pipe in front of the radiator. The condition is that the length of the arm from the bypass to the radiator is at least 30 cm, so as not to stop the circulation of water through the bypass. In large cities, there are usually companies or private plumbers who use freezing when installing water systems. Yandex to help.

Helpful answer? 3 Yes

Vladimir, we had fun with the first point.)))
Theoretically, a member of a cooperative has rights, but in practice, how do you imagine this?))
In practice, it will be like this: no one will go to any meetings, the members of the cooperative do not care about the needs of a separate apartment, which not only do not concern them, but may also create temporary difficulties for them, because after turning off the risers, it is very likely that it will be easy and It’s just that they may not connect back, the mechanics from DEZ won’t come running at this moment, which means that the apartment will have at least a day on the riser without heating. It’s not winter yet, of course, but this situation is still undesirable for other apartments. The manager will not give any written explanations; no one can force her. Regarding the election of a new manager on this occasion, only homeric laughter is possible. By the way, there are no applicants for this position. The duties are dreary and not worth the money that is paid for this work. So here you can only reach an agreement on personal charm...
Or, as advised above, replace it in the summer, protecting it around the surface from welding - grinders. This will work out quite well.
Does the emergency gang turn off the risers without looking? Exclusively from words? Our emergency system always checks whether there is a leak or not. And then it just turns it off.

Helpful answer?

Not really water wears away stones. If the manager (chairman of the cooperative, etc.) does not fulfill his duties, if he exceeds his official powers, and in general is not satisfied with his work, then why should he sit in his chair and receive a salary? I repeat once again - not a single one exists in nature normative document

prohibiting turning off the riser during the heating period to replace the radiator. There are no such regulations. Neither at the federal level, nor at the municipal level, nor at any other level. This is nothing more than the arbitrariness of a particular person. Either out of stupidity or self-interest. By the way, this situation is not new. About 6 or 7 years ago I encountered a similar problem., three floors, three entrances. Cooperative. The woman was quite young (about 35 years old), a single mother with 2 jobs and also danced in the evenings in clubs (very pretty, by the way), in general she was spinning around like she was in a frying pan. I saved up for an apartment in this house, I renovated it. No matter where you poked, they ran into NIZZY. The same risers, for example. In the end, I got tired of it all and I jokingly told this woman that with your energy, you need to become the chairman of the cooperative yourself. You won’t believe it, but after 3 months it happened. First of all, she ran around all the apartments and collected signatures for an extraordinary meeting. They demanded a balance sheet and other bullshit. There she nominated herself for this position. Then a couple of months of butting heads with the chairman, but she didn’t waste any time. I told her what and how needed to be done in this house (there was no grounding and something else needed to be done on the roof), as well as how to dispose of the territory adjacent to the house (on the cooperative’s balance sheet) - demolish all the unauthorized garages, drive out the beer stall and make a playground, a parking space, etc... I didn’t delve into how she did the project, maybe she drew and calculated everything herself, but the point is that after 3 months she was the chairman.

It’s wonderful when a new family buys a separate home and moves in. Your own cozy “corner” that you have been dreaming about for so long. Pleasant chores begin, remodeling, choosing wallpaper, laminate, furniture, etc. And it’s great if you buy an apartment in the warm season, but what if the radiators in the apartment don’t work and it’s winter outside - is it possible to change the radiators in heating season?\r\n

Why is this becoming a problem?

\r\nIn order to answer, you need to find out how the heating system in a multi-storey building is designed. Heating system in multi-storey buildings begins by separating their house from the highways with retractable gates. House valves allow us to close the heating circuit in the summer and open it in the winter. Let's look at the example of a five-story house.\r\n\r\nThe layout of such a house is very simple; its heating is carried out with a bottom spill of water. Water distribution pipes are routed along the outer contour in the basement of each entrance. It is important to note that the house has only one system, but each entrance has its own pipe outlet, which is filled with water. Each system has its own risers, which are represented as jumpers. They are usually installed in the attic or on the upper floors. This is done so that the residents of the house can drain the water themselves before and at the end of the heating seasons.\r\n\r\nSuch a water spill is often associated with many problems; in order to run water into the radiators, it is necessary to purify the entire system , including pipes through which cold and hot water flows.\r\n\r\n \r\n

\r\nWater is distributed among the radiators located in the apartment using risers; there can be from 2 to 6 of them in the entrance. In order to start water in the heating network, they must regulate the water temperature, it must correspond to the season and rise from autumn to winter, and with an increase in the temperature outside, the temperature in the apartments must decrease.\r\n\r\n

\r\n\r\nAfter stabilization, to the required levels, the heating network can begin supplying water.\r\n\r\nNow, after we have examined the heating system in multi-story buildings, we can answer the question we posed - is it possible change batteries during the heating season?\r\n\r\nBatteries are being replaced all over the world all year round. To do this, you need to shut off the risers and do the work, at least replacing one battery per day. But you can’t just shut off the risers yourself. You will need to go to the housing office of your home and write a statement indicating the reason for replacing the batteries. After you sign the application, you will need to talk with the residents of the house and warn them about turning off the heating for 2-3 hours. And lastly, turn off the heating risers so that the water can drain and change your batteries. After this, you will need to refill the system with water, but it is better to play it safe and place rags or bowls in the places where radiators are replaced to avoid a flood. That's all, and you can safely continue the renovation and live in a warm apartment.

Date: 2015-03-26 13:00:45
Heating in an apartment is one of the main components comfortable life. Therefore, the question of replacing heating radiators sooner or later arises before every resident of both a new building and an old house. But when to change batteries depends on individual circumstances and personal preferences of the owners.

Modern and highly efficient water heating convectors have created a real boom among consumers. Perhaps only the lazy did not abandon the cast iron fins and install new efficient radiators. However, what exactly are the reasons that push people to replace old batteries in their home? Let's try to figure out how such a need arises and how it is better and more convenient to satisfy it.

Reasons for replacing batteries

Didn't pass the test. Every year before the start of the heating season, mandatory pressure testing is carried out at the entrance. It consists of supplying water under high pressure to the heating system - this procedure allows you to check pipes and radiators that have rested over the summer for leaks. The fact is that the pressure supplied at this moment is much greater than the working pressure - by the leaks that arise, you can understand the problems and, accordingly, have time to fix everything.

If, after pressure testing, you find a puddle under the battery or riser, then this is a clear sign that you should call the experts and at least repair the existing radiators. It is quite possible that for one reason or another they are no longer able to work for you and repairs will not help here - then you can think about replacing them with new ones.

Old age and wear and tear. Perhaps the age of the batteries is one of the main reasons for replacing them. And the point is not even that they are morally and physically outdated, but their inability to fully perform the assigned tasks.

Perhaps they can withstand the annual strength test, but their efficiency tends to zero. If you are dissatisfied with their level of heat output, spend standard high amounts on heating, and get no results, then the batteries are probably worn out and clogged to such an extent that they simply cannot heat you further.

New renovation. Some people replace heating batteries solely for aesthetic reasons. Agree, it’s not easy to fit into designer interior radiator made in the middle of the last century, while modern convectors They are distinguished by their excellent appearance and ability to fit into any project. It should be remembered that in this case, replacing the batteries should be one of the first steps in transforming the house.

When to change heating batteries

Not everyone knows when it is more convenient and profitable to change heating batteries: in winter or in summer? In fact, there is no clear answer to this question, since each season has its own pros and cons.

Replacing batteries in summer. Since at this time in most regions of Russia the heating season is over and the heating system is turned off, work can be done at any time, without haste and the risk of flooding neighbors. It is worth noting the economic component: in summer both the radiators themselves and the price of installation services are cheaper.

During the hot season, it is much easier to obtain official permission from the management company and do everything according to the law. However, crimping will have to wait until the fall - therefore, it will not be possible to check the quality and reliability of the installed batteries until then. Many people do not risk installing new radiators at the end of the heating season for this very reason - no one wants to cause their neighbors below to flood if they are installed incorrectly.

Replacing batteries in winter. During frosts outside the window, many are usually stopped by the need to turn off the riser and drain the water from it. In this case, not only you yourself, but also the entire entrance will have to be left without heat. According to the law, all actions must be coordinated in advance with the operating organization, since without their approval no one will be able to turn off the riser.

To do this, you need to write an application to the Criminal Code and wait for a positive response. In winter, they are very reluctant to give their consent, but you can always negotiate directly with the plumber, who has access to the riser valve. He can also replace batteries in a short time. If a master does this, then you don’t have to worry about your neighbors having time to freeze - a professional will be able to handle everything in less than an hour.

It is worth knowing that you will need to pay to turn off the riser. There are no state prices established here, since everything depends on the area where the house is located, its number of floors and the price of water. There are also certain restrictions on this procedure: during the heating season, you can turn off the riser for a maximum of three hours. And if the temperature outside the window has reached -30°C, turning off the heating system is impossible at all.

Application modern technologies in the manufacture of heating system elements allows not only high-quality heating of rooms, but also efficient use of energy resources. Cast iron batteries, which have been used for more than 20 years, have long exhausted their resources, and therefore replacement in an apartment is now becoming an urgent task for many residents of old buildings.

Work time

Any work related to the heating system must be carried out between heating season. IN in this case The exception is emergency situations. It is important to take into account that privatized apartments are maintained only at the expense of their owners. That is, free replacement of heating radiators in such a situation is impossible. In accordance with numerous legislative acts, the owner of the apartment must independently prepare it for the heating season. It is your responsibility to ensure proper operation heating devices. And if it is necessary to repair them, contact the operating company.

Main reasons for replacement

Since replacing radiators is related to the heating system

For other apartments, this procedure is quite serious. At the same time, it is important to know that replacement of heating radiators through the housing office is carried out only when they have failed and their service life has been exceeded.

In all other situations, the operating company carries out only minor repairs. According to current standards, lifetime cast iron batteries is 15-30 years and 30-40 years (closed systems).

If your great-grandmothers have seen cast iron radiators, then you can safely demand that the housing office replace the heating devices. However, it is worth considering that this type works belongs to the category overhaul. And even the operating organization itself does not know when it will be done.

Replacing radiators through the housing office

So, replacing heating radiators through the housing office begins, as a rule, with submitting an application. It’s no secret that communicating with such organizations requires limitless patience. Therefore, it is worth preparing an application in two copies. The responsible person of the operating organization must make a note of acceptance on your copy. It is necessary to ensure that there is an incoming number, date and legible signature of the person who accepted your application. You will need all this for further disputes with this organization. And they will definitely be there if you are determined.

You can also remind the housing office that if the battery breaks, then compensation for material damage in this case will be assigned to the service company. In general, you should prepare for a long struggle. Not everyone wants to get involved with the housing office. However, so that your communication does not boil down solely to payment for services, you need to know your rights, at least superficially.

Selection of heating devices

No matter

How the heating radiators will be replaced - through the housing office, with the help of a contractor or independently, you will need to select the type of heating device. After all, they should not only perform heating functions, but also fit harmoniously into the interior. Therefore, when choosing, you should consider the following:

  • Number of heating devices - one section should be per 2 m2 and additionally one more section for the entire area of ​​the room.
  • The amount of heat required to heat the room - per 1 m 3 in brick house there should be 34 W of thermal energy, in a panel building - 41 W, in a new building - 20 W. Based on this, the required amount of heat for the room is determined.

Which radiators are better

Today, steel and cast iron radiators are in great demand. They are perfect for central heating. The material has high heat transfer, is resistant to temperature and pressure changes, as well as aggressive environments. At the same time, replacing heating radiators with gas welding will allow you to reliably connect metal elements systems. However, in terms of aesthetic appearance, this option is a little doubtful.

Bimetallic radiators have appeared on the market relatively recently. They have already managed to win consumer recognition. Radiators in their characteristics practically do not differ from monometallic heating devices, however, appearance surpass them.

Where to begin

Before replacing heating radiators in an apartment, it is important to know the following: according to the law, additional installation of heating devices must be agreed upon with the administration of the operating organization. Because heating system calculated individually for each home (number of connected devices, temperature and volume of coolant, etc.). If the work is not coordinated, the overall quality of heating may decrease.

If replacing heating radiators through the housing office is not your option, then for permission you will need to submit the following documents for consideration:

  • An application must be accompanied by a technical passport for the apartment, and a certificate of ownership will also be required.
  • Thermal calculation of new heating elements.
  • Certificates of conformity for all components (shut-off valves, pipes, fittings, radiators, etc.).

It may take 2 months to review documents and issue a permit. You will also need to additionally write a statement about the need to drain the pipelines and turn off the riser. After the heating radiators are replaced, you will need to write an application for a technical examination.

Replacement of heating devices

Replacing heating devices consists of several main stages:

Starting the heating system

In order to avoid rupture of the heating device and water hammer during pressure testing, it is necessary to close the air release valve and all shut-off valves. Wait until the coolant fills the system and the pipelines become hot. Then slowly open the shut-off valve, carefully unscrew the air valve head and hold it open until water appears. This means that the radiator is completely filled with water and there is no airlock. As soon as water appears, the valve will need to be closed.

It's time to update the interior of your apartment, and this means that the old heating batteries also need replacing. In this type of work, there are many prejudices about when it is best to change batteries. Summer, winter, autumn or spring? During the heating season or summer season? In this article we will try to explain all the pros and cons of each possible option. Well, you decide for yourself when it’s better for you.

Let's start with the most popular misconception. “It’s better to change in the summer, because you don’t need to turn off the heating risers and drain the water,” the vast majority thinks so. And that's not true.

As you and I know, there is a heating season (autumn-winter), and there is a non-heating season (spring/summer). During the non-heating season, the heating risers in our apartments are cold, but does this mean that there is no water there and there is no need to contact the DEZ or Housing Office to drain the water? Doesn't mean that at all. In 99% of cases, there is water in the risers and they leave it there so that the pipes do not become “overgrown” with rust. The water just “stands” in the pipes and does not circulate. Of course, there are cases when there is no water in the system, but this is usually when the local public utilities targeted preparations for winter are underway, reworking pipes in the basement or replacing pumps. It is impossible to independently determine the presence or absence of water in the risers. Only the chief engineer at DEZ can know this or Management Company. Therefore, you will need to make sure that the water in the risers is drained during replacement a few days before the work.

So what should we do? When is the best time to change batteries?

The main advantage of carrying out work during the non-heating season is that it is very easy to agree on draining the water, because Nobody needs hot batteries at an outside temperature of +20C. In fact, this is where the advantages of carrying out work during the non-heating season end and a huge disadvantage begins: water will not be supplied to the risers under pressure until the start of the heating season, which means that the quality of the work performed and the level of heating of the radiator can only be checked after several months. (Heating is usually supplied on the 20th of September)

Now let's consider the option of replacing batteries in the autumn-winter season.

During the heating period, the risers are always filled with coolant and in order to carry out the work it is necessary to agree with the DEZ or Housing Office to turn off the risers. In fact, this is just as easy to do as in the summer. It is enough just to contact the chief engineer by phone or with a statement on paper. Next, he will give you a receipt, which you can pay at any branch of the Bank or via the Internet. That's all! All the difficulties of draining the risers with the help of a diesel pumping station or housing office are behind us. We really like to picture in our heads evil housing and communal services employees who snort displeasedly and are constantly rude to any of our requests. There is no such problem when it comes to draining water from risers, because it simply costs money, and everyone needs money. DEZ and ZhEK are no exceptions, but... we are a little distracted from the topic.

The most important advantage of replacing batteries during the heating season is that you can immediately check the quality of the welding and threaded connections after finishing the work (in our case, the tap is screwed to the pipe and to the radiator, and everything else is welded). You don't have to wait for water supply in the fall to make sure that the batteries heat well and the installation is done really well.

Plus, during the heating season, the cost of work falls slightly compared to the summer. Seasonal discounts appear.

Isn't the saved nerves and money a sufficient price for replacing batteries during the heating season?

In winter, changing batteries is a little more difficult, but cheaper and more reliable

In summer, changing batteries is a little easier, but more expensive