How to arrange a toilet in the country. How to build a wooden toilet in the country with your own hands. Current standards for the location of a country toilet on the site

The first building that every summer resident thinks about is a toilet. And here a number of questions arise that need to be resolved. First of all, you need to decide on the type of toilet, because there are many of them. Author's projects, which are distinguished by their unusual construction and design, deserve special attention.

In fact, when creating a country toilet with your own hands, you yourself can become an architect and develop unique project, which is ideal for your conditions. However, there are rules that it is advisable to follow. This guarantees a long service life of the structure.

When creating a country toilet with your own hands, you need to take into account the possible frequency of use, the number of family members and length of stay. The last parameter is of particular importance. The fact is that most country houses used periodically. You only enter them on weekends, and only in the summer. Naturally, in this case it makes no sense to install a structure that is designed for constant use and extremely high loads.

Special attention When building a country toilet with your own hands, you need to pay attention to the groundwater level. If it exceeds the 2.5 meter mark, then dig cesspool it is forbidden.

What types of toilets are there?

Before you start building with your own hands, you need to find out what they generally are. The first type is structures based on a cesspool. This is the simplest and quick way building a bathroom. But here there are some subtleties that you need to know about.

Firstly, such a toilet needs proper waterproofing. It will prevent spontaneous drainage into groundwater. Secondly, you need to think about cleaning in advance. For this, it is best to use a sewer machine.

Biotoilets are very popular now. They come in three types:

  • chemical,
  • peat,
  • electric.

Their main advantage is their ease of installation. Such a country toilet can be installed by anyone without special knowledge. The main thing is to connect the drain in the case of a peat toilet.

A dry toilet can be placed either inside the house or a special room can be made for it. We will talk further about the features of building a country toilet with your own hands. The most important thing is to choose the right model. When choosing, you need to consider how many people will use the restroom and how often.

There are models of country toilets with a tank of 100-150 liters, however, their price is appropriate. You will have to pay at least 15-20 thousand. But you can clean such a dry closet 1-2 times a year.

If you visit your dacha once a week, and completely close all the rooms for the winter, you can buy a bathroom for 5-6 thousand rubles. For a family from three people this will be more than enough.

Important ! Dry toilets are indispensable when a house is being built.

When a house and all the main construction works finished, it’s worth taking care of creating a major country toilet with your own hands, namely a septic tank. This structure is a complex of tanks buried in the ground. Moreover, they can be cleaned once every 8 years if you use a biological cleaning system.

Very often, when creating such country toilets with your own hands, concrete rings are used. They are immersed in the ground one by one, the joints between them are covered. It is believed that the ideal number of tanks is 3. The first two act as settling tanks. In the latter, filtering occurs. Waste is absorbed into the ground without the slightest harm to nature.

The fact is that in the country toilet with biological system cleaning present anaerobic bacteria. They process sewage, neutralizing all harmful substances. This is the only type of country toilet that you can create with your own hands near water supply points.

Important ! To install concrete rings you will need special equipment. But all the work can be done with your own hands.

We build a toilet house with our own hands

Preparatory stage

After you have decided on the place to build a country toilet with your own hands, you need to select the type of structure you need. There is a certain gold standard that is most often used by builders. This ratio is: 2.2x1x1.4 meters. If we talk about the form, then there are three most common varieties:

  • hut,
  • teremok,
  • house.

Before you start work, check that everyone is present at your dacha the right tools. To build a country toilet with your own hands, you will need:

  1. a hammer drill (if you don’t have one, a simple crowbar will do, but you’ll have to work hard);
  2. shovel;
  3. a barrel with a capacity of about 200 liters (needed for a cesspool); a concrete ring is also suitable;

The shovel should have a short handle. It is much more convenient to dig a hole. A crowbar or hammer drill is needed to crush hard soil. If you decide to use electric tool, make sure you have a network connection.

Warning ! These instructions are designed for a country toilet with a cesspool.

Before you start building a country toilet with your own hands, make a sketch or use one of those presented below. The project needs to include ventilation and insulation. Of course, you can do without the latter if you do not use the dacha in winter.

The main advantage of building a country toilet with your own hands based on a cesspool is its low cost. Moreover, it is not even necessary to purchase new materials. It is enough to use what is left over from building a house.

Digging a cesspool

The pit is made before the house is built. Although in some cases there are exceptions. If you decide to make a brick building instead of a traditional wooden structure, you can first erect the building and then dig the hole. However, you should take into account that doing this will be extremely inconvenient.

The size of the cesspool directly depends on the availability of groundwater and its depth. The diameter is chosen according to your own discretion. However, you shouldn't make it too big. This may cause certain difficulties in the further construction of a country toilet with your own hands.

Advice ! Construction should be carried out in good weather.

When digging a hole with your own hands for a country toilet, try to reach the sand. Clay has poor absorbent qualities. Because of this, human waste will be extremely slowly absorbed into the soil. And this, in turn, will lead to the formation of an unpleasant odor.

Of course, you can use special odor-killing substances, but their possibilities are not limitless. Therefore, it is better to go deeper an extra meter than to regret later that you didn’t do it.

The pit is cleared. The bottom is leveled and compacted. Only after this is a barrel or concrete ring installed. Moreover, the barrel can be either metal or plastic. The last option when creating a country toilet with your own hands is much preferable.

The fact is that plastic barrels do not corrode, which means their service life is almost unlimited. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the plastic. There are species that can survive in such an environment for 50 years!

If you don’t have a barrel or a concrete ring, you can use cement and simply concrete the walls of the pit. This, of course, is not an ideal waterproofing option, but it couldn’t be simpler.

When building a country toilet with your own hands from concrete rings, you will need a crane. On your own You won’t put the rings in the hole. Another alternative waterproofing is brickwork. It is further strengthened with reinforcement.

The process of creating a country toilet

To build a country toilet with your own hands, you need to plan everything exactly and follow the instructions given below. The construction of a house begins with markings. Then you need to drill holes. Columns are later installed in them to act as supports.

An important issue that needs to be resolved when creating a country toilet project is the presence of a foundation. If the house is summer, then it is not necessary to build a foundation. However, it is necessary when you live in the country all year round or come for the winter.

When you create the foundation of a country toilet with your own hands, it is important to take into account some parameters. Firstly, it must be deepened below the freezing point of the ground. Secondly, it is traditionally used rectangular shape sites. But this is not an axiom. You are free to choose the shape of the foundation depending on the location of the building.

It is better to mount the frame for the toilet from wood. It's simple and inexpensive. You can, of course, use brick, but creating masonry with your own hands for a country toilet will take a lot of time. It is not surprising that most people choose wood as the main material.

Advice ! Timber is considered the ideal material. It is inexpensive and very reliable.

When building the frame of a country toilet with your own hands, it is advisable to strengthen it from the inside. This is especially true for areas where hurricanes and storms are a frequent occurrence. In the process of work, braces and scarves are used.

Advice ! To create a seat, just take the crossbars and mount them at a height of about half a meter.

The roof for a country toilet is laid without the use of logs with your own hands. The material can be anything, the main thing is that it matches the overall architectural ensemble of the rest of the buildings on your territory.

On a dacha or private plot, the first building should be a toilet. Even if construction is just beginning, you cannot do without this structure. The situation will be more relevant if you live permanently or periodically travel to the country. The most optimal solution An outdoor toilet will be installed. The construction is not particularly complicated. Any home craftsman can handle the task. We will talk further about how to equip an outdoor toilet with your own hands.

Types of outdoor toilets

Toilet with cesspool. Most often, a wooden booth or house, under which there is a cesspool. It functions simply. All waste is placed in a pit. The liquid evaporates and is absorbed into the soil. Dense residues accumulate. They have to be removed from time to time.

Backlash closet. Also has a cesspool. However, it is completely sealed and large in size. The process of drainage from it is unacceptable. Cleaning occurs only by pumping with a sewage disposal machine. Usually similar structures used for residential premises and install a toilet.

Powder closet. This system does not require a cesspool. A toilet seat is installed inside the house, under which a storage container for waste is placed. There is peat in the immediate vicinity. After each trip to the toilet, the excrement is sprinkled with a layer of peat. When the container is full, it is simply taken out to the compost heap.

Such an outdoor device has a number of advantages. Compared to a cesspool toilet, it has a simpler design. It can even be placed in a residential area. However, the process of cleaning a waste container is not very pleasant.

Peat dry toilet. It is a type of powder closet, but made in a factory. Looks like a plastic toilet with a cistern. The principle of operation is completely similar to the previous option. Peat is also used to add sewage. Such dry toilets are suitable for outdoor and indoor use.

Chemical toilet. The difference from the previous option will be the use of chemical reagents instead of peat. They break down and deodorize waste. Biobacteria can be used as a chemically active medium. They will even be preferable for summer cottages. The products of their processing can even be disposed of in garden beds. To that extent they are safe.

Where can I put the toilet?

We sorted out the views. Now it’s worth understanding where you can put a toilet in a private house with your own hands. Of course, this section will only apply to pit toilets. This will not affect powder closets and variations of dry closets, since they will not cause problems with choosing a location. They can be placed in any place you like.

We talked about it in one of the articles. It examined in detail all the nuances of placement. The same rules apply to the cesspool. We recommend that you study them before you start arranging the toilet.

There is no point in repeating them within the framework of this article. You will find all this information by following the link. Let's move on to construction issues.

Pit toilet

When making a toilet in a private house with your own hands, you should adhere to the recommended construction characteristics. Yes, too much big house there is no point in setting it up. There is no need for extra space, and it will be fresh in winter. On the contrary, a building that is too small will be inconvenient. That is why the optimal sizes will be the following:

  • Height – from 2 to 2.5 meters;
  • Length – up to 1.5 meters;
  • Width – 1 meter.

In one of the previous articles we provided. Therefore, if you need a ready-made drawn version, then follow the link and study.

Initial stage and pit preparation

The initial stage will be preparation. At the very beginning, you should think through the project and prepare the site. You should immediately prepare the required materials and tools.

Above we have already touched upon the issue of choosing a location. It should be approached with all seriousness. If you don’t think through all the nuances, you can end up with a lot of problems. Moving a cesspool is not so easy.

After initial preparation and selection of a location, you can begin arranging the cesspool. For an outdoor toilet that does not require continuous use, a pit measuring 1-1.5 m3 is suitable. You can prepare the pit manually or using special equipment. However, in any case, the most optimal size will be the following:

  • Depth – 2 meters;
  • Width – 1.5 meters;
  • Length – 1.5 meters.

In order to strengthen the walls of the pit, you can use boards, old tires, concrete rings or bricks. Alternatively, metal or plastic barrels can be used.

When laying bricks, it is necessary to make reinforcement. Reinforcement or reinforced mesh is used. All seams must be carefully sealed and waterproofed. The cesspool should not allow liquid to pass through.

In general, the technology for arranging a cesspool will look like this:

  • A pit is being dug. It needs to be made 30 centimeters larger than the planned raking;
  • Clay is placed and compacted at the bottom. Thickness – up to 30 cm. It will be a clay castle. Thanks to it, sewage will not penetrate into the soil.
  • The walls and bottom are laid out with brick, stone or boards. The main requirement will be the inability to pass water. At this stage, waterproofing is carried out.
  • The gap between the wall and the ground should also be sealed with clay. This is also a lock - external waterproofing.
  • A ceiling is laid on top of the pit. Most often, boards with a thickness of 40 millimeters are used. It is necessary to make 2 holes in this ceiling. The first will be required to install the toilet seat. The second is for the pumping hatch.
  • Ventilation is in progress.

To eliminate all the labor-intensive work of laying out walls with waterproofing, you can use some suitable container (options above) or a special one - a septic tank. This option will be done 2 times faster.

Construction of a toilet house

Any toilet will require a stall. If you do it yourself, the easiest way is to build a rectangular structure. The roof is pitched. This option requires a minimum amount of time and materials. The entire construction procedure was discussed in more detail in the article .

First of all, you should make the floor. However, it must be raised off the ground. This is best done with the help of pillars at the corners of the structure. It is best to deepen them by 20-30 centimeters. They are made of stones, bricks or concrete. There are special spacers made of concrete, as in the image. However, finding them will be more difficult and more expensive than making them yourself.

  • Flooring is placed on the pillars. Most often wooden. It is better to treat the tree with protective preparations. It is worth remembering the aggressive environment.
  • Vertical supports are installed. For this, timber 100x100 mm or larger is used. You choose the height yourself, but we have provided recommended values. The front ones must be made 15 cm higher. This is required to create a roof slope. They are fixed to the base with plates or pieces of bars. It is better to use self-tapping screws instead of nails.
  • At the top, the perimeter is also tied with timber.
  • A 50x100 mm timber is used to form a doorway. The width is selected based on the dimensions of the door.
  • The frame is covered with boards, plywood or OSB board.
  • Lathing is being done on the roof. The same materials can be used as cladding.
  • Laying roof covering– slate, corrugated sheet or soft covering.
  • Doors are being installed.

Toilet without cesspool

Without a pit, creating an outdoor toilet for your dacha on your own is much easier and faster. In the options considered, you saw that all waste is collected in containers. Accordingly, to be located on the street, you only need to build a suitable booth. You have seen the technology for constructing a cubicle for an outdoor toilet. Therefore, for a toilet without a cesspool, it can be built in exactly the same way.

Such toilets have significant advantages:

  • There is no need to dig a hole or seal it.
  • There is no need for regular pumping or cleaning.
  • Waste after processing can be used as fertilizer.

However, factory toilets have their drawbacks:

  • Factory-made toilets are not cheap.
  • The container will need to be replaced from time to time.
  • It is necessary to monitor the means of neutralization.

Despite certain disadvantages, modern dry closets are gaining increasing popularity. Of course, the potential for indoor use may outweigh any disadvantages. When purchasing such a device, you will not need to worry about arranging an outdoor toilet at all, and the problem will be solved easily and simply.

Where to place the bathroom in wooden house, brick or concrete? How to properly arrange and decorate it? These questions are asked by many owners of suburban areas allocated for construction.

Designing a restroom in a private house is actually an important stage and has a lot of nuances. Certain rules will have to be followed both when choosing the size of the toilet and its location. There are also standards regarding the placement of plumbing fixtures and the selection of finishing materials for this room.

Dimensions and location

The concept of “convenience in the yard” is gradually becoming a thing of the past. Today, even owners of small country houses in the countryside prefer to install a toilet right in the building. This is not difficult to do if equipment such as septic tanks and easy-to-install PVC pipes are available on the market. Of course, when drawing up a project, the location, design and size of the bathroom in a private house should be chosen so that using this room is pleasant and convenient.

Size selection

According to SNiP standards for utility rooms, which includes the bathroom, should account for no more than 20% of the area of ​​the house. The dimensions of a combined restroom are no less than 3.8 m2, a separate bathroom is 3.3 m2, and a toilet is 1.5 m2.

The minimum area is usually chosen when arranging a bathroom in a country house. And this is not surprising, because a summer house built with your own hands is rarely large in size.

Compact original restroom in a log house

In residential cottages, the size of a combined bathroom is never less than 4.5-5 m2. Sometimes in country houses Several restrooms are also installed.

IN residential buildings bathrooms usually have a large area

Where to place the toilet

When drawing up a building project, experts advise adhering to the following rules for placing a bathroom:

  • At least one of the walls of the restroom must be external. Ventilation will be cheaper.
  • Bathroom in country house or the living area is not located next to the kitchen or dining room. Typically, restrooms are located near bedrooms and closets or under the stairs.

A convenient additional bathroom can be installed under the stairs

  • Waterproofing of restroom floors is mandatory.
  • Installing a bathroom in a wooden house involves treating the walls with anti-rot agents.
  • If the project provides for several latrines, they are located on floors one above the other.

Layout of bathrooms in a country cottage

Advice: SNiP does not provide for the mandatory installation of a drain pipe in small buildings. However, experts still advise including it in the project. This will save home owners from the risk of unpleasant odors in their living spaces.

It is advisable to install sewer ventilation even in a small house

According to SNiP regulations, it is prohibited to open the bathroom door into residential premises. You should also not place the toilet above the kitchen or living rooms.

Equipment and design

So, the location of the bathroom in a private house and its dimensions have been chosen. Now let's look at how to make the restroom comfortable by arranging the plumbing fixtures correctly. The layout of the devices must be done so that:

  • they were convenient to use,
  • The owners did not have any problems maintaining the sewerage system.

Bathroom in a private house. Photo of a comfortable ergonomic room

Placement of plumbing fixtures

Plumbing fixtures are installed in accordance with SNiP standards.

The minimum permissible free space in front of a bathtub or shower is 70 cm, in front of the toilet - 60 cm. The distance between devices should not be less than 25cm. The minimum height of the sink is 80cm from the floor.

Plumbing fixtures should be positioned so that they are convenient to use.

The toilet is placed in close proximity to the riser - after the bath and sink. The farther it is from the main pipe, the higher the risk of blockages.

Furniture installation

In a small bathroom at the dacha or in the village one-story house Usually only shelves are installed.

Photo of a bathroom in a wooden house. Convenient shelves for storing household chemicals

The large restroom in the cottage can accommodate an entire set. A cabinet for storing shampoos and gels is usually located next to the bathroom. Bedside tables with drawers for cosmetics, towels and small household appliances (hair dryer, razor) - not far from the mirror and sink.

Comfortable cabinets and bedside tables for a large bathroom

On a note: In the restroom there is often a compact utility unit for storing mops and buckets. It can be equipped with, for example, narrow wardrobe, installing it in the corner of the room.

Restroom design project

The bathroom should be decorated in the same style.

Typically, the design of this room follows the interior style of the building itself. However, there are exceptions. Sea style, for example, is suitable for almost any restroom. Toilets located in attics are often designed in a loft style.

Original loft bathroom country house

Advice: A bathroom in a house made of timber or logs is best decorated in a folk style. It can be country, Provence, Russian, etc. For brick or concrete building Classic and modern trends are more suitable.

Unlike restrooms in city apartments, bathrooms in private houses are usually equipped with a window. Such a room should be decorated with indoor plants.

Bathroom in the country. Photo of a mini restroom with indoor plants

It is better to close the window itself not with curtains, but with hygienic blinds. A mandatory attribute of any bathroom is a mirror. It can be decorated with a beautiful frame that matches the style of the interior and plumbing.

A mirror can become a real “highlight” of a bathroom

The lining for the floor, ceiling and walls of the restroom of a country house should:

  • be moisture resistant
  • do not be afraid of temperature changes (for dachas),
  • be easy to clean and hygienic.

All these requirements are met by materials such as tiles and PVC panels.

Most often, restrooms in country houses are finished with tiles and PVC panels

Ceramic tile

Durable and beautiful tiles - the perfect finish for a restroom. You can tile the entire bathroom or combine it with other materials.

On a note: Arranging a bathroom in frame house, paving stones or logs, ceramic tiles sometimes only problem areas that are most exposed to moisture are trimmed.

Bathroom in the country. Photo of a room partially tiled

Instead of tiles, you can use ceramic or smalt mosaics to decorate the restroom. This material has recently become very popular. The only drawback of tiles and mosaics is that they are somewhat difficult to install.

Neat restroom in a minimalist style, decorated with mosaics


PVC panels are distinguished from tiles by their not too high cost. They are easier to install, but less resistant to mechanical damage. Choosing panels of a suitable shade will not be difficult for a restroom in any style.

Advice: To decorate a bathroom in a wooden house, it is better to use panels instead of panels. plastic lining“wood-like”, beige or brown.

Wood-look plastic is a very good finishing option for a country house restroom

Other materials

Sometimes materials such as plasterboard, lining and plywood are used to cover the walls of a restroom in a country house. The first option is more suitable for a brick or concrete building. Plywood and clapboard are often used to line a bathroom in a wooden house.

Important: You cannot cover a bathroom with ordinary plasterboard. For this purpose, only moisture-resistant green material is used.

Green moisture-resistant plasterboards are used to decorate bathrooms.

As in a city apartment, in the bathroom of a country house you can use suspended, plasterboard and slatted ceilings.

Combined suspended ceiling in the restroom at home

These are the basic rules for designing and decorating a restroom in the house. Follow the recommendations of experts, be guided by your own ideas about convenience and beauty, and you will get a functional, practical and aesthetic bathroom in a country house.


The arrangement of any summer cottage should begin with the construction of a toilet, defining it as the first and most important building on garden plot.


If you are the owner of a modest garden house, then with a high degree of probability it does not have a sewer line, which means there is no comfortable toilet. In this case, the only option is to look at one of the types of country toilets and place it in the backyard. What types of toilets are there for a summer residence, and which one should you choose? Where is it better to place a toilet on the site in order to comply with all sanitary and epidemiological standards?

Which toilet is better to make in the country?

The arrangement of any summer cottage should begin with the construction of a toilet, making it the first and most important building on the garden plot. If the site is needed only for spending weekends in nature summer time, then you can build a relatively light structure from scrap materials using simple tools. If the dacha involves permanent residence or long-term stay, it is necessary to provide for the construction of a more permanent toilet structure.

What types of country toilets are there and what are their advantages? Most often on summer cottages There is no sewerage system, so in such cases, yard toilets are mainly built. Using such a toilet can cause some inconvenience, especially in inclement weather. There are also certain advantages of a yard toilet: due to its location away from country house none unpleasant odors in residential areas.

If you have not yet decided which toilet is best to make in your dacha, you will have to choose from three design options: powder closets, toilets with a cesspool or with a retractable bucket.

Look at the photos of country toilets various types Before you start choosing a design:

A country toilet stall is most often made of wood, giving it various shapes, even cone-shaped. It is this form that is convenient for placing drawers for storing peat, sawdust, ash, etc. in the extended base of the toilet.

Which toilet to choose for your dacha is up to the owner of the site to decide. Remember that a yard toilet is a waste collection area, so constructive solution the method of collecting this waste makes the determining difference in the options for these buildings.

Which toilet for a summer house is better, and what their differences are, you will find out on this page.

Which toilet to choose for your dacha: garden dry powder closet

Dry toilet (powder closet) is a small structure containing a regular wooden toilet seat with a lid, and underneath it there is an easily removable container. Next to the toilet seat, place a container with peat, sawdust or other dry material for sprinkling (powdering) sewage after each visit to the toilet. For such dusting of waste, you can also use ash, dry peat or peat chips. If there is a lack of these components in this type of garden toilet, it is allowed to use a mixture of these materials with dry garden soil. Because of this powdering process, the name of this type of toilet appeared.

With the help of powder you can get rid of an unpleasant odor, prevent the breeding of flies and obtain a complete fertilizer.

A properly equipped dry toilet, when used correctly, will be the most suitable low-cost option. The principle of operation of the sewage system of such a toilet is the action of gravity in the presence of a natural slope.

Every 3-4 days, the filled container must be carefully removed through the rear side door and emptied into a compost pit or into a special tank, where the contents should be covered with peat or sawdust.

If the toilet is used by 4-5 people or more, it is recommended to empty the container more often. It is advisable to remove the contents daily to make lifting the container easier. Subsequently, compost can be obtained from it, suitable for fertilizing the garden.

When deciding which toilet to build in your dacha, keep in mind that building a powder closet along with the cost of a galvanized or enameled bucket is considered the cheapest option. In addition, there is another advantage of this type of toilet: no approvals are required for its construction. Important feature powder-closet is the absence of a cesspool, therefore only this type of toilet is allowed to be built even with high level groundwater.

A powder closet at the dacha is an ideal dacha option, especially if the plot is grown a large number of plants for which fertilizers are to be used, because the contents storage capacity such a toilet can easily be moved to a compost heap.

A dry toilet for a summer residence can be located anywhere on the site; it is allowed to be combined with a bathhouse or other outbuildings. In addition, it can be located near a residential building or in an extension under the same roof with it, provided there is adequate ventilation.

A country dry toilet is very convenient if there is no water supply network. When using peat or peat crumbs to powder waste, you get something like a homemade peat biological toilet, which has its own significant advantages over a toilet with a traditional pit cesspool.

At the same time, you do not need to spend extra money on buying plastic peat.

It is necessary to have a compost pit at your summer cottage, since almost all biological toilets found on sale require access to a sewerage system or to a compost pit.

Requirements for a dry country peat toilet

It is recommended to use peat for a country peat toilet, because the bacteria contained in it contribute to the active decomposition of natural human biological waste. In just a few weeks they turn them into quality garden fertilizer. It is important to cover the waste with a layer of peat after each visit to such a toilet, this will ensure better composting. For a dry toilet in the country, you only need dry peat. It should be poured into a container next to the toilet seat, and also be sure to be placed at the bottom of a clean bucket to make it easier to clean the container later. If necessary, you can use a tank from half a barrel instead of a bucket, so the volume can be increased to 100 liters. A homemade peat biological toilet can be built in cases where there is no necessary conditions for constructing a cesspool and supplying water to the toilet.

If sawdust is used instead of peat in a dry garden toilet, then the desired effect of rapid waste composting is unlikely to be achieved. It is recommended to use sawdust in half mixed with peat if there is a large receiving container (50-100 l). When using sawdust, the aeration of the substrate improves. Food waste, plant debris, tops, leaves, weeds and other household waste often end up in a compost pit. When their layer reaches 20-30 cm, it must be sprinkled with peat, sand or dry garden soil, and then it can be watered generously with fecal slurry. It should be noted that adding faeces to the compost mixture along with dry garden waste, leaves and other organic matter for hygienic reasons is only possible if the composting process is carefully controlled.

In no case should flies be allowed to spread, so the pile should be covered with film, firmly secured to the sides of the pit so that the wind does not blow it away.

The only disadvantage of a dry toilet is the regular transfer of a storage container to the compost pit after each filling. Large bins filled with waste are quite heavy. To make emptying the container easier, we recommend using a standard wheelie bin.

For a simple do-it-yourself biological litter box, you can use a large bucket, a garbage bag, and cat litter. To do this, you need to make a wooden toilet seat to fit a large bucket, then put a large garbage bag in it and attach it to the toilet seat using plumbing tape.

As you use the toilet, you need to pour cat litter into the bag. Once filled, the bag should be looped halfway and removed. Then it can be placed in the far corner to rot or immediately emptied into a compost pit. You need to put a new bag in its place. The procedure for changing the bag should be carried out with gloves.

What kind of toilet to build in the country: a backlash closet with a cesspool

If you have not yet decided which toilet to build in your dacha, consider the following option. A little more expensive is the construction of a country toilet with a concrete cesspool - a backlash closet. This is a fairly common type of garden toilet, which is an improved version of a village toilet with a cesspool.

Your name this type toilet derived from the German word “luft”, which means “air”, so the main distinctive feature This type of toilet requires proper ventilation.

Toilet backlash-closet can be built in the form of a separate house or attached to the house. A separate yard toilet can be equipped with a cesspool or a pull-out tub. The easiest way is to build a regular toilet with a cesspool.

In such a toilet it often occurs bad smell from the cesspool. For a separate toilet, natural air draft is sufficient, but the hood must be located above the roof at a height of about 1 m. It must be equipped with a protective cap on top.

Cleaning the sealed cesspool of a backlash closet with your own hands must be done once a year, and if the toilet is used frequently, for example, if a family consists of 4-5 people or more, then twice a year (in spring and autumn).

The contents of a toilet waste in a country house with a cesspool is a thick viscous mass that cannot be pumped out, so the cesspool must be emptied manually. This cleaning procedure is unpleasant, but such cesspools are still quite popular due to the simplicity of their design.

Do-it-yourself pit toilets are being successfully built in villages and villages, but it should be borne in mind that this waste is unacceptable if feces are to be used in compost.

Do-it-yourself construction of a backlash-closet with a cesspool for a country house (with photo)

The design and arrangement of a country toilet with a cesspool can be chosen based on the presence of certain building materials. If the farm does not have boards for constructing a cabin, then you can first build wooden frame, wrapping it in an opaque film or finishing it with roofing felt.

As you can see in the photo, at the backlash closet distinctive feature is the presence exhaust ventilation cesspool:

A ventilation riser made of asbestos-cement pipe with a diameter of 100-150 mm should be mounted to the rear wall of the booth. To do this, you can build a box made of boards. The width of each side of such a box should be approximately 150 mm. When performing exhaust ventilation of the cesspool, it is necessary to ensure the tightness of all connections, which is the main condition for quality work.

The cesspool for the backlash closet is a pit up to 1.5 m deep, the bottom of which, for ease of cleaning, should be made with a slight slope towards the hatch. A pit toilet can be sealed or filtered. Its design depends on specific conditions. For big family It is recommended to construct a cesspool with a volume of at least 2 m, and it must be airtight. This type of cesspool is considered the most environmentally friendly, as it does not pollute the soil, but it requires regular cleaning. A filtered cesspool can be cleaned much less frequently, but waste from it will in any case seep into the ground. Such a cesspool is allowed to be installed only if the daily volume of waste is up to 1 m. In addition, when constructing it, it is recommended to use concrete rings for the well.

The top of the cesspool should be insulated so that it does not freeze. Above it, you must first lay wooden or reinforced concrete beams, and then install and secure the toilet stall on them.

With absence concrete floor The open space above the pit should be tightly covered with boards, and roofing material should be placed on top of them.

The bottom of the cesspool should be located 1 m above the maximum (autumn-spring) groundwater level.

Building a toilet with a retractable bucket is a more economical option, but it must be taken into account that feces removed from such a toilet cannot be used as fertilizer; they need to be pre-composted. Under no circumstances should you construct a toilet overflow pit that resembles and consists of concrete rings or other material, but without a bottom. This design can lead to contamination of groundwater by runoff.

Where to place a country toilet: standards for placement on a plot of land

When placing a toilet on a site, there are certain sanitary standards and rules that must be followed when building a toilet in the country. When choosing the optimal location for building a toilet with a cesspool, several rules should be followed. The distance from the well to the toilet must be at least 25 m. Otherwise, the quality of well water used for domestic purposes cannot be guaranteed. It is not recommended to build a toilet in the center of a summer cottage. It is best to choose a place at some distance from the country house.

If the site is located on a slope, the toilet should be built in the lowest place. According to the rules, the well should be located on a slope higher than the toilet. This is necessary to prevent falling into the well Wastewater from a cesspool, but on an elevated part a well can sometimes produce too little water. In addition, a toilet cesspool located lower down the slope may end up in the groundwater zone, so if the terrain of a summer cottage is difficult, the location for a well and a toilet with a cesspool should be chosen with extreme caution.

When choosing a place for a toilet in the country, you should also take into account the wind rose, which will get rid of unpleasant odors. It is recommended to build the toilet on the side of the building’s blank wall, if there is one. Under no circumstances should a toilet with a cesspool be located next to a terrace or veranda, as in the summer a strong odor may spread from it.

It is necessary to consider a method for cleaning the cesspool. If possible, when placing the toilet on plot of land It is recommended to organize an entrance for a sewer truck that pumps waste from septic tanks, drains and cesspools. This machine is quite large. It should be taken into account that for pumping a hose 7 m long is used, 3 m of which is lowered into the hole, and 4 m of the hose is unwound around the area.

Before starting to build a toilet, it is necessary to determine the depth of groundwater in the area. If it is less than 2 m, then a powder-closet type toilet should be built. If the groundwater depth is more than 2.5 m, you can build a toilet with a cesspool or a backlash-type toilet.

According to the standards for placing a cesspool toilet on a site, it must be removed from residential buildings at a distance of at least 12 m.

The cesspool should be located at a sufficient distance from drinking water wells, areas with fruit plants and from places where pets or poultry are kept. Even a dry toilet should not be located closer than 5 m from a residential building. A cesspool type toilet should be located at a distance of at least 1-1.5 m from the border with the neighboring plot. Drains from a cesspool should not pollute groundwater and nearby bodies of water, so such pits should be carefully insulated.

Any experienced summer resident knows that landscaping always begins with the construction of a toilet. Of course, each of us has an idea of ​​what a closet should be like and how to roughly build it, but when it comes to constructing a building, it turns out that this work contains a number of nuances. Therefore, in this article I decided to tell you in detail about what types of toilets there are and how to build them correctly.

The process of building an outdoor toilet can be divided into several stages:


So, we begin this work, like any other construction, with design.

At this stage, you need to decide on the following points:

  • type of toilet;
  • location on the site;
  • type of construction and dimensions.

Types of toilets

Before building a toilet in your country house, you need to choose the optimal type for your case. The fact is that its location on the site and some other construction nuances depend on this.

The most common types of closets in summer cottages are:

Toilet type Peculiarities
With cesspool This is perhaps the most common design that has been tested over the years. The principle of operation is extremely simple - a hole is dug under the cabin in which sewage accumulates, while the liquid can leave the hole through a filter at the bottom. As a rule, cesspools are cleaned using sewage machines.
Powder closet A simpler design, the principle of which is to install a bucket or other container under the toilet seat. To prevent the unpleasant smell of sewage from spreading throughout the toilet, they are sprinkled with peat.

When the container is full, its contents are poured into the compost pit. After some time, the sewage sprinkled with compost will be processed into fertilizer.

Dry toilet It is a toilet seat with a container. Sewage is processed into containers under the influence of bacteria, chemical substances or peat, after which they can be poured into a compost pit. The exception is chemical toilets, the waste of which cannot be used as fertilizer.

If the groundwater is deeper than two and a half meters from the ground surface, then any toilet can be installed. If the groundwater is located above the 2.5 m mark, then it is impossible to make a cesspool. An exception is the use of sealed containers, for example, Eurocubes.

Location on the site

An important point in designing a country toilet is choosing a location for it. First of all, I note that you cannot build a closet in any place you like, since according to existing sanitary standards, it must be located at a certain distance from some important objects:

All these requirements must be observed when building a toilet with a cesspool, since it is a possible source of soil contamination. If you are building a powder closet or a cubicle for a dry closet, then it is not necessary to maintain these distances.

If the site is located on a slope, the toilet must be located below the water source.

In addition, when choosing a place for the toilet, it is necessary to take into account some other important points:

  • a wind rose so that unpleasant odors from the closet do not bother you or your neighbors;
  • Possibility of access of a sewage truck for pumping out sewage.

In order to conveniently locate the toilet, it is advisable to immediately decide where on the site the recreation area, garden, vegetable garden, etc. will be located.

Construction type and dimensions

Now you can prepare the cabin drawings. True, for this you first need to decide on the size of the structure and materials for its construction.

As for the sizes, you can choose them individually to make the toilet as comfortable as possible to use.

If you don’t have any special wishes regarding the size, you can take the standard parameters:

  • height – front wall 2.2 m, rear wall 1.85-1.9 m;
  • width – 1.5 m;
  • depth – 1m.

As for materials, the easiest way to make a toilet is from wooden beams. In this case, the basis of the structure is the frame, which in turn consists of several main elements:

  • the bottom trim is the base on which the floor is laid;
  • racks - are the basis of the walls;
  • top trim - serves as the basis for the roof.

The metal frame has the same design. The only thing is that instead of beams a profile pipe is used.

The frame, regardless of whether it is wooden or metal, can be covered with clapboard, boards, OSB sheets or any other suitable material.

It must be said that the toilet does not have to have a pitched roof and smooth walls. If you wish, you can do more complex design With gable roof, for example, in the form of a fairy-tale tower.

Such a garden closet can become a real decoration of the landscape. True, it makes sense to take on work of such complexity if you already have experience. If you are a beginner, then it is better to “get your teeth into” building the simplest toilet.

If you want to build a permanent toilet so that it will last for decades, then it is better to build it from bricks or blocks. This, of course, will take much more time and effort. In addition, the price of building materials will be much higher, but the result is worth it.

Having decided on the type of toilet, you can begin creating drawings. I’ll say right away that it’s not at all necessary to display them with high precision on a scale.

You can even draw the design by hand. The most important thing is that the drawing shows all the nuances of the construction, as well as the dimensions in millimeters. The drawing, of course, should be clear to you.

Having such a drawing before your eyes during the construction process will to some extent simplify the task and also prevent mistakes.

Arrangement of the pit

The construction of a toilet should begin with the construction of a cesspool. However, you first need to decide on its volume. The latter depend on the number of people who will relax at the dacha, as well as on how often you plan to visit the suburban area.

If you are going to live at the dacha all summer, then the volume should be calculated based on 0.5 cubic meters per person. If you visit the dacha even less often, for example, only on weekends and during vacations, then for a family of four people a volume of 1-1.5 m3 will be enough. Of course, you should understand that all these numbers are very arbitrary and only affect how often you will have to clean.

As for the design, you can make a cesspool with your own hands in several ways:

  • from car tires;
  • from concrete rings;
  • monolithic.

From car tires

The easiest way is to make a pit from car tires. Moreover, you won’t have to spend any money for this at all, since old tires can be taken for free from auto repair shops and service stations. The only thing is that the volume of the pit is sufficient, you should use ramps from large trucks or even a tractor.

The construction process is as follows:

  1. Place the tire in the place where the hole will be located and outline it. Then mark the dimensions of the pit, which should be slightly larger than the diameter of the tire;
  2. then you need to dig a pit of the required depth. As a rule, 10 medium-sized slopes are used for such a pit;
  3. the bottom of the pit should be covered with a 10-15 cm layer of sand, which is carefully compacted, and then with a layer of crushed stone of the same thickness;

  1. Now start laying the tires after cutting the rims. The top tire should rise slightly above the soil level;
  2. Then the space between the tires should be covered with clay. In addition, it is advisable to lay the remaining slopes around the resulting well;
  3. At the end of the work, the pit must be filled with soil.

With such a pit arrangement, the distance to the nearest water source should be at least 30 meters.

Made from concrete rings

A pit made of concrete rings is much more reliable and durable. The only thing is that for its arrangement it is desirable to have lifting equipment that can lower the rings to the bottom of the pit. Before laying them, a filter is made at the bottom according to the scheme described above, or even a concrete screed if the pit is made completely sealed.

After preparing the pit, construction is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. rings are installed one on top of the other;
  2. on the inside of the joints it is coated with cement mortar;
  3. the outside of the well is covered with bitumen mastic.

If there is no special equipment, then you can lower the rings to the required depth by digging.

Monolithic pit

The construction of a concrete pit resembles the construction of a strip foundation. To fill the walls around the perimeter of the pit, formwork is installed, which must be reinforced. Then the formwork is poured.

You can learn more about the nuances of pouring pit walls with concrete from other articles on our portal dedicated to the construction of reinforced concrete structures.

As for the bottom, it can be sealed in the form of a screed, or sand and gravel.

Wooden cabin

So with everyone preparatory stages we figured it out. Now we are building a wooden toilet. The process of its construction can be divided into several stages:

Foundation preparation

Since our building will not have much weight, a columnar foundation is sufficient for it, which is done as follows:

  1. first you need to mark the area, taking into account that the hole should be located under the toilet seat;
  2. then holes are dug in the corners of the future structure to a depth of about 25-30 cm. Their size should be such that concrete blocks can fit in them;
  3. the bottom of the holes must be covered with a layer of sand about 15 mm thick, then carefully compacted and leveled;
  4. Then the blocks are laid on the sand. Two rows, as in the diagram above, will be quite enough.
    The blocks must be laid with a bandage. To hold them together, you should use cement mortar;
  5. To complete the work, a couple of layers of roofing material should be laid on top of the blocks, which will serve as waterproofing.

Frame assembly

Now that the foundation is ready, you can begin assembling the frame. For these purposes, we will need beams with a cross section of 50x50 mm.

The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, the grillage is done. To do this, the beams should be laid on blocks and leveled.
    The connection of the beams to each other can be done “in half a tree” and additionally fastened with metal corners and self-tapping screws. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the angles correspond to 90 degrees;
  2. a jumper should immediately be installed in the lower trim, which will separate the toilet floor area from the toilet seat area, as in the photo above;
  3. further installed vertical racks. To fix them it is also necessary to use metal corners and self-tapping screws. In addition, the racks can be further strengthened with braces;
  4. on top, the beams should be connected to each other with an upper trim, which will serve as the basis for the roof;
  5. then you need to install two more racks and jumpers that form door frame;

  1. Now we need to make a frame for the toilet seat. To do this, cross members should be placed between the rear and side pillars at a height of about 40 cm (this is the average height of the toilet seat, but you can adjust it if necessary);
  2. Now the crossbars that are installed on the side walls should be connected by a crossbar, which should be located strictly above the crossbar of the lower trim. As a result, the upper frame of the toilet seat is formed;
  3. to give the toilet seat more strength, supports should be secured between the crossbars and the bottom frame.

Before starting construction of the toilet, it is necessary to process all the beams and other wooden materials protective impregnation that protects wood from moisture and biological influences.

Here, in fact, are all the nuances of assembling the frame. The metal frame is made in the same way, the only thing is that all the parts that are made from profile pipe with a cross section of at least 30x30 cm, connected by welding.

Frame covering

The next stage of work is covering the toilet, which begins with the installation of the roof:

  1. on top harness the sheathing should be made of suitable slats or boards;
  2. then it is necessary to lay a waterproofing film on the sheathing;
  3. a second layer of slats is mounted on top of the film;
  4. at the end of the work it is laid on the sheathing roofing material– this can be corrugated sheeting, metal tiles, slate or any other covering.

As for wall cladding, this procedure usually does not cause any difficulties. Any suitable material that you have on hand is attached to the frame with nails or self-tapping screws. Of course, if you want your wooden toilet to look beautiful, it is best to use clapboard or block house for this purpose.

It is necessary to make a window in the back or side wall of the toilet, which will provide not only light, but also ventilation of the stall.

A toilet door can be made in two ways:

  • frame - in this case, a frame is made from beams, which is sheathed with the same material as the walls;

  • from boards - the door leaf is assembled from boards, which are fastened together using two platbands and a jib, as in the photo above.

Door installation is carried out using conventional door hinges. The only thing, During the installation process, it is necessary to monitor the level so that the doors do not turn out to be skewed..

To complete the work, you should lay the boards on the floor and sheathe the frame of the toilet seat, which is also a fairly simple procedure. You need to make a hole in the center of the toilet seat.

You can do it as follows:

  1. attach a toilet board to the toilet seat and trace around the inside with a pencil;
  2. then drill a hole with a drill with a diameter of at least the width of the jigsaw blade;

  1. after this you need to cut a hole with a jigsaw along the marked line;
  2. To complete the work, you need to secure the toilet board to the toilet seat.

Now the summer wooden toilet is ready.

Brick cabin

Finally, let's look at how to make a country toilet out of brick. In this case, it is best to fill the cesspool with concrete or line it with brick. Its walls will serve as the foundation of the structure.

It is advisable to place a concrete slab on top of the pit, which will serve as the floor.

The process of its arrangement looks like this:

  1. First of all, formwork is carried out;
  2. then the reinforcing mesh is laid. Keep in mind that it should be spaced about 2cm apart.
    In addition, it is necessary to provide a hatch in the formwork, which will be located under the toilet seat;
  3. At the end of the work, the formwork is filled with concrete.

Now you can start building the walls.

This work is carried out as follows:

  1. The first step is to waterproof the foundation. To do this, you need to lay roofing felt around the perimeter of the slab;
  2. then a regular one is built brickwork. At this stage, it is necessary to ensure that all rows are located horizontally and in the same vertical plane. To do this, it is necessary to use beacons in the form of tensioned threads and plumb lines.
    In addition, it is very important to ensure uniformity of seams;
  3. in the back wall, as in the previous case, you need to make a window. To do this, you need to make a jumper from steel corners, a channel or even a wooden beam.

Further work will be carried out in the same way as during the construction of a wooden toilet - the roof is laid, doors are installed, etc. The only thing is that you first need to install the door frame, which can be made from boards.

As for the toilet seat, it needs to be made portable in the form of a box so that it does not interfere with the process of cleaning the cesspool.

Here, in fact, is all the information on how to make a toilet in a country house without the help of specialists.


We examined the main nuances and principles of constructing a country toilet. If you wish, you can, of course, make your own amendments to the process described above. But, the main thing is that this does not affect the strength of the building and does not contradict existing sanitary standards.

You can get more information from the video in this article. If some aspects of construction are not clear to you, ask questions in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.