Stylish DIY aprons for the kitchen. Modern design options for the kitchen. Attaching a glass apron and caring for it

Kitchen renovation should be taken most seriously, because this is the place where the housewife will spend a lot of time. Accordingly, the kitchen should be comfortable, functional and, most importantly, beautiful. It is about its design that we will now talk about, to be more precise, about the design of a small but important part of the kitchen - the apron.

What purpose does it serve and what is it? The apron is the space created between the top cabinet and the countertop. During the cooking process, this place is exposed to various contaminants: fat, water, hot steam etc. For this reason, the apron should be made of practical material that can be easily washed from any type of contamination. However, in addition to protecting against dirt, the apron is one of the main decorations in the kitchen interior. Therefore, for its manufacture it is necessary to choose the most suitable look finishing material. Before this, it is important to decide on its design, and then decide what kind of apron to make in the kitchen.

Kitchen apron design and color

A large selection of building materials allows you to make an apron in the most different designs. The selected material should be easy to clean and, most importantly, last for many years. For some, it is important to choose the color of the apron, which would be close to the color of the kitchen walls. However, according to the recommendations of leading designers, it is not at all necessary to adhere to this rule. There are two reasons why the color of the backsplash may match the wall:

  • If the housewife wants to have a kitchen in a neutral tone, for example, cream, sand, light gray, light beige and the like.
  • If the tone of the wall where the apron is installed differs from other walls.

Although you can select the tone of the apron based on the color of the furniture set, this is not necessary. For example, you can play with contrast, which will make this part of the kitchen more impressive. Here are some options for choosing colors and combining them with furniture.

  • If you want a kitchen white, then in this case it is best to use facing material bright color. By itself, white is a boring color, but if you combine it with a bright color, the picture will change dramatically. It should be noted that a white kitchen allows you to expand your creative horizons. At the same time to create bright accent You can additionally use all possible accessories of a similar color. On the other hand, a large number of bright inserts can make the kitchen look funny and awkward.
  • Kitchen beige colour, like white, allows you to play on contrast, enliven the walls and interior. Effect beige kitchen will give a panel apron that will be similar in color, texture or pattern to the countertop. In another case, you can start from the color of the cabinet facades.
  • Well, what if the kitchen is blue? Then the original solution would be to use an apron gray. To “warm up”, so to speak, the cold blue color, you can use a light coffee, beige or cream color of the apron. One of these options will be the optimal solution.
  • If you like green or light green tones, then the apron can be matched to the color of the kitchen furniture. Moreover, it is not necessary to repeat the shade. You can make it a few shades lighter. And if you want to make a discreet island in living greenery, then use cream, beige, white or gray tones.

In general, there are neutral colors that go with the entire palette. For example, it could be white, gray, cream tone. Here are just some examples of how to design an apron as part of the interior.

Mainly start from your vision. If you choose neutral tone, then even with a possible change of furniture, you will not have to replace it.

So, now let's look at seven examples of what to make an apron from in the kitchen.

7 finishing options on the way to perfection!

Option No. 1: ceramic tiles

We can say that ceramic tiles are the most common and affordable option for finishing a backsplash. What is the reason for this? Mainly - high resistance to temperature changes, chemicals and moisture. This material is durable and does not lose its shine after years. His dignity is considered big choice shades and colors, and some manufacturers provide all kinds of collections. Thanks to this, it is possible to complement the apron with decorations and panels. There is also the option of photo printing on ceramics for more enterprising people. This allows you to make the design more sophisticated. On the other hand, installing tiles is accompanied by some complications. For example, this process can take a long time, provided that you do not have the skills. Moreover, if after a while you want to change the interior of the kitchen, then replacing the apron will not be easy - this will entail a number of unpleasant consequences. For this reason, it's worth considering six other kitchen backsplash methods before committing to ceramic tiles.

Option No. 2: MDF panels

If you want to make an apron quickly and easily, then MDF panels come to your attention. It should be noted that this material in the price category is quite affordable for many, unlike other finishing methods. MDF panels are quick and easy to install. However, before installation, the surface of the walls should be leveled. MDF can be secured with liquid nails or using a special frame. Moreover, if after a while you want to change the apron, then replacing them will be easy.

Very quickly, persistent grease or chemicals can ruin the overall appearance of the backsplash. As a result, the panel will warp. Moreover, MDF is a flammable material.

Option No. 3: glass

Glass is rarely used as a backsplash finish. But at the same time, this is a new and developing fashion trend. There are several options for such finishing, thanks to which you can make a real work of art. For example, photo printing applied directly to glass using sandblasting technology. Thus, exquisite and varied aprons are created. The advantage of this technology is its seamless surface. This prevents the constant accumulation of dirt and grease at the joints. The glass itself is easy to clean and resistant to chemicals. Again, on the other hand, this technology is very expensive and making a glass apron with your own hands is almost impossible. And if you get tired of the image, replacing it will require a lot of labor. The obvious disadvantage is that grease and splashes of water will be clearly visible on the glass, so you will have to constantly wash the apron.

Option number 4: mosaic

Of course, mosaic is the most spectacular, rich, original method of finishing a kitchen apron. Each mosaic apron is unique in its own way. Why? It can be made from ready-made panels in the form of tiles, from pieces of broken tiles or glass. Based on this, it is almost difficult to repeat the design of a mosaic apron. It should be noted that mosaic has the same positive characteristics as ceramic tiles. But it has more advantages. From a mosaic you can make a beautiful image that will delight the eye for many years. To install it, you need to perform a series of preparatory work. A perfectly flat surface is extremely important. An apron made from mosaic will have a large number of seams, for this reason the selection of grout for the seams must be extremely serious. Otherwise, due to poor-quality grout, very soon the mosaic backsplash will turn into a gray spot in the kitchen.

Option number 5: plastic

A budget option is to use PVC panels. On the other hand, plastic has a long service life, maintaining its appearance throughout its life. As for caring for it, everything is also simple here. The plastic surface is easy to clean with ordinary chemicals. However, plastic has one negative characteristic, which makes its use as an apron risky. PVC panels are flammable and can also be easily scratched. Therefore, consider these factors when choosing finishing materials.

Option number 6: mirror

Like glass splashbacks, mirrored splashbacks are original solutions finishing. It is especially practical to use a mirror in small kitchens, as the reflection visually increases the space. Moreover, specially prepared glass for the apron will last for many years, and its care is very easy. However, on the other hand, using glass can lead to other problems. The kitchen is a place with high humidity, especially during the cooking process. Therefore, the mirror may constantly fog up, and marks and stains will remain on the surface. Therefore, after each meal preparation, the housewife will have to wipe the surface of the apron.

Option No. 7: metal

One of the innovative options for finishing a kitchen apron is the use of metal. If the kitchen is decorated in a high-tech style, then a metal apron will fit perfectly into it. As for the price, it is quite understandable, and everyone knows the advantages of metal: durability, resistance to fire, chemical influences, etc. However, stains and all kinds of stains will always be visible on it, so you will have to constantly wipe it. Although this is not a big problem. The difficulty lies elsewhere. The metal is quite cold in appearance, so its use should be carefully considered.

A matter of taste or a tribute to fashion?

So, for judgment, seven options for finishing a kitchen apron are presented. Which apron for the kitchen to choose is up to you. The most important thing is to stick to the general interior of the kitchen and also rely on your taste. After all, you can make it fashionable, but in reality there will be no appearance. Therefore, analyze each type of kitchen apron directly for your case. Be spontaneous and strive for individuality. Then your kitchen will be truly functional, beautiful and moderately fashionable.

Most importantly, choose the method that will allow you to make your own apron. We will be glad to hear your opinion on this or that type of apron. You may know other finishing methods. Then share them with us by leaving your comments on this article! Perhaps your ideas will inspire someone to new achievements!


From this video you will learn how to decorate an apron with decorative 3D panels.

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Ceramic tile

Ceramics. For several millennia, people have been using objects made from baked clay. With the development of civilization, this wonderful material also evolved. Today, ceramic tiles are durable, beautiful (with many options for colors, shapes and sizes), practical building material. It is possible to use it to create various panels or even ornaments.

Ceramic tiles laid on kitchen apron, will last a long time, pleasing your eyes, but unfortunately, there may be drawbacks. They can arise either through your fault or through the fault of an unscrupulous seller. The weak point of a kitchen apron made of ceramic tiles is the seams between the tiles.

If you were greedy or the seller slipped grout of the wrong quality, colonies of bacteria and fungal spores can form and successfully develop in them. And this, unfortunately, a big problem. Therefore, when choosing tiles, do not forget about careful selection of grout.

To treat the seams, you need to use a waterproof grout, which protects the seams from excess moisture, is easy to clean and does not allow fungus and mold to develop on its surface.

Laying ceramic tiles on a kitchen backsplash is not difficult and can be done even by a beginner in the construction and renovation business. Unlike other methods of decorating a wall in the kitchen, it is better to lay ceramic tiles before installing kitchen furniture, due to the sufficient large quantity dust and dirt from the installation process.

Fake diamond

The main advantage of artificial stone is the variety of shades and their combination. The panel of this material can be matte or glossy surface, with a homogeneous structure and interspersed - like in natural stone.

The fabric of the artificial stone panel does not have cracks and pores characteristic of other building materials, therefore it will not retain moisture and grease contamination inside it.

Also, a kitchen apron made of artificial stone does not deform from excessive levels of humidity or from elevated temperature, which is important for the kitchen work area.

The material prevents the development of bacteria and fungal spores. It has no seams, even the connection with the tabletop will be microscopic.

Many people like it when the countertop and kitchen apron are made in one color scheme, and if you consider that you can also install a sink made of the same material into the countertop, the effect will become mind-blowing - as if the entire monolith is made of one, huge piece of stone.

The finish is easy to restore. If the surface is scratched (acrylic fake diamond subject to minor mechanical damage), it can be sanded and defects will not be visible.

This composite building material will suit any interior style, from classic to hi-tech.

As for the disadvantages, there is probably only one – very high cost.


A glass apron for the kitchen is made mainly from tempered, heat-resistant glass, with a thickness of at least 6 mm. Having received such specifications, glass becomes 6-8 times stronger than usual, and withstands frequent temperature changes, which is typical work area behind the stove.

An image from the manufacturer's catalogs or your personal photo is transferred onto the glass, the length of which can reach 3000 mm. high resolution. As a result of a special technology, images applied to the inner surface of the glass do not lose color even when exposed to direct sunlight.

Glass skins are hygienic and resistant to fats, alkalis and acids. A glass kitchen apron prevents the development of bacteria and fungal spores on kitchen wall.

Installing an apron in the kitchen is easy. Installation of the skinal on a kitchen apron is done using glue, frame or mechanical fasteners.

Glass Wall panels are durable finishing material, are little susceptible to damage from mechanical influences.

A glass kitchen apron is very easy to clean. True, it is necessary to wash it more often, since any dirt on the glass is very noticeable.


Kitchen aprons made of MDF are created using Hot Coating technology. The polymer adhesive composition is melted to a viscous state, and then applied in a layer of a certain thickness to the surface of the MDF. A thermoplastic protective layer painted in the required shades is applied to the cooled surface.

The MDF kitchen apron is resistant to scratches, direct sunlight and moderate mechanical impact. The laminated surface withstands changes temperature regime and the impact of almost any means household chemicals.

As in the case of sheets thrown onto a kitchen apron made from other building materials, absolute evenness of the wall is not required. Installation can be done using adhesive compounds, frame structures or using mechanical fasteners.

Polyvinyl chloride

Plastic panels are made from polyvinyl chloride, then PVC. Boards or sheets of finishing building materials have a wide range color shades, and if everything is clear with white PVC, then color designs on products are applied in several ways:

  • thermal film - a building material painted in this way becomes more durable and resistant to mechanical damage;
  • laminate - this type of building material has a poor choice color palette in relation to other types, but at the same time it is the most durable, withstands mechanical loads quite steadfastly and is less susceptible to damage;
  • direct printing of a design - a board painted in this way does not tolerate even minimal mechanical impact on its surface.

All types of coating can be either glossy or matte. Also, panels can have different dimensions.

  • slatted panels - their appearance resembles “lining” made of wood;
  • tile panels - this type of finishing building material has the same connection method as slatted panels, but in appearance it is even more reminiscent of ceramic tiles;
  • sheet panels - sheets have dimensions - length up to 2440 mm, width up to 1220 mm, thickness up to 6 mm.

Most often, sheet panels are installed on a plastic PVC kitchen apron.


Modern hi-tech style requires modern materials for finishing the kitchen. A stainless steel apron goes perfectly with this style.

The clear advantages of metal skins are Fire safety and a long period of operation.

Kitchens stylized as antique furniture will certainly be more suitable for copper or brass panels.

Metal kitchen splashbacks can be solid, made as a single panel or assembled as separate tiles of various sizes.

By the way, in the latter case it is possible to combine tiles of different metals.

Not all household chemicals are suitable for caring for metal surfaces, and this is perhaps the only drawback, apart from the very high cost.


What to make a kitchen apron from? We think we have fully answered this question. Now it all depends on your preferences, design kitchen set and the interior of the room as a whole. Good luck in your endeavors.

The backsplash in the kitchen is the space between the countertop and cabinets. Its purpose is to prevent grease, splashes and other debris from getting onto the wall during cooking. At the beginning of the 21st century, the wall in the kitchen was decorated with ceramics, but technologies are improving and everything is changing, the material with which the walls are covered is also changing, and this article will be devoted to how to make a kitchen apron with your own hands.

What is a kitchen apron made of?

  • Nowadays, ceramic tiles have not lost their importance, as manufacturers are trying to make them the most unusual and diverse. But if you want to make a kitchen apron with your own hands, then this option will not be for you. Working with ceramic tiles is, first of all, hard work, since removing tiles from the wall is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.
  • One of the best and most colorful options is a mosaic kitchen backsplash or a living stone backsplash. It will last for many years and will perfectly decorate the interior of the kitchen. However, the big disadvantage of this option will be the high price and problematic installation.
  • The next method is MDF board medium density it can sometimes be seen in kitchens, because it is resistant to debris during cooking. Having decided to install this type of apron in the kitchen, it will need to be placed away from gas stove because it is very unsafe.
  • In recent years, glass kitchen splashbacks have become extremely popular. The price of such an apron is much less than an apron made of ceramics, stone and mosaic. The quality of such an apron really deserves respect.

The main advantages of a glass apron for the kitchen

Glass is a very convenient material; you can also order a solid panel that is easy to clean. various types debris, including fat.

  • as already mentioned, glass is very easy to clean;
  • you can choose the pattern of your apron;
  • a glass apron will give your small kitchen visual space;
  • The main advantage of a glass apron is its easy installation and removal, which greatly facilitates all work.

What types of glass kitchen aprons are there?

If you have finally decided that you will install an apron made of this material, then first you need to take all the dimensions and select the design you like best, only after that contact the company that manufactures aprons. As a result, we can conclude that you did almost all the work yourself, except for making the glass. And we can rightfully be proud of this. But there are people who try to make glass themselves and apply a design, and naturally nothing comes of it; besides this, special equipment is required. You should not try to do all the work yourself, but trust a professional, this will reduce your time costs and make your work easier.

First you need to figure out the choice of apron; it comes in several types - plain, glossy, matte. The types of kitchen splashbacks are described in more detail in our article glass panels for the kitchen. There is also an apron with a pattern. The most popular to this day is glass with a photograph on it. The design is applied to the material by a professional in a special way, which uses ink that is not susceptible to exposure to sunlight and does not fade over time, the color remains natural and rich for many years. The holding temperature is quite high - 120 degrees, you will agree that this is even more than in a bathhouse, so you won’t be afraid of damage to the apron from exposure to high temperatures.

In order for the apron to serve you for as long as possible, it is best to apply the design between two glasses. If you want to change the drawing in the future, it will not be difficult, just trust the professionals, and they will do high-quality work in a short time at a price that is acceptable to you.

How to take measurements and order a kitchen apron

Many people ask the question: how to correctly take measurements and order an apron? The answer is quite simple. To get straight to work, first watch a video on how to properly make an apron yourself and how to measure the wall so that there are no misunderstandings during installation later.

Pay special attention to all the furniture that is in the kitchen, carefully measure every detail, otherwise it may turn out that the apron will be unusable.

When all the furniture is hung, start measuring, also do not forget to check the walls to ensure that there are no holes or bumps. If there are any shortcomings, you need to get rid of them. If you need a long apron, then you will need a couple of panels for it, remember about the various sockets and fasteners that require holes.

DIY drawing for an apron for the kitchen

In order to make a drawing with your own hands, you need to purchase transparent glass and first select and prepare a drawing that will be on the adhesive tape. It is strictly forbidden to make a drawing on paper, since after a while condensation will begin to collect under the glass, as a result of which the apron can simply be thrown away.

We install a glass apron for the kitchen with our own hands

Now we will talk about how to properly install the apron. In order to properly install the apron, you will first need:

  • glass panels;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • dowels

Let's move on to the installation process itself, which consists of five points.

  1. First, you need to cover the tabletop with film or other material so as not to stain or damage it when installing the apron.
  2. In order to correctly draw the boundaries, the skins will need to be installed only along the edge at the top, after which holes are cut out.
  3. Only after completing these steps can you proceed to the installation itself. In order to cut holes, you first need to mark the dots with a pencil and then cut along them.
  4. To prevent contact between iron and glass, purchase plastic spacers.
  5. When all the work is done, return the sockets to their original places.

How to decorate a kitchen apron with your own hands

Professionals provide them with the most diverse and unique design, which a person without a creative education cannot do on his own. But you can be sure of one thing - the choice of lighting falls entirely on your shoulders - you need to install special backlit strips, thanks to which the kitchen takes on a luxurious look.

One of the most best virtues glass apron is easy and quick to change the design. An apron will perfectly complement your kitchen interior; in addition, it will protect the wall from grease.

Every housewife can sew an apron with her own hands. To do this, you do not need to have skills or extensive experience in .

With the help of our master classes with step by step photos, you can easily cope with this task.

An apron for the kitchen is the main accessory of the housewife, which allows her to remain spotlessly clean even during the dirtiest cooking.

Working with dough, baking, preparing borscht and frying donuts can ruin your home clothes. To prevent this from happening, you must have an apron.

The apron came to us from Ancient Egypt and remains popular at all times. In ancient times, only rulers wore an apron, so you, as a real ruler of your kitchen, should have such a thing in your home.

What material to choose for an apron

It’s easy to sew an apron for the kitchen, but when choosing fabric, you should consider several rules:

  • the fabric must be durable and easy to clean, because the apron will be subject to frequent washing and permanent stains (linen, Teflon, satin and chintz);
  • it is better to choose multi-colored and variegated fabric so that the stains are not so noticeable;
  • If you like a plain kitchen backsplash, then you should choose dark colors.

Many psychologists claim that color is closely connected with our brain and can influence our perception positively and negatively.

Based on this, it follows that red aprons stimulate the appetite and improve mood, which is perhaps why they are so popular.

DIY kitchen apron made of fabric

If you don’t have shirts and scarves, but want to sew yourself a beautiful apron, then buy yourself regular fabric, which will make an excellent kitchen utensil.

How to make a pattern for an apron

You need:

  • take measurements;
  • draw your future apron;
  • draw up a drawing in accordance with your dimensional data;
  • transfer the drawing onto the fabric using soap or chalk, not forgetting about the indentations on the seams.

Be careful, because sometimes it is necessary to make versatile details. To do this, sign each one and create them in a mirror image.

Materials for sewing an apron with your own hands:

  • 2 meters of fabric (length and width);
  • 3 meters of wide tape;
  • ruler;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • chalk or soap.

How to sew an apron from fabric

You can use a pattern or immediately start sewing an apron with your own hands. Everyone chooses what they can do. By the way, you can find experienced craftswomen and ask them for advice.

Sewing according to a pattern is more or less clear, we transfer the pattern to the fabric and cut out all the details, and then sew it together.

We will tell you how to sew an apron for the kitchen without a pattern. To do this, fold the fabric in half. The main thing is to do it very smoothly.

With chalk or soap, mark a vertical line 2.5 centimeters long, making an indentation of 17 centimeters. In the photo it is marked with the letter “A”.

We will mark the bend with the letter “B” at a length of 43 centimeters down.

From point “B” you need to measure 33 centimeters in a perpendicular direction. This will be point "C".

From point “B” we move down 50 centimeters and mark it with the letter “D”. We draw the same line under “C” and mark it as “E”. After all the steps, we connect all the dots and get an apron pattern with our own hands directly on the fabric.

Now we cut out the kitchen apron from fabric along the lines that we marked.

You need to make a pocket of any size. You can make it in any shape and even from a different material.

Mark 3cm indentations with a ruler (depending on the width of the tape you will be inserting into these seams) and press them with an iron to begin sewing. When you sew, it is best to overlap the corners.

For the functionality of the apron, you can make one large pocket and when you sew it to the apron in in the right place, make two more lines. Then you can put small ones in it.

Cut the ribbon in half and hem it, tucking the ends. Insert the ribbon with a pin into the channels sewn on the sides and pull it through to the second side.

You will get a good garter for an apron with your own hands.

Remember that a girl, even while preparing the most complex dishes, must remain beautiful, clean and attract her man!

The comfort of a living space largely depends on how well our life is organized in it. The most important place among auxiliary premises occupied by the kitchen. We love it most of all, because it is there that we enjoy deliciously prepared food. The apron plays an important role in the interior of the kitchen.

An apron is a section of the wall between the lower and upper tier of kitchen modules. It protects the wall from dirt, just as work clothes of the same name protect a housewife's suit from stains. It largely determines how beautiful and tidy our kitchen looks, and how harmoniously the individual modules fit together.

How to choose

Since the apron must be primarily functional, the materials for its manufacture must be selected with such characteristics that they protect problem areas on the walls well and are easy to clean. This means that when choosing materials, you must pay attention to their resistance to temperature changes and moisture resistance, as well as how easily the surface can be cleaned of contaminants deposited on it.

Installation protective coating First of all, it is necessary near the sink and stove, since numerous splashes of water and grease can seriously stain the wall. Product processing processes also take place in the work area, which have a damaging effect on surrounding surfaces, so it is better to place protection along the entire row of kitchen furniture.

In addition, the apron also has an aesthetic purpose. It is needed in order to combine the top and bottom rows into a single whole and create a coherent kitchen ensemble that will create comfort and delight the owners.

Features and Benefits

When we think about what our kitchen will look like, we must take into account its features. If the windows face north or have small sizes, then there will be a lack of light in the room. This means that the color scheme should neutralize the darkness and additional lighting will be required. On the contrary, if the kitchen is very light, then the shades of the furniture and walls may be darker.

When selecting materials for making a kitchen apron, you need to take into account the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Essential criteria for evaluation are ease of care, heat resistance, and moisture resistance.

The advantages of traditional materials are their time-tested practicality and relatively low cost. Non-traditional materials make it possible to implement various bold projects, and at the same time, any innovations can be very convenient for use in everyday life.

Each material has its own installation characteristics. Tiles, mosaics, natural and artificial stone require preliminary surface preparation. When installing such an apron, there should be no furniture in the kitchen. Glass and panel protection is installed after furniture is installed. But the specific installation location of the apron must, in any case, be determined with maximum accuracy, taking into account all cabinets and equipment.


A wide variety of materials can be used to make a protective coating. The most common are ceramic tiles, PVC, MDF and chipboard panels, tempered glass, and mosaics. When choosing a material, the fact from which material it is made is of great importance. kitchen furniture. The apron is made from the one that best matches it in texture and color.

Ceramic tiles are the most popular material. It fits easily into any kitchen as there are so many tiles available different sizes, colors and textures. It tolerates temperature changes well, is durable, is not afraid of moisture, and is easy to clean from dirt. At quality installation lasts a long time.

Porcelain tiles are stronger in properties than ceramic tiles and have higher moisture resistance. Tiles come in larger sizes, there will be fewer joints between them, so less dirt will accumulate in the seams. If on work surface If a porcelain stoneware countertop is installed, then it would be logical to make the apron from the same material.

An apron made of natural stone will look good with a stone countertop. Since this material is quite expensive, it is rarely found in kitchens.

But artificial stone is quite popular. It is much cheaper than natural, but looks no less noble. Since not only countertops, but also sinks are made from this material, it becomes possible to create magnificent kitchen sets. Such sets last a long time, they are easy to care for, and the plates are well connected to each other.

Mosaic splashbacks There are both single-color and multi-color. Even a picture can be assembled to suit every taste with a variety of patterns. It all depends on the plans of the owners. Mosaics can be made from various materials in all sorts of combinations. Use ceramics, glass, porcelain stoneware, a natural stone, metal, mirrors and other materials. The service life of the apron and its practicality directly depend on the quality of installation and grouting.

MDF and PVC panels are low cost and look good thanks to the variety of patterns that can be applied to them. Colors and pictures can imitate various materials: tiles, mosaics, wood, brick and stone. However, such panels are not very practical as they are easily damaged, but they are quickly installed and easy to replace.

Metal surface the walls will look interesting if the original design idea is realized. This apron looks unique and is quite practical, as it is not afraid high temperature and washes well using products that do not scratch the surface.

Glass aprons, contrary to the belief that they are fragile and brittle, are quite practical. Tempered glass can withstand high temperatures. If it has a smooth surface, it is easy to clean. Glass can be frosted or transparent, with or without a pattern. The transparent protection on the wall can be attached in such a way that it can be easily removed, and then the kitchen can be diversified by changing the patterns underneath it. There you can place photographs and drawings, which can look different thanks to the variety of LED backlight. These aprons are very beautiful, moisture resistant, but they can still break.

Protection on the kitchen wall can be made of laminate. It is important to choose it with such characteristics that it is not afraid of high temperatures and water splashes. Due to the fact that the panels are tightly connected to each other, they form a comfortable solid surface. The laminate is attached directly to the wall using liquid nails.

It is quite acceptable to make an apron from parquet blocks. The dies are attached to a fiberboard or chipboard backing and then placed on the wall. The drawing can turn out to be varied and very beautiful.

Colors and design

When choosing appearance There are no restrictions on the wall apron and the surface can be decorated in any way. A wide variety of possible color solutions, one or several colors can be used. Beautiful models are obtained when applied different shades one color.

The design may contain unusual color spots. The surface may look dry and restrained, but it is also possible to create a bright patchwork quilt with fragments of different images, colors and sizes.

Colors in the kitchen are of great importance from a psychological point of view. You should not use dirty or acidic colors in the interior, which can spoil the mood of the cooking housewife and the appetite of family members. The most acceptable colors are foods or ripe vegetables and fruits. Beautiful images of the products themselves will also be appropriate; they will look especially good on a white background.

Color and light in the kitchen should be well thought out. Light in the work area is necessary, and if the countertop is not well lit, additional lighting can be installed in the apron area. The light can also have different shades, which will allow you to change the scenery and diversify the kitchen space.

You can experiment in the kitchen, but you cannot miss the main thing - all design elements should look consistent.

How to make and install it yourself

An interior element such as a kitchen apron can be made with my own hands. First you need to determine what material it will be made of, and then decide whether we can do it or whether it’s better to trust the specialists. It is better to leave the installation of a glass apron to the manufacturer. Tiles, porcelain tiles and mosaics can be installed independently.

If you understand that in your case you can make an apron yourself, then let’s get started. We inspect the surface of the wall, it should be dry and smooth. We determine where the apron will be located. If the stove or sink is located in the corner of the kitchen, then it is advisable to go onto the side wall. If you plan to install a hood, the protective surface should extend beyond it, and it is better if the protection is mounted flush with the top plane of the wall cabinets.

The marking of the future apron should be done in such a way that it extends 2 cm behind the tabletop and cabinets. The marking is done according to the level, strictly horizontally. The top and bottom lines are drawn on the main wall and side ones, if necessary. Further installation technology depends on the material used.

Installing panels

The simplest solution is MDF or chipboard panels. Such an apron can be made from a single piece or several components. The panels are cut to fit the free part of the wall and fixed on it after the furniture is installed. The surface underneath may not be very smooth and does not require special preparation. Fastening is carried out in any convenient way. These can be screws with decorative heads, liquid nails, special or universal glue. After mounting on the wall, the panel is attached to furniture set using specially selected elements. MDF and PVC panels can be easily installed yourself.

Laying out the mosaic

The mosaic may consist of different materials. The individual mosaic pieces are called chips. The sizes and shapes can be very different - both strict geometry and arbitrary. The more complex the shape, the more labor-intensive the process of laying the mosaic will be.

Chips are combined into matrices. They can be fastened together using paper glued to the front side, but it is more convenient to use a polymer mesh on back side. A gap is made between the chips, which is subsequently sealed using epoxy grout.

Mosaics with a smooth surface are easier to install, but if the surface is corrugated, more careful work is required when grouting so as not to spoil the design. Caring for such fragments during operation will be more difficult, so it is better to form the pattern in such a way that chips with irregularities are located in places less susceptible to contamination.

Let's check how much flat wall. We remove small tubercles of putty from the surface. We clean the wall from dust and prime it.

We sort through the material and examine it. It is better to purchase mosaic elements with a reserve; you should not take them back to back, as defects may be detected or accidental damage may occur during the installation process. We lay out the mosaic on a smooth surface, trimming the gaps. We measure the length and width of the fragment, and then mark this size on the wall. It is better to attach a guide to the wall along the lower border to prevent the mosaic from sliding down.

Adhesive composition should be selected specifically for the material used. There are adhesive mixtures based on cement, polyurethane, and epoxy. We study the packaging and pay attention to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Prepare according to the instructions and apply an even layer of glue to the wall, making grooves. We place the mosaic sheet on the wall, check how correct its position is, and then press it to the surface with a trowel or roll it with a roller. After installing all the sheets, clean the seams from glue and wipe the surface of the mosaic.

Two days after installation, we seal the seams with grout. Grouting is very important, as it must protect numerous seams from the penetration of moisture and microorganisms. It is better to use epoxy grouts, since compared to cement-based grouts, they protect better from moisture, withstand temperature changes better, and crumble less. The variety of available colors allows you to make the best selection.