Acrylic or steel bathtub, which is better? Advantages of acrylic bathtub coating. Plumbing products made of steel

When purchasing a bathtub, you want it to serve its owner for a long time and satisfy all his desires and needs. Therefore, the choice of this piece of bathroom furniture must be approached thoughtfully and, first of all, take into account the material from which the bathtub itself is made. Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Let's compare their characteristics and help you choose the one that's right for you.

Comparative analysis

For your convenience, we have prepared a comparison table and conducted marketing research. You can see user ratings for each criterion in our table. We hope that this information will help you decide on the choice of bathtub.

Cast iron Steel Acrylic
Weight from 60 kg to 180 kg from 20 kg to 60 kg from 24 kg to 51 kg
Grade 5 7 10
Strength Very strong and durable. Resistant to rust formation. Manufacturers provide a guarantee of up to 25 years. In terms of strength and durability it is inferior to cast iron bathtubs. High-quality bathtubs have a steel thickness of 3.5 mm. The German manufacturer Kaldewei provides a guarantee for steel bathtubs for up to 35 years. The strength of the bathtub depends on the quality of the acrylic and the reinforcing layer. The more layers of reinforcement, the stronger the bathtub. The strongest and most durable are bathtubs made of quaril. The warranty period for quaril baths is up to 10 years.
Grade 10 4 8
Coating quality The coating may break off due to mechanical stress. White enamel is distinguished by its whiteness and shine. Enamel can be enriched with silver ions. The enamel can break off due to mechanical stress. High-quality acrylic coating does not turn yellow. It can be either smooth or rough anti-slip.
Grade 7 7 9
Possibility of coating repair The enamel can be restored, but the service life of the new coating will be about 5 years. The acrylic coating can be easily restored; the service life of the new bathtub coating will be up to 15 years.
Grade 7 7 10
Sound absorption properties when filled with water Almost silent High noise level. Most manufacturers offer sound-absorbing pads. Silently
Grade 10 4 10
Thermal conductivity It is thermally inert - the bath heats up slowly, and the water in it maintains its temperature for a long time. Has high heat transfer. It heats up quickly and the water in it cools down quickly. Low thermal conductivity. The water in such a bath cools very slowly. Withstands temperatures up to 60 degrees.
Grade 10 5 10
Variety of shapes They do not differ in the variety of forms. Mostly rectangular bathtubs are produced. Bathtubs are available in a variety of designs and shapes. The largest variety of shapes. The material allows designers to create the most unusual bathtubs.
Grade 5 9 10
Color solutions Small selection of colors. Bathtubs are mainly produced in white. Baths can be of various colors and shades. The color of acrylic bathtubs is resistant to abrasion. It is possible to produce bathtubs with graphic designs in various color combinations.
Grade 5 5 10
Installation It is impossible for one person to install a bathtub. Due to the heavy weight, at least three people must be involved in installation work. The bathtub is solid and during operation does not “walk” or move away from the walls. Does not require additional structures. Available self-installation baths. The bathtub is not stable and requires additional structures for installation (foundation or special piping). You can complete the installation process yourself. The bathtub is installed on special structures and requires good fixation. Quaril baths are more stable and can be installed without additional fasteners or strapping.
Grade 3 7 9
Care The coating is resistant to chemical detergents. It is advisable not to use abrasives or hard sponges. Requires careful care. Sensitive to the effects of aggressive household chemicals, abrasives and hard sponges. At temperatures around 100 degrees, the acrylic coating may become deformed.
Grade 9 9 7
Price from 7000 rubles from 2800 rubles from 4300 rubles
Grade 8 9 9

Each type of bathtub can be supplemented with a hydromassage system. How to choose a Jacuzzi with hydromassage, read in another article.

More about the characteristics

Let's take a closer look at each of these types of baths.

Cast iron

Cast iron bathtubs were in trend many years ago, but with the development of technology, interest in them has not fallen, and they are still in demand among the population.

A bathtub made of cast iron is undoubtedly a strong and durable product. Perhaps these two criteria best characterize a cast iron bathtub. Another positive point is thermal conductivity. Cast iron is a material that takes a long time to heat up, but also takes a long time to cool down. Therefore, be sure that the hot water in such a bath will not cool down for a long time. It will take about an hour and a half for this bath to cool down to the temperature of your bathroom. During this time you will have time to soak up the fluffy foam and completely relax.

Cast iron is a soundproofing material. When collecting water, rest assured: the sound of the water being drawn will not disturb your family.

The main disadvantage of a cast iron bathtub is its weight. It is very heavy, with a length of one and a half meters, weighs one hundred kilograms. Therefore, if your apartment is not on the ground floor, then delivery and installation of the product will cause corresponding difficulties. But weight is not only a disadvantage, it also has an advantage. Well, if you installed your cast-iron bathtub wherever you wanted, then rest assured that it will not move anywhere. The stability of the product is guaranteed. Therefore, it is convenient to place such a bathtub against the wall. She definitely won’t leave her side.

A cast iron bathtub requires very careful care. since the layer covering it, which is waterproof enamel, can be damaged by careless cleaning or use. You can restore it yourself, but due to complex repair technologies, it is better to contact specialists.

Cast iron bathtubs will not please you with the variety of their types and shapes. Unfortunately, they cannot be called original. The foreign manufacturer, of course, brings some interesting aspects to the design. For example, beautiful legs with gold trim or additional handles and armrests that ensure safety. The legs can be adjusted and the height of the bathtub can be set according to your own desires. Note that such bathtubs weigh less than those from a domestic manufacturer.

The cast iron bath can be equipped with hydromassage. With light and airy bubbles, it will simply take its owner to the pinnacle of bliss. If you take proper care of a cast iron bathtub, then such a product will delight you for about 50 years.

Corner baths can be found from any material, but they are very rarely made from cast iron.

Enamel Innovations

Many years have passed since the first cast iron bathtub was made. Modern technologies make it possible to improve the quality and appearance and, naturally, a cast-iron bathtub of our time cannot be compared with one made a long time ago.

As before, cast iron is first filled into the desired form. Next, the surface is leveled, polished and made smooth. All uneven places are removed. It is on this perfectly smooth base that the enamel coating is applied. Enamel is one of the most important parameters that determine the quality of a product. In order for such a product to serve its owner for decades, the manufacturer adds various impurities to its composition - barium, cobalt. The bathtub turns out very beautiful: snow-white and shiny.

Why are bathtubs from a domestic manufacturer heavier than imported ones? It’s just that Russian bathtubs have a thicker layer of cast iron. Foreign manufacturers have the opposite: there is less cast iron layer, and enamel coating– thicker. Manufacturers enrich the enamel with silver ions. It is no secret that silver has antibactericidal and disinfectant properties. Therefore, its use in this area is simply irreplaceable. Such a bath is not just beautiful, but also good for health.

Another component of enamel is titanium salt. It ensures smoothness and makes such a bathtub more wear-resistant. On sale you can find cast iron bathtubs in which the varnish coating consists of three layers. This bathtub resembles a bathtub made of acrylic.


Acrylic bathtubs are the result of scientific and technological progress. They are younger cast iron bathtubs, but already have their fans. This product is not very heavy, so it is convenient to install and move. And there are no special problems with delivery. The apparent fragility at first glance is deceptive. The acrylic bathtub is quite durable and reliable. This bathtub has a smooth, shiny surface that does not lose its original color over time. An acrylic bathtub retains heat for a long time. In half an hour, the temperature of the water poured into it will drop by just one degree.

Another plus is sound insulation. Water is drawn almost silently. The acrylic bathtub is easy to use and maintain. Simply wipe it with a sponge and regular detergent. The use of strong chemicals and abrasives is strictly prohibited. They can damage the acrylic surface.

Scratches that may appear during careless use of an acrylic bathtub can be eliminated by using polish or liquid acrylic if the scratch is very deep.

Read our other article about the pros, cons, and manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs.

It is not recommended to wash your four-legged pet in an acrylic bathtub. It may scratch the surface of the bathtub.

Acrylic bathtubs amaze with their variety of shapes. Since the material is quite plastic, the manufacturer offers round, oval, corner baths. Therefore, their use can be a beautiful and unusual addition to the bathroom, and in some cases become a bold design decision.

Another, no less important advantage of acrylic bathtubs is their hygiene.. Acrylic is a material that inhibits the spread of bacteria in the humid microclimate of the bathroom.

New technologies in acrylic production

First, let's figure out what the raw materials for making acrylic bathtubs are. Acrylic is a polymer substance, essentially the same plastic. In order to make a bath, you need a sheet of acrylic, from which the bath is blown in vacuum chambers. The sheet has different thicknesses, but in general it should not be less than 5 millimeters.

There is a relationship between the thickness of an acrylic sheet and its ductility. A thick sheet of acrylic bends worse. Therefore, a high-quality acrylic bathtub will not have any complex or intricate shapes.

The bathtub manufactured at the first stage is still far from its final form. In essence, it is just a plastic basin that can easily become deformed. Next comes the reinforcement process. Several layers of special resin are applied to the surface, which, when hardened, retains the shape of the bathtub. In some factories this is handmade. The strength and quality of the product depends precisely on the number of such layers. They can be seen with the naked eye.

You can check the quality of an acrylic bathtub according to the principle of checking a watermelon in the market, that is, knock. If the sound is dull, then you can safely purchase such a bathtub. A ringing sound indicates a thin layer of reinforcement, and this is already a sign of poor quality. The thicker the layer, the more expensive the bath. By purchasing a cheap acrylic bathtub, you are taking a big risk.

Technologies do not stand still. And now bathtubs made of quaril have already appeared(quartz + acrylic). Quartz makes acrylic strong, so the reinforcement process is simply unnecessary. Such baths are no longer “blown”, but cast. Quaril baths are very durable. A heavy object falling into such a bathtub will not leave any scratches or dents on it. Of course, such a bathtub is a little heavier than a regular acrylic one, but compared to cast iron, it is lighter.

Read more about how to choose the best acrylic bathtub in our other article.


A steel bathtub is a budget option. Steel baths are cheaper than baths made of other materials. There are, of course, expensive steel baths. They are practically no different in appearance from cast iron bathtubs due to the enamel coating. And you can determine the material of manufacture only by knocking on the edge of the product. Such a bathtub can serve its owner for approximately 15 years.

The steel bathtub is very light. Therefore, installation and installation will not cause any particular difficulties. Due to the plasticity of the material, manufacturers offer a variety of shapes of steel bathtubs. You can choose whatever your heart desires.

Read more about how to choose a cast iron bathtub in our other article.

The biggest drawback is its thermal conductivity. The water in such a bath cools catastrophically quickly. You won’t be able to pamper yourself and relax in it after a hard day at work. Otherwise, you will have to constantly add hot water. And this is no longer economical.

When you fill a steel bathtub with water, all the inhabitants of your apartment will know about it. The sound will be ringing loud. Foreign manufacturers try to muffle this sound and use rubber gaskets. But this only slightly muffles the sound from the water poured into it.

When choosing a steel bathtub, you need to pay attention to the wall thickness. Thin walls may become deformed and the enamel will crack.


Which bath should you choose? The solution to this issue, of course, is individual. If you don’t have a lot of money, you will have to buy a steel bathtub. You will have to put up with the rapid cooling of the water and noise when drawing water. But thanks different forms, you can choose a bathtub that will be the ideal solution for your bathroom.

The advantages of acrylic are its thermal conductivity and sound insulation. Another plus is that all scratches can be fixed at home. The restoration process is quite simple. Any specialized store will offer you such a set at a reasonable price. Acrylic bathtubs can be additionally equipped with hydromassage and turned into a cozy corner for SPA treatments. The shapes of such baths are also varied.

A cast iron bathtub is very heavy. Problems will arise during installation. If you accidentally break off a piece of such a bathtub, you will not be able to restore the original appearance of the product. Restoring cast iron bathtubs is very difficult, and in some cases impossible. But despite this, the most important thing is strength. The water in such a bathtub cools more slowly than in an acrylic one. Modern manufacturers turn such a bath into a real work of art by adding exquisite details. A cast iron bathtub is a durable product.

In any case, before you buy a bathtub, you should try it on. Many stores allow their customers to climb into the bathtubs to understand whether the client will be comfortable and comfortable in it.

Despite the growing popularity of showers, traditional baths are not losing ground. After all, they are the ones created for complete relaxation and restorative sessions using essential oils, sea ​​salt or aromatic foam. In terms of comfort, the latest generation models are in no way inferior to hydroboxes. But it's important to know which bath is better so as not to make a mistake with the choice and enjoy the experience for a long time water procedures.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the material and manufacturing technology. Not only do these parameters depend on performance characteristics bowl, but also its appearance, as well as transportation and installation options.

Today baths are made from:

  • cast iron
  • become
  • acrylic
  • kvarila
  • tempered glass
  • stone - natural or artificial
  • tree

Steel, cast iron and acrylic are the most widely used - they are used both in mass production and for the production of luxury products. The remaining materials are intended for creating designer models, mainly in the singular.

Features of cast iron baths

They have a long history. Having appeared in our everyday life back in the 17th century, cast iron bathtubs still remain leaders in the plumbing market, despite growing competition and the emergence of new materials. Isn't this evidence of their undeniable advantage over their steel and acrylic counterparts?

Advantages of cast iron baths

  • Low thermal conductivity. The water in such a bowl does not cool down for a long time, allowing us to bask in special comfort. However, it cannot be said that cast iron holds the lead in heat capacity; with the advent of acrylic, it had to “make room”. It turned out that the polymer hot tub keeps water hot 2 times longer.

Of course, a lot depends on the thickness of the walls of a particular model, ventilation in the bathroom and other conditions. Therefore, it is clear to say which bath is betteracrylic or cast iron, when it comes to heat capacity, it is difficult.

  • Durability. At this point, the cast iron bathtub is still out of competition. Its minimum service life is 50 years, but this is far from the limit. If treated with care and cleaned with mild detergents without abrasive particles and caustic acids, the bowl will retain its enamel coating, which means it can serve more than one generation of the family.

Advice : When bathing pets, it is better to put a rubber mat in the bathtub so as not to scratch its surface. For the same reason, it is not advisable to place metal buckets and other containers in the font that can damage the enamel.

  1. Sustainability . Another undeniable advantage of cast iron plumbing. Due to its massiveness, the font will not tip over, even if a person with a lot of weight sits on its edge.
  2. Enamel strength. The coating does not fade over time, does not become thinner, and causes a pleasant tactile sensation. Outer side bowls are often painted in bright colors, which allows you to diversify the design of products. But enamel is required special care, otherwise it will turn yellow, become covered with microcracks and begin to collapse.
  3. Low noise level. The bath fills almost silently. This is the advantage of a cast iron bowl over a steel one.
  4. Easy to care for. Unlike, for example, acrylic models, cast iron bathtubs are not capricious and do not require special cleaning products. On the contrary, they are recommended to use a simple soap solution with the addition of vinegar, washing powder, bleach or soda.

But you need to wash the bath regularly, after each use. If there is no serious contamination, it will be enough warm water, and if there are stains, rusty streaks or plaque, you can use any alkaline-based product.

Important: After washing, the bowl should be dried. Then lime deposits and rust will not appear in places where the enamel is chipped or near the drains. If the humidity in the bathroom is low, you can simply open the door and wait until the surface of the bathtub dries. If this is not enough, wipe the bowl with a paper towel.

Disadvantages of cast iron baths

  • Heavy weight cast iron bath from an advantage it easily turns into a disadvantage when it comes to the delivery and installation of the product.

The wall thickness of a high-quality bowl should be at least 5 mm; it is not surprising that its weight ranges from 90 to 120 kg. It is impossible to lift such a plumbing fixture to a high floor alone - the participation of 3-4 people will be required. A bulky full-size bathtub will not fit in a passenger elevator, so in the absence of a freight elevator, it is carried up the stairs, where there is an additional problem of turning around on the landings between flights.

At least two people are also involved in installing the font. All this creates difficulties and makes you doubt the advisability of purchasing a cast iron model.

Attention: bathtubs from foreign manufacturers have thinner walls and are much lighter, without losing any quality. Particularly famous are the products of the Catalan brand Roca, which in 1925 was the first to begin mass production of cast iron bathtubs.

  • Difficulty of restoration. If chips or cracking of the enamel appear, you will have to use the services of specialists, since restoring the coating at home is problematic.
  • Monotony. Cast iron has little flexibility when processed, so products made from it have a simple shape, close to the classic one: oval, rectangular or triangular (for corner models). For those who love the extraordinary modern design such restrictions are unlikely to please.

When to choose a cast iron bathtub

A cast iron font on curved carved legs in the shape of lion paws is perfect for bathroom in Empire style, Provence, retro or shabby chic. An elegant bathtub can be freely installed in the center of the room, “assembling” the rest of the composition around it.

A stable bowl will not require additional support, as is usually the case with steel or acrylic models. There will also be no need to build a podium to hide the unsightly auxiliary structure.

Cast iron bath classic style looks strict and elegant. Especially if the outer covering is painted in pastel colors or covered with hand painting.

Families with small children, elderly people or people with a lot of weight should also pay attention to cast iron models. Moreover, today manufacturers equip hot tubs with special internal handles, anti-slip coating and a comfortable seat for those who do not want to be completely immersed in water.

And for lovers of home spa treatments, cast iron bathtubs with hydromassage nozzles began to be produced. True, such devices are considered elite and cost accordingly.

Steel baths. Advantages and disadvantages

Steel plumbing belongs to the budget category. But a high-quality product can last up to 30 years without requiring replacement or large-scale restoration.

If we compare, which bath is bettercast iron or steel, you can find arguments for and against each variety.

Advantages of steel models

  1. Let's start with the design. Since steel baths are made not by casting, but by stamping, and the material itself is much more ductile than cast iron, strict restrictions are not imposed on the shape and size of the bowl. As a result, the lineup has a wide variety, allowing you to choose the appropriate option for both modern and classic interiors.
  2. The price of steel plumbing, as mentioned above, is very affordable, due to the complete automation of production.
  3. Bathtubs made of steel are at least two times lighter than cast iron. Their weight, depending on size, ranges from 15 to 50 kg. The bowl can be carried and installed alone, which is very convenient.
  4. Caring for a steel bathtub is much easier, and it is more hygienic. Enamel baked at high temperatures, does not form microcracks, from which it is difficult to remove limescale and dirt.
  5. Modern models have hydromassage functions, are equipped with handles and soft headrests, do not slip, ensuring complete safety. In terms of comfort, they are superior to their cast iron counterparts and are not inferior to acrylic ones.

Disadvantages of steel bathtubs

Steel bathtubs have as many disadvantages as advantages, but most of them can be eliminated independently, using improvised means:

  1. Fast cooling of water. Steel bowls do not hold heat well - this is one of the main disadvantages. But they heat up quickly, so to take a shower we don’t have to put our feet on a cold surface.
  2. Danger of capsizing. If we place ourselves poorly in the bathtub and disrupt its stability, we risk falling along with it.
  3. Deformation from gravity. Under a massive person or object, the bathtub bends, which leads to cracking of the enamel.
  4. Low noise absorption. The thin walls of the bathtub ring under the running water, so it’s impossible to fill it quietly.
  5. Rust on chips. Cast iron oxidizes much less than steel. Therefore, bowls made of this metal in places where the enamel has been chipped almost do not rust. Steel containers do not have this advantage, which is why they deteriorate much faster.

Fortunately, improving the performance of your bathtub is not difficult.

The first thing you need to do when installing the bowl is to ensure that it is securely fixed. The standard “legs” that come with the kit are usually not enough. You can build wide supports from red brick (silicate does not tolerate moisture well) - this is the most good decision. To avoid damaging the appearance of the plumbing fixtures, all auxiliary structures and pipes are covered with a decorative screen.

Application to reverse side bowls polyurethane foam solves two problems at once: additional sound and heat insulation appears. As a result, the water hits the walls less loudly and maintains its temperature longer. Instead of foam, you can use technical cork or vibration insulation - a bitumen-based material designed for noise protection of cars.

How to check the quality of a steel bathtub

If you are wondering which bath is better? , preference was given to a steel bowl; it is very important not to make a mistake with the choice when purchasing. Then such plumbing will last a long time, making water procedures truly comfortable. At the same time, the cost of the product will be much lower than that of the same acrylic, which does not always have an adequate price-quality ratio.

What to pay attention to:

  • The thickness of the walls of the steel bath should be 2.5 - 3 mm. In the store, we cannot determine this indicator by eye, but we can move the container to feel its weight. If the bath easily gave in under our pressure, the manufacturer clearly saved on material by making the walls thinner than required by the standard.
  • Defects in the enamel coating are another sign of low-quality plumbing fixtures. Sagging or an excessively thin layer through which the base is visible, roughness, foreign inclusions and other defects of this kind are unacceptable. If the enamel does not lie in an even layer, over time it will crack from uneven loading, making the bath unusable. The “correct” coating is smooth and pleasant to the touch, and has a uniform color.
  • It is better to purchase plumbing fixtures from leading manufacturers - this is the most reliable guarantee. The German companies Kaldewei and Bette have proven themselves well, as well as Roca and BLB from Portugal. Among domestic companies The products of the Verkh-Isetsky Metallurgical Plant, which meet modern standards and at the same time are cheaper than foreign analogues, inspire confidence.

Stainless steel baths

We are accustomed to metal hot tubs with an enamel coating, but there are, although less common, models made of stainless steel. So which bath is better?

Stainless steel bowls are superior to enameled ones in all respects, except... price. Such bathtubs cannot be called budget - they will cost much more than plumbing fixtures made of cast iron or acrylic.

But we get a highly environmentally friendly, durable and damage-resistant product of any kind with an original, unique design.

Advice: To get rid of traces of water, which are very noticeable on polished shiny metal, the bowl should be wiped with a piece of dry natural cloth every time after bathing.

Stainless steel plumbing is an ideal choice for a bathroom in a minimalist, hi-tech or style.

Acrylic bathtubs: new technologies versus long-standing traditions

Bowls made of synthetic material - polymethyl methacrylate (colloquially plexiglass) are increasingly crowding out metal plumbing fixtures. The technology for manufacturing acrylic bathtubs is constantly being improved, so the growing interest in them is justified.

The price and quality of polymer baths depends on the manufacturing method. There are two of them:

  • casting with subsequent reinforcement
  • use of multi-layer sandwich type construction
  1. Products made from cast acrylic (PMMA) are produced by pressing at high temperatures. To increase strength, bathtubs are reinforced with fiberglass or polyurethane and then sanded.

Cast acrylic has a smooth surface without micropores where pathogenic flora or dirt particles could accumulate. It is easy to clean, does not crack, and can withstand heavy loads. In case of minor damage, the surface of the bathtub can be restored independently by simple grinding or treating it with special pastes.

Hot tubs made of cast acrylic are expensive, but their service life is at least 15 years.

  1. There is also an economy option - the so-called “sandwich”. The base is made of cheap ABC plastic and covered with a thin layer of acrylic.

Asking which bath is best in in this case doesn't make sense. Any damage acrylic coating in a “sandwich” bowl leads to direct contact of water with plastic, which is not moisture resistant. As a result, the bathtub is destroyed and has to be replaced with a new one. In addition, fragile plumbing fixtures can crack from impact or point loading and sag during bathing.

No wonder that budget options acrylic bathtubs are designed for 3–4 years of service. You should buy them only in one case: if you want to regularly update the design of your plumbing fixtures, keeping up with fashion and without harming your wallet.

Advantages of acrylic bathtubs

  • The ability to retain heat for a long time, a pleasant to the body, non-cooling surface.
  • No noise when drawing water.
  • The coating does not lose color or darken.
  • Lack of toxic components (only in high-quality products).
  • Light weight – no more than 30 kg.

Important : A bowl that is too light should be a concern when purchasing. It is either thin-walled or made of plastic “disguised” as acrylic. Optimal thickness The walls of the PMMA bath should be 5 – 6 mm.

  • Creative design, the ability to create plastic products of complex shapes. The bowls are mainly intended for bathroom modern style. Although you can choose a classic model.

Comparing different types bathtubs, buyers often hesitate: Which is better - acrylic or steel? Both weigh a little, especially compared to cast iron bowls, have a stylish, modern appearance and are equipped with all the necessary safety features.

True, the cost of high-quality acrylic bathtubs is much higher. But they do not rust, do not need an enamel coating, which cracks over time, and have antibacterial properties.

Disadvantages of acrylic bathtubs

  • An acrylic bathtub requires a supporting frame to help distribute the load and maintain its shape. It is advisable to purchase it not separately, but together with the bowl, choosing manufacturers who offer both positions.
  • Special care products will be required, since acrylic can be easily scratched with ordinary powder or an overly hard brush. Due to instability to mechanical stress, it is not recommended to bathe pets in acrylic bathtubs, which may leave claw marks.
  • Danger of deformation from hot water.

Choosing an acrylic bathtub. What to pay attention to

PMMA bowls are not cheap, which is why it is so important to purchase a truly high-quality option that is worth the investment. What to look for when purchasing?

  1. There should not be an unpleasant “chemical” smell coming from the bathtub. If it exists, we have either a plastic analogue or a low-quality product.
  2. Sufficient layer of reinforcement. Check for treated fiberglass epoxy resin you can by examining the side of the bathtub.
  3. If you point a flashlight at the bowl, the light should not be visible through the thickness of the walls.
  4. An important signal is that the shape of the bowl is too complex. Durable, injection-molded plastic does not require elaborate bends, which most likely serve as additional stiffening ribs for a thin-walled and fragile model.

Attention: the price of an acrylic bathtub cannot serve as the only guarantee of good performance properties. It happens that we have to pay extra for a brand or an original form of plumbing fixtures, but at the same time it does not have sufficient strength to last a long time. Only cast acrylic, at least 6mm thick, with the correct reinforcement, is truly reliable.

Let's summarize, which bath is better?

Whatever bath we choose, the main thing is that it is made of quality material, in compliance with production technology. Then any model: cast iron, steel or acrylic will last a long time without requiring special attention.

Which is better is a matter of personal preference. We need reliability and simplicity, we choose cast iron bowls, we want something original and impressive, we will focus on acrylic, and if we need to save money, on steel bathtubs.

Owners of new homes are often faced with the question of replacing plumbing fixtures or purchasing new ones for an empty apartment. While there are usually no problems with the sink and toilet, the bathtub often becomes a bone of contention. First of all, you have to choose whether to install or give preference. And then the question arises about the material from which the plumbing will be made. To choose the right bathtub, you need to determine your expectations and requirements for this piece of furniture.

The variety of options often confuses people. Each material has its own characteristics, pros and cons. How not to make a mistake with your choice?

How to choose the right bath?

The selection process is best divided into several steps. This way you will make your task much easier.

  1. It is worth starting first of all from room sizes and your ideas about the design of this room. No matter how much you would like to, installing a huge corner bathtub 2 by 2 meters in a tiny bathroom will not work. Leave it to your imagination and think about what size bathtubs will suit your room. This will narrow down the range of possible options.
  2. Then decide on bathtub shape. They come in oval and rectangular, angular and asymmetrical. A correctly selected form will help not only create interesting interior, but also . In addition, some styles impose certain restrictions on the shape of large interior items.
  3. After this you can choose the material. Currently on the market they offer three types of baths: cast iron, steel And acrylic. Each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages.
  4. And the final stage will be selection of functions that a bath should have. If you want hydromassage, handles for easy lifting, lighting, or even a special computer that will monitor the water temperature, then all these additions will also play a role when choosing a specific model.

Acrylic bathtub: main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages

The development of technology has given users this relatively new type of bathtub. Acrylic is essentially very looks like plastic. This polymer substance is characterized by plasticity and low strength. Unusual bathtubs of bizarre shapes with curves and thin contours are made of acrylic. But do they have practical value if the material is so fragile?

Especially to strengthen the resulting form, acrylic bathtubs reinforced. Several layers of special resin are alternately applied to the finished mold. It is they who give the future bathtub strength. But still experts advise giving preference to simpler forms, because for the manufacture of such bathtubs they use acrylic sheets with a thickness of up to 5 mm, less flexible, but more durable.

Among " advantages» such a bath can be distinguished:

  • little weight. The acrylic structure is easy to lift and carry. You will not have to overpay for transportation;
  • hygiene. This material prevents the development of bacteria on the surface;
  • excellent thermal insulation. If you like to lie in the bath for a long time, then the properties of acrylic will pleasantly surprise you. The water cools very slowly, about one degree every thirty minutes;
  • easy care. It is quite easy to wash off dirt and any marks from acrylic. You just need to use a suitable detergent and sponge;
  • sound insulation. Water is collected completely silently. You will not annoy other residents with the sounds of water beating against the bathtub;
  • wide range of shapes, colors and sizes.

But it is also worth noting several “ cons» this material:

  • the need to purchase special cleaning products. Acrylic is highly susceptible to various chemicals, so the bathtub can only be washed with certain substances. Also contact with abrasives is prohibited- they can damage the surface;
  • Scratches form quite easily, try not to drop anything into the bathtub. It is also not recommended to wash your pets in it; claws will definitely leave marks on the bath;
  • fragility. Not all baths have several layers of reinforcement. When buying a product, pay attention to its quality;
  • relatively high price.

Steel bath: main characteristics, pros and cons

This type of bathtub is considered the most budget-friendly. Prices for steel bathtubs are indeed significantly lower than for analogues made from other materials. However, there are also “elite” models that are additionally covered with a thick layer of enamel. Yet most steel bathtubs have the following features: advantages:

  • reliability and strength. The average warranty for such a bathtub is 10 years, and some manufacturers guarantee unchanged appearance for as long as 15 years.
  • wear resistance. Enameled steel is not afraid of the claws of pets and various objects falling into the bathtub (within reasonable limits). It will not be easy to leave a mark on such a surface;
  • ease of care. A stain, plaque or other contamination has appeared - powerful chemicals will solve this issue. The enamel will even withstand contact with abrasive substances;
  • light weight. Installation and transportation of the bathtub will not be a problem;
  • low price. This parameter is the main reason for the popularity of such baths.

And yet the steel bathtub has its noticeable flaws:

  • high thermal conductivity. The water in such a bath cools down very quickly, which greatly complicates the relaxation process. To fully relax, you will have to constantly add hot water;
  • poor sound insulation. The whole house will know that you are about to take a bath. Water hits enameled steel with a ringing sound.

Is acrylic or steel bath better?

It is not easy to answer this question, since each person has his own requirements for bathtubs: their design, properties and characteristics. If you have a small budget allocated for repairs and replacement of plumbing fixtures, then it is better to give preference to a steel bathtub. At the same price, the quality of a steel model will be many times higher than the quality of its acrylic counterpart. If you have a pet in your home that you regularly bathe in the bathtub, then also consider purchasing a model with an enamel surface.

Those who like to relax in the water for hours should choose an acrylic bathtub, because it can retain heat for a long time. Hot water consumption will be noticeably reduced.

But you can choose an interesting and stylish model in both acrylic and steel versions.

August 14, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works(laying a foundation, erecting walls, constructing a roof, etc.). Internal construction work (laying internal communications, rough and fine finishing). Hobbies: mobile communications, high tech, computer technology, programming.

Regular readers know that not long ago I installed acrylic liner into her neighbor's cast iron bathtub. She asked me to do this favor for her. And while working, I thought about which bathtub is better: acrylic or cast iron. Moreover, in the near future I am going to renovate the one-room apartment that my son bought with a mortgage, and I still have to think about this issue.

I bring to your attention my thoughts on this matter. Below I will describe the pros and cons of both products and compare the most important technical characteristics. If you are also deciding what to install in your own bathroom, here you will find all the necessary information.

Cast iron baths

Let's start with cast iron bathtubs as a more traditional and common product. The apartments of our parents and grandparents were equipped with them. Despite this, the advantages of such products allow them to still not lose their position in the construction market. However, first things first.

Very often, the choice of a bathtub made of acrylic-cast-iron-steel is determined by a person’s financial capabilities. I wouldn't advise you to do this. After all, you are buying a bathtub for a long time, so the high price should not be a deterrent. Better pay attention to specifications and performance properties.

All cast iron bathtubs presented in plumbing stores are not distinguished by their sophistication and complexity of shape. This is due to the characteristics of the material and the complexity of its processing. However, thanks to the strict geometric shape. For example, I have never had any problems installing these products in bathrooms.

The technology for making cast iron bathtubs is as simple as possible:

  • the molten material is poured into special molds, where it remains until it cools completely;
  • after this, the workpiece is coated with a special anti-corrosion compound and enamel;
  • at the last stage, the baths are treated in infrared, where under the influence of temperature the enamel hardens, becomes smooth and durable.


Despite the apparent simplicity of the technology, cast iron products have several important advantages, thanks to which they do not lose popularity at the present time. And this despite the emergence of new technologies and materials.

I’ll tell you about the advantages that are decisive for me personally:

  1. Strength and low thermal conductivity.

Bathtubs made of cast iron retain heat well, so hot water poured inside retains a temperature that is comfortable for a person for a long time. However, looking ahead, I can say that acrylic is even better in this regard. The difference is almost twofold.

Cast iron products do not change shape regardless of the load placed on them. This is due, first of all, to the strength of cast iron, as well as the fairly thick walls of the bath itself. In my practice, I have encountered bathtubs with a side thickness of 6 to 8 mm (this is basically what determines the low thermal inertia).

Due to its considerable weight, the plumbing item in question stands firmly on legs without swaying. Therefore, there is no need to secure it with bricks or a special reinforcing frame. Moreover, stability is maintained throughout the entire service life.

  1. Easy to care for the product.

Unlike steel bathtubs, cast iron bathtubs are coated with a thicker layer of high-quality enamel. Therefore, they have a rich and noble appearance that harmonizes perfectly with classic bathroom interiors.

Moreover, the enamel withstands mechanical stress well, retains its shine, does not scratch, does not flake or crack. Even if you wash it several times with an abrasive cleaning agent.

The outer protective and decorative layer of cast iron bathtubs can be cleaned with any household detergents and withstands the effects of chemicals well. The surface does not have pores where dirt often gets clogged.

Another plus, for me personally, is good sound insulation. When you turn on the water to fill the bath hot water, it does not emit a characteristic hum, notifying all the neighbors about your desire to wash yourself or have a romantic evening by candlelight.

  1. Long service life.

Here, cast iron bathtubs, in my opinion, have no competitors. In principle, with proper care, the product will serve not only you and your children, but also your grandchildren.

If chips and defects appear on the enamel while using the bathtub, it is not necessary to immediately throw away the cast iron bathtub. Filling a cast iron bathtub with acrylic can save the situation. After such treatment, even a very old product will acquire a presentable appearance and will last for a very long time.


I decided to do a thorough study rather than sing the praises of a cast iron bathtub. Therefore, I will tell you about the disadvantages that you need to consider when purchasing.

First of all, it is enormous weight and bulkiness. In my practice, I have not seen cast iron products weighing less than a hundredweight, so lifting the purchase to the top with your own hands will not be possible even if you want to. And not all elevators are designed for such a load. Take this into account and prepare a fee for the movers who will drag the bathtub to the 16th floor.

Naturally, one cannot fail to mention the cost. Despite the fact that domestic manufacturers offer affordable models, I would still buy products from more well-known Western brands. Otherwise, you will have to pay for low quality with low quality.

Well, a little about the appearance. You can't count on variety here. Only classics. Moreover, the emphasis of manufacturers is shifting to the use of more modern and easily processed materials: metal and acrylic.

Although, if you really want, you can find exclusive models that will make your bathroom unique and inimitable.

How to choose a cast iron bath

Despite the fact that our comparative analysis It’s still far from finished, let me give you some advice to those people who have already decided which baths are best to take. And we chose cast iron products:

  1. When buying a model you like, check whether it is the right size for your apartment. Before going to the store, I always measure all the necessary parameters, since changing a cast-iron bathtub is still a pleasure.
  1. Pay attention not only to width and length, but also to depth. Especially if you live in Khrushchev. In some apartments, the bathrooms are designed in such a way that without a radical redesign, the plunge pool will not be too deep.
  2. Check the quality of the enamel and the absence of defects on the surface. Even if at first it is a microscopic crack, during use it will cause big problems. Sometimes you just have to throw the bathtub away.
  3. Buy bathtub feet that can be adjusted.. They always helped me install the product firmly even on an uneven floor.

If you have a family member with disabilities or an elderly relative, think about his convenience by purchasing a bathtub with additional handles, an anti-slip surface and other safety features.

Acrylic bathtubs

Now I’ll tell you everything I know about acrylic bathtubs. First of all, I want to say that technical acrylic is used to make these products - special type plastic, to which special components are added that neutralize the surface of the polymer and give it antiseptic properties.

All plastic baths that are sold in specialized stores are produced in two main ways:

  • casting;
  • layer-by-layer connection (ABS baths).

In the first case, a sheet of technical acrylic is taken and heated until softened. Then the finished product of the desired shape and size is stamped from it. The whole process takes place in a special form where an artificial vacuum is created.

To give strength, the plastic is reinforced with fiberglass. The number of reinforcing layers determines the strength of the finished product and, naturally, the cost. However, expensive multi-layer bathtubs have a longer lifespan, which in my opinion is worth the high initial cost.

The second method involves the use of additional chemical compounds with complex and unpronounceable names. I will not talk about them in detail, since this method has not proven itself to be the best.

I have encountered such products several times. They are too thin, so the slightest mechanical impact can lead to cracks. Be that as it may, such a bath will have to be replaced after 3-4 years, so saving money will still lead to expenses in the future.


I have summarized all the advantages of acrylic bathtubs in an overview table, which I suggest you familiarize yourself with.

Advantages Description
Strength If you buy quality bath made of plastic, it will be as durable as cast iron. This is not just my opinion, I once read a detailed scientific study, so I state this with full responsibility.
Plastic Thanks to this property of plastic, manufacturers produce bathtubs of any size, shape and configuration. If you try hard, you can find a completely unique bathtub, and then proudly show it off to guests.
Ease I have moved more than a dozen bathtubs with my own hands, including those in my apartment. A standard product rarely weighs more than 35 kg. The only exception is a jacuzzi, but the equipment itself is heavy (compressors, engines), and not the acrylic itself.
Low porosity The top layer of an acrylic bathtub has no pores, so dirt does not penetrate under the surface of the bathtub. The product is easy to care for using regular detergents. New purchase will serve for a long time, maintaining the original color and texture.
Hygiene Special substances are added to the raw materials for the production of plastic products that prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms on the surface. Therefore, you can be completely confident in your safety when taking spa treatments at home.
Low thermal conductivity Acrylic has high heat-retaining properties and quickly heats up when exposed to heat. Therefore, hot water poured into such a bath retains its temperature for a long time and quickly makes the surface warm, adding comfort when bathing.
High sound insulation The water jet flowing onto the side or bottom of the bath does not create unpleasant noise. In addition, any impact on acrylic is almost inaudible, so the details of your water procedures will remain a secret to your neighbors behind thin walls.
Resistance to damage The bathtub perfectly retains its appearance during use. The main thing is not to use abrasive detergents that scratch the surface when washing acrylic.

If scratches appear on the surface of a plastic bathtub, you can restore its attractive appearance using special polishing pastes (the kind used to add shine to cars).

The performance properties of this polymer turned out to be so high that they began to use it to repair enamel coatings. For example, covering cast iron bathtubs with acrylic not only eliminates all chips and cracks, but also increases the comfort of its use.


Despite all the advantages, there are also several negative aspects here, which I want to describe in more detail.

The first and main thing is the possibility of damaging the surface of the plastic with a sharp object or abrasives. Any scratch from the decoration or too intensive cleaning with powder - and the bathtub is no longer so shiny.

Sometimes I have also seen cases where a cigarette butt fell into the bathtub and left a melted stain.

By the way, don’t even think about bathing your beloved cat or dog in an acrylic bathtub. Their sharp claws also damage acrylic. And it’s better not to put a basin there, especially a metal one, if you don’t want to change the installed bathtub in a couple of years.

The second disadvantage is the possibility of deformation during use. However, this is a “disease” of cheap models, which I do not recommend purchasing at all.

As for the fragility that opponents of acrylic talk about, this is a purely subjective concept. Believe me, I have an acrylic bathtub at home and many relatives who stayed overnight bathed in it. Of course, there were no sumo wrestlers among them, but they were quite well-fed people. And nothing bad happened.

How to choose a product

If everything that has been said has convinced you of purchasing an acrylic bathtub, I will allow myself to express my opinion here, giving some, in my opinion, practical advice:

  1. When purchasing a bathtub, look through it at the light.. You need to make sure that all the plastic is the same thickness. If this is not the case, you will see lighter areas. Then it is better to refuse the purchase.
  2. Look at the side cut of the product. There must be visible layers of reinforcing fiberglass. If this is not the case, the bathtub belongs to the second category and I do not recommend buying it.
  3. Ask the seller what the bathtub was reinforced with in production. It would be better if it was fiberglass. I don’t consider other options for myself, but, of course, I can’t forbid you.
  4. I do not recommend buying an acrylic bathtub of complex shape with many bends. All this compromises the strength of the plastic, and the bathtub may crack over time.
  5. If you decide to buy, give money only for products with a thickness of at least 4 mm, and better - 6. There are, of course, bathtubs with 2-4 walls, but personally I wouldn’t risk installing one in my home, much less filling it with water (of course, unless you want to take revenge on your neighbors downstairs for something by making it rain from the ceiling).
  6. Before purchasing a bathtub, I recommend measuring the length and width of your bathroom.. Otherwise, in the store your imagination may run wild, as a result of which the purchased font will not fit. We'll have to remodel the apartment.

And once again I will warn you against buying ABS bathtubs. The acrylic layer in them is very small, and the polymer itself has a rough surface with a large number of pores. This means that the bathtub will turn gray over time, and you will not be able to wash it.

Besides, I have never seen such bathtubs that last more than 3 years. While a good product reinforced with fiberglass will delight you even after 10 years.

Choose suitable bath not easy.

Parameter Cast iron Acrylic
Weight 120-150 kg 15-25 kg
Appearance Glossy enamel finish. Doesn't turn gray from dirt. Does not withstand impact well, but chips can be restored Smooth coating in various colors. May be stained by contaminants and cannot be washed off. Scratched when exposed to abrasives, but can be sanded well with special pastes
Strength Maximum high Depends on the type of product and the number of reinforcing layers. If the bathtub is of high quality, its strength is not inferior to cast iron.
Price From 10 thousand rubles. The price of a quality bath starts from 13 thousand rubles, and is limited only by your imagination
Thermal conductivity Hot water cools down by 1 degree every 10 minutes. The water temperature changes by one degree in 30 minutes.
Care It can be cleaned with household detergents, but too caustic substances can cause yellowing and tarnishing of the enamel. Do not wash the bathtub with aggressive solvents or substances with abrasive particles. There are no other restrictions.
Form Basically this is a classic oval or rectangular model. Thanks to the ease of processing acrylic, bathtubs of the most bizarre shapes and all sizes are stamped from it.
Durability With proper care, the service life is unlimited. More than 10 years

Subjective point of view on choosing a bath

I will tell you my opinion about choosing a bath. You don't have to stick to it and make a choice based on the information I outlined above.

Cast iron bathtubs, in my opinion, are more suitable for a country house, cottage or country house. There you can immediately provide a large bathroom and not have to worry about lifting the purchase to a high floor.

If the product is purchased for a city apartment, it is better to choose acrylic. This bathtub is easy to carry and install. Even if the elevator is temporarily turned off, and there is not much space in the bathroom.


Naturally, I understand that everyone has their own head on their shoulders and decides for themselves which bathtub to choose: acrylic - cast iron - or steel. I revealed all the nuances and features of the first two options, since I like them better.

If you have a different opinion on this matter, please express it in the comments below. Perhaps your instructions will help many novice craftsmen make a choice. And for those who want to learn more about apartment renovation, I advise you to watch the video in this article.

August 14, 2016

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When choosing a bathtub, you are faced with a growing offer of acrylic bathtubs. And for sure, if you have not yet encountered acrylic bathtubs in operation You ask yourself the question: which bathtub is better? Acrylic or cast iron. Let's try to answer your question by telling you all the pros and cons of cast iron and acrylic bathtubs.

Cast iron bathtubs are common. We have used them for many years and know everything about these baths:

- cast iron bathtubs are durable - they serve in our apartments for decades. Let the enamel become rough, but we can still use it as a bath.

— cast iron bathtubs retain heat well, since when filled with hot water, the material heats up and then gives off heat to the water.

— cast iron bathtubs are durable and can withstand the weight of a “large” person.

- time-tested

But they have certain disadvantages:

— the enamel wears off over time and becomes rough. Pores form in the enamel, in which water accumulates, then dries out and turns yellow, since water remains behind. limescale. Bacteria multiply.

— if a chip has formed on the bathtub, you cannot fix it yourself, you have to call a restorer.

— the choice of shapes for cast-iron bathtubs is very scarce, and beautiful cast-iron bathtubs made in Europe are very expensive.

— the weight of a cast iron bathtub is more than 100 kg, this is a large load on the floors. Difficulties during installation and dismantling during repairs.

Acrylic bathtubs also have their advantages:

- retain heat well. It is believed that water in an acrylic bath cools by 1 degree in 10 minutes

- pleasant to the skin. Since the acrylic surface does not give off cold when in contact with the skin and has a smooth surface

- easy to polish. If you damage the surface, you can remove the scratch yourself using an abrasive paste (for example, Goya paste) or polish.

- easy to install. The weight of an acrylic bathtub is only 30-40 kg. Easy to install and easy to dismantle. The load on the floors is significantly reduced.

- variety of forms. Offer of acrylic bathtubs by shape, size and type of corner and rectangular shapes huge.

- the surface of an acrylic bath without pores and limescale deposits forms on the surface in the form of a film that is easily washed off by any detergent and you don't have to scrub the bath thoroughly.

But there are disadvantages of acrylic bathtubs:

— acrylic bathtubs scratch easily, especially important if you have large animals. You need to use some kind of rug to prevent animals from scratching the bathtub. There is a high probability of scratches during transportation and installation of the bathtub. Unscrupulous builders can easily ruin your bath

- acrylic bathtubs, when first compared with cast iron ones, seem more “flimsy”. This is normal, since acrylic is easier to deform than cast iron, but it does not break. The acrylic bathtub can withstand weight up to 600 kg. But you quickly get used to it.

Decide which bathtub to buy for you. But, if you asked yourself the question, which bathtub is better, then you are considering the option of an acrylic bathtub. Try it! According to MIC Gortis, 90% of people who have tried using acrylic bathtubs plan to purchase an acrylic bathtub in the future.

BACH baths are currently Best offer On the market.

Firstly, in the production of Bach bathtubs, environmentally friendly polyurethane reinforcement technology is used,

secondly, multilayer acrylic (ABS/PMMA) from a leading manufacturer from Austria (Senoplast) is used.

So, which acrylic bathtub is best? Let's look at the product properties in more detail: Most manufacturers still use an outdated method of strengthening bathtubs with fiberglass. This is a previous generation technology, it causes significant harm environment, workers. The use of these products can be harmful to health; glass fiber contains styrene, which is used, for example, in the production of napalm.

You may hear the opinion of some sellers or read on the Internet that bathtubs made of cast acrylic are better than bathtubs made of multi-layer acrylic using acrylic and ABS. These articles are promoted by manufacturers of pure acrylic bathtubs. Any material has its advantages and disadvantages.

Just a few facts:


Thanks to the ABS component, co-extruded ABS/PMMA is much more impact resistant than cast acrylic, so it is also insensitive to shock. The drop weight test proves and emphasizes this:

This comparison convincingly proves that the material is more resistant to stress from impacts, which often occurs during use. Such characteristics significantly increase the service life of the products.

The high sensitivity of cast acrylic to impacts easily leads to cracks and splitting of finished products, working parts leak or become unusable and must be replaced.


Compared to ABS/PMMA, cast acrylic has superior shape memory; for example, thermoformed cast acrylic sheets tend to return to the shape of the original sheet when exposed to temperature. The speed of such reforming is highly dependent on temperature. In practice, the effect of this excellent “shape memory” of cast acrylic is the cause of frequent delamination of fiberglass reinforcement from deep-drawn sheets, particularly at fractures along which hot water flows. Because deformation often accompanies the brittleness of cast acrylic, the bathtub or shower stall becomes unusable and must be discarded.


Senoplast is a leader in the production of sheet plastics. The formula of acrylic in sheet is constantly improving. The sheet contains a special ANTIBAC layer, which is resistant to mechanical and chemical influences. With the same mechanical and chemical impact on the ABS/Acrylic material produced by Senoplast and ordinary acrylic, the result of damage to the bathtub is less on the material manufactured by Senoplast, which is used in the production of acrylic bathtubs of the BACH brand.

4. Recognition by independent examination

In 2006, Senoplast applied to the expert committee of the European Competition Commission to confirm the quality of the sanitary ware ABS/Acrylic multi-layer acrylic sheet. The commission made a decision in which it prohibited manufacturers of bathtubs made of cast acrylic from using in their advertising information about the advantages of bathtubs made of cast acrylic over bathtubs made of multilayer plastic, since this does not correspond to reality. As a result of this decision, many European manufacturers boldly switched to the production of bathtubs using multilayer ABS/Acrylic plastics. Unfortunately, on the Russian Internet you will find conflicting information about the merits of the materials used in the production of acrylic bathtubs.

We have already talked about this and, as you can see, fiberglass has worse adhesion to acrylic sheets; during the operation of the bathtub, peeling may begin, that is, multilayer acrylic is several times more resistant to mechanical damage and does not require polishing during operation. The bathtub is not afraid of impacts and scratches.
Well, do you still have doubts?

BACH bathtubs offer a reliable solution at a reasonable price, don't let them fool you.

Which bathtub is better, acrylic or cast iron?

Few people now can imagine their life without a cozy, comfortable bath. This is not only a place of solitude and relaxation, but also an abode of purity. The service life that an acrylic bathtub can serve you is at least 15 years. IN modern world we can afford to choose the best acrylic bathtub for us; the variety of choices, colors, properties and qualities is simply amazing. Let's figure out which bathroom is better, acrylic or cast iron?
A cast iron bathtub has been known to us since ancient times, but recently it has not been as relevant as an acrylic bathtub. There are a number of both advantages and disadvantages. A cast iron bathtub has a lot of weight, more than 100 kg, because of this it will not peel off from the wall and the tiles can be glued close to the joint of the bathtub. The enamel of a cast iron bathtub shines better, but requires careful maintenance. With careful and proper care enamel will last you longer. Cast iron is a complex material, so the variety of shapes is kept to a minimum.
Acrylic bathtub, which has gained popularity in the modern world, is catching up in sales and production. Let's look at the best aspects of acrylic bathtubs. It’s nice after a busy day to relax and unwind in an acrylic bathtub with hydromassage, gain new ideas, and restore vitality. Variety of beauty and convenience of form, function, color range. These positive qualities allow you to choose a bathroom to suit your taste: with hydromassage, aromatherapy, aeromassage. Paying attention the best materials and production technologies - an environmentally friendly and impact-resistant bath is produced, which is important. Water in an acrylic bath is slower, having a significant heat capacity of the material. It should be noted that the impact resistance of acrylic bathtubs is also high, since the base is laid on a steel grid. It is necessary to wash or rinse the acrylic bath after use to prevent the appearance of yellowness.

Acrylic hydromassage bath: Home pleasure center or chemical plant branch?

Do you know that Russian manufacturers Are bathtubs reinforced with fiberglass? This technology involves the release of styrene, a toxic substance found in napalm.
The worst thing is that fiberglass plastics, even 3 months after manufacture at 40°C, release an amount of styrene that is 40-160 times higher than permissible norm.
With acrylic bathtubs "BACH" you are completely safe! — They are reinforced with environmentally friendly material
Polyurethane according to modern technology PU Forte, which has been used in Europe for a long time. It has a high density: 400-600 kg/m³ (pine density is 500 kg/m³) and is characterized by high noise and heat insulation. The thickness of the wall coating is 1 cm, the bottom of the bath is 2 cm!

— Acrylic is created by an environmentally friendly manufacturer
BACH bathtubs are made from multi-layer acrylic from the Austrian manufacturer Senosan, awarded the AERA award for best environmental reporting.
The products are marked by independent experts: the French Center for Science and Technology of Construction (CSTB), the Institute for Plastic Testing in Vienna, the Research Association of the Rubber and Plastics Industry (RAPRA), and the Japanese Center for High Molecular Polymers.
In 2006, Senosan won a lawsuit against a competitor who claimed in advertising flyers that cast acrylic was better than multilayer acrylic. The court officially recognized that the quality of Senosan acrylic is in no way inferior. On the contrary, it has a number of advantages.