Standards for hot water temperature in the apartment. Standard hot water temperature in an apartment: optimal indicators and features of recalculation

Utility services provided to consumers must be of high quality. Their proper implementation ensures the normal functioning and safety of consumers. This also applies to supplying the population hot water(DHW). The water supplied to apartments and houses must meet the regulatory requirements for its composition, color, smell, and temperature.

We will tell you in this article what the hot water temperature should be according to SanPiN standards.

What standards are established in SanPiN? Photo No. 1

This mysterious abbreviation is deciphered quite simply. We are talking about sanitary standards and standards. These regulations are mandatory for everyone and are designed to ensure the safety (harmlessness) of the resources supplied to the end consumer.

The requirements relate to various areas of human activity and must create an environment favorable for his life.

The legislation establishes standards for the quality of water, air, various goods, the operation of enterprises, educational institutions, medical institutions. These rules are adopted by acts of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the country. Violation of established regulations requires the application of certain penalties.

Where are they used?

Where do sanitary standards apply? hot water? Photo No. 2

Hygienic and sanitary standards have a fairly wide range of use. They operate in trade, education, medicine, and the provision of public services. Their own rules have also been adopted in the field of hot water supply to consumers (SanPiN They relate to the quality of the supplied water, its temperature regime, operation of centralized hot water systems.

The water supplied to consumers must have a harmless composition, the absence of infections and harmful bacteria. In addition, when supplying it, the level of contamination and chlorination must be ensured.

The requirements established by this standard must be observed by all organizations, entrepreneurs, institutions and bodies related to hot water supply without exception. They extend their effect to various types of hot water systems

About the requirements for the center

What are the requirements for the Center for Civil Wars? Photo No. 3

The requirements stipulated by SaiPiN apply not only to the quality of the water itself, but also to their supply systems as a whole. Purification and water supply should be carried out by specialized organizations using safe, proven materials, equipment, and chemical active substances.

When designing a water supply system, the type of system is selected based on the indicators of the initially supplied water.

There are three types of systems in total:

  • attached to closed systems heat supply;
  • to open heat supply systems;
  • STsGV with separate networks.

In case of CVS, the standards established for the safety and normal functioning of the system must also be taken into account. When operating them, the required water temperature must be observed. In places for water intake, it should not fall below +60° Celsius.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the quality of supplied water, including preventive measures. DHW systems must undergo cleaning and disinfection procedures. Interruptions in water supply in such cases should not last more than fourteen days.

Requirements for DHW quality and temperature

What quality and temperature should hot water be supplied to residential apartments? Photo No. 4

The provisions of SanPiN entitled “Hygienic requirements for ensuring the safety of hot water supply systems” say the following. The consumer must receive water from the tap that has passed all levels of purification and meets all safety and hygiene requirements and rules. These standards are designed to ensure its harmless composition, normal color and smell.

Hot food must be supplied at a certain temperature to avoid the development of various infections and bacteria. According to SanPiN, incoming water cannot be colder than sixty degrees and hotter than seventy-five degrees. Hazardous untested substances cannot be used when purifying water. Its quality should allow it to avoid infection and skin problems.

Recalculation if the temperature does not meet the standards

Despite the existence of standards establishing the required water temperature, their violation is sometimes omitted. If the water does not meet the standard temperature specified for it, you should not ignore it. All housing and communal services must be of high quality and meet established requirements. Their violation entails certain consequences.

It should be borne in mind that the legislator provides for the possibility of minimal deviations from the norm that do not entail negative consequences. Permissible deviations, depending on the day, can range from three to five degrees. If a larger difference is detected, the consumer has the right to demand elimination of the violations.

In addition, it is possible to recalculate payment for the entire time the water does not meet the prescribed temperature regime. if the temperature was below the standard, then it is worth paying for hot water at the rates for cold water. According to the existing recalculation formula, the amount of payment is reduced by 0.1 percent for every three degrees of deviation from the norm.

Features of measurements

How to measure hot water for compliance with quality and temperature? Photo No. 5

It makes no sense to say that the hot water temperature does not correspond to the norm. This fact must be established using special measurements. They must be produced by specialists using certain techniques and equipment. These measurements are taken at several water collection points.

In this case, several minutes should pass after opening the tap. It is not recommended to take measurements right away.

A specialist is called upon request from residents (owners) of apartments (houses). Based on the results of the inspection, a report on violation of the temperature norm must be drawn up. Based on this, it will be possible to demand elimination and recalculation.

Why do we need a standard water temperature?

Standard for permissible limits DHW temperature It doesn't just install. Its lower limit makes it possible to rid the water supplied to consumers of various infections and harmful bacteria. At lower temperatures, they can develop and multiply, causing harm to humans.

Too much heat water may cause a risk of burns. Therefore, experts established optimal temperature, meeting all of the above requirements.


Hot water supplied to consumers must comply with established standards. This is not only comfort, but also safety for human health and life. If there are violations of its temperature regime, housing and communal services workers should be notified about this. Deviations determined through measurements will serve as the basis for eliminating violations and recalculating payments for hot water supply.

You can find out about Rospotrebnadzor’s plans to reduce the temperature of hot water by watching the video:

Living in an apartment multi-storey building presupposes the presence comfortable conditions. The ability to constantly use water supply, electricity, heating and other benefits of civilization is the main evidence of comfortable housing.

One of the comfort parameters is the standard temperature of hot water in an apartment building.

Check your hot water for compliance


Regulatory documents (SanPiN) determine what temperature range of hot water in the tap is acceptable. It ranges from 60 to 75°C. This thermal regime provides sanitary protection against various microorganisms and viruses. According to the standard, the temperature of hot water in the tap is taken in accordance with the physiological characteristics of a person and does not change for several decades.

Knowledge of biology helps to find out how many degrees hot water should be for comfortable and safe use. Many bacteria found in water pipes, die at a minimum temperature of 60°C and above. The water will be practically safe and free of microorganisms when further heated to 75°C.

In this video we will find out what the pressure reducer is responsible for:

In case of lower temperatures (within 40°C) warm water becomes a source of reproduction of numerous viruses dangerous to humans, so it is unsuitable for consumption. Increasing the water temperature to 60°C and above is used in open systems, which include water supply systems apartment buildings.

Increasing the temperature above 75°C is unsafe and can cause thermal burns. The temperature risk especially increases for certain categories of residents - children, the disabled population and the disabled.

Features of recalculation

The technical condition of the heating systems in the house should not affect the regime and standards for hot water temperature in the apartment. In the agreement between consumers (tenants apartment building) and housing and communal services companies selling services determine all conditions for hot water supply.

It is important that if hot water is supplied below the standard value for several days, this fact should be recorded in order to recalculate payments for poor-quality service provided. But there are also force majeure circumstances in which the cost is not recalculated:

  • an accident on the heating supply main serving a residential building;
  • failure of equipment (pump, boiler);
  • network maintenance and repair work.

Residents of an apartment building must record all interruptions in supply and changes in coolant parameters. If the water supply is stopped, the city emergency dispatcher must be informed.

According to the standards, the time interval without coolant supply is regulated:

  • per month - no more than 8 hours;
  • maximum once - 4 hours;
  • in case of an accident - within 24 hours.

The standards require recalculation of the tariff if an increase in the interval without water is documented.

Prices should be reduced for dates when coolant is unavailable. For example, if out of the 31st day of the month there was no normally heated water in the house for 6 days, then in the calculation it is necessary to reduce the prices specifically for the period of lack of water.

Temperature measurements

To measure the temperature of water from a tap, you need to place a special glass under the stream and fill it to the mark, then lower the thermometer into it. After 3 minutes, take the thermometer readings. According to sanitary standards, the following deviations are possible:

  • for daytime - up to 3 degrees;
  • at night - within 5 degrees.

A further decrease in temperature is the basis for recalculation. Without carrying out the procedure for measuring the temperature of the hot water supply, you cannot count on a reduction in payment for services. It is necessary to contact the dispatch service to officially register a request for measurement. In this case it is fixed number, date of application and name of the dispatcher.

There are two options here: a decrease in temperature due to the emergency condition of the hot water supply network and the absence of visible reasons for the violation of supply parameters. In the first option, the dispatcher is obliged to notify residents of the deadlines repair work, in the second - agree with the applicant on the date and time of measurement.

The temperature measurement data is activated, each participant in the procedure signs on his own copy of the report. If a violation of standards is detected, then the cost of hot water is recalculated according to cold water prices.

For maximum temperature measurement accuracy, you need to drain the water from the hot tap for about 3 minutes. It is necessary to use special water thermometers.

Features of filing a complaint

If, within several days, facts of hot water supply with a temperature below the standard are recorded, you should prepare a complaint to the Management Company or Homeowners Association about recalculating payment for the use of the resource. Recalculation is made only if there is a measurement certificate.

A complaint is an official document, the execution of which must comply with the rules of office work. The text of a document should be prepared outlining all the facts of existing violations:

  • the addressee of the application is the name of the enterprise or a certain official, for example, the director of the management company;
  • You must indicate the full name, residential address, and contact numbers of the applicant;
  • In the title, indicate briefly the content of the complaint, for example, “Statement of non-compliance with regulatory parameters for the provision of services”;
  • in the main part of the application, correctly and competently list the dates of temperature measurements, for this it is necessary to use the information from the act on the facts of violation;
  • the applicant must indicate in the complaint the time frame for eliminating the violations and the requirement for recalculation of tariffs for the consumed media;
  • At the end of the complaint, the date of completion, signature and transcript of the applicant’s signature are indicated.

It is recommended to prepare two copies of the document to record the date and time of registration of the complaint in the Management Company or HOA on the applicant’s paper. The processing time for complaints in institutions is one month. If there is no response within this period, it is recommended to obtain official confirmation of the refusal for further action.

In this case, you should contact supervisory authorities or authorities. The new appeal must be accompanied by a copy of the first application with a mark of acceptance and an official refusal of the addressee of the complaint in a positive decision. The document can be submitted to the State Housing Inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor and local municipal authorities, or the prosecutor's office.

As a rule, the second complaint is enough. The active participation of housing inspectors and the prosecutor's office allows, in most cases, to positively resolve the applicant's problems. The process of eliminating the causes of water supply not according to the standard and recalculating the cost of consumption of hot water supply services is carried out very quickly. In critical situations, claims should be sent to the court.

Monitoring changes in water temperature in the apartment is also necessary for the safe use of the resource. To eliminate cases of infection due to supply deviations desired temperature, in-house services are required to regularly carry out control measurements. Water temperature according to standards is a guarantee of epidemiological safety.

Individuals living in different cities of Russia have slightly different temperatures cold water in the tap. In this regard, the question automatically arises of how many degrees the water should be according to the current state standard, and also why some residents have it colder than others. It will also talk about what measures need to be taken by individuals who are dissatisfied with the temperature, as well as the quality of the water entering their homes.

Since the generator of cold water that enters the taps of residents of apartment buildings is centralized water supply, then its temperature depending on various factors may vary slightly. Such factors include the time of year, how the pipelines are placed, what condition they are in, and many other details. However, there is a general state standard dictating temperature norm water, which must be observed regardless of the circumstances.

It should be noted that the executive authorities have adopted a number of regulations relating to building codes and regulations. This source notes the standards for relative cold water supply to residential premises that must be observed.

Building regulations

In the current Housing Code Russian Federation it is stipulated that residents who systematically pay a certain price for the supply of water resources to their homes must receive them in the amount that they require for a comfortable stay. In addition, the composition of the water must be safe for human health and not contain any dangerous impurities. However, such a source as building codes and regulations states that residents will be provided with water suitable for drinking only if it is supplied through pipelines that meet all sanitary standards.

IN different regions In the Russian Federation, water quality varies significantly. In this regard, the current legislation stipulates that temperature indicators, depending on certain quality characteristics, may vary slightly in different cities and even regions. Also, the building codes and regulations indicate that during one month there may be no water in the taps of individuals for a total of eight hours. In addition, if residents are denied water supply for more than four consecutive hours on the same day, it is considered an offense.

The heat of water resources generated by the cold main does not in any way affect the level of living comfort of individuals. The same fact applies to sanitary conditions. Regarding the pressure that should be in the cold water supply circuit, the building codes and regulations state that the minimum value of this indicator is 0.03 MP, and the maximum is 0.6 MP.

What GOST says

As for the temperature indicators of cold water supplied to the homes of citizens of the Russian Federation, the state standard says practically nothing on this topic. However, what the quality and composition of water resources should be is described in some detail in this source. The following rules apply regarding the temperature characteristics of cold water:

  • The water temperature depends on the season. In the warm season, the water supplied to residents' taps will be slightly warmer than in cold seasons. This fact is directly related to weather conditions. The water entering a special structure, which is designed to collect water from a source, will be much warmer in summer than in winter. In addition, a hydraulic structure designed to supply and drain water resources in a certain direction, called a water pipeline, is located close to the soil, the temperature of which also affects the temperature of the water.
  • Temperature standards are set by the supplier. Since the current legislation did not regulate temperature indicators that are directly related to cold tap water, each individual organization that provides services of this nature independently determines these values. In most cases, the minimum limit is set at four degrees Celsius, and the maximum at twenty degrees.

How to achieve an acceptable water temperature

Since in 2019 the cost of using utilities is quite high, the demand from their suppliers is also growing. Thus, if an individual is categorically dissatisfied with the cold water temperature and/or its quality, then he needs to formalize his complaint in writing. This is done in the form of a special act. After this, this document must be noted in the registration log, and the supplier of a certain public services must review it within three days.

Attention! If the supplier did not react in any way to the drawn up act, which was signed by more than two residents, and the quality of the service provided was not checked, then the document expressing a certain claim is automatically recognized as valid.

How to draw up an act

In order to avoid having to write the entire document by hand, we strongly recommend that you print out its form, which is freely available and is called a “Claim Act,” and enter the relevant information in the blank lines. First of all, in the blank form of the act it is necessary to enter the name of the locality, and then the day, month and year of the conclusion of the document. After this, the following information is indicated:

  1. About the consumer and the performer. If a cold water consumer observes that the supplier is violating the norms of the contract concluded between them, then he has every right to complain in order to restore justice. First of all, the agreement number is written down, and then the user’s last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the type of specific utility service, the quality of which the individual is dissatisfied with. After this, it specifically lists what the essence of the claims is.
  2. About indicators. Simply expressing your dissatisfaction with the quality of housing or utility services will not be enough. An individual must enter into the act specific quantitative or quality characteristics. For example, in the case under consideration, if the cold water temperature is below the standards specified in the contract with the supplier, then you need to indicate exactly how many degrees it is. In addition, the day, month and year from which the consumer noticed this deterioration is displayed, and the date when the supply of utility services returned to normal is also indicated.
  3. About the drafters of the act. At the bottom of the document there must be information containing information about the positions of the contractor and the consumer, as well as their addresses with contact numbers. Each party must sign the relevant data. The last names, first names and patronymics of all other consumers who signed this act are also indicated, thereby confirming the inadequate quality of this utility service.

After the document is completed, do not forget to make a second copy. Moreover, each copy must contain signatures of both users of this utility service and individual, acting as a representative of the supplier. After submitting the act, the supplier is given exactly three days, during which he has the right to refuse to satisfy the requests set out in the document. If actions of this kind were not taken, then by default it is considered that the supplier agrees with all claims and undertakes to correct itself.

regarding the low temperature of hot water and requesting a recalculation. While I was waiting for an official answer, normal hot water suddenly started flowing. A few days later, while I was at work, employees of the service company came home. They asked my grandmother to sign some piece of paper that everything was in order. Grandma signed. Then an official response from the prefecture arrived in the mail.

Literally the next day, the hot water “evaporated” and everything returned to normal - the temperature of the hot water decreased and became warm..
I realized that I had made a mistake somewhere. Therefore, I decided to use the “scientific” method. So:

1. Restore normal temperature hot water.
2. Oblige the management company to recalculate utilities for hot water.

Now we need to find laws, regulations, etc. and so on. which will allow this goal to be achieved and, ideally, to monitor these laws in order to track changes. First, let’s find out what temperature the hot water should be, otherwise suddenly I’m entitled to lukewarm water by law;) One of the main documents on issues of public services:
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/06/2011 N 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” (hereinafter referred to as the resolution)
Appendix 1 of the resolution contains clause 5 Ensuring compliance of the hot water temperature at the point of water collection with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation (SanPin
We look at SanPin p 2.4: "The temperature of hot water at water points, regardless of the heat supply system used, must be no lower than 60°C and no higher than 75°C." Therefore, it is necessary to officially measure the temperature of the hot water, and in case of deviation from the norm, demand a solution to the problem.How to do it? Several options are possible:
Method 1
There is a whole section in the resolution on this topic. paragraph 106 of the resolution:
“A message about a violation of the quality of a utility service can be made by the consumer in writing or orally (including by telephone) and is subject to mandatory registration by the emergency dispatch service. In this case, the consumer is obliged to provide his last name, first name and patronymic, the exact address of the premises where it was discovered violation of the quality of the utility service, and the type of such utility service. The emergency dispatch service employee is obliged to inform the consumer about the person who received the consumer’s message (last name, first name and patronymic), the number under which the consumer’s message is registered, and the time of its registration.”
On July 2, 2013, I called the control room, told about the problem - “there is a low temperature of hot water in my apartment, warm water flows from the tap” - the service employee told me the details of the request: application No. 19 at 15.00 Moscow time and gave his last name. It is important. What does this give? Firstly, the time from which the recalculation will be made (clause 111 of the resolution). And secondly, an official registration of the problem, which can be referred to in further complaints and the preparation of other documents.I also talked to the residents of my building and found out that almost the same people have this problem. And they wrote and called - to no avail. It would be a sin not to make a collective complaint;) However, I decided to wait and see how the service company reacts.
From the outside management company a check needs to be carried out. According to clauses 108 and 109, in our case, the dispatch service employee is obliged to agree with the consumer on the date and time of checking the fact of low hot water temperature. After this, within 2 hours from the moment of receiving a message from the consumer about a violation of the quality of the utility service, set a time for the inspection, unless a different time is agreed upon with the consumer. There is a nuance here - you must provide your reliable information (full name, contacts) so that they contact you and there are no misunderstandings on the part of the management company. Then, when they came to you and recorded everything, a report is drawn up at the end of the inspection. And here there are three possible options (I quote paragraph 109):

"1. If during the inspection a violation of the quality of a utility service is established, then the inspection report shall indicate the date and time of the inspection, violations of the quality parameters of the utility service identified, methods (tools) used during the inspection to identify such violations, conclusions about the date and time the beginning of violations of the quality of public services.
2. If during the inspection the fact of violation of the quality of the utility service is not confirmed, then the inspection report indicates the absence of a violation of the quality of the utility service.
3. If during the inspection a dispute arose regarding the fact of a violation of the quality of the utility service and (or) the amount of deviation from the quality parameters of the utility service established in Appendix N1 to these Rules, then the inspection report is drawn up in accordance with these Rules."

I had the first option: because. When I called the dispatch service, I indicated my grandmother’s details, then they came to her during my absence. Therefore, be sure to provide your details when applying. I was lucky at the time of the test, the temperature of the water from the hot water tap was 52 degrees, which is below normal. The inspection report is drawn up in the number of copies according to the number of interested persons participating in the inspection, signed by such persons (their representatives), 1 copy of the act is given to the consumer (or his representative), the second copy remains with the contractor, the remaining copies are transferred to the interested parties participating in the inspection.However, for unknown reasons, the second copy was never sent to me, although the chief engineer stated over the phone that a report would be sent within 3 days from the date of inspection. Hence the question, why wasn’t it issued on the spot, since the act can also be signed by representatives of the Criminal Code. On the one hand, this is a plus - an extra shortcoming on the part of the management company, which will help during the proceedings, but there must be paper - as this is a document confirming the fact of provision of a utility service poor quality. I'll have to write the appeal again.
Method 2

Similar to method 1, only after contacting the control room you also write a complaint to the state housing inspectorate. You should also contact the inspection if you have a dispute regarding verification of the provision of a service of inadequate quality (clause 110 of the resolution). Still, I’ll probably have to write there.Recently I called the dispatcher again, 10 minutes after the call a DEZ employee came (he was in our house at that moment) touched the water with his finger and agreed that it was cold. He said that there are not enough people, engineers, etc., etc. to fix the problem, etc. I didn’t understand everything from his words, but one thing is clear - it’s still a mess. So, along the way, you should find out whether this mess is manageable and planned in advance, or is a coincidence. From conversations with neighbors and with my grandmother, I found out that the employees of the service company tell each resident - “everything is fine, you’re the only one with such a situation, and so on.” They generally told my grandmother “let’s go around the neighbors and collect signatures from everyone that Everything is fine". The version of a coincidence becomes less likely, but facts are needed. This is a separate job that goes beyond the goals and requires a set of measures - in general, I will not remain idle.

I composed this letter:

Scattered around mailboxes your entrance. On Monday 08/11/13 I will prepare a collective complaint against the management company regarding the low temperature of hot water in the apartments and send it to the housing inspection of the city of Moscow. I wonder how the inspectorate will react to this; in theory, their bonuses should come from identifying shortcomings in the work of the management company. Let's see what's what)