How to spray cucumbers to prevent yellowing. Preventive measures for caring for cucumbers in open ground. Imbalance of watering and evaporation

Every gardener dreams of having a rich and high-quality harvest of cucumbers. And when yellow leaves appear on them, this can have a detrimental effect on the yield. Before starting treatment, you need to understand what caused the development of this pathological process.

Causes of yellow leaves

If you find yellow leaves on cucumbers in your garden, this may indicate the following problems:

In the video, how to water cucumbers to prevent the leaves from turning yellow:

Effective fertilizing to eliminate the problem

So that such a problem as yellowed leaves does not take you by surprise, you should take care of prevention in advance. This will be the main method of dealing with the problem.

But is it possible to feed cucumbers with urea, and how to do it correctly?

To do this, you must follow some rules and recommendations:

On the video - feeding for cucumbers:


To prevent yellowing of cucumber leaves, you should use the following effective fertilizers:

  1. Weed crops, and best of all, nettles should be poured into 10 liters of water and left for 7 days. Dilute the resulting product with water and use it to water the plant.
  2. As soon as 3-4 leaves form on the bushes, it is necessary to spray the plant every 10 days with a product obtained from 1 liter of milk, 30 drops of iodine, 20 g laundry soap. Dilute the resulting solution in 10 liters of water.
  3. In order for the tops to remain green until the end of the season, it is necessary to use a mixture obtained from 10 liters of water and 20 ml of iodine as top dressing. Before fertilizing, combine 1 liter of solution with 10 liters of water. The remaining composition can be stored in jars, covered with lids. Feeding should be done 2 times a month.
  4. In early summer it is worth feeding using a soda solution. For 10 liters of water there are 20 g of soda. This treatment has a detrimental effect on some crop diseases.
  5. To prolong fruiting, it is worth applying fertilizing with urea and humus. Also treat the plant with an infusion of rotted hay. Fill it with water in a 1:1 ratio.

In the video - applying fertilizers for cucumbers:

Irrigation products

To prevent the formation of yellow leaves, you can use the following proven safe home remedies:

On video - proper watering cucumbers:

The leaves of cucumbers can turn yellow depending on various reasons. This could include: improper care, and low immunity of the plant itself. If the leaves turn yellow, they urgently need to be removed. But you can prevent the development of such a problem if you carry out a number of preventive procedures in time using folk remedies for feeding and watering vegetable bushes.

Yellowed sheet plates on cucumbers is one of the common problems when growing vegetables on open ground. You can find out why cucumber leaves turn yellow if you know why plant cells lose their normal structure. What to do and undertake in this case to save the vegetable crop?

Causes of yellow leaves a large number of. The main ones include:

Methods for eliminating yellowed leaves

Each cause of yellowing has its own method of elimination:

If the lower leaves turn yellow from lack of light, then they simply need to be removed from the bush. They do not pose any particular danger to the plant.

Regulating the irrigation regime for plants is a way out of the cause of lack or excess of moisture. Water your cucumbers twice a week. To reduce moisture evaporation, mulch the soil under the bushes with straw or rotted sawdust. Water strictly under the bushes so that water does not get on the leaves. The soil must be saturated with liquid to a depth of at least 10-15 centimeters.

Folk, chemical and biological remedies will help get rid of fungal diseases:

  • Garlic infusion will help cure plants at the first manifestations of the disease. Preparation: chop 200 grams of peeled garlic cloves, pour into a liter warm water, leave to infuse for a day. After that, strain the infusion through cheesecloth, dilute it in a bucket of water and add 30 grams of liquid laundry soap. Spray the plants with the resulting solution several times;

  • “Fitosporin” is a biologically active drug that helps rid plants of fungal and bacterial diseases. To spray cucumbers, you need to dilute 10 grams of the powder substance in 5 liters of warm water. Treatment can be carried out every 10-14 days (if necessary);
  • Bordeaux mixture will help cope with the most advanced forms of fungal and bacterial diseases. Preparation of the solution: pour 100 grams into ten liters of water copper sulfate and 120 grams of slaked lime, stir until the ingredients are completely dissolved. Apply no more than twice per season.

To get rid of micro- and macronutrient deficiencies, use liquid fertilizers under the root. Any will do complex fertilizers which contain: magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, phosphorus, potassium.

Unfortunately, you cannot prevent sudden changes in weather conditions. High-quality care and timely feeding will smooth out the stress that leads to yellowing of the plant.

Damage to the root system can only be prevented. When weeding the beds, you do not need to insert the hoe blade deep, a maximum of a few centimeters to catch the root of the weed. Only pull up grass when the soil is moist. Firstly, it will break out better, and secondly, the soil will be destroyed less.

There is no way to prevent the natural death of leaves. If proper care is observed throughout the growing season, the plant will bear fruit until autumn.

Prevention of yellowing of cucumber leaves in open ground

It is easier to prevent the appearance of yellow leaves than to later look for the cause and treat the plant. Preventive measures is a comprehensive care for cucumbers, which includes:

  • planting vegetables in areas of the garden where pumpkin crops grew last year. Cucumbers cannot be planted in the same place. Compliance with crop rotation will allow you to get rid of diseases that last year could have “harmed” on plants;
  • compliance with the watering regime, starting from the moment when the first two leaves appear on the bushes;
  • feeding cucumbers with minerals and organic fertilizers. Feed vegetable crops at least 3-4 times per growing season. The plant responds well to fertilizing with a mullein-based solution. Preparation: 5 liters of fresh manure, fill with 5 liters of water, leave to infuse for a week. After that, dilute one liter of the resulting infusion in a bucket of water. Pour 2 liters onto each bush. Don't forget to feed with complex mineral fertilizers. Dissolve 50 grams of any fertilizer per 10 liters of water. Water 1 liter at the root of the plant;

  • carry out foliar feeding according to folk recipes. An excellent antiseptic for preventive spraying is an iodine-based solution. Place 30 drops of iodine into a bucket of water and stir until completely dissolved. Treat from the beginning of the appearance of the first four leaves, observing a frequency of 2-3 weeks.

Another means to prevent the appearance of yellowness is spraying with a mixture based on onion peels. Preparation of onion broth: take 200 grams of dry onion peels, place it in a ten-liter pan, fill it completely with water. Place the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and turn off. Leave for 12 hours. Then, strain the infusion and use: dissolve 2 liters of onion broth in 8 liters of water. It can be applied by root and foliar methods.

The main reason why cucumber leaves turn yellow is improper care of the vegetable. Also, the cause may be an invasion of pests, diseases or lack of nutrients.

Main causes of the problem

The cause of yellowing leaves on cucumbers is usually one of the following unfavorable factors:

  • incorrect watering regime, both frequent and infrequent soil moistening is harmful;
  • deficiency of nutritional components, especially nitrogen;
  • decrease in air temperature;
  • hot weather or water getting on the leaves during watering on a hot day;
  • fungal or viral disease;
  • damage to roots during transplantation or by insect pests.

Why do not all cucumber leaves turn yellow, but only some? If they turn yellow lower leaves, then the following problems should be excluded:

  • poor access of light to the base of the plant;
  • excessive or insufficient watering;
  • use for cold water irrigation;
  • cold climate;
  • lack of microelements;
  • diseases caused by fungi, viruses or bacteria.

If the tips of the leaves turn yellow, this may be due to the following unfavorable factors:

  • infection with a fungal disease (powdery mildew is common);
  • dry summer, without sufficient watering;
  • if the leaves turn yellow at the edges, you need to compensate for the lack of potassium.

When leaves turn yellow, the situation most often signals a problem, so action needs to be taken.

Fighting the problem

Why the leaves of cucumbers in open ground may turn yellow is associated with both natural adverse events and errors in care.

Growing vegetable crop should be carried out in an area with favorable conditions. In insufficient light, the leaves at the base begin to turn yellow. When cucumber stems become overgrown, light may not reach the green inner part of the plant. In this case, the problem does not pose any danger to the crop. You can simply tear off the bad leaves so that they do not take away excess strength from the vegetable.

If a place was chosen for planting cucumbers where its rays enter from sunrise to sunset, a burn may occur. Not only the leaves turn yellow, but also the ovaries. Therefore, you need to choose a place where there is shadow on the site during one half of the day.

Agricultural experts give advice: “Plant cucumbers where the sun illuminates the place only until lunchtime.”

A common reason why cucumber leaves turn yellow is unfavorable summer. When the summer is hot and watering is infrequent, the roots of the plant begin to approach the upper layers of the soil. As a result, not only the root, but also the leafy part becomes yellowish. If, on the contrary, the summer is rainy or excess water reaches each root, they begin to rot and the leaves turn yellow.

Sometimes the leaves of cucumbers in open ground begin to suffer from ascochyta blight. The disease spreads during the period of fruit formation. Yellow-brown spots appear on the plant, the leaves dry out and curl along the edges.

If the leaves begin to turn yellow immediately after planting, the appearance of pests must be excluded. The most common unwanted guests in a cucumber garden are aphids or spider mite. Insects feed on the juice of juicy greens. The veins turn yellow and the ends dry out.

Insecticides (Photosporin, Iskra) will help with a massive pest invasion. If the scale is not too large, you can try natural-based compositions (infusion of celandine, solution of wood ash and laundry soap).

Such fungal diseases Like Fusarium, Pythiosis can be recognized by small yellow-brown spots on the leaves. As the disease spreads, the entire leaf area will turn dark yellow. Protective compositions for spraying should be used especially when there are sharp fluctuations air temperatures, for example, after intense heat it began to rain.

Cucumbers are very susceptible to putrefactive diseases. White rot affects the shoots and young fruits of the plant. The problem can be recognized by white plaque, causing the stem to be damaged and the supply of useful components to cease, the leaves turn yellow and dry out.

What to feed if the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow is determined by external signs. A deficiency of nutrients in the soil can be recognized by the following signs. The fact that there is not enough magnesium or potassium is indicated by yellowed leaves along the edges, while they dry out and curl up.

Yellowish leaves with green veins appear when there is a deficiency of manganese and iron. If only the upper leaves have turned yellow and the lower ones remain green, then you should feed the plant with components rich in copper.

Another reason why foliage turns yellow is aging. At the end of the growing season, when flowers and ovaries stop appearing, the leaves and tops begin to coarse, turn yellow and dry out. Usually by this time the main harvest of cucumbers has already been harvested. If you want to extend the fruiting period, you should use special fertilizers.

Preventive actions

To prevent cucumber leaves from turning yellow, preventive measures should be taken.

  1. The cucumber bed should not be planted in the same place every year, and it should also not be planted in the same place where pumpkins or zucchini were previously collected.
  2. It is imperative to follow the watering rules. Watering should only be done in the morning or evening hours. It is especially often necessary to water the plant during the formation of flowers and fruits, every two days or even more often if the weather is hot and without rain.
  3. If cold weather is predicted, you should cover the plants with film.
  4. Complex fertilizers should be applied regularly. Gardeners recommend: “Feed the plant three times during the entire development period. More frequent application Fertilizers are necessary during cold weather and the season of mass spread of diseases.”
  5. It is recommended to treat seeds, seedlings, and young shoots against diseases and pests. You need to tear off diseased leaves in time and use a remedy to destroy emerging enemies.

If you cannot water the plant in a timely manner, mulching can come to the rescue. Straw, peat, and sawdust are suitable as mulch. The layer will slow down the evaporation of moisture from the soil, keep you warm in cold weather, prevent weeds from appearing and reduce the risk of pests.

Rescue actions

The choice of what to water the cucumbers to prevent the leaves from turning yellow can be decided on the purchased preparations. What to do if cucumbers have yellow foliage? Treatment should be started as soon as yellowing appears. They will help you and folk remedies. To prevent the problem or quickly get rid of it, several recipes will help you with how to process cucumbers so that the leaves do not turn yellow.

  1. A milk mixture with soap can prevent yellowing of leaves. Add a liter of milk, soap shavings and a few drops of iodine to a bucket of water. Treatment is carried out every 12 days. Many people use a similar composition: “The first time you can apply the composition is when the first leaves appear on young sprouts. As soon as you spray the plant, the problem will begin to disappear.”
  2. It is recommended to treat the plant for yellow leaves with an infusion of onion peels. In addition, the composition will enrich the soil nutritional components and will repel many pests. Onion peels are poured hot water and put on the fire until it boils. After which the liquid is left to infuse for 12 hours. The resulting solution is filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4. The composition can be sprayed on the leaves and watered at the roots.
  3. A solution of potassium permanganate is used at the first signs of yellowing of cucumber leaves. Positive reviews about this solution can be found everywhere: “I treat not only adult plants with potassium permanganate, but also seeds before planting. For sowing, I select only large and dense seeds.”
  4. To make the leaves green again, you can use a herbal infusion. Ideal option is nettle, which will enrich the soil with iron, potassium, magnesium. The crushed grass stems are poured with water and left to ferment for several days. IN ready solution add soap shavings and water the vegetable beds.
  5. What else can you spray the beds with? To prevent fungal diseases, it is useful to spray the plant with a soda solution. Add 30 g of soda to a large bucket of water. It is advisable to water at the beginning of summer.
  6. You can add water to the ash and let it sit for a week. Before watering, the concentrate must be diluted with water. You can mix it with other components or simply sprinkle it on the top layer of soil, only after that it needs to be watered.

The cause of yellowing leaves in cucumbers is often a lack of microelements. Throughout the growing season, it is recommended to apply at least three additional feedings. When the leaves on cucumbers turn yellow, it is useful to feed them by spraying the above-ground part of the plant.

How to feed cucumbers to avoid problems with growing vegetables and get a rich harvest? The first fertilizing should be applied when the leaves begin to unfurl. The second feeding is applied as soon as the third leaf appears. You can use organic or mineral fertilizer.

Vegetable growers prefer to fertilize with mullein at all stages of vegetable development. The manure is poured with water (1:5) and left to infuse for 5-6 days. During this time, the nitrogen will rot and become absolutely harmless to the cucumber. To increase efficiency, wood ash can be added to the solution.

It is useful to make fertilizing from bird droppings. Useful as dry droppings, or prepare an infusion. Bird droppings, filled with water, are infused for about 1.5 weeks. This solution is especially useful during the rapid formation of ovaries. Before watering, the solution is diluted again with water.

If the leaves turn yellow, a recipe based on dry or live yeast is suitable. The yeast solution strengthens the root system, activates the activity of beneficial bacteria in the soil, and increases productivity. Once a week it is useful to spray the plants or water them with a watering can with the prepared solution. The leaves will stop turning yellow, and the cucumbers will be smooth and juicy.

You can spray cucumbers with purchased preparations. The instructions will help you choose which one is best suited. Ovary, Pollen, Zdraven, Good Strength help to get rid of yellowness. These drugs increase plant resistance to diseases, repel pests, and saturate the soil with nutrients.

Yellowing of cucumber leaves is a problem that almost every gardener faces. In some, the lower leaves turn yellow or become spotted, in others the cucumbers turn yellow, wither and dry out, in others the leaves turn yellow at the edges, forming a kind of border.
Why cucumber leaves turn yellow is often not so easy to understand, because there are many reasons and it seems that they all fit your case. But we have to do something, we don’t want to lose the harvest. How to prevent yellowing of cucumber tops and what to do if the cucumber leaves have already begun to turn yellow? Let's find out now.
Some of the lower leaves inside the bed turn yellow and die from lack of light. This is not a cause for concern at all, it is normal. As a rule, a cucumber bed looks like a real lush jungle; it is not surprising that light penetrates inside with difficulty and the lower old leaves do not have enough of it. In this case, just pick off the yellow leaves from time to time and enjoy the harvest.
Reason two: yellow leaves appear due to lack or excess moisture
In normal summers, it is recommended to water cucumbers generously two to three times a week, and in hot summers - every day, thoroughly soaking the soil. Otherwise, the roots of the cucumbers will begin to “climb” to the surface of the earth in search of moisture and may dry out. This is a disaster for plants; both leaves and ovaries begin to turn yellow. Rainy weather is also not to the liking of cucumbers: the roots rot, rot forms on the stems, and as a result we again see yellow leaves on the cucumber bed.
Reason three: cucumbers turn yellow due to fungal diseases
Most often, fusarium, pythiosis and other fungal diseases are the cause of yellow leaves on cucumbers. First, rusty spots appear on the tops, then the leaves become completely covered in spots, dry out, and fall off. Moreover, in the case of fusarium, the lashes become sluggish, like a rag, and do not respond to watering. If the thirty-degree heat has given way to cold rains and lower night temperatures, hold on: fungi will not keep you waiting.
Reason four: leaves turn yellow due to pests
Whiteflies or spider mites suck out all the juices from cucumber leaves, as a result the leaves turn yellow and die. IN in this case the recommendations are obvious: good pest- dead pest. You will have to either spray the garden bed with “poison” or resort to folk remedies.
Reason five: leaves turn yellow due to lack of nutrients
Lack of micro- or macroelements is the most unlikely, but still common cause of yellowing cucumber leaves. If the edges of cucumber leaves turn yellow and dry out, they may be lacking potassium or magnesium. Dark green veins against a yellow background may signal a deficiency of iron or manganese. Yellowing of the upper leaves occurs due to a lack of copper. Timely feeding will help correct this situation.
Reason six: leaves turn yellow due to hypothermia
The cucumber comes from the hot and humid Indian jungles, meaning its love for warmth is “innate.” Particularly demanding of heat root system cucumbers Summer middle zone I haven't been enjoying hot days lately, but low temperatures air (and most importantly, soil) do not allow the roots to work at full strength. The result is that the leaves begin to turn yellow.
Reason seven: yellowing of leaves due to root damage
Not only cool summers can cause ineffective root work. Mechanical damage also negatively affects the root system. Therefore, it is better to plant seedlings in the phase of 1-2 first true leaves, trying not to damage the earthen ball. You also don’t need to be too zealous with loosening and pulling out weeds: instead of loosening, mulching is recommended, and it’s better not to pull out the weeds by the roots, but to cut them at the surface of the soil.
Reason eight: yellow spots appear due to sunburn
This “disease” is first and foremost greenhouse cucumbers. On hot days, droplets of condensation fall on the leaves, burn them and we see pale yellow spots on the cucumbers. In this case, too, there is no particular cause for concern.
Reason nine: cucumber leaves getting old
Over time, the cucumber leaf becomes coarser, ages, stops photosynthesis, turns yellow and dies. Most likely, by this time you have already eaten your fill of cucumbers, and the aging lashes do not bother you. But if you want a fresh cucumber straight from the garden before the fall, there are ways to “extend the life” of cucumber vines, and we will talk about them later.
What to do if cucumber leaves turn yellow
To prevent cucumber leaves from turning yellow
The best treatment for everything in the world is prevention, and yellowing of cucumber leaves is no exception. It’s easier to prevent this from happening in your garden than to treat it later. That's why:
- try to observe crop rotation. Do not plant cucumbers in the same place from year to year, do not plant them after zucchini or pumpkin, otherwise the likelihood of “catching” a fungal disease significantly increases.
- water your cucumbers promptly and abundantly. If you are on the site only on weekends, take the time to mulch the beds well with weeds or mown grass. A thick layer of mulch will prevent moisture from evaporating and will also provide the cucumber roots with additional nutrition and warmth.
- fertilize with organic or mineral fertilizers. The simplest one, but effective feeding- herbal infusion in combination with adding ash to the holes. Ash is not only an additional source of potassium, it will also help protect cucumbers from parasites.
-after sprouting in the 3-4 leaf stage (and then every 10 days), spray the cucumbers with the following composition: 20 grams of laundry soap, 1 liter of milk and 30 drops of iodine per 10 liters of water.
-another option for preventive spraying: soak a loaf of bread in a bucket of water in the evening, knead the bread in the morning and add a small bottle of iodine. Dilute one liter of this mixture in a bucket of water and process the cucumbers. If you repeat this procedure once every two weeks, you can keep the cucumbers green until autumn.
-in June, soak the cucumbers with a soda solution (1 tbsp per 10 liters of water). An alkaline environment is not to the liking of pathogenic fungi.
What to do if the leaves on the cucumbers have already begun to turn yellow
If you still can’t protect yourself and the leaves begin to turn yellow, try spraying the cucumbers first with a solution of whey or kefir (2 liters per 10 liters of water). For better fruit set, you can add 150 grams of sugar to the solution.
We carefully inspect the plants for pests. Onion peels help against pests and parasites. A 700-gram jar of onion peels needs to be filled with 10 liters of water, brought to a boil, closed with a lid and left for 12-14 hours. Then the onion peel is squeezed out, the broth is filtered and diluted in a ratio of 2:8 with water. Spray the leaves above and below with this solution, and then spill the soil.
When the leaves just begin to turn yellow, watering with a weak solution of potassium permanganate can help.
To prolong fruiting and rejuvenate aging cucumber leaves, foliar feeding urea, while simultaneously adding humus under the roots. Spraying rotted hay with an infusion does an excellent job of accomplishing the same task. To obtain the infusion, the hay is soaked in water (1:1) for two days. Spray cucumbers three times at weekly intervals.
To protect against pathogenic fungi and bacteria, it is better to use biological preparations (for example, trichodermin). They suppress harmful microorganisms, but are safe for humans and animals.