Standards for supplying hot water to apartments. DHW temperature: requirements and standards of SanPiN

I live in a house built in 1970. There has never been a major overhaul. Maximum hot water, which flows from our tap, is 50 degrees (measured with a thermometer in the morning and evening several times). It seems to me that she should be hotter. I contacted various authorities, but they said that there are no water standards. What temperature should the hot water be? If according to the standards it should be hotter than 50 degrees, is it possible to recalculate? How can we ensure that water flows from our tap at the temperature it should be?

■ You are being misled. The temperature of hot water from the tap should be no lower than 60°C and no higher than 75°C. § P. 2.4. SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for ensuring the safety of hot water supply systems” (approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated April 7, 2009 No. 20)

The permissible deviation in hot water temperature at night (from 00.00 to 5.00) is no more than 5°C, and in the daytime (from 5.00 to 00.00) - no more than 3°C.

So you have every right to recalculate.

For every 3°C deviation from the permissible deviations, the fee is reduced by 0.1% per hour. And if the hot water temperature is below 40°C, payment is made at the rate for cold water. In this case, the calculation is also hourly.

§ Clause 5 of Appendix No. 1 to the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354)

If you find that water is not flowing from the tap at the temperature it should be, immediately call the emergency dispatch service. Check your request number and write it down. If the dispatcher does not know the reason for the low temperature, you must agree on the time for the inspection by specialists management company. Based on the results of the inspection, a report is drawn up, a copy of which must be provided to you.

If the management company does not respond to complaints and does not conduct an inspection, you yourself can record the fact that the service was provided poor quality. It is necessary to draw up an act and sign it by at least 2 consumers and the chairman of the council apartment building(or the chairman of the HOA).

§ Section X of the Rules for the provision of utility services... (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354)

Submit a written application to the management company. In it, indicate that you have repeatedly filed complaints, but the necessary measurements have never been carried out. Request a fee recalculation.

It’s good if you have confirmation of your previous complaints (copies or complaint numbers). Indeed, in your situation, the fact of low temperature has not been established in the necessary way (that is, by an inspection report). If you conduct the inspection yourself, attach a copy of the report to your application.

Be sure to keep a copy of the application submitted to the management company. The company specialist must mark acceptance on it.

If the management company continues to be inactive, file a complaint with the housing inspectorate. If you are not the only one concerned about the hot water problem, submit a collective application together with your neighbors. You can also go to court to request a recalculation of the fee. But, as practice shows, the problem can be solved without going to court - through the housing inspection.

In chronological order of their publications.

The headings of inactive (cancelled) norms are crossed out.

For an abbreviated list, see the end of the file.


see the current Code of Practice SP 30.13330.2012

… 2.2. The temperature of hot water at water intake points should be provided:

a) not lower than 60 °C - for centralized hot water supply systems connected to open heat supply systems;

b) not lower than 50 °C - for centralized hot water supply systems connected to “closed heat supply systems;

c) not higher than 75 °C - for all systems specified in subparagraphs “a” and “b”.

Set of rules SP 30.13330.2012


Updated version of SNiP 2.04.01-85*

"...5.1.2. The temperature of hot water at water points must comply with the requirements of SanPiN and SanPiN and, regardless of the heat supply system used, must be no lower than 60 °C and no higher than 75 °C."

SanPiN 4723-88

see current SanPiN

(approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the USSR in November 1988)

"…1.7. The temperature of hot water in water collection areas, regardless of the heat supply system used, must be no lower than 60°C and no higher than 75°C.

Note. For a hot water supply system made of galvanized pipes with a closed heating system, it is allowed to have a water temperature of no lower than 50°C and no higher than 60°C. Under these conditions, after repair work or eliminating emergency situations in systems, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at 75°C for 48 hours."


GOST R 51617-2000.


"… 4.16.3 The temperature of hot water at consumers’ water supply points should be from 50 to 75 °C




"1 area of ​​use

1.1. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations establish hygienic requirements for water quality and the organization of centralized hot water supply systems (hereinafter referred to as DHW), as well as rules for monitoring the quality of water supplied to DHW, regardless of departmental affiliation and forms of ownership.

1.2. These sanitary rules are mandatory for all legal entities and individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to the organization and (or) provision of centralized hot water supply systems...

2. General provisions

…2.3. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for hot water systems centralized water supply are aimed at:

Prevention of contamination of hot water with highly contagious infectious pathogens of viral and bacterial origin, which can reproduce at temperatures below 60 degrees, including Legionella Pneumophila;...

2.4. The temperature of hot water in water collection areas, regardless of the heat supply system used, must be no lower than 60 C and no higher than 75 C.

3. Requirements for the design, construction, operation of centralized hot water supply systems

3.1.10. When operating the DHW, the water temperature at the water intake points should not be lower than + 60°C, static pressure not less than 0.05 mPa, with pipelines and water heaters filled with tap water….


(approved by the Post of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170)

“... 5.3. Hot water supply

5.3.1. ... The temperature of water supplied to water points (taps, mixers) must be at least 60 degrees. C in open systems ah hot water supply and at least 50 degrees. C - in closed. The water temperature in the hot water supply system must be maintained using automatic regulator, the installation of which in the hot water supply system is mandatory. The water temperature at the outlet of the water heater of the hot water supply system must be selected from the condition of ensuring the normalized temperature at the water supply points, but not more than 75 degrees. WITH."


see current Post. No. 354

"…Annex 1

…P. 5 Ensuring the temperature of hot water at the point of analysis:

not less than 60°C – for open centralized heating systems;

not less than 50°С – for closed systems centralized heating;

no more than 75°C - for any heat supply systems"



Annex 1


to the quality of public services

5. ...Ensuring that the temperature of hot water at the point of water supply complies with legal requirements Russian Federation on technical regulation (SanPiN

P.S. There is an interesting document: “DECISION OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE RF OF MAY 31, 2013 N AKPI13-394”, which, among other things, establishes:

“SanPiN, as follows from the content of its paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2, establishes hygienic requirements for water quality and the organization of centralized hot water supply systems (hereinafter referred to as DHW), as well as rules for monitoring the quality of water supplied to DHW, regardless of departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, and is mandatory for execution by all legal entities and individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to the organization and (or) provision of centralized hot water supply systems.

According to the specified SanPiN, the temperature of hot water in places of water supply, regardless of the heat supply system used, must be no lower than 60 °C and no higher than 75 °C. These sanitary and epidemiological requirements for centralized hot water supply systems are aimed, among other things, at preventing contamination of hot water by highly contagious infectious pathogens of viral and bacterial origin that can multiply at temperatures below 60 degrees, including Legionella Pneumophila, as well as at preventing skin diseases and subcutaneous tissue, due to the quality of hot water (clauses 2.3 and 2.4).

Thus, sanitary and epidemiological rules define the requirements for the quality of hot water supplied to consumers when providing public services for hot water supply based on an indicator that ensures its safety, such as temperature. This indicator is characterized by a minimum (not lower than 60 °C) and maximum limit (not higher than 75 °C) and does not allow deviations from the specified temperature regime, which ensures the quality of public services."

The temperature of hot water in water collection areas, regardless of the heat supply system used, must be no lower than 60 C and no higher than 75 C.


clause 5.1.2 SP 30.13330.2012 “ Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings»

Updated version of SNiP 2.04.01-85*;

clause 2.4 SANPiN "Hygienic requirements for ensuring the safety of hot water supply systems";

5.3.1 « Rules and regulations technical operation housing stock"(approved by the Post of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170);

Clause 5 of Appendix 1 "Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (approved by the Post of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354).

Compiled by housing and communal services specialist Yuri Kalnin

Normal hot water temperature in the apartment: optimal performance and features of recalculation

Standard hot water temperature in an apartment: optimal indicators and features of recalculation

No one else for a minute can't imagine life no hot water. Her shutdown V summer season during traditional repair work - almost catastrophe for the residents who are so used to it.

It is important to know that hot water is a concept clearly defined and established laws. It should not be a little hotter or a little colder, since its temperature officially defined.

Standards for hot water

Temperature hot water regulated standards SanPiN(Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations)−09 , which were accepted into 2009 and have legal force in the present 2015. Legislators paid great attention to regulating this issue and highlighted it in separate document.

According to the rules, prescribed in that document, temperature hot water that flows from the tap must be within from + 60 to +75 °С. These restrictions are associated not only with compliance with the direct temperature regime in order to ensure hot water residents.

This temperature unfavorable For reproduction pathogens of infectious diseases. Maintaining this temperature Necessarily in all places of water intake.

It is important to know: deviation from the standards at night by no more than 5°C, and during the day - by no more than 3°C, is considered acceptable. Night time is considered to be the time from 00.00 to 05.00. Daytime - from 05.00 to 00.00 hours.

How to measure water temperature?

To be sure approve that the temperature of the tap water does not match norms fixed in the law, it is necessary measure. Step by step instructions Self-measuring hot water temperature is as follows:

  1. Open the tap hot water;
  2. Let the water drain(about 5 minutes);
  3. Take capacity, volume containing measuring device;
  4. Send a stream of water from the tap into the container so that the water constantly flows out;
  5. Lower the thermometer to the center of the container to the required depth;
  6. Compare the readings obtained thermometer with standard.

If the recorded temperature reading is significantly below normal, need to:

  • Contact the organization responsible for the water supply in the house with statement about unacceptably low temperatures;
  • Take a water measurement in the presence of a representative of the organization;
  • Commit identified violations in the form of an act.

It is important: The water measurement report must contain temperature readings obtained during the procedure, no later.

Based the act is adopted solution about fee recalculation by hot water. Instances Both the resident and the company serving him must have the document.

If violations identified and recorded, responsible organization obliged eliminate the cause of the discrepancy and make recalculation for hot water.

Fixed temperature value at 40°C provides grounds for recalculating fees for hot water according to tariffs cold

The danger of non-compliance with hot water supply standards

Regulation hot water supply - vital necessity. Non-compliance the temperature regime of hot water used in residential premises threatens serious consequences:

    • Bacteria reproduction. At low temperatures of hot water, the risk increases active reproduction of dangerous bacteria and their entry through water into the human body. Norms hot water temperatures selected not by chance- this is an indicator at which pathogenic bacteria that cause For example, pneumonia, die within 2 minutes. Moreover, this temperature doesn't allow bacteria can multiply, as the environment is unfavorable for them;
  • Burn. Bacteria die instantly and do not reproduce at all in very hot water - from 80°C and above. However, water at this temperature - not suitable for use. Moreover, she can become reason serious burn. For human safety reasons, the standard level of hot water (from 60 to 70°C) must not be exceeded.

Do you need a water heater?

In apartment buildings straight need to install a water heater No. Hot water is no longer a luxury, but a common condition of normal life. However, for particularly heat-loving residents there is indirect reasons to its installation. Namely:

    • Reluctance stay no hot water in summer. During the planned annual shutdown of hot water or during repairs of the water supply system, it will solve the problem. If other residents are forced to heat water, say, gas stove, water heater owners release yourself from such a duty;
  • Reluctance remain without hot water even for a short period of time. Due to accidents in the apartments of other residents and while they are being eliminated, hot water is usually turn off. If there is an hour or a day without hot water - a big problem, buying a water heater - great solution its elimination.

Qualitative a water heater is necessary in private houses where the hot water supply is originally absent. This device is significantly will simplify life of the inhabitants of the house, will deliver them from the need to constantly heat the water.

So if interruptions with hot water or its constant absence in the house - your casual life, . Impressive volume storage tank modern models heaters ( up to 150 liters) will allow you not to save on hot water.

In addition, water from taps and wells, which often used residents of private houses can represent danger for human health - it may contain harmful viruses and bacteria. Before use well water, it is recommended to carry it out cleaning or just boil it.

It's possible that without a water heater the water temperature suitable for disinfection will not be reached. When heating “manually” it is difficult to control the temperature, and the water heater guarantees sufficient heating of the water.


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Hot water is as integral a part of our comfort as electricity, gas, heating. In terms of the level of needs, it can be put on a par with satisfying hunger and thirst.

If we turn to the Rules for the provision of public utilities, then in accordance with sanitary rules and regulations under Russian legislation (SanPiN 6−09), the permissible limits for hot water temperature should be from 60 to 75 degrees.

So, from 65 to 75 degrees. These are the values ​​you need to focus on.

The same document reports acceptable standards deviations at the water intake point:

  • if we are talking about night time (from 0:00 to 5:00), then the permissible deviation is no more than 5 degrees;
  • if it is daytime (from 5:00 a.m. to 0:00 a.m.), then the deviation should not exceed 3 degrees.

Recalculation if the temperature does not meet the standards

If the hot water temperature at the time of collection was only 40 degrees, then payment for its consumption must be made at the rate for cold water. In order for recalculation to be made, it is necessary to make temperature measurements water.

First, you should contact the dispatch service of the management company or housing and communal services. Mandatory fixing the application about the water temperature below that required in writing, indicating the application number, the time of its acceptance and the name of the dispatcher. Perhaps the drop in water temperature occurred due to technical malfunction pipeline or for any other known reason. In this case, the dispatcher is obliged to notify about the emergency mode and the timing of troubleshooting.

If the temperature of the supplied hot water is reduced for unknown reasons, it is necessary to agree on the day and hour taking measurements. Next, after taking measurements, a report is drawn up. Number of copies of this document must be equal to the number of participants in the procedure. Based on the measurements taken, it does or does not happen. recalculation of payment hot water according to cold tariff.

Features of measurements

  1. Draining the water should take at least two to three minutes.
  2. It is worth paying attention to where the hot water comes from (for example, from a heated towel rail pipe or from an “independent” pipe).

It is also necessary to eliminate the discrepancy with SanPiN; there is an article for this 7.23 in the Administrative Code, it sounds “Violation of standards for the provision of public utilities” and involves a fine.

Why exactly this temperature?

I would like to understand why the hot water standards for a residential building 60 - 75 degrees? When developing standards temperature supply hot water, the main aspects are the growth of bacteria and the likelihood of burns. That is temperature run should be such that harmful bacteria are killed, but at the same time that the water consumed does not lead to burn injuries. The latter is very important for children's or medical institutions.

Fresh and warm water- this is a great place for reproduction and habitat such a dangerous bacterium as Legionella. This bacterium is very dangerous and can multiply in heating, air conditioning and humidification systems.

For example, in 2007 in Verkhnyaya Pyshma, due to legionella pneumonia, which entered through the hot water supply system, over 160 citizens, 5 deaths were recorded.

If we consider the temperature regime of water, then the effect on deadly bacteria following:

  • 70−80°C: at this temperature the disinfection process occurs;
  • 66°C: Legionella dies within 2 minutes;
  • 60°C: the bacterium dies in 22 minutes;
  • 55°C: bacteria are destroyed in 5-6 hours;
  • 20−45°C: temperature of active reproduction of bacteria;
  • Below 20C the bacterium does not multiply.

It would seem that the conclusion is obvious: it is worth supplying hot water with a high heating temperature. But there is back side. If the water temperature in the tap more than 50 degrees, there is a chance of getting burned. Water temperature more than 65 °C - burns the skin in 2 seconds, temperature 65 °C - burns the epidermis in 5 seconds, water temperature 55 °C - burns the skin in 90 seconds.

Thus, the temperature in backup storage facilities for heating and supplying hot water must be very high. But its use is only possible with the simultaneous supply of cold water.

We are accustomed to the amenities that are available in our homes. Electricity, heating, gas - all this an integral part of our comfort.

Hot water is one of the most popular services. You realize this especially acutely in the summer season. at planned shutdown water, but this lasts a short period.

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What to do if during the year from the tap instead of hot water arrives slightly warm? And what temperature should the water in the tap of an apartment building be? We will talk about the standard hot water temperature in the apartment below.

What should the quality be?

What do SNIPs, GOSTs and SanPins say? In accordance with the Decree of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service (SanPiN clause 2.4) certain standards have been introduced on the temperature regime of water delivery to residential premises.

This document specifies the temperature limits for water supplied to apartments. They range from 60°C to 75°C.

It was not in vain that this range was chosen. If the temperature at the entrance to a residential building is above 75°C, then the likelihood of getting burn injuries will increase several times. This is especially true for children's and medical institutions.

At a threshold below 60°C risk of growth of infectious pathogens, such as legionella, increases in warm environments. At 70°C-80°C complete disinfection occurs. An indicator of 40°C promotes best reproduction this bacterium.

The SanPiN Resolution, paragraph 2.2, states that the supplied water is residential buildings must be of high quality: without unpleasant odor, without any aftertaste.

Must be observed compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards. In case of violations, organizations supplying utility services need to establish the reason for the supply and eliminate it.

Permissible deviation at the point of water collection

Government Decree No. 354 adopted permissible standards for deviations in the temperature regime of hot water supply:

  • for night time from 00:00 to 05:00 they correspond to 5°C;
  • for daytime from 05:00 to 00:00 – no more than 3°C.

Moreover, if the deviation from the standard is greater than these values, then for every 3°C it is possible demand a reduction in utility bills by 0.1% per hour deviation.

If the device shows a temperature of 40°C or lower, then payment must be made according to cold water standards. But for this it is necessary to have an official measurement certificate confirming the deviation from the norms.

How to write a complaint?

At repeated violation The temperature regime for hot water supply should be sent to utilities.

It is important that this document is drawn up competently and well-reasoned.

In the header of the document, you should correctly indicate which organization and, if the specific name of the responsible person is known, to whose name the complaint is sent.

The title of the complaint is written:

  1. Statement of violation of regulations providing the population with utilities in accordance with Federal Law No. 195, Article 7.23
  2. The text of the statement states essence of the problem. It is necessary to mention the measurement carried out and enter information from the drawn up report: the date of the measurement, the name of the employee who carried out the measurement, the water temperature.
  3. At the end of the text of the complaint, a requirement is written to eliminate the reasons causing failures in the supply of hot water. It is worth pointing out the need to inform the applicant about the work performed.
  4. The document ends with the date of its preparation and the signature of the applicant.

It is important to set the period, for which recalculation must be made.

The beginning of the period is considered to be the date specified in the official act, and the end should be the date when final check completed after eliminating the reasons for filing an inappropriate temperature standards water.

If recalculation is refused, you should go to court.

In cases of violations in accordance with Federal Law No. 195, Article 7.23, persons those found guilty may be subject to fines: for officials the amount of the fine will be from 500 to 1000 rubles, for an organization - from 5000 rubles to 10000 rubles.

When paying for utilities, any user wants to get a quality product for their money. That is why you should not give up if lukewarm water flows out of the tap.

Knowing the hot water temperature standards, you can try to influence the services supplying utilities: take measurements, draw up a report, make a recalculation, file a complaint with a higher authority.

On the provision of public services for hot water supply of inadequate quality and the reduction of fees for hot water.

There is not enough information about how management companies make money from hot water supply high temperature, you can find out from the video: