Purple sedum is a herb with unique medicinal properties. The healing properties of purple sedum, what is the benefit of “rabbit cabbage”

Since ancient times this the plant was used as a pain reliever. And the second meaning comes from the nature of growth, it clings to the ground.

There are about 500 species of sedum. They are very different from each other external signs. The plant is distributed throughout Russia, found in Western countries of Europe, Asia Minor, North America, and also in Mexico.

For good growth temperate climate suitable. Sedum is quite easy to grow in your garden.


Sedum is a perennial plant. It has a short rhizome with a thickened root. It begins to bloom in the second year.


Purple sedum belongs to the Crassulaceae family, a succulent. Therefore it has character traits succulents.

Him fleshy leaves ranging in color from rich green to purple. The oval-shaped leaves reach a length of 12 cm. They are smooth to the touch, covered with a waxy coating that prevents moisture from evaporating.

The leaves are slightly jagged, tastes a little sour. They can be used in preparing salads and soups.

They are eaten both raw and fermented. In hot weather, the juice of the leaves quenches thirst and restores strength.

The leaves are rich in vitamin C and organic acids.

The juice acts as a tonic, restorative, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect.


The squeaky grass has one or two thick stems. It has dense leaves.

The stem is straight, in some species it is curved at the base, branches in the inflorescence. Grows from 15 to 90 cm.

The stem is dark green or deep purple.


Telephium inflorescences are corymbose, dense, apical, sometimes lateral. The inflorescence is approximately 6-11 cm in diameter.

Flowers bloom on a short stalk.

The green calyx consists of 5 pointed sepals. The corolla is mostly purple, lilac or pink.

It consists of 5 elongated petals, reaching 7 mm. There are from 5 to 10 stamens.

The flowering period of sedum is from July to September. Pollinated by insects. It is a good honey plant. The fruits ripen in August-September.

Five fruits appear in place of each flower. They are red, pink or greenish color, reach a length of 5-6 mm. The seeds ripen oblong, about 0.5 mm, brown in color.


Useful and beautiful sedum purple:


Sedum is absolutely unpretentious in care and will not cause any inconvenience.

He is a godsend for amateur gardeners.

One of its advantages is frost resistance. It also tolerates lack of moisture quite easily and grows in open areas, not afraid of direct rays of the sun.

Therefore, he will feel comfortable both in the garden and on the balcony.

From potted sedum purple compositions can be created on a balcony or loggia, decorate with it alpine coaster, use as a border.


After purchasing a hare cabbage seedling or an adult plant, it must be transplanted into new soil.

Stores use a peat mixture, which is not suitable for the constant growth of hare cabbage.

It is best to plant in the soil in late spring or early autumn if the flower is on the balcony all year round.

In an apartment, the spring months are considered the most suitable for planting or replanting..


Hare cabbage can grow in any soil. The soil should be loose and well-permeable to oxygen and moisture.

When preparing the soil mixture yourself, take turf and leaf soil in equal proportions. Add half a part of river sand to this mixture and mix well.

To ensure that oxygen reaches the root system, loosen the soil regularly.

Top dressing

IN natural conditions the creaker grows in different conditions . Often the soil in the growing areas is not rich in nutrients.

Therefore, at home or in the garden, it is necessary to carefully apply fertilizers to the soil. Provided good growth and abundant flowering The squeaky bird does not need to be fed at all.

Ash serves as fertilizer, which should be mixed into the soil mixture for planting. Excess mineral fertilizers negatively affects plants that overwinter on the balcony. In this case, the frost resistance of the sedum decreases and it may die.

When growing hare cabbage on a windowsill, fertilizers for succulents are used. Reduce the dosage indicated in the instructions by half.


Purple sedum loves moderate watering.

The plant tolerates drought quite calmly, like all succulents.

Excess moisture leads to rotting of the root system of purple sedum and rot.

The soil should be well dried before watering.

In the winter months, watering should be done no more than once every 10-14 days.


Purple sedum blooms in July. Flowering lasts approximately 2-3 months. The flowers bloom small and purple.

Fever grass flowers are very fragrant. They have a special spicy aroma and are honey-bearing. All summer, even in the hottest weather, they attract bees with nectar.

Life period

Telephium is a perennial plant. The shoots live for 2 years. In the first year, foliage develops on the shoot. Already in the second year it blooms and produces seeds.


Fever grass is very light-loving. Therefore, it can be placed on the windowsill without fear of burns. Also grows well in summer months on the open balcony.

During the winter months, it is most favorable to place the flower on southern windows.

With a lack of light, fever grass loses the color of not only its flowers, but also its leaves. The shoots also stretch out and lose their attractiveness.

Air humidity

Hernia grass is very unpretentious. It does not need additional moisturizing. Spraying in room conditions can only be carried out for hygiene purposes, to remove settled dust.

Thermal mode

Hare cabbage grows throughout Russia and is adapted to the changing climate. It tolerates summer heat and winter cold well.

In indoor conditions, hare cabbage feels comfortable at a temperature of 22-32 degrees in the spring and summer months.

In winter, ensure the temperature does not exceed 15 degrees. If in winter time support high temperature, then the telefium loses its decorative appearance.

When overwintering a plant on a balcony or loggia, it is necessary to provide additional shelter.


Most in a simple way propagation is the division of the bush. To do this, in late spring, dig it up and carefully, with your hands, divide the root system.

Before planting, already separated roots should be treated with wood ash to prevent rotting and infection with fungal diseases. This procedure should be carried out no more than once every 3 years.

Cuttings are also quite easy to propagate.. To do this, prune an adult plant in the summer months. Leave the cut cuttings in a container with water until roots appear. Then plant it in a pot.

Cuttings can also be rooted in wet sand. To do this, pour sand into a container, place the cuttings vertically and water regularly.

The sand should always be wet. After 10-14 days, roots will appear. After this, the cuttings are transplanted into the prepared earthen mixture.

Another method of propagation is by seeds.. They are sown in a seedling box. Water carefully so that the seeds are not washed out of the soil, and regularly.

After emergence, with 2-3 leaves, plant in individual pots. Flowering of such a plant will be possible only after 2-3 years.
Diseases and pests

Telephium is quite rarely affected by diseases or pests.

Diseases and pests

The most common disease occurs root rot . The cause of this disease is waterlogging of the soil. With this disease, the leaves turn yellow, wither and fall off over time.

To get rid of root rot, you first need to dig up the telephium. Then all affected areas of the root system are removed.

To disinfect, the root is washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and treated with wood ash. Plant the flower only in a new pot with fresh soil.

Very rarely the flower is affected spider mite or aphids. When pests appear, the plant gradually fades, the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

To get rid of pests, it is treated with a soap or soap-alcohol solution. In case of extensive damage, treatment with chemicals will help.

When the pot is on the balcony, the creaker may be affected by slugs. They need to be removed and the entire plant treated with chemicals. Sprinkle sand on the ground or wood ash layer 1-2 cm.

Medicinal properties

Medicinal properties and contraindications for sedum purple.

Fever grass (Purple sedum) is known for its medicinal properties. The juice contains organic and amino acids, as well as carbohydrates and polysaccharides. The composition also contains ascorbic acid, kakhetin, carotenoids, macro and microelements.


Purple sedum juice is a hemostatic and wound healing agent.. Thanks to its chemical composition, the juice improves metabolic processes, which leads to the regeneration of damaged tissues. The pulp of the leaves can have an anti-inflammatory effect.

The juice and pulp of fever grass is used to treat difficult-to-heal wounds, injuries, and chronic inflammation of the sinuses. Positive results are observed in the treatment of periodontal disease.

Quite often it creaks, in the form alcohol tincture, used in the treatment and prevention of the formation of a malignant tumor.

The leaves help in treating burns and hemorrhoids.

Sedum boosts immunity, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is supported. The functioning of all internal organs also improves.

It is also used for gynecological diseases (fibroids, cysts, infertility). In men, it is used in the treatment of prostatitis, and also has properties that increase potency.

Most methods are traditional.

Self-treatment can lead to complications. Therefore, before consuming or using it as a medicine, you should always consult your doctor.


For people suffering from hypotension, the use of sedum in medicinal purposes contraindicated.

By planting purple sedum in your garden, on your balcony or in your apartment, you will get more than just decoration. The juice and pulp of the leaves, thanks to its properties, can be used for medicinal and preventive purposes.

Living water is a reality. This is what the juice from the fleshy leaves of purple sedum was called in the old days. This magical liquid has the ability to heal the most difficult wounds and old ulcers. The leaves of this plant can also be eaten.

For this reason, it is very popular among raw foodists. Without burdening the stomach, purple sedum is able to saturate the body with energy, while simultaneously cleansing it of metabolic products.

Purple sedum belongs to the perennial herbaceous plants of the Crassulaceae family. It is succulent, that is, its tissues are able to retain and retain water. The roots of sedum are tuberous. The stem is straight and succulent. Typically the plant consists of several straight stems growing from the soil. The leaves are oval, green and fleshy.

The flowers are collected in inflorescences in the form of a shield and are located at the top of the plant. The color of the flowers is white, pink, crimson or lilac. The calyx is bright green. The flowering of the plant begins in mid-summer and continues until autumn. The plant is pollinated by insects. Fruits in the form of purple leaflets begin to ripen in August. A lot of seeds are formed in the leaflet. They are painted brown.

Purple sedum is common in countries with temperate climate. Prefers to grow on unfavorable sandy, rocky or clay soils. This plant is also bred as an ornamental plant due to its long and bright flowering, as well as its extreme unpretentiousness. Its only weakness is bright open light. Sedum cannot grow in a dark and damp place.

What else is it called?

The Latin name for purple sedum is Hylotelephium telephium. People also call it hare cabbage, living grass or squeaky grass. The plant is completely non-toxic, is a powerful immunostimulant and has the ability to heal numerous human ailments.

Medicinal properties

Purple sedum contains the following unique compounds:

The plant is also rich in ascorbic acid and flavonoids, which act as antioxidants.

Purple sedum has the following medicinal properties:

  • activates metabolism;
  • stimulates body tissues to regenerate;
  • relieves inflammatory processes;
  • promotes bone healing during fractures and injuries;
  • eliminates warts and papillomas when applied externally;
  • resolves tumors, including those of malignant origin.

For women

  • relieves infertility;
  • helps maintain pregnancy during habitual miscarriages;
  • normalizes emotional state.

For men

Sedum purple traditional healers since ancient times it has been used for:

  • treatment of impotence;
  • prostatitis;
  • premature ejaculation.

For children

The plant is ideal for treating children at any age. It may help with the following health problems:

  • increased nervous excitability;
  • eczema and diathesis;
  • pneumonia and tonsillitis. In this case, sedum can enhance the effect of antibiotics and mitigate their toxic effects on the child’s body.

Indications for use

Purple sedum preparations are used in the following cases:

This is far from full list uses of the plant. In the old days, herbalists used it to heal all ailments, believing that purple sedum was able to remove any damage from the human body.

Harm and contraindications

Purple sedum in any form should not be used:

  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • people with a penchant for high blood pressure and hypertension;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the components that make up the plant.

When taking medications from sedum purpurea, you must follow the dosage, since exceeding the dose leads to disruption of the nervous system, nausea, vomiting and dizziness.

Dosage forms

Currently, purple sedum can be purchased on the open market in the form of:

  • dry grass. Typically one package contains a small amount of raw materials. This is due to the difficulty in drying the plant, since it contains a lot of liquid that is difficult to evaporate.
  • Extract from the leaves and stems of the plant. It's called biosed.
  • Tinctures "Skripun - purple sedum".

Dry raw materials can be used to prepare decoctions and infusions, and can also be consumed in powder form.

Popular recipes

At home, sedum can be used in the form of:

  • a decoction from the aerial part of a fresh or dried plant;
  • decoction of root tubers;
  • infusion from the aboveground part of a fresh or dried plant;
  • infusion from roots;
  • juice from leaves and stems;
  • alcohol tincture;
  • powder.

Decoction from the aerial part

For this purpose, you need to take 1 g of dry raw materials or 50 g of fresh ones. Then:

In this form, the medicine is taken to increase immunity, also for viral and fungal diseases. The drug in the form of a decoction can also gently stimulate cardiac activity.

For children from one to 10 years of age, the decoction can be given drop by drop, gradually increasing the dose if tolerated well.

Decoction from the root part

To prepare such a medicine, you will only need fresh or frozen sedum roots from the summer for future use. When preparing the drug for one day, you need to take 20 g of fresh tubers. After:

  • grind in any way after thoroughly removing traces of soil;
  • pour 200 ml of cold water;
  • slowly bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Cool, strain and drink throughout the day in three doses.

This decoction strengthens male power, prolonging the time of sexual intercourse. It also restores potency. It can help women during menopause to normalize their emotional state.

Preparation of infusions

Infusions are prepared similarly to decoctions. Only the raw materials are poured with boiling water in a thermos and left for at least three hours.

The medicine from sedum in this form is used to treat inflammatory diseases, as well as for the prevention and treatment of oncology. With long-term use in courses (30 days with a break of two weeks), it can relieve women from infertility.

Men, when methodically treated with an infusion of the roots of sedum purpurea, get rid of such an unpleasant ailment as hemorrhoids.

IMPORTANT! When treating infertility, the first menstruation after starting to take sedum infusion can be very heavy.

Infusions are also recommended for external use for eczema, dermatitis and other skin diseases, including purulent ones. To do this, moisten cotton wool or gauze with the drug and bandage it to the affected area for two hours. Then the bandage needs to be changed.

Alcohol tincture

For this purpose you need:

The drug in this form is effective for the treatment of nervous disorders. You can use it every day in the amount of 20 drops per 30 ml of water. In spring - twice a day.

By diluting the tincture with water in a ratio of 1:4, you can get an excellent lotion for facial skin, which allows you to get rid of comedones and pimples.

Application of juice

In this form, sedum is effective for treating all inflammatory processes in the body and oncology. It is prepared like this:

  • squeeze out the juice using a juicer;
  • diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1;
  • boil for one minute;
  • cool.

For the treatment of tumors, this drug is used 10 ml three times a day for three months. A month later the course is repeated. And so on until complete recovery.

For inflammation, drink the prepared juice along with 10 g of honey, 10 ml twice a day.

Externally, the juice can be used in its pure form, without diluting, in the form of lotions and compresses.

REFERENCE! The prepared juice can be frozen for future use in the form of dosed ice cubes, which should then be thawed as needed.

For children, juice in any form can only be used externally due to the strong biological activity of the plant.

Powder dry herb sedum purpurea treats chronic rheumatism, hemorrhoids and periodontal disease. Tibetan healers use it to get rid of gonorrhea and trichomoniasis. The powder is recommended to be consumed in the morning and evening, in an amount of 0.5 g.

Children use the medicine in powder form is not recommended.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding Treatment with sedum purpurea is contraindicated.

Purple sedum is a perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the Crassulaceae family. In folk medicine, it is widely used to treat colds and as a wound-healing and hemostatic agent. Purple sedum tinctures have an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the plant shows high effectiveness in the treatment of respiratory diseases. In this publication you will find all necessary information about purple sedum (medicinal properties, description, recipes for tinctures).

Botanical description

Purple sedum (or hare cabbage) is distributed throughout most of Eurasia and is found everywhere in Russia. The plant grows in pine forests, forest fires and fields.

The stems of purple sedum are erect and can reach up to 70 cm in length. The leaves are oblong and succulent. In folk medicine, the juice of the plant is considered an effective wound healing and hemostatic agent. Sedum flowers have a lilac or light pink tint, and can sometimes turn white. The plant blooms in mid-summer.

Collection and preparation

The grass and roots of hare cabbage are used for medicinal purposes. The above-ground parts of the plant are collected during the flowering period and dried in the open air or in well-ventilated areas. The roots are harvested in early autumn.

Chemical composition and pharmacological properties

ethnoscience different countries and peoples classify purple sedum as a powerful biogenic stimulant. This is due to the fact that the chemical components of this plant are capable of stimulating the process of tissue and cell regeneration and influencing metabolism in the human body.

The following elements were found in the roots and leaves of plants.

  • Flavonoids - have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and increase the activity of enzymes.
  • Tannins - have anti-inflammatory properties and have an astringent effect.
  • Sugar.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Starch.

The pharmacological properties of sedum purpurea are determined by its chemical composition. The plant has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, wound-healing, restorative and regenerative effect.

Medicinal properties

  • Stimulates the heart. Used as a means to increase the tone of the heart muscle.
  • Quickly removes excess fluid from the body.
  • Sedum compresses are used after injuries of any severity as a powerful hemostatic and healing drug.
  • Sedum is an excellent tonic that is used for fatigue and nervous disorders.
  • Preparations based on this plant strengthen natural protective forces body. Sedum is a powerful immunostimulant, which in its biological activity is on a par with hemlock and aloe.
  • The plant has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  • Preparations based on sedum are used during the treatment of respiratory diseases (asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchitis, tracheitis) as an anti-inflammatory agent.
  • The plant is indicated for gynecological diseases (uterine fibroids, cysts). In addition, drugs based on it help normalize the menstrual cycle.

Traditional and folk medicine: features of application

In folk medicine, purple sedum is widely used. The extract of the leaves of this plant has a beneficial effect on protein metabolism in the body, increasing their concentration after large blood losses.

Sedum juice is used for disorders of the central nervous system. To enhance its effectiveness, it is recommended to combine it with other remedies (with honey for gum inflammation and thrush, and with sunflower oil- during the treatment of skin diseases).

In traditional medicine, purple sedum is also actively used for therapy. various diseases. Clinical trials have proven that leaf extract - biosed - has the property of stimulating metabolism and accelerating the process of cell regeneration. That is why sedum is included in drugs for the treatment of hepatitis and diseases of the respiratory system (pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.). In addition, otolaryngologists and ophthalmologists use sedum-based products.

Sedum juice is used externally to treat affected areas of the skin.

In case of large blood losses, the plant extract is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:3 and consumed a teaspoon 3 times a day.

Purple sedum tincture is an excellent remedy for the treatment of disorders of the heart muscle (arrhythmia, tachycardia) and nervous disorders. To prepare such a medicine, 150 g of the above-ground part of the plant should be crushed and poured with vodka (0.5 l). The tincture should be drunk 3 times a day, 30 drops for 14 days.

In Tibetan medicine, sedum-based decoctions are used to treat anorexia, asthenia, diarrhea, gout and even malignant tumors. To prepare this product, you need to pour 1 tbsp. l. grind the above-ground part of the plant with boiling water (250 ml) and boil. The decoction should be taken 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

In addition, a recipe has been developed for the treatment of kidney diseases and epilepsy. To prepare the medicine you need to pour 1 tsp. herbs plants with boiling water (300 ml). You should take the product half a glass 3 times a day.

Other Applications

  • Purple sedum is used in beekeeping as a good honey plant.
  • Widely used in landscape gardening.
  • Sedum leaves are used in cooking for preparing salads, soups and other dishes.

Since ancient times, purple sedum has been classified as a medicinal plant. To treat many diseases, fresh grass is collected during its flowering period, which lasts from July to October. Ripe fruits medicinal plant can be found in the fall.

Traditional medicine widely uses sedum in the treatment of colds. The herb serves as a first aid during injuries with blood loss. Purple sedum tinctures protect the body from the spread of the inflammatory process.

Popularity in folk medicine has led to the sale of various forms of the plant ready for consumption

Infusion of roots

Not only the above-ground part of the plant, but also the roots serve to get rid of many diseases. From an infusion of roots, our ancestors prepared a remedy that actively fought against terrible diseases.

Recipes for the infusion were passed down from generation to generation and changed. Today it remains widespread classic cooking option:

The finished drug for folk use is consumed half an hour before meals at least three times a day, one dessert spoon.

Lotions with infusion of roots

Having prepared the infusion, it should be used correctly so that the effectiveness of the treatment is as high as possible. high level. More since the times of Tsarist Russia treated with a remedy for calluses and warts.

Lotions were often used to eliminate bedsores in patients who required prolonged bed rest.

The use of Purple for lotions has been known for centuries.

By applying lotions to calluses, they can turn white and fall off within a short period of therapy. This is the same way to get rid of warts. But it is important to know what methods to use traditional medicine recommended only after consultation with a specialist.

Decoction of leaves

Decoctions of purple sedum are popular in the treatment of diarrhea, gout, and anorexia. The leaves are recommended for preparing a medicinal decoction. collect in clean ecological areas.

The decoction is being prepared different ways. The main task of the patient is to take the drug in a timely manner. To prepare it, take the leaves of a medicinal plant, pour boiling water over it and simmer over low heat for up to seven minutes.

Afterwards, the broth is filtered and consumed up to five times during the day, one tablespoon at a time.

Laxative infusion of leaves

An infusion of leaves has a laxative effect. To do this, pour boiling water over a spoonful of raw materials and leave for 20 minutes. closed lid. Strain and drink ½ cup during constipation at least three times a day.

Leaves compress for skin wounds

Injured skin areas can be healed by applying a compress from the leaves of the plant. Specialists traditional methods For treatment, it is recommended to apply fresh sedum leaves to the injured areas, wrapping them with a cloth bandage on top.

If injury to skin tissue occurs in winter, pre-dried leaves are used to make compresses that have regenerative properties.

Decoction of leaves for colds

A decoction of the leaves is prepared to combat colds. Preparation does not take much time and effort from the patient. A tablespoon of crushed raw materials is placed in an enamel pan, filled with water and boiled after boiling over low heat. up to ten minutes.

Afterwards, the broth should be strained and diluted to a volume of 250 milligrams. You can take the medicine during coughing attacks or ½ glass three times a day after meals.

For infertility

If a woman wants to become a mother, long time cannot get pregnant, it is recommended to use a decoction of purple sedum leaves. The prepared raw materials are placed in boiling water, covered with a lid, and left for 40 minutes.

Consultation with a gynecologist for such treatment is mandatory.

Leaf lotion for hemorrhoids

Every third inhabitant of the planet is faced with the problem of hemorrhoids. To eliminate pain during the pathological process, lotions are made from sedum leaves.

It's better to use the product during good rest . If the pain is severe, it is recommended to apply gauze or a cloth napkin soaked in the broth to the affected area without waiting until the evening.

For cancer of any location

It is recommended to use infusions and decoctions of the miraculous herb when diagnosing cancer. Of course, it is important to understand that the action of the herb alone cannot eliminate the resulting tumor.

But using homemade products together with drug treatment will help kill cancer cells.

One spoon of medicinal plant should be poured with a glass of boiling water. After two hours, strain the broth and drink 50 milligrams three times during the day.

For diseases of the bladder, lungs

When the bladder suffers from pathological processes, signals of lung pain are often received, it is important to choose the right recipe for preparing tincture of purple sedum.

Lung pain may be a symptom of bladder disease

It is advised to take decoctions more often. But it is not prohibited to use tinctures prepared with vodka or alcohol.

For gastrointestinal pain

Use medicines prepared independently according to the recipes of our grandmothers during gastrointestinal diseases should be very careful.

Infusions should be stored for no more than three hours. It is better to prepare a new decoction for use rather than aggravate the pain by taking a medicine that has been stored for longer than the required hours, especially in the summer.

For impotence

The plant is effective in combating impotence. Sedum tends to rid the body of inflammatory processes, neoplasms, and improve hormonal levels. Medical practice has recorded cases, when patients, taking an aqueous infusion from the plant, completely get rid of impotence.

For general weakness

When the body is weakened, it is recommended to brew sedum flowers instead of regular tea. Their healing effect returns lost strength. The person feels a surge of energy. It is better to collect and dry raw materials in the first month of autumn.

For nervous disorders

When a person feels irritability or emotional fatigue, it is recommended to use an infusion of leaves or flowers of a medicinal plant. Course of therapy should last 14 days.

After a 7-day break, you can undergo the procedure for another two weeks.

For the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis

Applying folk remedy with tuberculosis, the lungs are promptly cleared of sputum. Lung tissue can be quickly restored. Patients complain less of coughing attacks.

They notice an improvement in their overall health and a reduction in exhaustion. Specialists in in this case It is recommended to take an infusion of vodka or alcohol.

For the treatment of epilepsy

Epilepsy can be cured by taking a decoction of the herb on a regular basis with short breaks. To prevent the disease from progressing, it is advised to prepare the medicine during its flowering.

If you have epilepsy, you should first consult a doctor

You can take infusions only with the permission of your doctor.

For heavy periods

It is important for every woman who suffers from heavy discharge during menstruation to know that tea made from purple sedum leaves can eliminate this problem.

The secret to preparing such a tea drink is to infuse it for twenty minutes and add a spoonful of honey.

For uterine fibroids

If the doctor diagnoses uterine fibroids after examination, don't give up. We must remember that the miracle cure fights tumors. To treat fibroids, it is recommended:

  1. Prepare a decoction of purple sedum.
  2. Soak a tampon in the broth.
  3. Place tampons in the vagina at night for 14 days.

The procedure will help eliminate the growth of the tumor. With the help of lotions, the inflammatory process is blocked.

General strengthening agent

The plant is used for support, restoration, strengthening the immune system. Decoctions, teas, infusions have a beneficial effect on the general condition human body. The course of taking decoctions is at least seven days.

Sedum helps strengthen the immune system, in addition to providing vitamins

An excellent diuretic

Decoctions effectively remove excess fluid from the human body. Purple sedum should be taken if you have kidney disease. under the supervision of a specialist so as not to aggravate an existing problem.


Like any folk remedy, purple sedum has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. Therapeutic methods based on medicinal herbs are contraindicated:

  • hypertensive patients;
  • patients prone to allergic manifestations;
  • with frequent surges in blood pressure.

Other cases of treatment should be previously agreed with the treating doctor. It is important to remember that the human body is individual.

The plant effectively influences the results of therapy for some patients, but it is not a fact that it will not aggravate the problem for others.

Varieties of medicinal herbs

The plant has another name - hare cabbage. It belongs to the Crassulaceae family and has many species.


Purple sedum widely used in medicine. Height medicinal plant reaches 80 centimeters. Most often the plant is found in Eurasia. Many regions of the Russian Federation can boast of the distribution of this plant species.


The large plant species has more than 500 subspecies. Is attractive appearance. The stems grow up to a meter in height.


The common variety is distinguished by its oblong leaves, which become Favorite food for rabbits.

General information about the plant

Sedum grows in open areas and belongs to perennial plants. Grass loves the sun.

The flowers are pink, yellow or purple in color and are very small and star shaped. The leaves are thick, fleshy, smooth, and have indentations at the base.

The plant is often used during pathologies of the respiratory system. However, this is not the only existing medicinal plant. For example, we told.

Variety Purple Variety Large Variety Ordinary

The plant has a healing effect on the human body with proper preparation and use of traditional medicine.