What to put in the hole when planting peppers: secrets of fertilizing for a good harvest. Feeding peppers in a greenhouse in spring. Wood ash - benefits, composition, use as fertilizer in the garden

Bell pepper is bred artificially. Breeders enriched wild vegetable vitamins, made it tasty. Today a sweetish handsome man - welcome guest on any table. Dishes with pepper are extremely attractive due to its bright colors. Because of large quantities beneficial substances contained in the “Bulgarian” vegetable, it is often called a storehouse of health.

Features of culture

Bell pepper is one of the “capricious” crops. It loves warmth and fertile soil, but does not grow well in clayey and excessively wet soil.

In central Russia, the vegetable is grown through seedlings. Seeds for seedlings are sown in warm ground in February, early March. Young shoots require special care, which consists in maintaining the microclimate: illumination, temperature and humidity.

Seedlings grow strong if the seeds have been treated with a nutrient solution, the young shoots have been picked in a timely manner, additional lighting has been installed, and a favorable watering and fertilizing regime has been provided.

Picking peppers turns into a huge stress, so it is better to immediately place the seeds in a separate glass.

The soil is preferably loose and light. You can independently prepare soil for seedlings by combining humus, sand and soil in a ratio of 2/1/1.

The root system develops well in peat pots of small diameter filled with soil. When planting in the soil, you will not need to remove the plant from the container or disturb the roots.

If any of the seedling leaves turn yellow, know that the pepper “speaks” of excess water. Watering should be regular, and the pots should have holes to drain excess water into the tray. Lack of drainage will lead to rotting of the roots and death of the young plant.

IN unheated greenhouses peppers are planted in May, in open ground - in early June. Before planting, the plants are hardened off: during the daytime they are taken outside for several hours, of course, when the frost subsides and the air warms up to +10 degrees and above.

Good pepper productivity is possible only on prepared soil. Peppers are planted in beds where onions or carrots, pumpkin or cabbage were grown. WITH autumn digging potassium and phosphate fertilizers, and in the spring enrich it with ammonium nitrate.

Do not rush to fertilize peppers immediately after transplanting. permanent place. Firstly, fertilizing should be carried out a couple of days before planting for permanent residence, and secondly, all necessary for the plant microelements.

If at this time some of the leaves turn yellow, it does not mean that the peppers need help. Color change lower leaves and their dying off is a natural process.

Fertilizer timing

Pepper loves to be looked after and responds to attentive attention. Care consists primarily of fertilizing. Untimely fertilization affects growth and fruiting, slowing down both. When the stages of feeding are followed, it is ensured optimal conditions to obtain a bountiful harvest.

The first feeding goes to the seedlings when two true leaves appear on the sprouts. The next feeding is carried out for seedlings developing at home, 14 days after the first. A couple of days before transplanting into a greenhouse or open ground, the seedlings should receive another nutrient dose.

The difference in caring for peppers planted in a greenhouse and in open ground lies in the timing. Greenhouse plants fall into the ground earlier, therefore, they receive the next portion of fertilizers earlier.

Peppers are transplanted into open ground in early June, and they are covered with covering material, providing good ventilation. In both cases, plants must be fed two weeks after planting. During flowering, plants require a lot of “food”, so regular feeding will help in the formation of ovaries.

During cold spells, especially long-term ones, plants experience stress. Often the surface roots die off, leaving the peppers little strength to continue development. To restore the fruiting process after cold days, foliar application of fertilizers will be required.

Carefully monitor the condition of the bushes. By the color and condition of the foliage, you can always determine the plant’s need for a particular element. Curled leaves indicate a lack of potassium, and unfriendly flowering with good foliage indicates the need to add superphosphate and exclude nitrogen from regular fertilizing.

Types and methods

There are two equivalent types of plant nutrition:

  • foliar;
  • root

In the case of peppers, both types are used.

Root feeding must be done with well-soluble substances. Powdered substances are scattered on the ground in grooves around the plant, granular ones dissolve in water and enter the soil during watering.

Nutrient solution is absorbed by plants much faster, so it is most often used.

Watering should be done carefully, protecting the leaves from getting fertilizer intended for root feeding on them. Drops of fertilizer-enriched liquid can cause damage to leaves in the form of burns.

Foliar feeding is more labor-intensive, but no less useful. Adult plants during active flowering and fruiting can be sprayed every one and a half to two weeks. The more fertile the soil, the less often foliar feeding is required. It is preferable to alternate both methods of fertilizing peppers.

Folk remedies

Most often, gardeners fertilize the soil with organic fertilizers:

  • peat;
  • manure;
  • bird droppings;
  • humus.

Those who do not trust “store-bought” products use folk remedies: yeast, ash, eggshells, iodine, herbal cocktails.

If you feed peppers with yeast, this usually has a positive effect on their growth and immunity. Yeast is dissolved in warm water with added sugar, infused, then diluted in more water and root feeding is performed.

One drop of iodine dissolved in three liters of water can protect seedlings from diseases.

If there is a lack of potassium in the soil, wood ash is poured around the bushes.

Peppers benefit from herbal infusions made from weeds, including nettle. Chopped weeds and lawn grass leave for several days, mix with clean water and water the plants.

Ready-made purchase options

Ready-made fertilizers contain everything necessary for bell peppers. The recipe is selected for both seedlings and adult bushes. The complex fertilizer for seedlings “Kemira-Lux” has proven itself well.

Strong root system peppers are provided with Kristalon fertilizer, which contains sufficient amounts of potassium and phosphorus.

How to deposit?

Fertilizer can be applied by watering and spraying. In ready-made fertilizers purchased in stores, the dosage and method of fertilizing are indicated on the packaging. Fertilizers such as superphosphate and urea dissolve in water. Do the same with cow dung and bird droppings.

Spraying bushes with a solution boric acid promotes:

  • increased formation of ovaries;
  • improving the taste of fruits;
  • increasing resistance to diseases.

When using chemicals, the established proportions should not be violated.

And a few more tips from experienced gardeners and gardeners.

  • Before planting peppers, you should not richly enrich the soil with organic matter.
  • The soil for peppers needs to be prepared in the fall, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers must be added for digging.
  • Before sowing, add to the ground nitrogen fertilizers. Nitrogen promotes the formation of ovaries, but its excess negatively affects plant resistance to disease.
  • Peppers will notify you of a lack of phosphorus in the soil. purple leaves.
  • The gardener must recognize the signals of plants and promptly supply them with the necessary microelements.

Errors during cultivation bell pepper watch in the next video.

Bell pepper is a plant that loves warmth and sunlight. IN northern regions, in Siberia, in the regions middle zone In Russia, growing pepper is possible only through seedlings, since summer season is not enough for the fruit to fully ripen when sowing seeds directly into the ground. Nevertheless, Russian gardeners grow with great success and pleasure different varieties bell pepper both in greenhouses and in open ground. And although they have to tinker with it, they are not going to give up the presence of this vegetable in their gardens.

Pepper is a whimsical plant. He does not like excessive watering, but also has a negative attitude towards drying out the soil. After each watering, it would be nice to loosen it, but not very deeply, 5-7 centimeters deep will be enough. Do the loosening carefully, as peppers have a superficial root system.

With timely weeding, loosening, watering and fertilizing, you can get a guaranteed decent result. Because growing season This crop is quite large, so you need to sow pepper seedlings in mid-February.

Article outline

What to do with seeds before sowing

  1. Seed disinfectionnecessary procedure to prevent pepper diseases. What to do: soak the seeds in potassium permanganate (pink solution) for half an hour, then drain the water and dry them.
  2. Check if they are viable. It's better to find out now than after germination. What to do: wrap the seeds in gauze or some rag, slightly moistened with water, put in a warm place for about three to four days, constantly moistening the napkin. After this time, it will be clear which ones need to be sown - the seeds will hatch.
  3. Temper– this will help the plants to withstand adverse weather conditions normally. To do this, the saucer with the seeds should be in the refrigerator for half a day.

How to sow pepper seeds

The soil must also be disinfected before sowing pepper. For this purpose, the same solution is used as for seeds - manganese, Pink colour. Make a furrow up to 1 cm deep and sow the pepper seeds so that there is a distance of 2 cm between them. Cover with soil, stretch a transparent film over the edges of the container, put it in a warm place and wait for the shoots to appear.

How to feed pepper seedlings

Timely feeding is very important for growing strong, healthy seedlings. The first feeding is done in the phase of two true leaves, 10-14 days after picking:

  • – half a teaspoon;
  • – according to the instructions;
  • Dissolve everything in 1 liter of water and pour gently.

The time for the second feeding is 9-10 days after the first, at this time the pepper has already produced five leaves:

  • urea - half a teaspoon;
  • potassium monophosphate – teaspoon;
  • Dissolve everything in 1 liter of water and pour over.

Based on these fertilizers it is made water infusion: Mullein is diluted with water like this - one part of mullein is diluted in four parts of water, and bird droppings - one part is diluted in ten parts of water.

Such fertilizers have a beneficial effect on pepper sprouts - the foliage becomes rich green and the root system is well developed.

Pepper in open ground - how to feed

When the age of the seedlings has reached 75-80 days and the height is twenty centimeters, it’s time to plant them in the garden. Peppers don't take transplantation very well. In order not to disturb him again, many housewives put him in. And more zealous gardeners use scrap materials for sowing seeds: plastic containers for milk, sour cream, mineral water or juice bottles. Cut them to the required height, pierce the bottom for drainage excess moisture and that’s it – the containers for planting are ready.

How to plant with the least stress on the plant

An important point: before you start planting in the ground, the seedlings should be watered thoroughly - it’s easier to get wet soil out of the cup. This is done like this: carefully place the container with the pepper on the side, lightly squeeze with one hand, and with the other slowly pull out the pepper along with the ground. Immediately insert it into the prepared hole.

How to prepare a hole

First of all, clear the bed of weeds and loosen it. Make holes, add half a shovel of humus to each hole. Mix with soil and water well. Dip the pepper, along with a lump of earth, directly into this slurry, carefully straighten the roots and cover with the soil that was formed when digging the hole. Form an even hole and water again, being careful not to wash away the fresh soil and expose the roots.

For growing on open garden bed pepper varieties should be planted with early ripening so that they have time to ripen before the cold, foggy nights arrive. After planting the seedlings in the garden bed, it is advisable to cover it with some kind of covering material for several days until it takes root.

There is a way for zealous gardeners - again using plastic bottles. Only here you will need larger capacity bottles (5L). You need to cut off the bottom and cover the seedling with such a cap - you will get a kind of mini-greenhouse.

When the temperature rises, you can simply unscrew the cap on the neck for ventilation. These greenhouses are very convenient to use, and they are also easy to store - stack the bottles one inside the other, like a Russian nesting doll, and put them in the barn or attic.

What kind of soil do peppers like?

Crop rotation is very important when growing peppers in an open garden. It is good to plant peppers after beets, carrots or cabbage. But after potatoes it is not recommended, since it takes all phosphorus resources from the soil, and peppers, which simply need phosphorus for good development and fruiting, do not receive enough of this element.

What to add to the soil before planting peppers

Pepper grows very well in fertile loamy soil. Does not handle heavy clays well. So, if the soil in the area where you plan to plant peppers is exactly like this, you need to make it lighter by adding sand or peat during digging.

Well-rotted organic matter in the form of stale cow or lamb (goat) manure, two- or three-year-old compost is suitable. Using fresh chicken manure It is not recommended when transplanting peppers; the roots may burn.

The formed beds need to be compacted at the ends so as not to crumble, and left for a day or two for the soil to settle. Then sprinkle powdered superphosphate over the surface. It will serve a double duty: first it will suppress pathogenic microflora, fungi, mosses and mold, and then, after watering the peppers several times, it, together with water, will find its way to the root system. It will be absorbed by the plant, and this is a valuable supplement that will help improve taste qualities pepper

Feeding and caring for peppers in open ground

Fertilizing peppers in a greenhouse

Peppers grown in a greenhouse tend to produce a higher and earlier harvest. Fruits according to appearance more attractive than in open ground, which is important for sale, for example. The reasons for this are obvious: pepper is a heat-loving crop, and it is much easier to create it in a greenhouse. the necessary conditions, there it will be protected from bad weather, it will be easier to make a support if it is needed, neither hail nor rain will damage it, and accordingly, commercial demand will increase.

Soil preparation in spring

Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to disinfect the soil, and it is advisable to wash the greenhouse itself disinfectant solution and dry. To disinfect greenhouse soil, the same potassium permanganate will again be useful. You should pour half a liter per square of land with a slightly pink solution of manganese.

If the soil in the greenhouse is too acidic, it must be deacidified using wood ash or. In order for the soil to acquire the necessary looseness, you can add rotted manure to it (also rotted). It would be nice to add it to the soil when digging.

The greenhouse soil should be the same as in an open garden bed - nutritious, light and loose. The only difference is that a sorbent must be present in closed ground, For example, . It will act as a kind of sponge, absorbing excess moisture from the air, and then, if necessary, give it to the plants. And due to the fact that peat contains nitrogen and various microelements, it will be an excellent feed for peppers.

To increase the fertility of the soil in a greenhouse, it must be fertilized in advance with mineral or organic fertilizers:

  1. Organic feeding. Dilute a liter of slurry + tablespoons in a ten-liter bucket of water. About 7 days before planting pepper seedlings, water the soil at the rate of five liters of solution per square.
  2. Mineral feeding. Mix at the rate of 20 grams of each fertilizer per square of soil. Sprinkle the soil and water.

How to fertilize peppers in a greenhouse

Autumn soil preparation

Autumn preparation of the beds begins immediately after harvesting. After removing the pepper bushes, you need to dig it up, after spreading compost or manure. If you use ready-made compost, you can lightly sprinkle it with wood ash (1 cup per 10 kg of humus).

It is imperative to apply mineral fertilizers, and the application rate should be slightly higher than usual. This is explained by the fact that in winter some of the fertilizers will dissolve in the soil complex. Superphosphate and potassium sulfate should be scattered at 50 grams per square of soil. When spring comes, the soil should be dug up.

What to feed sweet peppers

Bell pepper, like any vegetable, needs good nutrition, especially when fruit appears.

First feeding

It is carried out on the 15th day after transplanting to the garden bed; usually at this time the plants begin to flower.

You can use organic matter as fertilizer, but this must be taken care of in advance. About a week or five days before the intended feeding, you need to soak bird droppings or mullein in water.

This infusion is used as follows: one part of bird droppings should be diluted in fifteen parts of water, and one part of mullein infusion should be diluted in ten parts of water. Water under each bush.

In the absence of organic matter, you can fertilize with mineral fertilizers:

superphosphate (40 grams) + ammonium nitrate (40 grams) + potassium sulfate (20 grams) stir in a ten-liter bucket warm water. Water under each bush.

If there is neither organic matter nor “mineral water”, then it is good to give the peppers “herbal tea”, which is not difficult to do:

  1. All weeds weeded from the beds on the site should be finely chopped or cut with pruning shears.
  2. Having discarded the roots, place it in a barrel at the rate of 6-8 kg of green mass per hundred liters of water, pour in a glass and a half of wood ash and a bucket of manure.
  3. Pour water, mix thoroughly, leave for a week and a half.

Despite the not very pleasant smell, pour 1.5-2 liters of this “tea” under each bush. The result will not be long in coming.

Second feeding

This is done a couple of weeks after the first one. At this time, fruit ovaries are already forming. If the first fertilizing was mineral, then the second should be organic, since alternating fertilizing is important.

In order to make organic fertilizer, you need (per one hundred liters of water):

  • urea - glass;
  • bird droppings - half a bucket;
  • last year's manure - a bucket.

Place everything in a container, add water, stir thoroughly, and let it brew for a week. Water half a bucket per square of soil.

If the pepper stems and shoots become brittle and dark green in color, it means the soil contains a lot of nitrogen.. This situation can be easily corrected by feeding the peppers with the following solution: potassium sulfate (teaspoon) + superphosphate (tablespoon) in a bucket of water.

Feeding peppers with baker's yeast

This type of feeding provides the peppers with the necessary nutrients at virtually no cost. The basis is phosphorus and nitrogen elements; they also contain vitamins, minerals, organic iron, etc. Receiving this fertilizer, the plant develops its root system well and increases its green mass.

Thanks to his chemical composition, yeast protects peppers from various diseases and pests, helps the development of soil microorganisms that increase soil fertility.

There is only one drawback to yeast feeding - when combined with yeast, potassium decomposes. To restore potassium balance, add wood ash to the yeast solution.

Yeast feed recipe

  1. From fresh yeast. Dilute a kilogram block of fresh yeast in five liters of warm water, leave for a day. To water, add a liter of infusion to a ten-liter bucket of water.
  2. From dry yeast. Stir a packet of dry yeast in a ten-liter bucket of water + sugar (2 tbsp). Leave for two hours. To water, dilute a half-liter jar of solution in a bucket of water.

This feeding can be done twice during the summer. Expired yeast should never be used for infusion.. For the fertilizer to have good effectiveness, the soil should not be cold, that is, such fertilizing should be done in warm weather, preferably in the afternoon.

It is very important to remember: after adding yeast, you should sprinkle the soil with wood ash or add it to the yeast solution.

How to feed sweet peppers

Useful tricks for growing peppers

Sometimes there is a problem with pepper pollination. Well, pollinating insects don't fly! You need to lure them to the site using clever spraying: when flowering begins, dissolve half a glass of granulated sugar in one liter of warm water, add half a teaspoon of boric acid and spray the bushes.

As mentioned above, you need to alternate organic and mineral fertilizing so that there is no imbalance in the composition of the necessary elements in one direction or another.

  1. Fertilizers high in nitrogen are applied when the plant gains growth before flowers appear and when fruits begin to form.
  2. If buds do not appear on the pepper for a long time, it means that it is overfed with nitrogen, that is, a lot of herbal infusion or manure has been added.
  3. If no ovary formation is visible during flowering, it means that the greenhouse is either too humid, too hot, or too cold (temperature below +13°C). In this case, you can spray the plants with Bud or Ovary.

In addition, to protect peppers from stress, in bad weather you can use Ecoberin, Novosil or foliar feeding using calcium nitrate (half a tablespoon per bucket of water).

Fertilizers containing phosphorus are necessary for the plant when active fruiting begins.

If there is a lack of calcium in the soil, blossom end rot may appear on the plant.. This can be recognized by the appearance of a white spot on the fruit, which will subsequently rot. Blossom rot is not a disease. In this way, the plant makes it clear that it lacks calcium or potassium. You need to use calcium nitrate (0.2% solution).

Using fertilizers correctly, watering and loosening the plants in a timely manner, you can achieve the highest yield of strong, beautiful and very tasty peppers!

Sweet pepper - planting and caring for seedlings

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​The absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium by carrots occurs most intensively during the period of maximum root growth. The accumulation of nitrogen and especially potassium in plants occurs much faster than phosphorus.

​If fertilizing is planned, then with each of them you should not add more than 15 g and less than 6-7 g of ammonium nitrate, and in early fertilizing - no more than 10 g of nitrate per 1 m2. The number of fertilizing depends on the annual norms of mineral fertilizers. When planning a higher harvest, increased annual fertilizer rates are used, so you can increase the amount of fertilizing.​

​A properly designed fertilizer system must necessarily take into account the nutritional and fertilizing characteristics of individual vegetable crops, for example, cabbage, carrots, beets or potatoes. Let's consider these features.​

Planting peppers - better to be late than to hurry

​Compared to potassium, there is little phosphorus in the ash, but such phosphorus is used by plants better than from superphosphate.​

Wood ash It has long been recognized as a fertilizer, and a very valuable one at that. It has been used from generation to generation Agriculture to increase soil fertility. Since ash is obtained from plant material, it contains most of the basic nutrients essential for plant growth. What are its benefits? Is it safe to use wood ash in the garden? Yes and no! Ashes is good source potassium, phosphorus, some trace elements. This depends on the type of wood burned.​


​Increases precocity, promotes root development​

​The best duration for pepper daylight hours- 12-14 hours. Only in this case it grows well.​

​Pepper cannot both bloom and produce fruit at the same time. Fruiting occurs in waves: first flowering, then fruiting. After the first harvest there is mass flowering again, and then as usual. Therefore, if you do not pick off the first (crown) flower, then the formation of the next ones will be weak or completely delayed until the first fruit is picked.​

​From personal experience​

Sweet peppers are transplanted into unheated greenhouses in the second half of May. No matter how carefully we handle its seedlings, for heat-loving culture the upcoming event is a serious stress. Therefore, planting pepper in a permanent place requires increased attention and certain knowledge. Future harvest depends on how smoothly it goes.​

Proper planting of peppers

​Carrots in manure often give top scores than mineral fertilizers alone, especially if the latter are applied in higher doses. This is explained by its increased sensitivity to excessive concentration of soil solution. Mineral fertilizers applied in moderate doses have a positive effect on carrot yields, as does manure, especially on soils with high buffering capacity.​

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Some gardeners are afraid to introduce walnut wood ash into the soil. Their fears are most likely based on the misconception that plants of the nut family (walnut, Manchurian, gray and black) contain Chemical substance juglone (nucin), belonging to the class of naphthoquinones. This substance has an adverse effect on plants growing near the nut.​

​So if your soil is potassium deficient, wood ash can correct it. And if the soil in your area is very acidic (pH less than 5.5), then it can improve the acid composition of the soil. But if your soil is neutral or alkaline, using ash as a fertilizer may raise the pH so high that your plants will no longer be able to obtain nutrients from the soil.

​Plants acquire

purple shade


​Among other vegetable crops, pepper occupies a leading place in terms of soil moisture requirements. Water consumption is influenced by 2 factors: weather and development phase (during the fruiting period, the need for water increases).​ ​Unlike tomatoes, peppers do not fatten, so removing the crown flower will allow the plant to grow additional leaves. And for pepper it’s like this: more leaves

- more fruits.​

Having grown peppers for many years, I noticed that the seedlings take root better and begin to grow faster, while its stem remains herbaceous. If the bottom begins to become lignified, even after careful replanting, the plants may stop growing for ten days.​

Hardening off peppers before planting

​Applying slightly rotted straw manure under carrots makes inter-row cultivation difficult and causes branching of the root crop. It is better to apply peat manure or compost under it.​

​Their fears are unfounded. In the nut plant, juglone is found in the green peel, leaves, roots, and bark. When completely burned, juglone, as an organic substance consisting of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, completely decomposes and evaporates. Walnut wood ash, as well as from other tree crops, contains potassium (15-20%), calcium (6-9%), phosphorus (5%), and small amounts of magnesium, iron, sulfur, zinc. In addition, it includes many other microelements necessary for vegetable crops.​

​When wood burns, nitrogen and sulfur go into the air in the form of gases, but calcium, potassium, magnesium, and various trace elements remain. Carbonates and oxides remaining after burning wood, when added to the soil, neutralize its acidity.​


​Has a beneficial effect on the color of fruits, enhancing it. Also improves cellular structure and tissue strength. Increases the content of vitamins and carotene

​I make holes 12-15 cm deep. I pour 2 liters of water into each, and when it is absorbed, I plant seedlings in the resulting “dirt”, deepening them only 1-2 cm more than they grew in the cup, filling them with soil and compacting them.​


Pepper: growing and caring in open ground

A couple of weeks before the transplant date, the seedlings need to be hardened off. Peppers that fall onto the beds directly from the windowsill take a long time to take root, are stunted in growth, and their buds may fall off.​

​It is recommended to apply the following fertilizers for vegetable crops: best views and forms of fertilizers: manure or composts, dolomite flour, ammonium nitrate(urea), superphosphate, potassium sulfate (potassium chloride), nitrophoska (azophoska, ammophoska), magnesium sulfate, boric acid, copper sulfate, ammonium molybdate and cobalt sulfate. All new fertilizers, the positive effects of which gardeners want to determine on their own garden plot, can only be identified against the background of the considered fertilizer system, against the background of the basic doses and ratios of fertilizers given in the table. If new fertilizers in this case show their high positive effect, then only in this case can they successfully replace the recommended forms of fertilizers, but if their positive effect is not revealed, then they have no prospects and are useless for practice.​

Growing peppers in a greenhouse

​Walnut shell ash can be used as a cosmetic product, in particular for removing unwanted hair. The following recipe for preparing the drug is recommended: nut shells are burned, the ashes are diluted with water. For one teaspoon of ash take 0.5 liters of water. The resulting composition is used to lubricate areas of skin with unwanted hair.​

​The value of fertilizer from burned trees depends on the type of wood you burn. Typically ash deciduous trees contains a higher percentage of nutrients than ash from coniferous trees.​

Pepper growing technology: planting seedlings in the ground

In the absence or deficiency, blossom end rot appears on the fruits.


​Water better warm water in the first half of the day. Water the pepper during planting, 7-10 days after it, every 8-10 days before harvesting the fruits.

​When growing and caring for peppers, it is necessary to provide the seedlings with sufficient lighting, regular watering and create optimal air humidity.​

Pepper growing conditions: temperature and humidity

​Pepper plants tolerate both planting by cotyledon leaves and picking, thus forming adventitious roots. But only in conditions that are comfortable for them: warm and high humidity. And so far their stems have not become woody. Otherwise, they sit for a long time, do not grow, or even die. Unfortunately, it is difficult to ensure such a life in unheated greenhouses. It is better to do this at home during transplantation into large containers. This is what I do: when planting seedlings, I sprinkle them with soil up to the first leaves.​

Plants are gradually accustomed to fresh air and sun by placing them on a balcony or terrace on fine days, and bringing them into the house at night. At first, hardening should be short-lived. In the last week before planting, you can leave the peppers on the balcony overnight.​

​To be continued​

​In the garden you can use ash from burning sunflower husks and rice husks as fertilizer.​

In any case, this is an alkaline complex fertilizer. Its main advantage is the high content of potassium and phosphorus in a form accessible to plants. Wood ash is completely free of nitrogen, which evaporates during combustion. However, this is not at all a reason to apply nitrogen fertilizers along with it. There will be no benefit in this case, since this will lead to the formation and release of ammonia, large doses of which are dangerous for plants.​

Fertilizing when growing peppers: what fertilizers are needed?


Deficiency causes leaves to turn yellow

​One of important conditions pepper growing - optimal humidity air. To maintain it at the required level, it is recommended to regularly irrigate the paths, as well as the surfaces of the shafts in the greenhouse. Irrigation is easier with the help of sprinklers. In addition, pepper is sensitive to the air regime of the soil, so after each watering it must be loosened. During the growing season, they loosen 3-4 times; during the second loosening, the plants can be hilled.

​The easiest way to do this is in a film or glass greenhouse.​

​More leaves - more fruits​

Pepper loves heat very much. Its root system is especially sensitive to cold. Before planting seedlings, you need to make sure that the soil temperature is not lower than 15-16°C. This is the case when it is better to wait a week than to rush a day. Seedlings planted in cold soil will stop growing and then remain stuck for a long time even after the temperature rises.​

​Gennady Vasyaev, associate professor,​

​and 4.5 g K​

​and 5 g K​

​When burning sunflower husks, it is formed in an amount of 0.5-1.0% of the total volume. It is very rich in potassium and can be used as a valuable potassium fertilizer. Ash from sunflower husks, as well as from buckwheat straw, are leaders in the content of potassium dioxide (K

​The addition of wood ash helps reduce soil acidity. It is not recommended to apply it in bulk on soils with acidity levels (pH) of 7 or higher, as this will further increase the alkalinity of the soil. Wood ash as a fertilizer is applied scattered when digging the soil or into furrows and holes during planting. The maximum consumption rate for digging soil should not exceed 1 cup per square meter. m. In this case, its effect will be observed for 2 - 4 years after application.​

The vegetative part of the plant is underdeveloped, the leaves are small and deformed

​For landing organic fertilizers They don’t contribute. It is best to use them under the culture of the predecessor.​

​After planting pepper seedlings in the ground, it is recommended to combine drip irrigation with the application of fertilizers, since in this case they are absorbed more efficiently. Water-soluble fertilizers are used for fertilizing, and to prevent the appearance of various types of rot, calcium nitrate is used (1 kg per 10 acres). Throughout the entire growing season, approximately 5-7 such procedures are carried out.​

But it's quite possible successful cultivation pepper and in open ground - for this, the seedlings are initially covered with film or dark spunbond is used for these purposes.

​To get an early harvest, I plant 60-65-day-old seedlings, when the first bud becomes visible on the plants. This best time for landing.​

There is never too much humus

Ch. specialist of the Northwestern

​You can use the so-called ash solution or ash infusion to fertilize plants. It is prepared as follows: 1 glass of wood ash (100-150 g) is poured into a bucket of water and left to infuse. This solution is poured garden plants. Before watering, the infusion is stirred. The ash should be evenly distributed throughout the mixture.​

​The harvest largely depends on correct formation pepper bush If the molding was carried out correctly, then a good harvest is guaranteed. If you plan to grow pepper as a vertical crop, then the bush is formed in the first fork.​

​What fertilizers are needed for peppers and when are they applied to the soil? Mineral fertilizers are applied at different periods. Thus, phosphorus and potassium - fully or partially under autumn plowing, nitrogen fertilizers are partially applied during the growing season with fertilizing or the entire norm.

​The first feeding of pepper in open ground is carried out 10 days after planting the seedlings.​

Most often, peppers are grown in a film or glass greenhouse with solar heating. Only in the northern regions are they equipped with technical heating.​

For older seedlings (65-70 days old), before planting, I remove all loose buds. If your hand does not rise to do this, keep in mind that those in buds or with already set fruits begin to grow faster, but not with open flowers(they fall off without being pollinated).​

The soil in the pepper bed should be sufficiently fertile and capable of retaining moisture. It is advisable to add organic fertilizers during digging. I usually distribute a bucket of humus into four holes, pour another handful of ash and a teaspoon of superphosphate into each hole (the fertilizer should not come into contact with the roots).​

​regional scientific center​

​Oh. Beets are sensitive to acidic soil. The optimal reaction for her is close to neutral. Therefore, it is advisable to use dolomite flour and well-rotted manure directly under the beets. The influence of mineral fertilizers on the yield of this crop is higher than that of manure, since they are more available for beet nutrition. Therefore, beets are usually placed in crop rotation in the second or third year after applying manure, using only mineral fertilizers for them. A high effect is obtained by adding superphosphate to the rows when sowing beets.​

​Oh. Cabbage yield growth occurs throughout the growing season, right up to harvesting. The most compressed terms of absorption nutrients at the cabbage early varieties and more stretched in cabbage late varieties. Therefore, under late cabbage One or two additional feedings may be planned in the period before the rows close. However, the maximum absorption of nutrients by cabbage occurs during the period of intensive increase in the entire mass of the crop.​

Growing peppers and video of bush formation

​O) compared to wood ash or from other plants. You should know that when sunflower husks are burned, the nitrogen contained in it evaporates into the atmosphere. Therefore, ash, unlike the husk itself, does not enrich the soil with nitrogen, just like wood ash.​

​Burn wood can be successfully used in compost heaps to help create best conditions, for microorganisms that process organic substances. Sprinkle ashes over each layer of compost. In addition, wood ash enriches the compost with nutrients.​

​There are several methods for forming plants.​

​With a lack of nutrients, pepper plants weaken, buds and flowers may fall off.​

​Before the buds appear, increase the dose of nitrogen fertilizers, and during the period of fruit formation - phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers contribute to better establishment and development of flowers and fruits.​

​In a greenhouse, it is best to plant and care for peppers together with cucumbers. But it does not work well with tomatoes, since these plants require different microclimates. The best option in this case, have two greenhouses on the site, alternating the cultivation of peppers with cucumbers and tomatoes. If you have one greenhouse, you can block it with film, dividing it into two parts. This way you will create your own microclimate for each crop.​

​The most favorable temperature for fertilizing flowers is 15-30 "C. At lower temperatures, seedless fruits are formed, and at higher temperatures, the ovary begins to crumble. The same phenomenon is observed with a lack of light.​

Stepping when growing peppers

​You can apply any complex fertilizers, only granular ones are better, not powder. I prefer to apply nitrogen and potassium with watering; unlike phosphorus, they can burn the roots. Two weeks after planting, I dig a trench 15-20 cm deep between the rows, add fertilizer to it, water it and cover it with soil.​

​Russian Agricultural Academy,​


Wood ash - benefits, composition, use as fertilizer in the garden

​Carrots consume slightly less nutrients to create a unit of yield than beets. This is explained in most cases by the fact that beets have a higher ratio of tops to root vegetables compared to carrots. To produce 1 kg of root vegetables and the corresponding amount of tops, carrots consume 2.5 g of nitrogen, 1 g of P

​Due to the increased need for nutrients and their intensive absorption in a relatively short period of time during the formation of a head of cabbage, especially in early ripening and mid-season varieties, cabbage is a crop that requires soil fertility and fertilization. It grows well in slightly acidic soils. On acidic soils, cabbage responds positively to liming. Liming the soil also helps get rid of a number of diseases. Cabbage is a magnesium-loving crop, so it is better to apply dolomite flour containing magnesium; among microfertilizers, it is especially responsive to the application of molybdenum, cobalt and boron fertilizers. Cabbage responds well to the application of various organic fertilizers. With an increase in the dose of manure, the cabbage yield increases and its ripening accelerates, which is of great importance for obtaining early marketable products.​

​In addition to sunflower husks, in the regions of the Krasnodar Territory where rice is cultivated, a considerable amount of rice husk is obtained. It is believed that for every ton of hulled rice, about 200 kg of rice husk is wasted. This is a very valuable raw material. Rice husk ash contains almost all macro- and micronutrients - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, boron, cobalt, etc. However, when it is burned, elements such as oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen volatilize into the atmosphere.​

​When used judiciously, it can be used to control a variety of pests, such as slugs or snails, as it absorbs water from the organs of invertebrates. Sprinkle ashes around your plants to repel crawling pests. But once the ash gets wet, it loses its restraining properties. Its continuous use for these purposes can greatly increase the pH of the soil, and this is harmful to plants.​

​First method. In the first fork, two shoots are left, which will be the main skeletal branches. Then 2 shoots are also left in each of the nodes: vertical and additional external.​

​The main signs of nutrient deficiency.​

Throughout the entire growth period, the crop needs various microelements. Using complex fertilizers when growing peppers will help provide the plants with the necessary substances.​

​If you correctly follow the pepper growing technology, the yield in a greenhouse is usually higher than in the soil under the film. In addition, in a greenhouse, fruits ripen earlier, and the growing season lasts 1-1.5 months longer. In a greenhouse, plants are less susceptible to cold, frost and wet weather.​



​Olga Vasyaeva, amateur gardener​

On most soils, and especially on podzolic soils, cabbage primarily needs nitrogen fertilizers. On peat and floodplain soils, characterized by a low potassium content, high yield increases are obtained from potash fertilizers. Mineral fertilizers increase yield no less than manure or other organic fertilizer. When applying manure alone, cabbage lacks, oddly enough, primarily nitrogen. It consumes about three parts of potassium and three parts of nitrogen per one part of phosphorus, while from manure in the year it is applied, plants absorb three parts of potassium per one part of phosphorus and only one part of nitrogen. Therefore, when applying manure to cabbage, nitrogen fertilizers should be added first. Only in the case of growing this crop on floodplains and lowland soils, on well-decomposed peat bogs, rich in nitrogen available to plants, the need to add nitrogen mineral fertilizers to manure is reduced, but not eliminated. The combination of basic fertilizer with local seeding fertilizer during planting increases the yield of early products, especially in early ripening varieties cabbage

​Can ash from burning hay or straw be used as fertilizer? To be honest, cereal straw doesn't contain much in the way of nutrients. Moreover, a lot of it is required to feed plants. I don’t think you have whole stacks of it stored. Of course you can use it for everything garden crops. But keep in mind that it is considered the best made from oats, rye and rice.​

The internal shoot, which is directed into the plant, is removed. Thanks to this formation, the pepper bush reaches a height of 1.0-1.2 m. This method is well suited for growing conditions in film greenhouses.​


​Nutrients needed for peppers.​

​Regardless of where you plan to plant the pepper - in a greenhouse or in the ground, immediately before planting, make holes of such depth that the seedlings can be buried to the height of the pot. The distance between bushes should be at least 40 cm.

To preserve the buds and prevent stress during transplantation, a day before planting in a permanent place, spray the seedlings well with Epin-extra (1 ml per 5 liters of water). This treatment can be carried out immediately after planting the pepper.

​It is better not to use fresh manure when planting, as it stimulates the growth of leaf mass to the detriment of fruit formation.​ ​At the dacha, first water the holes for peppers or tomatoes hot water with potassium permanganate (the water should be pink), and then add a scoop of compost or rotted manure, a glass of ash and a pinch of superphosphate. We do the same when planting tomatoes.​ ​O​

​One kilogram of potatoes produces 6 g of nitrogen, 2 g of phosphorus and 9 g of potassium per season. Nutrients are absorbed by potatoes throughout the growing season. To grow powerful tops during the period from germination to tuberization, intensive nitrogen nutrition of potatoes is necessary. However, excessive, especially one-sided nitrogen nutrition causes strong growth of tops and delays the process of tuberization. Potassium nutrition of potatoes is of great importance during the period of tops formation, formation and growth of tubers. If the level of potassium nutrition before budding was quite high, then a decrease in the amount of potassium subsequently may not have a significant effect on the yield of tubers, since when the tops, rich in potassium, age, the latter moves into the tubers, providing the need for this nutrient.​

​Do not use ash from burning garbage, cardboard, coal or particle boards on your property. These substances contain trace elements that are harmful to many plants when used in excessive quantities. For example, the glue used in making cardboard boxes or particle boards, contains boron - an element toxic to many types of plants.​

You should not add wood ash around plants such as rhododendron and blueberries - they love acidic soil, and it reduces the acidity of the soil, which will have a depressing effect on these plants

The second method is very similar to the first, but there are some differences, since a plant more than 2 m high is formed. In the first fork, 2 shoots are left, which will be the main skeletal branches. They are shaped vertically, like tomatoes. On these stems, one outer shoot is left at each node, all others are removed. Plants are planted every 50 cm in a row. In order to ensure their vertical growth, planks 2 m long and 15 cm wide are placed every 2 m in a row. Twine is pulled around the installed planks as the bush grows and forms. This way the peppers grow between the twine walls.​


What fertilizers are needed for various vegetable crops. Time to live according to science - 5

Basic elements of country farming: fertilizer system

​Signs of deficiency​

​Substances and trace elements​

​Planting and caring for pepper in the open ground is carried out in beds 1 m wide in two rows, the distance between the beds is 60-70 cm, between plants in a row - 30-35 cm. It can also be grown according to the 60 x 30 cm pattern, but in this case, thickening should be avoided. To avoid cross-pollination, sweet and hot peppers planted at a distance of at least 2 m from each other.

White cabbage

​If there is no humus, you can use organo-mineral fertilizers (such as OMU universal).​ ​Peppers can easily tolerate transplantation, so there is no need to use any tricks in this case. Just like for tomatoes, we use sequential placement of layers of humus, ash, soil, and superphosphate into the hole. A glass of humus is required, half a glass of ash, and a tablespoon of superphosphate. Onion peels are also often used as a fertilizer and biological protection against pests and diseases, which are added very first, before humus. You can use Kemira, but then it is better to abandon the others complex fertilizers so as not to overdo it with fertilizing. The rates for applying Kemira should be found in the instructions for the fertilizer.​ ​5​ ​Potatoes respond well to the application of manure, which is explained by the peculiarities of the development of this crop. As potatoes grow, the need for nitrogen and ash elements gradually increases, which enter the plants during the decomposition of manure.​ ​When you work with wood ash, you must take some precautions. Wear gloves and safety glasses, and if the weather is shallow and windy, don’t forget to wear a respirator. ​ Potatoes respond well to the use of wood ash when growing - the friability of potatoes increases by 1-1.5%, but still use it carefully when planting potatoes, as it contributes to the development of such dangerous disease tubers, such as rhizoctonia or scab. To increase yield and improve pollination, pollinating insects can be attracted to the garden. To do this, during flowering, the plant can be sprayed with a solution consisting of a mixture of 100 g of sugar, 2 g of boric acid and 1 l hot water

. In addition, near the plantings you can place jars of honey solution, at the rate of 1 tsp. honey per glass of water. To avoid poisoning of pollinating insects during flowering, do not spray with pesticides.​

​Influence on the plant​

​After planting peppers in the soil, to care for the plants, you need to mulch the soil with peat and cover it with black spunbond on top. In this case, the plants will hurt less and take root better. If you make holes in the spunbond and plant seedlings, then there will be no need for weeding and loosening. Spunbond is a material that allows air and water to pass through well

​We surround you with care​

Sweet pepper is a crop that gives a good harvest only on cultivated, very fertile soil. That is why its cultivation is impossible without additional nutrition - fertilizing. Regardless of the level of soil fertility, organic fertilizers will always appeal to peppers, with the exception of fresh manure. And if you can refuse mineral fertilizers, then you can’t refuse organic fertilizers, since they are vital.

Of the mineral microelements, peppers love nitrogen during active growth leaves, but not later, so as not to cause an abundant growth of green mass to the detriment of flowering. If you notice that the plants are lush, rich green in color, but the flowering is small, then spray with a superphosphate solution.

Peppers always respond very well to phosphorus, magnesium and calcium; they begin to grow faster and develop a good root system. Potassium is fertilized depending on weather conditions; in cloudy weather the amount of microelements needs to be increased, and in sunny weather reduced.

Feeding peppers

The first feeding should take place 10-14 days after, using a mullein solution diluted with water (1:5) or granular bird droppings diluted with water (1:20). For the first feeding, a comprehensive one is also suitable. mineral fertilizer(50-70 g per 10 liters of water), watering 1 liter under the bush.

During the flowering period, fertilize with a mixture of herbs: per barrel (100 l) 5-6 kg of chopped nettle, dandelion, woodlice, plantain, coltsfoot, 10 tbsp. wood ash and 1 bucket of mullein, fill everything with water, mix and leave for 10 days. For each plant, add 1 liter of infusion. Or use the BioMaster preparation, dilute 10 ml in 10 liters of water, pouring 1 liter per bush.

During the period of active fruit growth, use a complex solution for feeding. Pour 250 grams of nitrophoska and 5 liters of mullein into a barrel (100 liters) with water and leave for 7 days. Pour 1.5-2 liters under each bush. Or you can use the second composition: pour water into a barrel and add 10 tbsp. “Agricola-Vegeta”, mix and water the peppers 1 liter per bush.

After 10-12 days, fertilize with the following composition: a bucket of mullein, 0.5 buckets of bird droppings and 1 glass of urea, pour water in a barrel (100 l). Stir and leave for 5-7 days. Water the plants at the rate of 5-6 liters per 1 sq.m.

Always stir before using fertilizer. Root feeding Always plant peppers in slightly moist soil 1-2 days after watering.

IN additional feeding peppers are needed if:

  • there is curling of the leaves along the edges (potassium deficiency);
  • on back side the leaf has a purple tint (lack of phosphorus);
  • there is a gray tint on the back of the leaf (lack of nitrogen).

In order to feed the peppers with the necessary nutrition in a timely manner, you need to constantly monitor the condition of the bushes. Spraying on the ground parts of plants will lead to faster absorption of microelements. Depending on the soil composition, peppers are fertilized 3-6 times per season, alternating organic matter with mineral fertilizer.

To grow a good pepper crop, you need to apply fertilizer correctly. How to feed the plants? This is a question that new farmers ask. For normal growth, seedlings need mineral and organic substances, which are lacking in ordinary soil. They are added at different stages of pepper growth, both when the leaves appear and just before planting in the ground. If you add the right fertilizers in the required lines, the seedlings will take root, and the pepper harvest in the summer will be plentiful.

Rules for feeding peppers

When feeding pepper seedlings, you must remember:

This plant does not tolerate fresh manure well;
- you cannot feed the seedlings immediately after picking - at least two weeks must pass;
- solutions for fertilizing should be room temperature or a little warmer;
- feeding, as well as watering, must be done very carefully, trying to prevent drops from falling on the leaves and stems;
- it is better to carry out such an operation in the morning or evening.

Articles for gardeners

Mineral fertilizers for pepper

Mineral fertilizers for peppers in open ground are best used in liquid form. The powder must be diluted with water to the desired condition; when watering, try not to get it on the leaves and stems.

On sale today big choice various mixtures and compositions. Based on opinion experienced gardeners who know how to grow good pepper in open ground, we offer you the following mixtures:

  • "GUMI Kuznetsova". The composition is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, sodium and potassium. The main advantage of the drug is that it increases the stress resistance of plants; in addition, the composition stimulates the growth of seedlings well.
  • "Ideal". This drug stimulates the development and strengthening of the root system, increases plant immunity to diseases and pests.
  • "Orton Micro Fe". Used as a top dressing for seedlings in the phase of three to four leaves. Activates vegetation and photosynthesis, improves immunity. Contains all the beneficial substances necessary for the plant.

Organic fertilizers for seedlings (video)

Fertilizing bell pepper seedlings is an important part of caring for these plants. Feeding allows young seedlings to grow faster, while their root system develops. However, it is important to apply nutrients according to special schemes so as not to overfeed the plants.

Traditional recipes for feeding

What else can you feed pepper seedlings with? In addition to standard fertilizers, they use various folk remedies. They contain minerals and organic matter that are beneficial to plants. They are cheaper than standard ones and have no toxic properties. That’s why many gardeners prefer these natural fertilizers.

Feeding peppers with ash

Ash is not only an excellent source of potassium, calcium, magnesium and other minerals beneficial to plants, but also a unique substance that can acidic soil make one that will be suitable for vegetable crops. Ash in the soil reduces the risk of developing fungal diseases in peppers.

To prepare fertilizer from ash, you need to mix one tablespoon of this substance with two liters of water and leave for 24 hours. At the same time, you need to make sure that the ash you use as fertilizer was not obtained by burning construction waste and painted wood.

Feeding peppers with yeast

Fertilizing seedlings with yeast not only helps add nutrients to the soil, but also completely rebuilds the structure of the soil. This work of fungal microorganisms accelerates the growth of seedlings and improves the yield of pepper.

The basis of this feeding is yeast (10 g), sugar (4 tablespoons) and water (10 liters). The resulting solution is a concentrate, which must be diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1:10 before applying it to the soil.

You can replace yeast with wheat grains. To do this, fill them with a small amount of water and leave them in a warm place. When the grains swell, grind them into porridge and add sugar. Two to three tablespoons per glass of dry wheat grains. The resulting viscous mass must be heated and left for a day in a dark place.

Before using this fertilizer, this mass must also be diluted with clean water.

Feeding peppers with eggshells

At home, it is easy to prepare fertilizer from the shells of chicken eggs. The stock is kept for several winter months in order to make a sufficient amount of fertilizer by the beginning of the season. Egg shells are a real storehouse of minerals necessary for pepper seedlings. When soaked, hydrogen sulfide gas is released from it, thanks to which the foliar part of the plants increases. In addition, the shells are added to compost or simply scattered in the garden. Prepare the infusion as follows:

  • Grind the shells of 3-4 eggs
  • Pour 3 liters of warm water
  • Keep for three days in a warm place under a loosely closed lid.

You can put the fertilizer on the veranda where the pepper seedlings grow without closing the lid. Then hydrogen sulfide will be freely released into the air, stimulating the development of plants. After three days, fertilizing is applied to the soil along with the shell. Before fertilizing pepper seedlings with the solution, fluff the soil well.

Articles for flower growers

Feeding peppers with iodine

Iodine as a fertilizer can not only accelerate the growth of plants, but also protect them from pests and diseases. This fertilizing is usually used simultaneously with watering, adding iodine to the settled water:

  • For 10 liters of water take 10 g of iodine
  • You can also add phosphorus (10 g) and potassium (20 g) to the solution.

How to feed peppers after picking and when planting in the ground

As soon as the plant gains strength and develops a good leg, you can begin the second stage of fertilizing the seedlings. In this case, mineral fertilizing of pepper is designed to ensure that the seedlings subsequently produce a good harvest and are not susceptible to various diseases during the period of fruit ripening. In this case, fertilizers must contain macroelements, phosphorus and microelements.

So, how to fertilize pepper seedlings at the picking stage:

  • Green “Kristalon” (dilute 20 grams of fertilizer in 10 liters of water and water the plants);
  • “Kemira-Lux” (30 grams of fertilizer is diluted in 10 liters of liquid and applied under the roots of the plant);
  • Mineral mixture (80 grams of superphosphate, 30 grams of potassium salt and 10 liters of water);

If you managed to strengthen the pepper seedlings to initial stage growth and the time has come to plant it in the ground, then in this case it is necessary to fertilize the plant again in order to ensure good rooting. Here are mineral mixtures and different kinds fertilizing can be applied directly to the soil just before planting.

Latest articles about gardening

  • For the same area with pepper seedlings, you can use superphosphate and wood ash (40:30 g).
  • A solution of simple mullein would be ideal as a top dressing for peppers (it is advisable to use at least 0.5 liters of mullein per 10 liters of water). This mixture should be poured into each hole for planting peppers.
  • You can also use the simplest mixture of humus and earth in a 1:1 ratio. This fertilizer is placed in the holes before planting seedlings.
  • It is worth remembering that subsequent feeding of pepper must be done a week after planting the bushes in the soil. In this case, the temperature of the mineral mixtures should not be lower than 22 degrees. About 1 liter of fertilizer should be poured under each seedling bush, strictly ensuring that the fertilizing mixture does not erode the root system of the pepper.

    And remember, the requirements of pepper seedlings are mineral supplements largely depend on weather conditions. So, in cloudy and cool summers, you need to feed the seedlings with plenty of potassium. To do this, you can use ordinary wood ash, which is best poured into the soil, two cups per 1 square meter.

    Video: 10 mistakes when growing sweet peppers