Olympic slide made of stones. Do-it-yourself Alpine slide - step-by-step instructions. Do-it-yourself rock garden - which plants to choose

Alpine slide, rock garden... This design has several names, but this does not change its essence. When there is a need to tidy up an uneven and completely unattractive area, an alpine slide comes to the rescue.

  1. It's incredibly beautiful. Just imagine - in just a year, rocky ledges and uneven areas will be covered with a lovely carpet of herbs and flowers.
  2. It's exciting. When you arrange a flower garden yourself, the field for imagination is almost limitless. Of course, you will need to think through every little detail, from the choice of stones to the location of planting coniferous shrubs. These chores are pleasant and will give you only positive emotions.

By the way, there is a third reason that will make you think about construction flowering hill. This is the soil. When the soil is poor and consists mainly of sand or stones, organize any other type of flower garden, even visual video extremely problematic. It's another matter if country cottage area

planted with flowers and shrubs in that very “Alpine style”. Even in difficult conditions, flowers will develop well and delight you with their aromas.

Stone gardens were first built in Japan. The first “ancestors” of modern rock gardens appeared there 1000 years ago. Due to the scarcity of land, the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun have learned to create beauty even in small areas.

If you follow the Japanese canons, then the real value of being should be sought in nature. When a hard, absolutely dead stone and a delicate, living flower are harmoniously combined on one piece of land, a real duet of enchanting beauty is created.

8 varieties of rocky flower beds Before we tell you about the main secrets of arrangement, we advise you to decide on the type of flower garden. There are eight main varieties in total:

  • alpine slide Rock. This traditional version
  • , the surface of which has natural fractures.
  • Mountain slope. A difficult combination that involves the installation of large blocks of stone, as well as a huge number of coniferous trees.
  • Mountain valley. Several groups of stones are placed in a chaotic manner.
  • Terraced slope. Retaining walls have different heights.
  • Rocky wall. A small mound is being built, the stones are laid asymmetrically.
  • Czech rolling pin. Her business card is a layered masonry of stones.
  • Alpine lawn. Perhaps the most stylish option arrangement. It involves planting a variety of wild plants, most of which can only be found in the mountains.

mountain slope

Forest ravine

Czech rolling pin

Important subtleties of designing alpine slides

Don't forget that 10 stones and 5 plants between them is not an alpine slide. It’s another matter when the composition vaguely resembles a real mountain landscape; it consists of squat bushes, perennials and properly selected stones.

So, what nuances do those who are planning to make an alpine slide with their own hands need to know about?

  • Isolation from the playground is required.
  • Proportionality relative to the area of ​​the site.
  • Distance from flower beds that bloom especially luxuriantly and brightly.
  • Location in the most illuminated places, next to a water source. If it is impossible to implement the second point, take care of creating additional watering points.
  • Maximum resemblance to a mountain landscape.

Alpine slide does not need large space. A modest territory of several square meters will be quite enough. The main thing is that it corresponds to the general concept landscape design.

Step-by-step guide to setting up a rock garden

Any construction works begin with the preparation of tools and materials. In our case, this is a tape measure with a cord, several identical pegs, a shovel and a crowbar, a garden trowel (the one with a long handle), regular scissors and a ladle for scooping out soil, and a watering can.

The materials will be as follows: sand, crushed stone and stones of the same type, turf and gravel, peat. You will also need a little humus so that the plants are well established, soil, limestone.

  • Break up the area allocated for the alpine hill at the dacha and draw contours along the entire perimeter. A tape measure, a cord, an instructional video and pegs will help you. Clear the area for the flower bed, remove the top layer of soil with a diameter of 35-40 cm. Without exception, all weeds are well weeded and removed.

  • When the site is completely ready, it is necessary to lay a gravel bed. To do this, gravel, slag and construction waste are mixed and backfilled. A layer of 10 cm will be quite enough. This drainage is extremely important for plants. It protects the roots from waterlogging, prevents stagnation of groundwater, and guarantees excellent aeration. In places where the soil is too dense and does not drain water well, this cushion can be made thicker. There is no worse enemy for an alpine slide than wetland.
  • How to make an alpine slide if the drainage layer is laid successfully. The granite cushion is supplemented with sand (5 cm thick), filled with water and compacted.
  • Turf soil, which is sold in any nursery, is mixed with sand and perlite, wood chips and pine bark. You can add a little small crushed stone, crushed peat and humus to this mixture. The proportions are approximately the same; you are allowed to take a little less fertilizer.
  • The prepared soil mixture is scattered over the entire surface of the hill, and the relief of the rock garden is formed. All “cliffs” and “tops” are modeled manually, regardless of whether we are talking about the construction of a slide in a garden, a summer cottage, or in any other area.
  • When the last layer of earth is filled in, you can begin laying stones. Under each pebble there is a “pillow” made of river sand. We will talk about the choice of stones in more detail.

Rock garden stones: which ones to choose?

To make your exotic flower garden beautiful and durable, select stones in advance that do not “give” heavy metals to the earth and do not oxidize it. Freshly mined pebbles are much worse than those that have already been cut by wind and water. The scree should have a similar structure, and if you find the same ones, it will be ideal. The video instructions remind you that the size of the stones may vary.

The real “classics”, thanks to which you can build an alpine slide yourself, are natural granite and decorative sandstone, sometimes organic limestone. Alternatively, try boulders and dolomite, basalt, jasper (rare), quartz and serpentine.

Never collect stones from meadows and fields - it is better to purchase them from a quarry. The weight of stones can vary significantly, ranging from 10-15 to 100 kg. For example, if you want to build a stone flowerbed with an area of ​​150 x 300 cm, you will need about a ton of stones.

We continue our work with the alpine slide. Laying always starts from the foot. Then you follow up and gradually move from larger stones to smaller objects. The core of the slide is formed first. To do this, you need to choose the largest boulder and prepare a hole in the ground for it. To achieve stability, you can reinforce it with crushed stone.

Clear distances and geometric harmony are not your choice. How to install it yourself? Avoid precise lines, because in nature, stone blocks are scattered in a chaotic manner.

During the laying process, gradually bury the core of the composition and other stones. The sinuses are filled with soil for the rock garden and watered with a stream of water. This is where you will plant your plants. To emphasize the top of the mountain, we recommend placing a conical boulder at the top. As for the flower garden itself, it is better to start working with plants after 2-3 weeks. During this time, the stones and earth will settle properly.

Beautiful flowers for a slide are the key to an effective design

Since the climate in our country is quite unstable, the plants planted must be hardened and hardy. They should not be afraid of strong winds, temperature fluctuations, or high atmospheric pressure. There are 5 main characteristics that plants must have:

  • Absolute unpretentiousness.
  • Small growth.
  • Low growth rate.
  • The method of reproduction is simple and affordable.
  • The development cycle is necessarily multi-year.

Ground cover representatives of the flora that have a powerful root system, it is better to plant on a slope. This way the alpine slide will not erode too quickly.

We will not list them all - in fact, there are really a lot of them and this is a separate topic. It will be much easier and more effective if you watch a thematic video. Among the low-growing and groundcover species, the most notable are mountain grass, spurge and, among the flowering ones, carnation, bellflower, Rhodiola rosea and others (more than 30 species). Combine various varieties according to the timing of flowering in order to achieve a fairly smooth change of shades. The plants that bloom the longest are rosebuds, corydalis, clivia, and ranunculus.

The very first to be planted are small bushes and dwarf trees. It is recommended to allocate the most spacious areas for them. But it is not advisable to place them on the top of the slide or the bottom. The edges of the slide, next to large stones, are the optimal place. If you make it a rule to plant coniferous shrubs and dwarf trees as described above, they will require minimal care. Unless in winter, during severe frosts, they will need to be covered with burlap or wrapped in a special cover.

How to properly make an alpine slide using moss? Surely, you have seen how owners of personal plots decorate their garden or dacha with a hill covered with moss. You too can use this simple element of landscape design.

Clean the moss cushion from the soil, mix it with a blender and sugar (2-3 spoons) and 200 g of kefir.

It will work out homogeneous mass. Apply it to large and small stones using a brush. The plant will quickly take root - just remember to moisturize it for three weeks.

Instead of a conclusion

Don’t believe people who convince you that you can build a rock garden at your dacha in just one day. Naturally, such information has nothing to do with real facts. Unless it will be the most common version of a small alpine slide. And even then, it was made in a city apartment, and not in a large garden.

Do you want to do everything correctly so that you don’t have to redo it later? Nothing could be simpler. Follow the recommendations that you may have read above. Provide good drainage and cover it with soil. Ideally, the entire range of work is best carried out in two stages. The base of the slide is formed in the fall; flowers and stones are best planted and laid in the spring.

Nowadays it is very fashionable to have an alpine slide at your summer cottage. The fact is that this design pleases the eye of a person who likes to relax after work in the country, for example.

As a rule, alpine slides are created with the help of professionals. It's obvious that this good way get a high-quality alpine slide. But you need to keep in mind that the work of professionals will be expensive. Therefore, more and more often, many summer residents create rock gardens on their own. In fact, there are no difficulties in the work. In two days you can create an excellent alpine slide with your own hands. You just need to know some of the subtleties of the work.

The Alpine slide is created in several stages. So, first select appropriate place on the site for her. Then we create a drainage system. As soon as these works are completed, we lay out the stones and pour in the earth. At the final stage, plants are planted. And now we will tell you in detail about each stage of the work.

For the alpine slide, a place is chosen that is noticeable at the entrance to the site. It is important to have a lot of light. Stones and plants need to be placed so that everything looks extremely natural. A shaded area is not suitable. The Alpine slide is created for everyone to see. In addition, you need to choose as level a place as possible.

In order for the alpine slide to always have a beautiful view, you need to create a foundation so that the structure does not sag. And the drainage system helps with this. So, we dig out the pit. The depth of the pit can reach two meters. For drainage we use sand, gravel or crushed stone. But you can't use sawdust. Finally, we lay out the soil and compact it.

The stones for the alpine slide are laid out in tiers. We place the largest boulders at the bottom, and small stones at the bottom. The smaller the alpine slide, the smaller the stones should be. Proportions are respected in everything.

It is noteworthy that there is no specific scheme for placing stones on an alpine hill. The main thing is to do everything so that you like it. The rest is nothing. Any design will be considered correct. It is best to use homogeneous natural stones so that the alpine slide appears natural. An alpine slide should be beautiful even without plants. The stones are laid out in such a way that plants will be planted on the hill. Use fertile soil.

The soil on the alpine hill is prepared independently. You can use peat, black soil, clay, organic fertilizers, sand and much more.

It is important to choose the right plants for your alpine slide. An important condition is unpretentiousness. In addition, it is necessary to use only plants that are found in the wild. This way the alpine slide will look as natural as possible. You can even buy evergreen bushes that will delight you all year round.

DIY Alpine slide for beginners

An alpine slide can be up to three meters high. It can be very difficult to build. In eastern culture, alpine slides have existed for more than three thousand years. The construction came to Western countries not so long ago from China and Japan.

Finally, important condition at – maximum proximity to natural nature. Only natural stones are used, which are laid out not strictly, as when building a house, but more chaotically.

Today on the Internet you can find many schemes of alpine slides for different areas. There are simple designs, as well as complex slides that a professional can clearly create.

You can always hire specialists who will create a masterpiece called an “alpine slide” on your site. The design, first of all, should please not only you, but also guests who may come to the dacha or Vacation home. Caring for a small slide will be easy. As a rule, the same work is performed as on. Plants are fertilized, watered, and replanted on time.

A do-it-yourself alpine slide is an original element of landscape design, consisting of mountain plants and different breeds wild stone, imitating hills and rocky peaks destroyed by time. The rock garden should correspond as closely as possible to the miraculous beauty of the Alps.

The main formative element of the composition is a natural stone. Plants are designed to emphasize the natural beauty of the blocks. In nature, such areas are formed in places of mountain faults. Under the influence of the external environment, a soil layer gradually appears on them, on which flowers begin to grow. You can recreate this magnificent creation of nature yourself at your own dacha.

Distinctive characteristics

A rock garden differs from a regular flower bed in its design.

If the flowerbed includes a composition of flowers and greenery, then the latter is a special structure made of stones framed by plants characteristic of alpine flora.

Visually it looks like a mountain landscape. The stones symbolize the mountain peak, and the flowers repeat the rocky landscape. The larger the garden composition, the better it will look.


There are several types of alpine slides:

  1. Alpine meadow. This view has the shape of a green meadow, which organically turns into a mountain slope. The meadow is sown with grasses, bulbous plants and annuals that grow in the Swiss and French Alps.
  1. Mountain slope. To create it you will need a small hill or mound. Medium and large stones are located on the hill in a chaotic manner. Conifers - pine and juniper - are planted on the slopes. Empty spaces between plantings are covered with ferns and dwarf trees.
  1. Japanese garden. This is a mini version of a rock garden, which is suitable for connoisseurs of Japanese culture, philosophical teachings and meditative practices. Distinctive feature Japanese garden- absence of large boulders. A compact rocky structure decorated with coniferous plantings is welcome. Evergreen or small-leaved boxwood is placed between them.
  1. Swamp. When there is a wetland in the local area, it can be turned into an original alpine slide. To do this, dig a pit small sizes, at the bottom of which stones, pebbles and sand are laid. Over time, the pit will fill with water and transform into a natural pond. Its edges are decorated with rounded stones, driftwood and moisture-loving plants.
  1. Forest ravine. On its slopes a rocky slope is made from buried stones. Ferns and moss are planted near the boulders.


Alpine slide diagram (click to enlarge)

Before starting to build a rock garden, it is necessary to develop its detailed diagram.

In addition, draw a sketch on paper, think over the desired size, make a list of plantings and the location of all structural elements, taking into account the landscape design.

This plan will serve as a kind of instruction for work and will help to avoid modifications, because moving boulders is much more convenient on paper than on the site. The illumination of the area and the degree of its moisture are also of great importance.

It is important to know: In order for an alpine hill to retain its original beauty, you need to wisely select flowers and plants and think about planting them.

We must not forget about seasonal flowering. Better to plant flowering plants ripening at different times.

Selecting a location

The key to successfully creating a rock garden is its correct location.

If there are any uneven areas in the area, then it is better to choose the highest area for the slide. It should be borne in mind that it will be quite difficult to build it on sandy soil. Clay soil requires the installation of a drainage system.

A sunny and ventilated area is best. Since the alpine slide is the highlight of the garden and a source of pride for the owners, it should be located in a prominent place and visible from any angle.

On the sunny side you need to plant light-loving flowers that tolerate the sun's rays well. It is better to decorate the eastern side with mountain plants. The slide is erected away from outbuildings or a garage. The best option there will be a location nearby flower bed or natural body of water.

Device and design

Often, the construction of a rock garden comes down to the formation of a composition of plants and stones.

After some time, such a “structure” will lose its attractiveness and shape. Therefore, you should adhere to a step-by-step construction, which begins with the arrangement of the drainage system.

  1. Drainage. To prevent the stones from changing their original position as a result of erosion by groundwater, it is necessary to make a drainage layer as in the photo. To do this, remove about 15 cm of the top layer of soil and remove any remaining plant roots that could destroy the structure. Next, the resulting depression is filled with gravel or crushed stone. The material is thoroughly compacted and watered to compact it. Then the drainage system is covered with a layer of soil, watered with water and compacted again.

  1. Soil preparation. For a rock garden, simple soil from the site is suitable. It must be cleared of debris and weeds. The soil is mixed with peat and coarse sand in equal proportions. The finished soil is laid out on the prepared drainage layer in a small hill of 1 meter. Once the stones are laid, the voids are also filled with earth.
  1. Selection of plants. When choosing flowers and plants, it is important to focus on varieties that easily adapt to different climatic conditions. It is preferable to choose unpretentious plantings that retain their decorative qualities after flowering. Since the rock garden is created for a long time, perennials should be used in its design. Typically, when organizing a garden, the following groups of plants are used: rosette plants, bulbous plants, ground cover plants, and evergreens.

Plants and flowers


In the harsh conditions of mountainous areas, flowers and plants have to win their place in the sun. Therefore, flowers that do not require careful care are suitable for decorating a rock garden.

If desired, the slide can be updated with annuals every year. To preserve the original result, brightly colored perennials are suitable. The following plants would be a rational choice:

  • Edelweiss. This beautiful flower not afraid of frost and winds. He's lining the hill beautiful rug. The flowering period occurs in the summer months;
  • Saxifrage. Small flowers prefer to grow in dark places. Green saxifrage networks can even cover boulders;
  • Rejuvenated. This is a common inhabitant of rock gardens with fleshy leaves and unusual colors. Its purple flowers are not inferior in beauty to other low-growing plants;
  • Lumbago. A perennial from the ranunculaceae family begins to bloom in early spring, decorating the area with rich colors.

Note: In order to recreate the atmosphere of an alpine landscape as accurately as possible, it is necessary to adhere to a multi-tiered arrangement of plants and stones.


Japanese spirea, subulate phlox, aquilegia and dwarf barberry will fit well into the design of the rock garden. By combining various types of plants you can create a magnificent landscape composition.

The swamp-type rock garden is decorated with hyacinths and water lilies. They must occupy at least a quarter of the water surface, otherwise the pond will look abandoned. We must not forget about the plants that support aquatic ecosystem. These include elodea and hornwort.

If all conditions were met when arranging the rock garden, drainage, placement of stones and selection of plants were carried out correctly, then the slide will serve for a long time as the main decoration of the garden plot and give the joy of contemplating natural beauty. Beautiful ideas For inspiration you can watch the video:

Landscaping can be enjoyed again and again. To admire the scenic beauty and harmony, you don’t need to travel, just be inspired by its creation on your personal plot. A competently and tastefully decorated alpine slide with your own hands will become a worthy decoration of your home garden. A step-by-step guide will allow you to equip an alpine slide without the help of designers.

Alpine slide - what is it?

An alpine slide is also commonly called a rock garden - this landscape composition, your appearance imitates a mountain landscape. In the center of the composition there are stones, they symbolize the peak of the Alpine mountains. Low-growing flowers and evergreen shrubs grow on its slopes. Landscape designers who know how to make an alpine hill often work to create tastefully decorated hills. Inspired by their ideas, you can build a picturesque corner on the site, where it is always cozy.

Selecting and preparing a place for a rock garden

If you decide to create an alpine garden, step by step guide will help you avoid mistakes and get the desired result. When designing alpine garden Keep in mind that you need to recreate a simulated rocky terrain (build a hill). It is very important to choose the right place on the site where it will look more advantageous.

Before you start drawing a sketch of a stone garden, you should decide on the location, number of levels, and also:

  • When choosing a place where an alpine slide with stones will be located, it is necessary to use useful elements of the existing landscape. For example, place it near a blind fence or on rocky terrain in the garden.
  • Take a closer look at the most advantageous places if you plan to set up a recreation area nearby. It is better to choose a spacious area with a slide, decorative elements, garden furniture and paths.
  • The imitation mountain relief should fit perfectly into the overall landscape and be a harmonious addition to the site.
  • Taking into account the above factors, the place should have maximum illumination, good review and be located in open space.

Once the location has been approved, it is necessary to prepare the area for laying stones and planting plants. Visually arrange the details, make a sketch of the future garden. If everything is satisfactory, you can proceed to the next step.

How to choose the right stones and other materials

The stones used to create slides are divided into natural and artificial boulders. When choosing stones, you must take into account their size, breed and properties. If you don't think about it initial stage, you may encounter difficulties in caring for the slide in the future. Landscape designers know one trick: an alpine flowerbed should look good, even if it is without plants. That is why much attention is paid to stones.

To choose suitable stones, you need to consider what functions they will perform: decorative or foundation. Small pebbles are suitable for decoration, large stones serve as the basis of a rock garden. If desired, smooth stones can be varnished, then their surface will acquire a certain shade.

Types of stones that are best suited:

  • Granite. A hard type of valuable stone. Since it is not inhabited by vegetation, granite is most often used to decorate rock gardens.
  • Limestone. Porous rock. Processable. The shape of the stone can be changed taking into account the design idea; plants take root well on it.

Taking into account the characteristics of the stones, limestone is best used inside an alpine slide. It quickly becomes overgrown with mountain plants. As for granite, the stone will last a very long time without visual changes and will not become overgrown with moss.

In addition to stones, it is necessary to prepare the soil from a mixture of different compositions:

  • rotted leaves;
  • turf soil;
  • pine needles and peat;
  • heather land.

Small pebbles or crushed stone and pine bark are prepared for backfilling.

Step-by-step guide on how to make an alpine slide with your own hands

  1. Work on the bookmark stone garden It's better to start in the fall. The slide will remain stable until spring. In addition, before planting the plants, the location of the stones can be adjusted.
  2. Clear the area prepared for the flowerbed of debris; unnecessary stones can be used as the basis for a hill (drainage). Make a mound and compact it well. To prevent the hill from settling during the process, it must be watered generously after filling.
  3. Large boulders and stones are dug into the ground if necessary, so they look more realistic. Place the stones at a certain distance; if they lie end to end, there will not be enough space for the plants.
  4. When the stones are erected, it is necessary to add fertile soil. Its composition is chosen taking into account the characteristics of the bushes that will grow there.
  5. It is necessary to treat the land with herbicides against weeds, otherwise it will be difficult to get rid of them later. Even if the rock garden is located on small area, this does not help from weeds.
  6. The next step is to plant flowers. Low-growing plants are well suited for rock gardens, ornamental shrubs, dwarf spruce, thuja, juniper.
  7. After planting, flowers and shrubs are watered regularly. To save yourself from this hassle, you must first provide the flowerbed with drip irrigation.
  8. Additionally, the slide is decorated with lighting or garden sculptures.

Options for small areas

If your summer cottage does not allow you to build a large flower bed, you can get by with a miniature rock garden. Take limestone, place it in the chosen place, make a depression in the stone in which to plant mountain flowers. If you water them, they take root fairly quickly. A slide can be made from cobblestones, they are laid out in free form to mark the boundaries of the flower bed. Soil is poured inside, bushes are planted and decorated with pine bark. Sea pebbles look very good as a bedding, artificial stones made of multi-colored glass.

If the flower garden is planted with evergreen bushes, it will function all year round. Although the stones themselves attract attention and remind one of the mountainous area.

Caring for an alpine slide in the country

It is a mistake to believe that a rock garden does not require care; if you do not follow some rules, it will fall into disrepair the very next season. In order for the slide to always look well-groomed, the picturesque corner requires year-round care.

  • In the spring. With the onset of warm days, you need to remove the winter shelter. Clear of weeds and debris. Inspect the slide and repair any possible damage. This should be done before the phase active growth colors. In order for plants to develop well, it is necessary to add additional fertilizers. For aesthetics, change the mulch and refresh the pine bark layer. Carry out work in the flower garden carefully, otherwise you can damage the bulbs and primroses.
  • In summer. Make sure that the soil does not dry out. Carry out regular watering. Remove weeds, dried leaves, fallen flowers. Plants should also be treated against diseases and insects. In mid-summer, trim overgrown bushes. If necessary, plant ornamental crops.
  • In autumn. Collect from flower beds that do not overwinter in open ground bulbs. Plant perennials; this must be done before mid-September. Before the onset of cold weather, the rock garden is not heavily removed from fallen leaves; they can serve as shelter from frost. To prevent the plants from freezing, it is recommended to cover the hill with cellophane and spruce branches, but not with straw, rodents can grow in it.
  • In winter. If there is little snow, the hill is protected from the wind, otherwise by spring the hill will have a dull appearance. Do not forget about drainage of melt water, otherwise it will cause icing and freezing of the roots. This happens more often if there is no drainage. Snow does not harm the rock garden, but its lack is destructive. If the winter is not frosty, the cellophane cover must be removed periodically; ventilation will prevent the bulbs from rotting.

As for the formation and year-round care, so that the flowerbed always has decorative look, it is important to prevent its desolation. It is necessary to trim the crown of overgrown trees and bushes. Roundup will help control weeds, but you need to use the product carefully. The application of the drug should be targeted; to do this, just drop the product onto the core of the weed.

Alpine slides in landscape design

Arranging a rock garden opens up a wide field of activities for summer residents landscape design. The flowerbed should fit perfectly into overall design site, and also be a harmonious addition to it. There are a wide variety of options for alpine slides; its appearance depends on imagination and design ideas. There is no need to try to repeat someone else's idea, be original, then you can be proud of the result.

  • The simplest option for decorating a decorative hill is a rocky cliff; when arranging it, you need a fairly steep slope.
  • An imitation of a mountain composition made from stones of different sizes looks excellent in the landscape.
  • It is impossible to find absolutely identical flower beds, because summer residents bring something of their own, unique to them. When designing an alpine hill, straight lines should be avoided, all corners should be smoothed. Starting small, over time you can create an artificial stream with waterfalls on your site, but that’s another topic.