Feed peonies for abundant flowering. Proper feeding of peonies. When is the best time to transplant peonies?

Proper feeding Planting peonies at the beginning of the growing season allows you to get incredibly lush flowering. Peony bushes grow in one place for a long time and bloom profusely every year, which leads to rapid depletion of the soil. Plants need to be carefully looked after. Early spring feeding- one of the most necessary measures to improve the quality of flowers. With the help of special fertilizers, you can make peonies bloom much more abundantly and brightly than usual.

Early spring feeding

Peonies planted in a well-fertilized hole begin to be fed only after three years. At this time, the plants in the garden begin to bloom. For abundant flowering In addition to regular watering and loosening, additional nutrition is required. You need to try to have time to feed peonies in the spring immediately after the snow melts. During this period, plants primarily need nitrogen.

Intensive growth of bushes can be supported:

  • urea;
  • ammonium nitrate (sodium, calcium or potassium);
  • calcium cyanamide (suitable for floating soils).

Organic matter contains a lot of nitrogen. Instead of mineral fertilizers The ground can be sprinkled with rotted manure from last year. The thickness of the organic layer should be about 5 cm. The soil, sprinkled with humus, is loosened and watered abundantly.

Gardeners who do not have humus can use spring fertilizing with rye bread:

  1. 1. Half a loaf of black bread is dipped into cold water for 12 o'clock.
  2. 2. The resulting slurry is diluted with a bucket of water and watered over the plants. One bucket is enough for a bush.
  3. 3. Fertilizing with bread is carried out immediately when the first shoots appear from the ground.

When applying mineral fertilizers, you should calculate their dose so that each bush receives 10-15 g of nitrogen. For example, if on a pack of urea it is written that the nitrogen content is 46%, then for each young bush that is about to bloom for the first time, add 20 g of fertilizer, which in terms of pure nitrogen will be 10 g of useful substance.

Nitrogen fertilizer No. 1

All nitrogen fertilizers dissolves well in water. Urea or saltpeter can be diluted with warm liquid and watered over the bushes. Sometimes the granules are simply scattered on the ground and buried with a rake. The second method is suitable if the soil is still wet from melted snow.

Budding period

Peonies begin to produce buds in the summer. Already in early June, numerous flower shoots form on the bushes. Plants require phosphorus for good budding. To ensure the friendly development of leaves, flowers and roots during this period, 10 g of nitrogen, 20 g of phosphorus and 10 g of potassium are added to each bush.

Plant nutritional needs will be fully met by:

  • azophoska;
  • nitroammophoska.

To achieve ideal proportions of nutrients, experienced flower growers Mix several monofertilizers in the required quantity. For example, as mentioned above, 10 g of nitrogen are contained in 20 g of urea. The plant will receive the required amount of phosphorus from 150 g of simple superphosphate or 60 g of double superphosphate, and 10 g of potassium from just 20 grams of potassium chloride - a highly concentrated fertilizer, a little more than half of the composition of which is potassium, which is well absorbed by plants.

Period after flowering

During flowering, plants are not fed. For the third time during the season, the bushes are fertilized 2 weeks after flowering - in July. At this time, peonies are developing buds and the plants will need a lot of phosphorus and potassium. 20-25 g of pure potassium is added to each bush.

You need to carefully monitor the dosage of fertilizers, since it is better to underfeed any plant than to overfeed it.

Excessive amounts of nutrition disrupt the development of crops and prevent them from preparing for winter. Improperly fertilized bushes often freeze in winter and suffer from fungal diseases during the season. For the third feeding you can use a mixture wood ash

  • and superphosphate:
  • 500 g of wood ash and 300 g of superphosphate are thoroughly mixed and infused for at least a day in five liters of water.

The bushes are fertilized by diluting the working solution with clean water 10 times.

Late summer and autumn In August and September it is time to prepare for wintering. Early autumn until October root system the flower thickens. It intensively accumulates nutrients. Throughout the first half of autumn, the roots continue to grow. Additional feeding

will help plants store more nutrition and survive the winter easier.

Potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are used for autumn feeding. Potassium increases the winter hardiness of plants, phosphorus will stimulate flowering next year.

Autumn fertilizing is carried out in dry form. In the first case, 20 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium chloride are poured onto the soil near each bush. Water the flowers well beforehand.

Industrial flower fertilizers Modern produces ready-made fertilizer mixtures that increase the brightness, splendor and duration of flowering. These drugs are easy to use. They are ideal for beginner gardeners, since when using them there is no risk of miscalculating the dosage.

Industrial mixtures can be used both when planting peonies and for feeding already planted plants. In addition to ease of use, ready-made powders and liquids have one more advantage - they are more effective than conventional mineral fertilizers, and sometimes even surpass organic fertilizers in quality.

Table: mineral fertilizers for flowers:


Mode of application

"Kemira" flower

For feeding flowers in spring and summer. Sold in large volume packages (2.5 kg). Does not contain chlorine. Suitable for any flowers: annual, perennial, bulbous. Peonies are fertilized once every 2 weeks at the rate of 10-20 g per 10 liters of water


Suitable for root and foliar feeding. Diluted at a dosage of 20 g per 10 liters of water

OMU Bui fertilizers "Flower"

100 g of fertilizer per bush. Sprinkle over the surface of the soil and loosen

"Agricola" for flowers

Crystalline powder, completely soluble. Suitable for foliar feeding. A sachet (50 g) is diluted in 20 liters of water

"Agricola Aqua" for flowering plants

Contains trace elements in chelated form, humic substances, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Suitable for root and foliar feeding. A 250 ml bottle is enough to prepare 50 liters of solution

"Fertika" floral

No chlorine. Contains macro- and microelements. For 10 liters of water take 10-20 grams of powder

Fertilized soils allow you to get earlier and larger flowers. The bushes will become more durable; they will not need to be transplanted to a new location due to depletion of the substrate. Properly and timely fed plants overwinter well and almost never get sick.

Peonies are considered one of the most unpretentious garden plants. They don't require special care. All you need is regular watering with fertilizing, as well as loosening the soil around the bush.

These plants are perennial. This means that in the fall you will need to prepare them for winter. Preparation includes pruning and covering the bushes so that next year’s buds, which are already being laid underground, do not freeze.

Fertilizer when planting

In order for the peony to grow well and bloom actively, it is better to plant it in autumn time. At the same time, the bush is fed, after which fertilization will not be required for the next three years, until the plant blooms.

Pruning and feeding flowers

During planting, holes are made with sides and a depth of 60 centimeters. Approximately 20 kilograms of humus or peat are placed at the bottom of the pit. About 300 grams of bone meal are added to it. Instead, you can add 200 grams of superphosphate. If the soil is clay, then to the contents landing pit a bucket of sand is added. If the soil is sandy, then the same amount of clay will be required.

When digging a hole, the top fertile layer of soil must be set aside and then added to the rest of the contents. The resulting mixture is compacted so that the hole is filled to 35 centimeters. Next, a sand layer 20 centimeters thick is made and seedling rhizomes are laid on it. They are covered with fertile soil on top so that the buds are at a depth of five centimeters.

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


The peony should not bloom for the first two years after planting. The emerging buds are cut off. Early flowering will weaken the plant, and the flowers will still not be large and lush enough.

Features of fertilization

Feeding peonies is carried out taking into account a number of features. First, pay attention to the composition of the soil. If it is poor in organic components, then adding large quantity mineral compositions will depress the plants.

Secondly, not only the composition of the soil is taken into account, but also the age of the bushes. The older they are, the more actively they bloom and require more feeding.

Thirdly, flowers are fertilized in spring and autumn. The composition of fertilizers varies greatly depending on the season, since different actions are required. During the period of active growing and flowering, more nitrogen and potassium are needed.

In preparation for winter, the plant requires potassium and phosphorus, which have a beneficial effect on the root system. It is in the rhizomes that the necessary substances for early germination are stored; buds are laid on them, which determine the activity of vegetation and flowering. Therefore, autumn feeding of peonies is also important for active flowering, like spring.

Application of mineral fertilizers

At the beginning of September, peony requires the addition of phosphate potash fertilizers. These substances have a beneficial effect on the development of new kidneys. If there are not enough of them, then the peony will not be very thick, with a small number of stems and flowers.

One peony bush requires 10 to 15 grams of potassium and 15 to 20 grams of phosphorus. You can choose multicomponent fertilizers, for example, potassium sulfate and superphosphate, or a ready-made potassium-phosphorus mixture. Good result gives Kemira-Combi fertilizer.

Fertilizers can be applied dry or in solution. If the first option is chosen, then the granules should not simply be scattered on the ground. Water the soil well beforehand to keep it moist. Then they dig small holes on four sides of the bush and put fertilizer in them, covering them with soil on top.

Granules of mineral fertilizers can be diluted in water and watered with this solution on peonies. Anyway minerals should not fall on the neck of the plant.

Natural fertilizers

If the peony is well fertilized in the fall, then in the spring it will begin to actively grow and bloom. This requires a good supply of nutrients in the rhizome and soil. They can give them organic fertilizers. The advantage of such compositions is their complexity. Organic matter contains a wide variety of microelements that are beneficial for peonies.

In autumn, manure, compost or humus is applied under the peony. Usually it is not buried, but placed on the surface of the soil. Organic fertilizer continues to rot, gradually releasing nutrients. They pass into the soil and are consumed by plant roots. Additionally, organic fertilizers cover the soil, preventing it from freezing. Fresh manure decomposes with the release of heat, so it is most optimal for cold winters.
After the first frost, when the shoots of the plants freeze, they should be pruned. Pruning is done flush with the ground so that the stumps are not visible. After pruning, the soil is additionally mulched with compost, humus or fallen leaves. The shoots of the bushes themselves should not be used, as they become sources of diseases that can be transmitted to the plant the next year.

It is recommended to add bone meal, wood ash, or both of these components together under the mulching components. Approximately 300 grams of ash and 200 grams of bone meal are required. They are scattered around the bush relatively evenly and then covered with mulch.

An integrated approach to autumn fertilization will provide the peony with all useful substances. The result will be strong plant and intensive flowering in spring. It is worth remembering that only spring fertilizers will not give the desired effect.

And a little about the author’s secrets

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Many gardeners make the fatal mistake of caring for peonies only in the spring. In this case, you should not expect abundant flowering, since the formation of buds occurs in July - August.

It should be noted that the degree of budding of a peony depends on its age. Young bushes bloom sparingly. In the first years of development, flowers may be small size, and in some cases do not even match the declared color. This is the norm for peony. Be patient: its properties are fully revealed only in the fifth year of development.

Peony is a light-loving plant; it tolerates partial shade, but in strong shade it will never bloom magnificently.

How to water peonies for abundant flowering

Not all gardeners are in a hurry to water peonies, believing that their powerful root system is capable of extracting life-giving moisture from the soil itself. This is another misconception. Peonies require watering - rare, but quite plentiful. In cool and rainy summers, they may not need to be irrigated. But in hot weather, be sure to water once a week. Pour at least 3-4 buckets under an adult bush.

Peonies especially require watering from the end of May to the beginning of July. At this time, they quickly grow green mass and form flowers. The stage of laying the renewal buds, which occurs in August, is also important. At this time, also water the peonies, despite the fact that they have long since faded. Then next year they will delight you with flowering even more.

The method of watering is also of great importance. Many people water directly under the bush, believing that this is where the peony roots are located. In fact, there are practically none there. What many think of as roots are thickened rhizomes. Their function is to store nutrients. They cannot absorb moisture from the soil.

Water along the periphery of the bush, 20-25 cm from the center. It is there that the young roots are located, which supply the peony with moisture. The older the bush, the longer they are located from its center. To prevent water from spreading, make small depressions around the perimeter where you water.

How to feed peonies for lush flowering

The abundance of flowering of this perennial largely depends on fertilizing. Peonies require regular fertilization. From the third year of development, they should be fertilized at least four times per season.

Apply the first feeding of the season on melted snow or immediately after it melts. Perfect fit ammonium nitrate. Dissolve 1 tbsp. l. fertilizer in a bucket of water and water the bush generously. If you missed the moment of snow melting, fertilize at the stage of appearance of red shoots.

Apply fertilizer a second time during bud formation. Mix by 1/2 tbsp. l. superphosphate and ammonium nitrate, 1/3 tbsp. l. potassium salt and embed the resulting composition into the soil under the bush. Next time, feed the peonies with a similar mixture, but during the flowering period.

Apply the last feeding of the season after the peonies have completely bloomed. Wait two weeks and apply a mixture of 1/3 tbsp. l. potassium salt and 1/2 tbsp. l. superphosphate.

Peonies respond well to feeding a solution of bird droppings or mullein.

Do not forget that it is necessary to apply any fertilizers only after preliminary heavy watering or rain. Otherwise, you risk burning the young peony roots, which are responsible for absorbing water.

Peony rejuvenation

This perennial can grow “happily” without replanting for as long as desired. But the older the bush, the sparser it blooms. The solution is simple - give the peony a rejuvenating division every 8-10 years. To do this, dig up a bush in August and divide it into parts so that each has at least 3-4 buds.

And for good growth and the development of microelements should be sufficient. Feeding is repeated a couple of weeks after germination. A solution of infused mullein is also suitable as a fertilizer for planted peonies. Stop fertilizing at the end of June.

How to feed peonies in spring lush flowering in the garden

With the arrival of warm days, as soon as the snow melts, the flowers open and free the trunk from fallen leaves. Flowering can be bright; for this, the plant requires watering and fertilizing. As soon as the sprouts reach 10-15 cm from the ground, spring feeding of peonies will be needed. To do this, you can use rotted horse or cow dung with the addition of flower fertilizers. Fertilizer is scattered around the plant and the soil is dug to a depth of no more than 10 cm. Humus is also laid out on the surface so that gradually, with the help of precipitation or watering, the necessary substances pass into the soil layer.

In early May, about two weeks before the buds open, peonies are fed again. Suitable for this complex fertilizer. You can take ready mixture and following the instructions in the instructions, prepare the solution or make liquid fertilizer on one's own. What you need is 10 liters of diluted mullein infusion, 25g of phosphorus and 50g of potassium fertilizers. A well-mixed solution in an amount of three liters is applied directly under the root of the plant. Ash can be used as a nutrient mixture. It contains the basic elements that plants need. These are potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc and sulfur. Moreover, some of the listed substances are contained in an easily accessible form. To fertilize peonies, ash can simply be mixed with soil. For newly planted peonies, this method of fertilization also provides a disinfecting effect.

Fertilizing peonies after flowering is the final feeding.

Peony food from bread

Abundant flowering of peonies is possible only with good care. Feeding peonies, as for vegetable crops required. But there is no need to buy store-bought fertilizer; it can be easily prepared from a common product such as bread.

To do this you need a loaf of black bread and water. The bread needs to be cut into small slices, dried a little, you can take ready-made crackers, then fill a 10 liter bucket with dried bread to 2/3 of the volume and add water so that it covers the contents. After that, the crackers in the bucket are pressed down with a plate or lid, and something heavy is placed on top of it. This way the bread will not float to the surface and turn sour. Now the bucket with the mixture is placed in a warm place for 6-7 days. The prepared starter is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Feeding peonies in spring and summer with this fertilizer will give excellent results in the form of flowering and healthy plants.

Peonies are fed both in autumn and in spring periods. In the fall they need to be fed to prepare them for wintering, and in the spring to stimulate growth, successful budding and flowering. How to feed peonies is an important and very relevant topic for lovers of these beautiful flowers.

What kind of fertilizer do peonies like?

Fertilizer for peonies is a kind of “yummy” that these beautiful flowers require. Moreover, the plant needs both organic and inorganic fertilizers. Peat, compost, and manure are useful for this. Also, before the start of the peony season, it won’t hurt to replenish your superphosphate reserves.

If we talk about specific brands, then it is in great demand among flower growers. Thanks to it, the flowers receive increased nutrition, and the soil structure becomes better. IN autumn period You can use it to feed peonies at the same time as compost, and the soil around the bushes. You don’t have to apply fertilizers, but for true flowering to reach its full potential, you don’t need to spare time and effort. So, how to feed peonies?

How to feed peonies - folk remedies

Experienced flower growers have long preferred to fertilize peonies. the folk way. They are very popular:

  • yeast supplements;
  • feeding with bread;
  • fertilizing with the addition of ash;
  • introduction of chicken manure.

All these fertilizers are used by gardeners in order to obtain lush, abundant flowering bushes and strong plants with good immunity. If you feed peonies in insufficient quantities, there is a high risk that the plants will become sick, wither, and their flowering is unlikely to please the owner.

How to feed peonies with ash?

Ash is used as a fertilizer for peonies as soon as the remaining snow cover has melted. At this time, the sprouts have not yet emerged from the soil, but can already be scattered. This will make the plants stronger and the colors of the flowers more saturated. You can make an infusion from wood ash in the following proportion: take 1 liter of ash, dilute it in 10 liters of water, leave for a week and water the peony bushes with the solution.

Is it possible to feed peonies with urea?

It is an excellent fertilizer for peonies. This fertilizing is done when the snow has not yet completely melted. It is permissible to simply scatter the granules where the peony bushes are planted. Urea saturates the flowers with nitrogen and as soon as the snow begins to melt, nutrients will begin to flow to the roots of the plant.

In spring, you can also feed peonies with urea by spraying: to do this, add 5 g of urea to 1 liter of water. Spraying can be repeated after 30 days if the need arises. You should not combine feeding with ash and urea. Peony shoots will appear too early and frost can damage them.

Is it possible to feed peonies with manure?

Manure as a fertilizer for peonies is organic fertilizer. To make it, you can take bird droppings or mullein. In the case of mullein, take 1 bucket of mullein (fresh) per barrel of water. This volume is diluted into 5 buckets of water. Chicken droppings diluted into 25 buckets of water. All this is left in the sun and allowed to ferment for about 10 days.

When the fermentation process is completed, 200–300 g of superphosphate and 500 g of wood ash are added to the composition. Before feeding, the composition of mullein is diluted into 2 parts water, and bird droppings into 3 parts. Preparing such fertilizer does not take much effort, and the effect is truly amazing.

Is it possible to feed peonies with yeast?

What else can you feed peonies? A good option– fertilizer of peonies. Yeast infusion is a kind of analogue of mineral fertilizers. They contain a lot of nutrients, and it is better to carry out such feeding as soon as the first shoots appear. It takes an average of 2 hours to prepare the top dressing, the recipe is as follows:

  1. To fertilize 1 peony bush, you will need 100 g of dry yeast and 10 liters of ordinary water.
  2. You need to dilute the yeast in warm water.
  3. You can add 0.5 cups of wood ash.

To enhance the effect, you can water the peony bushes with the prepared composition from a watering can. First, water with regular water, then with fertilizer, then again with a bucket. clean water. In this case, the fertilizer will quickly reach the roots, which lie deep, and the nutrients will immediately begin their work.

How to feed peonies with bread?

Fertilizing peonies with bread follows a simple recipe:

  1. You need to take 500 g of dried black bread.
  2. The pieces are soaked in a bucket of warm water.
  3. Add 1/4 cup granulated sugar.
  4. All infuse in a warm place for 12 hours.
  5. The bread is squeezed out and the solution is filtered. The resulting amount is enough to feed 1 bush.

Mineral fertilizers for peonies

Feeding peonies includes various compositions, which can be purchased at any garden center. The most famous representative is “Kemira”, which is used 3 times this season. Before flowering begins, flower growers use Kemira Universal, and after 5 days they add the same.

To apply 2 fertilizers, “Kemira Combi” is suitable; you don’t even need to add this fertilizer. The contents of the package are poured under the peony bushes and watered on top. The composition will dissolve quickly, the root system will receive it at an accelerated pace. In general, it is easy to feed peonies with this preparation; no special knowledge is needed.

Many gardeners recommend the Siliplant fertilizer, which increases the plant’s immunity. The effect of the drug is similar to that of growth stimulants, but the fertilizer has nothing to do with them. For 1 liter of water, only 3 ml of the drug is enough to fully feed flower bushes. In general, this drug stimulates protective forces colors.

Potash fertilizers for peonies

Potassium for peonies comes from the following fertilizers:

  • potassium humate;
  • potassium magnesia;
  • potassium chloride;
  • potassium sulfate.

Potassium fertilizers improve metabolism in peony cells, normalize fluid balance, and accelerate the process of growing green mass. In order for the bushes to develop well, spring nitrogen-potassium fertilizing is carried out: for 10 g of nitrogen, take 20 g of potassium and sprinkle snow under the bushes. The snow will begin to melt, nutrients will flow to the roots. The second time potassium is added during the period of bud formation (15 g per 1 bush), the third time 2 weeks after the bushes have flowered. It is better to combine fertilizing with watering.

Is it possible to feed a peony with azophoska?

Azofoska is one of the drugs that is harmless to people and animals. But this does not mean that it can be thoughtlessly used in any quantity. Azofoska for peonies may well replace Kemira Combi if it is difficult to get. Feeding with this fertilizer is carried out in August, strictly observing the dosage.

After the peonies emerge in the spring, 30 g of azofoska is added to 10 liters of water; during budding, 50 g of fertilizer is added to 10 liters of water; during flowering, the fertilizer is applied for the last time. When using azofoska, an increase in the number of buds was noted by 35-70%, compared to flowering without the use of fertilizer.

Complex fertilizers for peonies

Experts recommend complex fertilizing during the period of bud formation. This will allow the gardener to enjoy beautiful, abundant flowering. Ready-made fertilizers for peonies should be a real nutritious cocktail and include:

  1. Nitrogen together with compounds – up to 25%.
  2. For lush flowering - potassium (26%).
  3. For good budding - phosphorus (12%).

In addition, it is great if it contains: iron, manganese, sulfur. This elixir will not only saturate peonies nutrients, but will also prolong their flowering, and give the foliage a spectacular bright green tint. Applying fertilizers can lay fertile soil for flowering in the coming years.

How to feed peonies is a question that worries a huge number of flower growers. Based on reviews from professionals, it becomes clear that you don’t have to spend a huge amount of money on fertilizer; you can use it perfectly folk recipes and prepare the fertilizer yourself. If folk remedies There is not much trust; garden stores have a huge selection of complex fertilizers.