What a good growth stimulant. The best plant root growth stimulants: application and characteristics

What to feed indoor and garden plants to enhance their growth and stimulate the speed of biological development?

Industrial preparations

Growth stimulants and prophylactic agents are used in different cases:

  • to stimulate plant growth,
  • to stimulate budding and flowering,
  • to support weakened plants,
  • for plants affected by adverse factors (for example, watering cold water or cold draft),
  • for plants affected by pests and diseases,
  • to prevent the occurrence of pests and diseases,
  • to increase the general immunity of plants, etc.

All growth stimulants and preventive drugs are not harmful to plants and are used either at the first suspicion of “unhealthy” plants or are carried out in courses - in the spring and summer to stimulate growth and at any time of the year to prevent diseases and pests.

Phytohormones - plant growth stimulants - epin, zircon, amulet, root, which phytohormone to choose, instructions for preparing a working solution.

Growth Regulator Athlete

Plant growth regulator. Slows down the growth of the above-ground part, causes shortening and thickening of the stem, and increases the width of the leaves. Redistribution occurs in plants nutrients. Most of the nutrients enter the roots, causing their increased growth. Application on indoor plants- in the form of a solution for spraying or watering at the root. Dilute the contents of the ampoule (1.5 ml) into 1 liter of water. The manufacturer strongly recommends following the number of treatments specified in the instructions, because premature cessation of treatments promotes strong plant growth.

The Atlet preparation is more suitable for growing seedlings, because actively stimulates root growth. It accelerates the formation of the first inflorescences and the number of ovaries in them. Increases yield by 20-30%.

For seedlings, dilute 1.5 ml of Atleta per 1 liter of water and water the plant in the phase of 3-4 true leaves, usually 1 treatment is enough.

Baikal EM-1

A preparation containing several cultures of beneficial microorganisms. They are based on lactic acid bacteria, which suppress putrefactive microflora. Its functions: restoring soil fertility, improving its structure, and thereby increasing the level of germination and productivity; ensuring plant resistance to frost. To prepare the working solution, dilute Baikal-EM in a ratio of 1:1000 (2 caps or 1 tablespoon per bucket of water) and water the plants once a week. Depending on the condition of the soil and plants, you can water the solution more often or, conversely, less often. the drug is used to prepare fertilizer, but is not a fertilizer in itself. To prepare the Baikal-em fertilizer, dilute it in a ratio of 1:100 (1/2 cup per bucket of water), with this solution the compost base (manure, sawdust, tops or any other organic matter) is evenly moistened. Everything is thoroughly mixed and covered with plastic wrap. After 2-3 weeks the compost can be used. Description of the drug and instructions.

Bona Forte Bona Forte growth bioregulator - ensures the development of the root system, accelerates the growth of the above-ground part and lush flowering, promotes the adaptation and development of young and transplanted plants. Highly effective in combating stress during transplantation, illness, and sudden changes in usual conditions. Description of the drug


preparation for stimulating root formation. Contains β-indolylacetic acid. Available in tablets. Properties: causes the accumulation and increased metabolism of organic substances, promotes the regeneration of part of the plant into a new individual, stimulates the formation of roots in cuttings, accelerates root formation in seedlings and adult plants, enhances the growth of adventitious roots, improves tissue fusion during grafting, improves the survival rate of vegetable and seedlings flower crops, trees and shrubs when transplanting, increases the germination of seeds and bulbs, and accelerates their germination. It also prevents the fall of ovaries and leaves, significantly increases the viability of generative organs, increases the yield of seeds from fruits and crops, increases the reproduction rate of bulbs and their weight, and has a stimulating effect on the duration of flowering.

Treatment of the bulbs is carried out in a solution (1 tablet per 1 liter of water) for 24 hours and increases and accelerates the formation of the root system and bulbs. Treatment of the root system of transplanted plants and seedlings: 2 tablets of heteroauxin are dissolved in 10 liters of water, the resulting solution is used to treat the root system of the plant before and after transplantation. Before boarding root system The plant is immersed in the solution up to the root collar for 18-20 hours. After transplantation, the soil is watered with the remaining heteroauxin solution. The use of heteroauxin does not replace organic and mineral fertilizers. Unrooted cuttings are kept in solution (2 tablets per 10 liters of water) for 10-16 hours. This drug is low toxic to humans and animals (hazard class III).


  • Sodium humate- sodium salts of humic acids. When dissolved in water, it forms humic complexes that act as biologically active substances. Activates the activity of soil-forming microorganisms, accelerates and regulates metabolism in plant tissues. Increases resistance to diseases and adverse factors. Spray according to instructions after 2 weeks 3-4 times.
  • Potassium humate- potassium salts of humic acids. Stimulates seed germination, plant growth and development, accelerates flowering and fruiting. Increases resistance to diseases and adverse factors. Spray according to instructions after 2 weeks 3-4 times. Dissolve 1 ml per 1 liter of water.
  • Gumat+7 is an organomineral microfertilizer that contains humates and 7 essential microelements in the form of complex compounds with humic acids. Composition in%: Humate - 40, Nitrogen - 1.5, K - 5, Cu - 0.2, Mn - 0.17, Zn - 0.2, Mo - 0.018, Co - 0.02, B - 0, 2, Fe - 0.4. Packaging - a bag of 10 g powder. Application: dissolve 1 g of the drug in 10-15 liters of water, water at the rate of 4-5 liters per 1 square meter. meter. Water the plants during active growth 3-4 times with an interval of 2 weeks. Details: how to dilute, with what and when to use in the garden and on indoor flowers: Humate +7

Gibbersib for the ovary

A drug that stimulates the formation of ovaries, and is also used to prevent the fall of ovaries, accelerate ripening, increase early and overall yield and resistance to diseases and adverse weather conditions.

Contains sodium salts of gibberellic acids. Hazard class III. Available in powder form in a polymer bag, packed in 0.1 g (0.1 g of gibberellins), this is designed for spraying 30-40 m2 of green mass of plants.

Gibbersib for ovaries is used not only to increase the ovaries and, accordingly, the yield of cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, but also for spraying domestic exotic fruits and citrus fruits.

The working solution must be used on the day of preparation. Spraying should be done in the morning or evening in dry, windless weather. Spray plants in the budding and flowering phase, vegetables at the beginning of flowering of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd cluster. Frequency of application 2-3 times, with an interval of 7 days.

Consumption rates:

  • cabbage 0.1 g powder per 1.5 liters of water
  • peppers, tomatoes and eggplants 0.1 g powder per 1 liter of water
  • cucumbers 0.1 g powder per 2 liters of water
  • citrus fruits 0.1 g powder per 1 liter of water


The drug is available in tablets and contains arachidonic acid. Stimulates the natural immunity of plants to diseases, especially to late blight, Alternaria, powdery mildew, peronospora, gray rot, and bacteriosis. After treatment, stability remains for 1-2 months. Has an anti-stress effect. Consumption: 0.3 - 0.45 g per 2-3 liters of water. Sprayed flowering plants before the buds open and then 20-30 days after.


Multi-purpose stimulator of protective reactions, growth and development of plants. It is a mixture of ethyl esters of fatty acids and urea. The action of the drug is based on stimulating plant immunity to diseases. The drug is absolutely harmless to humans and animals. The drug is intended mainly for garden crops, but is used for indoor plants as a prophylactic against various diseases. Effective against late blight, alternaria, various types scab, blackleg, true and downy mildew, gray and white rot and other diseases.

It is used both for seed treatment and during the growing season of plants. After treatment, increased resistance to a complex of diseases persists for one month.

Immunotocyte is available in the form of blue (purple) tablets. One tablet is enough to spray 0.5 acres of vegetative plants. The tablet is dissolved in 10-15 ml of water (1 tablespoon) with stirring for 20-30 minutes. The resulting concentrate is diluted with water depending on the purpose of processing. The working solution is used throughout the day and is compatible with insecticides (decis, karate, phenaxin, etc.).

Treatment of seeds and tubers: 5 g of seeds are soaked and kept in a concentrated solution (1 tablet per 10-15 ml of water) for 3-24 hours depending on the crop and seed size.

Spraying vegetative plants: To treat 0.5 acres of plants, the concentrated solution is diluted with 2 liters of water and the resulting solution is sprayed.

It is forbidden use the drug during or before rain; simultaneously with biological products and potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). In case of very severe infection of plants, the concentration of the drug is increased by 1.5 times (1.5 tablets per 0.5 acres of plants).


Kornevin root formation stimulator. Heteroauxin analogue. Contains indolylbutyric acid at a concentration of 5 g/kg. Available in 5 g bags in the form of a wettable powder (SP), there are also larger packaging for use in gardening.

Kornevin is used to accelerate the formation of roots in cuttings, bulbs, seeds, and divisions of mother bushes. The drug is suitable for use on house flowers and garden plants.

Application of root:

  • Kornevin is good because you can use it dry to dust cuttings before rooting them in vermiculite or soil.
  • In the form of a solution - 5 g per 5 liters of water - water the seedlings at the root after planting. Repeat after 2 weeks.
  • Bulbs and corms of amaryllis, hippeastrum, freesia, gladioli, tulips, lilies and other bulbous plants are soaked in the solution before planting for 16-20 hours. In this case, you do not need to immerse the bulbs completely in the solution - only the bottom!

The drug is moderately dangerous for humans and animals (hazard class III).


Root formation stimulator. Contains orthocresoxyacetic acid. Krezacin increases seed germination, stimulates plant growth, promotes disease resistance, increased yield, cold resistance, increased keeping quality of tubers and bulbs, reduced nitrate content and carbohydrate content in fruits, i.e. improving taste.

How to dilute Krezacin:

  • To soak cucumber seeds, dissolve 1 tablet in 100 ml of water and soak for 5-10 hours a day before sowing.
  • For spraying cucumbers in the phase of 2-4 leaves and the beginning of budding, 1 tablet per 3 liters of water.
  • To soak tomato and pepper seeds, dissolve 1 tablet in 200 ml of water and soak for 5-10 hours a day before sowing.
  • For spraying tomatoes and peppers in the flowering phase of the first cluster, 1.5 tablets per 3 liters of water.
  • To spray flowers and indoor plants, dissolve 1 tablet in 3 liters of water.
  • For processing tubers and bulbs (potatoes, amaryllis): 1 tablet per 2 liters of water - soak the tubers, soak the bulbs at the bottom.
  • To keep cuttings and soak the root system, 1 tablet is dissolved in 2 liters of water.
  • To increase the yield of apples and pears, improve the keeping quality of fruits, increase iron and ascorbic acid in them, reduce nitrates, spray 4-5 weeks after flowering at the rate of 15 tablets per 10 liters of water - consumption per 100 m2 of green mass (2 trees) .

Stimulant Narcissus

The drug contains chitosan (50%), succinic acid(30%), glutamic acid (20%). Concentration: 80 g/l. Manufacturer OJSC Agroprom-MDT, available in bottles in the form of an aqueous solution.

Stimulates the production of phytoallexins by plants, which increase plant resistance to bacteria, fungi, including those that cause root rot. Has a good effect in the fight against root-knot nematodes. When sprayed, it spreads throughout the tissues of the entire plant and prevents the spread of pathogenic fungi for 20-30 days.

Mechanism of action: promotes the rapid formation of wound periderm (healing of wounds, cuts and fractures), causes thickening of cell walls, destroys the cell walls of phytopathogens, stimulates the production of proteins and peptides - inhibitors of proteinases of pathogenic fungi.

The stimulant Narcissus is widely used in vegetable crops ah: cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, lettuce and ornamental greens, has proven itself well on flowers, indoor plants and exotic fruits, and has proven itself better than many other stimulants in acclimatizing plants after purchase or replanting in open ground.


  • for treating seeds and cuttings: 5 ml per 1 l
  • for watering at the root of seedlings and adult plants: 25 ml per 10 liters of water
  • for spraying plants: 50 ml per 10 liters of water


Growth regulator based on polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are part of vitamin F. Contains arachidonic acid. Unsaturated fatty acids act in extremely small concentrations (hundredths of a milligram) and are quickly transformed into other compounds without causing harm to the plant (since they do not interfere with the hormonal status of the plant).

The drug "Obereg" is intended to increase the resistance of plants to diseases and stress, stimulate their growth and development. Activates immunity and vital activity of plants. Plants become more resistant to diseases, sudden temperature changes and other stresses. Seed germination, plant growth and development are accelerated, productivity and early product yield are increased. It is used for processing vegetative plants, as well as seeds, bulbs, tubers of vegetable, berry and fruit crops.

How to dilute the stimulant Amulet: Dissolve the contents of the ampoule in 5 liters of water (or 5 drops per 0.5 liter) and mix thoroughly. Use the prepared solution for 1-1.5 hours (for spraying or soaking seeds).

Soaking the seeds for 30 minutes - 1 hour (depending on the density of the seed coat).
III hazard class. Practically non-toxic to mammals, slightly toxic to fish and birds.

Stimulator Seedling

An immune stimulant based on polyunsaturated fatty acids (arachidonic acid), acting in extremely low concentrations (hundredths of a milligram). The drug Prorostok is intended for pre-planting treatment of seeds, tubers and bulbs of vegetable crops. The active ingredient, a polyunsaturated fatty acid of natural origin, activates the immunity of seeds and bulbs, accelerates their germination, enhances the growth and development of seedlings. Resistance to diseases, sudden changes in temperature, lack of moisture and other stresses, productivity and yield of early products increases.

How to breed: Dissolve the contents of the ampoule in 0.5 liters of water or 10 drops per 100 ml of water and mix thoroughly. Use the prepared solution for 1-1.5 hours (for spraying or soaking seeds).

Pre-sowing seed treatment: Soak the seeds for 30 minutes - 1 hour (depending on the density of the seed coat).
III hazard class. Practically non-toxic to mammals, low toxic to fish and birds.


Stimulant Zircon is a mixture of hydroxycinnamic acids. Growth regulator, root former, flowering and disease resistance inducer, obtained from plant materials. The use of Zircon provides: - increased germination and accelerated germination of seeds (especially substandard ones); -acceleration of plant growth and development for 5-10 days; - increase in yield by 35-60%; improving the quality of the resulting products; - reduction of accumulation of heavy metals; - stimulation of fruit and root formation; - protection of plants from frost, drought, excess moisture, lack of light. Zircon accelerates the onset of flowering ornamental crops, increases the yield of elite products. The use of Zircon sharply reduces the degree of damage to many diseases, for example, late blight, downy mildew, bacteriosis, fusarium, gray rot, powdery mildew etc. The drug is practically not dangerous for humans, warm-blooded animals, fish, beneficial insects and bees (hazard class IV), does not accumulate in soils, does not pollute ground and surface waters, and is not phytotoxic.

How to breed zircon:

Pre-sowing and pre-planting treatment

Preparation of the working solution: Plant seeds are soaked in Zircon solution (1-2 drops of Zircon per 300 ml of water) for 8-16 hours at room temperature. Cuttings (roses, sakura, western thuja, etc.) - 1 ml (ampoule) of Zircon is dissolved in 1 liter of water, the cuttings are soaked for 14 hours. Bulbs and corms flower plants to speed up flowering, soak for 20-22 hours in a solution of 1 ml of Zircon in 1 liter of water.

Spraying vegetative plants

The working solution is prepared: fruit - 1 ml of Zircon per 10 liters of water, berries - 12 drops and shrubs - 18 drops per 10 liters of water. Spraying is carried out by evenly wetting the leaves. The working solution is stored for no more than 3 days; do not allow an alkaline environment! Spraying of fruit, berry and shrubs is carried out during the budding phase, and vegetable plants - before the formation of fruits.

To speed up flowering 1 ml of Zircon is dissolved in 1 liter of water. Spraying of plants is carried out before the formation of buds.


Stimulator Ecosil - aqueous emulsion of 50 g/l triterpene acids. This is a new biological product, a growth regulator with fungicidal properties, and an inducer of plant immunity. Close in composition to the active ingredient of ginseng, it is obtained from the extract of green woody Siberian fir. Ecosil helps to increase cold resistance, tolerance to heat and drought, increase yield, and flowering (dilute 120 drops per 1 liter of water). Strengthens the protective functions of plants against diseases and pests (dilute 1 bottle per 1 liter of water).

Ecosil also increases germination energy and seed germination, stimulates root formation during green cuttings and propagation of rhizomatous, tuberous and bulbous plants (dilute 30-60 drops per 1 liter of water). The drug begins to act within 15-30 minutes after use, the visible effect occurs after 2-3 days, you can spray, dip the root system or water. Hazard class: IV.


Natural bioregulator, stimulator of plant growth and development. Contains epibrassinocide. IN indoor floriculture Epin is used as a stimulator of fruit and root formation, to rejuvenate weakened plants, and increase resistance to plant diseases and pests.
This drug is low toxic to humans and animals (hazard class IV). Do not allow an alkaline environment in the solution!

1 ml of epin is diluted in 5 liters of water and mixed thoroughly, spraying is carried out in the evening, evenly wetting the leaves. The working solution is stored for no more than 3 days. Plant seeds are soaked in epin (4 drops of epin per 100 ml of boiled water) for 12-18 hours. Tubers and bulbs, as well as cuttings, are kept in epin (1 drop of epin per 2 liters of water) for 24 hours. Spraying weakened plants that were grown in unfavorable conditions or have undergone a negative influence from the external environment, for example, the plants are frozen, it is carried out with a fresh solution prepared at the rate of 7 drops of epin per 200 ml of water, the treatment is carried out several times until the plant is completely cured. You can treat all the plants in the apartment in the spring and carry out the treatment (spraying) once a month until the fall, and with the onset of the dormant period (autumn), it is better to stop the treatment, since epin is still a growth stimulant, and a dormant period is required for most plants.

Traditional methods of enhancing the biological development of plants

The most basic , and does not require any tricks - hot shower! Hot water (not boiling water, of course), but with a temperature of about +50 o C will not only prevent pests, but also be a good growth stimulator.

Before the procedure itself, all indoor plants need to be watered well, after 1-2 hours put in the bath and turn on the shower.

Temperature hot water It should be such that the hand can endure it. Water the plants with a hot stream for one or two minutes. Hot water entering the pot will help in the fight against soil pests (if they are present). After a shower, the plants should be left in the bathroom overnight to dry, draining excess water from the pots. Hot shower Can be done for almost all indoor flowers, except for Saintpaulia. Such procedures begin in February and continue throughout the season. The results will not take long to appear; they can be seen within a week.

Sugar. To feed, it is enough to sprinkle one teaspoon of granulated sugar on the surface of the soil in the pot before watering, or water with sweet water once a week. For one glass of water, take two teaspoons of granulated sugar. Cacti love fertilizing with granulated sugar.

Castor oil. Fertilizing with castor oil is good for stimulating flowering and fruit formation. One teaspoon of castor oil is enough for one liter of water. Shake the solution well before use.

Regular brilliant green(brilliant green solution), and fukortsin(red liquid) having a powerful antifungal effect will help in the fight against fungal diseases. Bulbs of hyacinths, lilies, tulips and other bulbous and corm plants in places of damage, as well as scratches and damage to the stems of roses, especially after winter, can be smeared with brilliant green or fucorcin. Scratches and damage heal and do not rot.

Boric acid. A solution of boric acid is also a stimulator for the formation of buds and ovaries. Boric acid can easily replace the well-known “Ovary” in the garden to stimulate flowering and fruit formation in vegetable crops, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, as well as during the formation of heads of cabbage, and even all fruit bushes and trees. Working solution - dilute a bag of boric acid in two liters of water. Spray the plants with this solution several times a season: before flowering, immediately after flowering, two weeks after flowering, so that the ovary does not fall off.

It is considered an effective stimulator of growth and root formation. aloe juice. It is good for soaking or germinating seeds.

Honey, or rather honey solution, is also a powerful biostimulant. It can be successfully used for soaking and germinating seeds and rooting cuttings. Honey solution can be used in the garden during flowering for better pollination and ovary formation.

Honey solution is good to use in bucket traps hung on fruit trees to protect fruits from pests.

Fresh apples. Infuse one kilogram of chopped apples in five liters of water for two days, and the fertilizer for all plants is ready. An infusion of fresh apples is especially loved by plants such as Schlumbergera, Zygocactus, and Ripsalidopsis.

Milk. For variegated and ornamental foliage plants, regular milk can be used as a top dressing. Working solution: dilute 100 ml of milk in one liter of water. Ferns love this type of watering. Watering with milk water is alternated with 2-3 waterings with plain water.

B vitamins (B 1, B 6, B 12), as well as vitamin C, can be used for rooting cuttings, soaking seeds, and developing the root system. For a working solution, just a few drops per liter of water are enough.

Yeast solution can with great success replace a root stimulant such as heteroauxin. Preparation of the working solution: 100 mg of yeast should be dissolved in one liter of water. Place the cuttings prepared for rooting in this solution for a day. After this, the cuttings need to be removed from the yeast solution, washed with water and placed for rooting in a mini-greenhouse or container with water. If you put the cuttings to take root in water, then do not forget to put it there small piece charcoal.

Yeast solution can also be used in the garden. In the spring, when planting, you can water all plants, including roses.

Onion peel decoction is perceived by all plants without exception as a complete fertilizer. You can not only water the soil with the decoction, but also sprinkle the entire plant for pest prevention. Preparation of the working solution: pour one or two handfuls of onion peels with one liter of boiling water, boil for 3-5 minutes, let cool. After this, strain the broth and you can use it! It is advisable to use the entire prepared onion peel decoction at one time.

Excellent fertilizer for indoor plants - aquarium water. Aquarium water contains many substances that stimulate plant growth. It is recommended to use aquarium water as a top dressing only in spring and early summer, when new shoots and leaves are actively growing. In the second half of summer, when young shoots and seeds are already ripening, as well as for feeding slowly growing cacti and succulents, it is better not to use aquarium water.

Potato broth can also be used as a top dressing for all plants. Cool the water in which the potatoes were boiled, strain and then dilute strongly. I tested it, it works! Of course, at first I was very afraid, I thought that suddenly the soil in the pots would immediately turn sour, but then, nevertheless, I took the risk. I'm happy with the result.

Water used to wash raw meat, can be used as a top dressing for all plants. To feed indoor plants, it is recommended to leave this water for two weeks so that it ferments and becomes suitable for watering. I watered the plants in the garden with this water without infusion. The dahlias, which often got water after washing the meat, bloomed much earlier than the others, the bushes were gorgeous, and there were a lot of buds. So that's also checked.

Decoctions and infusions from other plants are ideal not only for feeding, but will also help cope with pests.

Wormwood infusion increases the immunity of plants, helps cope with rust on the leaves of pelargonium, hollyhock, lavatera, roses, and is also used in the fight against aphids, various caterpillars and other leaf-eating insects. Preparation of the working solution: wormwood can be used dry and fresh, add cold water and let stand for 1-3 days. Use without dilution. This infusion is very effective in spring.

You can keep the wormwood infusion for two weeks and let it ferment. It is recommended to dilute this infusion ten times. It can be used for watering and spraying indoor and garden plants.

As has long been noted, some garden plants have not only healing power, but also restrain the onslaught of pests. For example, gypsophila and lavender prevent the attacks of aphids and ants on neighboring plants, marigolds and calendula protect neighboring plants from nematodes and other underground pests, garlic kills fungal and viral diseases, including powdery mildew. Therefore, infusions and decoctions from these plants have exactly the same power and can be used with great success as biological means of controlling pests and diseases.

Nettle infusion increases plant immunity and is also used as a complete nutrition for all plants. Nettle infusion is prepared according to the same principle as wormwood infusion. You can infuse nettle in water for a day or three and water the plants with this infusion, or you can wait until fermentation begins. To make it less smelly, you can add a little borax to this infusion. After fermentation, strain the nettle infusion and dilute with water in a concentration of 1:10. Such herbal infusions are good to make outdoors in the summer. There is plenty of grass, and there is no smell in the house. To combat aphids, you can spray plants with undiluted nettle infusion.

Nettle infusion is a natural and universal complex with micro- and macroelements; its effect on plants surpasses all chemical growth stimulants.

Infusion comfrey can be used as a top dressing in the second half of summer, when plants need a lot of potassium to prepare for winter.

Preparing an infusion from comfrey is similar to preparing an infusion from wormwood or nettle. Comfrey infusion can be used for all plants, but it is especially useful for plants that need a lot of potassium and a little nitrogen to fully develop. Spraying comfrey infusion on the leaves very quickly relieves signs of potassium starvation. In the comfrey infusion, the main nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium - are in the following proportion: 3:1:7.

Horsetail decoction It will not only help strengthen plant tissues, but also help cope with rust on leaves, powdery mildew, and spider mites. Horsetail can be used both fresh and dry. Preparation of the working solution: pour cold water over the grass and leave for a day. After this, boil the infusion with horsetail, let it cool, strain into a glass or plastic container. Horsetail decoction can be sprayed on both indoor and garden plants. Horsetail decoction can be added to water for irrigation. Against spider mite For a lasting effect, you need to carry out repeated spraying with horsetail decoction.

Valerian juice. Chop fresh valerian herb, add a little boiled or rain water, and squeeze. Pour the resulting valerian extract into a glass container and store in the refrigerator. The container with valerian extract should be shaken thoroughly before use. It is enough to add only 30 drops of this extract to a bucket of water. It is recommended to water and spray all plants, including orchids. They say that this is truly a “magic remedy”. Why not HB-101, which sells for crazy money?

Video about growth stimulants

The remedies described above are available and quite effective: extracts, infusions, and decoctions can be made from almost any plant and in any combination.

Biostimulants for plants, their purpose and use. Biostimulants used in Belarus are described: Epin, Kornevin, Zircon, Heteroauxin, Peat Oxidate, etc.

The use of plant growth regulators in practice makes it possible to obtain changes in metabolism identical to those that arise under the influence of certain external conditions(day length, temperature, etc.), for example, accelerate the formation of generative organs, enhance or inhibit growth, etc. To enhance growth and organogenesis cultivated plants biostimulants such as auxins and gibberellins are used, and for inhibition - synthetic growth inhibitors, including defoliants causing leaves to fall, and desiccants- drying of organs or whole plants.

Synthetic auxin stimulants (b-indolylacetic acid, or heteroauxin, b-indolylbutyric acid, a-naphthyl-acetic acid, or ANU) are used to enhance root formation in woody and herbaceous plants, improving the fusion of tissues during their transplantation and, to prevent the fall of ovaries in fruit trees and berry gardens, etc. These substances are used in various concentrations (from 20 to 1000 mg/l) depending on the method of their application to the plant. Gibberellins are used to enhance the growth of berries of seedless grape varieties, bring potato tubers out of dormancy, enhance the growth of hemp and flax stems, and accelerate tomato fruiting.

Synthetic growth inhibitors are used to delay germination during storage, inhibit the growth of cereal stems to increase resistance to lodging (retardants), kill weeds (herbicides), etc. The mechanism of the inhibitory effect of synthetic inhibitors on plants has not been sufficiently studied. It has been established that most of them retard growth by uncoupling the processes of phosphorylation and respiration, suppressing the synthesis of nucleic acids.

The most common way to treat plants with growth regulators is spraying. So, to prevent the ovaries from falling off fruit trees and berry fields are sprayed with stimulants such as ANU and its derivatives.

Biostimulants for plants - application

Biostimulants are used for more intensive seed germination, better plant survival, rooting of cuttings, increasing plant resistance to diseases, as well as to unfavorable environmental conditions, increasing productivity, etc.

The market offers big choice biostimulants. Methods of use are described in detail in the instructions for their use. Therefore, here we present only short description the most common biostimulants on the Belarusian market.

Biostimulants for plants. Epin

Epin– provides: acceleration of seed germination, rooting of seedlings during picking and replanting, acceleration of ripening and increase in yield, protection of plants from frost and stress, resistance to downy mildew, bacteriosis, fusarium, revival of weakened and rejuvenation of old plants, neutralization of nitrates, etc.

Biostimulants for plants. Kornevin

Kornevin– used for rooting berry, ornamental and flower crops, accelerating root formation during cuttings, improving the survival rate of seedlings of vegetable and flower crops during transplantation. It is used in dry form and as a solution.

Dry. Powder the root system of seedlings or seedlings before planting. Before rooting, moisten the cuttings with water and immerse their lower part in the preparation.

In the form of a solution. Dissolve the contents of the package (5 g) in 5 liters of water. Water seedlings and seedlings with the resulting solution at the root after planting. Bulbs and corms of gladioli, tulips, lilies, etc. are soaked in the solution before planting for 16-20 hours.

Biostimulants for plants. Zircon

Zircon– used as a growth regulator, root former, flowering and disease resistance inducer, obtained from plant materials.

The use of Zircon provides: increased germination and accelerated germination of seeds (especially substandard ones); acceleration of plant growth and development for 5-10 days; increase in yield by 35-60%; improving the quality of the resulting products; reducing the accumulation of heavy metals; stimulation of fruit and root formation; protection of plants from frost, drought, excess moisture, lack of light. Zircon accelerates the beginning of flowering of ornamental crops and increases the yield of elite products. It also reduces the degree of damage by many diseases, for example, late blight, peronosporosis, bacteriosis, fusarium, gray rot, etc.

Biostimulants for plants. Humic preparations

Humic substances (humates)– regulators or growth stimulants that enhance plant growth. In addition, they reduce the amount of nitrates in plants, improve the taste of vegetables and fruits, accelerate their ripening, increase the size of the fruits and lengthen the fruiting period. In addition, humates enhance root formation, which is extremely important for plants with a weak root system (pepper, cabbage, etc.). These substances help plants withstand cold spells and frosts, oxygen starvation in the soil and other “misfortunes”. They are sold in bags of solid granules, as well as in diluted form under different names and different concentrations.

In demand in Belarus. A highly effective, environmentally friendly natural stimulator of growth, development and protection of plants “Peat Oxidate”, tested and recommended by the Research Institute of Vegetable Growing, Potato Growing, Soil Science, Agriculture and Feed, Plant Protection of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus and a number of leading research institutes of the Russian Federation.

Tests were carried out on almost all agricultural crops, grains, vegetables, fruits and berries and shrubs, potatoes, flax, fodder and medicinal herbs ah, flowers, ornamental crops, including conifers, lawn grasses. Also used for soaking seed material, as part of complex mineral fertilizers, in protective-stimulating compositions, with plant protection products.

Application "Oxidate of peat» gives a tangible effect: increases the productivity of agricultural crops, reduces the dose of mineral fertilizers, promotes the growth and strengthening of the root system, accelerates the growth, development and maturation of all types of plants, increases the protective functions of plants to adverse weather conditions (frost, drought, waterlogging and soil salinization), reduces the effects of stress factors during replanting, reduces the incidence of late blight, scab, root and wet rot, increases the shelf life of agricultural products, improves the structure and biological activity of the soil (especially effective on soils with low humus content).

Biostimulants for plants. Immunocytophyte

Immunocytophyte– a multi-purpose stimulator of protective reactions, growth and development of plants. The action of the drug is based on stimulating growth processes and natural immunity of plants to diseases. Immunocytophyte is effective against late blight, rhizoctonia, various types of scab, powdery mildew, gray and white rot, bacteriosis and other diseases, and promotes wound healing.

Biostimulants for plants. Heteroauxin

Heteroauxin(potassium salt of indolylacetic acid) – root formation stimulator. The drug promotes the formation of roots and baby bulbs in bulbs, corms and cuttings. To speed up rooting, green plant cuttings are soaked in a solution of heteroauxin (2 tablets per 10 liters of water) for 10-16 hours. The use of heteroauxin is especially important when rooting cuttings of plants that are difficult to vegetative propagation. The use of heteroauxin does not replace compliance temperature regime and maintaining optimal humidity.

You can order the treatment of your plants with Biostimulants:

Material prepared by: horticulture specialist Buinovsky O.I.

Bona Forte Bona Forte growth bioregulator- ensures the development of the root system, accelerates the growth of the ground part and lush flowering, promotes the adaptation and development of young and transplanted plants. Highly effective in combating stress during transplantation, illness, and sudden changes in usual conditions. Description of the drug


preparation for stimulating root formation. Contains β-indolylacetic acid. Available in tablets. Properties: causes accumulation and enhanced metabolism of organic substances, promotes the regeneration of parts of plants into a new individual, stimulates the formation of roots in cuttings, accelerates root formation in seedlings and adult plants, enhances the growth of adventitious roots, improves tissue fusion during grafting, improves the survival rate of seedlings of vegetable and flower crops , trees and shrubs when transplanting, increases the germination of seeds and bulbs, and accelerates their germination. It also prevents the fall of ovaries and leaves, significantly increases the viability of generative organs, increases the yield of seeds from fruits and crops, increases the reproduction rate of bulbs and their weight, and has a stimulating effect on the duration of flowering.

Treatment of the bulbs is carried out in a solution (1 tablet per 1 liter of water) for 24 hours and increases and accelerates the formation of the root system and bulbs. Treatment of the root system of transplanted plants and seedlings: 2 tablets of heteroauxin are dissolved in 10 liters of water, the resulting solution is used to treat the root system of the plant before and after transplantation. Before planting, the root system of the plant is immersed in the solution up to the root collar for 18-20 hours. After transplantation, the soil is watered with the remaining heteroauxin solution. The use of heteroauxin does not replace organic and mineral fertilizers. Unrooted cuttings are kept in solution (2 tablets per 10 liters of water) for 10-16 hours. This drug is low toxic to humans and animals (hazard class III).


  • Sodium humate- sodium salts of humic acids. When dissolved in water, it forms humic complexes that act as biologically active substances. Activates the activity of soil-forming microorganisms, accelerates and regulates metabolism in plant tissues. Increases resistance to diseases and adverse factors. Spray according to instructions after 2 weeks 3-4 times.
  • Potassium humate- potassium salts of humic acids. Stimulates seed germination, plant growth and development, accelerates flowering and fruiting. Increases resistance to diseases and adverse factors. Spray according to instructions after 2 weeks 3-4 times. Dissolve 1 ml per 1 liter of water.
  • Gumat+7 is an organomineral microfertilizer that contains humates and 7 essential microelements in the form of complex compounds with humic acids. Composition in%: Humate - 40, Nitrogen - 1.5, K - 5, Cu - 0.2, Mn - 0.17, Zn - 0.2, Mo - 0.018, Co - 0.02, B - 0, 2, Fe - 0.4. Packaging - a bag of 10 g powder. Application: dissolve 1 g of the drug in 10-15 liters of water, water at the rate of 4-5 liters per 1 square meter. meter. Water the plants during the period of active growth 3-4 times with an interval of 2 weeks. Details: how to breed, with what and when to use in the garden and on indoor flowers:

Gibbersib for the ovary

A drug that stimulates the formation of ovaries, and is also used to prevent the fall of ovaries, accelerate ripening, increase early and overall yield and resistance to diseases and adverse weather conditions.

Contains sodium salts of gibberellic acids. Hazard class III. Available in powder form in a polymer bag, packed in 0.1 g (0.1 g of gibberellins), this is designed for spraying 30-40 m2 of green mass of plants.

Gibbersib for ovaries is used not only to increase the ovaries and, accordingly, the yield of cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, but also for spraying domestic exotic fruits and citrus fruits.

The working solution must be used on the day of preparation. Spraying should be done in the morning or evening in dry, windless weather. Spray plants in the budding and flowering phase, vegetables at the beginning of flowering of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd cluster. Frequency of application 2-3 times, with an interval of 7 days.

Consumption rates

  • cabbage 0.1 g powder per 1.5 liters of water
  • peppers, tomatoes and eggplants 0.1 g powder per 1 liter of water
  • cucumbers 0.1 g powder per 2 liters of water
  • citrus fruits 0.1 g powder per 1 liter of water

Another stimulator of growth (seed germination) and flowering based on gibberellic acids - read more about the use on garden and indoor flowers, application rates for vegetables.


The drug is available in tablets and contains arachidonic acid. Stimulates the natural immunity of plants to diseases, especially to late blight, Alternaria, powdery mildew, peronospora, gray rot, and bacteriosis. After treatment, stability remains for 1-2 months. Has an anti-stress effect. Consumption: 0.3 - 0.45 g per 2-3 liters of water. Spray flowering plants before the buds open and then 20-30 days after.


Multi-purpose stimulator of protective reactions, growth and development of plants. It is a mixture of ethyl esters of fatty acids and urea. The action of the drug is based on stimulating plant immunity to diseases. The drug is absolutely harmless to humans and animals. The drug is intended mainly for garden crops, but is used for indoor plants as a prophylactic against various diseases. Effective against late blight, alternaria, various types of scab, blackleg, true and downy mildew, gray and white rot and other diseases.

It is used both for seed treatment and during the growing season of plants. After treatment, increased resistance to a complex of diseases persists for one month.

Immunotocyte is available in the form of blue (purple) tablets. One tablet is enough to spray 0.5 acres of vegetative plants. The tablet is dissolved in 10-15 ml of water (1 tablespoon) with stirring for 20-30 minutes. The resulting concentrate is diluted with water depending on the purpose of processing. The working solution is used throughout the day and is compatible with insecticides (decis, karate, phenaxin, etc.).

Treatment of seeds and tubers: 5 g of seeds are soaked and kept in a concentrated solution (1 tablet per 10-15 ml of water) for 3-24 hours depending on the crop and seed size.

Spraying vegetative plants: To treat 0.5 acres of plants, the concentrated solution is diluted with 2 liters of water and the resulting solution is sprayed.

It is forbidden use the drug during or before rain; simultaneously with biological products and potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). In case of very severe infection of plants, the concentration of the drug is increased by 1.5 times (1.5 tablets per 0.5 acres of plants).


Kornevin root formation stimulator. Heteroauxin analogue. Contains indolylbutyric acid at a concentration of 5 g/kg. Available in 5 g bags in the form of a wettable powder (SP), there are also larger packaging for use in gardening.

Kornevin is used to accelerate the formation of roots in cuttings, bulbs, seeds, and divisions of mother bushes. The drug is suitable for use on house flowers and garden plants.

Application of root

  • Kornevin is good because you can use it dry to dust cuttings before rooting them in vermiculite or soil.
  • In the form of a solution - 5 g per 5 liters of water - water the seedlings at the root after planting. Repeat after 2 weeks.
  • Bulbs and corms of amaryllis, hippeastrum, freesia, gladioli, tulips, lilies and other bulbous plants are soaked in the solution before planting for 16-20 hours. In this case, you do not need to immerse the bulbs completely in the solution - only the bottom!

The drug is moderately dangerous for humans and animals (hazard class III).


Root formation stimulator. Contains orthocresoxyacetic acid. Krezacin increases seed germination, stimulates plant growth, promotes disease resistance, increased yield, cold resistance, increased shelf life of tubers and bulbs, reduced nitrate content and carbohydrate content in fruits, i.e. improving taste.

How to breed Krezacin

  • To soak cucumber seeds, dissolve 1 tablet in 100 ml of water and soak for 5-10 hours a day before sowing.
  • For spraying cucumbers in the phase of 2-4 leaves and the beginning of budding, 1 tablet per 3 liters of water.
  • To soak tomato and pepper seeds, dissolve 1 tablet in 200 ml of water and soak for 5-10 hours a day before sowing.
  • For spraying tomatoes and peppers in the flowering phase of the first cluster, 1.5 tablets per 3 liters of water.
  • To spray flowers and indoor plants, dissolve 1 tablet in 3 liters of water.
  • For processing tubers and bulbs (potatoes, amaryllis): 1 tablet per 2 liters of water - soak the tubers, soak the bulbs at the bottom.
  • To keep cuttings and soak the root system, 1 tablet is dissolved in 2 liters of water.
  • To increase the yield of apples and pears, improve the keeping quality of fruits, increase iron and ascorbic acid in them, reduce nitrates, spray 4-5 weeks after flowering at the rate of 15 tablets per 10 liters of water - consumption per 100 m2 of green mass (2 trees) .

Stimulant Narcissus

The drug contains chitosan (50%), succinic acid (30%), glutamic acid (20%). Concentration: 80 g/l. Manufacturer OJSC Agroprom-MDT, available in bottles in the form of an aqueous solution.

Stimulates the production of phytoallexins by plants, which increase plant resistance to bacteria and fungi, including those that cause root rot. Has a good effect in the fight against root-knot nematodes. When sprayed, it spreads throughout the tissues of the entire plant and prevents the spread of pathogenic fungi for 20-30 days.

Mechanism of action: promotes the rapid formation of wound periderm (healing of wounds, cuts and fractures), causes thickening of cell walls, destroys the cell walls of phytopathogens, stimulates the production of proteins and peptides - inhibitors of proteinases of pathogenic fungi.

The Narcissus stimulant is widely used on vegetable crops: cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, lettuce and ornamental greens; it has proven itself to be effective on flowers, indoor plants and exotic fruits; it has proven itself better than many other stimulants in acclimatizing plants after purchase or replanting outdoors. priming.


  • for treating seeds and cuttings: 5 ml per 1 l
  • for watering at the root of seedlings and adult plants: 25 ml per 10 liters of water
  • for spraying plants: 50 ml per 10 liters of water


Growth regulator based on polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are part of vitamin F. Contains arachidonic acid. Unsaturated fatty acids act in extremely small concentrations (hundredths of a milligram) and are quickly transformed into other compounds without causing harm to the plant (since they do not interfere with the hormonal status of the plant).

The drug "Obereg" is intended to increase the resistance of plants to diseases and stress, stimulate their growth and development. Activates immunity and vital activity of plants. Plants become more resistant to diseases, sudden temperature changes and other stresses. Seed germination, plant growth and development are accelerated, productivity and early product yield are increased. It is used for processing vegetative plants, as well as seeds, bulbs, tubers of vegetable, berry and fruit crops.

How to dilute the stimulant Amulet: Dissolve the contents of the ampoule in 5 liters of water (or 5 drops per 0.5 liter) and mix thoroughly. Use the prepared solution for 1-1.5 hours (for spraying or soaking seeds).

Soaking the seeds for 30 minutes - 1 hour (depending on the density of the seed coat).
III hazard class. Practically non-toxic to mammals, slightly toxic to fish and birds.

Stimulator Seedling

An immune stimulant based on polyunsaturated fatty acids (arachidonic acid), acting in extremely low concentrations (hundredths of a milligram). The drug Prorostok is intended for pre-planting treatment of seeds, tubers and bulbs of vegetable crops. The active ingredient, a polyunsaturated fatty acid of natural origin, activates the immunity of seeds and bulbs, accelerates their germination, enhances the growth and development of seedlings. Resistance to diseases, sudden changes in temperature, lack of moisture and other stresses, productivity and yield of early products increases.

How to breed: Dissolve the contents of the ampoule in 0.5 liters of water or 10 drops per 100 ml of water and mix thoroughly. Use the prepared solution for 1-1.5 hours (for spraying or soaking seeds).

Pre-sowing seed treatment: Soak the seeds for 30 minutes - 1 hour (depending on the density of the seed coat).
III hazard class. Practically non-toxic to mammals, low toxic to fish and birds.


Stimulant Zircon is a mixture of hydroxycinnamic acids. Growth regulator, root former, flowering and disease resistance inducer, obtained from plant materials. The use of Zircon provides: - increased germination and accelerated germination of seeds (especially substandard ones); -acceleration of plant growth and development for 5-10 days; - increase in yield by 35-60%; improving the quality of the resulting products; - reduction of accumulation of heavy metals; - stimulation of fruit and root formation; - protection of plants from frost, drought, excess moisture, lack of light. Zircon accelerates the beginning of flowering of ornamental crops and increases the yield of elite products. The use of Zircon sharply reduces the degree of damage to many diseases, for example, late blight, downy mildew, bacteriosis, fusarium, gray rot, powdery mildew, etc. The drug is practically not dangerous for humans, warm-blooded animals, fish, beneficial insects and bees (hazard class IV), not accumulates in soils, does not pollute ground and surface waters, and is not phytotoxic.

How to breed zircon

Pre-sowing and pre-planting treatment

Preparation of the working solution: Plant seeds are soaked in Zircon solution (1-2 drops of Zircon per 300 ml of water) for 8-16 hours at room temperature. Cuttings (roses, sakura, western thuja, etc.) - 1 ml (ampoule) of Zircon is dissolved in 1 liter of water, the cuttings are soaked for 14 hours. To speed up flowering, bulbs and corms of flower plants are soaked for 20-22 hours in a solution of 1 ml of Zircon in 1 liter of water.

Spraying vegetative plants

The working solution is prepared: fruit - 1 ml of Zircon per 10 liters of water, berries - 12 drops and shrubs - 18 drops per 10 liters of water. Spraying is carried out by evenly wetting the leaves. The working solution is stored for no more than 3 days; do not allow an alkaline environment! Spraying of fruit, berry and shrubs is carried out during the budding phase, and vegetable plants - before the formation of fruits.

To speed up flowering 1 ml of Zircon is dissolved in 1 liter of water. Spraying of plants is carried out before the formation of buds.


Stimulator Ecosil - aqueous emulsion of 50 g/l triterpene acids. This is a new biological product, a growth regulator with fungicidal properties, and an inducer of plant immunity. Close in composition to the active ingredient of ginseng, it is obtained from the extract of green woody Siberian fir. Ecosil helps to increase cold resistance, tolerance to heat and drought, increase yield, and flowering (dilute 120 drops per 1 liter of water). Strengthens the protective functions of plants against diseases and pests (dilute 1 bottle per 1 liter of water).

Ecosil also increases germination energy and seed germination, stimulates root formation during green cuttings and propagation of rhizomatous, tuberous and bulbous plants (dilute 30-60 drops per 1 liter of water). The drug begins to act within 15-30 minutes after use, the visible effect occurs after 2-3 days, you can spray, dip the root system or water. Hazard class: IV.


Natural bioregulator, stimulator of plant growth and development. Contains epibrassinocide. In indoor floriculture, epin is used as a stimulator of fruit and root formation, to rejuvenate weakened plants, and increase resistance to plant diseases and pests.
This drug is low toxic to humans and animals (hazard class IV). Do not allow an alkaline environment in the solution!

1 ml of epin is diluted in 5 liters of water and mixed thoroughly, spraying is carried out in the evening, evenly wetting the leaves. The working solution is stored for no more than 3 days. Plant seeds are soaked in epin (4 drops of epin per 100 ml of boiled water) for 12-18 hours. Tubers and bulbs, as well as cuttings, are kept in epin (1 drop of epin per 2 liters of water) for 24 hours. Spraying of weakened plants that were grown in unfavorable conditions or have undergone a negative influence of the external environment, for example, the plants are frozen, is carried out with a fresh solution prepared at the rate of 7 drops of epin per 200 ml of water, the treatment is carried out several times until the plant is completely cured. You can treat all the plants in the apartment in the spring and carry out the treatment (spraying) once a month until the fall, and with the onset of the dormant period (autumn), it is better to stop the treatment, since epin is still a growth stimulant, and a dormant period is required for most plants.

You should not expect that preventive measures will help in all cases without exception. Firstly, you need to strictly follow the instructions and formulate the solution correctly, and also use only fresh solutions. Secondly, it all depends on how much everything has already been launched. There are cases when the disease is already progressing, but is not immediately noticeable, and then no means may help.

During treatment with plant growth stimulating agents and prophylactic agents You cannot use food utensils, smoke, drink or eat. The treatment is carried out in the absence of children or animals, and if there is an aquarium nearby, it is tightly closed and opened only when the treated plants are dry. For those who suffer from allergies or skin eczema, treatment is best done with gloves and a gauze bandage. Do not forget to look at the hazard class of the drug used. After finishing work, hands, face and all equipment used should also be washed with soap and water. The drugs should be stored in a dry place, out of reach of children and animals, and protected from fire.

If the drug accidentally comes into contact with a person, drink several glasses of water, induce vomiting and consult a doctor immediately.

As preventive medications for suspected diseases or pests. It makes sense to try and not chemical substances. These are infusions of garlic, onion, tobacco, yarrow and other medicinal herbs, as well as pollination with sulfur powder.

It is customary to call chemical substances of various origins that are used to improve the growth and rooting of cuttings, which is especially important for vegetative propagation whimsical and difficult to grow species. This kind of substance stimulates the accumulation of important organic substances at the rooting site, which helps improve cell division processes.

Plant growth preparations have been quite common on the domestic market for many years. Among them you can find both long-popularized expensive, potent chemicals, and folk remedies, the costs of which are minimal. However, optimal choice among root formation stimulants it is not easy to do, and today we have to figure out what each of them is, find out all the advantages and disadvantages.

Folk remedies

The main indication for the use of folk growth stimulants is unfavorable period for cuttings and difficult rooting of the plant. Also, stimulants are simply irreplaceable when a cutting is taken from a weakened plant or it is necessary to restore a damaged root system due to the death of the plant, as well as during transplantation. Let's take a closer look at some of the most popular means.

This is one of the oldest among all known methods stimulation of rooting. Since ancient times, water has been used as the best rooting agent, which reduced the amount of dead garden plants to almost zero.

The main essence of the method is to place several twigs in ordinary tap water and wait until roots grow on them, after which they can be removed - willow water is ready.

The process is quite long, in some cases you need to wait about 2 weeks for rooting. It is recommended to choose young branches, no more than 6 mm thick. The main secret of preparing this stimulant is the pre-processing of the fragments. In order to prevent the development of harmful microorganisms in water, the cuttings must be treated with an alcohol solution.

The essence of the action of this water is that it is a natural source salicylic acid. This natural coagulant is a blocker of the stress hormone in plants, which is released when cutting a cutting. As a result, the plant instantly starts rooting processes. Water is also very effective when watering seedlings, which further affects the overall immunity of the plant body.

Just like willow water, it is an equally popular stimulator of plant roots at home. Its main advantage is its ease of use and preparation. To do this, dissolve 1 teaspoon in 1.5 liters of warm water.

The cuttings are immersed in the resulting solution and soaked for 10-12 hours. Rich in a whole complex of nutrients, it has immunomodulatory, antimicrobial and antiseptic effects on the plant. The solution also provides mineral nutrition to the body during the stressful period of cutting.

The method of stimulating roots using is very popular among fans of unconventional management and. The essence of the method is that it is necessary to cut out all the existing “eyes” from a large and healthy tuber. After that you need to stick a cutting into the prepared tuber, bury it all in and cover glass jar or plastic film to create a greenhouse greenhouse effect.

With regular watering of plant fragments, they instantly produce roots, and cuttings planted in this way develop well. Using this method, it is possible to root even weakly cutting species, and this is not accidental. This method is scientifically proven; an inserted fragment of a plant organism, together with water from the tuber, receives nutritious starch, vitamins and minerals, which is especially necessary for the cutting organism during the growth period.
Also experienced gardeners Potatoes are used as a preservative for cuttings. To do this, fresh plant fragments are stuck into an ordinary tuber, wrapped in paper, after which everything is wrapped in plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator. In this state, the cuttings retain their vital activity until spring.

The simplest plant root growth stimulator, prepared from improvised means, is aloe leaf extract. The juice of this flower is considered one of the most effective natural substances that cause active cell division.

As a result, the root system of cuttings develops much faster, even than after the use of some chemical stimulants. In addition, it enriches the plant body nutrients, and also stimulates the immune system.
To prepare an organic stimulant, you need to cut off several leaves from a room plant right at the base, wash thoroughly and dry with a towel.

Then, in an ordinary kitchen mortar, the leaves are crushed, and the resulting pulp is filtered through ordinary gauze or a bandage. 5-7 drops of the resulting juice are diluted in a glass of regular tap water, and then plant fragments are placed in the liquid and kept in the solution until roots form. The resulting solution can also be fed to transplanted seedlings.

Important!To prepare aloe juice, take only the oldest (but not withered) leaves, only they contain the maximum amount of useful substances.

Bakery - quite unusual, but one of the most effective ways accelerate the germination of cuttings. Before soaking the plant fragments in normal tap water, they are soaked for 24 hours in yeast water. This solution is rich in B vitamins and microelements important for cutting organisms.
To prepare the extract, dilute 200 g in 2 liters of ordinary tap water. After this, the cuttings are soaked for 24 hours in water, and then soaked for root formation in clean water, or immediately planted in the substrate. The yeast solution can also be used to feed already planted plants.

Important!To prepare a yeast-based rooter for cuttings, use boiled water; this will protect the nutrient-rich solution from the development of bacteria harmful to the plant organism.

Growth stimulants

Natural plant growth accelerators have recently been replaced by chemical substances synthesized based on natural components. The undoubted advantage of such preparations is the ease of preparing the solution and the relatively inexpensive price. Also, chemical growth stimulants are capable of accelerating cell division and metabolism of the plant organism with almost 100% efficiency, this is their main advantage over folk remedies.

Heteroauxin (“Kornerost”)

Belongs to group phytohormonal agents high biological activity. The main active ingredient of the drug is β-indoleacetic acid. The role of the substance in the life of plant organisms is diverse, from stimulation of cell division and elongation to regulation and growth of the fetus.

Long-term studies have shown that even one-time treatment of the plant with the substance promotes:

  • stimulation of root formation;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • improving tissue fusion;
  • improved survival rate;
To do this, the cuttings are soaked 1/3 in an aqueous solution of heteroauxin for 18-20 hours, after which the plant fragments are ready for planting. The remaining liquid can be used for watering. Depending on the type of plant being cut and the degree of its lignification, the dose of heteroauxin ranges from 50 to 200 mg/l of aqueous solution. The substance is produced in the form of tableted powder or capsules.

Important!Do not exceed the maximum permissible dose of heteroauxin, which is indicated on the packaging of the product. This can lead to inhibition of cutting growth.

Biostimulator wide range actions. The main active ingredient of "Kornevin" is considered indolylbutyric acid.
The product is used to stimulate root formation in both garden and indoor species plants. Once on the cut surface, the active substance of the product causes slight irritation in the tissue, which in turn stimulates the growth of “living cells”. Once in, the substance is naturally transformed into heteroauxin, which stimulates further root development and cell reproduction.

The drug is produced in powder form. To prepare the solution, 5 g of “Kornevin” is diluted in 5 liters of tap water, after which the cuttings are soaked in the solution for 24 hours. After use, you can water it with an aqueous solution of heteroauxin. Although the drug is considered harmless, it is recommended to work with it with gloves and associated protective equipment.

This chemical drug, which by its origin is hydroxycinnamic acid synthesized from biological material. This biostimulant acts on the plant organism as an inducer, which triggers growth mechanisms at the cellular level, while the drug does not act as a stress factor. According to the principle of action, “Zircon” belongs to the category of immunomodulators that soften the load environment on the body and help to use internal reserves more efficiently.
"Zircon" is available in the form of an ampoule with a concentrated liquid. In order to prepare the solution, you need to open the ampoule and dilute it in 1 liter of water. After this, fresh cuttings must be placed in the resulting preparation for 10-12 hours, after which they can be planted in

Those who garden professionally, and perhaps even amateur summer residents, have probably heard about such a thing as growth stimulants for plants and their use. Probably many people have used it. Biotechnologists invented it after all useful thing; By treating the seeds before planting, there is a guarantee that they will hatch faster. There are quite a lot of such drugs, only Russian manufacturers They produce more than 30 items.

Arriving at a gardening hypermarket, your head will spin from the selection on offer. All of them differ significantly in their composition, principle of action and purpose. But our conversation today is not about them yet. Let's look at several ways to prepare plant growth and development stimulants at home yourself.

First of all, peroxide is used to prevent any contamination of the seeds. To do this, you need to soak them in its 10% solution (20 minutes will be enough), then rinse and dry. A gauze or fabric bag is usually used to soak the seeds.

Hydrogen peroxide is also used as a growth stimulating drug. You will need a 0.4% solution, in which a bag of seeds is placed for 12 hours. Seeds that are difficult to germinate (beets, carrots and parsley) will need about a day to soak. After the required time has passed, the seeds must be washed and allowed to dry thoroughly. Due to this, the plant’s immunity is increased, faster seed germination is ensured and further yield increases.

By the way, peroxide is also an excellent remedy to defeat late blight. To protect tomatoes from damage, you need to carry out preventive spraying with the following solution (calculation is given for 10 liters of water):

  • hydrogen peroxide – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • liter of whey;
  • iodine – 40 drops.

Iodine and potassium permanganate – growth enhancers for plants

Ordinary pharmaceutical iodine brings a lot of benefits to the garden.

For example, mix 7-8 iodine drops in 10 liters of water, sprinkle the resulting mixture on strawberry and strawberry bushes before they bloom, this will give them vitality. This must be done a couple of times with an interval of 10 days.

If you water tomato seedlings once with this mixture: stir 1 drop of iodine in 3 liters of water, then in the future this will help increase the yield and increase the size of the fruit. When the seedlings are planted in the ground, they should be fed with iodine one more time. Add 3 iodine drops to a bucket of water (10 liters) and pour 1 liter under each bush.

As for potassium permanganate, a solution from it is used, first of all, to destroy possible pathogenic bacteria on seeds; gardeners call this “treating the seeds.” A light solution of potassium permanganate (0.5 g per 100 ml of water), pale pink, is made, and plant seeds are soaked in it for 20 minutes, then washed and dried. The main thing is not to make the solution too concentrated so as not to burn the seeds. And you shouldn’t water it often with “rose water”; this may not have a very good effect on the future harvest.

Boric acid

If the fruits do not set well, another natural growth stimulator will help, this boric acid. After all, boron is a very important trace element for plant life. You need to prepare a solution: mix 2 g of boric acid with water (0.5 l), then pour it all into a bucket and add more water up to 10 l. It is necessary to spray all the plants with the resulting liquid, this stimulates the ovary.

Pour a little boric acid into a bucket of light manganese solution (as they say, at the tip of a knife), and feed strawberry and raspberry bushes with the resulting mixture in early spring. This has a positive effect on increasing the yield and improving the taste of the fruit.

To soak the seeds before planting, there is a good complex nutrient mixture containing boric acid. It is prepared as follows:

  1. It is necessary to prepare the ash solution in advance. First, sift the ash from any debris, and then pour it hot water. The calculation here is as follows - 3 kg of already sifted ash and 10 liters of water.
  2. A couple of handfuls of onion peels should be poured with a liter of boiling water, infused and combined with a solution of ash. Here the calculation is already 1:1, that is, part onion infusion, part ash.
  3. The resulting mixture is filtered, 1 g of manganese, 5 g of soda and 0.1-0.3 g of boric acid are added per 1 liter.
  4. The seeds are soaked in the resulting nutrient mixture for 12-24 hours (cabbage, zucchini and cucumbers - for 12 hours, carrots, onions, beets, tomatoes - for 24 hours).

It is important to know: boric acid dissolves only in hot water. Therefore, you should first make a solution of it in a small amount of hot water, and then bring it to the required volume with cold water.

The use of ash as a growth stimulant for plants

Ash contains quite a large number of macro- and microelements and is very popular among summer residents. To prepare the solution you will need straw or wood ash, 2 tablespoons should be diluted in 1 liter warm water. The mixture must be infused for 2 days, shaken periodically, and then strained. The seeds are soaked in the resulting liquid for 4-5 hours (onions and carrots for 8-10).

As you can see, in order to improve seed germination, plant growth and harvest quality, sometimes you need to go to regular pharmacies rather than to gardening stores for stimulants. All of the above means help disinfect seeds and saturate them useful microelements(boron, potassium, oxygen).

Biostimulants - application

A lot of biostimulants have been created today. Let's talk very briefly about the most popular ones:

  1. "Epin." In 100 ml warm boiled water you need to drop 4-6 drops of the drug and soak the seeds in the resulting solution for 18-24 hours. Beetroot, carrot and celery seeds are soaked in a weaker solution (3 drops per 100 ml of water). The rate of seed germination, their germination, yield and shelf life of fruits increases.
  2. Potassium or sodium humate. 20 ml of this product is diluted in 250 ml of water. The day before planting, the seeds are soaked for 10-15 hours (carrot seeds can be kept for 1-2 days), their germination rate will be much higher after that. Plant bulbs are kept in this solution for 8 hours, and cuttings from 12 to 14 hours (they are dipped in the solution to 2/3 of their length).
  3. "Ecogel". In its solution (25 ml per 1 liter of water) seeds, bulbs, tubers are soaked before planting for 12-18 hours. This product is also used for spraying seedlings and watering at the roots.
  4. "Fitosporin". Raises the immunity of plants and stimulates their growth. 4 drops of the liquid preparation are diluted in a glass of water and seeds, bulbs and tubers are soaked in the resulting mixture.
  5. "Glyocladin." Most often used in tablet form. Before planting the seeds, the drug is added directly to the soil at the rate of 1 tablet per 300 ml of the volume of the planting container.

Now you know not only which store-bought preparations to choose and what to use them for, but you can also make growth stimulants for plants yourself, either at home (for a balcony garden) or at the dacha.

Information shared by Oksana Abramovich

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