Why does the freezer work but the refrigerator doesn't? Refrigerator not working

The refrigerator is undoubtedly an important appliance in our home, because it is responsible for the safety of food. Very often a problem occurs - the device works, but does not cool. In a word, it ceases to perform its main function. This is a rather serious problem, because with such work, the device may fail. There can be many reasons for this behavior of equipment, so before you panic, you need to understand why the refrigerator is not cooling - and what to do in this case.

If you notice such a malfunction, you need to sound the alarm immediately. Even if after some time your device starts working normally again, this does not mean that the breakdown has gone away on its own - this is impossible. Call a professional immediately, otherwise you will soon lose your appliance and will have to spend money on buying a new refrigeration unit.

Causes of malfunction

If you want to understand why the refrigerator is not cooling and what to do, you need to understand all possible reasons such work. There may be many reasons. To understand why the device stopped cooling, you need to understand how it works. To do this, you can familiarize yourself with the diagrams that are easy to find on the Internet.

Many sites have a large number detailed photos, which show diagrams of the structure.

First, check the tightness of the device door. Probably, some object is preventing the door from closing tightly, as a result of which the seal of the chamber is broken and the refrigerator stops cooling. More precisely, it cools, but the cold goes outside the refrigerator compartment and, as a result, the food is not cooled. It is very easy to understand that this is the problem.

  • First of all, of course, check the door. And also evaluate the temperature in the freezer. If the refrigerator is warm, but the freezer operates normally and cools the food, then the problem may be in the door. Because if the cooling system becomes faulty, the device completely stops cooling.

  • The appliance may also stop cooling food because the fan in it has frozen up. This may happen because the refrigerator has not been defrosted for a long time. As a result, it froze up and stopped working. Therefore, if you hear that the device has become quieter and does not freeze, then most likely the reason is in the fan. In this case, you shouldn’t get upset and grab your head with the question: What should I do? Just unplug and let defrost.

Modern devices take very little time to get rid of ice. Once defrosted, thoroughly wipe down all metal and plastic parts. Because there could be droplets of water left behind, which could form ice during operation. This can lead to repeated malfunctions and even permanent failure.

  • Another reason may be that the house is very hot, and the temperature in the refrigeration sections is set to the maximum. In this situation, the refrigerator compressor cannot withstand the high load. Most often, the freezer cools first, and only then the main compartment cools.

Therefore, if the device is turned on to maximum, then all its forces are directed to the freezer compartment, and there is no longer enough power for the main compartment. As a result, it seems that the refrigerator has stopped producing cold. To get rid of this problem, simply set the average cooling temperature to approximately 16 degrees. And the system will evenly distribute the cold across the compartments.

Breakdowns for which you will need the help of a specialist

Another possible reason is a freon leak. Perhaps you defrosted the device and tried to help it do it faster. Very often housewives try to break off pieces of ice using knives, rolling pins and other objects. This should not be done under any circumstances, because it is very easy to damage the circuit. As a result of mechanical impact, freon will escape and the cooling system will be disrupted.

In such a situation, the refrigerator will work, but it simply will not be able to cool. Many housewives may not immediately think that this is the cause of the malfunction. Since the lamp is on, the engine hums, but does not freeze. In case of such a breakdown, you must definitely call a specialist. He will find the damaged area and seal it and charge the cooling system with freon.

If you notice that the motor is humming, but not freezing, and the lamp is on, then perhaps the refrigerator has stopped cooling due to rust on the circuit. This may occur due to increased condensation. Drops of water fall on the plastic and form microcracks through which freon begins to escape. As a result, the operation of the cooling system is disrupted.

To solve this problem, you will also need the help of a specialist. He will remove the faulty part of the circuit, replace it with a new one and charge the system with freon. This is a fairly simple procedure that will help preserve your refrigerator and extend its life. In general, to avoid such problems, you need to carefully ensure that water does not accumulate in the device. It needs to be removed with a cloth. Also, you should not plug in a refrigerator that has not yet dried out after defrosting. Because the water that remains after defrosting can cause significant harm.

The refrigerator may also stop cooling because there is drizzle or pieces of ice on its walls. In this case, the cooling system is disrupted and freon leaks out in a certain part. This is a fairly serious breakdown that requires professional intervention. To fix the problem, you will need to open the case and replace the circuit. And also fill the systems with freon. This is a rather expensive and time-consuming procedure, which is carried out only in service centers.

In order not to be tormented by the question: why the refrigerator is not cooling, you need to carefully monitor the condition of your equipment. If you keep it clean and take care of the safety of the parts, then you will never have any complaints about its operation.

As practice shows, the user will learn about this type of breakdown by the puddle that forms near the refrigerator. Let's figure out what could be the reasons for this kind of malfunction.

First of all, before contacting a repairman, you need to determine exactly whether the puddle under the refrigerator is caused by melting ice in the freezer, and first of all, you should check the installation of the thermostat. Optimal mode The freezer operates in a mode that maintains the temperature around -19 degrees. It is under this operating mode that food is best preserved and the refrigerator compressor does not experience overload.

The next thing is to check the freezer for excessive large quantity ice. Quite often there are cases when ice frozen on the walls of the freezer prevents the chamber from closing tightly, as a result of which warm air, which defrosts the ice.

If the situations listed above do not apply to your case, then you can come to the conclusion that some refrigerator system is not working correctly and needs to be adjusted or repaired.

Please note that some causes of malfunctions can be determined independently, even before arrival. experienced craftsman. When conducting diagnostics, it is very important to consider design features freezer compartment and design features of the entire refrigerator. Below we will consider the most common causes of malfunctions and their main symptoms.

  • Reason #1.
    In two-compressor refrigerators, the cooling chamber and freezer chamber are two separate compressors. Quite often situations arise when one of these compressors becomes unusable. So, if the compressor of the cooling chamber starts and turns off after a very short period of time (for example, 5 seconds), then this may indicate a malfunction. The reason may be either wear due to long-term use or violation of requirements. correct use refrigerator: doors not closing tightly, incorrect thermostat settings, etc. In most cases, such repairs are quite expensive, since they require the installation of a new, rather expensive part - a compressor.
  • Reason #2.
    The following cause of failure is typical refrigeration technology With electronically controlled. A sign of such a breakdown is long and quite frequent stops of the compressor during its operation. When the temperature inside the compartment decreases, the compressor is started to restore the temperature to the set value; After reaching the set temperature, the motor turns off. If the breaks in the operation of the compressor are quite long, then most likely this is due to the fact that the control module incorrectly determines the temperature inside the refrigeration compartment and incorrectly selects the compressor operating mode. Most often, repairing such a breakdown involves replacing the air temperature sensor.
  • Reason #3.
    Very often, in single-compressor refrigerators, the freezer compartment works, but is not efficient enough. This type of breakdown is most typical for refrigeration equipment equipped with a No Frost system. The essence of the breakdown is what happens switch valve sticking, through which the cooling in the chambers is adjusted. This valve may become stuck when the refrigerator and freezer compartments are at maximum cooling. In this case, the power reserve of the motor-compressor is simply not enough to really efficient cooling freezer. As a result, the freezer operates less efficiently.
  • Reason No. 4.
    The following reason is characteristic of electromechanical refrigerators and is expressed in the form thermostat malfunction, which controls the temperature in the freezer. The main task of the thermostat is to maintain a set temperature inside the chamber, and when it does not work correctly, the temperature in the freezer rises, because the control element does not produce a signal that would start the compressor for more cooling. This problem can be resolved by completely replacing the thermostat.
  • Reason #5.
    This cause of failure is more typical for refrigerators in which the freezing system is located in the lower part and which are equipped "crying" system. The “crying” system has a special drainage system, due to which melt water is drained outside the refrigeration chambers. If the drainage hole, which is located at the bottom of the compartment, is not cleaned from time to time, it is quite possible that the hole becomes so clogged that it is not able to drain water effectively - the water is not drained, but accumulates under the boxes for storing vegetables/fruits and gradually flows down front wall of the circuit. Thus, during operation, microcracks appear in the plastic protective panels, through which water penetrates. This water comes into contact with metal elements, which leads to corrosion. Corrosion destroys the metal of the pipelines through which the refrigerant circulates, leading to leaks.

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Often there are problems with the operation of household refrigerators - the freezer is working properly, but cooling chamber stopped freezing. Insufficient cooling in the main chamber leads to an imbalance in the temperature balance: the freezer compartment freezes, and the temperature in the refrigerator rises to +17–20 °C. The cooling system is trying to stabilize temperature regime. The compressor, which normally stops 3-4 times per hour, runs non-stop, which leads to overheating. It is not easy to notice the lack of cooling in the refrigerator compartment, and only the unpleasant smell of spoiled food will indicate a problem.

There is a simple solution to the problem - deep defrosting, but the effect is temporary: the situation will repeat itself after 1-2 days. The above indicates serious malfunctions in the operation of the structural components of the refrigerator. Let's look at the causes and signs of failure in more detail. If your refrigerator begins to freeze poorly, but the freezer operates as before, the reasons may be hidden in the following:

  • Freon (refrigerant) leak
  • capillary system clogged
  • faulty refrigerator compartment temperature sensor
  • compressor breakdown

Refrigerant leak

Freon is the main working substance in refrigeration units, due to which cooling occurs. A coolant leak occurs as a result of mechanical damage to the circulation tubes through which the refrigerant moves. As a result, the compressor operates in enhanced mode, trying to neutralize the lack of cold in the chamber. Continuous operation of the compressor unit is accompanied by noise, increased permissible temperature. Damage to the evaporator circulation tubes can result in compressor failure. Typical signs of a freon leak:

  • lack of cooling in the refrigerator compartment
  • non-stop operation of the compressor unit
  • The temperature indicator beeps
  • formation of snow ice on the evaporation tubes
  • the operating mode of the motor-compressor is accompanied by hum and noise

If you notice the signs described above, do not delay repairs. Specialists from the A-Iceberg Service Center will promptly identify the location of the refrigerant leak and fix the problem on the spot.

Clogged capillary system

Over time, the refrigerant circulating through the capillary tubes becomes unusable. As a result of violation of operating rules, freon is partially deposited on the walls of the pipeline in the form of solid fluorocarbon formations. Also, blockage occurs as a result of the ingress of foreign bodies - debris, dust, dirt. The blockage prevents the coolant from moving through the tubes, and insufficient cold enters the main chamber. Manifestations of blockage:

  • high temperature in the refrigerator
  • icing of evaporator tubes
  • overheating of the radiator grille (condenser)
  • continuous compressor operation
  • low temperature of the zeolite cartridge (filter-drier) in the off state

Having detected signs of blockage, the technician will perform a comprehensive cleaning of the capillary system using high-tech equipment, remove debris, and refill the refrigerator with refrigerant. The problem will be fixed in one visit of the specialist.

Temperature sensor malfunction

The thermal control system monitors temperature readings in the refrigerator chambers and, depending on the readings, regulates the operation of the compressor. A temperature sensor failure will result in incorrect cooling:

  • The refrigerator compartment does not freeze well or there is an excess of cold
  • The temperature in the freezer is below the permissible norm
  • Ice has formed between the condenser and the back wall of the refrigerator

Incorrect operation of the thermal control system contributes to wear and tear of the compressor motor. It is not recommended to delay repairs. Specialists from the A-Iceberg Service Center will replace a faulty temperature sensor right at home in the shortest possible time.

Compressor failure

The compressor unit is the central cooling element in the refrigerator. The motor creates the necessary pressure to circulate freon in the system. Problems with the compressor manifest themselves in the form of extraneous noise, metallic grinding and humming. There is also strong vibration, ice growth on the walls of the evaporator and poor cooling in the main chamber. Failure of the motor-compressor is preceded by non-stop operation for a long time and overheating.

Typical reasons and symptoms for which the refrigerator is not functioning correctly were described above: the freezer compartment operates in the specified mode, and the temperature in the refrigerator compartment is too high. By contacting Service center"A-Iceberg", you are guaranteed to receive a working device on the same day. Qualified technicians will replace faulty items in one visit right at home. It is convenient to leave a request on our website; specialists are also available by phone 8 (495) 213-33-33 any day of the week.

The refrigerator works, but does not freeze. Happens. There are several reasons. Most often there is a freon leak. How will the gas pass through the copper (steel, aluminum) that forms the path? The seams crack at times. Fatal signs are invisible to the eye, molecules pass freely out. The pressure drops, the equipment ceases to perform its assigned functions. The reason is not the only one.

Refrigerator freon leak

The operating modes of the refrigerator are clearly calculated. First of all, we will ensure the correct freon pressure. Refueling is an art, the domain of masters. In auto repair, the refrigerant bottle is weighed with scales, filling as much as needed. Grams are counted. Refrigerators are not easy. They are replacing the old freon with a new one that is safe from the ozone layer and dangerous from a fire point of view. Isobutane provides better performance, less quantity is required. If a leak occurs, the concentration does not reach the explosive threshold.

The freon pressure is low - the compressor is running, controlled by the start-up relay. Frost will form poorly and the effect will be zero. Depends on the degree of neglect. The pressure indicator is monitored through a special process pipe used by repairmen. The detail is easy to spot: a clogged copper thing sticking out near the compressor. Bypassing the entrance (more precisely, two entrances), the freon is released, refilled, and flows out spontaneously. Service maintenance will require the purchase of a special kit. You need to perform the following operations:

  1. Locate the leak location. It is difficult for the leak detector to detect a breakdown - compressed air is supplied inside the system. First you need to make sure: the breakdown affects the freon circuit. One problem: it's rare that a leak detector can smell air. The models are purposefully sharpened to detect various types of freon. You'll have to use good old soap suds, similar folk remedies. Having finished refueling, ready-made system check with a factory leak detector.
  2. At first, it was possible to localize the location of the leak - the problem can be corrected by replacing the area and soldering the seams. After you need to remove oxygen from the system, you will have to wait an additional 15 minutes, holding zero pressure inside with the compressor: the remaining water will gradually come out. Why is it important to follow the instructions below, believe me: a couple of drops of moisture can seriously disrupt the operation of the device. After an indefinite period of time, the problem of frost will again come to the forefront. Sensing zero pressure, the ice begins to evaporate. The process is called sublimation. The fact of the disappearance of the glacier was discovered a couple of centuries ago, and it began to be actively used by developing technology. The master, who values ​​his personal time, wants to start refueling right away, go ahead and pay for the part of the work done. Passing the capillary tube, the freon is released for a long time, the evaporation of ice and moisture is a long process. Take some time.
  3. After draining the system, begin refueling. Car service centers use scales, and the refrigerator has an individual volume. When focusing on the pressure value, remember: it is customary to measure mass. It is recommended to remove excess from standard cans of isobutane (30 g) before refilling. The substance is harmless to the precious ozone layer and can be disposed of on the street. The remaining weight is equal to the filling weight. Determined using scales. We consider the approach outdated. Today, kitchen scales are accurate to 0.1 g, enough to fill a refrigerator with isobutane. Each model has a weight zero function available. We place the cylinder connected to the system on the scales without zeroing. Carefully wait, refueling, until the mass reaches the desired level. It is desirable that the elastic forces of the hose do not distort the measurements. And how to do this, decide for yourself, gentlemen!
  4. The process of filling the system is followed by a leak detector check, after which the service pipes are pinched and sealed until next time. Forgot to mention: the filter drier needs to be changed. We'll tell you why it's necessary.

Filter drier and water: connection with the correct operating mode of the refrigerator

Ideally, there is no water or air inside the freon circuit. They get there randomly. Mainly during installation, they leak through microcracks. As a result, the regime is violated. If no big disaster happens from air ingress, efficiency drops, water will become a real disaster. That's what the filter drier is for inside. Catches a couple from a passing stream.

What happens when free water appears inside? The refrigerator works, does not freeze, the compressor may howl slightly. After the condenser, freon passes through a capillary tube, which the refrigerator needs to implement the expansion phase. At the outlet of the evaporator, the temperature is relatively low. The capillary tube is made of copper, but, firstly, it is long, so it is difficult to freeze evenly, and secondly, the flow comes, excuse the populism, from the warm regions where the compressor and condenser are. The water freezes, blocking the outlet and forming an ice plug. Liquid freon evaporates easily; ice, given the current state of affairs, will not be prone to sublimation. Therefore, the duct gradually becomes clogged, the refrigerator works, and does not produce frost.

A typical sign that water has entered the freon circuit. If the refrigerator is turned off and turned on again, the problem disappears until a new plug freezes. There is only one way out - call a specialist. You will have to replace the freon and, at the same time, the filter drier. How to do it is described above.

Typical refrigerator breakdowns

The refrigerator is equipped with special temperature sensors. Bimetallic plates, but new models may use thermistors. Then it depends on how many contours there are. If there is one, the settings are set for both cameras at once (according to some information, there are devices where the restriction is removed). In the case of two circuits, a situation is possible when the refrigerator freezes, but the freezer does not work, or, conversely, the freezer is frozen and the refrigerator is warm.

In the latter case, the reason is explained by the breakdown of one circuit. They may refuse:

  1. Compressor. The motor burned out.
  2. Compressor control circuit. Disease of inverter refrigerators.
  3. If the start protection relay fails, the compressor will not turn on.
  4. Freon may leak from the circuits.
  5. The presence of water causes the same consequences as discussed above.
  6. A thermostat or sensor failure causes elevated temperature, the refrigerator is freezing.
  7. If the NoFrost system is present, the problem will be explained by a malfunction of the fan(s). Also (less likely) the air circulation channel may become clogged with ice. Considering that the supply often comes only from the bottom of the refrigerator compartment, the situation is possible if the drainage was forgotten to be cleaned on time.

In a single-circuit refrigerator, both chambers do not work at once. Caused by the above reasons. Refrigerators with combined NoFrost, where one evaporator works on both chambers at once, are very common. They have one freon circuit, but cooling can break down separately. Because there are either two fans or air flow regulators. However, there is another reason why the lower compartment may fail.

If the refrigerator compartment is located at the bottom, the moisture is removed directly through the channel that allows air to pass through; the branches simply separate at some stage. The drainage becomes clogged and ice gradually begins to accumulate because the air flows icy. Between the sections there is an evaporator, from which two channels are laid to each chamber:

  • air intake;
  • air supply.

A fan operates for each circuit; or there can be one fan, the air supply is regulated by dampers. The condenser collects frost due to the low temperature. That's why there is an opinion: the NoFrost system dries food. When you need to defrost the refrigerator, a special coil heats the condenser while the moisture drains. The tract of the lower chamber becomes clogged with ice if the drainage is clogged. In severe cases, there is a real ice age at the bottom. You will have to defrost the device manually, clean the drainage, excess moisture put away.

What to do if the refrigerator does not freeze. We answer - wait for the master. Before coming, try to determine the reason and monitor the actions of the craftsman. Many people try to do it faster, but the quality suffers. There is nothing wrong with understanding the master's manipulations. Knowledge will be useful in other areas. The freon circuit of the car's air conditioning system is charged in the same way. There are specifics, often it is necessary to disinfect the condenser that goes into the cabin, the meaning is the same.

“But the refrigerator seems to be fine, the freezer is definitely working.” Our managers who accept requests for refrigerator repairs hear such explanations with enviable frequency. And the problem, most often, is not at all in low-quality dairy products, but in the fact that the refrigeration unit has failed, and the temperature in the refrigeration chamber has become higher than necessary. In this situation, perishable products become the first “indicator” of a malfunction.

This breakdown is typical for any type of refrigerator – both single-engine and dual-compressor. True, the reasons why the refrigerator does not cool are slightly different. To understand what happened to your unit, you need to decide on the type of refrigerator. This can be found in the instructions, on the manufacturer’s website or on our website. If your refrigerator is single-compressor, then read the article “Why the refrigerator compartment does not work and the refrigerator does not cool.” If it’s a twin-engine one, stay on the current page, this article is just for you.

What is the danger of a situation where the freezer is working, but the refrigerator compartment is not freezing?

When the refrigerator compartment does not work, the owner of the unit expects 2 main troubles: the first of them is spoiled food, the second is increased wear and tear of the refrigerator. After all, when one of the nodes does not work, the others receive double or even triple load. This is why we recommend carrying out repairs in a timely manner: before minor breakdowns lead to more serious, and therefore more expensive, faults to fix.

However, you shouldn’t get upset ahead of time. Perhaps there is no breakdown as such. First check:

  • Is the door closed? Perhaps the refrigerator is not closed tightly because something is in the way: a bottle, a pan, a large plate. In this case, simply push the interfering object deeper, and after some time the temperature in the refrigerator will normalize. If the “fur coat” is frozen in the refrigerator, it is better to defrost it completely. After switching on everything should be normal.
  • Is the fan working? It happens that in two-compressor refrigerators with a fan in the refrigerator compartment, this very fan freezes. Accordingly, the cold is not pumped in and the temperature does not drop to the required value. You can tell that a fan is frozen by its sound: you can usually hear its quiet operation. This is true? This means that the refrigerator needs to be completely defrosted: at least 10 hours. A shorter amount of time may not be enough for the ice to melt in all the internal cavities of the refrigerator.

Everything is fine, but the refrigerator is still not cooling? This means you need to call a specialist. Before he arrives, it is better to forcefully turn off the unit by unplugging the cord from the outlet.

Typical malfunctions of refrigerators with 2 compressors

Some breakdowns, in the case where the refrigerator compartment does not freeze well, have a number of additional “symptoms”. Using them, you can determine which node has failed.

Symptoms of a problem

Possible problem

Repair cost * **

Fan doesn't work and 10 hours of defrosting did not help.

The electric fan motor has "burned out"(typical for “no-frost” models). The failed unit needs to be replaced.

2000-2500 rub.

Under the refrigerator oily liquid visible, or the engine starts for 5-10 seconds and immediately turns off.

The motor-compressor of the refrigeration chamber has failed. With a slight decompression, the breakdown can be diagnosed by oil traces on the floor under the refrigerator, and in case of complete failure, by the symptoms “the motor runs for 5-10 seconds and turns off.” In any case, an inspection of the motor is required, based on the results of which repairs or complete replacement compressor.

3000-3500 rub.

Blistering of the wall and/or heavy, uneven frost in the refrigerator compartment.

Freon leak in the sealed part of the refrigerator. It is necessary to install a new evaporator and recharge the system with freon.

3000 rub.

Rust or rust stains on the body in the freezer area.

Freon leakage through the steel circuit of the freezer(typical for models with a freezer at the bottom): due to blockages in the drainage system, water gets onto the top and front of the freezer. In this place, a steel contour passes under the plastic, which is necessary to ensure that condensation does not form on the seal. If water “passes” through the plastic and hits a steel part, it begins to rust and microholes can form through which freon escapes. It is necessary to cut off the leaky circuit, solder the system and refill the refrigerator with freon.

3000 rub.

Have you recently defrosted your refrigerator and helped it by breaking off pieces of ice?

Freon leak due to mechanical damage. It is necessary to find the location of the damage, then restore the tightness of the system and fill it with freon.

WARNING: When defrosting the refrigerator, do not “help” it. Even if you do not use sharp objects, manually “tearing” the ice can damage the circuit! Just turn off the refrigerator, open the doors and wait for the ice to melt on its own!

3000 rub.

* The table shows estimated cost. The technician will provide an accurate estimate for repairs after inspecting the refrigerator, taking into account the nature of the breakdown, as well as the manufacturer and model.

** Prices are indicated only for the work of the master, without taking into account the cost of spare parts.

However, not all breakdowns have “additional” signs. In this case, it is possible to find out what happened to the refrigerator only with the help of special diagnostic equipment. “Asymptomatic diseases” of two-compressor refrigerators include:

  • Failure of the starting-protective relay. As a rule, such a breakdown occurs as a result of natural wear and tear of the unit. It is necessary to replace the “burnt out” unit, which will cost the client 1500 rubles***.
  • “Thrombus” in the filter drier or capillary system. In addition to the refrigerant, the refrigerator circulates oil, which is necessary for the operation of vacuum pumps. Over time, temperature changes cause the oil to “burn,” causing blockages to form in the system. Using special equipment, the technician carries out diagnostics, and if the “diagnosis” is confirmed, he cleans the system, changes the oil and freon. Repair cost – from 3000 rubles***.
  • Faulty refrigerator compartment air temperature sensor or evaporator sensor(in electronic refrigerators). In this case, the signal that the temperature in the refrigerator compartment is too high simply does not reach the “brain” of the refrigerator. The failed sensor needs to be replaced. Cost - approx. 2000 rubles***.
  • Thermostat malfunction(in electromechanical models). The situation is similar: the control element does not receive a signal that it is warm in the refrigerator compartment, and, accordingly, does not start the motor. The thermostat needs to be replaced, what will it cost? 1500 rubles***.

*** Prices are indicated only for the work of the master, without taking into account the cost of spare parts.

As you can see, the list of possible breakdowns is quite extensive. Therefore, if your refrigeration unit suddenly becomes depressed, we advise you not to guess on the tea leaves, but to immediately contact refrigerator repair professionals. The specialists of the RemBytTech workshop know the “weak points” of various models and brands, have impressive work experience and have all the necessary diagnostic equipment to determine exactly what is broken in your refrigerator and “cure” it in the shortest possible time.

The reasons that the refrigerator compartment does not freeze well, but the freezer operates normally, are most often not very “scary”: repair of two-compressor refrigerators is carried out at home and takes no more than 2-3 hours. Don't wait for minor breakdowns to develop into major ones, place an order:

7 (495) 215 – 14 – 41

7 (903) 722 – 17 – 03

Our master will arrive as soon as possible!

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