Designs of multi-storey buildings from the outside. Basic façade works: list, estimated cost. Siding and wood in facade decoration

Facade multi-storey building, like any other building, carries important functions and, basically, adheres to the same rules, standards and directions as the decoration of private houses. However, everything facade works on high-dimensional buildings they have some differences in terms of style and.

Features of façade finishing of multi-storey buildings

It should be said right away that facade work on multi-story buildings will require the use of scaffolding, which will allow builders to work on both the lower and upper levels, as well as industrial climbers.

Most often, scaffolding is taken into the arena. In general, practice suggests that they will be needed for about a week. The cost of renting scaffolding depends on its type and duration. Unlike low-rise structures, which require less materials and time, modern multi-story buildings are more complex in terms of facade work.

In addition, in the current period, houses of the so-called mixed type are widespread, in which offices and shops are located on the ground floors, while the upper floors are residential. For such houses it is necessary individual approach when designing each part of it. Wide and varied choice in characteristics and appearance finishing materials modern market leaves many people confused. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the functionality of the materials and the design features of a particular building. The climatic conditions of the region also play an important role when choosing materials.

Methods of finishing facades of multi-storey buildings

Let's look at the methods used for finishing multi-story buildings. The first is the “wet” façade, which is a very labor-intensive process that requires special preparation. In addition, it has a rather unpleasant " by-effect" such as more dirt and waste.

If we consider tiling, this is also a labor-intensive process that is closely related to the above option. The third option is the most optimal. This is about .

This material is simply great solution, when it comes to finishing ordinary private houses or multi-storey buildings. Installation of hinged ventilated facades is quite easy, even at high altitudes.

Companies that produce this material to order can prepare panels in advance the right size since already drilled holes. In addition, this option does not require any preliminary preparation of the walls. It is reliable and features some very beneficial properties, including high thermal insulation and sound insulation.

The base on which such a facade structure is installed is a substructure that is fixed to the wall of the building. At installation work When installing such a subsystem, steel is used, both stainless and galvanized.

The main parts used in the installation process are brackets and guides made of aluminum and steel. To increase the strength of such brackets, a significant increase in the area of ​​their longitudinal section is required.

Then carry out technological sequence mounted installation. First of all, the beacons are installed according to pre-designated verticals (or strings). After this, using anchors, the supporting brackets are installed and secured on these beacons.

The next step is to install the insulating layer using dowels on guides attached to the supporting brackets. Now you can begin the actual installation of the facing layer, which must be carried out strictly according to the instructions.

After completion of installation work, it is necessary to carry out quality control.

Video - Insulation technology for multi-storey buildings

Exterior wall decoration is an important part of the design of any building. After all, the facade of the house is business card owners. It reflects their preferences and forms the first impression of the home as a whole. Exterior finishing, in addition to decorative, also performs the function of insulation, and also plays the role of protection load-bearing walls from the effects of temperature changes and natural precipitation. In this article you will learn how to decorate the facade of a private house.

Nowadays there is a huge amount building materials, which can be used for exterior finishing building. Before you begin work on the design of external walls, you need to carefully study the positive and negative qualities of all finishing materials and decide which final result you plan to receive.

The exterior decoration of a private house also depends on design solution interiors - it is necessary that there is harmony between them. Only then will the house look not just like a structure made of stone and concrete, but comfortable and cozy home, in which you want, as they say, to live, live and make good.

In addition, the choice of finishing material is influenced by:

  • selected façade design style;
  • climate;
  • budget for construction work.

What materials are there for exterior home decoration?

A modern facade is usually finished with artificial or natural stone, brick, vinyl or metal siding, porcelain stoneware, plastic or wood panels, plaster.

Wood paneling

Wood is considered an excellent thermal insulator, environmentally safe material. Most often, oak, cedar, and pine are used to make wooden panels.

Note! Kitchen in a private house - 100 photos of design and layout ideas

The positive aspects of wood are its strength and resistance to precipitation. The disadvantages include the need special care: wood must be treated every year with special compounds to protect against pests.

Cladding with metal panels

Metal panels are one of the most practical cladding materials for exterior walls of buildings. They are usually made of steel or aluminum. Metal panels have a long service life and do not require any special care.

The design of a facade with such cladding looks stylish and beautiful, especially if it includes wooden or stone finishing elements.

Decoration with vinyl panels

Vinyl siding does not require any maintenance. Photographs of the facades of private houses show that it can be used for cladding any buildings, regardless of their type. It is affordable.

Another advantage is its diversity color solutions and stylistics (it can be stylized as stone, wood). Also on vinyl good thermal insulation, but the impact resistance is less than that of wood and metal.

Brick cladding

Brick is a unique finishing material. With its help, you can create different patterns, and it also gives the entire structure a cozy look. In addition, its advantages include:

  • ease;
  • durability;
  • no need for special care;
  • ease of installation;
  • excellent thermal insulation properties.

The disadvantage is the high cost.

Finishing with natural or artificial stone

Just like brick, stone is the most expensive facing material. In addition to significant financial investments, it requires serious efforts. Stone cladding is a rather complicated and time-consuming process. As a result, buildings are usually only partially finished with stone.

But such design of facades gives a private house a particularly chic and representative look. Such a building will have a higher value upon subsequent sale.

Concrete finishing

In Western Europe, the popularity of cladding external walls with concrete is only growing every day. You can expect this to happen soon fashion trend will reach our country.

First, it must be said that external walls are finished with concrete if they need to be strengthened and strengthened. Such facades look very stylish. In addition, concrete has the ability to highlight beautiful appearance wood and other finishings.

Facade plaster

Finishing with plaster can be done by anyone. A plastered facade can have a rather beautiful appearance, especially if textured plaster is used. Speaking about the qualities of this coating, it is durable and weather-resistant.

Finishing with other facade panels

In addition to panels made of wood, metal, vinyl, panels from:

  • Fiber cement. They are resistant to frost, lightweight, and durable. Another advantage is the variety of texture solutions. The downside is the high cost. The fastening is carried out on a metal frame.
  • Foam plastic. The peculiarity of such panels is the presence of a reinforced layer of plaster and the absence of the need to install a frame. The disadvantages include the impossibility of attaching them to facades wooden buildings– this can lead to rotting of the tree.
  • Glass. Glass panels are made from special impact-resistant glass. They have good heat and sound insulation properties. The disadvantage is the high cost of the material and significant costs during its installation.

Cladding external walls with sandwich panels

A sandwich panel consists of two sheets of metal with a layer of insulation and a vapor barrier between them. Pros: light weight, ease of installation, excellent thermal insulation, durability, moisture resistance, fire resistance.

If the top layer is damaged, the panel can be easily restored, without the need to replace most of the facade. The disadvantage is that such material is not cheap.

Covering the external walls of the house with siding

This is probably the most common and a budget option facade finishing. Siding can be installed on both insulated walls and walls without insulation. This facing material is used to hide facade defects. It is moisture resistant and comes in a variety of textures and colors. Vinyl, metal, wood, and cement can be used to make it.

The ideal cladding is the one that best protects the load-bearing structures of the house from various types of precipitation. This is the most important point, which you should pay attention to when choosing facade cladding.

Of all the finishing materials that meet this requirement, choose the one that is easiest to install and further care, which has the best thermal insulation and moisture-repellent properties.

Photos of the facades of private houses

The suddenly increased relevance of insulating the facade of an apartment is, in particular, associated with the rapid rise in prices of energy resources and housing and communal services tariffs, which necessitates the need to save money and more efficiently use heating resources.

The problem is that most of those currently in use apartment buildings were built almost half a century ago, and their thermal insulation is not nearly as effective as their owners would like.

Statistics show that heat loss through the walls of a house reaches 50% of the total amount of heat loss, which, you see, is more than significant. This indicator primarily depends on the design features of the house itself, for panel houses it is maximum, for brick ones it is somewhat less.

Insulation of apartment facades is beneficial, no matter how you look at it, if you have heating system, then you can save about 20% of the amount previously spent on gas consumption, and if you are connected to central heating– then the average temperature in the room will increase by at least 3-4 degrees (and if you set it, by 5-6).

1 Legal features

According to federal laws, unauthorized changes to the facade apartment building is prohibited, therefore, in order to insulate the walls of an apartment, you will need to obtain permission from the relevant authorities (housing and communal services).

Usually, obtaining a permit is not accompanied by any special difficulties; to do this, you just need to go to the housing and communal services department and talk with the people responsible for this; sometimes you may need to write a petition in your own hand, which indicates that all responsibility for the safety of wall insulation work is on multi-storey building choose for yourself. However, there are situations in which insulation can be refused.

As a rule, it is difficult to obtain permission to insulate the facades of new houses located in the city center. If you refuse, the only thing left for you is to insulate the walls from the inside of the house, which can also ensure high efficiency of thermal insulation of the apartment.

Moreover, joint insulation of facades with is much better in purely technical terms, since the occurrence of a dew point is prevented, which is formed due to the difference in the freezing temperature of insulated and non-insulated sections of facades, as a result of which the walls of the apartment expand and contract in different ways, which can threaten their accelerated destruction.

Also, if the technology for insulating the walls outside the apartment is incorrect, moisture can get under the insulation, which, when freezing in the cold season, expands and peels off the heat-insulating material from the wall of the house. As you understand, monolithic insulation installed for several apartments at once is less afraid of such troubles.

1.1 Selection of performers

As a rule, all work on facade insulation multi-storey buildings carried out by special companies or industrial climbers. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right contractor who has the necessary knowledge, experience, and all the required permits.

Since insulating the walls of an apartment from the outside is related to high-altitude work, which is directly related to risk, do not be surprised that the cost of paying the contractor will exceed the total cost of materials for the work - professional industrial climbers know the price of their work, and, as a rule, do not work for cheap.

Be sure to require that the contractor show you documents such as “License for construction work” and “Permit for carrying out work at heights”; it would also be a good idea to find out reviews from previous clients of this company or a team of workers - whether they are satisfied with the result, how long it took to insulate the walls of the apartment, how the contractor approaches the performance of his duties, etc.

It is also recommended to check with the contractor the addresses of houses in which they have already performed similar work with, and go and look at the quality of the facade insulation. Such precautions, although they take a lot of time, will help you avoid many problems associated with unscrupulous performers in the future.

Once the contractor is selected, he must draw up design documentation related to the specifics of the work, namely:

  • Drawings of apartment facades, with detailed dimensions window frames, cornices, and others architectural elements, present outside the house;
  • Data on the boundary loads that the walls of the house may experience;
  • Thermal insulation class of the walls of the house - this point is the starting point when choosing the material used to insulate the walls of the apartment both outside and inside.

2 Selection of thermal insulation material

Insulation of apartment facades can be done with the following materials:

  • Foam plastic;
  • Expanded polystyrene;
  • Mineral wool (very effective);
  • Foam glass.

Each of these heat insulators has its own advantages and disadvantages, which determine the relevance of their use in a specific situation.

Foam insulation is the most budget-friendly, and therefore the most common option. Polystyrene foam can be used to insulate anything and anywhere, even when the effectiveness of a given heat insulator will obviously be lacking. The pursuit of cheapness is the main mistake of most people, since using low-quality thermal insulators you will not get the expected effect from insulation.

In general, if the walls initially have a normal thermal insulation class, then insulating the outside of the building with foam plastic may be quite sufficient. If you decide to insulate your house with polystyrene foam, then keep in mind that the higher the density of this material, the less heat-conducting properties it has, and, as a result, it is better suited for insulation.

Expanded polystyrene is also a fairly inexpensive material, and, at the same time, its thermal insulation properties are an order of magnitude better than those of conventional polystyrene foam.

The advantages of this material include minimal weight, ease of installation (it is great for cladding a corner apartment), and hydrophobicity - expanded polystyrene does not actually absorb water, which has a positive effect on its service life.

The disadvantages of expanded polystyrene are the following: instability to fire (requires the installation of special fire protection jumpers), and lack of sound insulation. Expanded polystyrene, in general, is excellent for both thermal insulation of walls outside and inside the house.

Mineral wool is one of the most effective insulation materials, however, the cost of this material significantly exceeds the cost of analogues, therefore, it is used quite rarely for thermal insulation of facades.

The advantages of mineral wool include fire safety (the material does not burn), hydrophobicity, and good sound insulation properties. Significant disadvantage Mineral wool has only one thing - a relatively large weight, as a result of which its installation on the facade of a building is carried out with a large number of fastenings (dowels).

Foam glass is the most expensive material used to insulate apartment facades. If you are not limited in funds, then you should give preference to it, since this insulation has excellent thermal insulation properties, durability, and hydrophobicity. Foam glass does not burn, it does not harbor fungus, mold, or other microorganisms.

In addition to the insulation itself, you will need to purchase a large number of related materials, such as:

  • Construction adhesive, liquid polystyrene foam, dowels - for fastening;
  • Plaster mixture - to level the surface;
  • Primer - for additional waterproofing of the insulation, and for better adhesion of the plaster to the paint;
  • Mesh for reinforcement - to strengthen the plaster layer;
  • Facade paints for - as a rule, housing and communal services require that the insulation be painted with paint that matches the main color of the building.

Payment to the contractor is made upon completion of all work, according to a report drawn up by the foreman, which indicates the entire range of work performed, and the individual cost of each element.

They are used for insulation of pipelines.

The facade of the building gives the building an aesthetic appearance; it protects the main structures of the house from external influences. In addition, it regulates the migration of water vapor and air, and plays an insulating and soundproofing role.

The outer side of any building, located outside, constitutes the façade of the building. It can be main, side or rear. For residential buildings, a distinction is made between street and courtyard facades. It is the type of facade that determines.

For urban buildings, the facade of the building must correspond to the historical appearance of the city; any unauthorized change is a violation of the law and entails administrative fines.

Modern facade finishing is made from various cladding materials, the choice depends on design features building, the load-bearing capacity of the main walls, purpose, financing and the tastes of the owner or architect.

Modern facades

To clad the modern façade of a private house, those claddings that were recently used are used. fashionable decors public buildings. In the past, shopping centers could have plaster and siding. Now these materials have become available to private developers. And they are no longer used for cladding public buildings. You can see a selection of cladding options for private houses.

Modern facades public buildings require the use of the latest cladding. Most often these are porcelain stoneware and facade cassettes. Porcelain tiles are more affordable. Facade cassettes have a more modern look and go well with glazing. no longer allows the use of twentieth-century materials. Plaster and facing brick unsuitable. People began to perceive these claddings more as home-like ones, more suitable for the facade of an apartment building or a private one.

Trends modern architecture- a combination of glass, metal and concrete non-standard forms on the facade.

Modern architecture of building facades is unthinkable without the use of latest technologies. Technologies are constantly changing and updating.

Almost all façade solutions come to us from Europe.

People have begun to travel more and are now placing greater demands on the architecture around them. now everywhere. The cladding of building facades has never been so varied. To the system from metal profiles you can hang almost any building material that has sufficient strength and at the same time lightness. Lots on the market

Ventilated facades of public buildings

Public buildings have different purposes and financing. “Public” includes any buildings intended to be visited by many people. These are banks, facades of administrative buildings, train stations, shopping centers, business centers, administrations, sports and entertainment institutions, hospitals, schools and the list goes on for a long time. It is important to understand that banks will be able to afford facade cladding much more expensive than schools. Therefore, when talking about the cladding of public buildings, it is worth making a distinction between materials by cost.

Cladding buildings with economy segment materials

Facade materials in the economy segment can be, for example, porcelain stoneware, fiber cement, metal cassettes,

Porcelain tiles cost from 450 rubles/m2 of cladding. Of course, you need to add the cost of the subsystem and installation work. The cost of a system for porcelain tiles starts from 400 rubles/m2. The cost of installation will add 900 rubles/m2 minimum. Insulation and hardware – another 400 rubles/m2. Total “turnkey” will cost 2150 rub/m2. And this is the minimum price tag; not all façade companies will install it for this cost.

Inexpensive finishing shopping center metal cassettes

“turnkey” will cost from 2500 rub/m2. Plaster with insulation from 2200 rub/m2. — from 2000 rub/m2.

All of the listed economy options have their own characteristics. And the perception of the facade as a whole will depend on the quality of installation. Thus, porcelain tiles may fall out due to poor-quality galvanized clamps. The clamp should always be made of stainless steel. Fiber cement can stain and fade over time. The plaster chips when it hails. Metal cassettes rust and are not shockproof. Brick is eternal, but visually it is not always suitable for public buildings. Therefore, sometimes customers of a building look at more expensive cladding.

More expensive facing materials

The middle price segment includes different kinds façade cassettes and cladding with medium-strength stone (travertine, for example).

Let's briefly say that façade cassettes can be
aluminum, steel, copper, and other metals. They may or may not have a polymer layer, and be made of thicker metal. Facade cassettes can be flat, which is standard, or three-dimensional (inclined circles, ovals, triangles from cassettes). Facade metal cassettes without a polymer layer, i.e. not composite, can be perforated. Perforation can be either standard designs (circles, badges, etc.) or have non-standard designs (for example, cut out a tree in a cassette).

Facade cassettes, since there are many of them, are difficult to evaluate together, and separately they take a long time. On average, a cassette with a polymer layer will cost from RUB 3,500/m2 on a façade. Facade perforated cassette from 5000 rub/m2. Volumetric unique panels are even more expensive - from 6500 rub/m2.

It costs much less than granite, and therefore belongs to the middle price segment. For example, granite costs from RUB 3,500/m2 – the material itself without installation and system. And travertine from 1000 rub/m2.

But it is necessary to take into account that this is a stone of medium strength. It just might crumble over time. It is not recommended for suspended ventilated facades. But the first floors, entrance groups are the best.

Expensive premium cladding for banks, restaurants, office buildings

The high price segment includes wide-format and hidden cladding

Facade slabs are expensive fiber cement (Cembrite, Eternit), Rock panels, thin 3mm porcelain stoneware 1500*3000mm in size (Archskin, Laminam, GranitiFiandre, Kerlit and other manufacturers). Facade slabs imitate stone, wood and whatever your heart desires. At the same time, they are easy to install and wide-format.

The hidden method involves cladding with standard panels (regular porcelain stoneware, facade slabs), but without visible fastening. This method is always about 30-50% more expensive per sq. m.

About cost: facade slabs will cost “turnkey” from 6000 rub/m2.

To create colored facade architecture public building boards painted in different colors are used. This can be any of the above-mentioned facing materials for ventilated facades. Porcelain tiles can be combined in different shades. Also fiber cement or HPL panels, all of them can be bright color according to Ral. Any facade cassettes can be colored.

Facades of multi-storey residential buildings

The facade of an apartment building must be made in a single architectural style cities. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo a project examination. The façade must be approved by the city's chief architect. For finishing modern houses two methods are used:

  1. Wet. This method involves finishing the facade using various plasters or bricks. The advantages include education in holistic and reliable surface. The main advantage is simplicity and durability. Relative disadvantages include the labor intensity of construction work and the seasonality of its implementation.
  2. Dry. This best option finishing and involves the use of hinged cladding panels made of various materials. Ventilated facades for multi-storey residential buildings give buildings an original appearance. Due to the use of modern insulation, heat loss is significantly reduced. Therefore, the ventilated façade is ideal for façade cladding panel house. Due to the air gap that exists between the main wall and the facing material, the formation of condensation on the inner surface is prevented thermal insulation material. And this significantly extends the service life of the structure as a whole.

To overhaul the façade of an apartment building, both the first and second options are used, it all depends on the structural and architectural features of the building. If the building belongs to the category of cultural heritage objects, or is located in a zone of historical monuments protected by law, then changing the facade of an apartment building must be carried out with the permission of KGIOP, KGA, as well as the homeowners.

Reasons for the destruction of modern building facades

The facade of any building is an example of the architectural art of a certain time. But any design, regardless of the quality and price of materials, the uniqueness of the technology, has a certain service life.

The main reasons that lead to the destruction of modern building facades include:

  • Negative effects of the external environment (moisture, temperature changes, dust, ultra-violet rays etc.);
  • Habitat of various microorganisms on the surface of the façade;
  • Weathering (insufficient treatment of the weathering zone with a special fixative contributes to the activation of the erosion process of the façade structure);
  • Technological errors of builders (use of metal parts without anti-corrosion protection, etc.).

The above factors contribute to the fact that after a certain time the facade begins to collapse, so they need to be repaired from time to time.

When damage occurs on the façade of a house, residents have a legitimate question about who should carry out the repairs and who will pay for them. This article will help you understand when there is a need for a major restoration of the facade, which is included in the repair of the facade of an apartment building.
The implementation of repair and restoration work is regulated by the construction rules of SNIP and decisions of local executive bodies.

When is a major façade renovation required?

When destruction begins, residents begin to sound the alarm, but only a special commission can determine the extent of destruction. She makes a conclusion: a cosmetic, routine restoration will be sufficient or a major overhaul will be required.

The commission includes representatives of residents, the Regional operator and top officials management company. It is advisable to create an initiative group of homeowners that will participate in resolving these issues.

When repairs to the façade of a residential building are necessary:

  • The insulation that fills the seams between blocks or panels has crumbled and collapsed. If the seams are open, moisture penetrates through them into the supporting structures. This will further lead to a violation of the integrity and strength of floor slabs and load-bearing fences.
  • On more than 35% of the entire façade area, plaster, facing tiles or other protective and decorative coating have been destroyed.
  • Drainpipes or gutters are broken or deformed, which leads to rainwater entering the facade, which erodes the coating, cement between bricks and leads to the destruction of building materials.

If these damages are present, the commission determines the degree of destruction and decides on the required measures to restore the facade. For each type of facade, its own is developed routing with a list of construction materials, works and technology for their implementation.

What is the difference between a major overhaul and a current one?

Distinctive features of capital and cosmetic repairs are presented in the table:

Type of repair Peculiarities
Capital Differs in a large volume of work, includes:

· completely remove the old coating from the surface;

· clean the surface from rust, fungal infections, salt stains, dust, etc.;

· sealing cracks, priming the facade;

· eliminating leaks;

· carry out insulation of walls, sealing of joints;

· applying a protective and decorative coating in the form of plaster, tiles, stone, etc.;

· sometimes they do complete replacement windows, doors, ebbs, drainpipes and other building elements.

Work during a major renovation of a building is aimed at completely restoring or giving a new look to the house.

Cosmetic Helps maintain the building in good condition. Includes:
  • cleaning the surface from old coating, rust stains, mold;
  • sealing cracks, sealing seams;
  • primer and painting.

Not only is the appearance updated, but the structures are also protected from destruction during operation.

Facade restoration work varies depending on the degree of its destruction. Regulatory documents is installed overhaul interval for current repairs 5 years, for capital - 10 years.

Is it possible to request early capping? repairs

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for rules on postponing overhaul, if it is required earlier than this is set. But prerequisite is the availability of funds in the capital repair fund account. The state does not provide subsidies.

If a sufficient amount has already been collected by the owners, a decision is made at the general meeting by voting and a protocol is filled out.

The management company must allocate a commission that will describe all the problems, the degree of wear and damage. Prepare estimate documents.

Based on the available facts, major repairs are carried out earlier than planned.

List of works for repairing the facade of an apartment building

The list and technology for performing the work differ depending on the degree of destruction and the materials used.

A sample list of major repair work looks like this:

  • inspection of the building for defects;
  • preliminary preparation of the facade includes dismantling the old coating, cleaning it from rust and fungal infections;
  • sealing cracks with cement-sand mortar;
  • primer for removing dust from the surface and better adhesion of building materials;
  • waterproofing and sealing of joints;
  • repair of the basement and blind area;
  • insulation mineral wool or polystyrene foam;
  • installation of canopies and drainage system;
  • protective and decorative finishing of the facade.

That's all that is included in the major renovation of an apartment building.

Large cracks in brickwork do not seal with mortar, but replace the brick in the damaged area.

Facade repair technology

Types and volumes repair work determined based on technical report about the state building structures and communications. For each MKD (apartment building), design and estimate documentation is individually developed in accordance with the rules of SNIP and other regulatory documents.

When developing design estimates for major repairs, the following must be taken into account:

  • elimination of malfunctions, leaks, destruction of structures and engineering systems;
  • application of innovations and energy-efficient technologies;
  • use of environmentally friendly, non-flammable materials approved for use in the residential sector.

Based on the developed documentation, comprehensive repairs are carried out according to the list described above.

Facade repair, SNIP rules

SNIP describes in detail the requirements for carrying out facade repair work and control rules.

Repair of facades is carried out in accordance with the project documentation PPR (work execution plan).

SNiP rules 3.04.01-87 indicate that before finishing works the following activities must be carried out:

  • Protection of the facade from the influence of precipitation, so that leaks do not occur, and interpanel and interblock seams do not collapse. A prerequisite is sealing the seams. If they leak, fungus and mold will form inside the premises.
  • External thermal insulation, arranged in accordance with the rules of SNIP, helps to increase the energy efficiency of the building.
  • It is imperative to seal and insulate the interfaces between window and door structures and walls.

If funds are available, old window doors are completely replaced with energy-saving metal-plastic ones, and new canopies and ebbs are installed.

Plastering and cladding are carried out before the installation of embedded products and drainpipes.

Who should carry out repair work on the façade of an apartment building?

Work on major repairs of the facade of a multi-storey building is carried out by a contractor company called a regional operator. This structure is created based on the solution government agencies executive power in order to implement the program for restoration and MKD repair. Regulated by Federal Law No. 255 of July 21, 2014. The owners at the general meeting by voting can choose another contractor, but the obligatory condition is that it is not a commercial organization.

The contractor must have accreditation, all necessary permits and permits to perform special construction and repair work.

Who pays for the work

Major repairs of a multi-storey residential building are carried out through monthly targeted contributions from the owners. They can be either minimal or exceed the mandatory minimum established by the state.

According to the requirements of Article 139 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, all owners of apartment buildings are obliged to pay monthly contributions for major repairs. The exception is the owners of dilapidated houses, which make no sense to repair.

A room with a degree of wear and tear of more than 70% is considered unsafe. In this case, residents are placed on a waiting list for resettlement.

Regulatory acts

Organizational measures for carrying out major repairs are regulated by Federal Law No. 271-FZ in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2012. The norms provide for the creation in the constituent entities Russian Federation mechanisms for financing capital repairs in apartment buildings.

Art. 166-174 LCD determine general provisions major repairs in the apartment building.

Article 174. paragraph 2. Funds transferred to the capital repair fund can be used:

  • to pay for repair and restoration work or services;
  • payment for the preparation of estimates and design documentation.

If the commission recognizes the house as unsafe and subject to demolition or reconstruction, the funds are used to pay for these works, and the unspent balance is returned to the apartment owners in parts proportional to the amounts deposited into the current account.