Schefflera bush formation. Schefflera turns yellow, sheds its leaves, and turns black. Selecting optimal conditions and temperature conditions

Schefflera is one of the best office plants that arrived in our area from New Zealand. This representative of vegetation can appear either in the form of an elegant tree or in the form of a pretty bush. “Green Friend” is capable of neutralizing nicotine and tobacco tars, it enriches the air with ozone and increases the humidity level in the room - that is why it is incredibly loved by gardeners. There is nothing difficult in caring for cheflera at home: the flower is not picky and quickly adapts to environment.

Popular types of cheflera

All species look very impressive - their leaves resemble a child’s hand with fingers spread apart. The flower leaf itself consists of four parts. To many it resembles an umbrella, for this reason the plant is often called an umbrella tree. The color of the chefler varies from light green to dark, almost black. Some varieties are variegated and veiny.

Among the popular species of this representative of vegetation:

  • Sheflera tree-like (has a complex leaf shape, grows up to 1.2 m in height, can be variegated);

  • eight-leaved (distinguished by 8-12 elongated and pointed leaves, “studded” with light veins);
  • star-leaved (has ovoid leaves, which become oblong over time; characterized by rapid growth, reaches 3 meters in height);

  • palmate (inflorescence leaf consists of 8 elliptical leaflets, sheet plate covered with pronounced veins).

Less popular is Sheflera Gerda, which is a variety tree plant. Sheflera Nora is particularly lush due to the abundance of elongated dark green leaves.

To the number popular varieties The described plant belongs to Schefflera Bianca and Castera.

The presented photos clearly demonstrate the characteristics of the types and varieties of shefflera.

Home care for sheflera

Maintaining a cheflera, first of all, involves providing a sufficient amount of diffused light. Partial shade and direct rays of the sun are tolerable for an exotic goddess, but you should not overdo it. The best place to grow the plant is on a western or eastern window sill; varieties with green foliage are best placed on a windowsill on the north side.

IN winter period Sheflera should be grown in a well-lit place, illuminated if necessary. IN summer period the flowerpot is periodically taken outside, making sure that direct sunlight does not burn the leaves of the crop.

The optimal temperature is 20 degrees. If the flower is hot, it can say goodbye to its foliage. Temperature changes and drafts also have an effect: in the cold season, the flower will be comfortable in the house even at 14-17 degrees. Under no circumstances should the crop be placed near heating elements.

Watering mode

The main rule of watering is regularity. Schefflera does not tolerate dry soil. It is recommended to water the “pet” once every couple of days, when the top layer of soil dries out. Do not overdo it with water - excess moisture will lead to acidification. In the cool season, the soil is moistened less often. For these purposes, it is preferable to use soft (this means it needs to be settled) and warm water.

The flower prefers moist air. For this reason, experts advise placing the flower pot in a tray with slightly damp expanded clay. This measure is especially relevant in the summer heat. The representative needs to be sprayed once every two days.

Choosing a suitable pot and substrate

It’s really easy to care for cheflera at home. However, comfortable lighting, favorable temperature regime, and regular watering will not provide the plant with comfortable life without suitable soil. The main requirements for soil for a representative are its nutritional value and lightness.

In order to prepare the soil for the prepared pot, it is necessary to mix turf soil, river sand mixture and humus in a ratio of 2:1:1. If you intend to purchase ready-made soil in a store, give preference to soil for ficuses.

The size of the pot depends on the age of the crop. For example, it is better to transplant seedlings into small pots or ordinary plastic glasses. When root system When it grows sufficiently, it is moved into a container with a diameter of 9 cm; in the fall, the plant can be planted in a pot 12 cm in diameter. Each subsequent transplant involves increasing the diameter of the container by 3-5 cm.

When and how to replant?

A young specimen should be transplanted in the first 12 months of life - this important condition favorable flower growth in the future. In this case it is worth using new soil, placing the crop on a wide layer of soil. To avoid voids in the pot, you can press the soil down a little. When the transplantation process is completed, the substrate should be watered generously.

An adult plant can be replanted at intervals of 2 to 5 years. If the bush is large enough, then there is no need to replace the soil ball during the process.

How to care during flowering?

In the conditions of a cheflera's apartment, it blooms extremely rarely. If you are lucky enough to admire the inflorescences of the plant, consider yourself a true florist. Flowering specimens do not require any changes in care.

Peculiarities of Sheflera propagation

How does an exotic inhabitant reproduce? There are three methods:

  1. Cuttings. For these purposes, a shoot with a partially woody stem is selected and cut off. The next step is to treat the cuttings with special stimulants to activate root growth. After this, the shoot is placed in a peat-sand mixture. In order for the cuttings to take root well, the room should be maintained at an optimal temperature of 20-22 degrees. After the rooting process is completed, the temperature can be reduced to 17-18 degrees. When the minisheflera grows enough and its root system occupies the entire cup (pot), you can start replanting the flower.
  2. Propagation by seeds in the case of cheflera should occur in the second half of winter. The seeds must be immersed in peat to a depth twice the size of the seed itself. At the next stage, the ground needs to be watered, covered with film, providing heat: 22-24 degrees. The crops should be sprayed periodically warm water, ventilate. When leaves appear above the soil level, the sprouts are moved to separate containers and left in a room at 19-20 degrees.
  3. Reproduction air layering. For these purposes, you need to slightly cut the outer layer of the trunk, cover the resulting scar with damp moss, which should not dry out in the future. Then we wrap the stem with polyethylene. After 60 days, roots will appear. The cuttings must be cut off and transplanted into a separate container.

How to feed the crop?

Proper care of the green beauty necessarily involves regular feeding and fertilizing of the soil. Fertilizing is carried out exclusively with fertilizers in liquid form, designed specifically for indoor flowers. The frequency of the event depends on the time of year. From the beginning of autumn until the beginning of spring, the shefler should be fertilized once every 60 days, in the remaining months - once every 20 days.

The concentration of ready-made fertilizers may not meet the needs of the plant. Therefore, if you are purchasing a product for feeding your “green pet” for the first time, play it safe - dilute it 5 times and fertilize the crop 2 times more often.

Dry feeding when kept at home is an undesirable option for our “pet”.

Shefflera pruning rules

Pruning of a tall sheflera or small shrub should be done in the spring before the plant enters its active period.

The process of forming the crown of home cheflers is carried out gradually - drastic measures in this matter can harm the plant.

Growing problems

In the process of growing an exotic representative, even the most experienced gardeners may encounter a number of problems, the causes and solutions of which are presented in the table below.

falling leaves in winterexcess water in the ground, coldraise the temperature, let the soil dry
falling, change in leaf color in summerhotreduce the temperature to 20 degrees
rotting of the root systemexcess moisture in the soiltreat the soil with a special compound and let it dry
change in color of leaf tips to browndry air, infrequent wateringincrease the humidity level in the room, water more often
light leaf spottoo much lightleave the flowerpot in partial shade
faded foliagelack of lightprovide better lighting
leaf lethargy, fallingheat adjusting the temperature regime
inhibition of the growth processflaw nutritional components in the soilwe increase the frequency of fertilizing

Diseases and pests

Among the ill-fated enemies of the “green friend” are aphids, scale insects, and spider mites. If the leaves become sticky, as if coated with sugar syrup, it is safe to say that the unfortunate person has been attacked by a colony of scale insects. In conditions of excessively dry air, there is a high probability of damage to leaves by spider mites.

Diseases can affect the poor thing, mainly due to improper care. For example, a crop can lose its leaves. There are many reasons for this: temperature changes, irregular watering, drafts, etc. Saying goodbye to its leaves, the cheflera demonstrates the existing discomfort. Attention! This is a signal to action.

  1. Sheflera is characterized by natural reproduction in tropical conditions, where culture is considered a vampire. A plant located in a room can improve the emotional atmosphere in the apartment.
  2. The Green Beauty is credited magical properties, including the attraction of money into the house. People doing business often place a flower on their desk in their office so as not to miss out on a good deal.
  3. The energy of culture is similar to the energy of representatives of the fire element. Experts believe that she will become a good friend to Sagittarius.
  4. Many call the exotic inhabitant a flower of predictions. The “fortuneteller” changes the color of the leaves, sheds them, rolls them into a tube - each of these phenomena has an explanation in the science of predictions.
  5. According to Feng Shui, it is recommended to place the chefler in the southern part of the room. It is believed that in this zone the flower will feel most comfortable.

Spectacular ornamental culture with the memorable luxurious name of sheflera and amazing palmately dissected leaves, it has recently conquered Russian homes, introducing into them notes of the unfamiliar world of the equatorial tropics. It's picturesque and elegant evergreen with an abundance of bright foliage, it is in great demand today; its remarkable relaxing qualities and ability to saturate the surrounding space with oxygen and air ions have been proven.

Sheflera has adapted well to indoor life, but to improve the comfort of her existence, the gardener will have to make efforts, although this tropical beauty cannot be called a capricious one. We will talk about the features of home culture and solutions to emerging problems in this article.

Meet the cheflera

Perpetuating the famous name of the German botanist J. H. Scheffler, representatives of the Araliaceae family are trees and shrubs that can grow up to 10 meters in their places of origin.

All of them are characterized by leaves that are complexly dissected into 4-12 parts, resembling an open, holey umbrella or a palm with outstretched fingers. Not only the shape of the leaves is decorative, but also their amazing color: lush green, monochromatic or variegated with white or creamy-yellow spots. In nature, these plants bloom and bear fruit, but within the framework of potted culture, sheflera is an ornamental foliage plant that creates a warm atmosphere and delights with the generous beauty of exotic greenery.

Schefflera blooms with inconspicuous light flowers collected in panicles. After flowering, clusters of small berries are formed.

How to care for culture

There are almost 200 species in the Shefler genus, of which several varieties are grown in culture. Depending on the type in indoor floriculture plants reach a height of 0.5-2.5 m. Tropical origin culture dictates the same conditions of maintenance and care for all “domesticated” species.


An important factor in caring for cheflera in the house is lighting. The culture is light-loving, but does not tolerate scorching sun rays and the accompanying heat. It is able to adapt to low light and low temperatures, although at the same time it loses its inherent luster. Therefore, the place for the cheflera is chosen to be bright, but not illuminated by direct rays of the sun.

Advice! The plant, especially its variegated varieties, should not be placed in rooms facing north. A lack of light will affect the brightness of the foliage, noticeably reducing the color intensity.

Placing the crop on window sills or near windows facing western or eastern directions is considered successful. When choosing a location, consider proximity heating devices– place the shefflera next to the batteries central heating it is impossible, since dry air and excess heat are the main enemies of the crop, and severe overheating can provoke leaf fall.

Temperature preferences

The plant welcomes cool conditions with an air temperature of 17-22˚C.

Advice! If it is impossible to reduce the temperature in the room, periodic spraying of the plant and humidification of the air will improve the situation. special device or a spray bottle.

Features of watering

No less important aspect The key to caring for sheflera is the watering regime, which should be regular and moderate. The condition of the soil should be such that it is slightly moist at all times. Drying out the soil is undesirable, but the crop will be able to withstand short-term drought, but it is unknown how it will react to excess water in the pot. Let us only note that the plant will not tolerate constant “flooding” and will die.

As a moisture-loving crop, shefflera responds well to daily light showers. Spraying with soft water is beneficial not only for its appearance, but also as hygienic procedures that prevent the formation of dust deposits on the leaves, which interferes with the plant’s breathing.

Advice! On hot days, to increase humidity and reduce ambient temperature, the container with sheflera is placed in a tray with wet expanded clay.

In winter, as the natural activity of the crop slows down, the intensity of watering is also reduced, but only if the air temperature in the room decreases. The soil should not be allowed to dry out at any time of the year.

Sheflera transplant

The root system of sheflera is no different rapid growth Therefore, the crop is replanted once every 2-3 years, focusing on filling the entire volume of the pot with roots. Transplants are carried out in spring or autumn. With each such procedure, the volume of the container is increased. For a comfortable existence of culture, it is necessary to select correct soil. A purchased mixture for palm trees or universal soil will do. You can make up earth mixture from fertile garden soil, bottom peat and vermiculite in a ratio of 3*1*1.

Important! When transplanting, drainage (expanded clay, fine gravel, marble or foam chips) is placed at the bottom of the pot, which occupies at least a third of the volume.

How to propagate a plant

The existing opinion about the difficulties in breeding cheflera is difficult to refute, since this procedure is quite lengthy and requires attention and patience. The main method is propagation by stem cuttings.

Important! Viable are cuttings cut from the tops of lateral shoots, well developed and semi-lignified.

Before planting, they are treated by keeping them in a solution of any biostimulant, for example, “Heteroauxin”, “Kornevin” or aloe juice, for 8-10 hours. You can place the cuttings in water and plant them in soil with an already formed root system.

A particular difficulty is maintaining containers with cuttings at a constant temperature at 20-22˚C. To solve this problem, you can arrange a heated greenhouse using a regular heating radiator. Anything can be used as a shelter. transparent material– glass or film. The rooting period may take 1.5-2 months.

Important! Periodically, the cover is removed from the containers, spraying the cuttings and giving them the opportunity to breathe.

For the process of survival of cheflera cuttings, the degree of lighting is not important. If there are signs of rooting, the film is removed, and the seedlings are kept in containers for another 2-3 months.

They are planted after the root system has strengthened and developed, tightly entwining the entire earthen ball. Young chefs are placed in a bright room with a temperature of 14-16˚C.

Seed propagation

Sheflera can also be propagated by seeds, but this method will require a significant investment of time. The same soil for sowing is suitable - universal. Before planting, seeds are left overnight in the Zircon solution, controlling the concentration in accordance with that recommended in the instructions for the drug. The seeding depth is 1-1.5 cm. The container with the seeds is covered with film and placed in a warm place, or better yet, with bottom heating, just like containers with cuttings.

Seedlings are picked and transplanted into separate pots immediately after the leaves appear.

Then they are grown in the same way as cuttings: when the seedlings become stronger and the roots become cramped in the containers, they are transplanted into larger containers and cared for in the same way as adult plants.


Flower growers form the plant at their own discretion. Someone loves tall plants in one trunk, while some people like bush forms. It is important to remember that the sheffler needs to be pruned in the spring before the onset of activity.

Advice! Tall specimens can be turned into bush ones by shortening them by no more than half the height, and then a shaping haircut should be done every year.

In a word, they give the desired shape to the plant gradually and long time. Drastic pruning will do nothing but harm.

Pests and problems

The exotic cheflera has many enemies who make her life much more difficult. Aphids, scale insects, spider mites - this is an incomplete list of insects that create serious problems. For example, an attack by a scale insect cannot be immediately recognized, and when the cheflera becomes sticky, as if doused in sugar syrup, the colonies of insects have already multiplied so much that household or folk remedies the problem can no longer be solved. The picture is similar with spider mites, which usually appear due to excessive dryness of the air in the room.

Advice! If the affected area is large, you should not delay time, but turn to the help of insecticides, the choice of which in stores is very wide. Intavir-S or Iskra have a good effect. If necessary, treatment is carried out 2-3 times, with a one-week break.

Basically, problems with the plant are caused by improper care. Sometimes the leaves of the sheflera fall off, and there can be many reasons: temperature changes, unusually low or, conversely, extremely high thermometer readings for the crop, exposure to direct sunlight, drafts, insufficient watering, etc. As a rule, the loss of leaves is always a consequence flaws in care. And if in some cases the situation can be corrected, for example, by stabilizing the air temperature in the room, streamlining watering and eliminating drafts, then in others (with severe overheating or flooding) the plant may not be saved.

The sheflera's ability to demonstrate discomfort by shedding its leaves is a very valuable feature that often saves or makes its existence easier. For the grower, this is a signal to action aimed at eliminating the problem.

These are the wisdom of caring for exotic beauty, which recently appeared and fits so organically into the interior of a Russian home.

There are a lot of indoor plants in the world that are unpretentious and undemanding to care for. There are several hundred of them, and maybe even thousands. Most people grow and graft wild plants at home for beauty and decorative design. Some people do this “for the soul”.

One of the most famous indoor plants is the Schefflera flower, which came to us from tropical regions of the world. It began to be grown as house plant relatively recently, but the flower is already extremely popular among gardeners. It grows widely in the wild of Australia, China and Japan. Schefflera received this name in honor of the famous German botanist Scheffler, who was a close friend and colleague of K. Linnaeus.

Schefflera flower is poisonous plant, which must be handled as carefully as possible, otherwise you can get skin diseases from the smallest rashes to the most serious skin cell diseases. Schefflera is a small tree or shrub that can reach a height of 2.5 meters. Schefflera blooms at home extremely rarely, because this action is of no use to her, since the plant has bright, juicy green leaves that grow like human fingers. In addition, on one “wrist” you can count from 4 to 12 leaves. Schefflera is an unpretentious and undemanding plant, which, despite its toxicity, is widely grown at home for decorative purposes.

Schefflera flower is a numerous plant that has up to 200 subspecies, but not all of them are suitable for indoor growing. Many wild species of this flower reaches up to 40 meters in height in nature, but their sizes are significantly reduced when home growing. Among the main indoor species The following plants can be distinguished:

  • Schefflera arborescens is one of the most striking and famous representatives of this flower, which is distinguished by an erect trunk, complex and large leaves (about 20 cm). This variety is unpretentious in care and is easy to trim and form the crown of the plant. In addition, the plant has a main feature - spots of yellow, white or cream color that decorate the leaves and give them even greater beauty and elegance.
  • Schefflera digitata is a variety of schefflera that is distinguished by its short stature, large juicy green leaves and a large number of “fingers”, the number of which reaches ten. This variety is more widely used for growing at home, as it is more pleasing to the human eye.
  • Schefflera octophylla is a variety of Schefflera that differs from other representatives in the shape and number of leaves on one “wrist”. The shape of the leaves is longitudinal with a pointed end, and the number of leaves on one “wrist” ranges from 8 to 12. Young leaves differ from mature ones in their olive color, which over time turns into lush green.
  • Schefflera starifolia is the most famous variety of flower, which differs from others in its brown strong trunk, the shape of the leaves, which can be different: longitudinal, oval, round, and also the color of the leaves, which can be olive, yellow, lush green or spotted.

Features of proper flower transplantation, proper care and growing plants at home

Features of proper flower transplantation

Schefflera transplantation is necessary no more than once every two years. This is the only way the plant will grow and develop correctly, while retaining all the substances and components it needs. The plant loves slightly acidic soil, so it is necessary to create a soil composition that will consist of one drainage part and two parts sand and clay. The plant does not require any special requirements when replanting, but it must be remembered that the “Schefflera” flower reaches quite impressive sizes, so every two years it needs to choose a larger pot.

Proper care and cultivation of plants at home

Proper care and cultivation of the plant at home must be carried out in accordance with all basic rules, otherwise the plant may die or get sick. The Schefflera flower is an unpretentious and undemanding plant, so anyone, even an inexperienced gardener, can easily grow it at home. Among the basic rules for caring and growing plants are the following:

  • Lighting (The plant needs sunlight, but it is advisable that it avoid direct sunlight on its leaves, as burns may remain and the plant will have to be treated later. The best places According to the lighting factor in the house, there are western and eastern windows, sometimes northern ones. In winter, the plant requires special lighting, since everything depends on the temperature of the place in which the flower grows. In summer, the plant can be taken outside so that it avoids direct sunlight on its leaves while being on the window.)
  • Air temperature (The plant is very demanding on this point. In summer, spring and autumn it is necessary to constantly maintain the air temperature to +20 degrees Celsius, and in winter it should be up to +17 degrees Celsius. If you do not maintain the data temperature conditions, then the plant will get sick and drop its leaves. In addition, an important condition must be observed: you cannot place the plant near heaters and various heating systems, which overheat the plant’s body, thereby harming it.)
  • Watering and feeding (Schefflera really needs moisture, she does not like dry soil, so the plant needs to be watered once every two days. The plant also requires constant spraying to maintain moist air around the plant. However, you should not overdo it with watering and spraying, as they can greatly harm the plant and destroy it. Fertilizing must be done once a week in the fall and spring, and once a month in winter. This is the only way to maintain the necessary composition for the development and growth of the plant. In addition, it is necessary to alternate organic and. mineral supplements so that the plant fully receives all the necessary substances.)
  • Soil requirements (The plant requires a light, slightly acidic nutrient, which you can make yourself from the necessary components or buy ready-made at a flower shop.)
  • Pruning the plant (Pruning shufflers must be done gradually so as not to harm the plant. The leaves of the flower must be trimmed very carefully, treating the cut with charcoal. Pruning is done to give the plant a certain shape, so when the plant grows new branches, you can form it into a spherical or other shape crowns.)

Reproduction of Schefflera and growing a flower from seeds

Schefflera can be propagated in three ways: propagation by cuttings, seeds and air layering. Each method has its own characteristics and differences that must be observed. Let's look at each method and highlight the main rules of reproduction.

  • Propagation by cuttings occurs in several stages: preparation of cuttings, soil preparation, planting and caring for cuttings. The cuttings must be prepared carefully, choosing only the healthiest and strongest ones, otherwise the plant will not take root. The cuttings should be of medium size and should have 3 green young leaves on them. Soil preparation is also carried out under careful control. It must be saturated with all the necessary mineral and organic substances, must be well moistened and dug up. Planting and caring for cuttings is carried out in accordance with other plants: step by step, gradually and according to all the basic rules.
  • Seeds of this plant They are sold in any flower shop, so growing this plant from seeds is very affordable. After purchase, the seeds must be soaked for some time in water with the necessary substances dissolved in it. nutrients. After the seeds are saturated with all the necessary substances, they are planted in cups for seedlings, and after the first two green leaves appear on the seedlings, it can be concluded that the plant is ready to be planted in the soil. And they are transplanted. There is nothing complicated in this technology, it just takes time and patience.
  • Air layering is the most difficult propagation process for schefflera, so it is used by the most patient and experienced gardeners. Layerings are obtained from the trunk of another plant using moss and plastic bags. These cuttings are then removed and planted separately from the mother plant. If you continue the procedure with moss and polyethylene, the plant will begin to curl and produce more air layering.

Necessary fertilizers, diseases and pests of the plant

  1. Pests: spider mites, scale insects, mealybug, aphid;
  2. Diseases: falling leaves, the appearance of unwanted spots, elongation of shoots and loss of characteristic coloring of leaves;
  3. Fertilizers: nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, boron, organic, mineral.

Schefflera (or shefflera, from the Latin Schefflera) – very beautiful plant. Thanks to his decorative appearance and ease of care, it has become a very popular house flower. Schefflera looks like a small bush or tree whose leaves resemble a palm with fingers spread apart. The sheet is divided into 4–12 parts. To many, such a leaf resembles an umbrella, which is why sheflera is often called an umbrella tree. At home, shefflera almost never blooms, however, its tentacle-like flower is still not as spectacular as the leaves. In addition, such a disadvantage as the lack of flowering and an uninteresting flower of the shefflera is fully compensated by the ability of the shefflera to ozonate and humidify the air, as well as neutralize the effects of nicotine and tar from tobacco smoke, and at the same time - with simple care.

If a cheflera appears in your plant collection, how to form a crown is one of the most important questions. Thanks to its plasticity, the cheflera can take almost any shape; it would be simply stupid not to take advantage of this opportunity. But if you want your ornamental tree to take on the look you want, take care to maintain optimal conditions.

Types and varieties of Schefflera flower

Schefflera flower is a numerous plant, which has up to 200 subspecies, but not all of them are suitable for indoor growing. Many wild species of this flower reach up to 40 meters in height in nature, but their size is significantly reduced when grown at home. Among the main indoor plant species are the following:

  • Schefflera arborescens is a low-growing tree with a straight trunk, numerous shoots and complex leaves. The color of the green mass of the plant may differ depending on the variety, and its peculiarity is its high resistance to various diseases and pests.
  • Sheflera digitata is a variety of sheflera, which is distinguished by its short stature, large juicy green leaves and a large number of “fingers”, the number of which reaches ten. This variety is more widely used for growing at home, as it is more pleasing to the human eye.
  • Schefflera eight-leaved - differs from other species in the unusual arrangement of foliage, the surface of which is smooth and shiny, and the color is represented by several shades of green.
  • Schefflera starifolia is the most famous variety of flower, which differs from others in its brown strong trunk, the shape of the leaves, which can be different: longitudinal, oval, round, and also the color of the leaves, which can be olive, yellow, lush green or spotted.

Reproduction of shefleras

The cheflera is propagated in three main ways, but many owners of this ornamental plant claim that this procedure is quite difficult:

  • Using seeds is a problematic method, since shefflera rarely blooms, which makes it impossible to collect seed material;
  • By cuttings - only healthy shoots are used, soaked in stimulants such as Heterouaxin for 5-7 hours and planted under plastic bottle, not forgetting to ventilate regularly;
  • Air layering, which can be obtained by making a small incision on the stem of sheflera and sealing it with sphagnum impregnated with phytohormone - with regular moistening of the moss, young roots will appear at the site of the cut, and after 60 days the branch with roots can be carefully trimmed and rooted into the soil.

Sheflera transplant

Every person involved in growing sheflera needs to become familiar with the basic rules for replanting it, since this procedure must be carried out every two years. This condition is due to the plant's natural growth causing it to become cramped in its current pot.

The main nuances that will need to be considered before transplantation are given below:

  1. The new pot in which the plant will be planted is selected in such a way that its diameter is 5 cm larger than that of the previous container.
  2. During the transfer prerequisite is to replace the soil mixture with new soil.
  3. Holes must be made in the surface of the bottom of the new pot, which are necessary for natural air exchange and elimination of excess moisture. If their diameter turns out to be too large, then it will be possible to additionally lay a layer of mesh that will not allow the soil to fall out.
  4. The most successful period for transplantation is spring, especially March or early April. This is due to the plant coming out of its dormant state, its life processes are activated and the flower adapts to new conditions much faster, moreover, a change of environment can stimulate its growth and development.
  5. Only young plants need frequent replanting; fairly mature and very large bushes are moved to new pots much less often.

Watering chefleras

Like any tropical plant, it loves moderate watering as the top layer of soil dries out. In summer, the plant is watered once every 2-4 days, depending on the temperature and humidity of the environment, in winter - once every 10-12 days. Schefflera requires periodic spraying with soft, slightly cool water. You can place the container with the plant in a small tray with water or moistened moss. The plant will absorb the required amount of moisture through the drainage hole and leaves.

Feeding cheflera

The plant needs a complex of vitamins and minerals, which will give it the opportunity to grow and develop. Feeding with any complex fertilizer will help with this. mineral fertilizer for decorative foliage plants. Feeding is carried out through watering or spraying the leaves. In summer 2 times a month, in winter – 1 time.

Sheflera flowering

As mentioned above, sheflera in room conditions rarely in color. This is due to the necessary balance of air humidity and intense lighting, which is difficult to create in an apartment.

If flowering occurs, then the flowers are paniculate inflorescences yellow color from small flowers. Flowering occurs in summer.

How does the process of formation of sheflera occur?

The fact is that the trunk of the plant does not immediately become woody. Initially it is green, flexible and plastic. Only after some time will the bark cover it and any impact can lead to damage. But the young sprout's first few months in capable hands can turn into anything. Our guest from a subtropical climate can branch completely independently and involuntarily. This does not always play into the hands of the owners; sometimes they have to cut off “extra” shoots.

Shefflera crown formation

The flower is pruned in order to form a lush crown and reduce the vertical dimensions of fast-growing varieties. The cutting tool must be sharp. It is better to treat the cuts with crushed coal.

And now, when you have done everything for the full growth of healthy decorative leaves, you begin the actual formation of the crown. To do this, first decide whether you want to grow the sheflera in the form of a bush, tree or bonsai. If it is in the form of a tree, then you need to wait for the desired height of the trunk and trim the top. This is where the branching begins. Not everything always goes as it should; it happens that adjustments have to be made several times. If you want to get a bush, then cut off the crown earlier (on a small stem). And add such a technique as cutting the stem above a dormant bud - then you can persuade the shefflera to branch along the entire trunk. Several shoots planted in one pot also look decorative. If it is a bush, then it turns out voluminous and dense. And if it’s a tree, then often the trunks are intertwined in the form of a braid. In any case, the matter will not be limited to one-time trimming of the trunk. It is necessary to constantly pinch the side branches, adjusting their length so that the crown does not become one-sided. This will also promote constant branching of shoots.

Of course, you shouldn't overdo it. Each subsequent pinching should be done only when the cheflera recovers from the previous one and continues active growth. That is why in winter, if the plant suffers from high indoor temperatures and dry air, it is better not to touch it, but to postpone the formation of the crown until spring.

Features of care at rest for cheflers

During the cold season, the growth rate of shefleras slows down, so watering should also be reduced, especially if the air temperature in the room has dropped significantly. Restrictions on watering are necessary to avoid root rotting. In winter, the plant does not need feeding.

Schefflera in the interior

Scheffler, with proper and proper care, can become a decoration for any interior. It will help create coziness in the room and will delight the eye with pleasant greenery. Since sheflera is a very large plant, it can be used advantageously for decoration. winter garden, living room or other large room.

Did you know? At home, the plant rarely blooms, but if you still want to see its color, then choose a tighter pot for the cheflera.

Exotic, slender, original - all this is a Schefflera flower. Care at home is not particularly difficult and takes minimal time. The plant is considered a relaxer. He is attributed interesting property- absorb negative energy. All the details of growing and care are given in this article.

Tall evergreen plant. Schefflera is called umbrella tree for the similarity of the leaves to the shape of an umbrella. The branches are thin, long, with branches diverging from their ends in the form of umbrella spokes. On each “spoke” sits one sheet. The leaves are large, finger-shaped, glossy, rich green. There are from 4 to 12 leaves on one branch. How older plant, the more leaves.

In nature it blooms with unattractive, tentacle-like flowers. How indoor plant Schefflera is grown because unusual leaves. It does not bloom in apartments or blooms extremely rarely and sparingly.

IN natural environment The height of the tree reaches 40 meters, in the apartment - 2 meters. It grows very quickly. It is easy to shape - pinching the growing point turns the shefflera into a neat bush. Due to its large size, it is grown in tubs on the floor.

Interesting information! Schefflera belongs to the Araliaceae family. It is related to ginseng. Named after the German botanist Jakob Christian Scheffler.

Popular types

Several varieties of schefflera are grown in apartments. Each of them is unique and original in its own way.

  • Schefflera octophyllum. Petioles drooping with 8-12 leaves. The leaves are elongated, lanceolate, leathery. Coloring depends on age. In young plants it is soft olive, in adults it is rich.
  • Schefflera arborescens. Grows in the form of a compact tree. The trunk is erect, branched. The branches are green at first, turning brown with age. The leaves are large - up to 20 cm. Based on the species, a series of interesting varieties. One of them is Schefflera Janine. Features: expressive dark leaves with light spots. It is more shade-tolerant and does not require special care. Another variety deserves special attention - Schefflera Nora. Features: original finger-shaped leaves.
  • Schefflera palmata. The leaves, wavy along the edges, are divided into 7-10 lobes. It grows small. Florists especially value variegated forms.
  • Schefflera radiata. Often used in home floriculture. It got its name because of the characteristic shape of the foliage. The petioles are long, red-brown in color. The color of the leaves can be yellow, bright green, olive-yellow.

Advice! Tree Schefflera can be formed. It tolerates pruning easily and is used in the art of bonsai. By tying young shoots to the wire, you can set them in any direction, forming original picturesque trees.

The tree can grow with virtually no outside intervention. But complete care behind the shefflera increases its decorativeness.

  • Temperature. Doesn't like heat. Optimal temperature— 18-20 °C in summer. In winter, a drop to 12 °C is acceptable. Being in the fresh air is beneficial. The main requirement is that the tree is not placed next to radiators or other heat sources!
  • Lighting. Place in a well-lit place, but protect from direct sun. Varieties with dark leaves tolerate light shade. Plants with light leaves in the shade they lose their characteristic color, fade, and stretch out.
  • Watering. In summer, water regularly and monitor soil moisture. In winter, watering is reduced. Provide drainage to remove excess water from the root system. Experienced flower growers hydroponics methods are used.
  • Humidity. It responds gratefully to spraying and grows better in conditions of high humidity. In winter, the air is humidified artificially.
  • The soil. Use light, slightly acidic soil mixtures. The soil for shefflera includes humus, sand, peat, turf and deciduous soil in equal proportions.
  • Feeding. Use universal fertilizers- organic and mineral. They are brought in twice a month during the warm period.
  • Transfer. Replant as the root system grows. Young trees - annually, adults - every 2-3 years. Each time the pot is taken a little larger than the previous one.

Attention! Schefflera is poisonous! The poison is not fatal, but can cause skin irritation and harm to health. Wear gloves when working with the plant. It is not recommended to grow a flower in an apartment where there are small children and pets.

Reproduction methods

They use sowing seeds, rooting cuttings and air layering. Difficult to breed.

  • Seeds. Sow at the end of winter in a sand-peat mixture. The soil is disinfected before planting - watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or calcined in a frying pan. The seeds are briefly immersed in a solution of the preparations “Epin” or “Zircon”. Planting depth - two seed sizes. The substrate is moistened by spraying, the container is kept in a warm place at 20-24 °C. Cover with film to maintain moisture and heat.

Seed germination is poor. It is increased by lower heating of the greenhouse. Young seedlings dive in the phase of 2-3 true leaves. For the first 3 months, it is recommended to maintain the temperature at 18-20 °C. After re-transplantation, it is reduced to 14-16 °C. Hardening off plants at this age has a good effect on their further development. By autumn, another transplant is carried out.

  • Cuttings. Semi-lignified cuttings are prepared and the lower part is placed in a heteroauxin solution for a day. Deepen into wet sand. Rooting occurs at 20-22 °C using heating of the planting container from below. For quick rooting, cover the cuttings with cut plastic balloons. They are removed periodically. After the roots appear, the cuttings are transplanted into separate containers. Care is similar to seed propagation.
  • Air layering. They only take from large plants. In the spring, choose a healthy branch and cut the bark at its bottom. Sphagnum moss is impregnated with phytohormone, applied to the cut, and wrapped with film. Monitor the moisture content of the sphagnum and moisten it as needed. After some time, roots will appear at the site of the cut (after 2-4 months). The branch with roots is cut off only 2 months after their appearance. Planted in nutrient soil, monitor its humidity.

Growing problems

Schefflera rarely gets sick and is sometimes affected by pests. Problems in cultivation are associated with the purchase of a diseased plant or gross violations of agricultural technology.

  • Falling leaves in winter. The reasons are excess humidity and low room temperature. The earthen ball is dried, the plant is placed in a warm place.
  • Falling leaves in summer. The temperature is too high - it should not rise above 20 °C.
  • Root rotting. The result of poor drainage and frequent watering. Rot can speak of fungal disease. The tree is replanted and treated with fungicides.
  • Brown leaf tips. Common reason- insufficient watering or dry air.

Common Pests - spider mites, aphids, scale insects. The fight against them involves the use of insecticides.

Schefflera is a beautiful plant, but due to its large size it is more suitable for spacious apartments. If there is a lack of space, it is better to give preference to more compact indoor flowers.